Example usage for org.apache.commons.fileupload FileItem getSize

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.fileupload FileItem getSize


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.fileupload FileItem getSize.


long getSize();

Source Link


Returns the size of the file item.


From source file:edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.FedoraDatastreamController.java

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest rawRequest, HttpServletResponse res)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    try {//  w  ww  . j  av a2 s.c  o m
        VitroRequest req = new VitroRequest(rawRequest);
        if (req.hasFileSizeException()) {
            throw new FdcException("Size limit exceeded: " + req.getFileSizeException().getLocalizedMessage());
        if (!req.isMultipart()) {
            throw new FdcException("Must POST a multipart encoded request");

        //check if fedora is on line
        OntModel sessionOntModel = ModelAccess.on(getServletContext()).getOntModel();
        synchronized (FedoraDatastreamController.class) {
            if (fedoraUrl == null) {
                setup(sessionOntModel, getServletContext());
                if (fedoraUrl == null)
                    throw new FdcException("Connection to the file repository is "
                            + "not setup correctly.  Could not read fedora.properties file");
            } else {
                if (!canConnectToFedoraServer()) {
                    fedoraUrl = null;
                    throw new FdcException("Could not connect to Fedora.");
        FedoraClient fedora;
        try {
            fedora = new FedoraClient(fedoraUrl, adminUser, adminPassword);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new FdcException("Malformed URL for fedora Repository location: " + fedoraUrl);
        FedoraAPIM apim;
        try {
            apim = fedora.getAPIM();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new FdcException("could not create fedora APIM:" + e.getMessage());

        //get the parameters from the request
        String pId = req.getParameter("pid");
        String dsId = req.getParameter("dsid");
        String fileUri = req.getParameter("fileUri");

        boolean useNewName = false;
        if ("true".equals(req.getParameter("useNewName"))) {
            useNewName = true;
        if (pId == null || pId.length() == 0)
            throw new FdcException("Your form submission did not contain "
                    + "enough information to complete your request.(Missing pid parameter)");
        if (dsId == null || dsId.length() == 0)
            throw new FdcException("Your form submission did not contain "
                    + "enough information to complete your request.(Missing dsid parameter)");
        if (fileUri == null || fileUri.length() == 0)
            throw new FdcException("Your form submission did not contain "
                    + "enough information to complete your request.(Missing fileUri parameter)");

        FileItem fileRes = req.getFileItem("fileRes");
        if (fileRes == null)
            throw new FdcException("Your form submission did not contain "
                    + "enough information to complete your request.(Missing fileRes)");

        //check if file individual has a fedora:PID for a data stream
        VitroRequest vreq = new VitroRequest(rawRequest);
        IndividualDao iwDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getIndividualDao();
        Individual fileEntity = iwDao.getIndividualByURI(fileUri);

        //check if logged in
        //TODO: check if logged in

        //check if user is allowed to edit datastream
        //TODO:check if can edit datastream

        //check if digital object and data stream exist in fedora
        Datastream ds = apim.getDatastream(pId, dsId, null);
        if (ds == null)
            throw new FdcException(
                    "There was no datastream in the " + "repository for " + pId + " " + DEFAULT_DSID);

        //upload to temp holding area
        String originalName = fileRes.getName();
        String name = originalName.replaceAll("[,+\\\\/$%^&*#@!<>'\"~;]", "_");
        name = name.replace("..", "_");
        name = name.trim().toLowerCase();

        String saveLocation = baseDirectoryForFiles + File.separator + name;
        String savedName = name;
        int next = 0;
        boolean foundUnusedName = false;
        while (!foundUnusedName) {
            File test = new File(saveLocation);
            if (test.exists()) {
                savedName = name + '(' + next + ')';
                saveLocation = baseDirectoryForFiles + File.separator + savedName;
            } else {
                foundUnusedName = true;

        File uploadedFile = new File(saveLocation);

        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            log.error("Unable to save POSTed file. " + ex.getMessage());
            throw new FdcException("Unable to save file to the disk. " + ex.getMessage());

        //upload to temp area on fedora
        File file = new File(saveLocation);
        String uploadFileUri = fedora.uploadFile(file);
        // System.out.println("Fedora upload temp = upload file uri is " + uploadFileUri);
        String md5 = md5hashForFile(file);
        md5 = md5.toLowerCase();

        //make change to data stream on fedora
        apim.modifyDatastreamByReference(pId, dsId, null, null, fileRes.getContentType(), null, uploadFileUri,
                "MD5", null, null, false);

        String checksum = apim.compareDatastreamChecksum(pId, dsId, null);

        //update properties like checksum, file size, and content type

        WebappDaoFactory wdf = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory();
        DataPropertyStatement dps = null;
        DataProperty contentType = wdf.getDataPropertyDao().getDataPropertyByURI(this.contentTypeProperty);
        if (contentType != null) {
                    .deleteDataPropertyStatementsForIndividualByDataProperty(fileEntity, contentType);
            dps = new DataPropertyStatementImpl();

        DataProperty fileSize = wdf.getDataPropertyDao().getDataPropertyByURI(this.fileSizeProperty);
        if (fileSize != null) {
                    .deleteDataPropertyStatementsForIndividualByDataProperty(fileEntity, fileSize);
            dps = new DataPropertyStatementImpl();
            //System.out.println("Updated file size with " + fileRes.getSize());

        DataProperty checksumDp = wdf.getDataPropertyDao().getDataPropertyByURI(this.checksumDataProperty);
        if (checksumDp != null) {
            //System.out.println("Checksum data property is also not null");
                    .deleteDataPropertyStatementsForIndividualByDataProperty(fileEntity, checksumDp);
            dps = new DataPropertyStatementImpl();

        //I'm leaving if statement out for now as the above properties are obviously being replaced as well
        //if( "true".equals(useNewName)){
        //Do we need to encapuslate in this if OR is this path always for replacing a file
        //TODO: Put in check to see if file name has changed and only execute these statements if file name has changed
        DataProperty fileNameProperty = wdf.getDataPropertyDao().getDataPropertyByURI(this.fileNameProperty);
        if (fileNameProperty != null) {
                    .deleteDataPropertyStatementsForIndividualByDataProperty(fileEntity, fileNameProperty);
            dps = new DataPropertyStatementImpl();
            dps.setData(originalName); //This follows the pattern of the original file upload - the name returned from the uploaded file object
            //System.out.println("File name property is not null = " + fileNameProperty.getURI() + " updating to " + originalName);
        } else {
            //System.out.println("file name property is null");

        //Need to also update the check sum node - how would we do that
        //Find checksum node related to this particular file uri, then go ahead and update two specific fields

        List<ObjectPropertyStatement> csNodeStatements = fileEntity.getObjectPropertyMap()
        if (csNodeStatements.size() == 0) {
            System.out.println("No object property statements correspond to this property");
        } else {
            ObjectPropertyStatement cnodeStatement = csNodeStatements.get(0);
            String cnodeUri = cnodeStatement.getObjectURI();
            //System.out.println("Checksum node uri is " + cnodeUri);

            Individual checksumNodeObject = iwDao.getIndividualByURI(cnodeUri);

            DataProperty checksumDateTime = wdf.getDataPropertyDao()
            if (checksumDateTime != null) {
                String newDatetime = sessionOntModel.createTypedLiteral(new DateTime()).getString();
                //Review how to update date time
                        checksumNodeObject, checksumDateTime);
                dps = new DataPropertyStatementImpl();

            DataProperty checksumNodeValue = wdf.getDataPropertyDao()
            if (checksumNodeValue != null) {
                        checksumNodeObject, checksumNodeValue);
                dps = new DataPropertyStatementImpl();
                dps.setData(checksum); //Same as fileName above - change if needed


        //Assumes original entity name is equal to the location - as occurs with regular file upload
        String originalEntityName = fileEntity.getName();
        if (originalEntityName != originalName) {
            //System.out.println("Setting file entity to name of uploaded file");
        } else {
            //System.out.println("Conditional for file entity name and uploaded name is saying same");

        req.setAttribute("fileUri", fileUri);
        req.setAttribute("originalFileName", fileEntity.getName());
        req.setAttribute("checksum", checksum);
        if ("true".equals(useNewName)) {
            req.setAttribute("useNewName", "true");
            req.setAttribute("newFileName", originalName);
        } else {
            req.setAttribute("newFileName", fileEntity.getName());

        //forward to form     
        req.setAttribute("bodyJsp", "/fileupload/datastreamModificationSuccess.jsp");
        RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher(Controllers.BASIC_JSP);
        rd.forward(req, res);
    } catch (FdcException ex) {
        rawRequest.setAttribute("errors", ex.getMessage());
        RequestDispatcher rd = rawRequest.getRequestDispatcher("/edit/fileUploadError.jsp");
        rd.forward(rawRequest, res);

From source file:it.infn.ct.wrf.Wrf.java

public String[] uploadSettings(ActionRequest actionRequest, ActionResponse actionResponse, String username) {
    String[] _Parameters = new String[7];
    boolean status;

    // Check that we have a file upload request
    boolean isMultipart = PortletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(actionRequest);

    if (isMultipart) {
        // Create a factory for disk-based file items.
        DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();

        // Set factory constrains
        File _Repository = new File("/tmp");
        if (!_Repository.exists())
            status = _Repository.mkdirs();

        // Create a new file upload handler.
        PortletFileUpload upload = new PortletFileUpload(factory);

        try {//from   www .j  av a2 s  .  com
            // Parse the request
            List items = upload.parseRequest(actionRequest);

            // Processing items
            Iterator iter = items.iterator();

            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                FileItem item = (FileItem) iter.next();

                String fieldName = item.getFieldName();

                DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                String timeStamp = dateFormat.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());

                // Processing a regular form field
                if (item.isFormField()) {
                    if (fieldName.equals("wrf_textarea_OCTAVE")) {
                        _Parameters[0] = _Repository + "/" + timeStamp + "_" + username + ".m";

                        // Store the textarea in a ASCII file
                        storeString(_Parameters[0], item.getString());

                    if (fieldName.equals("wrf_textarea_R")) {
                        _Parameters[0] = _Repository + "/" + timeStamp + "_" + username + ".r";

                        // Store the textarea in a ASCII file
                        storeString(_Parameters[0], item.getString());

                    if (fieldName.equals("wrftype"))
                        _Parameters[1] = item.getString();

                    if (fieldName.equals("wrf_CR"))
                        _Parameters[2] = item.getString();

                    if (fieldName.equals("wrfvmtemplate"))
                        _Parameters[5] = item.getString();

                    if (fieldName.equals("wrf_vmname"))
                        _Parameters[6] = item.getString();

                } else {
                    // Processing a file upload
                    if (fieldName.equals("wrf_file_OCTAVE") || fieldName.equals("wrf_file_R")) {
                        log.info("\n- Uploading the following user's file: " + "\n[ " + item.getName() + " ]"
                                + "\n[ " + item.getContentType() + " ]" + "\n[ " + item.getSize() + "KBytes ]");

                        // Writing the file to disk
                        String uploadFile = _Repository + "/" + timeStamp + "_" + username + "_"
                                + item.getName();

                        log.info("\n- Writing the user's file: [ " + uploadFile.toString() + " ] to disk");

                        item.write(new File(uploadFile));

                        _Parameters[0] = uploadFile;

                if (fieldName.equals("EnableNotification"))
                    _Parameters[3] = item.getString();

                if (fieldName.equals("wrf_desc"))
                    if (item.getString().equals("Please, insert here a description for your run"))
                        _Parameters[4] = "Cloud Simulation Started";
                        _Parameters[4] = item.getString();

            } // end while
        } catch (FileUploadException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Wrf.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    return _Parameters;

From source file:com.stratelia.webactiv.kmelia.servlets.KmeliaRequestRouter.java

 * This method has to be implemented by the component request rooter it has to compute a
 * destination page//from w w  w.  j  av  a 2 s .c  o  m
 * @param function The entering request function ( : "Main.jsp")
 * @param kmelia The component Session Control, build and initialised.
 * @param request The entering request. The request rooter need it to get parameters
 * @return The complete destination URL for a forward (ex :
 * "/almanach/jsp/almanach.jsp?flag=user")
public String getDestination(String function, KmeliaSessionController kmelia, HttpRequest request) {
    SilverTrace.info("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
            "function = " + function);
    String destination = "";
    String rootDestination = "/kmelia/jsp/";
    boolean profileError = false;
    boolean kmaxMode = false;
    boolean toolboxMode;
    try {
        SilverTrace.info("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                "getComponentRootName() = " + kmelia.getComponentRootName());
        if ("kmax".equals(kmelia.getComponentRootName())) {
            kmaxMode = true;
            kmelia.isKmaxMode = true;
        request.setAttribute("KmaxMode", kmaxMode);

        toolboxMode = KmeliaHelper.isToolbox(kmelia.getComponentId());

        // Set language choosen by the user
        setLanguage(request, kmelia);

        if (function.startsWith("Main")) {
            if (kmaxMode) {
                destination = getDestination("KmaxMain", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                destination = getDestination("GoToTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.startsWith("validateClassification")) {
            String[] publicationIds = request.getParameterValues("pubid");
            Collection<KmeliaPublication> publications = kmelia
                    .getPublications(asPks(kmelia.getComponentId(), publicationIds));
            request.setAttribute("Context", URLManager.getApplicationURL());
            request.setAttribute("PublicationsDetails", publications);
            destination = rootDestination + "validateImportedFilesClassification.jsp";
        } else if (function.startsWith("portlet")) {
            String flag = kmelia.getUserRoleLevel();
            if (kmaxMode) {
                destination = rootDestination + "kmax_portlet.jsp?Profile=" + flag;
            } else {
                destination = rootDestination + "portlet.jsp?Profile=user";
        } else if (function.equals("FlushTrashCan")) {
            if (kmaxMode) {
                destination = getDestination("KmaxMain", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                destination = getDestination("GoToCurrentTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("GoToDirectory")) {
            String topicId = request.getParameter("Id");

            String path;
            if (StringUtil.isDefined(topicId)) {
                NodeDetail topic = kmelia.getNodeHeader(topicId);
                path = topic.getPath();
            } else {
                path = request.getParameter("Path");

            FileFolder folder = new FileFolder(path);
            request.setAttribute("Directory", folder);
            request.setAttribute("LinkedPathString", kmelia.getSessionPath());

            destination = rootDestination + "repository.jsp";
        } else if ("GoToTopic".equals(function)) {
            String topicId = (String) request.getAttribute("Id");
            if (!StringUtil.isDefined(topicId)) {
                topicId = request.getParameter("Id");
                if (!StringUtil.isDefined(topicId)) {
                    topicId = NodePK.ROOT_NODE_ID;
            kmelia.setCurrentFolderId(topicId, true);
            request.setAttribute("CurrentFolderId", topicId);
            request.setAttribute("DisplayNBPublis", kmelia.displayNbPublis());
            request.setAttribute("DisplaySearch", kmelia.isSearchOnTopicsEnabled());

            // rechercher si le theme a un descripteur
            request.setAttribute("HaveDescriptor", kmelia.isTopicHaveUpdateChainDescriptor());

            request.setAttribute("Profile", kmelia.getUserTopicProfile(topicId));
            request.setAttribute("IsGuest", kmelia.getUserDetail().isAccessGuest());
            request.setAttribute("RightsOnTopicsEnabled", kmelia.isRightsOnTopicsEnabled());
            request.setAttribute("WysiwygDescription", kmelia.getWysiwygOnTopic());
            request.setAttribute("PageIndex", kmelia.getIndexOfFirstPubToDisplay());

            if (kmelia.isTreeviewUsed()) {
                destination = rootDestination + "treeview.jsp";
            } else if (kmelia.isTreeStructure()) {
                destination = rootDestination + "oneLevel.jsp";
            } else {
                destination = rootDestination + "simpleListOfPublications.jsp";
        } else if ("GoToCurrentTopic".equals(function)) {
            if (!NodePK.ROOT_NODE_ID.equals(kmelia.getCurrentFolderId())) {
                request.setAttribute("Id", kmelia.getCurrentFolderId());
                destination = getDestination("GoToTopic", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                destination = getDestination("Main", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("GoToBasket")) {
            destination = rootDestination + "basket.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("ViewPublicationsToValidate")) {
            destination = rootDestination + "publicationsToValidate.jsp";
        } else if ("GoBackToResults".equals(function)) {
            request.setAttribute("SearchContext", kmelia.getSearchContext());
            destination = getDestination("GoToCurrentTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.startsWith("searchResult")) {
            String id = request.getParameter("Id");
            String type = request.getParameter("Type");
            String fileAlreadyOpened = request.getParameter("FileOpened");
            String from = request.getParameter("From");
            if ("Search".equals(from)) {
                // identify clearly access from global search
                // because same URL is used from portlet, permalink...
                request.setAttribute("SearchScope", SearchContext.GLOBAL);

            if (type != null && ("Publication".equals(type)
                    || "com.stratelia.webactiv.calendar.backbone.TodoDetail".equals(type)
                    || "Attachment".equals(type) || "Document".equals(type) || type.startsWith("Comment"))) {
                KmeliaSecurity security = new KmeliaSecurity(kmelia.getOrganisationController());
                try {
                    boolean accessAuthorized = security.isAccessAuthorized(kmelia.getComponentId(),
                            kmelia.getUserId(), id, "Publication");
                    if (accessAuthorized) {
                        processPath(kmelia, id);
                        if ("Attachment".equals(type)) {
                            String attachmentId = request.getParameter("AttachmentId");
                            request.setAttribute("AttachmentId", attachmentId);
                            destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
                        } else if ("Document".equals(type)) {
                            String documentId = request.getParameter("DocumentId");
                            request.setAttribute("DocumentId", documentId);
                            destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
                        } else {
                            if (kmaxMode) {
                                request.setAttribute("FileAlreadyOpened", fileAlreadyOpened);
                                destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
                            } else if (toolboxMode) {
                                // we have to find which page contains the right publication
                                List<KmeliaPublication> publications = kmelia.getSessionPublicationsList();
                                int pubIndex = -1;
                                for (int p = 0; p < publications.size() && pubIndex == -1; p++) {
                                    KmeliaPublication publication = publications.get(p);
                                    if (id.equals(publication.getDetail().getPK().getId())) {
                                        pubIndex = p;
                                int nbPubliPerPage = kmelia.getNbPublicationsPerPage();
                                if (nbPubliPerPage == 0) {
                                    nbPubliPerPage = pubIndex;
                                int ipage = pubIndex / nbPubliPerPage;
                                kmelia.setIndexOfFirstPubToDisplay(Integer.toString(ipage * nbPubliPerPage));
                                request.setAttribute("PubIdToHighlight", id);
                                request.setAttribute("Id", kmelia.getCurrentFolderId());
                                destination = getDestination("GoToTopic", kmelia, request);
                            } else {
                                request.setAttribute("FileAlreadyOpened", fileAlreadyOpened);
                                destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
                    } else {
                        destination = "/admin/jsp/accessForbidden.jsp";
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    SilverTrace.error("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.getDestination()",
                            "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "Document Not Found = " + e.getMessage(), e);
                    destination = getDocumentNotFoundDestination(kmelia, request);
            } else if ("Node".equals(type)) {
                if (kmaxMode) {
                    // Simuler l'action d'un utilisateur ayant slectionn la valeur id d'un axe
                    // SearchCombination est un chemin /0/4/i
                    NodeDetail node = kmelia.getNodeHeader(id);
                    String path = node.getPath() + id;
                    request.setAttribute("SearchCombination", path);
                    destination = getDestination("KmaxSearch", kmelia, request);
                } else {
                    try {
                        request.setAttribute("Id", id);
                        destination = getDestination("GoToTopic", kmelia, request);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        SilverTrace.error("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.getDestination()",
                                "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "Document Not Found = " + e.getMessage(), e);
                        destination = getDocumentNotFoundDestination(kmelia, request);
            } else if ("Wysiwyg".equals(type)) {
                if (id.startsWith("Node")) {
                    id = id.substring("Node_".length(), id.length());
                    request.setAttribute("Id", id);
                    destination = getDestination("GoToTopic", kmelia, request);
                } else {
                    destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                request.setAttribute("Id", NodePK.ROOT_NODE_ID);
                destination = getDestination("GoToTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.startsWith("GoToFilesTab")) {
            String id = request.getParameter("Id");
            try {
                processPath(kmelia, id);
                if (toolboxMode) {
                    KmeliaPublication kmeliaPublication = kmelia.getPublication(id);
                    destination = getDestination("ViewAttachments", kmelia, request);
                } else {
                    destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.error("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                        "Document Not Found = " + e.getMessage(), e);
                destination = getDocumentNotFoundDestination(kmelia, request);
        } else if ("ToUpdatePublicationHeader".equals(function)) {
            request.setAttribute("Action", "UpdateView");
            destination = getDestination("publicationManager.jsp", kmelia, request);
        } else if ("publicationManager.jsp".equals(function)) {
            String action = (String) request.getAttribute("Action");
            if ("UpdateView".equals(action)) {
                request.setAttribute("TaxonomyOK", kmelia.isPublicationTaxonomyOK());
                request.setAttribute("ValidatorsOK", kmelia.isPublicationValidatorsOK());
                request.setAttribute("Publication", kmelia.getSessionPubliOrClone());
            } else if ("New".equals(action)) {
                request.setAttribute("TaxonomyOK", true);
                request.setAttribute("ValidatorsOK", true);

            request.setAttribute("Wizard", kmelia.getWizard());
            request.setAttribute("Path", kmelia.getTopicPath(kmelia.getCurrentFolderId()));
            request.setAttribute("Profile", kmelia.getProfile());

            destination = rootDestination + "publicationManager.jsp";
            // thumbnail error for front explication
            if (request.getParameter("errorThumbnail") != null) {
                destination = destination + "&resultThumbnail=" + request.getParameter("errorThumbnail");
        } else if (function.equals("ToAddTopic")) {
            String topicId = request.getParameter("Id");
            if (!SilverpeasRole.admin.isInRole(kmelia.getUserTopicProfile(topicId))) {
                destination = "/admin/jsp/accessForbidden.jsp";
            } else {
                String isLink = request.getParameter("IsLink");
                if (StringUtil.isDefined(isLink)) {
                    request.setAttribute("IsLink", Boolean.TRUE);

                List<NodeDetail> path = kmelia.getTopicPath(topicId);
                request.setAttribute("Path", kmelia.displayPath(path, false, 3));
                request.setAttribute("PathLinked", kmelia.displayPath(path, true, 3));
                request.setAttribute("Translation", kmelia.getCurrentLanguage());
                request.setAttribute("NotificationAllowed", kmelia.isNotificationAllowed());
                request.setAttribute("Parent", kmelia.getNodeHeader(topicId));

                if (kmelia.isRightsOnTopicsEnabled()) {
                    request.setAttribute("Profiles", kmelia.getTopicProfiles());

                    // Rights of the component
                    request.setAttribute("RightsDependsOn", "ThisComponent");

                destination = rootDestination + "addTopic.jsp";
        } else if ("ToUpdateTopic".equals(function)) {
            String id = request.getParameter("Id");
            NodeDetail node = kmelia.getSubTopicDetail(id);
            if (!SilverpeasRole.admin.isInRole(kmelia.getUserTopicProfile(id))
                    && !SilverpeasRole.admin.isInRole(kmelia.getUserTopicProfile(node.getFatherPK().getId()))) {
                destination = "/admin/jsp/accessForbidden.jsp";
            } else {
                request.setAttribute("NodeDetail", node);

                List<NodeDetail> path = kmelia.getTopicPath(id);
                request.setAttribute("Path", kmelia.displayPath(path, false, 3));
                request.setAttribute("PathLinked", kmelia.displayPath(path, true, 3));
                request.setAttribute("Translation", kmelia.getCurrentLanguage());
                request.setAttribute("NotificationAllowed", kmelia.isNotificationAllowed());

                if (kmelia.isRightsOnTopicsEnabled()) {
                    request.setAttribute("Profiles", kmelia.getTopicProfiles(id));

                    if (node.haveInheritedRights()) {
                        request.setAttribute("RightsDependsOn", "AnotherTopic");
                    } else if (node.haveLocalRights()) {
                        request.setAttribute("RightsDependsOn", "ThisTopic");
                    } else {
                        // Rights of the component
                        request.setAttribute("RightsDependsOn", "ThisComponent");

                destination = rootDestination + "updateTopicNew.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("AddTopic")) {
            String name = request.getParameter("Name");
            String description = request.getParameter("Description");
            String alertType = request.getParameter("AlertType");
            if (!StringUtil.isDefined(alertType)) {
                alertType = "None";
            String rightsUsed = request.getParameter("RightsUsed");
            String path = request.getParameter("Path");
            String parentId = request.getParameter("ParentId");

            NodeDetail topic = new NodeDetail("-1", name, description, null, null, null, "0", "X");
            I18NHelper.setI18NInfo(topic, request);

            if (StringUtil.isDefined(path)) {

            int rightsDependsOn = -1;
            if (StringUtil.isDefined(rightsUsed)) {
                if ("father".equalsIgnoreCase(rightsUsed)) {
                    NodeDetail father = kmelia.getCurrentFolder();
                    rightsDependsOn = father.getRightsDependsOn();
                } else {
                    rightsDependsOn = 0;
            NodePK nodePK = kmelia.addSubTopic(topic, alertType, parentId);
            if (kmelia.isRightsOnTopicsEnabled()) {
                if (rightsDependsOn == 0) {
                    request.setAttribute("NodeId", nodePK.getId());
                    destination = getDestination("ViewTopicProfiles", kmelia, request);
                } else {
                    destination = getDestination("GoToCurrentTopic", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                destination = getDestination("GoToCurrentTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if ("UpdateTopic".equals(function)) {
            String name = request.getParameter("Name");
            String description = request.getParameter("Description");
            String alertType = request.getParameter("AlertType");
            if (!StringUtil.isDefined(alertType)) {
                alertType = "None";
            String id = request.getParameter("ChildId");
            String path = request.getParameter("Path");
            NodeDetail topic = new NodeDetail(id, name, description, null, null, null, "0", "X");
            I18NHelper.setI18NInfo(topic, request);
            if (StringUtil.isDefined(path)) {
            boolean goToProfilesDefinition = false;
            if (kmelia.isRightsOnTopicsEnabled()) {
                int rightsUsed = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("RightsUsed"));

                // process destination
                NodeDetail oldTopic = kmelia.getNodeHeader(id);
                if (oldTopic.getRightsDependsOn() != rightsUsed) {
                    // rights dependency have changed
                    if (rightsUsed != -1) {
                        // folder uses its own rights
                        goToProfilesDefinition = true;
            kmelia.updateTopicHeader(topic, alertType);

            if (goToProfilesDefinition) {
                request.setAttribute("NodeId", id);
                destination = getDestination("ViewTopicProfiles", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                destination = getDestination("GoToCurrentTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("DeleteTopic")) {
            String id = request.getParameter("Id");
            destination = getDestination("GoToCurrentTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ViewClone")) {
            PublicationDetail pubDetail = kmelia.getSessionPublication().getDetail();

            // Reload clone and put it into session
            String cloneId = pubDetail.getCloneId();
            KmeliaPublication kmeliaPublication = kmelia.getPublication(cloneId);

            request.setAttribute("Publication", kmeliaPublication);
            request.setAttribute("Profile", kmelia.getProfile());
            request.setAttribute("VisiblePublicationId", pubDetail.getPK().getId());
            request.setAttribute("UserCanValidate", kmelia.isUserCanValidatePublication());
            request.setAttribute("TaxonomyOK", kmelia.isPublicationTaxonomyOK());
            request.setAttribute("ValidatorsOK", kmelia.isPublicationValidatorsOK());

            putXMLDisplayerIntoRequest(kmeliaPublication.getDetail(), kmelia, request);

            // Attachments area must be displayed or not ?
            request.setAttribute("AttachmentsEnabled", kmelia.isAttachmentsEnabled());

            destination = rootDestination + "clone.jsp";
        } else if ("ViewPublication".equals(function)) {
            String id = request.getParameter("PubId");
            if (!StringUtil.isDefined(id)) {
                id = request.getParameter("Id");
                if (!StringUtil.isDefined(id)) {
                    id = (String) request.getAttribute("PubId");

            if (!kmaxMode) {
                boolean checkPath = StringUtil.getBooleanValue(request.getParameter("CheckPath"));
                if (checkPath || KmeliaHelper.isToValidateFolder(kmelia.getCurrentFolderId())) {
                    processPath(kmelia, id);
                } else {
                    processPath(kmelia, null);

            // view publication from global search ?
            Integer searchScope = (Integer) request.getAttribute("SearchScope");
            if (searchScope == null) {
                if (kmelia.getSearchContext() != null) {
                    request.setAttribute("SearchScope", SearchContext.LOCAL);
                } else {
                    request.setAttribute("SearchScope", SearchContext.NONE);

            KmeliaPublication kmeliaPublication;
            if (StringUtil.isDefined(id)) {
                kmeliaPublication = kmelia.getPublication(id, true);

                PublicationDetail pubDetail = kmeliaPublication.getDetail();
                if (pubDetail.haveGotClone()) {
                    KmeliaPublication clone = kmelia.getPublication(pubDetail.getCloneId());
            } else {
                kmeliaPublication = kmelia.getSessionPublication();
                id = kmeliaPublication.getDetail().getPK().getId();
            if (toolboxMode) {
                destination = getDestination("ToUpdatePublicationHeader", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                List<String> publicationLanguages = kmelia.getPublicationLanguages(); // languages of
                // publication
                // header and attachments
                if (publicationLanguages.contains(kmelia.getCurrentLanguage())) {
                    request.setAttribute("ContentLanguage", kmelia.getCurrentLanguage());
                } else {
                            checkLanguage(kmelia, kmeliaPublication.getDetail()));
                request.setAttribute("Languages", publicationLanguages);

                // see also management
                Collection<ForeignPK> links = kmeliaPublication.getCompleteDetail().getLinkList();
                HashSet<String> linkedList = new HashSet<String>(links.size());
                for (ForeignPK link : links) {
                    linkedList.add(link.getId() + "-" + link.getInstanceId());
                // put into session the current list of selected publications (see also)
                request.getSession().setAttribute(KmeliaConstants.PUB_TO_LINK_SESSION_KEY, linkedList);

                request.setAttribute("Publication", kmeliaPublication);
                request.setAttribute("PubId", id);
                        kmelia.isUserCanValidatePublication() && kmelia.getSessionClone() == null);
                request.setAttribute("ValidationStep", kmelia.getValidationStep());
                request.setAttribute("ValidationType", kmelia.getValidationType());

                // check if user is writer with approval right (versioning case)
                request.setAttribute("WriterApproval", kmelia.isWriterApproval(id));
                request.setAttribute("NotificationAllowed", kmelia.isNotificationAllowed());

                // check is requested publication is an alias
                checkAlias(kmelia, kmeliaPublication);

                if (kmeliaPublication.isAlias()) {
                    request.setAttribute("Profile", "user");
                    request.setAttribute("TaxonomyOK", false);
                    request.setAttribute("ValidatorsOK", false);
                    request.setAttribute("IsAlias", "1");
                } else {
                    request.setAttribute("Profile", kmelia.getProfile());
                    request.setAttribute("TaxonomyOK", kmelia.isPublicationTaxonomyOK());
                    request.setAttribute("ValidatorsOK", kmelia.isPublicationValidatorsOK());

                request.setAttribute("Wizard", kmelia.getWizard());

                request.setAttribute("Rang", kmelia.getRang());
                if (kmelia.getSessionPublicationsList() != null) {
                    request.setAttribute("NbPublis", kmelia.getSessionPublicationsList().size());
                } else {
                    request.setAttribute("NbPublis", 1);
                putXMLDisplayerIntoRequest(kmeliaPublication.getDetail(), kmelia, request);
                String fileAlreadyOpened = (String) request.getAttribute("FileAlreadyOpened");
                boolean alreadyOpened = "1".equals(fileAlreadyOpened);
                String attachmentId = (String) request.getAttribute("AttachmentId");
                String documentId = (String) request.getAttribute("DocumentId");
                if (!alreadyOpened && kmelia.openSingleAttachmentAutomatically()
                        && !kmelia.isCurrentPublicationHaveContent()) {
                } else if (!alreadyOpened && attachmentId != null) {
                    request.setAttribute("SingleAttachmentURL", kmelia.getAttachmentURL(attachmentId));
                } else if (!alreadyOpened && documentId != null) {
                    request.setAttribute("SingleAttachmentURL", kmelia.getAttachmentURL(documentId));

                // Attachments area must be displayed or not ?
                request.setAttribute("AttachmentsEnabled", kmelia.isAttachmentsEnabled());

                // option Actualits dcentralises
                request.setAttribute("NewsManage", kmelia.isNewsManage());
                if (kmelia.isNewsManage()) {
                    request.setAttribute("DelegatedNews", kmelia.getDelegatedNews(id));
                    request.setAttribute("IsBasket", NodePK.BIN_NODE_ID.equals(kmelia.getCurrentFolderId()));

                request.setAttribute("LastAccess", kmelia.getLastAccess(kmeliaPublication.getPk()));
                request.setAttribute("PublicationRatingsAllowed", kmelia.isPublicationRatingAllowed());

                destination = rootDestination + "publication.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("PreviousPublication")) {
            // rcupration de la publication prcdente
            String pubId = kmelia.getPrevious();
            request.setAttribute("PubId", pubId);
            destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("NextPublication")) {
            // rcupration de la publication suivante
            String pubId = kmelia.getNext();
            request.setAttribute("PubId", pubId);
            destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.startsWith("copy")) {
            String objectType = request.getParameter("Object");
            String objectId = request.getParameter("Id");
            if (StringUtil.isDefined(objectType) && "Node".equalsIgnoreCase(objectType)) {
            } else {

            destination = URLManager.getURL(URLManager.CMP_CLIPBOARD, null, null)
                    + "Idle.jsp?message=REFRESHCLIPBOARD";
        } else if (function.startsWith("cut")) {
            String objectType = request.getParameter("Object");
            String objectId = request.getParameter("Id");
            if (StringUtil.isDefined(objectType) && "Node".equalsIgnoreCase(objectType)) {
            } else {

            destination = URLManager.getURL(URLManager.CMP_CLIPBOARD, null, null)
                    + "Idle.jsp?message=REFRESHCLIPBOARD";
        } else if (function.startsWith("paste")) {
            destination = URLManager.getURL(URLManager.CMP_CLIPBOARD, null, null) + "Idle.jsp";
        } else if (function.startsWith("ToAlertUserAttachment")) { // utilisation de alertUser et
            // alertUserPeas
            SilverTrace.debug("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRooter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                    "ToAlertUserAttachment: function = " + function + " spaceId=" + kmelia.getSpaceId()
                            + " componentId=" + kmelia.getComponentId());
            try {
                String attachmentId = request.getParameter("AttachmentOrDocumentId");
                destination = kmelia.initAlertUserAttachment(attachmentId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRooter.getDestination()", "root.EX_USERPANEL_FAILED",
                        "function = " + function, e);
            SilverTrace.debug("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRooter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                    "ToAlertUserAttachment: function = " + function + "=> destination=" + destination);
        } else if (function.startsWith("ToAlertUserDocument")) { // utilisation de alertUser et
            // alertUserPeas
            SilverTrace.debug("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRooter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                    "ToAlertUserDocument: function = " + function + " spaceId=" + kmelia.getSpaceId()
                            + " componentId=" + kmelia.getComponentId());
            try {
                String documentId = request.getParameter("AttachmentOrDocumentId");
                destination = kmelia.initAlertUserAttachment(documentId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRooter.getDestination()", "root.EX_USERPANEL_FAILED",
                        "function = " + function, e);
            SilverTrace.debug("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRooter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                    "ToAlertUserDocument: function = " + function + "=> destination=" + destination);
        } else if (function.startsWith("ToAlertUser")) { // utilisation de alertUser et alertUserPeas
            SilverTrace.debug("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRooter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                    "ToAlertUser: function = " + function + " spaceId=" + kmelia.getSpaceId() + " componentId="
                            + kmelia.getComponentId());
            try {
                destination = kmelia.initAlertUser();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRooter.getDestination()", "root.EX_USERPANEL_FAILED",
                        "function = " + function, e);
            SilverTrace.debug("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRooter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                    "ToAlertUser: function = " + function + "=> destination=" + destination);
        } else if (function.equals("ReadingControl")) {
            PublicationDetail publication = kmelia.getSessionPublication().getDetail();
            request.setAttribute("LinkedPathString", kmelia.getSessionPath());
            request.setAttribute("Publication", publication);
            request.setAttribute("UserIds", kmelia.getUserIdsOfTopic());

            // paramtre du wizard
            request.setAttribute("Wizard", kmelia.getWizard());

            destination = rootDestination + "readingControlManager.jsp";
        } else if (function.startsWith("ViewAttachments")) {
            String flag = kmelia.getProfile();

            // Versioning is out of "Always visible publication" mode
            if (kmelia.isCloneNeeded() && !kmelia.isVersionControlled()) {

            // put current publication
            if (!kmelia.isVersionControlled()) {
                request.setAttribute("CurrentPublicationDetail", kmelia.getSessionPubliOrClone().getDetail());
            } else {
                request.setAttribute("CurrentPublicationDetail", kmelia.getSessionPublication().getDetail());
            // Paramtres du wizard
            setWizardParams(request, kmelia);

            // Paramtres de i18n
            List<String> attachmentLanguages = kmelia.getAttachmentLanguages();
            if (attachmentLanguages.contains(kmelia.getCurrentLanguage())) {
                request.setAttribute("Language", kmelia.getCurrentLanguage());
            } else {
                request.setAttribute("Language", checkLanguage(kmelia));
            request.setAttribute("Languages", attachmentLanguages);

            request.setAttribute("XmlFormForFiles", kmelia.getXmlFormForFiles());

            destination = rootDestination + "attachmentManager.jsp?profile=" + flag;
        } else if (function.equals("DeletePublication")) {
            String pubId = request.getParameter("PubId");

            if (kmaxMode) {
                destination = getDestination("Main", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                destination = getDestination("GoToCurrentTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("DeleteClone")) {

            destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ViewValidationSteps")) {
            request.setAttribute("LinkedPathString", kmelia.getSessionPath());
            request.setAttribute("Publication", kmelia.getSessionPubliOrClone().getDetail());
            request.setAttribute("ValidationSteps", kmelia.getValidationSteps());

            request.setAttribute("Role", kmelia.getProfile());

            destination = rootDestination + "validationSteps.jsp";
        } else if ("ValidatePublication".equals(function)) {
            String pubId = kmelia.getSessionPublication().getDetail().getPK().getId();

            SilverTrace.debug("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRooter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                    "function = " + function + " pubId=" + pubId);

            boolean validationComplete = kmelia.validatePublication(pubId);
            if (validationComplete) {
                request.setAttribute("Action", "ValidationComplete");
                destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                request.setAttribute("Action", "ValidationInProgress");
                if (kmelia.getSessionClone() != null) {
                    destination = getDestination("ViewClone", kmelia, request);
                } else {
                    destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ForceValidatePublication")) {
            String pubId = kmelia.getSessionPublication().getDetail().getPK().getId();
            request.setAttribute("Action", "ValidationComplete");

            request.setAttribute("PubId", pubId);
            destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if ("Unvalidate".equals(function)) {
            String motive = request.getParameter("Motive");
            String pubId = kmelia.getSessionPublication().getDetail().getPK().getId();

            SilverTrace.debug("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRooter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                    "function = " + function + " pubId=" + pubId);

            kmelia.unvalidatePublication(pubId, motive);

            request.setAttribute("Action", "Unvalidate");

            if (kmelia.getSessionClone() != null) {
                destination = getDestination("ViewClone", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("WantToSuspendPubli")) {
            String pubId = request.getParameter("PubId");

            PublicationDetail pubDetail = kmelia.getPublicationDetail(pubId);

            request.setAttribute("PublicationToSuspend", pubDetail);

            destination = rootDestination + "defermentMotive.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("SuspendPublication")) {
            String motive = request.getParameter("Motive");
            String pubId = request.getParameter("PubId");

            kmelia.suspendPublication(pubId, motive);

            request.setAttribute("Action", "Suspend");

            destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("DraftIn")) {
            if (kmelia.getSessionClone() != null) {
                // draft have generate a clone
                destination = getDestination("ViewClone", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                String from = request.getParameter("From");
                if (StringUtil.isDefined(from)) {
                    destination = getDestination(from, kmelia, request);
                } else {
                    destination = getDestination("ToUpdatePublicationHeader", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("DraftOut")) {

            destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ToTopicWysiwyg")) {
            String topicId = request.getParameter("Id");
            String subTopicId = request.getParameter("ChildId");
            String flag = kmelia.getProfile();

            NodeDetail topic = kmelia.getSubTopicDetail(subTopicId);

            request.setAttribute("SpaceId", kmelia.getSpaceId());
            request.setAttribute("SpaceName", URLEncoder.encode(kmelia.getSpaceLabel(), CharEncoding.UTF_8));
            request.setAttribute("ComponentId", kmelia.getComponentId());
                    URLEncoder.encode(kmelia.getComponentLabel(), CharEncoding.UTF_8));
            String browseInfo = kmelia.getSessionPathString();
            if (browseInfo != null && !browseInfo.contains(topic.getName())) {
                browseInfo += topic.getName();
            if (!StringUtil.isDefined(browseInfo)) {
                browseInfo = kmelia.getString("TopicWysiwyg");
            } else {
                browseInfo += " > " + kmelia.getString("TopicWysiwyg");
            request.setAttribute("BrowseInfo", browseInfo);
            request.setAttribute("ObjectId", "Node_" + subTopicId);
            request.setAttribute("Language", kmelia.getLanguage());
            request.setAttribute("ContentLanguage", kmelia.getCurrentLanguage());
                            + URLManager.getURL(kmelia.getSpaceId(), kmelia.getComponentId())
                            + "FromTopicWysiwyg?Action=Search&Id=" + topicId + "&ChildId=" + subTopicId
                            + "&Profile=" + flag);
            destination = "/wysiwyg/jsp/htmlEditor.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("FromTopicWysiwyg")) {
            String subTopicId = request.getParameter("ChildId");


            destination = getDestination("GoToCurrentTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ChangeTopicStatus")) {
            String subTopicId = request.getParameter("ChildId");
            String newStatus = request.getParameter("Status");
            String recursive = request.getParameter("Recursive");

            if (recursive != null && recursive.equals("1")) {
                kmelia.changeTopicStatus(newStatus, subTopicId, true);
            } else {
                kmelia.changeTopicStatus(newStatus, subTopicId, false);

            destination = getDestination("GoToCurrentTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ViewOnly")) {
            String id = request.getParameter("Id");
            destination = rootDestination + "publicationViewOnly.jsp?Id=" + id;
        } else if (function.equals("SeeAlso")) {
            String action = request.getParameter("Action");
            if (!StringUtil.isDefined(action)) {
                action = "LinkAuthorView";

            request.setAttribute("Action", action);

            // check if requested publication is an alias
            String pubId = request.getParameter("PubId");
            KmeliaPublication kmeliaPublication = kmelia.getSessionPublication();
            if (StringUtil.isDefined(pubId)) {
                kmeliaPublication = kmelia.getPublication(pubId);
            checkAlias(kmelia, kmeliaPublication);

            if (kmeliaPublication.isAlias()) {
                request.setAttribute("Profile", "user");
                request.setAttribute("IsAlias", "1");
            } else {
                request.setAttribute("Profile", kmelia.getProfile());

            // paramtres du wizard
            request.setAttribute("Wizard", kmelia.getWizard());

            destination = rootDestination + "seeAlso.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("DeleteSeeAlso")) {
            String[] pubIds = request.getParameterValues("PubIds");

            if (pubIds != null) {
                List<ForeignPK> infoLinks = new ArrayList<ForeignPK>();
                for (String pubId : pubIds) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(pubId, "-");
                    infoLinks.add(new ForeignPK(tokens.nextToken(), tokens.nextToken()));

                    // removing deleted pks from session
                    Set<String> list = (Set<String>) request.getSession()
                    if (list != null) {

                if (!infoLinks.isEmpty()) {
                    kmelia.deleteInfoLinks(kmelia.getSessionPublication().getId(), infoLinks);

            destination = getDestination("SeeAlso", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ImportFileUpload")) {
            destination = processFormUpload(kmelia, request, rootDestination, false);
        } else if (function.equals("ImportFilesUpload")) {
            destination = processFormUpload(kmelia, request, rootDestination, true);
        } else if (function.equals("ExportAttachementsToPDF")) {
            String topicId = request.getParameter("TopicId");
            // build an exploitable list by importExportPeas
            SilverTrace.info("kmelia", "KmeliaSessionController.getAllVisiblePublicationsByTopic()",
                    "root.MSG_PARAM_VALUE", "topicId =" + topicId);
            List<WAAttributeValuePair> publicationsIds = kmelia.getAllVisiblePublicationsByTopic(topicId);
            request.setAttribute("selectedResultsWa", publicationsIds);
            request.setAttribute("RootPK", new NodePK(topicId, kmelia.getComponentId()));
            // Go to importExportPeas
            destination = "/RimportExportPeas/jsp/ExportPDF";
        } else if (function.equals("NewPublication")) {
            request.setAttribute("Action", "New");
            destination = getDestination("publicationManager.jsp", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ManageSubscriptions")) {
            destination = kmelia.manageSubscriptions();
        } else if (function.equals("AddPublication")) {
            List<FileItem> parameters = request.getFileItems();

            // create publication
            String positions = FileUploadUtil.getParameter(parameters, "Positions");
            PdcClassificationEntity withClassification = PdcClassificationEntity.undefinedClassification();
            if (StringUtil.isDefined(positions)) {
                withClassification = PdcClassificationEntity.fromJSON(positions);
            PublicationDetail pubDetail = getPublicationDetail(parameters, kmelia);
            String newPubId = kmelia.createPublication(pubDetail, withClassification);
            // create thumbnail if exists
            boolean newThumbnail = ThumbnailController.processThumbnail(
                    new ForeignPK(newPubId, kmelia.getComponentId()), PublicationDetail.getResourceType(),
            // force indexation to taking into account new thumbnail
            if (newThumbnail && pubDetail.isIndexable()) {
            request.setAttribute("PubId", newPubId);
            processPath(kmelia, newPubId);
            String wizard = kmelia.getWizard();
            if ("progress".equals(wizard)) {
                KmeliaPublication kmeliaPublication = kmelia.getPublication(newPubId);
                String position = FileUploadUtil.getParameter(parameters, "Position");
                setWizardParams(request, kmelia);
                request.setAttribute("Position", position);
                request.setAttribute("Publication", kmeliaPublication);
                request.setAttribute("Profile", kmelia.getProfile());
                destination = getDestination("WizardNext", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                StringBuffer requestURI = request.getRequestURL();
                destination = requestURI.substring(0, requestURI.indexOf("AddPublication"))
                        + "ViewPublication?PubId=" + newPubId;
        } else if ("UpdatePublication".equals(function)) {
            List<FileItem> parameters = request.getFileItems();

            PublicationDetail pubDetail = getPublicationDetail(parameters, kmelia);
            String id = pubDetail.getPK().getId();
            ThumbnailController.processThumbnail(new ForeignPK(id, kmelia.getComponentId()),
                    PublicationDetail.getResourceType(), parameters);


            String wizard = kmelia.getWizard();
            if (wizard.equals("progress")) {
                KmeliaPublication kmeliaPublication = kmelia.getPublication(id);
                String position = FileUploadUtil.getParameter(parameters, "Position");
                setWizardParams(request, kmelia);
                request.setAttribute("Position", position);
                request.setAttribute("Publication", kmeliaPublication);
                request.setAttribute("Profile", kmelia.getProfile());
                destination = getDestination("WizardNext", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                if (kmelia.getSessionClone() != null) {
                    destination = getDestination("ViewClone", kmelia, request);
                } else {
                    request.setAttribute("PubId", id);
                    request.setAttribute("CheckPath", "1");
                    destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("SelectValidator")) {
            destination = kmelia.initUPToSelectValidator("");
        } else if (function.equals("PublicationPaths")) {
            // paramtre du wizard
            request.setAttribute("Wizard", kmelia.getWizard());

            PublicationDetail publication = kmelia.getSessionPublication().getDetail();
            String pubId = publication.getPK().getId();
            request.setAttribute("Publication", publication);
            request.setAttribute("LinkedPathString", kmelia.getSessionPath());
            request.setAttribute("PathList", kmelia.getPublicationFathers(pubId));

            if (toolboxMode) {
                request.setAttribute("Topics", kmelia.getAllTopics());
            } else {
                List<Alias> aliases = kmelia.getAliases();
                request.setAttribute("Aliases", aliases);
                request.setAttribute("Components", kmelia.getComponents(aliases));

            destination = rootDestination + "publicationPaths.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("SetPath")) {
            String[] topics = request.getParameterValues("topicChoice");
            String loadedComponentIds = request.getParameter("LoadedComponentIds");

            Alias alias;
            List<Alias> aliases = new ArrayList<Alias>();
            for (int i = 0; topics != null && i < topics.length; i++) {
                String topicId = topics[i];
                SilverTrace.debug("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.setPath()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                        "topicId = " + topicId);
                StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(topicId, ",");
                String nodeId = tokenizer.nextToken();
                String instanceId = tokenizer.nextToken();

                alias = new Alias(nodeId, instanceId);

            // Tous les composants ayant un alias n'ont pas forcment t chargs
            List<Alias> oldAliases = kmelia.getAliases();
            for (Alias oldAlias : oldAliases) {
                if (!loadedComponentIds.contains(oldAlias.getInstanceId())) {
                    // le composant de l'alias n'a pas t charg


            destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ShowAliasTree")) {
            String componentId = request.getParameter("ComponentId");

            request.setAttribute("Tree", kmelia.getAliasTreeview(componentId));
            request.setAttribute("Aliases", kmelia.getAliases());

            destination = rootDestination + "treeview4PublicationPaths.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("AddLinksToPublication")) {
            String id = request.getParameter("PubId");
            String topicId = request.getParameter("TopicId");
            //noinspection unchecked
            HashSet<String> list = (HashSet) request.getSession()

            int nb = kmelia.addPublicationsToLink(id, list);

            request.setAttribute("NbLinks", Integer.toString(nb));

            destination = rootDestination + "publicationLinksManager.jsp?Action=Add&Id=" + topicId;
        } else if (function.equals("ExportTopic")) {
            String topicId = request.getParameter("TopicId");
            boolean exportFullApp = !StringUtil.isDefined(topicId) || NodePK.ROOT_NODE_ID.equals(topicId);
            if (kmaxMode) {
                if (exportFullApp) {
                    destination = getDestination("KmaxExportComponent", kmelia, request);
                } else {
                    destination = getDestination("KmaxExportPublications", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                // build an exploitable list by importExportPeas
                SilverTrace.info("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.ExportTopic", "root.MSG_PARAM_VALUE",
                        "topicId =" + topicId);
                final List<WAAttributeValuePair> publicationsIds;
                if (exportFullApp) {
                    publicationsIds = kmelia.getAllVisiblePublications();
                } else {
                    publicationsIds = kmelia.getAllVisiblePublicationsByTopic(topicId);
                request.setAttribute("selectedResultsWa", publicationsIds);
                request.setAttribute("RootPK", new NodePK(topicId, kmelia.getComponentId()));
                // Go to importExportPeas
                destination = "/RimportExportPeas/jsp/SelectExportMode";
        } else if (function.equals("ExportPublications")) {
            String selectedIds = request.getParameter("SelectedIds");
            String notSelectedIds = request.getParameter("NotSelectedIds");
            List<PublicationPK> pks = kmelia.processSelectedPublicationIds(selectedIds, notSelectedIds);

            List<WAAttributeValuePair> publicationIds = new ArrayList<WAAttributeValuePair>();
            for (PublicationPK pk : pks) {
                publicationIds.add(new WAAttributeValuePair(pk.getId(), pk.getInstanceId()));
            request.setAttribute("selectedResultsWa", publicationIds);
            request.setAttribute("RootPK", new NodePK(kmelia.getCurrentFolderId(), kmelia.getComponentId()));
            // Go to importExportPeas
            destination = "/RimportExportPeas/jsp/SelectExportMode";
        } else if (function.equals("ToPubliContent")) {
            CompletePublication completePublication = kmelia.getSessionPubliOrClone().getCompleteDetail();
            if (completePublication.getModelDetail() != null) {
                destination = getDestination("ToDBModel", kmelia, request);
            } else if (WysiwygController.haveGotWysiwyg(kmelia.getComponentId(),
                    completePublication.getPublicationDetail().getPK().getId(), kmelia.getCurrentLanguage())) {

                destination = getDestination("ToWysiwyg", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                String infoId = completePublication.getPublicationDetail().getInfoId();
                if (infoId == null || "0".equals(infoId)) {
                    List<String> usedModels = (List<String>) kmelia.getModelUsed();
                    if (usedModels.size() == 1) {
                        String modelId = usedModels.get(0);
                        if ("WYSIWYG".equals(modelId)) {
                            // Wysiwyg content
                            destination = getDestination("ToWysiwyg", kmelia, request);
                        } else if (StringUtil.isInteger(modelId)) {
                            // DB template
                            ModelDetail model = kmelia.getModelDetail(modelId);
                            request.setAttribute("ModelDetail", model);
                            destination = getDestination("ToDBModel", kmelia, request);
                        } else {
                            // XML template
                            request.setAttribute("Name", modelId);
                            destination = getDestination("GoToXMLForm", kmelia, request);
                    } else {
                        destination = getDestination("ListModels", kmelia, request);
                } else {
                    destination = getDestination("GoToXMLForm", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ListModels")) {
            setTemplatesUsedIntoRequest(kmelia, request);

            // put current publication
            request.setAttribute("CurrentPublicationDetail", kmelia.getSessionPublication().getDetail());

            // Paramtres du wizard
            setWizardParams(request, kmelia);
            destination = rootDestination + "modelsList.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("ModelUsed")) {
            request.setAttribute("XMLForms", kmelia.getForms());
            // put dbForms
            Collection<ModelDetail> dbForms = kmelia.getAllModels();
            request.setAttribute("DBForms", dbForms);

            Collection<String> modelUsed = kmelia.getModelUsed();
            request.setAttribute("ModelUsed", modelUsed);

            destination = rootDestination + "modelUsedList.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("SelectModel")) {
            Object o = request.getParameterValues("modelChoice");
            if (o != null) {
                kmelia.addModelUsed((String[]) o);
            destination = getDestination("GoToCurrentTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if ("ChangeTemplate".equals(function)) {
            destination = getDestination("ToPubliContent", kmelia, request);
        } else if ("ToWysiwyg".equals(function)) {
            if (kmelia.isCloneNeeded()) {
            // put current publication
            PublicationDetail publication = kmelia.getSessionPubliOrClone().getDetail();

            // Parametres du Wizard
            setWizardParams(request, kmelia);
            request.setAttribute("SpaceId", kmelia.getSpaceId());
            request.setAttribute("SpaceName", URLEncoder.encode(kmelia.getSpaceLabel(), CharEncoding.UTF_8));
            request.setAttribute("ComponentId", kmelia.getComponentId());
                    URLEncoder.encode(kmelia.getComponentLabel(), CharEncoding.UTF_8));
            if (kmaxMode) {
                request.setAttribute("BrowseInfo", publication.getName());
            } else {
                        kmelia.getSessionPathString() + " > " + publication.getName());
            request.setAttribute("ObjectId", publication.getId());
            request.setAttribute("Language", kmelia.getLanguage());
            request.setAttribute("ContentLanguage", checkLanguage(kmelia, publication));
            request.setAttribute("ReturnUrl", URLManager.getApplicationURL() + kmelia.getComponentUrl()
                    + "FromWysiwyg?PubId=" + publication.getId());
            request.setAttribute("UserId", kmelia.getUserId());
            request.setAttribute("IndexIt", "false");

            destination = "/wysiwyg/jsp/htmlEditor.jsp";
        } else if ("FromWysiwyg".equals(function)) {
            String id = request.getParameter("PubId");

            // Parametres du Wizard
            String wizard = kmelia.getWizard();
            setWizardParams(request, kmelia);
            if (wizard.equals("progress")) {
                request.setAttribute("Position", "Content");
                destination = getDestination("WizardNext", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                if (kmelia.getSessionClone() != null
                        && id.equals(kmelia.getSessionClone().getDetail().getPK().getId())) {
                    destination = getDestination("ViewClone", kmelia, request);
                } else {
                    destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ToDBModel")) {
            String modelId = request.getParameter("ModelId");
            if (StringUtil.isDefined(modelId)) {
                ModelDetail model = kmelia.getModelDetail(modelId);
                request.setAttribute("ModelDetail", model);

            // put current publication
            request.setAttribute("CompletePublication", kmelia.getSessionPubliOrClone().getCompleteDetail());
            request.setAttribute("NotificationAllowed", kmelia.isNotificationAllowed());

            // Paramtres du wizard
            setWizardParams(request, kmelia);

            destination = rootDestination + "modelManager.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("UpdateDBModelContent")) {
            ResourceLocator publicationSettings = kmelia.getPublicationSettings();

            List<InfoTextDetail> textDetails = new ArrayList<InfoTextDetail>();
            List<InfoImageDetail> imageDetails = new ArrayList<InfoImageDetail>();
            int imageOrder = 0;
            boolean imageTrouble = false;
            List<FileItem> parameters = request.getFileItems();
            String modelId = FileUploadUtil.getParameter(parameters, "ModelId");
            // Parametres du Wizard
            setWizardParams(request, kmelia);

            for (FileItem item : parameters) {
                if (item.isFormField() && item.getFieldName().startsWith("WATXTVAR")) {
                    String theText = item.getString();
                    int textOrder = Integer
                            .parseInt(item.getFieldName().substring(8, item.getFieldName().length()));
                    textDetails.add(new InfoTextDetail(null, Integer.toString(textOrder), null, theText));
                } else if (!item.isFormField()) {
                    String logicalName = item.getName();
                    if (logicalName != null && logicalName.length() > 0) {
                        if (!FileUtil.isWindows()) {
                            logicalName = logicalName.replace('\\', File.separatorChar);
                            SilverTrace.info("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.UpdateDBModelContent",
                                    "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "fileName on Unix = " + logicalName);
                        logicalName = FilenameUtils.getName(logicalName);
                        String physicalName = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "."
                                + FilenameUtils.getExtension(logicalName);
                        String mimeType = item.getContentType();
                        long size = item.getSize();

                        File dir = new File(FileRepositoryManager.getAbsolutePath(kmelia.getComponentId())
                                + publicationSettings.getString("imagesSubDirectory") + File.separatorChar
                                + physicalName);
                        if (FileUtil.isImage(logicalName)) {
                            if (size > 0L) {
                                imageDetails.add(new InfoImageDetail(null, Integer.toString(imageOrder), null,
                                        physicalName, logicalName, "", mimeType, size));
                                imageTrouble = false;
                            } else {
                                imageTrouble = true;
                        } else {
                            imageTrouble = true;
                    } else {
                        // the field did not contain a file

            InfoDetail infos = new InfoDetail(null, textDetails, imageDetails, null, "");
            CompletePublication completePub = kmelia.getSessionPubliOrClone().getCompleteDetail();
            if (completePub.getModelDetail() == null) {
                kmelia.createInfoModelDetail("useless", modelId, infos);
            } else {
                kmelia.updateInfoDetail("useless", infos);
            if (imageTrouble) {
                request.setAttribute("ImageTrouble", Boolean.TRUE);

            String wizard = kmelia.getWizard();
            if (wizard.equals("progress")) {
                request.setAttribute("Position", "Content");
                destination = getDestination("WizardNext", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                destination = getDestination("ToDBModel", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("GoToXMLForm")) {
            String xmlFormName = request.getParameter("Name");
            if (!StringUtil.isDefined(xmlFormName)) {
                xmlFormName = (String) request.getAttribute("Name");
            setXMLForm(request, kmelia, xmlFormName);
            // put current publication
            request.setAttribute("CurrentPublicationDetail", kmelia.getSessionPubliOrClone().getDetail());
            // Parametres du Wizard
            setWizardParams(request, kmelia);
            // template can be changed only if current topic is using at least two templates
            setTemplatesUsedIntoRequest(kmelia, request);
            Collection<PublicationTemplate> templates = (Collection<PublicationTemplate>) request
            boolean wysiwygUsable = (Boolean) request.getAttribute("WysiwygValid");
                    templates.size() >= 2 || (!templates.isEmpty() && wysiwygUsable));

            destination = rootDestination + "xmlForm.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("UpdateXMLForm")) {
            if (kmelia.isCloneNeeded()) {

            if (!StringUtil.isDefined(request.getCharacterEncoding())) {
            String encoding = request.getCharacterEncoding();
            List<FileItem> items = request.getFileItems();

            PublicationDetail pubDetail = kmelia.getSessionPubliOrClone().getDetail();

            String xmlFormShortName;

            // Is it the creation of the content or an update ?
            String infoId = pubDetail.getInfoId();
            if (infoId == null || "0".equals(infoId)) {
                String xmlFormName = FileUploadUtil.getParameter(items, "Name", null, encoding);

                // The publication have no content
                // We have to register xmlForm to publication
                xmlFormShortName = xmlFormName.substring(xmlFormName.indexOf('/') + 1,
            } else {
                xmlFormShortName = pubDetail.getInfoId();
            String pubId = pubDetail.getPK().getId();
            PublicationTemplate pub = getPublicationTemplateManager()
                    .getPublicationTemplate(kmelia.getComponentId() + ":" + xmlFormShortName);
            RecordSet set = pub.getRecordSet();
            Form form = pub.getUpdateForm();
            String language = checkLanguage(kmelia, pubDetail);
            DataRecord data = set.getRecord(pubId, language);
            if (data == null) {
                data = set.getEmptyRecord();
            PagesContext context = new PagesContext("myForm", "3", kmelia.getLanguage(), false,
                    kmelia.getComponentId(), kmelia.getUserId());
            if (!kmaxMode) {

            form.update(items, data, context);

            // update publication to change updateDate and updaterId

            // Parametres du Wizard
            setWizardParams(request, kmelia);

            if (kmelia.getWizard().equals("progress")) {
                // on est en mode Wizard
                request.setAttribute("Position", "Content");
                destination = getDestination("WizardNext", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                if (kmelia.getSessionClone() != null) {
                    destination = getDestination("ViewClone", kmelia, request);
                } else if (kmaxMode) {
                    destination = getDestination("ViewAttachments", kmelia, request);
                } else {
                    destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.startsWith("ToOrderPublications")) {
            List<KmeliaPublication> publications = kmelia.getSessionPublicationsList();

            request.setAttribute("Publications", publications);
            request.setAttribute("Path", kmelia.getSessionPath());

            destination = rootDestination + "orderPublications.jsp";
        } else if (function.startsWith("OrderPublications")) {
            String sortedIds = request.getParameter("sortedIds");

            StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(sortedIds, ",");
            List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
            while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {

            destination = getDestination("GoToCurrentTopic", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("ToOrderTopics")) {
            String id = request.getParameter("Id");
            if (!SilverpeasRole.admin.isInRole(kmelia.getUserTopicProfile(id))) {
                destination = "/admin/jsp/accessForbidden.jsp";
            } else {
                TopicDetail topic = kmelia.getTopic(id);
                request.setAttribute("Nodes", topic.getNodeDetail().getChildrenDetails());
                destination = rootDestination + "orderTopics.jsp";
        } else if (function.startsWith("Wizard")) {
            destination = processWizard(function, kmelia, request, rootDestination);
        } else if ("ViewTopicProfiles".equals(function)) {
            String role = request.getParameter("Role");
            if (!StringUtil.isDefined(role)) {
                role = SilverpeasRole.admin.toString();

            String id = request.getParameter("NodeId");
            if (!StringUtil.isDefined(id)) {
                id = (String) request.getAttribute("NodeId");
            request.setAttribute("Profiles", kmelia.getTopicProfiles(id));
            NodeDetail topic = kmelia.getNodeHeader(id);
            ProfileInst profile;
            if (topic.haveInheritedRights()) {
                profile = kmelia.getTopicProfile(role, Integer.toString(topic.getRightsDependsOn()));

                request.setAttribute("RightsDependsOn", "AnotherTopic");
            } else if (topic.haveLocalRights()) {
                profile = kmelia.getTopicProfile(role, Integer.toString(topic.getRightsDependsOn()));

                request.setAttribute("RightsDependsOn", "ThisTopic");
            } else {
                profile = kmelia.getProfile(role);
                // Rights of the component
                request.setAttribute("RightsDependsOn", "ThisComponent");

            request.setAttribute("CurrentProfile", profile);
            request.setAttribute("Groups", kmelia.groupIds2Groups(profile.getAllGroups()));
            request.setAttribute("Users", kmelia.userIds2Users(profile.getAllUsers()));
            List<NodeDetail> path = kmelia.getTopicPath(id);
            request.setAttribute("Path", kmelia.displayPath(path, true, 3));
            request.setAttribute("NodeDetail", topic);

            destination = rootDestination + "topicProfiles.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("TopicProfileSelection")) {
            String role = request.getParameter("Role");
            String nodeId = request.getParameter("NodeId");
            try {
                kmelia.initUserPanelForTopicProfile(role, nodeId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("jobStartPagePeas", "JobStartPagePeasRequestRouter.getDestination()",
                        "root.EX_USERPANEL_FAILED", "function = " + function, e);
            destination = Selection.getSelectionURL(Selection.TYPE_USERS_GROUPS);
        } else if (function.equals("TopicProfileSetUsersAndGroups")) {
            String role = request.getParameter("Role");
            String nodeId = request.getParameter("NodeId");

            kmelia.updateTopicRole(role, nodeId);

            request.setAttribute("urlToReload", "ViewTopicProfiles?Role=" + role + "&NodeId=" + nodeId);
            destination = rootDestination + "closeWindow.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("TopicProfileRemove")) {
            String profileId = request.getParameter("Id");


            destination = getDestination("ViewTopicProfiles", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("CloseWindow")) {
            destination = rootDestination + "closeWindow.jsp";
        } else if (function.startsWith("UpdateChain")) {
            destination = processUpdateChainOperation(rootDestination, function, kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("SuggestDelegatedNews")) {

            String pubId = kmelia.addDelegatedNews();

            request.setAttribute("PubId", pubId);
            destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } /**
          * *************************
          * Kmax mode ***********************
        else if (function.equals("KmaxMain")) {
            destination = rootDestination + "kmax.jsp?Action=KmaxView&Profile=" + kmelia.getProfile();
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxAxisManager")) {
            destination = rootDestination + "kmax_axisManager.jsp?Action=KmaxViewAxis&Profile="
                    + kmelia.getProfile();
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxAddAxis")) {
            String newAxisName = request.getParameter("Name");
            String newAxisDescription = request.getParameter("Description");
            NodeDetail axis = new NodeDetail("-1", newAxisName, newAxisDescription, DateUtil.today2SQLDate(),
                    kmelia.getUserId(), null, "0", "X");
            // I18N
            I18NHelper.setI18NInfo(axis, request);

            request.setAttribute("urlToReload", "KmaxAxisManager");
            destination = rootDestination + "closeWindow.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxUpdateAxis")) {
            String axisId = request.getParameter("AxisId");
            String newAxisName = request.getParameter("AxisName");
            String newAxisDescription = request.getParameter("AxisDescription");
            NodeDetail axis = new NodeDetail(axisId, newAxisName, newAxisDescription, null, null, null, "0",
            // I18N
            I18NHelper.setI18NInfo(axis, request);
            destination = getDestination("KmaxAxisManager", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxDeleteAxis")) {
            String axisId = request.getParameter("AxisId");
            destination = getDestination("KmaxAxisManager", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxManageAxis")) {
            String axisId = request.getParameter("AxisId");
            String translation = request.getParameter("Translation");
            request.setAttribute("Translation", translation);
            destination = rootDestination + "kmax_axisManager.jsp?Action=KmaxManageAxis&Profile="
                    + kmelia.getProfile() + "&AxisId=" + axisId;
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxManagePosition")) {
            String positionId = request.getParameter("PositionId");
            String translation = request.getParameter("Translation");
            request.setAttribute("Translation", translation);
            destination = rootDestination + "kmax_axisManager.jsp?Action=KmaxManagePosition&Profile="
                    + kmelia.getProfile() + "&PositionId=" + positionId;
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxAddPosition")) {
            String axisId = request.getParameter("AxisId");
            String newPositionName = request.getParameter("Name");
            String newPositionDescription = request.getParameter("Description");
            String translation = request.getParameter("Translation");
            NodeDetail position = new NodeDetail("toDefine", newPositionName, newPositionDescription, null,
                    null, null, "0", "X");
            // I18N
            I18NHelper.setI18NInfo(position, request);
            kmelia.addPosition(axisId, position);
            request.setAttribute("AxisId", axisId);
            request.setAttribute("Translation", translation);
            destination = getDestination("KmaxManageAxis", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxUpdatePosition")) {
            String positionId = request.getParameter("PositionId");
            String positionName = request.getParameter("PositionName");
            String positionDescription = request.getParameter("PositionDescription");
            NodeDetail position = new NodeDetail(positionId, positionName, positionDescription, null, null,
                    null, "0", "X");
            // I18N
            I18NHelper.setI18NInfo(position, request);
            destination = getDestination("KmaxAxisManager", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxDeletePosition")) {
            String positionId = request.getParameter("PositionId");
            destination = getDestination("KmaxAxisManager", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxViewUnbalanced")) {
            List<KmeliaPublication> publications = kmelia.getUnbalancedPublications();

            destination = rootDestination + "kmax.jsp?Action=KmaxViewUnbalanced&Profile=" + kmelia.getProfile();
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxViewBasket")) {
            TopicDetail basket = kmelia.getTopic("1");
            List<KmeliaPublication> publications = (List<KmeliaPublication>) basket.getKmeliaPublications();

            destination = rootDestination + "kmax.jsp?Action=KmaxViewBasket&Profile=" + kmelia.getProfile();

        } else if (function.equals("KmaxViewToValidate")) {
            destination = rootDestination + "kmax.jsp?Action=KmaxViewToValidate&Profile=" + kmelia.getProfile();
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxSearch")) {
            String axisValuesStr = request.getParameter("SearchCombination");
            if (!StringUtil.isDefined(axisValuesStr)) {
                axisValuesStr = (String) request.getAttribute("SearchCombination");
            String timeCriteria = request.getParameter("TimeCriteria");

            SilverTrace.info("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                    "axisValuesStr = " + axisValuesStr + " timeCriteria=" + timeCriteria);
            List<String> combination = kmelia.getCombination(axisValuesStr);
            List<KmeliaPublication> publications;
            if (StringUtil.isDefined(timeCriteria) && !"X".equals(timeCriteria)) {
                publications = kmelia.search(combination, Integer.parseInt(timeCriteria));
            } else {
                publications = kmelia.search(combination);
            SilverTrace.info("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                    "publications = " + publications + " Combination=" + combination + " timeCriteria="
                            + timeCriteria);


            destination = rootDestination + "kmax.jsp?Action=KmaxSearchResult&Profile=" + kmelia.getProfile();
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxSearchResult")) {
            if (kmelia.getSessionCombination() == null) {
                destination = getDestination("KmaxMain", kmelia, request);
            } else {
                destination = rootDestination + "kmax.jsp?Action=KmaxSearchResult&Profile="
                        + kmelia.getProfile();
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxViewCombination")) {
            setWizardParams(request, kmelia);

            request.setAttribute("CurrentCombination", kmelia.getCurrentCombination());
            destination = rootDestination + "kmax_viewCombination.jsp?Profile=" + kmelia.getProfile();
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxAddCoordinate")) {
            String pubId = request.getParameter("PubId");
            String axisValuesStr = request.getParameter("SearchCombination");
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(axisValuesStr, ",");
            List<String> combination = new ArrayList<String>();
            String axisValue;
            while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                axisValue = st.nextToken();
                // axisValue is xx/xx/xx where xx are nodeId
                axisValue = axisValue.substring(axisValue.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, axisValue.length());
            kmelia.addPublicationToCombination(pubId, combination);
            // Store current combination
            destination = getDestination("KmaxViewCombination", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxDeleteCoordinate")) {
            String coordinateId = request.getParameter("CoordinateId");
            String pubId = request.getParameter("PubId");
            SilverTrace.info("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                    "coordinateId = " + coordinateId + " PubId=" + pubId);
            kmelia.deletePublicationFromCombination(pubId, coordinateId);
            destination = getDestination("KmaxViewCombination", kmelia, request);
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxExportComponent")) {
            // build an exploitable list by importExportPeas
            List<WAAttributeValuePair> publicationsIds = kmelia.getAllVisiblePublications();
            request.setAttribute("selectedResultsWa", publicationsIds);

            // Go to importExportPeas
            destination = "/RimportExportPeas/jsp/KmaxExportComponent";
        } else if (function.equals("KmaxExportPublications")) {
            // build an exploitable list by importExportPeas
            List<WAAttributeValuePair> publicationsIds = kmelia.getCurrentPublicationsList();
            List<String> combination = kmelia.getSessionCombination();
            // get the time axis
            String timeCriteria = null;
            if (kmelia.isTimeAxisUsed() && StringUtil.isDefined(kmelia.getSessionTimeCriteria())) {
                ResourceLocator timeSettings = new ResourceLocator(
                        "org.silverpeas.kmelia.multilang.timeAxisBundle", kmelia.getLanguage());
                if (kmelia.getSessionTimeCriteria().equals("X")) {
                    timeCriteria = null;
                } else {
                    timeCriteria = "<b>" + kmelia.getString("TimeAxis") + "</b> > "
                            + timeSettings.getString(kmelia.getSessionTimeCriteria(), "");
            request.setAttribute("selectedResultsWa", publicationsIds);
            request.setAttribute("Combination", combination);
            request.setAttribute("TimeCriteria", timeCriteria);
            // Go to importExportPeas
            destination = "/RimportExportPeas/jsp/KmaxExportPublications";
        } else if ("statistics".equals(function)) {
            destination = rootDestination + statisticRequestHandler.handleRequest(request, function, kmelia);
        } else if ("statSelectionGroup".equals(function)) {
            destination = statisticRequestHandler.handleRequest(request, function, kmelia);
        } else if ("SetPublicationValidator".equals(function)) {
            String userIds = request.getParameter("ValideurId");
            destination = getDestination("ViewPublication", kmelia, request);
        } else {
            destination = rootDestination + function;

        if (profileError) {
            destination = GeneralPropertiesManager.getString("sessionTimeout");
        SilverTrace.info("kmelia", "KmeliaRequestRouter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                "destination = " + destination);
    } catch (Exception exce_all) {
        request.setAttribute("javax.servlet.jsp.jspException", exce_all);
        return "/admin/jsp/errorpageMain.jsp";
    return destination;

From source file:fr.paris.lutece.plugins.plu.web.PluJspBean.java

 * Add a file in _fileList/*from   ww  w  .ja v a 2 s  . co  m*/
 * @param request HttpServletRequest
 * @return ret errorMessage
private String addFileToFileList(HttpServletRequest request) {
    String ret = "";
    MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request;

    FileItem fileItem = multipartRequest.getFile(PARAMETER_FILE);

    if ((StringUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_FILE_TITLE)))
            && (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_FILE_NAME)))
            && (fileItem.get() != null)) {
        File file = new File();
        PhysicalFile physicalFile = new PhysicalFile();

        String name = fileItem.getName();
        String type = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toUpperCase();

        //Search files with same name
        int nNumVersion = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_VERSION_NUM));
        String strFileDBName = PluUtils.getFileNameForDB(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_FILE_NAME),
        FileFilter fileFilter = new FileFilter();
        List<File> listFileByName = _fileServices.findByFilter(fileFilter, new AtomeFilter());

        //If a file with the same name exist in DB or a new atome file have the same name : error
        if (!listFileByName.isEmpty()) {
            Object[] args = { "", request.getParameter(PARAMETER_FILE_NAME) };
            ret = this.getMessageJsp(request, MESSAGE_ERROR_FILE_CREATE_NAME, args,
                    "jsp/admin/plugins/plu/file/JoinFile.jsp", null);
        for (File fileTest : _fileList) {
            if (fileTest.getName().equals(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_FILE_NAME))) {
                Object[] args = { "", request.getParameter(PARAMETER_FILE_NAME) };
                ret = this.getMessageJsp(request, MESSAGE_ERROR_FILE_CREATE_NAME, args,
                        "jsp/admin/plugins/plu/file/JoinFile.jsp", null);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ret)) {
            file.setName(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_FILE_NAME).replace(" ", "-"));
            file.setSize((int) fileItem.getSize());
    } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getParameter("joinFile"))) {
        if (request.getParameter("joinFile").equals("true")) {
            ret = this.getMessageJsp(request, MESSAGE_ERROR_REQUIRED_FIELD, null,
                    "jsp/admin/plugins/plu/file/JoinFile.jsp", null);

    return ret;

From source file:Controlador.Contr_Seleccion.java

 * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code>
 * methods./*from w  w  w .j av a2s . co  m*/
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    /*Se detalla el contenido que tendra el servlet*/
    /*Se crea una variable para la sesion*/
    HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);

    boolean b;
    try {
        /*Se declaran las variables necesarias*/
        Cls_Seleccion sel = new Cls_Seleccion();
        String Codigo = "", Mensaje = "", Nombre = "", Tipo = "", Imagen = "", url, Peti;
        String urlsalidaimg;
        urlsalidaimg = "/media/santiago/Santiago/IMGTE/";
        //urlsalidaimg = "D:\\IMGTE\\";
        String urlimgservidor = this.getServletContext().getRealPath("/Libs/Customs/images/Seleccion");
        /*FileItemFactory es una interfaz para crear FileItem*/
        FileItemFactory file_factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();

        /*ServletFileUpload esta clase convierte los input file a FileItem*/
        ServletFileUpload servlet_up = new ServletFileUpload(file_factory);
        /*sacando los FileItem del ServletFileUpload en una lista */
        List items = servlet_up.parseRequest(request);
        Iterator it = items.iterator();

        /*Se evalua cada una de las posibles peticiones y los posibles campos que envien*/
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            FileItem item = (FileItem) it.next();
            if (item.isFormField()) {
                //Plain request parameters will come here. 

                String name = item.getFieldName();
                if (name.equals("Codigo")) {
                    /*Se guarda el campo en la clase*/
                } else if (name.equals("Nombre")) {
                     * Se guarda el campo en la clase
                } else if (name.equals("Tipo")) {
                     * Se guarda el campo en la clase
                } else if (name.equals("Estado")) {
                     * Se guarda el campo en la clase
                } else if (name.equals("RegistrarSeleccion")) {
                    /*Se evalua si se mando una iamgen, cuando se va a registrar un evento*/
                    if (!sel.getImagen().equals("")) {
                        /*Si se envia una imagen obtiene la imagen para guardarla en el server luego*/
                        File img = new File(sel.getImagen());
                        /*Se ejecuta el metodo de registrar usuario que se encuentra, en la clase modelo
                         con los datos que se encuentran en la clase*/

                        b = sel.setRegistrarSeleccion(sel.getNombre(), sel.getTipo(), sel.getTypeImg());
                        if (b) {
                            /*Se guarda un mensaje mediante las sesiones
                             y se redirecciona*/
                            File imagedb = new File(urlimgservidor + "/" + sel.getCodigo() + sel.getTypeImg());
                                    "El gusto o ambiente ha sido registrado correctamente.");
                            session.setAttribute("TipoMensaje", "Dio");
                            url = "View/ConsultaSeleccion.jsp";
                        } else {
                            /*Se guarda un mensaje de error mediante las sesiones
                             y se redirecciona*/
                            session.setAttribute("Mensaje", sel.getMensaje());
                            session.setAttribute("TipoMensaje", "NODio");
                            url = "View/ConsultaSeleccion.jsp";
                    } else {
                        /*Se guarda un mensaje de error mediante las sesiones
                         y se redirecciona*/
                                "Seleccione una imagen, para registrar el ambiente o gusto.");
                        session.setAttribute("TipoMensaje", "NODio");
                } else if (name.equals("ModificarSeleccion")) {
                    if (sel.getImagen().equals("")) {
                        /*Se ejecuta el metodo de actualizar los datos de la seleccion usuario que se encuentra, en la clase modelo
                         con los datos que se encuentran en la clase*/
                        b = sel.actualizardatosSeleccion(sel.getCodigo(), sel.getNombre(), sel.getTipo(),
                        if (b) {
                            /*Se guarda un mensaje mediante las sesiones
                             y se redirecciona*/
                                    "El gusto o ambiente ha sido registrada correctamente.");
                            session.setAttribute("TipoMensaje", "Dio");
                            url = "View/ConsultaSeleccion.jsp";
                        } else {
                            /*Se guarda un mensaje mediante las sesiones
                             y se redirecciona*/
                            session.setAttribute("Mensaje", sel.getMensaje());
                            session.setAttribute("TipoMensaje", "NODio");
                            url = "View/ConsultaSeleccion.jsp";
                    } else {
                        /*Se ejecuta el metodo de actualizar los datos de la seleccion usuario que se encuentra, en la clase modelo
                         con los datos que se encuentran en la clase*/
                        File img = new File(sel.getImagen());
                        b = sel.actualizardatosSeleccion(sel.getCodigo(), sel.getNombre(), sel.getTipo(),
                                sel.getTypeImg(), sel.getEstado());
                        if (b) {
                            File imagedb = new File(urlimgservidor + "/" + sel.getCodigo() + sel.getTypeImg());
                            /*Se guarda un mensaje mediante las sesiones
                             y se redirecciona*/
                                    "El gusto o ambiente ha sido modificado correctamente.");
                            session.setAttribute("TipoMensaje", "Dio");
                            url = "View/ConsultaSeleccion.jsp";
                        } else {
                            /*Se guarda un mensaje mediante las sesiones
                             y se redirecciona*/
                            session.setAttribute("Mensaje", sel.getMensaje());
                            session.setAttribute("TipoMensaje", "NODio");
                            url = "View/ConsultaSeleccion.jsp";

            } else {
                if (!item.getName().equals("")) {
                    //uploaded files will come here.
                    FileItem file = item;
                    String fieldName = item.getFieldName();
                    String fileName = item.getName();
                    String contentType = item.getContentType();
                    boolean isInMemory = item.isInMemory();
                    long sizeInBytes = item.getSize();

                    if (sizeInBytes > 1000000) {
                        /*Se muestra un mensaje en caso de pesar mas de 3 MB*/
                        session.setAttribute("Mensaje", "El tamao lmite de la imagen es: 1 MB");
                        session.setAttribute("TipoMensaje", "NODio");
                        /*Se redirecciona*/
                    } else {
                        if (contentType.indexOf("jpeg") > 0 || contentType.indexOf("png") > 0) {
                            if (contentType.indexOf("jpeg") > 0) {
                                contentType = ".jpg";
                            } else {
                                contentType = ".png";
                            /*Se crea la imagne*/
                            File archivo_server = new File(urlimgservidor + "/" + item.getName());
                            /*Se guardael nombre y tipo de imagen en la clase*/
                            sel.setImagen(urlimgservidor + "/" + item.getName());
                            /*Se guarda la imagen*/
                        } else {
                            session.setAttribute("Mensaje", "Solo se pueden registrar imagenes JPG o PNG");
                            session.setAttribute("TipoMensaje", "NODio");
                } else {
                    /*Se guarda el url de la imagen en la clase*/

        /*Se redirecciona sino se recive ninguna peticion*/
    } catch (FileUploadException ex) {
        /*Se muestra un mensaje en caso de error*/
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        /*Se muestra un mensaje en caso de error*/
        Logger.getLogger(Contr_Seleccion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

From source file:fr.paris.lutece.plugins.calendar.web.CalendarJspBean.java

 * Process Event creation//ww w  .  j  a va2s.c  o  m
 * @param request The Http request
 * @return URL
public String doCreateEvent(HttpServletRequest request) {
    String strJspReturn = StringUtils.EMPTY;
    String strCalendarId = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_CALENDAR_ID);
    String strPeriodicity = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_PERIODICITY);
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(strCalendarId) && StringUtils.isNumeric(strCalendarId)
            && StringUtils.isNotBlank(strPeriodicity) && StringUtils.isNumeric(strPeriodicity)) {
        //Retrieving parameters from form
        int nCalendarId = Integer.parseInt(strCalendarId);
        int nPeriodicity = Integer.parseInt(strPeriodicity);
        String strEventDateEnd = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_DATE_END);
        String strTimeStart = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_TIME_START);
        String strTimeEnd = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_TIME_END);
        String strOccurrence = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_OCCURRENCE);
        String strEventTitle = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_TITLE);
        String strDate = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_DATE);
        String strNotify = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_NOTIFY);

        //Retrieve the features of an event from form
        String strDescription = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION);
        String strEventTags = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_TAGS).trim();
        String strLocationAddress = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_LOCATION_ADDRESS).trim();
        String strLocationTown = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_LOCATION_TOWN).trim();
        String strLocation = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_LOCATION).trim();
        String strLocationZip = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_LOCATION_ZIP).trim();
        String strLinkUrl = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_LINK_URL).trim();
        String strDocumentId = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_DOCUMENT_ID).trim();
        String strPageUrl = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_PAGE_URL).trim();
        String strTopEvent = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_TOP_EVENT).trim();
        String strMapUrl = request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_MAP_URL).trim();

        //Retrieving the excluded days
        String[] arrayExcludedDays = request.getParameterValues(Constants.PARAMETER_EXCLUDED_DAYS);

        MultipartHttpServletRequest mRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request;
        FileItem item = mRequest.getFile(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_IMAGE);

        String[] arrayCategory = request.getParameterValues(Constants.PARAMETER_CATEGORY);

        List<Category> listCategories = new ArrayList<Category>();

        if (arrayCategory != null) {
            for (String strIdCategory : arrayCategory) {
                Category category = CategoryHome.find(Integer.parseInt(strIdCategory), getPlugin());

                if (category != null) {

        String[] strTabEventTags = null;

        // Mandatory field
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(strDate) || StringUtils.isBlank(strEventTitle)
                || StringUtils.isBlank(strDescription)) {
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS,

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(strEventTags) && strEventTags.length() > 0) {
            //Test if there aren't special characters in tag list
            boolean isAllowedExp = Pattern.matches(PROPERTY_TAGS_REGEXP, strEventTags);

            if (!isAllowedExp) {
                return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, MESSAGE_INVALID_TAG, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP);

            strTabEventTags = strEventTags.split("\\s");

        //Convert the date in form to a java.util.Date object
        Date dateEvent = DateUtil.formatDate(strDate, getLocale());

        if ((dateEvent == null) || !Utils.isValidDate(dateEvent)) {
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Constants.PROPERTY_MESSAGE_DATEFORMAT,

        Date dateEndEvent = null;

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(strEventDateEnd)) {
            dateEndEvent = DateUtil.formatDate(strEventDateEnd, getLocale());

            if ((dateEndEvent == null) || !Utils.isValidDate(dateEndEvent)) {
                return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Constants.PROPERTY_MESSAGE_DATEFORMAT,

        //the number of occurrence is 1 by default
        int nOccurrence = 1;

        if ((strOccurrence.length() > 0) && !strOccurrence.equals("")) {
            try {
                nOccurrence = Integer.parseInt(strOccurrence);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, MESSAGE_INVALID_OCCURRENCE_NUMBER,

        int nDocumentId = -1;

        if ((strDocumentId.length() > 0) && !strDocumentId.equals("")) {
            try {
                nDocumentId = Integer.parseInt(strDocumentId);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, MESSAGE_INVALID_OCCURRENCE_NUMBER,

        if (!Utils.checkTime(strTimeStart) || !Utils.checkTime(strTimeEnd)) {
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Constants.PROPERTY_MESSAGE_TIMEFORMAT,

        //If a date end is chosen
        if ((Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_RADIO_PERIODICITY)) == 1)
                && StringUtils.isNotBlank(strEventDateEnd)) {
            if (dateEndEvent.before(dateEvent)) {
                return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Constants.PROPERTY_MESSAGE_DATE_END_BEFORE,
            nPeriodicity = 0;
            nOccurrence = Utils.getOccurrenceWithinTwoDates(dateEvent, dateEndEvent, arrayExcludedDays);
        } else if ((Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_RADIO_PERIODICITY)) == 1)
                && StringUtils.isBlank(strEventDateEnd)) {
            return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Constants.PROPERTY_MESSAGE_DATEFORMAT,

        //If a date end is not chosen
        if ((Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_RADIO_PERIODICITY)) == 0)
                && StringUtils.isBlank(strEventDateEnd)) {
            dateEndEvent = Utils.getDateForward(dateEvent, nPeriodicity, nOccurrence, arrayExcludedDays);
            if (dateEndEvent.before(dateEvent)) {
                nOccurrence = 0;
                dateEndEvent = dateEvent;

        SimpleEvent event = new SimpleEvent();

        if (item.getSize() == 0) {
            HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
            if (session.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MODULE_DOCUMENT_TO_CALENDAR_CONTENT_FILE) != null
                    && session.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MODULE_DOCUMENT_TO_CALENDAR_MIME_TYPE_FILE) != null) {
                ImageResource imageResource = new ImageResource();
                        (byte[]) session.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MODULE_DOCUMENT_TO_CALENDAR_CONTENT_FILE));
                        (String) session.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MODULE_DOCUMENT_TO_CALENDAR_MIME_TYPE_FILE));

        if (item.getSize() >= 1) {
            ImageResource imageResource = new ImageResource();


        _eventListService.doAddEvent(event, null, getPlugin());

        List<OccurrenceEvent> listOccurencesEvent = _eventListService.getOccurrenceEvents(nCalendarId,
                event.getId(), Constants.SORT_ASC, getPlugin());

        for (OccurrenceEvent occ : listOccurencesEvent) {
            CalendarIndexerUtils.addIndexerAction(occ.getId(), IndexerAction.TASK_CREATE);

         * IndexationService.addIndexerAction( Constants.EMPTY_STRING +
         * nCalendarId
         * ,AppPropertiesService.getProperty(
         * CalendarIndexer.PROPERTY_INDEXER_NAME ),
         * IndexerAction.TASK_CREATE );
        boolean isNotify = Boolean.parseBoolean(strNotify);

        if (isNotify) {
            int nSubscriber = _agendaSubscriberService.getSubscriberNumber(nCalendarId, getPlugin());

            if (nSubscriber > 0) {
                Collection<CalendarSubscriber> calendarSubscribers = _agendaSubscriberService
                        .getSubscribers(nCalendarId, getPlugin());
                _agendaSubscriberService.sendSubscriberMail(request, calendarSubscribers, event, nCalendarId);

        strJspReturn = AppPathService.getBaseUrl(request) + JSP_EVENT_LIST2 + nCalendarId;
    } else {
        strJspReturn = AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, MESSAGE_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT,
    return strJspReturn;


From source file:com.intbit.ServletModel.java

 * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code>
 * methods./*from   ww w  .ja va2s  . co m*/
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
public void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    super.processRequest(request, response);
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    File file;
    int maxFileSize = 5000 * 1024;
    int maxMemSize = 5000 * 1024;
    try {

        look = new Looks();
        //            uploadXmlPath = getServletContext().getRealPath("") + "/model";
        uploadPath = AppConstants.BASE_MODEL_PATH;

        // Verify the content type
        String contentType = request.getContentType();
        if ((contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") >= 0)) {

            DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
            // maximum size that will be stored in memory
            // Location to save data that is larger than maxMemSize.
            factory.setRepository(new File(AppConstants.TMP_FOLDER));

            // Create a new file upload handler
            ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
            // maximum file size to be uploaded.

            // Parse the request to get file items.
            List fileItems = upload.parseRequest(request);

            // Process the uploaded file items
            Iterator i = fileItems.iterator();

            out.println("<title>JSP File upload</title>");
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                FileItem fi = (FileItem) i.next();
                if (fi.isFormField()) {
                    // Get the uploaded file parameters
                    fieldName = fi.getFieldName();
                    if (fieldName.equals("organization")) {
                        lookName = fi.getString();
                    if (fieldName.equals("users")) {
                        lookName = fi.getString();
                    if (fieldName.equals("categories")) {
                        lookName = fi.getString();
                    if (fieldName.equals("mapper")) {
                        lookName = fi.getString();
                    if (fieldName.equals("layout")) {
                        lookName = fi.getString();
                    if (fieldName.equals("mail")) {
                        lookName = fi.getString();
                    if (fieldName.equals("socialmedia")) {
                        lookName = fi.getString();

                    if (fieldName.equals("textstyle")) {
                        lookName = fi.getString();

                    if (fieldName.equals("containerstyle")) {
                        lookName = fi.getString();

                    if (fieldName.equals("element")) {
                        lookName = fi.getString();

                    String textstyleinfo = request.getParameter("textstyle");
                    String containerstyle = request.getParameter("containerstyle");
                    String mapfiledata = request.getParameter("element");
                    String textstylearray[] = textstyleinfo.split(",");
                    String containerstylearray[] = containerstyle.split(" ");
                    String mapfiledataarray[] = mapfiledata.split(",");
                    //        String image = request.getParameter("image");
                    logger.log(Level.INFO, containerstyle);

                    DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

                    // root elements
                    Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument();
                    Element rootElement = doc.createElement("layout");

                    Document doc1 = docBuilder.newDocument();
                    Element rootElement1 = doc1.createElement("models");

                    Element container = doc.createElement("container");

                    //                        for (int i = 0; i <= containerstylearray.length - 1; i++) {
                    //                            String v[] = containerstylearray[i].split(":");
                    //                            Attr attr = doc.createAttribute(v[0]);
                    //                            attr.setValue("" + v[1]);
                    //                            container.setAttributeNode(attr);
                    //                        }
                    //                        // staff elements
                    //                        for (int i = 0; i <= textstylearray.length - 1; i++) {
                    //                            Element element = doc.createElement("element");
                    //                            rootElement.appendChild(element);
                    //                            String field1[] = textstylearray[i].split(" ");
                    //                            for (int j = 0; j <= field1.length - 1; j++) {
                    //                                String field2[] = field1[j].split(":");
                    //                                for (int k = 0; k < field2.length - 1; k++) {
                    //                                    Attr attr = doc.createAttribute(field2[0]);
                    //                                    attr.setValue("" + field2[1]);
                    //                                    element.setAttributeNode(attr);
                    //                                }
                    //                            }
                    //                        }
                    //            //            for mapper xml file
                    //                        for (int i = 0; i <= mapfiledataarray.length - 1; i++) {
                    //                            Element element1 = doc1.createElement("model");
                    //                            rootElement1.appendChild(element1);
                    //                            String field1[] = mapfiledataarray[i].split(" ");
                    //                            for (int j = 0; j <= field1.length - 1; j++) {
                    //                                String field2[] = field1[j].split(":");
                    //                                for (int k = 0; k < field2.length - 1; k++) {
                    //                                    Attr attr = doc1.createAttribute(field2[k]);
                    //                                    attr.setValue("" + field2[1]);
                    //                                    element1.setAttributeNode(attr);
                    //                                }
                    //                            }
                    //                        }

                    // write the content into xml file
                    //                        TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                    //                        Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
                    //                        DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
                    //                        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new File(uploadPath +File.separator + layoutfilename + ".xml"));
                    //                        TransformerFactory transformerFactory1 = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                    //                        Transformer transformer1 = transformerFactory1.newTransformer();
                    //                        DOMSource source1 = new DOMSource(doc1);
                    //                        StreamResult result1 = new StreamResult(new File(uploadPath +File.separator + mapperfilename + ".xml"));

                    // Output to console for testing
                    // StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out);
                    //                        transformer.transform(source, result);
                    //                        transformer1.transform(source1, result1);
                    //                        layout.addLayouts(organization_id , user_id, category_id, layoutfilename, mapperfilename, type_email, type_social);

                } else {
                    fieldName = fi.getFieldName();
                    fileName = fi.getName();

                    File uploadDir = new File(uploadPath);
                    if (!uploadDir.exists()) {

                    int inStr = fileName.indexOf(".");
                    String Str = fileName.substring(0, inStr);

                    fileName = lookName + "_" + Str + ".png";
                    boolean isInMemory = fi.isInMemory();
                    long sizeInBytes = fi.getSize();

                    String filePath = uploadPath + File.separator + fileName;
                    File storeFile = new File(filePath);


                    out.println("Uploaded Filename: " + filePath + "<br>");
            //                look.addLooks(lookName, fileName);
            response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/admin/looks.jsp");
            //                        request_dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("/admin/looks.jsp");
            //                        request_dispatcher.forward(request, response);
        } else {
            out.println("<title>Servlet upload</title>");
            out.println("<p>No file uploaded</p>");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, util.Utility.logMessage(ex, "Exception while updating org name:",
    } finally {


From source file:com.occamlab.te.web.TestServlet.java

public void processFormData(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException {
    try {//from   ww w  . jav a 2 s  .c  o m
        FileItemFactory ffactory;
        ServletFileUpload upload;
        List /* FileItem */ items = null;
        HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
        boolean multipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);
        if (multipart) {
            ffactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
            upload = new ServletFileUpload(ffactory);
            items = upload.parseRequest(request);
            Iterator iter = items.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                FileItem item = (FileItem) iter.next();
                if (item.isFormField()) {
                    params.put(item.getFieldName(), item.getString());
        } else {
            Enumeration paramNames = request.getParameterNames();
            while (paramNames.hasMoreElements()) {
                String name = (String) paramNames.nextElement();
                params.put(name, request.getParameter(name));
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
        String operation = params.get("te-operation");
        if (operation.equals("Test")) {
            TestSession s = new TestSession();
            String user = request.getRemoteUser();
            File logdir = new File(conf.getUsersDir(), user);
            String mode = params.get("mode");
            RuntimeOptions opts = new RuntimeOptions();
            if (mode.equals("retest")) {
                String sessionid = params.get("session");
                String test = params.get("test");
                if (sessionid == null) {
                    int i = test.indexOf("/");
                    sessionid = i > 0 ? test.substring(0, i) : test;
                if (test == null) {
                } else {
                for (Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) {
                    if (entry.getKey().startsWith("profile_")) {
                        String profileId = entry.getValue();
                        int i = profileId.indexOf("}");
                        opts.addTestPath(sessionid + "/" + profileId.substring(i + 1));
                s.load(logdir, sessionid);
            } else if (mode.equals("resume")) {
                String sessionid = params.get("session");
                s.load(logdir, sessionid);
            } else {
                String sessionid = LogUtils.generateSessionId(logdir);
                String sources = params.get("sources");
                SuiteEntry suite = conf.getSuites().get(sources);
                //                    String suite = params.get("suite");
                //                    s.setSuiteName(suite);
                String description = params.get("description");
                ArrayList<String> profiles = new ArrayList<String>();
                for (Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) {
                    if (entry.getKey().startsWith("profile_")) {
            String webdir = conf.getWebDirs().get(s.getSourcesName());
            //                String requestURI = request.getRequestURI();
            //                String contextPath = requestURI.substring(0, requestURI.indexOf(request.getServletPath()) + 1);
            //                URI contextURI = new URI(request.getScheme(), null, request.getServerName(), request.getServerPort(), contextPath, null, null);
            URI contextURI = new URI(request.getScheme(), null, request.getServerName(),
                    request.getServerPort(), request.getRequestURI(), null, null);
            opts.setBaseURI(new URL(contextURI.toURL(), webdir + "/").toString());
            //                URI baseURI = new URL(contextURI.toURL(), webdir).toURI();
            //                String base = baseURI.toString() + URLEncoder.encode(webdir, "UTF-8") + "/";
            //                opts.setBaseURI(base);
            TECore core = new TECore(engine, indexes.get(opts.getSourcesName()), opts);
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
            Thread thread = new Thread(core);
            session.setAttribute("testsession", core);
            out.println("<thread id=\"" + thread.getId() + "\" sessionId=\"" + s.getSessionId() + "\"/>");
        } else if (operation.equals("Stop")) {
            TECore core = (TECore) session.getAttribute("testsession");
            if (core != null) {
            } else {
                out.println("<message>Could not retrieve core object</message>");
        } else if (operation.equals("GetStatus")) {
            TECore core = (TECore) session.getAttribute("testsession");
            if (core.getFormHtml() != null) {
                out.print(" form=\"true\"");
            if (core.isThreadComplete()) {
                out.print(" complete=\"true\"");
            //                out.print(core.getOutput());
            out.print(URLEncoder.encode(core.getOutput(), "UTF-8").replace('+', ' '));
        } else if (operation.equals("GetForm")) {
            TECore core = (TECore) session.getAttribute("testsession");
            String html = core.getFormHtml();
        } else if (operation.equals("SubmitForm")) {
            TECore core = (TECore) session.getAttribute("testsession");
            Document doc = DB.newDocument();
            Element root = doc.createElement("values");
            for (String key : params.keySet()) {
                if (!key.startsWith("te-")) {
                    Element valueElement = doc.createElement("value");
                    valueElement.setAttribute("key", key);
            if (multipart) {
                Iterator iter = items.iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    FileItem item = (FileItem) iter.next();
                    if (!item.isFormField() && !item.getName().equals("")) {
                        File uploadedFile = new File(core.getLogDir(),
                        Element valueElement = doc.createElement("value");
                        String key = item.getFieldName();
                        valueElement.setAttribute("key", key);
                        if (core.getFormParsers().containsKey(key)) {
                            Element parser = core.getFormParsers().get(key);
                            URL url = uploadedFile.toURI().toURL();
                            Element resp = core.parse(url.openConnection(), parser, doc);
                            Element content = DomUtils.getElementByTagName(resp, "content");
                            if (content != null) {
                                Element child = DomUtils.getChildElement(content);
                                if (child != null) {
                        } else {
                            Element fileEntry = doc.createElementNS(CTL_NS, "file-entry");
                                    uploadedFile.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/'));
                            fileEntry.setAttribute("media-type", item.getContentType());
                            fileEntry.setAttribute("size", String.valueOf(item.getSize()));
            out.println("<head><title>Form Submitted</title></head>");
            out.print("<body onload=\"window.parent.update()\"></body>");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new ServletException(t);

From source file:com.tmwsoft.sns.web.action.MainAction.java

public ActionForward cp_topic(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal");
    Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sConfig");
    Map<String, Object> space = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("space");
    int supe_uid = (Integer) sGlobal.get("supe_uid");
    int timestamp = (Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp");
    String tempS = request.getParameter("topicid");
    int topicid = Common.empty(tempS) ? 0 : Common.intval(tempS);
    tempS = request.getParameter("id");
    int id = Common.empty(tempS) ? 0 : Common.intval(tempS);
    tempS = request.getParameter("idtype");
    String idtype = Common.empty(tempS) ? "" : tempS.trim();
    tempS = request.getParameter("op");
    String op = Common.empty(tempS) ? "" : tempS;
    List<Map<String, Object>> query;
    Map<String, Object> topic = null;
    if (topicid != 0) {
        query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM sns_topic WHERE topicid='" + topicid + "'");
        topic = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null;
    }/*from ww w  .ja  va2 s.  c  o  m*/
    if (Common.empty(topic)) {
        if (!"join".equals(op)) {
            if (!Common.checkPerm(request, response, "allowtopic")) {
                return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege");
        topicid = 0;
    } else {
        if (!"join".equals(op)) {
            if (supe_uid != (Integer) topic.get("uid") && !Common.checkPerm(request, response, "managetopic")) {
                return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege");
        topic.put("pic", Common.pic_get(sConfig, (String) topic.get("pic"), (Integer) topic.get("thumb"),
                (Integer) topic.get("remote"), true));
    boolean sc;
    FileUploadUtil upload = getParsedFileUploadUtil(request);
    try {
        sc = submitCheckForMulti(request, upload, "topicsubmit");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage());
    if (sc) {
        Map<String, Object> setarr = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        String subject;
        String message;
        try {
            subject = Common.getStr(upload.getParameter("subject"), 80, true, true, false, 0, 0, request,
            message = Common.getStr(upload.getParameter("message"), 0, true, true, false, 0, 0, request,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage());
        setarr.put("subject", subject);
        setarr.put("message", message);
        String[] tempSA = upload.getParameterValues("jointype[]");
        setarr.put("jointype", Common.empty(tempSA) ? "" : Common.implode(tempSA, ","));
        tempSA = upload.getParameterValues("joingid[]");
        setarr.put("joingid", Common.empty(tempSA) ? "" : Common.implode(tempSA, ","));
        tempS = upload.getParameter("endtime");
        setarr.put("endtime", Common.empty(tempS) ? 0
                : Common.strToTime(tempS, Common.getTimeOffset(sGlobal, sConfig), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
        if (Common.strlen(subject) < 4) {
            return showMessage(request, response, "topic_subject_error");
        FileItem fileItem = upload.getFileItem("pic");
        if (fileItem != null && fileItem.getSize() > 0) {
            Object ob = mainService.savePic(request, response, fileItem, "-1", "", 0);
            if (!Common.empty(ob) && Common.isArray(ob)) {
                Map<String, Object> filearr = (Map<String, Object>) ob;
                setarr.put("pic", filearr.get("filepath"));
                setarr.put("thumb", filearr.get("thumb"));
                setarr.put("remote", filearr.get("remote"));
        if (Common.empty(topicid)) {
            setarr.put("uid", supe_uid);
            setarr.put("username", sGlobal.get("supe_username"));
            setarr.put("dateline", timestamp);
            setarr.put("lastpost", timestamp);
            topicid = dataBaseService.insertTable("sns_topic", setarr, true, false);
        } else {
            Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            whereData.put("topicid", topicid);
            dataBaseService.updateTable("sns_topic", setarr, whereData);
        return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "zone.action?do=topic&topicid=" + topicid, 0);
    if ("delete".equals(op)) {
        try {
            if (submitCheck(request, "deletesubmit")) {
                if (adminDeleteService.deletetopics(request, response, sGlobal, topicid)) {
                    return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "zone.action?do=topic");
                } else {
                    return showMessage(request, response, "failed_to_delete_operation");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage());
        request.setAttribute("topicid", topicid);
    } else if ("join".equals(op)) {
        String tablename = mainService.getTablebyIdType(idtype);
        Map<String, Object> item = null;
        if (!Common.empty(tablename) && id != 0) {
            if (tablename.equals("pic")) {
                query = dataBaseService.executeQuery(
                        "SELECT s.username, p.* FROM sns_pic p LEFT JOIN sns_space s ON s.uid=p.uid WHERE p.picid='"
                                + id + "'");
            } else {
                query = dataBaseService
                        .executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + tablename + " WHERE " + idtype + "='" + id + "'");
            item = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null;
        if (Common.empty(item)) {
            return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege");
        int uid = (Integer) item.get("uid");
        if (supe_uid != uid && !Common.checkPerm(request, response, "managetopic")
                && !Common.checkPerm(request, response, tablename.replace("sns_", "manage"))) {
            return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege");
        Map<Integer, Map<String, Object>> tlist = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Map<String, Object>>();
        query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM sns_topic ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT 0,50");
        String[] jointype;
        String[] joingid;
        Integer endtime;
        for (Map<String, Object> value : query) {
            tempS = (String) value.get("jointype");
            if (!Common.empty(tempS)) {
                jointype = tempS.split(",");
            } else {
                jointype = null;
            if (!Common.empty(jointype) && !Common.in_array(jointype, tablename)) {
            if (supe_uid == uid) {
                tempS = (String) value.get("joingid");
                if (!Common.empty(tempS)) {
                    joingid = tempS.split(",");
                } else {
                    joingid = null;
                if (!Common.empty(joingid) && !Common.in_array(joingid, space.get("groupid"))) {
            endtime = (Integer) value.get("endtime");
            if (endtime != 0 && timestamp > endtime) {
            tlist.put((Integer) value.get("topicid"), value);
        if (Common.empty(tlist)) {
            return showMessage(request, response, "topic_list_none");
        try {
            if (submitCheck(request, "joinsubmit")) {
                int newtopicid = Common.intval(request.getParameter("newtopicid"));
                if (Common.empty(tlist.get(newtopicid))) {
                    newtopicid = 0;
                Map<String, Object> setData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                setData.put("topicid", newtopicid);
                Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                whereData.put(idtype, id);
                dataBaseService.updateTable(tablename, setData, whereData);
                if (newtopicid != 0) {
                    mainService.topicJoin(request, newtopicid, uid,
                            Common.addSlashes((String) item.get("username")));
                } else {
                    query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM sns_topicuser WHERE uid='" + uid
                            + "' AND topicid='" + item.get("topicid") + "'");
                    Map<String, Object> value = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null;
                    if (!Common.empty(value)) {
                        dataBaseService.execute("DELETE FROM sns_topicuser WHERE id='" + value.get("id") + "'");
                        dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE sns_topic SET joinnum=joinnum-1 WHERE topicid='"
                                + item.get("topicid") + "' AND joinnum>0");
                return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", request.getParameter("refer"), 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage());
        request.setAttribute("id", id);
        request.setAttribute("idtype", idtype);
        request.setAttribute("tlist", tlist);
    } else if ("ignore".equals(op)) {
        request.setAttribute("topicid", topicid);
        request.setAttribute("id", id);
        request.setAttribute("idtype", idtype);
    } else {
        if (topic == null) {
            topic = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        Map<String, String> jointypes = new HashMap<String, String>();
        tempS = (String) topic.get("jointype");
        String[] tempSA = null;
        if (tempS != null) {
            tempSA = tempS.split(",");
        topic.put("jointype", tempSA);
        if (tempSA != null) {
            for (String value : tempSA) {
                jointypes.put(value, " checked");
        Map<String, String> joingids = new HashMap<String, String>();
        tempS = (String) topic.get("joingid");
        tempSA = null;
        if (tempS != null) {
            tempSA = tempS.split(",");
        topic.put("joingid", tempSA);
        if (tempSA != null) {
            for (String value : tempSA) {
                joingids.put(value, " checked");
        Object endtimeO = topic.get("endtime");
        if (!Common.empty(endtimeO)) {
            topic.put("endtime", Common.sgmdate(request, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", (Integer) endtimeO));
        } else {
            topic.put("endtime", "");
        Map<Integer, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> usergroups = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>>();
        usergroups.put(-1, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>());
        usergroups.put(1, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>());
        usergroups.put(0, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>());
        query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM sns_usergroup");
        Map<String, Map<String, Object>> tempM;
        for (Map<String, Object> value : query) {
            tempM = usergroups.get((Integer) value.get("system"));
            if (tempM != null) {
                tempM.put(String.valueOf(value.get("gid")), value);
        request.setAttribute("topicid", topicid);
        request.setAttribute("topic", topic);
        request.setAttribute("jointypes", jointypes);
        request.setAttribute("joingids", joingids);
        request.setAttribute("usergroups", usergroups);
    request.setAttribute("op", op);
    return include(request, response, sConfig, sGlobal, "cp_topic.jsp");

From source file:cn.jcenterhome.web.action.CpAction.java

public ActionForward cp_topic(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal");
    Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sConfig");
    Map<String, Object> space = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("space");
    int supe_uid = (Integer) sGlobal.get("supe_uid");
    int timestamp = (Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp");
    String tempS = request.getParameter("topicid");
    int topicid = Common.empty(tempS) ? 0 : Common.intval(tempS);
    tempS = request.getParameter("id");
    int id = Common.empty(tempS) ? 0 : Common.intval(tempS);
    tempS = request.getParameter("idtype");
    String idtype = Common.empty(tempS) ? "" : tempS.trim();
    tempS = request.getParameter("op");
    String op = Common.empty(tempS) ? "" : tempS;
    List<Map<String, Object>> query;
    Map<String, Object> topic = null;
    if (topicid != 0) {
        query = dataBaseService.executeQuery(
                "SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("topic") + " WHERE topicid='" + topicid + "'");
        topic = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null;
    }//from w w w  .  ja v a2s  .  c o m
    if (Common.empty(topic)) {
        if (!"join".equals(op)) {
            if (!Common.checkPerm(request, response, "allowtopic")) {
                return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege");
        topicid = 0;
    } else {
        if (!"join".equals(op)) {
            if (supe_uid != (Integer) topic.get("uid") && !Common.checkPerm(request, response, "managetopic")) {
                return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege");
        topic.put("pic", Common.pic_get(sConfig, (String) topic.get("pic"), (Integer) topic.get("thumb"),
                (Integer) topic.get("remote"), true));
    boolean sc;
    FileUploadUtil upload = getParsedFileUploadUtil(request);
    try {
        sc = submitCheckForMulti(request, upload, "topicsubmit");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage());
    if (sc) {
        Map<String, Object> setarr = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        String subject;
        String message;
        try {
            subject = Common.getStr(upload.getParameter("subject"), 80, true, true, false, 0, 0, request,
            message = Common.getStr(upload.getParameter("message"), 0, true, true, false, 0, 0, request,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage());
        setarr.put("subject", subject);
        setarr.put("message", message);
        String[] tempSA = upload.getParameterValues("jointype[]");
        setarr.put("jointype", Common.empty(tempSA) ? "" : Common.implode(tempSA, ","));
        tempSA = upload.getParameterValues("joingid[]");
        setarr.put("joingid", Common.empty(tempSA) ? "" : Common.implode(tempSA, ","));
        tempS = upload.getParameter("endtime");
        setarr.put("endtime", Common.empty(tempS) ? 0
                : Common.strToTime(tempS, Common.getTimeOffset(sGlobal, sConfig), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
        if (Common.strlen(subject) < 4) {
            return showMessage(request, response, "topic_subject_error");
        FileItem fileItem = upload.getFileItem("pic");
        if (fileItem != null && fileItem.getSize() > 0) {
            Object ob = cpService.savePic(request, response, fileItem, "-1", "", 0);
            if (!Common.empty(ob) && Common.isArray(ob)) {
                Map<String, Object> filearr = (Map<String, Object>) ob;
                setarr.put("pic", filearr.get("filepath"));
                setarr.put("thumb", filearr.get("thumb"));
                setarr.put("remote", filearr.get("remote"));
        if (Common.empty(topicid)) {
            setarr.put("uid", supe_uid);
            setarr.put("username", sGlobal.get("supe_username"));
            setarr.put("dateline", timestamp);
            setarr.put("lastpost", timestamp);
            topicid = dataBaseService.insertTable("topic", setarr, true, false);
        } else {
            Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            whereData.put("topicid", topicid);
            dataBaseService.updateTable("topic", setarr, whereData);
        return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?do=topic&topicid=" + topicid, 0);
    if ("delete".equals(op)) {
        try {
            if (submitCheck(request, "deletesubmit")) {
                if (adminDeleteService.deletetopics(request, response, sGlobal, topicid)) {
                    return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?do=topic");
                } else {
                    return showMessage(request, response, "failed_to_delete_operation");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage());
        request.setAttribute("topicid", topicid);
    } else if ("join".equals(op)) {
        String tablename = cpService.getTablebyIdType(idtype);
        Map<String, Object> item = null;
        if (!Common.empty(tablename) && id != 0) {
            if (tablename.equals("pic")) {
                query = dataBaseService
                        .executeQuery("SELECT s.username, p.* FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("pic")
                                + " p " + "LEFT JOIN " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space")
                                + " s ON s.uid=p.uid " + "WHERE p.picid='" + id + "'");
            } else {
                query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName(tablename)
                        + " WHERE " + idtype + "='" + id + "'");
            item = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null;
        if (Common.empty(item)) {
            return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege");
        int uid = (Integer) item.get("uid");
        if (supe_uid != uid && !Common.checkPerm(request, response, "managetopic")
                && !Common.checkPerm(request, response, "manage" + tablename)) {
            return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege");
        Map<Integer, Map<String, Object>> tlist = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Map<String, Object>>();
        query = dataBaseService.executeQuery(
                "SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("topic") + " ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT 0,50");
        String[] jointype;
        String[] joingid;
        Integer endtime;
        for (Map<String, Object> value : query) {
            tempS = (String) value.get("jointype");
            if (!Common.empty(tempS)) {
                jointype = tempS.split(",");
            } else {
                jointype = null;
            if (!Common.empty(jointype) && !Common.in_array(jointype, tablename)) {
            if (supe_uid == uid) {
                tempS = (String) value.get("joingid");
                if (!Common.empty(tempS)) {
                    joingid = tempS.split(",");
                } else {
                    joingid = null;
                if (!Common.empty(joingid) && !Common.in_array(joingid, space.get("groupid"))) {
            endtime = (Integer) value.get("endtime");
            if (endtime != 0 && timestamp > endtime) {
            tlist.put((Integer) value.get("topicid"), value);
        if (Common.empty(tlist)) {
            return showMessage(request, response, "topic_list_none");
        try {
            if (submitCheck(request, "joinsubmit")) {
                int newtopicid = Common.intval(request.getParameter("newtopicid"));
                if (Common.empty(tlist.get(newtopicid))) {
                    newtopicid = 0;
                Map<String, Object> setData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                setData.put("topicid", newtopicid);
                Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                whereData.put(idtype, id);
                dataBaseService.updateTable(tablename, setData, whereData);
                if (newtopicid != 0) {
                    cpService.topicJoin(request, newtopicid, uid,
                            Common.addSlashes((String) item.get("username")));
                } else {
                    query = dataBaseService
                            .executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("topicuser")
                                    + " WHERE uid='" + uid + "' AND topicid='" + item.get("topicid") + "'");
                    Map<String, Object> value = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null;
                    if (!Common.empty(value)) {
                        dataBaseService.execute("DELETE FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("topicuser")
                                + " WHERE id='" + value.get("id") + "'");
                        dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("topic")
                                + " SET joinnum=joinnum-1 WHERE topicid='" + item.get("topicid")
                                + "' AND joinnum>0");
                return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", request.getParameter("refer"), 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage());
        request.setAttribute("id", id);
        request.setAttribute("idtype", idtype);
        request.setAttribute("tlist", tlist);
    } else if ("ignore".equals(op)) {
        request.setAttribute("topicid", topicid);
        request.setAttribute("id", id);
        request.setAttribute("idtype", idtype);
    } else {
        if (topic == null) {
            topic = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        Map<String, String> jointypes = new HashMap<String, String>();
        tempS = (String) topic.get("jointype");
        String[] tempSA = null;
        if (tempS != null) {
            tempSA = tempS.split(",");
        topic.put("jointype", tempSA);
        if (tempSA != null) {
            for (String value : tempSA) {
                jointypes.put(value, " checked");
        Map<String, String> joingids = new HashMap<String, String>();
        tempS = (String) topic.get("joingid");
        tempSA = null;
        if (tempS != null) {
            tempSA = tempS.split(",");
        topic.put("joingid", tempSA);
        if (tempSA != null) {
            for (String value : tempSA) {
                joingids.put(value, " checked");
        Object endtimeO = topic.get("endtime");
        if (!Common.empty(endtimeO)) {
            topic.put("endtime", Common.sgmdate(request, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", (Integer) endtimeO));
        } else {
            topic.put("endtime", "");
        Map<Integer, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> usergroups = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>>();
        usergroups.put(-1, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>());
        usergroups.put(1, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>());
        usergroups.put(0, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>());
        query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("usergroup"));
        Map<String, Map<String, Object>> tempM;
        for (Map<String, Object> value : query) {
            tempM = usergroups.get((Integer) value.get("system"));
            if (tempM != null) {
                tempM.put(String.valueOf(value.get("gid")), value);
        request.setAttribute("topicid", topicid);
        request.setAttribute("topic", topic);
        request.setAttribute("jointypes", jointypes);
        request.setAttribute("joingids", joingids);
        request.setAttribute("usergroups", usergroups);
    request.setAttribute("op", op);
    return include(request, response, sConfig, sGlobal, "cp_topic.jsp");