Example usage for org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers AbstractListHandler subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers AbstractListHandler subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers AbstractListHandler subclass-usage.


From source file net.orpiske.ssps.common.db.MultiRsHandler.java

 * Handles the result of a query
 * @author Otavio R. Piske <angusyoung@gmail.com>
 * @param <T> The type of the DTO

From source file net.orpiske.ssps.common.registry.MultiRsHandler.java

 * Handles the result of a query
 * @author Otavio R. Piske <angusyoung@gmail.com>
class MultiRsHandler extends AbstractListHandler<SoftwareInventoryDto> {

From source file io.stallion.dataAccess.db.converters.ModelListHandler.java

public class ModelListHandler<T extends Model> extends AbstractListHandler<T> implements ResultToModel<T> {
    private Class modelClass;
    private Schema schema;

    public ModelListHandler(Schema schema) {
        this.modelClass = schema.getClazz();

From source file net.orpiske.ssps.common.dependencies.cache.MultiRsHandler.java

 * Handles the result of a query
 * @author Otavio R. Piske <angusyoung@gmail.com>
class MultiRsHandler extends AbstractListHandler<DependencyCacheDto> {

From source file de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.db.handler.meta.SchemaRefsHandler.java

 * Handler implementation to obtain all columns from a JDBC ResultSet.
 * <br />
 * A call to
 * {@link java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getSchemas()} 
 * returns a ResultSet containing the names of all schemas.

From source file de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.db.handler.meta.TableRefsHandler.java

 * Handler implementation to obtain all tables from a JDBC ResultSet.
 * <br />
 * A call to
 * {@link java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getTables(String, String, String, String[])}
 * returns a ResultSet containing the names of all tables and their respective 

From source file de.tu_berlin.dima.oligos.db.handler.meta.ColumnRefsHandler.java

 * Handler implementation to obtain all columns from a JDBC ResultSet.
 * <br />
 * A call to
 * {@link java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getColumns(String, String, String, String)} 
 * returns a ResultSet containing the names of all columns and their respective 

From source file net.orpiske.ssps.common.repository.search.cache.MultiRsHandler.java

 * Handles the result of a query
 * @author Otavio R. Piske <angusyoung@gmail.com>
class MultiRsHandler extends AbstractListHandler<PackageInfo> {

From source file org.snaker.engine.access.jdbc.BeanPropertyHandler.java

 * ???(taskId->task_id)
 * ??Spring JDBCrowmapper?
 * dbutilsBeanHandler?BeanListHandler??bean?
 * BeanPropertyHandler??JdbcHelperrequiredSingleResult??
 * @author yuqs