Example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration PropertiesConfiguration

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration PropertiesConfiguration


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.configuration PropertiesConfiguration PropertiesConfiguration.


public PropertiesConfiguration(URL url) throws ConfigurationException 

Source Link


Creates and loads the extended properties from the specified URL.


From source file:com.caricah.iotracah.bootstrap.system.handler.impl.DefaultConfigHandler.java

 * All system configurations providers are loaded via spi
 * and are given the configurations the system already has.
 * They are further expected to provide their configurations in
 * and additive way. Since the order of loading the configs is not
 * guranteed all the setting keys should be uniquely identified
 * and that task is left to the implementations to enforce.
 * @param configuration/*from  www  .java  2s .  c o m*/
 * @return
 * @throws UnRetriableException
public Configuration populateConfiguration(Configuration configuration) throws UnRetriableException {

    try {
        String configDirectory = getConfigurationDirectory();

        log.debug(" populateConfiguration : obtained config directory - {}", configDirectory);

        Path configurationFile = getConfigurationFileInDirectory(configDirectory);

        if (null == configurationFile) {

            configurationFile = ResourceFileUtil.getFileFromResource(getClass(), getConfigurationFileName())


        if (configuration instanceof CompositeConfiguration) {
            ((CompositeConfiguration) configuration)
                    .addConfiguration(new PropertiesConfiguration(configurationFile.toFile()));
            return configuration;
        } else {
            CompositeConfiguration compositeConfiguration = new CompositeConfiguration();

            if (null != configuration) {

            compositeConfiguration.addConfiguration(new PropertiesConfiguration(configurationFile.toFile()));
            return compositeConfiguration;

    } catch (IOException | ConfigurationException e) {
        log.error(" getConfiguration : ", e);
        throw new UnRetriableException(e);


From source file:fr.inria.atlanmod.neoemf.graph.blueprints.neo4j.resources.BlueprintsNeo4jResourceSaveTest.java

@Test/*from w  ww.  ja va 2  s.  c om*/
public void testSaveGraphNeo4jResourceNoneCacheTypeOption() throws IOException, ConfigurationException {
    File configFile = new File(testFilePath + configFileName);
    assert configFile.exists();
    PropertiesConfiguration configuration = new PropertiesConfiguration(configFile);
    assert configuration.containsKey(BlueprintsNeo4jResourceOptions.OPTIONS_BLUEPRINTS_NEO4J_CACHE_TYPE);
    assert configuration.getString(BlueprintsNeo4jResourceOptions.OPTIONS_BLUEPRINTS_NEO4J_CACHE_TYPE)
    assert getKeyCount(configuration) == defaultPropertyCount
            + 1 : "The number of properties in the configuration file is not consistent with the given options";

From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.core.segment.index.SegmentMetadataImpl.java

public SegmentMetadataImpl(File indexDir) throws ConfigurationException, IOException {
    LOGGER.debug("SegmentMetadata location: {}", indexDir);
    if (indexDir.isDirectory()) {
        _metadataFile = new File(indexDir, V1Constants.MetadataKeys.METADATA_FILE_NAME);
    } else {/*from  w ww.  ja  v  a 2s  .  co  m*/
        _metadataFile = indexDir;
    _segmentMetadataPropertiesConfiguration = new PropertiesConfiguration(_metadataFile);
    _columnMetadataMap = new HashMap<String, ColumnMetadata>();
    _allColumns = new HashSet<String>();
    _schema = new Schema();
    _indexDir = new File(indexDir, V1Constants.MetadataKeys.METADATA_FILE_NAME).getAbsoluteFile().getParent();
    loadCreationMeta(new File(indexDir, V1Constants.SEGMENT_CREATION_META));
    LOGGER.debug("loaded metadata for {}", indexDir.getName());

From source file:com.amazon.janusgraph.TestGraphUtil.java

public Configuration loadProperties() {
    PropertiesConfiguration storageConfig;
    try {//from   ww  w . j a  va2  s  . c  o m
        storageConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(propertiesFile);
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return storageConfig;

From source file:fr.jetoile.hadoopunit.test.kafka.KafkaConsumerUtils.java

private void loadConfig() throws ConfigException {
    try {/* w  w w .jav a2  s. c  o  m*/
        configuration = new PropertiesConfiguration(HadoopUnitConfig.DEFAULT_PROPS_FILE);
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        throw new ConfigException("bad config", e);

    kafkaHostname = configuration.getString(HadoopUnitConfig.KAFKA_HOSTNAME_KEY);
    kafkaPort = configuration.getInt(HadoopUnitConfig.KAFKA_PORT_KEY);

From source file:com.ibm.replication.iidr.warehouse.CollectCDCStats.java

public CollectCDCStats(CollectCDCStatsParms parms)
        throws ConfigurationException, EmbeddedScriptException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException,
        ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException, CollectCDCStatsParmsException {

    this.parms = parms;

    PropertiesConfiguration versionInfo = new PropertiesConfiguration(
            "conf" + File.separator + "version.properties");

    logger = LogManager.getLogger();

    logger.info("Version: " + versionInfo.getString("buildVersion") + "."
            + versionInfo.getString("buildRelease") + "." + versionInfo.getString("buildMod") + ", date: "
            + versionInfo.getString("buildDate"));

    // Debug logging?
    if (parms.debug) {
        LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
        Configuration config = ctx.getConfiguration();
        LoggerConfig loggerConfig = config.getLoggerConfig("com.ibm.replication.iidr");
        ctx.updateLoggers();// www  .  ja v a  2  s  . c o  m

    // Load settings
    settings = new Settings(parms.propertiesFile);

    // TODO Set locale hard-coded to avoid date conversion errors, to be
    // fixed later
    Locale.setDefault(new Locale("en", "US"));

    // Get current session's locale
    currentLocale = Locale.getDefault();
    logger.debug("Current locale (language_country): " + currentLocale.toString()
            + ", metrics will be parsed according to this locale");
    localNumberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(currentLocale);

    // Check if the event log bookmarks will be used
    if (settings.logEventsToDB || settings.logEventsToCsv) {
        bookmarks = new Bookmarks("EventLogBookmarks.properties");

    // Start the timer thread to flush the output on a regular basis
    timer = new Timer(settings);
    new Thread(timer).start();

    // Create a script object to be used to execute CHCCLP commands
    script = new EmbeddedScript();
    try {
        while (keepOn) {
            logger.info("Sleeping for " + settings.checkFrequencySeconds + " seconds");
            Thread.sleep(settings.checkFrequencySeconds * 1000);
    } catch (EmbeddedScriptException e1) {
        throw new EmbeddedScriptException(99, "Error in running CHCCLP script");
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        logger.info("Stop of program requested");
    } catch (Exception e2) {
        logger.error("Error while collecting status and statistics: " + e2.getMessage());
    } finally {

From source file:gbc.jtimecalc.AbstractTimeDifferenceCalculatorTest.java

public void loadExpectedMessages(String language) {
    try {/*from   w w w  .  jav a 2  s  . c  o  m*/
        PropertiesConfiguration conf = new PropertiesConfiguration(AbstractTimeDifferenceCalculatorTest.class
                .getClassLoader().getResource("resources_" + language + ".properties"));

        messages = new HashMap<String, String>();
        List<String> msgMap = conf.getList("messages");
        for (String line : msgMap) {
            String[] tmp = line.split("=");
            if (tmp.length == 2) {
                messages.put(tmp[0], tmp[1]);

    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {

From source file:cross.datastructures.pipeline.ResultAwareCommandPipeline.java

 * @param workflow// w ww.  j av  a  2s .c om
 * @return
protected PropertiesConfiguration getHashes(IWorkflow workflow) {
    File hashesFile = getHashesFile(workflow);
    if (hashes == null) {
        try {
            hashes = new PropertiesConfiguration(hashesFile);
            hashes.setReloadingStrategy(new FileChangedReloadingStrategy());
            log.debug("Hashes: {}", ConfigurationUtils.toString(hashes));
            return hashes;
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
            log.error("Could not load configuration at " + hashesFile, ex);
            throw new ExitVmException(ex);
    } else {
        return hashes;

From source file:edu.brown.api.BenchmarkConfig.java

public void loadConfigFile(File path) {
    try {/*from www  .  ja v  a 2 s  . c om*/
        this.config = new PropertiesConfiguration(benchmark_conf_path);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load benchmark configuration file " + benchmark_conf_path);

    Class<?> confClass = this.getClass();
    for (Object key : CollectionUtil.iterable(this.config.getKeys())) {
        String f_name = key.toString();
        String f_value = this.config.getString(f_name);

        // Always store whatever the property as a client parameter
        String paramName = (HStoreConstants.BENCHMARK_PARAM_PREFIX + f_name).toUpperCase();
        LOG.debug(String.format("Passing benchmark parameter to clients: %s = %s", paramName, f_value));
        clientParameters.put(paramName, f_value);

        Field f = null;
        try {
            f = confClass.getField(f_name);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // XXX LOG.warn("Invalid configuration property '" + f_name + "'. Ignoring...");
        assert (f != null);

        Class<?> f_class = f.getType();
        Object value = null;

        if (f_class.equals(int.class)) {
            value = this.config.getInt(f_name);
        } else if (f_class.equals(long.class)) {
            value = this.config.getLong(f_name);
        } else if (f_class.equals(double.class)) {
            value = this.config.getDouble(f_name);
        } else if (f_class.equals(boolean.class)) {
            value = this.config.getBoolean(f_name);
        } else if (f_class.equals(String.class)) {
            value = this.config.getString(f_name);
        } else {
            LOG.warn(String.format("Unexpected value type '%s' for property '%s'", f_class.getSimpleName(),

        try {
            f.set(this, value);
            LOG.info(String.format("SET %s = %s", f_name, value));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to set value '" + value + "' for field '" + f_name + "'", ex);
    } // FOR

From source file:fr.inria.atlanmod.neoemf.data.blueprints.neo4j.option.BlueprintsNeo4jResourceSaveTest.java

 * Test the existence of the cache_type properties in the configuration file.
 * <p>/* w  ww .j  a va  2  s.  c o  m*/
 * This test use the option {@link BlueprintsNeo4jResourceOptions#CACHE_TYPE}
 * but does not test it (it is done in {@link #testSaveGraphNeo4jResourceNeo4jTypeOption()})
 * <p>
 * In addition, there is no verification on the OPTIONS_GRAPH_NEO4J_STORE_DIR (it is done in
 * {@link #testSaveGraphNeo4jResourceNeo4jTypeOption()}
public void testSaveGraphNeo4jResourceWeakCacheTypeOption() throws IOException, ConfigurationException {
    Map<String, Object> options = BlueprintsNeo4jOptionsBuilder.newBuilder().weakCache().asMap();


    File configFile = new File(file() + configFileName);

    PropertiesConfiguration configuration = new PropertiesConfiguration(configFile);
    assertConfigurationHasEntry(configuration, BlueprintsNeo4jResourceOptions.CACHE_TYPE,

    assertConfigurationHasSize(configuration, 1);