Java org.apache.commons.csv CSVFormat fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.commons.csv CSVFormat fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.commons.csv CSVFormat.

The text is from its open source code.


Standard comma separated format, as for #RFC4180 but allowing empty lines.
Comma separated format as defined by RFC 4180.
Excel file format (using a comma as the value delimiter).
Tab-delimited format.
Default MySQL format used by the SELECT INTO OUTFILE and LOAD DATA INFILE operations.


Stringformat(final Object... values)
Formats the specified values.
Returns the character marking the start of a line comment.
Returns the character delimiting the values (typically ';', ',' or '\t').
Returns the escape character.
Returns a copy of the header array.
Returns a copy of the header comment array.
Specifies whether empty lines between records are ignored when parsing input.
Specifies whether spaces around values are ignored when parsing input.
Gets the String to convert to and from null .
Returns the character used to encapsulate values containing special characters.
Returns the quote policy output fields.
Returns the record separator delimiting output records.
Returns whether to skip the header record.
CSVFormatnewFormat(final char delimiter)
Creates a new CSV format with the specified delimiter.
CSVParserparse(final Reader in)
Parses the specified content.
CSVPrinterprint(final Appendable out)
Prints to the specified output.
CSVFormatwithAllowMissingColumnNames(final boolean allowMissingColumnNames)
Sets the missing column names behavior of the format.
CSVFormatwithCommentMarker(final char commentMarker)
Sets the comment start marker of the format to the specified character.
CSVFormatwithCommentMarker(final Character commentMarker)
Sets the comment start marker of the format to the specified character.
CSVFormatwithDelimiter(final char delimiter)
Sets the delimiter of the format to the specified character.
CSVFormatwithEscape(final char escape)
Sets the escape character of the format to the specified character.
CSVFormatwithEscape(final Character escape)
Sets the escape character of the format to the specified character.
CSVFormatwithHeader(final String... header)
Sets the header of the format.
CSVFormatwithHeader(final ResultSet resultSet)
Sets the header of the format.
CSVFormatwithHeader(final ResultSetMetaData metaData)
Sets the header of the format.
CSVFormatwithHeaderComments(final Object... headerComments)
Sets the header comments of the format.
CSVFormatwithIgnoreEmptyLines(final boolean ignoreEmptyLines)
Sets the empty line skipping behavior of the format.
CSVFormatwithIgnoreSurroundingSpaces(final boolean ignoreSurroundingSpaces)
Sets the trimming behavior of the format.
CSVFormatwithNullString(final String nullString)
Performs conversions to and from null for strings on input and output.
CSVFormatwithQuote(final char quoteChar)
Sets the quoteChar of the format to the specified character.
CSVFormatwithQuote(final Character quoteChar)
Sets the quoteChar of the format to the specified character.
CSVFormatwithQuoteMode(final QuoteMode quoteModePolicy)
Sets the output quote policy of the format to the specified value.
CSVFormatwithRecordSeparator(final char recordSeparator)
Sets the record separator of the format to the specified character.
CSVFormatwithRecordSeparator(final String recordSeparator)
Sets the record separator of the format to the specified String.
CSVFormatwithSkipHeaderRecord(final boolean skipHeaderRecord)
Sets whether to skip the header record.
Sets skipping the header record to true .