Java org.apache.commons.configuration SubnodeConfiguration fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.commons.configuration SubnodeConfiguration fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.commons.configuration SubnodeConfiguration.

The text is from its open source code.


voidaddProperty(String key, Object value)
SubnodeConfigurationconfigurationAt(String key)
Returns a hierarchical subnode configuration for the node specified by the given key.
ListconfigurationsAt(String key)
Returns a list of sub configurations for all configuration nodes selected by the given key.
booleancontainsKey(String key)
Checks if the specified key is contained in this configuration.
booleangetBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue)
booleangetBoolean(String key)
doublegetDouble(String key)
intgetInt(String key, int defaultValue)
intgetInt(String key)
IntegergetInteger(String key, Integer defaultValue)
Returns an iterator with all keys defined in this configuration.
IteratorgetKeys(String prefix)
Returns an iterator with all keys defined in this configuration that start with the given prefix.
ListgetList(String key)
longgetLong(String key)
longgetLong(String key, long defaultValue)
intgetMaxIndex(String key)
Returns the maximum defined index for the given key.
Returns the parent configuration of this subnode configuration.
ObjectgetProperty(String key)
Fetches the specified property.
Returns the root node of this hierarchical configuration.
Returns the root node for this configuration.
StringgetString(String key)
StringgetString(String key, String defaultValue)
String[]getStringArray(String key)
Get an array of strings associated with the given configuration key.
Returns the key that was used to construct this configuration.
Checks if this configuration is empty.
voidsetDelimiterParsingDisabled(boolean delimiterParsingDisabled)
Set whether this configuration should use delimiters when parsing property values to convert them to lists of values.
voidsetProperty(String key, Object value)
Sets the value of the specified property.