Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration HierarchicalConfiguration getString

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration HierarchicalConfiguration getString


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration HierarchicalConfiguration getString.


public String getString(String key) 

Source Link


From source file:uk.ac.ebi.arrayexpress.components.XmlDbConnectionPool.java

public void initialize() throws Exception {
    HierarchicalConfiguration connsConf = (HierarchicalConfiguration) Application.getInstance().getPreferences()

    if (null != connsConf) {
        driverXml = connsConf.getString("driver");
        //         connectionString = connsConf.getString("connectionstring");
        connectionString = connsConf.getString("base") + "://" + connsConf.getString("host") + ":"
                + connsConf.getString("port") + "/" + connsConf.getString("dbname");
        logger.debug("connectionString->" + connectionString);
    } else {/*from  w ww  . jav  a2s .co  m*/
        logger.error("bs.xmldatabase Configuration is missing!!");

    Class<?> c;
    try {

        //TODO: rpe: review this (DB open files)
        if (coll != null) {
            db = null;

        c = Class.forName(driverXml);

        // Class<?> c = Class.forName("org.exist.xmldb.DatabaseImpl");
        db = (Database) c.newInstance();
        coll = DatabaseManager.getCollection(connectionString);

        if (coll == null) {
            logger.error("Unable to get collection from " + connectionString);

    } catch (XMLDBException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        logger.error("Exception:->[{}]", e.getMessage());
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        logger.error("Exception:->[{}]", e.getMessage());
    // Receive the database
    catch (InstantiationException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        logger.error("Exception:->[{}]", e.getMessage());
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        logger.error("Exception:->[{}]", e.getMessage());

From source file:uk.ac.ebi.arrayexpress.utils.saxon.search.AbstractIndexEnvironment.java

public void indexFromXmlDB() throws Exception {

    // String indexLocationDirectory = "";
    String dbHost = "";
    String dbPassword = "";
    String dbName = "";
    int dbPort = 0;

    // get the default location
    // indexLocationDirectory = this.indexLocationDirectory;
    HierarchicalConfiguration connsConf = (HierarchicalConfiguration) Application.getInstance().getPreferences()

    if (null != connsConf) {
        // connectionString = connsConf.getString("connectionstring");
        dbHost = connsConf.getString("host");
        dbPort = Integer.parseInt(connsConf.getString("port"));
        dbName = connsConf.getString("dbname");
        dbPassword = connsConf.getString("adminpassword");
    } else {//from w ww .j  a  v  a2  s  .  c o  m
        logger.error("bs.xmldatabase Configuration is missing!!");

    indexFromXmlDB(indexLocationDirectory, dbHost, dbPort, dbPassword, dbName);


From source file:uk.ac.ebi.arrayexpress.utils.saxon.search.AbstractIndexEnvironment.java

public void indexFromXmlDB(String indexLocationDirectory, String dbHost, int dbPort, String dbPassword,
        String dbName) throws Exception {
    int countNodes = 0;
    String driverXml = "";
    String connectionString = "";
    Collection coll;/*from  w  w w.  ja v  a2s .c o  m*/
    IndexWriter w = null;
    DirectoryTaxonomyWriter taxoWriter = null;
    Map<String, XPathExpression> fieldXpe = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>();
    try {

        Directory indexTempDirectory = FSDirectory.open(new File(indexLocationDirectory, indexId));
        logger.debug("Index directory->" + indexLocationDirectory);
        w = createIndex(indexTempDirectory, indexAnalyzer);

        Directory taxDir = FSDirectory.open(new File(indexLocationDirectory + "Facets", indexId));

        taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxDir);
        CategoryDocumentBuilder docBuilder = new CategoryDocumentBuilder(taxoWriter);

        HierarchicalConfiguration connsConf = (HierarchicalConfiguration) Application.getInstance()

        if (null != connsConf) {
            // TODO: rpe use the component XmlDatabasePooling
            driverXml = connsConf.getString("driver");
            // I will use the connectionString that was passed by parameter
            // (in several parameters)
            connectionString = connsConf.getString("base") + "://" + dbHost + ":" + dbPort + "/" + dbName;
        } else {
            logger.error("bs.xmldatabase Configuration is missing!!");

        // I cannot register this database again (this is already registered
        // on XmlDbConnectionPool Component -
        // java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException
        // c = Class.forName(driverXml);
        // db = (Database) c.newInstance();
        // DatabaseManager.registerDatabase(db);
        logger.debug("connectionString->" + connectionString);
        coll = DatabaseManager.getCollection(connectionString);
        XPathQueryService service = (XPathQueryService) coll.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0");

        DocumentInfo source = null;
        // Loop through all result items

        // collect all the fields data
        Configuration config = ((SaxonEngine) Application.getAppComponent("SaxonEngine")).trFactory

        XPath xp = new XPathEvaluator(config);
        // XPathExpression xpe = xp.compile(this.env.indexDocumentPath);

        for (FieldInfo field : fields.values()) {
            fieldXpe.put(field.name, xp.compile(field.path));
            logger.debug("Field Path->[{}]", field.path);

        // the xmldatabase is not very correct and have memory problem for
        // queires with huge results, so its necessary to implement our own
        // iteration mechanism
        // // I will collect all the results
        // ResourceSet set = service.query(this.env.indexDocumentPath);
        // //TODO rpe
        // //ResourceSet set = service.query("//Sample");
        // logger.debug("Number of results->" + set.getSize());
        // long numberResults = set.getSize();
        long numberResults = 0;
        ResourceSet set = service.query("count(" + indexDocumentPath + ")");
        if (set.getIterator().hasMoreResources()) {
            numberResults = Integer.parseInt((String) set.getIterator().nextResource().getContent());
        logger.debug("Number of results->" + numberResults);
        long pageSizeDefault = 50000;
        // the samplegroup cannot be big otherwise I will obtain a memory
        // error ... but the sample must b at least one million because the
        // paging queries are really slow - we need to balance it
        // (for samples 1million, for samplegroup 50000)
        if (numberResults > 1000000) {
            pageSizeDefault = 1000000;

        long pageNumber = 1;
        int count = 0;
        // Map<String, AttsInfo[]> cacheAtt = new HashMap<String,
        // AttsInfo[]>();
        // Map<String, XPathExpression> cacheXpathAtt = new HashMap<String,
        // XPathExpression>();
        // Map<String, XPathExpression> cacheXpathAttValue = new
        // HashMap<String, XPathExpression>();
        while ((pageNumber * pageSizeDefault) <= (numberResults + pageSizeDefault - 1)) {
            // while ((pageNumber<=1)) {
            // calculate the last hit
            long pageInit = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSizeDefault + 1;
            long pageSize = (pageNumber * pageSizeDefault < numberResults) ? pageSizeDefault
                    : (numberResults - pageInit + 1);

            service = (XPathQueryService) coll.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0");

            // xquery paging using subsequence function
            long time = System.nanoTime();

            // /set =
            // service.query("for $x in(/Biosamples/SampleGroup/Sample/@id) return string($x)");
            // I'm getting everything based on nodeId, because i have the
            // sample sample in different samplegroups
            // TODO: change this (just works with baseX)
            set = service.query("for $x in(subsequence(" + indexDocumentPath + "," + pageInit + "," + pageSize
                    + ")) return db:node-id($x)");

            // logger.debug("Number of results of page->" + set.getSize());
            double ms = (System.nanoTime() - time) / 1000000d;
            logger.info("Query XMLDB took ->[{}]", ms);

            ResourceIterator iter = set.getIterator();
            XPath xp2;
            XPathExpression xpe2;
            List documentNodes;
            StringReader reader;
            // cache of distinct attributes fora each sample group

            while (iter.hasMoreResources()) {
                logger.debug("its beeing processed the number ->" + count);
                String idNode = (String) iter.nextResource().getContent();
                //logger.debug("Id node->" + idNode);
                // I need to get the sample
                // ResourceSet setid = service.query(indexDocumentPath
                // + "[@id='" + idSample + "']");
                ResourceSet setid = service.query("db:open-id('" + dbName + "'," + idNode + ")");
                ResourceIterator iterid = setid.getIterator();
                List<CategoryPath> sampleCategories = null;
                while (iterid.hasMoreResources()) {
                    // System.out.println("");
                    // /xml=(String) iterid.nextResource().getContent();

                    // /xml=(String) iter.nextResource().getContent();

                    // /reader = new StringReader(xml);
                    StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder();
                    xml.append((String) iterid.nextResource().getContent());
                    // logger.debug("xml->"+xml);
                    // logger.debug(xml.toString());
                    reader = new StringReader(xml.toString());
                    source = config.buildDocument(new StreamSource(reader));

                    // logger.debug("XML DB->[{}]",
                    // PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo) source, config));
                    Document d = new Document();

                    xp2 = new XPathEvaluator(source.getConfiguration());

                    int position = indexDocumentPath.lastIndexOf("/");
                    String pathRoot = "";
                    if (position != -1) {
                        pathRoot = indexDocumentPath.substring(position);
                    } else {
                        pathRoot = indexDocumentPath;
                    // logger.debug("PathRoot->[{}]",pathRoot);
                    xpe2 = xp2.compile(pathRoot);
                    // TODO rpe
                    // xpe2 = xp2.compile("/Sample");
                    documentNodes = (List) xpe2.evaluate(source, XPathConstants.NODESET);

                    for (Object node : documentNodes) {

                        try {
                            d = processEntryIndex(node, config, service, fieldXpe);
                        } catch (Exception x) {
                            String xmlError = PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo) node, config);
                            logger.error("XML that was being processed when the error occurred DB->[{}]",

                            // to avoid the next running to stop
                            // because its not able to delete the
                            // newSetup directory
                            throw new Exception("Xml that is being processed:" + xmlError, x);

                    documentNodes = null;
                    source = null;
                    reader = null;
                    xml = null;
                    // logger.debug("count->[{}]", countNodes);

                    // facet tests


                    addIndexDocument(w, d);


            logger.debug("until now it were processed->[{}]", pageNumber * pageSizeDefault);
            if (coll != null) {
                try {
                    // coll.close();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            set = null;


        // add metadata to the lucene index
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map.put("numberDocs", Integer.toString(countNodes));
        map.put("date", Long.toString(System.nanoTime()));
        // logger.debug(Application.getInstance().getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool").getMetaDataInformation());
        // I cannot call directly
        // getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool").getMetaDataInformation(),
        // because I can be working in a did
        String dbInfo = ((XmlDbConnectionPool) Application.getInstance().getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool"))
                .getDBInfo(dbHost, dbPort, dbPassword, dbName);

        map.put("DBInfo", dbInfo);
        // facet
        commitIndex(w, map);

    } catch (Exception x) {
        logger.error("Caught an exception:", x);
        throw x;

From source file:uk.ac.ebi.arrayexpress.utils.saxon.search.AbstractIndexEnvironment.java

public void indexIncrementalFromXmlDB() throws Exception {

    String indexLocationDirectory = "";
    String dbHost = "";
    String dbPassword = "";
    String dbName = "";
    int dbPort = 0;

    // get the default location
    indexLocationDirectory = indexLocationDirectory;
    HierarchicalConfiguration connsConf = (HierarchicalConfiguration) Application.getInstance().getPreferences()

    if (null != connsConf) {
        // connectionString = connsConf.getString("connectionstring");
        dbHost = connsConf.getString("host");
        dbPort = Integer.parseInt(connsConf.getString("port"));
        dbName = connsConf.getString("dbname");
        dbPassword = connsConf.getString("adminpassword");
    } else {/*from ww  w .j  a  va 2s .  c  o  m*/
        logger.error("bs.xmldatabase Configuration is missing!!");

    indexIncrementalFromXmlDB(indexLocationDirectory, dbHost, dbPort, dbPassword, dbName);


From source file:uk.ac.ebi.arrayexpress.utils.saxon.search.AbstractIndexEnvironment.java

public void indexIncrementalFromXmlDB(String indexLocationDirectory, String dbHost, int dbPort,
        String dbPassword, String dbName) throws Exception {
    // I'm upgrading so the baseline is the current nodes number
    int countNodes = getCountDocuments();
    String driverXml = "";
    String connectionString = "";
    Collection coll;//from  ww  w  .j a  v  a2s. c  o  m
    IndexWriter w = null;
    Map<String, XPathExpression> fieldXpe = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>();
    logger.info("indexIncrementalFromXmlDB(generic) is starting for [{}], and initially I have[{}] ... ",
            new Object[] { indexId, countNodes });
    try {

        Directory indexTempDirectory = FSDirectory.open(new File(indexLocationDirectory, indexId));
        w = openIndex(indexTempDirectory, indexAnalyzer);
        HierarchicalConfiguration connsConf = (HierarchicalConfiguration) Application.getInstance()
        if (null != connsConf) {
            driverXml = connsConf.getString("driver");
            connectionString = connsConf.getString("base") + "://" + dbHost + ":" + dbPort + "/" + dbName;
        } else {
            logger.error("bs.xmldatabase Configuration is missing!!");
        logger.debug("connectionString->" + connectionString);
        coll = DatabaseManager.getCollection(connectionString);
        XPathQueryService service = (XPathQueryService) coll.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0");

        DocumentInfo source = null;
        Configuration config = ((SaxonEngine) Application.getAppComponent("SaxonEngine")).trFactory
        XPath xp = new XPathEvaluator(config);
        for (FieldInfo field : fields.values()) {
            fieldXpe.put(field.name, xp.compile(field.path));
            logger.debug("Field Path->[{}]", field.path);

        // the xmldatabase is not very correct and have memory problem for
        // queires with huge results, so its necessary to implement our own
        // iteration mechanism
        // // I will collect all the results
        // ResourceSet set = service.query(this.env.indexDocumentPath);
        long numberResults = 0;
        ResourceSet set = service.query("count(" + indexDocumentPath + ")");
        if (set.getIterator().hasMoreResources()) {
            numberResults = Integer.parseInt((String) set.getIterator().nextResource().getContent());

        // TODO:######################################Change this after -
        // this is just a performance test
        // float percentage=0.1F;
        // numberResults=Math.round(numberResults * percentage);

        logger.debug("Number of results->" + numberResults);
        long pageSizeDefault = 50000;
        if (numberResults > 1000000) {
            pageSizeDefault = 1000000;

        long pageNumber = 1;
        int count = 0;
        Map<String, AttsInfo[]> cacheAtt = new HashMap<String, AttsInfo[]>();
        Map<String, XPathExpression> cacheXpathAtt = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>();
        Map<String, XPathExpression> cacheXpathAttValue = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>();
        while ((pageNumber * pageSizeDefault) <= (numberResults + pageSizeDefault - 1)) {
            // calculate the last hit
            long pageInit = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSizeDefault + 1;
            long pageSize = (pageNumber * pageSizeDefault < numberResults) ? pageSizeDefault
                    : (numberResults - pageInit + 1);

            service = (XPathQueryService) coll.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0");

            // xquery paging using subsequence function
            long time = System.nanoTime();
            // TODO: I'm assuming that there is always an attribute @id in
            // each element
            set = service.query("for $x in(subsequence(" + indexDocumentPath + "/@id," + pageInit + ","
                    + pageSize + ")) return string($x)");
            double ms = (System.nanoTime() - time) / 1000000d;
            logger.info("Query XMLDB took ->[{}]", ms);

            ResourceIterator iter = set.getIterator();
            XPath xp2;
            XPathExpression xpe2;
            List documentNodes;
            StringReader reader;
            // cache of distinct attributes fora each sample group

            while (iter.hasMoreResources()) {
                logger.debug("its beeing processed the number ->" + count);
                String idToProcess = (String) iter.nextResource().getContent();

                logger.debug("@id that is being processed->" + idToProcess);
                // I need to get the sample
                ResourceSet setid = service.query(indexDocumentPath + "[@id='" + idToProcess + "']");
                ResourceIterator iterid = setid.getIterator();
                while (iterid.hasMoreResources()) {
                    StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder();
                    xml.append((String) iterid.nextResource().getContent());
                    // logger.debug(xml.toString());
                    reader = new StringReader(xml.toString());
                    source = config.buildDocument(new StreamSource(reader));

                    // logger.debug("XML DB->[{}]",
                    // PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo) source, config));
                    Document d = new Document();

                    xp2 = new XPathEvaluator(source.getConfiguration());

                    int position = indexDocumentPath.lastIndexOf("/");
                    // TODO: I also need to change this
                    String pathRoot = "";
                    if (position != -1) {
                        pathRoot = indexDocumentPath.substring(position);
                    } else {
                        pathRoot = indexDocumentPath;
                    // logger.debug("PathRoot->[{}]",pathRoot);
                    xpe2 = xp2.compile(pathRoot);
                    documentNodes = (List) xpe2.evaluate(source, XPathConstants.NODESET);

                    for (Object node : documentNodes) {
                        // logger.debug("XML DB->[{}]",PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo)node,config));

                        String idElement = (String) fieldXpe.get("id").evaluate(node, XPathConstants.STRING);
                        // I need to see if it already exists
                        // I will also add this document if it is nor marked
                        // as "todelete"
                        Boolean toDelete = (Boolean) fieldXpe.get("delete").evaluate(node,

                        // TODO:######################################Change
                        // this after - this is just a performance test
                        int deletePercentage = 10;
                        toDelete = (count % deletePercentage) == 0 ? true : false;

                                "Incremental Update - The document [{}] is being processed and is marked to delete?[{}]",
                                new Object[] { idElement, toDelete });
                        // I will always try to delete the document (i don't
                        // know if it is new or if it was changed)
                        Term idTerm = new Term("id", idElement.toLowerCase());
                        int countToDelete = getIndexReader().docFreq(idTerm);
                        if (countToDelete > 0) {
                            // if has more than one, I have to send an email
                            // to warn
                            if (countToDelete > 1) {
                                Application.getInstance().sendEmail(null, null,
                                        "BIOSAMPLES ERROR - Incremental Update - Removing more than one document! id-> "
                                                + idElement,
                                        " documents found:" + countToDelete);
                                // I will launch an exception
                                throw new Exception(
                                        "BIOSAMPLES ERROR - Incremental Update -  Removing more than one document in incremental update id-> "
                                                + idElement + " documents found:" + countToDelete);
                            logger.debug("The document with id [{}] is being deleted from Lucene", idElement);
                            // need to remove one from the number of
                            // documents count

                        // the element doesn't exist on GUI
                        else {
                            // if it is marked to delete I will just an
                            // warning email - it's possible that it was
                            // inserted and deleted on the Backend but it
                            // had never been sent to the GUI before
                            if (toDelete) {
                                Application.getInstance().sendEmail(null, null,
                                        "BIOSAMPLES WARNING - Incremental Update - Id marked for deletion but the id doesn't exist on the GUI! id-> "
                                                + idElement,


                        // if (toDelete) {
                        // logger.debug(
                        // "The document with id [{}] was marked to deletion so I will not process it",
                        // idElement);
                        // } else {

                        // I just process it is it is not for deletion)
                        if (!toDelete) {
                            try {
                                d = processEntryIndex(node, config, service, fieldXpe);

                            } catch (Exception x) {
                                String xmlError = PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo) node, config);
                                logger.error("XML that was being processed when the error occurred DB->[{}]",
                                // to avoid the next running to stop
                                // because its not able to delete the
                                // newSetup directory
                                throw new Exception("Xml that is being processed:" + xmlError, x);
                            addIndexDocument(w, d);

                    // }

                    documentNodes = null;
                    source = null;
                    reader = null;
                    xml = null;
                    // logger.debug("count->[{}]", countNodes);

            logger.debug("until now it were processed->[{}]", pageNumber * pageSizeDefault);
            //            if (coll != null) {
            //               try {
            //                  // coll.close();
            //               } catch (Exception e) {
            //                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            //                  e.printStackTrace();
            //               }
            //            }
            set = null;


        // add metadata to the lucene index
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map.put("numberDocs", Integer.toString(countNodes));
        map.put("date", Long.toString(System.nanoTime()));
        // logger.debug(Application.getInstance().getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool").getMetaDataInformation());
        // I cannot call directly
        // getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool").getMetaDataInformation(),
        // because I can be working in a did
        String dbInfo = ((XmlDbConnectionPool) Application.getInstance().getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool"))
                .getDBInfo(dbHost, dbPort, dbPassword, dbName);

        // TODO: I need to put here what I have before - to track all the
        // changes (old numberDocs + old date + oldDBInfo)
        map.put("DBInfo", dbInfo + "<BR>##################################################<BR>"
                + getMetadataInformation());
        commitIndex(w, map);

    } catch (Exception x) {
        logger.error("Caught an exception:", x);
        throw x;

From source file:uk.ac.ebi.arrayexpress.utils.saxon.search.AbstractIndexEnvironment.java

public void indexFromXmlDB_FACETS(String indexLocationDirectory, String dbHost, int dbPort, String dbPassword,
        String dbName) throws Exception {
    int countNodes = 0;
    String driverXml = "";
    String connectionString = "";
    Collection coll;/*  w w  w . jav a 2  s  . c  o  m*/
    IndexWriter w = null;
    Map<String, XPathExpression> fieldXpe = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>();
    try {

        Directory indexTempDirectory = FSDirectory.open(new File(indexLocationDirectory, indexId));
        w = createIndex(indexTempDirectory, indexAnalyzer);

        Directory taxDir = FSDirectory.open(new File(indexLocationDirectory + "Facets", indexId));

        DirectoryTaxonomyWriter taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxDir);
        CategoryDocumentBuilder docBuilder = new CategoryDocumentBuilder(taxoWriter);

        HierarchicalConfiguration connsConf = (HierarchicalConfiguration) Application.getInstance()

        if (null != connsConf) {
            // TODO: rpe use the component XmlDatabasePooling
            driverXml = connsConf.getString("driver");
            // I will use the connectionString that was passed by parameter
            // (in several parameters)
            connectionString = connsConf.getString("base") + "://" + dbHost + ":" + dbPort + "/" + dbName;
        } else {
            logger.error("bs.xmldatabase Configuration is missing!!");

        // I cannot register this database again (this is already registered
        // on XmlDbConnectionPool Component -
        // java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException
        // c = Class.forName(driverXml);
        // db = (Database) c.newInstance();
        // DatabaseManager.registerDatabase(db);
        logger.debug("connectionString->" + connectionString);
        coll = DatabaseManager.getCollection(connectionString);
        XPathQueryService service = (XPathQueryService) coll.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0");

        DocumentInfo source = null;
        // Loop through all result items

        // collect all the fields data
        Configuration config = ((SaxonEngine) Application.getAppComponent("SaxonEngine")).trFactory

        XPath xp = new XPathEvaluator(config);
        // XPathExpression xpe = xp.compile(this.env.indexDocumentPath);

        for (FieldInfo field : fields.values()) {
            fieldXpe.put(field.name, xp.compile(field.path));
            logger.debug("Field Path->[{}]", field.path);

        // the xmldatabase is not very correct and have memory problem for
        // queires with huge results, so its necessary to implement our own
        // iteration mechanism
        // // I will collect all the results
        // ResourceSet set = service.query(this.env.indexDocumentPath);
        // //TODO rpe
        // //ResourceSet set = service.query("//Sample");
        // logger.debug("Number of results->" + set.getSize());
        // long numberResults = set.getSize();
        long numberResults = 0;
        ResourceSet set = service.query("count(" + indexDocumentPath + ")");
        if (set.getIterator().hasMoreResources()) {
            numberResults = Integer.parseInt((String) set.getIterator().nextResource().getContent());
        logger.debug("Number of results->" + numberResults);
        long pageSizeDefault = 50000;
        // the samplegroup cannot be big otherwise I will obtain a memory
        // error ... but the sample must b at least one million because the
        // paging queries are really slow - we need to balance it
        // (for samples 1million, for samplegroup 50000)
        if (numberResults > 1000000) {
            pageSizeDefault = 1000000;

        long pageNumber = 1;
        int count = 0;
        Map<String, AttsInfo[]> cacheAtt = new HashMap<String, AttsInfo[]>();
        Map<String, XPathExpression> cacheXpathAtt = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>();
        Map<String, XPathExpression> cacheXpathAttValue = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>();
        while ((pageNumber * pageSizeDefault) <= (numberResults + pageSizeDefault - 1)) {
            // while ((pageNumber<=1)) {
            // calculate the last hit
            long pageInit = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSizeDefault + 1;
            long pageSize = (pageNumber * pageSizeDefault < numberResults) ? pageSizeDefault
                    : (numberResults - pageInit + 1);

            service = (XPathQueryService) coll.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0");

            // xquery paging using subsequence function
            long time = System.nanoTime();

            // /set =
            // service.query("for $x in(/Biosamples/SampleGroup/Sample/@id) return string($x)");
            set = service.query("for $x in(subsequence(" + indexDocumentPath + "/@id," + pageInit + ","
                    + pageSize + ")) return string($x)");
            // logger.debug("Number of results of page->" + set.getSize());
            double ms = (System.nanoTime() - time) / 1000000d;
            logger.info("Query XMLDB took ->[{}]", ms);

            ResourceIterator iter = set.getIterator();
            XPath xp2;
            XPathExpression xpe2;
            List documentNodes;
            StringReader reader;
            // cache of distinct attributes fora each sample group

            while (iter.hasMoreResources()) {
                logger.debug("its beeing processed the number ->" + count);
                String idSample = (String) iter.nextResource().getContent();
                logger.debug("idSample->" + idSample);
                // I need to get the sample
                ResourceSet setid = service.query(indexDocumentPath + "[@id='" + idSample + "']");

                // System.out.println("/Biosamples/SampleGroup/Sample[@id='"
                // + idSample + "']");
                ResourceIterator iterid = setid.getIterator();
                List<CategoryPath> sampleCategories = null;
                while (iterid.hasMoreResources()) {
                    // System.out.println("");
                    // /xml=(String) iterid.nextResource().getContent();

                    // /xml=(String) iter.nextResource().getContent();
                    // logger.debug("xml->"+xml);
                    // /reader = new StringReader(xml);
                    StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder();
                    xml.append((String) iterid.nextResource().getContent());

                    // logger.debug(xml.toString());
                    reader = new StringReader(xml.toString());
                    source = config.buildDocument(new StreamSource(reader));

                    // logger.debug("XML DB->[{}]",
                    // PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo) source, config));
                    Document d = new Document();

                    xp2 = new XPathEvaluator(source.getConfiguration());

                    int position = indexDocumentPath.lastIndexOf("/");
                    String pathRoot = "";
                    if (position != -1) {
                        pathRoot = indexDocumentPath.substring(position);
                    } else {
                        pathRoot = indexDocumentPath;
                    // logger.debug("PathRoot->[{}]",pathRoot);
                    xpe2 = xp2.compile(pathRoot);
                    // TODO rpe
                    // xpe2 = xp2.compile("/Sample");
                    documentNodes = (List) xpe2.evaluate(source, XPathConstants.NODESET);

                    for (Object node : documentNodes) {
                        // logger.debug("XML DB->[{}]",PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo)node,config));
                        for (FieldInfo field : fields.values()) {
                            try {

                                // Configuration
                                // config=doc.getConfiguration();
                                // I Just have to calculate the Xpath
                                if (!field.process) {

                                    List values = (List) fieldXpe.get(field.name).evaluate(node,
                                    // logger.debug("Field->[{}] values-> [{}]",
                                    // field.name,
                                    // values.toString());
                                    for (Object v : values) {

                                        if ("integer".equals(field.type)) {
                                            addIntIndexField(d, field.name, v, field.shouldStore,

                                            // Just to test I will put here
                                            // one facet for the samples
                                            if (field.name.equalsIgnoreCase("samples")) {
                                                System.out.println("Value-->" + v.toString());
                                                sampleCategories = new ArrayList<CategoryPath>();
                                                sampleCategories.add(new CategoryPath("samples", v.toString()));

                                        } else if ("date".equals(field.type)) {
                                            // todo: addDateIndexField(d,
                                            // field.name,
                                            // v);
                                                    "Date fields are not supported yet, field [{}] will not be created",
                                        } else if ("boolean".equals(field.type)) {
                                            addBooleanIndexField(d, field.name, v, field.shouldSort);
                                        } else {
                                            addIndexField(d, field.name, v, field.shouldAnalyze,
                                                    field.shouldStore, field.shouldSort);

                                } else {
                                    if (field.name.equalsIgnoreCase("attributes")) {
                                        // implement here the biosamples
                                        // database sample attributes logic
                                        // TODO: rpe
                                        // logger.debug("There is A special treatment for this field->"
                                        // + field.name);

                                        List values = (List) fieldXpe.get(field.name).evaluate(node,

                                        // XPathExpression
                                        // classAtt=xp.compile("@class");
                                        // XPathExpression
                                        // typeAtt=xp.compile("@dataType");
                                        // XPathExpression
                                        // valueAtt=xp.compile("value");
                                        String groupId = (String) fieldXpe.get("samplegroup").evaluate(node,
                                        String id = (String) fieldXpe.get("accession").evaluate(node,

                                        // logger.debug(groupId+"$$$" + id);

                                        // logger.debug("Field->[{}] values-> [{}]",
                                        // field.name,
                                        // values.toString());

                                        AttsInfo[] attsInfo = null;
                                        if (cacheAtt.containsKey(groupId)) {
                                            attsInfo = cacheAtt.get(groupId);
                                        } else {
                                            logger.debug("No exists cache for samplegroup->" + groupId);
                                            // ResourceSet setAtt =
                                            // service.query("distinct-values(/Biosamples/SampleGroup[@id='"
                                            // + groupId +
                                            // "']/Sample/attribute[@dataType!='INTEGER']/replace(@class,' ', '-'))");
                                            // /ResourceSet setAtt =
                                            // service.query("distinct-values(/Biosamples/SampleGroup[@id='"
                                            // + groupId +
                                            // "']/Sample/attribute/replace(@class,' ', '-'))");
                                            // /ResourceSet setAtt =
                                            // service.query("distinct-values(/Biosamples/SampleGroup[@id='"
                                            // + groupId +
                                            // "']/Sample/attribute/@class)");
                                            ResourceSet setAtt = service
                                                    .query("data(/Biosamples/SampleGroup[@id='" + groupId
                                                            + "']/SampleAttributes/attribute/@class)");
                                            // logger.debug("->"
                                            // +
                                            // "/Biosamples/SampleGroup[@id='"
                                            // + groupId +
                                            // "']/SampleAttributes/attribute/@class");

                                            ResourceIterator resAtt = setAtt.getIterator();
                                            int i = 0;
                                            attsInfo = new AttsInfo[(int) setAtt.getSize()];
                                            while (resAtt.hasMoreResources()) {
                                                String classValue = (String) resAtt.nextResource().getContent();
                                                // logger.debug("->"
                                                // + classValue);
                                                // need to use this because
                                                // of the use of quotes in
                                                // the name of the classes
                                                String classValueWitoutQuotes = classValue.replaceAll("\"",
                                                // logger.debug("Class value->"
                                                // + classValue);
                                                XPathExpression xpathAtt = null;
                                                XPathExpression xpathAttValue = null;
                                                if (cacheXpathAtt.containsKey(classValue)) {
                                                    xpathAtt = cacheXpathAtt.get(classValue);
                                                    xpathAttValue = cacheXpathAttValue.get(classValue);
                                                } else {

                                                    xpathAtt = xp.compile("./attribute[@class=\""
                                                            + classValueWitoutQuotes + "\"]/@dataType");

                                                    xpathAttValue = xp.compile(
                                                            "attribute[@class=\"" + classValueWitoutQuotes
                                                                    + "\"]/value/text()[last()]");

                                                    // logger.debug("attribute[@class=\""
                                                    // +
                                                    // classValueWitoutQuotes
                                                    // +
                                                    // "\"]//value/text()");
                                                    // //xpathAttValue=xp.compile("./attribute[@class=\""
                                                    // +
                                                    // classValueWitoutQuotes
                                                    // +
                                                    // "\"]/value[1]/text()");
                                                    // logger.debug("./attribute[@class=\""
                                                    // +
                                                    // classValueWitoutQuotes
                                                    // +
                                                    // "\"]/value[1]/text()");
                                                    cacheXpathAtt.put(classValue, xpathAtt);
                                                    cacheXpathAttValue.put(classValue, xpathAttValue);
                                                // this doesnt work when the
                                                // first sample of sample
                                                // group doens have all the
                                                // attributes
                                                // im using \" becuse there
                                                // are some attributes thas
                                                // has ' on the name!!!
                                                // /ResourceSet setAttType =
                                                // service.query("string((/Biosamples/SampleGroup[@id='"
                                                // + groupId
                                                // +"']/Sample/attribute[@class=replace(\""
                                                // + classValueWitoutQuotes
                                                // +
                                                // "\",'-',' ')]/@dataType)[1])");
                                                // /ResourceSet setAttType =
                                                // service.query("string(/Biosamples/SampleGroup[@id='"
                                                // + groupId
                                                // +"']/Sample/attribute[@class=\""
                                                // + classValueWitoutQuotes
                                                // + "\"]/@dataType)");
                                                ResourceSet setAttType = service
                                                        .query("data(/Biosamples/SampleGroup[@id='" + groupId
                                                                + "']/SampleAttributes/attribute[@class=\""
                                                                + classValueWitoutQuotes + "\"]/@dataType)");
                                                String dataValue = (String) setAttType.getIterator()
                                                // logger.debug("Data Type of "
                                                // + classValue + " ->" +
                                                // dataValue);
                                                // String
                                                // dataValue=(String)xpathAtt.evaluate(node,
                                                // XPathConstants.STRING);
                                                AttsInfo attsI = new AttsInfo(classValue, dataValue);
                                                // logger.debug("Atttribute->class"
                                                // + attsI.name + "->type->"
                                                // + attsI.type + "->i" +
                                                // i);
                                                attsInfo[i] = attsI;
                                                // logger.debug("distinct att->"
                                                // + value);
                                                // cacheAtt.put(groupId,
                                                // value);
                                            cacheAtt.put(groupId, attsInfo);
                                            // distinctAtt=cacheAtt.get(groupId);
                                            // logger.debug("Already exists->"
                                            // + distinctAtt);
                                        int len = attsInfo.length;
                                        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                                            // logger.debug("$$$$$$->" +
                                            // attsInfo[i].name + "$$$$" +
                                            // attsInfo[i].type);
                                            if (!attsInfo[i].type.equalsIgnoreCase("integer")
                                                    && !attsInfo[i].type.equalsIgnoreCase("real")) {

                                                XPathExpression valPath = cacheXpathAttValue
                                                String val = (String) valPath.evaluate(node,
                                                // logger.debug("$$$$$$->" +
                                                // "STRING->" + val + "");
                                                addIndexField(d, (i + 1) + "", val, true, false, true);
                                            } else {
                                                XPathExpression valPath = cacheXpathAttValue
                                                String valS = (String) valPath.evaluate(node,
                                                valS = valS.trim();
                                                // logger.debug("Integer->"
                                                // + valS);
                                                int val = 0;
                                                if (valS == null || valS.equalsIgnoreCase("")
                                                        || valS.equalsIgnoreCase("NaN")) {
                                                    valS = "0";
                                                // sort numbers as strings
                                                // logger.debug("class->" +
                                                // attsInfo[i].name
                                                // +"value->##"+ valS +
                                                // "##");
                                                BigDecimal num = new BigDecimal(valS);
                                                num = num.multiply(new BigDecimal(100));
                                                int taux = num.toBigInteger().intValue();
                                                valS = String.format("%07d", taux);
                                                // logger.debug("Integer->"
                                                // + valS + "position->"
                                                // +(i+1)+"integer");
                                                addIndexField(d, (i + 1) + "", valS, true, false, true);
                                                // addIntIndexField(d,
                                                // (i+1)+"integer", new
                                                // BigInteger(valS),false,
                                                // true);

                                    } else {
                                        // logger.debug("There is NO special treatment for this field->"
                                        // + field.name);
                            } catch (XPathExpressionException x) {
                                String xmlError = PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo) node, config);
                                logger.error("XML DB->[{}]", xmlError);
                                logger.error("Caught an exception while indexing expression [" + field.path
                                        + "] for document ["
                                        + ((NodeInfo) source).getStringValue().substring(0, 20) + "...]", x);
                                throw new Exception("Xml:" + xmlError, x);

                    documentNodes = null;
                    source = null;
                    reader = null;
                    xml = null;
                    // logger.debug("count->[{}]", countNodes);

                    // facet tests


                    addIndexDocument(w, d);

            logger.debug("until now it were processed->[{}]", pageNumber * pageSizeDefault);
            if (coll != null) {
                try {
                    // coll.close();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            set = null;


        // add metadata to the lucene index
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map.put("numberDocs", Integer.toString(countNodes));
        map.put("date", Long.toString(System.nanoTime()));
        // logger.debug(Application.getInstance().getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool").getMetaDataInformation());
        // I cannot call directly
        // getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool").getMetaDataInformation(),
        // because I can be working in a did
        String dbInfo = ((XmlDbConnectionPool) Application.getInstance().getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool"))
                .getDBInfo(dbHost, dbPort, dbPassword, dbName);

        map.put("DBInfo", dbInfo);
        // facet
        commitIndex(w, map);

    } catch (Exception x) {
        logger.error("Caught an exception:", x);
        throw x;

From source file:uk.ac.ebi.arrayexpress.utils.saxon.search.Configuration.java

private void readConfiguration(HierarchicalConfiguration config) {
    List indexList = config.configurationsAt("index");

    for (Object conf : indexList) {
        HierarchicalConfiguration indexConfig = (HierarchicalConfiguration) conf;
        String indexId = indexConfig.getString("[@id]");
        this.indicesConfig.put(indexId, indexConfig);
    }/*from   w  ww.j a  va2 s.  c om*/

From source file:uk.ac.ebi.atlas.model.baseline.BaselineExperimentConfiguration.java

public Set<Factor> getDefaultFilterFactors() {

    Set<Factor> defaultFilterFactors = new HashSet<>();
    List<HierarchicalConfiguration> fields = config.configurationsAt("defaultFilterFactors.filterFactor");
    for (HierarchicalConfiguration sub : fields) {
        String factorType = sub.getString("type");
        String factorValue = sub.getString("value");
        defaultFilterFactors.add(new Factor(factorType, factorValue));
    }//  w  w w  . j  av a  2 s.  c om

    return defaultFilterFactors;

From source file:uk.ac.ebi.atlas.model.baseline.BaselineExperimentConfiguration.java

public Map<String, String> getSpeciesMapping() {

    Map<String, String> mapping = new HashMap<>();
    List<HierarchicalConfiguration> fields = config.configurationsAt("speciesMapping.mapping");
    for (HierarchicalConfiguration sub : fields) {
        String samples = sub.getString("samples").toLowerCase();
        String genes = sub.getString("genes").toLowerCase();
        mapping.put(samples, genes);/*from  w w w. j  ava 2  s  .  co m*/

    return mapping;

From source file:uk.ac.ebi.fg.biostudies.components.XmlDbConnectionPool.java

public void initialize() throws Exception {
    HierarchicalConfiguration connsConf = (HierarchicalConfiguration) Application.getInstance().getPreferences()

    if (null != connsConf) {
        driverXml = connsConf.getString("driver");
        //         connectionString = connsConf.getString("connectionstring");
        connectionString = connsConf.getString("base") + "://" + connsConf.getString("host") + ":"
                + connsConf.getString("port") + "/" + connsConf.getString("dbname");
        logger.debug("connectionString->" + connectionString);
    } else {// w w  w  .  j  a  v  a2  s. co m
        logger.error("bs.xmldatabase Configuration is missing!!");

    Class<?> c;
    try {

        //TODO: rpe: review this (DB open files)
        if (coll != null) {
            db = null;

        c = Class.forName(driverXml);

        // Class<?> c = Class.forName("org.exist.xmldb.DatabaseImpl");
        db = (Database) c.newInstance();
        coll = DatabaseManager.getCollection(connectionString);

    } catch (XMLDBException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        logger.error("Exception:->[{}]", e.getMessage());
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        logger.error("Exception:->[{}]", e.getMessage());
    // Receive the database
    catch (InstantiationException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        logger.error("Exception:->[{}]", e.getMessage());
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        logger.error("Exception:->[{}]", e.getMessage());