Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration getFileName

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration getFileName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration getFileName.


public String getFileName() 

Source Link


Return the name of the file.


From source file:com.xemantic.tadedon.configuration.Configurations.java

public static void merge(PropertiesConfiguration defaultConf, PropertiesConfiguration conf) {
    LOG.debug("Merging: {} <-> {}", defaultConf.getURL(), conf.getURL());
    for (@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    Iterator<String> iterator = defaultConf.getKeys(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        String key = iterator.next();
        if (!conf.containsKey(key)) {
            copyProperty(key, defaultConf, conf);
        }/*from w w  w. jav  a2 s .co m*/
    try {
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could no save configuration file: " + conf.getFileName(), e);

From source file:org.w3.i18n.I18nTestRunnerTest.java

private static List<I18nTest> interpretTests(String prefix, PropertiesConfiguration configuration)
        throws TestsFileParsingException {
    List<I18nTest> i18nTests = new ArrayList<>();

    /* Possible properties for a test:
     * (name)//w  ww  .j a  v  a2 s . co  m
     * 'id'
     * 'url'
     * 'test_for'
     * 'info_charset'
     * 'info_lang'
     * 'info_dir'
     * 'info_classId'
     * 'info_headers'
     * 'reports'
     * 'warning'
     * 'applicableOnlyTo'

    // Retrieve required details from the properties files.
    String propertyDescription = configuration.containsKey(prefix)
            ? configuration.getString(prefix).replace("\"", "")
            : null;
    String propertyId = configuration.containsKey(prefix + "_id")
            ? configuration.getString(prefix + "_id").replace("\"", "")
            : null;
    String propertyUrl = configuration.containsKey(prefix + "_url")
            ? configuration.getString(prefix + "_url").replace("\"", "")
            : null;
    String propertyTestFor = configuration.containsKey(prefix + "_test_for")
            ? configuration.getString(prefix + "_test_for")
            : null;
    String[] propertyReport = configuration.containsKey(prefix + "_report[]")
            ? configuration.getStringArray(prefix + "_report[]")
            : null;
    if (propertyReport == null) {
        String singlePropertyReport = configuration.containsKey(prefix + "_report")
                ? configuration.getString(prefix + "_report")
                : null;
        if (singlePropertyReport != null) {
            propertyReport = new String[] { singlePropertyReport };

    // Check that vital details are set ('_testFor' and '_report[]').
    boolean useableTest = propertyTestFor != null && !propertyTestFor.isEmpty() && propertyReport != null
            && propertyReport.length != 0;
    // Check that there's at least one non-empty report definition.
    if (useableTest) {
        propertyTestFor = propertyTestFor.replaceAll("\"", "");
        if (propertyTestFor.isEmpty()) {
            useableTest = false;
    if (useableTest) {
        // Check that there's at least one non-empty report definition.
        useableTest = true;
        int i = 0;
        while (i < propertyReport.length) {
            propertyReport[i] = propertyReport[i].replace("\"", "");
            if (propertyReport[i].isEmpty()) {
                useableTest = false;

    if (useableTest) {

        // Validate the given URL if present.
        URL givenUrl = null;
        if (propertyUrl != null) {
            try {
                givenUrl = new URL(propertyUrl);
            } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
                throw new TestsFileParsingException("Invalid URL given" + " by property. Propety name: \""
                        + prefix + "_url\", extracted URL: " + propertyUrl + ", file: '"
                        + configuration.getFileName() + "'.", ex);

        // Create a list of assertions from the expected reports.
        List<Assertion> expectedAssertions = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String report : propertyReport) {
            if (!report.isEmpty()) {
                report = report.replace("}", "");
                String[] reportSplit = report.replace("}", "").split("\\{");
                String reportId = reportSplit[0];

                // MESSAGE levels are not compared.
                Assertion.Level level = Assertion.Level.MESSAGE;

                /* Look for additional details for each '_report[]'
                 * (e.g. "{severity:warning,tags:2}"). */
                if (reportSplit.length != 1) {
                    String[] details = reportSplit[1].split(",");
                    for (String detail : details) {
                        switch (detail.trim()) {
                        case "severity:info":
                            level = Assertion.Level.INFO;
                        case "severity:warning":
                            level = Assertion.Level.WARNING;
                        case "severity:error":
                            level = Assertion.Level.ERROR;
                expectedAssertions.add(new Assertion(reportId, level, "", "", new ArrayList<String>()));
        if (expectedAssertions.isEmpty()) {
            throw new TestsFileParsingException("Could not create any Assertions from  the reports"
                    + " property for \"" + prefix + "\". Interpreted" + " reports property: "
                    + Arrays.toString(propertyReport) + ", file: '" + configuration.getFileName() + "'.");

        // Prepare URLs and create I18nTests for each format and servaAs.
        for (String testFor : propertyTestFor.split(",")) {
            testFor = testFor.replace("\"", "");
            String[] testForSplit = testFor.split(":");
            String format = testForSplit[0];
            String serveAs = testForSplit.length != 1 ? testForSplit[1] : "html";
            URL testUrl;
            if (givenUrl == null) {
                try {
                    testUrl = assembleTestUrl(propertyId, format, serveAs);
                } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
                    throw new TestsFileParsingException("Could not" + " construct a URL from testFor property."
                            + " TestConfig.TEST_RUNNER_URL: " + TestConfig.TEST_RUNNER_URL + ", propety name:"
                            + " \"" + prefix + "_test_for\", file: '" + configuration.getFileName() + "'.", ex);
            } else {
                testUrl = givenUrl;
            i18nTests.add(new I18nTest(prefix, propertyDescription, propertyId, testUrl, format, serveAs,
    return i18nTests;