Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration containsKey

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration containsKey


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration containsKey.


public boolean containsKey(String key) 

Source Link


From source file:org.roqmessaging.management.config.internal.FileConfigurationReader.java

 * @param file//from  w  w  w. ja  v a  2  s.  c o m
 *            the HCM property file
 * @return the HCM dao for properties
 * @throws ConfigurationException
public HostConfigDAO loadHCMConfiguration(String file) throws ConfigurationException {
    // 1. Define the DAO
    HostConfigDAO configDao = new HostConfigDAO();
    // 2. Load the file
    try {
        PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
        // 3. Set the properties
        configDao.setGcmAddress(config.getString("gcm.address") != null ? config.getString("gcm.address")
                : configDao.getGcmAddress());
                config.getInt("exchange.vm.heap") != -1 ? config.getInt("exchange.vm.heap") : 256);
        if (config.containsKey("network.interface"))
    } catch (Exception configE) {
        logger.error("Error while reading configuration file - skipped but set the default configuration",
    return configDao;

From source file:org.sakuli.utils.SakuliPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.java

public void restoreProperties() {
    try {/*w  w w.java  2 s  . c  o m*/
        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : modifiedSahiConfigProps.entrySet()) {
            String propFile = entry.getKey();
            logger.debug("restore properties file '{}' with properties '{}'", propFile, entry.getValue());
            PropertiesConfiguration propConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(propFile);
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> propEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
                String propKey = propEntry.getKey();
                if (propConfig.containsKey(propKey)) {
                propConfig.addProperty(propKey, propEntry.getValue());
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        logger.error("Error in restore sahi config properties", e);

From source file:org.sakuli.utils.SakuliPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.java

 * writes the {@link SahiProxyProperties#PROXY_PORT} value as {@link SahiProxyProperties#SAHI_PROPERTY_PROXY_PORT_MAPPING}
 * property to sahiConfigPropertyFilePath!
 *//*from w  w  w  .  j av a  2 s. c om*/
protected void modifySahiProxyPortPropertiesConfiguration(String sahiConfigPropertyFilePath, Properties props) {
    final String sahiProxyPort = props.getProperty(SahiProxyProperties.PROXY_PORT);
    if (sahiProxyPort != null) {
        try {
            PropertiesConfiguration propConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(sahiConfigPropertyFilePath);
            final String sahiMappingPropertyProxyPort = SahiProxyProperties.SAHI_PROPERTY_PROXY_PORT_MAPPING;

            if (propConfig.containsKey(sahiMappingPropertyProxyPort)) {
            //remove property after the test execution, so that the installation can't break
            addToModifiedPropertiesMap(sahiConfigPropertyFilePath, sahiMappingPropertyProxyPort, null);
            propConfig.addProperty(sahiMappingPropertyProxyPort, sahiProxyPort);
            logger.debug("modify properties file '{}' with '{}={}'", sahiConfigPropertyFilePath,
                    sahiMappingPropertyProxyPort, sahiProxyPort);
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            logger.error("modify sahi properties went wrong", e);

From source file:org.sakuli.utils.SakuliPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.java

 * Modifies the properties file 'propFilePathToConfig' with assigned key from the resource properties.
 *///from  w w w  .  ja v a  2s  .c  om
protected void modifyPropertiesConfiguration(String propFilePathToConfig, List<String> updateKeys,
        Properties resourceProps) {
    try {
        PropertiesConfiguration propConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(propFilePathToConfig);
        Properties temProps = new Properties();
        for (String propKey : updateKeys) {
            String resolve = resolve(resourceProps.getProperty(propKey), resourceProps);
            if (resolve != null) {
                if (propConfig.containsKey(propKey)) {
                    addToModifiedPropertiesMap(propFilePathToConfig, propKey, propConfig.getProperty(propKey));
                temProps.put(propKey, resolve);
                propConfig.addProperty(propKey, resolve);
        logger.debug("modify properties file '{}' with '{}'", propFilePathToConfig, temProps.toString());
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        logger.error("modify sahi properties went wrong", e);


From source file:org.silverpeas.settings.file.ModifProperties.java

 * lance la modification du fichier properties
 * @throws Exception//from  w ww  .j a v  a 2s  .  co m
public void executeModification() throws Exception {
    File file = new File(path);
    if (file.exists()) {
        PropertiesConfiguration configuration = new PropertiesConfiguration(file);
        for (ElementModif em : listeModifications) {
            if (configuration.containsKey(em.getSearch())) {
                if (!em.getModif().equals(configuration.getProperty(em.getSearch()))) {
                    if (!isModified) {
                        isModified = true;
                        BackupFile bf = new BackupFile(new File(path));
                    configuration.setProperty(em.getSearch(), em.getModif());
            } else {
                configuration.setProperty(em.getSearch(), em.getModif());
    } else {
        throw new Exception("ATTENTION le fichier:" + path + " n'existe pas");

From source file:org.w3.i18n.I18nTestRunnerTest.java

private static List<I18nTest> interpretTests(String prefix, PropertiesConfiguration configuration)
        throws TestsFileParsingException {
    List<I18nTest> i18nTests = new ArrayList<>();

    /* Possible properties for a test:
     * (name)//from w  w w . j  a v a 2 s  . co  m
     * 'id'
     * 'url'
     * 'test_for'
     * 'info_charset'
     * 'info_lang'
     * 'info_dir'
     * 'info_classId'
     * 'info_headers'
     * 'reports'
     * 'warning'
     * 'applicableOnlyTo'

    // Retrieve required details from the properties files.
    String propertyDescription = configuration.containsKey(prefix)
            ? configuration.getString(prefix).replace("\"", "")
            : null;
    String propertyId = configuration.containsKey(prefix + "_id")
            ? configuration.getString(prefix + "_id").replace("\"", "")
            : null;
    String propertyUrl = configuration.containsKey(prefix + "_url")
            ? configuration.getString(prefix + "_url").replace("\"", "")
            : null;
    String propertyTestFor = configuration.containsKey(prefix + "_test_for")
            ? configuration.getString(prefix + "_test_for")
            : null;
    String[] propertyReport = configuration.containsKey(prefix + "_report[]")
            ? configuration.getStringArray(prefix + "_report[]")
            : null;
    if (propertyReport == null) {
        String singlePropertyReport = configuration.containsKey(prefix + "_report")
                ? configuration.getString(prefix + "_report")
                : null;
        if (singlePropertyReport != null) {
            propertyReport = new String[] { singlePropertyReport };

    // Check that vital details are set ('_testFor' and '_report[]').
    boolean useableTest = propertyTestFor != null && !propertyTestFor.isEmpty() && propertyReport != null
            && propertyReport.length != 0;
    // Check that there's at least one non-empty report definition.
    if (useableTest) {
        propertyTestFor = propertyTestFor.replaceAll("\"", "");
        if (propertyTestFor.isEmpty()) {
            useableTest = false;
    if (useableTest) {
        // Check that there's at least one non-empty report definition.
        useableTest = true;
        int i = 0;
        while (i < propertyReport.length) {
            propertyReport[i] = propertyReport[i].replace("\"", "");
            if (propertyReport[i].isEmpty()) {
                useableTest = false;

    if (useableTest) {

        // Validate the given URL if present.
        URL givenUrl = null;
        if (propertyUrl != null) {
            try {
                givenUrl = new URL(propertyUrl);
            } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
                throw new TestsFileParsingException("Invalid URL given" + " by property. Propety name: \""
                        + prefix + "_url\", extracted URL: " + propertyUrl + ", file: '"
                        + configuration.getFileName() + "'.", ex);

        // Create a list of assertions from the expected reports.
        List<Assertion> expectedAssertions = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String report : propertyReport) {
            if (!report.isEmpty()) {
                report = report.replace("}", "");
                String[] reportSplit = report.replace("}", "").split("\\{");
                String reportId = reportSplit[0];

                // MESSAGE levels are not compared.
                Assertion.Level level = Assertion.Level.MESSAGE;

                /* Look for additional details for each '_report[]'
                 * (e.g. "{severity:warning,tags:2}"). */
                if (reportSplit.length != 1) {
                    String[] details = reportSplit[1].split(",");
                    for (String detail : details) {
                        switch (detail.trim()) {
                        case "severity:info":
                            level = Assertion.Level.INFO;
                        case "severity:warning":
                            level = Assertion.Level.WARNING;
                        case "severity:error":
                            level = Assertion.Level.ERROR;
                expectedAssertions.add(new Assertion(reportId, level, "", "", new ArrayList<String>()));
        if (expectedAssertions.isEmpty()) {
            throw new TestsFileParsingException("Could not create any Assertions from  the reports"
                    + " property for \"" + prefix + "\". Interpreted" + " reports property: "
                    + Arrays.toString(propertyReport) + ", file: '" + configuration.getFileName() + "'.");

        // Prepare URLs and create I18nTests for each format and servaAs.
        for (String testFor : propertyTestFor.split(",")) {
            testFor = testFor.replace("\"", "");
            String[] testForSplit = testFor.split(":");
            String format = testForSplit[0];
            String serveAs = testForSplit.length != 1 ? testForSplit[1] : "html";
            URL testUrl;
            if (givenUrl == null) {
                try {
                    testUrl = assembleTestUrl(propertyId, format, serveAs);
                } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
                    throw new TestsFileParsingException("Could not" + " construct a URL from testFor property."
                            + " TestConfig.TEST_RUNNER_URL: " + TestConfig.TEST_RUNNER_URL + ", propety name:"
                            + " \"" + prefix + "_test_for\", file: '" + configuration.getFileName() + "'.", ex);
            } else {
                testUrl = givenUrl;
            i18nTests.add(new I18nTest(prefix, propertyDescription, propertyId, testUrl, format, serveAs,
    return i18nTests;

From source file:org.xwiki.contrib.confluence.filter.internal.input.ConfluenceConverterListener.java

private LocalDocumentReference fromPageId(String id) throws NumberFormatException, ConfigurationException {
    // Document name

    PropertiesConfiguration pageProperties = this.confluencePackage.getPageProperties(Long.valueOf(id), false);

    if (pageProperties != null) {
        String documentName;/*from   ww  w  .  j ava 2  s .c  o  m*/
        if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_HOMEPAGE)) {
            documentName = this.properties.getSpacePageName();
        } else {
            documentName = pageProperties.getString(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_TITLE);

        // Space name

        Long spaceId = pageProperties.getLong("space", null);

        String spaceKey = this.confluencePackage.getSpaceKey(spaceId);

        // Reference

        return new LocalDocumentReference(spaceKey, documentName);

    return null;

From source file:org.xwiki.contrib.confluence.filter.internal.input.ConfluenceInputFilterStream.java

protected void read(Object filter, ConfluenceFilter proxyFilter) throws FilterException {
    // Prepare package
    try {/*from w ww.j  a  v  a2  s . c o m*/
        this.confluencePackage = new ConfluenceXMLPackage(this.properties.getSource());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new FilterException("Failed to read package", e);

    // Generate users events
    for (long userInt : this.confluencePackage.getUsers()) {
        PropertiesConfiguration userProperties;
        try {
            userProperties = this.confluencePackage.getUserProperties(userInt);
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            throw new FilterException("Failed to get user properties", e);

        String userId = userProperties.getString(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_USER_NAME, String.valueOf(userInt));
        if (this.properties.isConvertToXWiki() && userId.equals("admin")) {
            userId = "Admin";

        FilterEventParameters userParameters = new FilterEventParameters();


        try {
            userParameters.put(UserFilter.PARAMETER_REVISION_DATE, this.confluencePackage
                    .getDate(userProperties, ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_USER_REVISION_DATE));
            userParameters.put(UserFilter.PARAMETER_CREATION_DATE, this.confluencePackage
                    .getDate(userProperties, ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_USER_CREATION_DATE));
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            if (this.properties.isVerbose()) {
                this.logger.error("Failed to parse date", e);

        // TODO: no idea how to import/convert the password, probably salted with the Confluence instance id

        // > User
        proxyFilter.beginUser(userId, userParameters);

        // < User
        proxyFilter.endUser(userId, userParameters);

    // Generate users events
    for (long groupInt : this.confluencePackage.getGroups()) {
        PropertiesConfiguration groupProperties;
        try {
            groupProperties = this.confluencePackage.getGroupProperties(groupInt);
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            throw new FilterException("Failed to get group properties", e);

        String groupName = groupProperties.getString(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_GROUP_NAME,
        if (this.properties.isConvertToXWiki()) {
            if (groupName.equals("confluence-administrators")) {
                groupName = "XWikiAdminGroup";
            } else if (groupName.equals("confluence-users")) {
                groupName = "XWikiAllGroup";

        FilterEventParameters groupParameters = new FilterEventParameters();

        try {
            groupParameters.put(GroupFilter.PARAMETER_REVISION_DATE, this.confluencePackage
                    .getDate(groupProperties, ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_GROUP_REVISION_DATE));
            groupParameters.put(GroupFilter.PARAMETER_CREATION_DATE, this.confluencePackage
                    .getDate(groupProperties, ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_GROUP_CREATION_DATE));
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            if (this.properties.isVerbose()) {
                this.logger.error("Failed to parse date", e);

        // > Group
        proxyFilter.beginGroupContainer(groupName, groupParameters);

        // Members users
        if (groupProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_GROUP_MEMBERUSERS)) {
            List<Long> users = this.confluencePackage.getLongList(groupProperties,
            for (Long memberInt : users) {
                FilterEventParameters memberParameters = new FilterEventParameters();

                try {
                    String memberId = this.confluencePackage.getUserProperties(memberInt)
                            .getString(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_USER_NAME, String.valueOf(memberInt));

                    if (this.properties.isConvertToXWiki() && memberId.equals("admin")) {
                        memberId = "Admin";

                    proxyFilter.onGroupMemberGroup(memberId, memberParameters);
                } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
                    this.logger.error("Failed to get user properties", e);

        // Members groups
        if (groupProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_GROUP_MEMBERGROUPS)) {
            List<Long> groups = this.confluencePackage.getLongList(groupProperties,
            for (Long memberInt : groups) {
                FilterEventParameters memberParameters = new FilterEventParameters();

                try {
                    String memberId = this.confluencePackage.getGroupProperties(memberInt)
                            .getString(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_GROUP_NAME, String.valueOf(memberInt));

                    if (this.properties.isConvertToXWiki()) {
                        if (memberId.equals("confluence-administrators")) {
                            memberId = "XWikiAdminGroup";
                        } else if (memberId.equals("confluence-users")) {
                            memberId = "XWikiAllGroup";

                    proxyFilter.onGroupMemberGroup(memberId, memberParameters);
                } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
                    this.logger.error("Failed to get group properties", e);

        // < Group
        proxyFilter.endGroupContainer(groupName, groupParameters);

    // Generate documents events
    for (Map.Entry<Long, List<Long>> entry : this.confluencePackage.getPages().entrySet()) {
        long spaceId = entry.getKey();

        PropertiesConfiguration spaceProperties;
        try {
            spaceProperties = this.confluencePackage.getSpaceProperties(spaceId);
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            throw new FilterException("Failed to get space properties", e);

        String spaceKey = ConfluenceXMLPackage.getSpaceKey(spaceProperties);
        FilterEventParameters spaceParameters = new FilterEventParameters();

        // > WikiSpace
        proxyFilter.beginWikiSpace(spaceKey, spaceParameters);

        // Main page
        Long descriptionId = spaceProperties.getLong(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_SPACE_DESCRIPTION, null);
        if (descriptionId != null) {
            readPage(descriptionId, filter, proxyFilter);

        // Other pages
        for (long pageId : entry.getValue()) {
            readPage(pageId, filter, proxyFilter);

        // < WikiSpace
        proxyFilter.endWikiSpace(spaceKey, spaceParameters);

    // Cleanup

    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new FilterException("Failed to close package", e);

From source file:org.xwiki.contrib.confluence.filter.internal.input.ConfluenceInputFilterStream.java

private void readPage(long pageId, Object filter, ConfluenceFilter proxyFilter) throws FilterException {
    PropertiesConfiguration pageProperties = getPageProperties(pageId);

    if (pageProperties == null) {
        this.logger.warn("Can't find page with id [{}]", pageId);

        return;/*  w  w w  .  j ava 2s  .  c om*/

    String documentName;
    if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_HOMEPAGE)) {
        documentName = this.properties.getSpacePageName();
    } else {
        documentName = pageProperties.getString(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_TITLE);

    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(documentName)) {
        this.logger.warn("Found a page without name of title (id={}). Skipping it.", pageId);


    FilterEventParameters documentParameters = new FilterEventParameters();
    if (this.properties.getDefaultLocale() != null) {
        documentParameters.put(WikiDocumentFilter.PARAMETER_LOCALE, this.properties.getDefaultLocale());

    // We should not imported pages from the Trash
    if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_CONTENT_STATUS)) {
        String contentStatus = pageProperties.getString(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_CONTENT_STATUS);
        if (contentStatus.equals("deleted"))

    // > WikiDocument
    proxyFilter.beginWikiDocument(documentName, documentParameters);

    Locale locale = Locale.ROOT;

    FilterEventParameters documentLocaleParameters = new FilterEventParameters();
    if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_CREATION_AUTHOR)) {
    if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_CREATION_DATE)) {
        try {
            documentLocaleParameters.put(WikiDocumentFilter.PARAMETER_CREATION_DATE, this.confluencePackage
                    .getDate(pageProperties, ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_CREATION_DATE));
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            if (this.properties.isVerbose()) {
                this.logger.error("Failed to parse date", e);
    if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_REVISION)) {

    // > WikiDocumentLocale
    proxyFilter.beginWikiDocumentLocale(locale, documentLocaleParameters);

    // Revisions
    if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_REVISIONS)) {
        List<Long> revisions = this.confluencePackage.getLongList(pageProperties,
        for (Long revisionId : revisions) {
            readPageRevision(revisionId, filter, proxyFilter);

    // Current version
    readPageRevision(pageId, filter, proxyFilter);

    // < WikiDocumentLocale
    proxyFilter.endWikiDocumentLocale(locale, documentLocaleParameters);

    // < WikiDocument
    proxyFilter.endWikiDocument(documentName, documentParameters);

From source file:org.xwiki.contrib.confluence.filter.internal.input.ConfluenceInputFilterStream.java

private void readPageRevision(long pageId, PropertiesConfiguration pageProperties, Object filter,
        ConfluenceFilter proxyFilter) throws FilterException {
    String revision = pageProperties.getString(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_REVISION);

    FilterEventParameters documentRevisionParameters = new FilterEventParameters();
    if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_PARENT)) {
        try {//w ww  . jav  a 2  s . c  o m
            documentRevisionParameters.put(WikiDocumentFilter.PARAMETER_PARENT, this.confluencePackage
                    .getReferenceFromId(pageProperties, ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_PARENT));
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            if (this.properties.isVerbose()) {
                this.logger.error("Failed to parse parent", e);
    if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_REVISION_AUTHOR)) {
    if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_REVISION_DATE)) {
        try {
            documentRevisionParameters.put(WikiDocumentFilter.PARAMETER_REVISION_DATE, this.confluencePackage
                    .getDate(pageProperties, ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_REVISION_DATE));
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            if (this.properties.isVerbose()) {
                this.logger.error("Failed to parse date", e);
    if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_REVISION_COMMENT)) {

    String bodyContent = null;
    Syntax bodySyntax = null;
    int bodyType = -1;

    if (pageProperties.containsKey(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_BODY)) {
        bodyContent = pageProperties.getString(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_BODY);
        bodyType = pageProperties.getInt(ConfluenceXMLPackage.KEY_PAGE_BODY_TYPE, -1);

        switch (bodyType) {
        // Not bodyType means old Confluence syntax
        case -1:
            bodyType = 0;
        case 0:
            bodySyntax = ConfluenceParser.SYNTAX;
        case 2:
            bodySyntax = Syntax.CONFLUENCEXHTML_1_0;
            if (this.properties.isVerbose()) {
                this.logger.error("Unknown body type [{}]", bodyType);

    // If target filter does not support rendering events, pass the content as it is
    if (!(filter instanceof Listener) && bodyContent != null && bodySyntax != null) {
        documentRevisionParameters.put(WikiDocumentFilter.PARAMETER_CONTENT, bodyContent);
        documentRevisionParameters.put(WikiDocumentFilter.PARAMETER_SYNTAX, bodySyntax);

    // > WikiDocumentRevision
    proxyFilter.beginWikiDocumentRevision(revision, documentRevisionParameters);

    // Content
    if (filter instanceof Listener && bodyContent != null && bodySyntax != null) {
        Listener listener = proxyFilter;

        if (this.properties.isConvertToXWiki()) {
            ConfluenceConverterListener converter = this.converterProvider.get();
            converter.initialize(this.confluencePackage, this.properties, listener);
            listener = converter;

        try {
            switch (bodyType) {
            case 0:
                this.confluenceWIKIParser.parse(new StringReader(bodyContent), listener);
            case 2:
                this.confluenceXHTMLParser.parse(new StringReader(bodyContent), listener);
        } catch (org.xwiki.rendering.parser.ParseException e) {
            throw new FilterException(String.format("Failed parser content [%s]", bodyContent), e);

    // Attachments
    Map<String, PropertiesConfiguration> pageAttachments = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (long attachmentId : this.confluencePackage.getAttachments(pageId)) {
        PropertiesConfiguration attachmentProperties;
        try {
            attachmentProperties = this.confluencePackage.getAttachmentProperties(pageId, attachmentId);
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            throw new FilterException("Failed to get attachment properties", e);

        String attachmentName = this.confluencePackage.getAttachmentName(attachmentProperties);

        PropertiesConfiguration currentAttachmentProperties = pageAttachments.get(attachmentName);
        if (currentAttachmentProperties != null) {
            long version = this.confluencePackage.getAttachementVersion(attachmentProperties);
            long currentVersion = this.confluencePackage.getAttachementVersion(currentAttachmentProperties);

            if (version > currentVersion) {
                pageAttachments.put(attachmentName, attachmentProperties);
        } else {
            pageAttachments.put(attachmentName, attachmentProperties);

    for (PropertiesConfiguration attachmentProperties : pageAttachments.values()) {
        readAttachment(pageId, attachmentProperties, filter, proxyFilter);

    // < WikiDocumentRevision
    proxyFilter.endWikiDocumentRevision(revision, documentRevisionParameters);