Example usage for org.apache.commons.fileupload FileItem write

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.fileupload FileItem write


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.fileupload FileItem write.


void write(File file) throws Exception;

Source Link


A convenience method to write an uploaded item to disk.


From source file:com.primeleaf.krystal.web.action.console.CheckInDocumentAction.java

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public WebView execute(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    User loggedInUser = (User) session.getAttribute(HTTPConstants.SESSION_KRYSTAL);
    try {//from   w  ww. ja v  a2s. c om
        if ("POST".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod())) {
            String errorMessage;
            String tempFilePath = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");

            if (!(tempFilePath.endsWith("/") || tempFilePath.endsWith("\\"))) {
                tempFilePath += System.getProperty("file.separator");
            tempFilePath += loggedInUser.getUserName() + "_" + session.getId();

            String revisionId = "", comments = "", fileName = "", ext = "", version = "";
            int documentId = 0;
            // Create a factory for disk-based file items
            FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
            // Create a new file upload handler
            ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
            List items = upload.parseRequest((HttpServletRequest) request);
            //Create a file upload progress listener

            Iterator iter = items.iterator();
            FileItem item = null;
            File file = null;
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                item = (FileItem) iter.next();
                if (item.isFormField()) {
                    String name = item.getFieldName();
                    String value = item.getString(HTTPConstants.CHARACTER_ENCODING);
                    if (name.equals("documentid")) {
                        try {
                            documentId = Integer.parseInt(value);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, "Invalid input");
                            return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));
                    } else if (name.equals("revisionid")) {
                        revisionId = value;
                    } else if (name.equals("txtNote")) {
                        comments = value;
                    } else if ("version".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
                        version = value;
                } else {
                    fileName = item.getName();
                    ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toUpperCase();
                    file = new File(tempFilePath + "." + ext);
            iter = null;

            Document document = DocumentDAO.getInstance().readDocumentById(documentId);
            if (document == null) {
                request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, "Invalid document");
                return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));
            if (document.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(Hit.STATUS_AVAILABLE)) {
                request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, "Invalid check-in");
                return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));
            revisionId = document.getRevisionId();
            DocumentClass documentClass = DocumentClassDAO.getInstance()
            AccessControlManager aclManager = new AccessControlManager();
            ACL acl = aclManager.getACL(documentClass, loggedInUser);
            if (!acl.canCheckin()) {
                request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, "Access Denied");
                return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));

            if (file.length() <= 0) {
                request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, "Zero length document");
                return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));
            if (file.length() > documentClass.getMaximumFileSize()) { //code for checking maximum size of document in a class
                request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, "Document size exceeded");
                return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));

            String indexValue = "";
            String indexName = "";

            Hashtable indexRecord = new Hashtable();
            for (IndexDefinition indexDefinition : documentClass.getIndexDefinitions()) {
                indexName = indexDefinition.getIndexColumnName();
                Iterator itemsIterator = items.iterator();
                while (itemsIterator.hasNext()) {
                    FileItem fileItem = (FileItem) itemsIterator.next();
                    if (fileItem.isFormField()) {
                        String name = fileItem.getFieldName();
                        String value = fileItem.getString(HTTPConstants.CHARACTER_ENCODING);
                        if (name.equals(indexName)) {
                            indexValue = value;
                            if (indexValue != null) {
                                if (indexDefinition.isMandatory()) {
                                    if (indexValue.trim().length() <= 0) {
                                        errorMessage = "Invalid input for "
                                                + indexDefinition.getIndexDisplayName();
                                        request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, errorMessage);
                                        return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));
                                if (IndexDefinition.INDEXTYPE_NUMBER
                                        .equalsIgnoreCase(indexDefinition.getIndexType())) {
                                    if (indexValue.trim().length() > 0) {
                                        if (!GenericValidator.matchRegexp(indexValue,
                                                HTTPConstants.NUMERIC_REGEXP)) {
                                            errorMessage = "Invalid input for "
                                                    + indexDefinition.getIndexDisplayName();
                                            request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, errorMessage);
                                            return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));
                                } else if (IndexDefinition.INDEXTYPE_DATE
                                        .equalsIgnoreCase(indexDefinition.getIndexType())) {
                                    if (indexValue.trim().length() > 0) {
                                        if (!GenericValidator.isDate(indexValue, "yyyy-MM-dd", true)) {
                                            errorMessage = "Invalid input for "
                                                    + indexDefinition.getIndexDisplayName();
                                            request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, errorMessage);
                                            return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));

                                if (indexValue.trim().length() > indexDefinition.getIndexMaxLength()) { //code for checking maximum length of index field
                                    errorMessage = "Document index length exceeded.  Index Name :" +

                                            indexDefinition.getIndexDisplayName() + " [ " + "Index Length : "
                                            + indexDefinition.getIndexMaxLength() + " , " + "Actual Length  : "
                                            + indexValue.length() + " ]";
                                    request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, errorMessage);
                                    return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));
                            indexRecord.put(indexName, indexValue);
                    fileItem = null;
                } // while iter
                itemsIterator = null;
            } // while indexDefinitionItr

            CheckedOutDocument checkedOutDocument = new CheckedOutDocument();
            // Added by Viral Visaria. For the Version Control minor and major.
            // In minor revision increment by 0.1. (No Changes required for the minor revision its handled in the core logic) 
            // In major revision increment by 1.0  (Below chages are incremented by 0.9 and rest 0.1 will be added in the core logic. (0.9 + 0.1 = 1.0)
            double rev = Double.parseDouble(revisionId);
            if ("major".equals(version)) {
                rev = Math.floor(rev);
                rev = rev + 0.9;
                revisionId = String.valueOf(rev);
            RevisionManager revisionManager = new RevisionManager();
            revisionManager.checkIn(checkedOutDocument, documentClass, indexRecord, file, comments, ext,

            //revision id incremented by 0.1 for making entry in audit log 
            rev += 0.1;
            revisionId = String.valueOf(rev);
            //add to audit log 
            AuditLogManager.log(new AuditLogRecord(documentId, AuditLogRecord.OBJECT_DOCUMENT,
                    AuditLogRecord.ACTION_CHECKIN, loggedInUser.getUserName(), request.getRemoteAddr(),
                    AuditLogRecord.LEVEL_INFO, "Document ID :  " + documentId + " Revision ID :" + revisionId,
                    "Checked In"));
            request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_MESSAGE, "Document checked in successfully");
            return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));
        int documentId = 0;
        try {
            documentId = Integer.parseInt(
                    request.getParameter("documentid") != null ? request.getParameter("documentid") : "0");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, "Invalid input");
            return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));
        Document document = DocumentDAO.getInstance().readDocumentById(documentId);
        if (document == null) {
            request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, "Invalid document");
            return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));
        if (!Hit.STATUS_LOCKED.equalsIgnoreCase(document.getStatus())) {
            request.setAttribute(HTTPConstants.REQUEST_ERROR, "Invalid checkin");
            return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));
        DocumentClass documentClass = DocumentClassDAO.getInstance()
        LinkedHashMap<String, String> documentIndexes = IndexRecordManager.getInstance()
                .readIndexRecord(documentClass, documentId, document.getRevisionId());

        request.setAttribute("DOCUMENTCLASS", documentClass);
        request.setAttribute("DOCUMENT", document);
        request.setAttribute("DOCUMENTINDEXES", documentIndexes);

    } catch (Exception e) {
    return (new CheckInDocumentView(request, response));

From source file:com.food.adminservlet.FoodServlet.java


protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    int foodid = 0;
    String foodName = "";
    String fooddesc = "";
    Double foodprice = 0.0;/*from   ww w  .  j a  va  2 s  . c  o m*/
    String foodCategory = "";
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);
    FoodBean bkfood = new FoodBean();
    FoodBL foodbl = new FoodBL();
    try {

        //java.io.PrintWriter out = response.getWriter( );

        DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
        // maximum size that will be stored in memory
        // Location to save data that is larger than maxMemSize.
        factory.setRepository(new File("c:\\temp"));

        // Create a new file upload handler
        ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
        // maximum file size to be uploaded.

        // Parse the request to get file items.
        List fileItems = upload.parseRequest(request);

        // Process the uploaded file items
        Iterator i = fileItems.iterator();

        out.println("<title>Servlet upload</title>");
        while (i.hasNext()) {

            FileItem fi = (FileItem) i.next();
            if (fi.isFormField()) {
                if (fi.getFieldName().equals("foodid")) {
                    foodid = Integer.parseInt(fi.getString());
                if (fi.getFieldName().equals("foodname")) {
                    foodName = fi.getString();
                if (fi.getFieldName().equals("fooddesc")) {
                    fooddesc = fi.getString();
                if (fi.getFieldName().equals("foodprice")) {
                    foodprice = Double.parseDouble(fi.getString());
                if (fi.getFieldName().equals("foodcate")) {
                    foodCategory = fi.getString();

            if (!fi.isFormField()) {
                // Get the uploaded file parameters
                String fieldName = fi.getFieldName();
                fileName = fi.getName();
                String contentType = fi.getContentType();
                boolean isInMemory = fi.isInMemory();
                long sizeInBytes = fi.getSize();
                // Write the file
                if (fileName.lastIndexOf("\\") >= 0) {
                    file = new File(filePath + fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("\\")));
                } else {
                    file = new File(filePath + fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1));
                out.println("Uploaded Filename: " + fileName + "<br>");


        // bkfood.setFoodimage(request.getPart("foodimage"));

        int chk = foodbl.addFoodItems(bkfood);

        if (chk == 1) {

    } catch (Exception ex) {

From source file:Controller.ControllerCustomers.java

 * Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method.
 * @param request servlet request//from www  . j av  a 2  s. c om
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);
    if (!isMultipart) {

    } else {
        FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
        ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
        List items = null;
        try {
            items = upload.parseRequest(request);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        Iterator iter = items.iterator();
        Hashtable params = new Hashtable();
        String fileName = null;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            FileItem item = (FileItem) iter.next();
            if (item.isFormField()) {
                params.put(item.getFieldName(), item.getString());
            } else {

                try {
                    String itemName = item.getName();
                    fileName = itemName.substring(itemName.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
                    String RealPath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "upload\\" + fileName;
                    String username = (String) params.get("txtusername");
                    String password = (String) params.get("txtpassword");
                    String hoten = (String) params.get("txthoten");
                    String gioitinh = (String) params.get("txtgioitinh");
                    String email = (String) params.get("txtemail");
                    String role = (String) params.get("txtrole");
                    String anh = (String) params.get("txtanh");
                    //Update  product
                    if (fileName.equals("")) {

                        Customer Cus = new Customer(username, password, hoten, gioitinh, email, role, anh);
                        RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("CustomerDao.jsp");
                        rd.forward(request, response);

                    } else {
                        // bat dau ghi file
                        File savedFile = new File(RealPath);
                        //ket thuc ghi

                        Customer Cus = new Customer(username, password, hoten, gioitinh, email, role,
                                "upload\\" + fileName);

                        RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("CustomerDao.jsp");
                        rd.forward(request, response);

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("InformationError.jsp");
                    rd.forward(request, response);



From source file:com.square.composant.envoi.email.square.server.servlet.UploadFichierServlet.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {

    final boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);

    // Cration d'un DiskFileItemFactory pour stocker les fichiers.
    if (isMultipart) {
        try {/*w ww.  ja  va  2  s. co  m*/
            final FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
            final ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);

            // Rcupration des items contenus dans la requte
            final List<FileItem> listeItems = upload.parseRequest(request);

            // Parcours des items
            for (FileItem item : listeItems) {

                // Fichier  uploader
                if (!item.isFormField()) {
                    // Nom du fichier
                    String nomFichier = "";
                    // on verifie si il y a un backslash
                    if (item.getName().indexOf("\\") != -1) {
                        // [\\\\] = expression rgulire pour dcouper suivant le backslash
                        final String[] tabNomFichier = item.getName().split("\\\\");
                        nomFichier = tabNomFichier[tabNomFichier.length - 1];
                    } else {
                        nomFichier = item.getName();

                    // Type MIME
                    final String typeMime = item.getContentType();

                    // Cration d'un fichier temporaire
                    String prefixe = nomFichier;
                    String suffixe = null;
                    if (nomFichier.indexOf(".") != -1) {
                        final int indexPoint = nomFichier.lastIndexOf(".");
                        prefixe = nomFichier.substring(0, indexPoint);
                        suffixe = nomFichier.substring(indexPoint);

                    if (prefixe.length() < 3) {
                    } else {
                        final File fichierTemporaire = File.createTempFile(prefixe, suffixe);

                        // Renvoi des infos concernant le fichier
                        final StringBuffer infosFichier = new StringBuffer();

        } catch (FileUploadException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {


From source file:com.esd.cs.worker.WorkerController.java

 * ?// w ww.  j a v  a  2  s  .  c  o m
 * @param request
 * @param response
 * @return
public Map<String, String> importfile(String upLoadPath, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) {
    // ???
    // String fileType = "xls";
    DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
    factory.setSizeThreshold(5 * 1024);
    factory.setRepository(new File(upLoadPath));
    ServletFileUpload fileUpload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
    Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();

    if (LoadUpFileMaxSize != null && !StringUtils.equals(LoadUpFileMaxSize.trim(), "")) {
        // ?
        fileUpload.setSizeMax(Integer.valueOf(LoadUpFileMaxSize) * 1024 * 1024);
    try {
        // ?
        List<FileItem> items = fileUpload.parseRequest(request);
        for (FileItem item : items) {
            // ?
            if (!item.isFormField()) {
                // ??
                String fileName = item.getName();
                // ??
                String fileEnd = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase();
                // ??
                String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                StringBuffer sbRealPath = new StringBuffer();
                File file = new File(sbRealPath.toString());

                logger.info("?,filePath" + file.getPath());
                result.put("filePath", file.getPath());

                // form??
            } else {
                // item.getFieldName():??keyitem.getString()??value
                result.put(item.getFieldName(), item.getString());
    } catch (Exception e) {

        // ???
        result.put("fileError", ",??" + LoadUpFileMaxSize + "M!");
        logger.error("uplaodWorkerFileError:{}", e.getMessage());
        return result;
    return result;

From source file:Atualizar.java

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
    boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(req);
    String caminho;/*from  ww  w  . j av  a 2s.  co  m*/
    if (isMultipart) {
        try {
            FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
            ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
            List<FileItem> items = (List<FileItem>) upload.parseRequest(req);
            for (FileItem item : items) {
                if (item.isFormField()) {
                            .println("No  campo file" + this.getServletContext().getRealPath("/img"));
                    resp.getWriter().println("Name campo: " + item.getFieldName());
                    resp.getWriter().println("Value campo: " + item.getString());
                    req.setAttribute(item.getFieldName(), item.getString());
                } else {
                    //caso seja um campo do tipo file

                    resp.getWriter().println("Campo file");
                    resp.getWriter().println("Name:" + item.getFieldName());
                    resp.getWriter().println("nome arquivo :" + item.getName());
                    resp.getWriter().println("Size:" + item.getSize());
                    resp.getWriter().println("ContentType:" + item.getContentType());
                            "C:\\uploads" + File.separator + new Date().getTime() + "_" + item.getName());
                    if (item.getName() == "" || item.getName() == null) {
                        caminho = this.getServletContext().getRealPath("\\img\\user.jpg");
                    } else {
                        caminho = "img" + File.separator + new Date().getTime() + "_" + item.getName();

                    resp.getWriter().println("Caminho: " + caminho);
                    req.setAttribute("caminho", caminho);
                    File uploadedFile = new File(
                            "E:\\Documentos\\NetBeansProjects\\SisLivros\\web\\" + caminho);
                    req.setAttribute("caminho", caminho);
                    //                                                req.getRequestDispatcher("cadastrouser").forward(req, resp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            resp.getWriter().println("ocorreu um problema ao fazer o upload: " + e.getMessage());


From source file:it.biblio.servlets.Inserimento_Ristampa.java

 * metodo per gestire l'upload di file//from   www  .jav a  2  s .  c  om
 * @param request
 * @param response
 * @param k
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private boolean upload(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, Exception {

    Map<String, Object> ristampe = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    int idopera = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("id"));

    if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {

        FileItemFactory fif = new DiskFileItemFactory();
        ServletFileUpload sfo = new ServletFileUpload(fif);
        List<FileItem> items = sfo.parseRequest(request);
        for (FileItem item : items) {
            String fname = item.getFieldName();
            if (item.isFormField() && fname.equals("ISBN") && !item.getString().isEmpty()) {
                ristampe.put("isbn", item.getString());
            } else if (item.isFormField() && fname.equals("numero_pagine") && !item.getString().isEmpty()) {
                ristampe.put("numpagine", Integer.parseInt(item.getString()));
            } else if (item.isFormField() && fname.equals("anno_pub") && !item.getString().isEmpty()) {
                ristampe.put("datapub", item.getString());
            } else if (item.isFormField() && fname.equals("editore") && !item.getString().isEmpty()) {
                ristampe.put("editore", item.getString());
            } else if (item.isFormField() && fname.equals("lingua") && !item.getString().isEmpty()) {
                ristampe.put("lingua", item.getString());
            } else if (item.isFormField() && fname.equals("indice") && !item.getString().isEmpty()) {
                ristampe.put("indice", item.getString());
                //se  stato inserito un pdf salvo il file e inserisco nella mappa i dati
            } else if (!item.isFormField() && fname.equals("PDF")) {
                String name = item.getName();
                long size = item.getSize();
                if (size > 0 && !name.isEmpty()) {
                    File target = new File(getServletContext().getRealPath("") + File.separatorChar + "PDF"
                            + File.separatorChar + name);
                    ristampe.put("download", "PDF" + File.separatorChar + name);
                //salvo l'immagine e inserisco i dati nella mappa
            } else if (!item.isFormField() && fname.equals("copertina")) {
                String name = item.getName();
                long size = item.getSize();
                if (size > 0 && !name.isEmpty()) {
                    File target = new File(getServletContext().getRealPath("") + File.separatorChar
                            + "Copertine" + File.separatorChar + name);
                    ristampe.put("copertina", "Copertine" + File.separatorChar + name);
        ristampe.put("pubblicazioni", idopera);
        return Database.insertRecord("ristampe", ristampe);

    return false;

From source file:com.cmart.PageControllers.SellItemImagesController.java

public void saveImages(String baseURL) {
    //System.out.println("sellitemimagecont: looking for image to upload!");
    //System.out.println("saving images :" + baseURL);
    baseURL = baseURL + "/" + GV.REMOTE_IMAGE_DIR + "/";

    // Special case for the thumbnail
       FileItem image = this.images.get(0);
               /*from  w  w  w. j  ava 2 s. c  om*/
       //TODO: compress an image
       String[] ext = image.getName().split("\\.");
       int extIndex = ext.length>0 ? ext.length-1 : 0;
       String filename = this.itemID + "_" + 0 + "." + ext[extIndex];
       String URL = filename;
       // Setup the thumbnail file
       File file = new File(GlobalVars.localImageDir, filename);
       file.setReadable(true, false);
       file.setWritable(true, false);
       try {
    GlobalVars.db.insertThumbnail(this.itemID, URL);
       } catch (Exception e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    this.errors.add(new Error("SellItemImagesController (saveImages): Could not save thumbnail", e));
    boolean thumbnail = true;

    // Loop through all the images
    for (int i = 0; i < this.images.size(); i++) {
        FileItem image = this.images.get(i);

        //TODO: make number start from one and only count real images

        if (image.getSize() > 0) {
            // Make the file name and path
            String[] ext = image.getName().split("\\.");
            int extIndex = ext.length > 0 ? ext.length - 1 : 0;
            String filename = this.itemID + "_" + (i + 1) + "." + ext[extIndex];
            //String URL = filename;

            // Setup the image file
            //System.out.println("setting temp dir as the image");
            File file = new File(GV.LOCAL_TEMP_DIR, filename + "tmp");
            file.setReadable(true, false);
            file.setWritable(true, false);

            //System.out.println("URL :" + URL);
            //System.out.println("name :" + filename);
            //System.out.println("local :" + GV.LOCAL_IMAGE_DIR);
            //System.out.println("remote :" + GV.REMOTE_IMAGE_DIR);

            try {
                //System.out.println("doing db insert");
                GV.DB.insertImage(this.itemID, i + 1, filename, "");

                //System.out.println("saving image");

                //System.out.println("mkaing file in img dir");
                File file2 = new File(GV.LOCAL_IMAGE_DIR, filename);

                //System.out.println("doing the image resize");
                BufferedImage originalImage2 = ImageIO.read(file);
                int type2 = originalImage2.getType() == 0 ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB
                        : originalImage2.getType();

                //System.out.println("doing the image resize second step");
                BufferedImage resizeImageHintJpg2 = resizeImageWithHint(originalImage2, type2, 500, 450);
                ImageIO.write(resizeImageHintJpg2, "jpg", file2);

                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {


                //System.out.println("sellitemimagecont: inserted an image!");

                if (thumbnail) {
                    //TODO: some image compression
                    String thumbName = this.itemID + "_" + 0 + "." + ext[extIndex];
                    GV.DB.insertThumbnail(this.itemID, thumbName);

                    //System.out.println("doing thumbnail");

                    File thumbFile = new File(GV.LOCAL_IMAGE_DIR, thumbName);

                    // Get a JPEG writer
                    // TODO: other formats??
                    /*ImageWriter writer = null;
                      Iterator iter = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("jpg");
                      if (iter.hasNext()) {
                          writer = (ImageWriter)iter.next();
                      // Set the output file
                      ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(thumbFile);
                      // Set the compression level
                      JPEGImageWriteParam imgparams = new JPEGImageWriteParam(Locale.getDefault());
                      imgparams.setCompressionMode(ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT) ;
                      // Write the compressed file
                      RenderedImage rendFile = ImageIO.read(file);
                      writer.write(null, new IIOImage(rendFile, null, null), imgparams);
                    // copy file
                    InputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file);
                    OutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(thumbFile);
                    byte[] buff = new byte[1024];
                    int len;
                    while((len = fin.read(buff)) > 0)
                         fout.write(buff, 0, len);

                    BufferedImage originalImage = ImageIO.read(file2);
                    int type = originalImage.getType() == 0 ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB
                            : originalImage.getType();

                    BufferedImage resizeImageHintJpg = resizeImageWithHint(originalImage, type, 100, 100);
                    ImageIO.write(resizeImageHintJpg, "jpg", thumbFile);

                    thumbnail = false;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                this.errors.add(new Error("SellItemImagesController (saveImages): Could not save image", e));

    if (this.errors.size() == 0 && !this.useHTML5()) {

    // Try to save the uploaded files
    /*try {
       while(images.hasNext()) {
    FileItem item = (FileItem) images.next();
    System.out.println("doing item 1");
     * Handle Form Fields.
    if(item.isFormField()) {
       System.out.println("File Name = "+item.getFieldName()+", Value = "+item.getString());
    } else {
       //Handle Uploaded files.
       System.out.println("Field Name = "+item.getFieldName()+
          ", File Name = "+item.getName()+
          ", Content type = "+item.getContentType()+
          ", File Size = "+item.getSize());
        * Write file to the ultimate location.
       File file = new File(GlobalVars.imageDir,item.getName());
    }catch(Exception ex) {
       System.out.println("Error encountered while uploading file");

From source file:com.insurance.manage.UploadFile.java

private void uploadLicense(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    //      boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);
    //       Create a factory for disk-based file items
    String custId = null;//  w  w  w.ja  v a 2 s.  c  o m
    String year = null;
    String license = null;
    CustomerManager cManage = new CustomerManager();
    DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
    factory.setSizeThreshold(1 * 1024 * 1024); //1 MB
    factory.setRepository(new File("temp"));

    //       Create a new file upload handler
    ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    //      System.out.println("eCust : "+session.getAttribute("eCust"));
    //      if (session.getAttribute("eCust")!=null) {
    //         Customer cEntity = (Customer)request.getAttribute("eCust");
    //         System.out.println("CustId : "+cEntity.getName());
    //      }

    //       Parse the request
    //      System.out.println("--------- Uploading --------------");
    try {
        List /* FileItem */ items = upload.parseRequest(request);
        //          Process the uploaded items
        Iterator iter = items.iterator();
        File fi = null;
        File file = null;
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
        String fileName = df.format(calendar.getTime()) + ".jpg";
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            FileItem item = (FileItem) iter.next();

            if (item.isFormField()) {
                //                System.out.println(item.getFieldName()+" : "+item.getName()+" : "+item.getString()+" : "+item.getContentType());
                if (item.getFieldName().equals("custId") && !item.getString().equals("")) {
                    custId = item.getString();
                    //                   System.out.println("custId : "+custId);
                if (item.getFieldName().equals("year") && !item.getString().equals("")) {
                    year = item.getString();
                    //                   System.out.println("year : "+year);
                if (item.getFieldName().equals("license") && !item.getString().equals("")) {
                    license = (String) session.getAttribute(item.getString());
                    //                   System.out.println("license : "+license+" : "+session.getAttribute(item.getString()));
            } else {
                //                Handle Uploaded files.
                //                System.out.println("Handle Uploaded files.");
                if (item.getFieldName().equals("vat") && !item.getName().equals("")) {
                    fi = new File(item.getName());
                    File uploadedFile = new File(
                            getServletContext().getRealPath("/images/license/vat/" + year + fileName));
                    cManage.updatePicture(custId, year, license, "vatpic", year + fileName);
                if (item.getFieldName().equals("car") && !item.getName().equals("")) {
                    fi = new File(item.getName());
                    File uploadedFile = new File(
                            getServletContext().getRealPath("/images/license/car/" + year + fileName));
                    cManage.updatePicture(custId, year, license, "carpic", year + fileName);
                if (item.getFieldName().equals("act") && !item.getName().equals("")) {
                    fi = new File(item.getName());
                    File uploadedFile = new File(
                            getServletContext().getRealPath("/images/license/act/" + year + fileName));
                    cManage.updatePicture(custId, year, license, "actpic", year + fileName);
                if (item.getFieldName().equals("chk") && !item.getName().equals("")) {
                    fi = new File(item.getName());
                    File uploadedFile = new File(
                            getServletContext().getRealPath("/images/license/chk/" + year + fileName));
                    cManage.updatePicture(custId, year, license, "chkpic", year + fileName);
    } catch (FileUploadException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (Exception e) {
    request.setAttribute("url", "setup/CustomerMultiMT.jsp?action=search&custId=" + custId);
    request.setAttribute("msg", "!!!Uploading !!!");
    getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/Reload.jsp").forward(request, response);


From source file:by.creepid.jsf.fileupload.UploadRenderer.java

 * Decode any new state of this UIComponent from the request contained in
 * the specified FacesContext, and store this state as needed.
 * During decoding, events may be enqueued for later processing (by event
 * listeners who have registered an interest), by calling queueEvent().
 * @param context/*from   w w w  .  ja va  2s . c  om*/
public void decode(FacesContext context) {
    ExternalContext external = context.getExternalContext();
    HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) external.getRequest();

    String clientId = getClientId(context);
    FileItem item = (FileItem) request.getAttribute(clientId);

    ValueExpression valueExpr = getValueExpression("value");
    if (valueExpr != null) {

        UIComponent component = getCurrentComponent(context);
        if (item.getSize() > 0) {
            String target = getAttributes().get("target").toString();

            String realPath = getServletRealPath(external, target);
            String fileName = item.getName();

            String longFileName = getLongFileName(realPath, fileName);
            String shortFileName = target + "/" + fileName;
            //if the target location ends with the forward slash,
            //just join the target and the filename
            if (target.endsWith("/")) {
                shortFileName = target + fileName;

            ((EditableValueHolder) component)
                    .setSubmittedValue(new UploadedFile(item, longFileName, shortFileName));
        } else {
            ((EditableValueHolder) component).setSubmittedValue(new UploadedFile());
        ((EditableValueHolder) component).setValid(true);

    Object target = getAttributes().get("target");
    if (target != null) {

        String realPath = getServletRealPath(external, target.toString());
        File file = new File(getLongFileName(realPath, item.getName()));

        File parent = file.getParentFile();
        if (!parent.exists()) {

        try {
            if (item.getSize() > 0 && item.getName().length() > 0) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new FacesException(ex);