Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration getProperty

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration getProperty


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration getProperty.


public Object getProperty(String key) 

Source Link


From source file:net.sf.mpaxs.spi.server.settings.Settings.java

private void addConfigFile(String path) {
    if (path != null) {
        PropertiesConfiguration prop;
        try {/*  w  ww. j  a va2 s.  c  om*/
            prop = new PropertiesConfiguration(path);
            Iterator keyIter = prop.getKeys();
            while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
                Object obj = keyIter.next();
                String s = (String) obj;
                config.setProperty(s, prop.getProperty(s));
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Settings.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

From source file:eu.trentorise.game.managers.DroolsEngine.java

private StatelessKieSession loadGameConstants(StatelessKieSession kSession, String gameId) {

    // load game constants
    InputStream constantsFileStream = null;
    Game g = gameSrv.loadGameDefinitionById(gameId);
    if (g != null && g.getRules() != null) {
        for (String ruleUrl : g.getRules()) {
            Rule r = gameSrv.loadRule(gameId, ruleUrl);
            if ((r != null && r.getName() != null && r.getName().equals("constants"))
                    || r instanceof UrlRule && ((UrlRule) r).getUrl().contains("constants")) {
                try {
                    constantsFileStream = r.getInputStream();
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    logger.error("Exception loading constants file", e);
                }//from  w  w  w  .ja v  a  2s .c o  m

    if (constantsFileStream != null) {
        try {
            PropertiesConfiguration constants = new PropertiesConfiguration();
            logger.debug("constants file loaded for game {}", gameId);
            Iterator<String> constantsIter = constants.getKeys();
            while (constantsIter.hasNext()) {
                String constant = constantsIter.next();
                kSession.setGlobal(constant, numberConversion(constants.getProperty(constant)));
                logger.debug("constant {} loaded", constant);
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            logger.error("constants loading exception");
    } else {
        logger.info("Rule constants file not found");
    return kSession;

From source file:com.aurel.track.dbase.MigrateTo37.java

private Connection getConnection() {
    try {/*from   www.j a  v  a  2  s  .  c  om*/
        PropertiesConfiguration tcfg = new PropertiesConfiguration();
        tcfg = HandleHome.getTorqueProperties(servletContext, false);
        String jdbcURL = (String) tcfg.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.url");
        String jdbcUser = (String) tcfg.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.user");
        String jdbcPassword = (String) tcfg.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.password");
        String jdbcDriver = (String) tcfg.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.driver");
        System.err.println("Using this username: " + jdbcUser);
        System.err.println("Using this password: " + jdbcPassword != null);
        System.err.println("Using this JDBC URL: " + jdbcURL);
        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            System.err.println("Loading the jdbcDriver " + jdbcDriver + "  failed with " + e.getMessage());
        // establish a connection
        return DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL, jdbcUser, jdbcPassword);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Getting the JDBC connection failed with " + e.getMessage());
    return null;

From source file:com.aurel.track.ApplicationStarter.java

private void printSystemInfo() {
    LOGGER.info("Java: " + System.getProperty("java.vendor") + " " + System.getProperty("java.version"));
    LOGGER.info("Operating System: " + System.getProperty("os.name") + " " + System.getProperty("os.arch"));
    Locale loc = Locale.getDefault();
    LOGGER.info("Default locale: " + loc.getDisplayName());

    ServletContext application = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getServletContext();
    try {/*  www. jav a 2 s.  c  om*/
        LOGGER.info("Servlet real path: " + application.getRealPath(File.separator));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOGGER.error("Error trying to obtain getRealPath()");
    LOGGER.info("Servlet container: " + application.getServerInfo());

    Connection conn = null;
    try {
        PropertiesConfiguration pc = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getDbConfig();
        LOGGER.info("Configured database type: " + pc.getProperty("torque.database.track.adapter"));
                "Configured database driver: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.driver"));
        LOGGER.info("Configured JDBC URL: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.url"));
        conn = Torque.getConnection(BaseTSitePeer.DATABASE_NAME);
        DatabaseMetaData dbm = conn.getMetaData();
        LOGGER.info("Database type: " + dbm.getDatabaseProductName() + " " + dbm.getDatabaseProductVersion());
        LOGGER.info("Driver info:   " + dbm.getDriverName() + " " + dbm.getDriverVersion());
        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
        Date d1 = new Date();
        stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TSTATE");
        Date d2 = new Date();
        LOGGER.info("Database test query done in " + (d2.getTime() - d1.getTime()) + " milliseconds ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Problem retrieving meta data");
        LOGGER.error("Problem retrieving meta data");
    } finally {
        if (conn != null) {

From source file:com.aurel.track.ApplicationStarter.java

private void setVersionFromVersionProperties(ServletContext servletContext) {
    ApplicationBean applicationBean = ApplicationBean.getInstance();
    String appTypeString = "";
    Integer appType = -1;//from   ww w .j  a va  2 s .  c om
    String theVersion = "";
    String theBuild = "";
    String theVersionDate = "";
    Integer theVersionNo = 370;
    try {
        URL versionURL = servletContext.getResource("/WEB-INF/Version.properties");
        PropertiesConfiguration vcfg = new PropertiesConfiguration();
        InputStream in = versionURL.openStream();
        theVersion = (String) vcfg.getProperty("version");
        theBuild = (String) vcfg.getProperty("build");
        if (theVersion == null) {
            theVersion = "4.X";
        if (theBuild == null) {
            theBuild = "1";
        theVersionDate = (String) vcfg.getProperty("date");
        if (theVersionDate == null) {
            theVersionDate = "2015-01-01";
        theVersionNo = new Integer((String) vcfg.getProperty("app.version"));
        try {
            appType = new Integer((String) vcfg.getProperty("ntype"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            appType = ApplicationBean.APPTYPE_FULL;

        appTypeString = (String) vcfg.getProperty("type");
        if (appTypeString == null) {
            appTypeString = "Genji";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        theVersion = "1.x";
        theBuild = "0";
        theVersionDate = "2015-01-01";


From source file:com.aurel.track.ApplicationStarter.java

private List<String> createInstallProblemMessage(Exception e) {
    List<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>();
    try {/*from   ww  w. jav a  2  s. c om*/
        PropertiesConfiguration pc = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getDbConfig();
        msg.add("Database user name: (see Torque.properties file)");
        msg.add("Database password:  (see Torque.properties file)");
        msg.add("Database type: " + pc.getProperty("torque.database.track.adapter"));
        msg.add("Database JDBC driver: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.driver"));
        msg.add("Database connection URL: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.url"));
        msg.add("The system gives this error message: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        // Nothing to be done about this here
    return msg;

From source file:com.aurel.track.ApplicationStarter.java

private void emergencyExit(Exception e) {
    // We need this to show a proper install problem page
    ApplicationBean applicationBean = ApplicationBean.getInstance();
    getServletConfig().getServletContext().setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_BEAN, applicationBean);
    PropertiesConfiguration pc = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getDbConfig();

    LOGGER.error("Something went wrong here.");
    LOGGER.error("Please have a look at the previous error messagesand stack traces.");
    LOGGER.error("Most likely the database connection does not work.");
    LOGGER.error("Please check if the user name, password and JDBC URL in the ");
    LOGGER.error("WEB-INF/Torque.properties file are set correctly.");
    LOGGER.error("Please check that you have only one Database type enabled in the");
    LOGGER.error("Torque.properties file. Please also check that the database server");
    LOGGER.error("is running and is accessible from this machine. If the database server is");
    LOGGER.error("running on a different machine, check that there are no firewall issues.");
    LOGGER.error("Please also check that you have run all SQL scripts to set up the database.");
    LOGGER.error("For your information, your settings in Torque.properties are: ");
    LOGGER.error("Database user name: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.user"));
    String password = (String) pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.password");
    if (password != null) {
        password = password.replaceAll(".", "*");
        LOGGER.error("Database password:  " + password + "(see Torque.properties file)");
    }/*w  w  w  . ja va  2  s .  c o m*/
    LOGGER.error("Database type: " + pc.getProperty("torque.database.track.adapter"));
    LOGGER.error("Database JDBC driver: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.driver"));
    LOGGER.error("Database connection URL: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.url"));

From source file:net.sf.zekr.common.config.ApplicationConfig.java

private void loadConfig() {
    logger.info("Load Zekr configuration file.");
    File uc = new File(ApplicationPath.USER_CONFIG);
    boolean createConfig = false;
    String confFile = ApplicationPath.USER_CONFIG;
    if (!uc.exists()) {
        logger.info("User config does not exist at " + ApplicationPath.USER_CONFIG);
        logger.info("Will make user config with default values at " + ApplicationPath.MAIN_CONFIG);
        confFile = ApplicationPath.MAIN_CONFIG;
        createConfig = true;/*from  w  w w  . ja  v  a 2 s.  c om*/

    try {
        logger.debug("Load " + confFile);
        props = ConfigUtils.loadConfig(new File(confFile), ApplicationPath.CONFIG_DIR, "UTF-8");

        String version = props.getString("version");
        if (!GlobalConfig.ZEKR_VERSION.equals(version)) {
            logger.info("User config version (" + version + ") does not match " + GlobalConfig.ZEKR_VERSION);

            if (StringUtils.isBlank(version) || !isCompatibleVersion(version)) { // config file is too old
                logger.info(String.format("Previous version (%s) is too old and not compatible with %s",
                        version, GlobalConfig.ZEKR_VERSION));
                logger.info("Cannot migrate old settings. Will reset settings.");

                props = ConfigUtils.loadConfig(new File(ApplicationPath.MAIN_CONFIG), "UTF-8");
            } else {
                logger.info("Will initialize user config with default values, overriding with old config.");

                PropertiesConfiguration oldProps = props;
                props = ConfigUtils.loadConfig(new File(ApplicationPath.MAIN_CONFIG), "UTF-8");

                for (Iterator<String> iter = oldProps.getKeys(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    String key = iter.next();
                    if (key.equals("version")) {
                    props.setProperty(key, oldProps.getProperty(key));
            createConfig = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.warn("IO Error in loading/reading config file " + ApplicationPath.MAIN_CONFIG);
    if (createConfig) {
        // create config dir
        new File(Naming.getConfigDir()).mkdirs();

    // load shortcuts
    logger.info("Loading keyboard shortcuts.");
    File userShortcut = new File(ApplicationPath.USER_SHORTCUT);
    Document doc = null;
    if (userShortcut.exists()) {
        try {
            logger.info("Loading user keyboard shortcuts: " + ApplicationPath.USER_SHORTCUT);
            Document userDoc = new XmlReader(userShortcut).getDocument();
            String version = userDoc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("version");
            if (GlobalConfig.ZEKR_VERSION.equals(version)) {
                doc = userDoc;
            } else {
                logger.info("User shortcut file version (" + version + ") does not match with "
                        + GlobalConfig.ZEKR_VERSION);

                List<String> userList = new ArrayList<String>();
                Element userRoot = userDoc.getDocumentElement();
                NodeList userMappings = userRoot.getElementsByTagName("mapping");
                for (int i = 0; i < userMappings.getLength(); i++) {
                    Element mapping = (Element) userMappings.item(i);
                    String action = mapping.getAttribute("action");

                File mainShortcut = new File(ApplicationPath.MAIN_SHORTCUT);
                Element mainRoot = new XmlReader(mainShortcut).getDocument().getDocumentElement();
                NodeList mainMappings = mainRoot.getElementsByTagName("mapping");
                for (int i = 0; i < mainMappings.getLength(); i++) {
                    Element mapping = (Element) mainMappings.item(i);
                    String action = mapping.getAttribute("action");
                    if (!userList.contains(action)) {
                        logger.debug("Adding new shortcut mapping for action: " + action);
                        Element newMapping = userDoc.createElement("mapping");
                        newMapping.setAttribute("action", mapping.getAttribute("action"));
                        newMapping.setAttribute("key", mapping.getAttribute("key"));
                        newMapping.setAttribute("rtlKey", mapping.getAttribute("rtlKey"));
                userRoot.setAttribute("version", GlobalConfig.ZEKR_VERSION);
                doc = userDoc;
                XmlUtils.writeXml(userDoc, userShortcut);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("Error loading user shortcuts: " + ApplicationPath.USER_SHORTCUT);
    } else {
        try {
            logger.info("Loading keyboard shortcuts from original location: " + ApplicationPath.MAIN_SHORTCUT);
            File mainShortcut = new File(ApplicationPath.MAIN_SHORTCUT);
            doc = new XmlReader(mainShortcut).getDocument();
            FileUtils.copyFile(mainShortcut, new File(ApplicationPath.USER_SHORTCUT));
        } catch (Exception e) {
    if (doc != null) {
        logger.info("Initialize keyboard shortcuts and mappings.");
        shortcut = new KeyboardShortcut(props, doc);

From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.queries.TestingServerPropertiesBuilder.java

public PropertiesConfiguration build() throws IOException {
    final File file = new File("/tmp/" + TestingServerPropertiesBuilder.class.toString());

    if (file.exists()) {
    }/*from www . j ava  2  s  .  c  o  m*/


    final File bootsDir = new File(file, "bootstrap");
    final File dataDir = new File(file, "data");


    final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
    config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, INSTANCE_PREFIC, "id"), "0");
    config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, INSTANCE_PREFIC, "bootstrap.segment.dir"),
    config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, INSTANCE_PREFIC, "dataDir"),
    config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, INSTANCE_PREFIC, "bootstrap.segment.dir"),
    config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, INSTANCE_PREFIC, "data.manager.class"),
            StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, INSTANCE_PREFIC, "segment.metadata.loader.class"),

    config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, INSTANCE_PREFIC, "tableName"),
            StringUtils.join(tableNames, ","));

    for (final String table : tableNames) {
        config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, INSTANCE_PREFIC, table, "dataManagerType"),
        config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, INSTANCE_PREFIC, table, "readMode"),
                StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, INSTANCE_PREFIC, table, "numQueryExecutorThreads"),

    config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, EXECUTOR_PREFIX, "class"),
    config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, EXECUTOR_PREFIX, "timeout"), "150000");
    config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, "requestHandlerFactory.class"),
    config.addProperty(StringUtil.join(".", PINOT_SERVER_PREFIX, "netty.port"), "8882");

    final Iterator<String> keys = config.getKeys();

    while (keys.hasNext()) {
        final String key = keys.next();
        System.out.println(key + "  : " + config.getProperty(key));
    return config;

From source file:net.emotivecloud.scheduler.drp4one.DRP4OVF.java

private HashMap<String, String> getPropsFromFile(String fileName, String vmId) {
    Object product_propsList = "";
    HashMap<String, String> hmap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    String[] product_props = {};/*from  www . j a  v a2 s . com*/
    try {
        PropertiesConfiguration props_config = new PropertiesConfiguration(new File(fileName));

        if (props_config.containsKey(vmId)) {
            log.debug("getting the product properties for vm: " + vmId);
            product_propsList = props_config.getProperty(vmId);
            if (product_propsList.toString().contains(",")) {
                product_props = product_propsList.toString()
                        .substring(1, product_propsList.toString().length() - 1).split(",");

                for (String product_prop : product_props) {
                    if (product_prop.contains("=")) {
                        String[] product_property = product_prop.split("=");
                        hmap.put(product_property[0], product_property[1]);
                        log.debug("adding product property " + product_property[0] + " " + product_property[1]);
            } else {
                String[] product_property = product_propsList.toString()
                        .substring(1, product_propsList.toString().length() - 1).split("=");
                if (product_property.length == 2) {
                    hmap.put(product_property[0], product_property[1]);
                    log.debug("adding product property " + product_property[0] + " " + product_property[1]);
                } else {
                    log.error("error in the product property, does nt contain a valid key value pair..");


        } else {
            log.debug("no such key exists " + vmId);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

    return hmap;