Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration HierarchicalINIConfiguration HierarchicalINIConfiguration

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration HierarchicalINIConfiguration HierarchicalINIConfiguration


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration HierarchicalINIConfiguration HierarchicalINIConfiguration.


public HierarchicalINIConfiguration() 

Source Link


Create a new empty INI Configuration.


From source file:info.pancancer.arch3.test.TestWorker.java

public void testWorker_endlessFromConfig() throws Exception {
    HierarchicalINIConfiguration configObj = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();
    configObj.addProperty("rabbit.rabbitMQQueueName", "seqware");
    configObj.addProperty("rabbit.rabbitMQHost", "localhost");
    configObj.addProperty("rabbit.rabbitMQUser", "guest");
    configObj.addProperty("rabbit.rabbitMQPass", "guest");
    configObj.addProperty("worker.heartbeatRate", "2.5");
    configObj.addProperty("worker.max-runs", "1");
    configObj.addProperty("worker.preworkerSleep", "1");
    configObj.addProperty("worker.postworkerSleep", "1");
    configObj.addProperty("worker.endless", "true");
    configObj.addProperty("worker.hostUserName", System.getProperty("user.name"));

    byte[] body = setupMessage();
    Delivery testDelivery = new Delivery(mockEnvelope, mockProperties, body);
    setupMockQueue(testDelivery);/*from w w w .ja  v a2s.c o m*/

    //Because the code that does cleanup in calls resultHandler.waitFor(); we need to actually execute something, even if it does nothing.

    // This is to mock the cleanup command - we don't really want to execute the command for deleting contents of /datastore, at least not when unit testing on a workstation!


    final FutureTask<String> tester = new FutureTask<>(new Callable<String>() {
        public String call() {
            LOG.info("tester thread started");
            try {
                Worker.main(new String[] { "--config", "src/test/resources/workerConfig.ini", "--uuid",
                        "vm123456", "--pidFile", "/var/run/arch3_worker.pid" });
            } catch (CancellationException | InterruptedException e) {
                LOG.error("Exception caught: " + e.getMessage());
                return e.getMessage();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                fail("Unexpected exception");
                return null;
            } finally {
                Mockito.verify(mockAppender, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).doAppend(argCaptor.capture());
                String s = appendEventsIntoString(argCaptor.getAllValues());
                return s;


    final Thread killer = new Thread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            LOG.info("killer thread started");
            try {
                // The endless worker will not end on its own (because it's endless) so we need to wait a little bit (0.5 seconds) and
                // then kill it as if it were killed by the command-line script (kill_worker_daemon.sh).
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);

    try {
    } catch (CancellationException e) {
        Mockito.verify(mockAppender, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).doAppend(argCaptor.capture());
        List<LoggingEvent> tmpList = new LinkedList<LoggingEvent>(argCaptor.getAllValues());
        String output = this.appendEventsIntoString(tmpList);

        assertTrue("--endless flag was detected and set",
                output.contains("The \"--endless\" flag was set, this worker will run endlessly!"));
        int numJobsPulled = StringUtils.countMatches(output, " WORKER IS PREPARING TO PULL JOB FROM QUEUE ");
        LOG.info("Number of jobs attempted: " + numJobsPulled);
        assertTrue("number of jobs attempted > 1", numJobsPulled > 1);
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:io.datalayer.conf.HierarchicalIniConfigurationTest.java

 * Test of getSections method, of class {@link HierarchicalINIConfiguration}
 * ./*w  w  w .j  a v a  2 s . com*/
public void testGetSections() {
    HierarchicalINIConfiguration instance = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();
    instance.addProperty("test1.foo", "bar");
    instance.addProperty("test2.foo", "abc");
    Set<String> expResult = new HashSet<String>();
    Set<String> result = instance.getSections();
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

From source file:io.datalayer.conf.HierarchicalIniConfigurationTest.java

public void testWriteValueWithCommentChar() throws Exception {
    HierarchicalINIConfiguration config = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();
    config.setProperty("section.key1", "1;2;3");

    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    config.save(writer);/*from   w ww .j a  v a  2 s .c  o m*/

    HierarchicalINIConfiguration config2 = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();
    config2.load(new StringReader(writer.toString()));

    assertEquals("value", "1;2;3", config2.getString("section.key1"));

From source file:com.baasbox.db.DbHelper.java

public static void populateConfiguration() throws IOException, ConfigurationException {
    BaasBoxLogger.info("Load initial configuration...");
    InputStream is;//  w  w  w . j  a  v  a 2s  .com
    if (Play.application().isProd())
        is = Play.application().resourceAsStream(CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME);
        is = new FileInputStream(Play.application().getFile("conf/" + CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME));
    HierarchicalINIConfiguration c = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();
    CharSequence doubleDot = "..";
    CharSequence dot = ".";

    Set<String> sections = c.getSections();
    for (String section : sections) {
        Class en = PropertiesConfigurationHelper.CONFIGURATION_SECTIONS.get(section);
        if (en == null) {
            BaasBoxLogger.warn(section + " is not a valid configuration section, it will be skipped!");
        SubnodeConfiguration subConf = c.getSection(section);
        Iterator<String> it = subConf.getKeys();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String key = (it.next());
            Object value = subConf.getString(key);
            key = key.replace(doubleDot, dot);//bug on the Apache library: if the key contain a dot, it will be doubled!
            try {
                BaasBoxLogger.info("Setting " + value + " to " + key);
                PropertiesConfigurationHelper.setByKey(en, key, value);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                BaasBoxLogger.warn("Error loading initial configuration: Section " + section + ", key: " + key
                        + ", value: " + value, e);

From source file:info.pancancer.arch3.test.TestWorker.java

private void setupConfig() {
    HierarchicalINIConfiguration configObj = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();

    configObj.addProperty("rabbit.rabbitMQQueueName", "seqware");
    configObj.addProperty("worker.heartbeatRate", "2.5");
    configObj.addProperty("worker.preworkerSleep", "1");
    configObj.addProperty("worker.postworkerSleep", "1");
    configObj.addProperty("worker.hostUserName", System.getProperty("user.name"));

From source file:io.datalayer.conf.HierarchicalIniConfigurationTest.java

 * Tests whether a configuration can be saved that contains section keys
 * with delimiter characters. This test is related to CONFIGURATION-409.
 *//*from ww w.  j  a  va2  s .c  om*/
public void testSaveKeysWithDelimiters() throws ConfigurationException {
    HierarchicalINIConfiguration conf = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();
    final String section = "Section..with..dots";
    conf.addProperty(section + ".test1", "test1");
    conf.addProperty(section + ".test2", "test2");
    conf = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();
    assertEquals("Wrong value (1)", "test1", conf.getString(section + ".test1"));
    assertEquals("Wrong value (2)", "test2", conf.getString(section + ".test2"));

From source file:io.datalayer.conf.HierarchicalIniConfigurationTest.java

 * Tests whether getSection() can deal with duplicate sections.
 *//*  w  ww  . java2  s  .  c  om*/
public void testGetSectionDuplicate() {
    HierarchicalINIConfiguration config = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();
    config.addProperty("section.var1", "value1");
    config.addProperty("section(-1).var2", "value2");
    SubnodeConfiguration section = config.getSection("section");
    Iterator<String> keys = section.getKeys();
    assertEquals("Wrong key", "var1", keys.next());
    assertFalse("Too many keys", keys.hasNext());

From source file:io.datalayer.conf.HierarchicalIniConfigurationTest.java

 * Tests whether parsing of lists can be disabled.
 *///w  w  w  .j a va  2 s.c  o  m
public void testListParsingDisabled() throws ConfigurationException {
    HierarchicalINIConfiguration config = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();
    load(config, "[test]" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "nolist=1,2,3");
    assertEquals("Wrong value", "1,2,3", config.getString("test.nolist"));

From source file:org.apache.taverna.robundle.Bundles.java

public static URI getReference(Path path) throws IOException {
    if (path == null || isMissing(path))
        return null;
    if (!isReference(path))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a reference: " + path);
    // Note: Latin1 is chosen here because it would not bail out on
    // "strange" characters. We actually parse the URL as ASCII
    path = withExtension(path, DOT_URL);
    try (BufferedReader r = newBufferedReader(path, LATIN1)) {
        HierarchicalINIConfiguration ini = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();
        ini.load(r);//from ww  w .j  a  v a  2 s .co m

        String urlStr = ini.getSection(INI_INTERNET_SHORTCUT).getString(INI_URL);

        // String urlStr = ini.get(INI_INTERNET_SHORTCUT, INI_URL);
        if (urlStr == null)
            throw new IOException("Invalid/unsupported URL format: " + path);
        return URI.create(urlStr);
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        throw new IOException("Can't parse reference: " + path, e);

From source file:org.midonet.config.ConfigProvider.java

public static HierarchicalConfiguration fromConfigFile(String path) {
    try {/*  w w  w  .  ja  v a2s .  c o  m*/
        HierarchicalINIConfiguration config = new HierarchicalINIConfiguration();
        return config;
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);