Example usage for org.apache.commons.dbutils QueryRunner query

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.dbutils QueryRunner query


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.dbutils QueryRunner query.


private <T> T query(Connection conn, boolean closeConn, String sql, ResultSetHandler<T> rsh, Object... params)
        throws SQLException 

Source Link


Calls query after checking the parameters to ensure nothing is null.


From source file:com.pinterest.deployservice.db.DBHotfixDAOImpl.java

public List<HotfixBean> getHotfixes(String envName, int pageIndex, int pageSize) throws Exception {
    ResultSetHandler<List<HotfixBean>> h = new BeanListHandler<>(HotfixBean.class);
    QueryRunner run = new QueryRunner(this.dataSource);
    return run.query(GET_HOTFIXES, h, envName, (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize, pageSize);

From source file:com.pinterest.arcee.db.DBImageDAOImpl.java

public List<ImageBean> getImages(String appName, int pageIndex, int pageSize) throws Exception {
    QueryRunner run = new QueryRunner(dataSource);
    ResultSetHandler<List<ImageBean>> h = new BeanListHandler<>(ImageBean.class);
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(appName)) {
        return run.query(GET_AMI_BY_APPNAME, h, appName, (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize, pageSize);
    } else {/*  www .  j  a  va  2 s.co m*/
        return run.query(GET_ALL_AMI, h, (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize, pageSize);

From source file:com.pinterest.deployservice.db.DBBuildDAOImpl.java

public List<String> getBuildNames(String nameFilter, int pageIndex, int pageSize) throws Exception {
    QueryRunner run = new QueryRunner(this.dataSource);
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(nameFilter)) {
        return run.query(GET_BUILD_NAMES, SingleResultSetHandlerFactory.<String>newListObjectHandler(),
                String.format("%%%s%%", nameFilter), (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize, pageSize);
    } else {//from   w  w w .  j a  va2s  . co  m
        return run.query(GET_BUILD_NAMES2, SingleResultSetHandlerFactory.<String>newListObjectHandler(),
                (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize, pageSize);

From source file:com.pinterest.deployservice.db.DBConfigHistoryDAOImpl.java

public List<ConfigHistoryBean> getByConfigId(String configId, int pageIndex, int pageSize) throws Exception {
    QueryRunner run = new QueryRunner(this.dataSource);
    long start = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize;
    ResultSetHandler<List<ConfigHistoryBean>> h = new BeanListHandler<ConfigHistoryBean>(
    return run.query(GET_ALL_BY_CONFIG_ID, h, configId, start, pageSize);

From source file:com.pinterest.arcee.db.DBHealthCheckDAOImpl.java

public List<HealthCheckBean> getHealthChecksByGroup(String groupName, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
        throws Exception {
    QueryRunner run = new QueryRunner(this.dataSource);
    long start = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize;
    ResultSetHandler<List<HealthCheckBean>> h = new BeanListHandler<>(HealthCheckBean.class);
    return run.query(GET_HEALTH_CHECK_BY_GROUP, h, groupName, start, pageSize);

From source file:io.apiman.gateway.engine.jdbc.JdbcRegistry.java

 * Gets an api from the DB./*from  ww w.ja v  a2 s  .  c om*/
 * @param organizationId
 * @param apiId
 * @param apiVersion
 * @throws SQLException
protected Api getApiInternal(String organizationId, String apiId, String apiVersion) throws SQLException {
    QueryRunner run = new QueryRunner(ds);
    return run.query("SELECT bean FROM gw_apis WHERE org_id = ? AND id = ? AND version = ?", //$NON-NLS-1$
            Handlers.API_HANDLER, organizationId, apiId, apiVersion);

From source file:net.gcolin.simplerepo.search.SearchController.java

public void add(final Repository repository, File pomFile, Model model) throws IOException {
    SearchResult result = buildResult(repository.getName(), pomFile, model);
    try {/*from  w w w  . j  a v a 2 s  . c om*/
        Connection connection = null;
        try {
            connection = datasource.getConnection();
            QueryRunner run = new QueryRunner();
            Long artifactIdx = run.query(connection, "select id from artifact where groupId=? and artifactId=?",
                    getLong, result.getGroupId(), result.getArtifactId());
            if (artifactIdx == null) {
                artifactIdx = run.query(connection, "select artifact from artifactindex", getLong);
                run.update(connection, "update artifactindex set artifact=?", artifactIdx + 1);
                run.update(connection, "insert into artifact (id,groupId,artifactId) VALUES (?,?,?)",
                        artifactIdx, result.getGroupId(), result.getArtifactId());
            Long versionId = run.query(connection, "select version from artifactindex", getLong);
            run.update(connection, "update artifactindex set version=?", versionId + 1);
                    "insert into artifactversion(artifact_id,id,version,reponame) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",
                    artifactIdx, versionId, result.getVersion(), result.getRepoName());
            for (ResultType res : result.getTypes()) {
                        "insert into artifacttype(version_id,packaging,classifier) VALUES (?,?,?)", versionId,
                        res.getName(), res.getClassifier());
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } finally {
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        throw new IOException(ex);

From source file:azkaban.project.JdbcProjectLoader.java

public Flow fetchFlow(Project project, String flowId) throws ProjectManagerException {
    QueryRunner runner = createQueryRunner();
    ProjectFlowsResultHandler handler = new ProjectFlowsResultHandler();

    try {/*from   w  ww  . java2s .c  om*/
        List<Flow> flows = runner.query(ProjectFlowsResultHandler.SELECT_PROJECT_FLOW, handler, project.getId(),
                project.getVersion(), flowId);
        if (flows.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return flows.get(0);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new ProjectManagerException("Error fetching flow " + flowId, e);

From source file:azkaban.executor.JdbcExecutorLoader.java

public ExecutableJobInfo fetchJobInfo(int execId, String jobId, int attempts) throws ExecutorManagerException {
    QueryRunner runner = createQueryRunner();

    try {//from   w  ww  .j  a  v a2  s .c om
        List<ExecutableJobInfo> info = runner.query(FetchExecutableJobHandler.FETCH_EXECUTABLE_NODE,
                new FetchExecutableJobHandler(), execId, jobId, attempts);
        if (info == null || info.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        return info.get(0);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error querying job info " + jobId, e);

From source file:azkaban.project.JdbcProjectLoader.java

public Props fetchProjectProperty(Project project, String propsName) throws ProjectManagerException {
    QueryRunner runner = createQueryRunner();

    ProjectPropertiesResultsHandler handler = new ProjectPropertiesResultsHandler();
    try {//from  w w  w. j av  a  2 s . c  o  m
        List<Pair<String, Props>> properties = runner.query(
                ProjectPropertiesResultsHandler.SELECT_PROJECT_PROPERTY, handler, project.getId(),
                project.getVersion(), propsName);

        if (properties == null || properties.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        return properties.get(0).getSecond();
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new ProjectManagerException("Error fetching property " + propsName, e);