Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getProperty

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getProperty


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration Configuration getProperty.


Object getProperty(String key);

Source Link


Gets a property from the configuration.


From source file:org.apache.whirr.service.chef.Recipe.java

 * Package protected to be used only by {@link ChefClusterActionHandler}.
 * //from   www . ja v  a2  s  .c o  m
 * @param config
Recipe(String cookbook, String recipe, Configuration config) {
    this(cookbook, recipe);
    for (Iterator<?> iter = config.getKeys(); iter.hasNext();) {
        String key = (String) iter.next();
        String attribute = key.substring(cookbook.length() + 1, key.length());
        if (attribute.equals("url")) {
            this.url = config.getString(key);
        } else {
            attribs.put(attribute, config.getProperty(key));

From source file:org.apache.whirr.service.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchConfigurationBuilder.java

private static List<String> asYamlLines(Configuration config, int depth) {
    List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayList();
    Set<String> prefixes = Sets.newHashSet();

    Iterator<String> keys = config.getKeys();
    while (keys.hasNext()) {
        String key = keys.next();

        String[] parts = key.split("\\.");
        String prefix = parts[0];

        if (prefixes.contains(prefix)) {
            continue; // skip parsed set of keys
        }//  ww  w .  jav  a2  s .  c  o m

        if (parts.length == 1) {
            lines.add(spaces(depth * 2) + key + ": " + config.getProperty(key));

        } else if (parts.length > 1) {
            lines.add(spaces(depth * 2) + prefix + ":");
            lines.addAll(asYamlLines(config.subset(prefix), depth + 1));


    return lines;

From source file:org.apache.whirr.service.puppet.statements.CreateSitePpAndApplyRoles.java

@VisibleForTesting//w  w w  . j  av  a 2 s. co  m
static Manifest getManifestForClusterSpecAndRole(String subroleModuleManifest, Configuration manifestProps) {
    int firstColon = subroleModuleManifest.indexOf(':');
    String moduleName, manifestClassName;
    if (firstColon == -1) {
        moduleName = subroleModuleManifest;
        manifestClassName = null;
    } else {
        moduleName = subroleModuleManifest.substring(0, firstColon);
        int firstDoubleColon = subroleModuleManifest.indexOf("::");
        if (firstDoubleColon != firstColon)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed subrole spec for role puppet: "
                    + "format should be puppet:module or puppet:module::manifest");
        manifestClassName = subroleModuleManifest.substring(firstDoubleColon + 2);

    // now create and populate the manifest
    Manifest manifest = new Manifest(moduleName, manifestClassName);

    for (Iterator<?> longkeyI = manifestProps.getKeys(); longkeyI.hasNext();) {
        String longkey = (String) longkeyI.next();
        String key = longkey.substring(subroleModuleManifest.replaceAll(":+", ".").length() + 1);
        if (key.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
            // it's for a sub-manifest; skip it
        } else {
            Object value = manifestProps.getProperty(longkey);
            // an array, e.g. ['1', '2'] gets parsed as a list of two strings, which we need to join
            // with ", "
            String vs = "";
            if (value == null)
                LOG.warn("Invalid value for key " + longkey + ": null"); // shouldn't happen
            else if (value instanceof Collection) {
                Iterator<?> vi = ((Collection<?>) value).iterator();
                if (!vi.hasNext())
                    LOG.warn("Invalid value for key " + longkey + ": empty list"); // shouldn't happen
                else {
                    vs += vi.next();
                    while (vi.hasNext())
                        vs += ", " + vi.next();
            } else {
                vs = value.toString();
            manifest.attribs.put(key, vs);
    LOG.debug("Bootstrapping " + subroleModuleManifest + ", produced manifest:\n" + manifest);
    return manifest;

From source file:org.bhave.experiment.AbstractConfigurablePrototype.java

 * Creates a deep copy for the supplied configuration object
 * @param config a configuration object/*from w w  w  . j av  a  2  s.  c  om*/
public void loadConfiguration(Configuration config) {
    Configuration newConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration();

    Iterator<String> keyIt = config.getKeys();

    while (keyIt.hasNext()) {
        String key = keyIt.next();
        newConfig.setProperty(key, config.getProperty(key));
    this.config = newConfig;

From source file:org.bhave.sweeper.impl.DefaultCombinedParameterSweep.java

 * This creates a file to store the configuration ids and the respective
 * parameter values for each configuration
 * the file also has a header with the parameter names
 * @param filename/*from   ww  w.  jav  a  2  s  .c  o m*/
 * @return
 * @throws java.io.IOException
public File writeSweepFile(String filename) throws IOException {
    File file = new File(filename);
    BufferedWriter writer;
    writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
    Iterator<Configuration> paramIT = this.iterator();

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(CombinedParameterSweep.CFG_ID_PARAM);

    List<ParameterSweep> parameters = this.getParameterSweeps();
    for (ParameterSweep sweep : parameters) {

    int i = 0;
    while (paramIT.hasNext()) {
        Configuration cfg = paramIT.next();
        if (i == 0) {
            sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (ParameterSweep sweep : parameters) {
                String param = sweep.getParameterName();

        i = (i + 1) % runs;
    return file;

From source file:org.bhave.sweeper.SingleValueSweepTest.java

public void test() {
    SingleValueSweep<Integer> sweep = new SingleValueSweep<Integer>("p1", 1);

    for (Configuration config : sweep) {
    }/*from w  ww  .j  a v a  2 s  . co  m*/

    assertEquals(1, sweep.size());

From source file:org.cesecore.dbprotection.ProtectedDataConfiguration.java

  * Fill the maps with crypto tokens and key labels from the configuration file
  *//*from  w ww .j ava  2 s  .com*/
private void fillKeyIdsAndCryptoTokens() {
    final Configuration conf = ConfigurationHolder.instance();
    final String keyidstr = "databaseprotection.keyid.";
    final String labelstr = "databaseprotection.keylabel.";
    final String classtr = "databaseprotection.classname.";
    final String propstr = "databaseprotection.properties.";
    final String datastr = "databaseprotection.data.";
    final String pinstr = "databaseprotection.tokenpin.";
    final String versionstr = "databaseprotection.version.";
    for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
        final String keyid = conf.getString(keyidstr + i);
        if (keyid != null) {
            // Get label, must exist
            String label = conf.getString(labelstr + i);
            if (label != null) {
                // A null value in the properties file means that we should not use this value, so set it to null for real
                if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) {
                    label = null;
                    log.info("Found keyid " + keyid
                            + ", but label defined as 'null'. Not adding to list of crypto tokens.");
                } else {
                    // Get version string, there is a default
                    final String version = conf.getString(versionstr + i);
                    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(version)) {
                        protectVersions.put(Integer.parseInt(keyid), Integer.parseInt(version));
                    // Get classname, must exist
                    final String classname = conf.getString(classtr + i);
                    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(classname)) {
                        // Get properties and data not required
                        // Properties (string with comma in it) are returned as an ArrayList so we can not use: final String str = conf.getString(propstr+i);
                        Object o = conf.getProperty(propstr + i);
                        String str = "";
                        if (o instanceof String) {
                            str = (String) o;
                        } else if (o != null) {
                            final ArrayList<String> list = (ArrayList<String>) o;
                            // We have to do a bit of magic in order to make the properties into something that 
                            // Properties.load will swallow, it is a bit stupid.
                            for (String s : list) {
                                if (str.length() > 0) {
                                    str += "\n";
                                str += s;
                        final Properties properties = new Properties();
                        try {
                            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(str)) {
                                // Remove any curly braces from the input, otherwise Properties.load does not do what we want
                                str = StringUtils.remove(str, '{');
                                str = StringUtils.remove(str, '}');
                                // If the input string contains \ (backslash on windows) we must convert it to \\
                                // Otherwise properties.load will parse it as an escaped character, and that is not good
                                str = StringUtils.replace(str, "\\", "\\\\");
                                properties.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes()));
                            final String data = conf.getString(datastr + i);
                            byte[] keydata = null;
                            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(data)) {
                                // Data is base64 encoded byte[] so decode it
                                keydata = Base64.decode(data.getBytes());
                            final CryptoToken token = CryptoTokenFactory.createCryptoToken(classname,
                                    properties, keydata, Integer.valueOf(keyid).intValue());
                            // We must activate the token as well (if not using a default pwd of course, in which case we assume the tokenpin property is not set)
                            final String pin = conf.getString(pinstr + i);
                            try {
                                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pin)) {
                                cryptoTokens.put(Integer.parseInt(keyid), new CachedCryptoToken(token));
                                keyLabels.put(Integer.parseInt(keyid), label);
                            } catch (CryptoTokenAuthenticationFailedException e) {
                                log.error("Found keyid " + keyid
                                        + ", but activation of crypto token fails. Not adding to list of crypto tokens.",
                            } catch (CryptoTokenOfflineException e) {
                                log.error("Found keyid " + keyid
                                        + ", but activation of crypto token fails. Not adding to list of crypto tokens.",
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            log.error("Found keyid " + keyid
                                    + ", but properties fails to load. Not adding to list of crypto tokens.",
                    } else {
                        log.error("Found keyid " + keyid
                                + ", but no classname defined. Not adding to list of crypto tokens.");
            } else {
                log.error("Found keyid " + keyid
                        + ", but no label defined. Not adding to list of crypto tokens.");
        } else {
            // No keyid with that number = no more keyids so break,
            log.debug("Read " + i + " crypto tokens for protected data.");

        // After reading this, get the default key label
        final String defaultstr = "databaseprotection.keyid";
        final String defkeyid = conf.getString(defaultstr);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(defkeyid)) {
            log.error("No default key id, will not be able to use database protection.");
        defaultkeyId = Integer.valueOf(defkeyid);


From source file:org.hawkular.inventory.impl.tinkerpop.sql.impl.SqlGraph.java

private void setupDataSource(DataSource dataSource, Configuration configuration) throws Exception {
    BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(dataSource.getClass());
    PropertyDescriptor[] properties = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
    Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> propsByName = new HashMap<>();
    for (PropertyDescriptor p : properties) {
        propsByName.put(p.getName().toLowerCase(), p);
    }/*from w  w  w .  j  a va 2 s  .c o  m*/

    Iterator it = configuration.getKeys("sql.datasource");
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        String key = (String) it.next();
        String property = key.substring("sql.datasource.".length()).toLowerCase();

        PropertyDescriptor d = propsByName.get(property);

        if (d == null) {

        Method write = d.getWriteMethod();
        if (write != null) {
            write.invoke(dataSource, configuration.getProperty(key));

From source file:org.janusgraph.hadoop.MapReduceIndexManagement.java

private static void copyInputKeys(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration hadoopConf,
        org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration source) {
    // Copy IndexUpdateJob settings into the hadoop-backed cfg
    Iterator<String> keyIter = source.getKeys();
    while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
        String key = keyIter.next();
        ConfigElement.PathIdentifier pid;
        try {/* w  w  w. j a v a 2  s  . c o  m*/
            pid = ConfigElement.parse(ROOT_NS, key);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            log.debug("[inputkeys] Skipping {}", key, e);

        if (!pid.element.isOption())

        String k = ConfigElement.getPath(JanusGraphHadoopConfiguration.GRAPH_CONFIG_KEYS, true) + "." + key;
        String v = source.getProperty(key).toString();

        hadoopConf.set(k, v);
        log.debug("[inputkeys] Set {}={}", k, v);

From source file:org.jkcsoft.java.util.ConfigHelper.java

public static boolean validateRequiredProperty(Configuration pConfig, String propName, List errors) {
    boolean valid = false;
    try {/*from  w  w w .  j a v a2 s  .  c om*/
        Object value = pConfig.getProperty(propName);
        valid = true;
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        String msg = "Missing configuration property [" + propName + "]";
        valid = false;
    return valid;