Example usage for org.apache.commons.fileupload FileItemStream getFieldName

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.fileupload FileItemStream getFieldName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.fileupload FileItemStream getFieldName.


String getFieldName();

Source Link


Returns the name of the field in the multipart form corresponding to this file item.


From source file:com.fullmetalgalaxy.server.AccountServlet.java

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest p_request, HttpServletResponse p_response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload();
    Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    boolean isConnexion = false;
    boolean isPassword = false;

    try {//from  w ww . j av  a2  s  .  c o m
        // Parse the request
        FileItemIterator iter = upload.getItemIterator(p_request);
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            FileItemStream item = iter.next();
            if (item.isFormField()) {
                if (item.getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase("connexion")) {
                    isConnexion = true;
                if (item.getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase("password")) {
                    isPassword = true;
                params.put(item.getFieldName(), Streams.asString(item.openStream(), "UTF-8"));
    } catch (FileUploadException e) {

    if (isConnexion) {
        // user try to connect with an FMG account
        boolean isConnected = true;
        isConnected = connectFmgUser(p_request, p_response, params);
        if (isConnected) {
            String continueUrl = params.get("continue");
            if (continueUrl == null) {
                // by default, my games is the default url
                continueUrl = "/gamelist.jsp";
    } else if (isPassword) {
        // user ask for his password to be send on his email
        String msg = "";
        FmgDataStore ds = new FmgDataStore(false);
        Query<EbAccount> query = ds.query(EbAccount.class).filter("m_email", params.get("email"));
        QueryResultIterator<EbAccount> it = query.iterator();
        if (!it.hasNext()) {
            msg = "l'adresse mail " + params.get("email") + " n'a pas t trouv";
        } else {
            EbAccount account = it.next();
            if (account.getLastPasswordAsk() != null && account.getLastPasswordAsk()
                    .getTime() > System.currentTimeMillis() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) {
                msg = "une seule demande par jour";
            } else if (account.getAuthProvider() != AuthProvider.Fmg) {
                msg = "ce compte FMG est associ a un compte google";
            } else {
                // all is ok, send a mail
                new FmgMessage("askPassword").sendEMail(account);

                msg = "un email a t envoy  " + account.getEmail();
                account.setLastPasswordAsk(new Date());

        p_response.sendRedirect("/password.jsp?msg=" + msg);
    } else {
        // update or create new account
        String msg = checkParams(params);
        if (msg != null) {
            p_response.sendRedirect("/account.jsp?msg=" + msg);
        msg = saveAccount(p_request, p_response, params);
        if (msg != null) {
            p_response.sendRedirect("/account.jsp?msg=" + msg);
        } else {
            if (!Auth.isUserLogged(p_request, p_response)) {
                Auth.connectUser(p_request, params.get("login"));
            if ("0".equalsIgnoreCase(params.get("accountid"))) {
                // return page new games
            } else {
                // stay editing profile
                p_response.sendRedirect("/profile.jsp?id=" + params.get("accountid"));


From source file:com.liferay.faces.metal.component.inputfile.internal.InputFileDecoderCommonsImpl.java

public Map<String, List<UploadedFile>> decode(FacesContext facesContext, String location) {

    Map<String, List<UploadedFile>> uploadedFileMap = null;
    ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
    String uploadedFilesFolder = getUploadedFilesFolder(externalContext, location);

    // Using the sessionId, determine a unique folder path and create the path if it does not exist.
    String sessionId = getSessionId(externalContext);

    // FACES-1452: Non-alpha-numeric characters must be removed order to ensure that the folder will be
    // created properly.
    sessionId = sessionId.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", " ");

    File uploadedFilesPath = new File(uploadedFilesFolder, sessionId);

    if (!uploadedFilesPath.exists()) {
        uploadedFilesPath.mkdirs();/*from   ww  w  . j  a v  a  2 s  .  c o m*/

    // Initialize commons-fileupload with the file upload path.
    DiskFileItemFactory diskFileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();

    // Initialize commons-fileupload so that uploaded temporary files are not automatically deleted.

    // Initialize the commons-fileupload size threshold to zero, so that all files will be dumped to disk
    // instead of staying in memory.

    // Determine the max file upload size threshold (in bytes).
    int uploadedFileMaxSize = WebConfigParam.UploadedFileMaxSize.getIntegerValue(externalContext);

    // Parse the request parameters and save all uploaded files in a map.
    ServletFileUpload servletFileUpload = new ServletFileUpload(diskFileItemFactory);
    uploadedFileMap = new HashMap<String, List<UploadedFile>>();

    UploadedFileFactory uploadedFileFactory = (UploadedFileFactory) FactoryExtensionFinder

    // Begin parsing the request for file parts:
    try {
        FileItemIterator fileItemIterator = null;

        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) externalContext.getRequest();
        fileItemIterator = servletFileUpload.getItemIterator(httpServletRequest);

        if (fileItemIterator != null) {

            int totalFiles = 0;

            // For each field found in the request:
            while (fileItemIterator.hasNext()) {

                try {

                    // Get the stream of field data from the request.
                    FileItemStream fieldStream = (FileItemStream) fileItemIterator.next();

                    // Get field name from the field stream.
                    String fieldName = fieldStream.getFieldName();

                    // Get the content-type, and file-name from the field stream.
                    String contentType = fieldStream.getContentType();
                    boolean formField = fieldStream.isFormField();

                    String fileName = null;

                    try {
                        fileName = fieldStream.getName();
                    } catch (InvalidFileNameException e) {
                        fileName = e.getName();

                    // Copy the stream of file data to a temporary file. NOTE: This is necessary even if the
                    // current field is a simple form-field because the call below to diskFileItem.getString()
                    // will fail otherwise.
                    DiskFileItem diskFileItem = (DiskFileItem) diskFileItemFactory.createItem(fieldName,
                            contentType, formField, fileName);
                    Streams.copy(fieldStream.openStream(), diskFileItem.getOutputStream(), true);

                    // If the current field is a file, then
                    if (!diskFileItem.isFormField()) {

                        // Get the location of the temporary file that was copied from the request.
                        File tempFile = diskFileItem.getStoreLocation();

                        // If the copy was successful, then
                        if (tempFile.exists()) {

                            // Copy the commons-fileupload temporary file to a file in the same temporary
                            // location, but with the filename provided by the user in the upload. This has two
                            // benefits: 1) The temporary file will have a nice meaningful name. 2) By copying
                            // the file, the developer can have access to a semi-permanent file, because the
                            // commmons-fileupload DiskFileItem.finalize() method automatically deletes the
                            // temporary one.
                            String tempFileName = tempFile.getName();
                            String tempFileAbsolutePath = tempFile.getAbsolutePath();

                            String copiedFileName = stripIllegalCharacters(fileName);

                            String copiedFileAbsolutePath = tempFileAbsolutePath.replace(tempFileName,
                            File copiedFile = new File(copiedFileAbsolutePath);
                            FileUtils.copyFile(tempFile, copiedFile);

                            // If present, build up a map of headers.
                            Map<String, List<String>> headersMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
                            FileItemHeaders fileItemHeaders = fieldStream.getHeaders();

                            if (fileItemHeaders != null) {
                                Iterator<String> headerNameItr = fileItemHeaders.getHeaderNames();

                                if (headerNameItr != null) {

                                    while (headerNameItr.hasNext()) {
                                        String headerName = headerNameItr.next();
                                        Iterator<String> headerValuesItr = fileItemHeaders
                                        List<String> headerValues = new ArrayList<String>();

                                        if (headerValuesItr != null) {

                                            while (headerValuesItr.hasNext()) {
                                                String headerValue = headerValuesItr.next();

                                        headersMap.put(headerName, headerValues);

                            // Put a valid UploadedFile instance into the map that contains all of the
                            // uploaded file's attributes, along with a successful status.
                            Map<String, Object> attributeMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                            String id = Long.toString(((long) hashCode()) + System.currentTimeMillis());
                            String message = null;
                            UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(
                                    copiedFileAbsolutePath, attributeMap, diskFileItem.getCharSet(),
                                    diskFileItem.getContentType(), headersMap, id, message, fileName,
                                    diskFileItem.getSize(), UploadedFile.Status.FILE_SAVED);

                            addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);
                            logger.debug("Received uploaded file fieldName=[{0}] fileName=[{1}]", fieldName,
                        } else {

                            if ((fileName != null) && (fileName.trim().length() > 0)) {
                                Exception e = new IOException("Failed to copy the stream of uploaded file=["
                                        + fileName
                                        + "] to a temporary file (possibly a zero-length uploaded file)");
                                UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
                                addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);
                } catch (Exception e) {

                    UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
                    String fieldName = Integer.toString(totalFiles);
                    addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);

    // If there was an error in parsing the request for file parts, then put a bogus UploadedFile instance in
    // the map so that the developer can have some idea that something went wrong.
    catch (Exception e) {

        UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
        addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, "unknown", uploadedFile);

    return uploadedFileMap;

From source file:com.liferay.faces.alloy.component.inputfile.internal.InputFileDecoderCommonsImpl.java

public Map<String, List<UploadedFile>> decode(FacesContext facesContext, String location) {

    Map<String, List<UploadedFile>> uploadedFileMap = null;
    ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
    String uploadedFilesFolder = getUploadedFilesFolder(externalContext, location);

    // Using the sessionId, determine a unique folder path and create the path if it does not exist.
    String sessionId = getSessionId(externalContext);

    // FACES-1452: Non-alpha-numeric characters must be removed order to ensure that the folder will be
    // created properly.
    sessionId = sessionId.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", " ");

    File uploadedFilesPath = new File(uploadedFilesFolder, sessionId);

    if (!uploadedFilesPath.exists()) {
        uploadedFilesPath.mkdirs();/*www. j  a v  a2 s  .  c om*/

    // Initialize commons-fileupload with the file upload path.
    DiskFileItemFactory diskFileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();

    // Initialize commons-fileupload so that uploaded temporary files are not automatically deleted.

    // Initialize the commons-fileupload size threshold to zero, so that all files will be dumped to disk
    // instead of staying in memory.

    // Determine the max file upload size threshold (in bytes).
    int uploadedFileMaxSize = WebConfigParam.UploadedFileMaxSize.getIntegerValue(externalContext);

    // Parse the request parameters and save all uploaded files in a map.
    ServletFileUpload servletFileUpload = new ServletFileUpload(diskFileItemFactory);
    uploadedFileMap = new HashMap<String, List<UploadedFile>>();

    UploadedFileFactory uploadedFileFactory = (UploadedFileFactory) FactoryExtensionFinder
            .getFactory(externalContext, UploadedFileFactory.class);

    // Begin parsing the request for file parts:
    try {
        FileItemIterator fileItemIterator = null;

        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) externalContext.getRequest();
        fileItemIterator = servletFileUpload.getItemIterator(httpServletRequest);

        if (fileItemIterator != null) {

            int totalFiles = 0;

            // For each field found in the request:
            while (fileItemIterator.hasNext()) {

                try {

                    // Get the stream of field data from the request.
                    FileItemStream fieldStream = (FileItemStream) fileItemIterator.next();

                    // Get field name from the field stream.
                    String fieldName = fieldStream.getFieldName();

                    // Get the content-type, and file-name from the field stream.
                    String contentType = fieldStream.getContentType();
                    boolean formField = fieldStream.isFormField();

                    String fileName = null;

                    try {
                        fileName = fieldStream.getName();
                    } catch (InvalidFileNameException e) {
                        fileName = e.getName();

                    // Copy the stream of file data to a temporary file. NOTE: This is necessary even if the
                    // current field is a simple form-field because the call below to diskFileItem.getString()
                    // will fail otherwise.
                    DiskFileItem diskFileItem = (DiskFileItem) diskFileItemFactory.createItem(fieldName,
                            contentType, formField, fileName);
                    Streams.copy(fieldStream.openStream(), diskFileItem.getOutputStream(), true);

                    // If the current field is a file, then
                    if (!diskFileItem.isFormField()) {

                        // Get the location of the temporary file that was copied from the request.
                        File tempFile = diskFileItem.getStoreLocation();

                        // If the copy was successful, then
                        if (tempFile.exists()) {

                            // Copy the commons-fileupload temporary file to a file in the same temporary
                            // location, but with the filename provided by the user in the upload. This has two
                            // benefits: 1) The temporary file will have a nice meaningful name. 2) By copying
                            // the file, the developer can have access to a semi-permanent file, because the
                            // commmons-fileupload DiskFileItem.finalize() method automatically deletes the
                            // temporary one.
                            String tempFileName = tempFile.getName();
                            String tempFileAbsolutePath = tempFile.getAbsolutePath();

                            String copiedFileName = stripIllegalCharacters(fileName);

                            String copiedFileAbsolutePath = tempFileAbsolutePath.replace(tempFileName,
                            File copiedFile = new File(copiedFileAbsolutePath);
                            FileUtils.copyFile(tempFile, copiedFile);

                            // If present, build up a map of headers.
                            Map<String, List<String>> headersMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
                            FileItemHeaders fileItemHeaders = fieldStream.getHeaders();

                            if (fileItemHeaders != null) {
                                Iterator<String> headerNameItr = fileItemHeaders.getHeaderNames();

                                if (headerNameItr != null) {

                                    while (headerNameItr.hasNext()) {
                                        String headerName = headerNameItr.next();
                                        Iterator<String> headerValuesItr = fileItemHeaders
                                        List<String> headerValues = new ArrayList<String>();

                                        if (headerValuesItr != null) {

                                            while (headerValuesItr.hasNext()) {
                                                String headerValue = headerValuesItr.next();

                                        headersMap.put(headerName, headerValues);

                            // Put a valid UploadedFile instance into the map that contains all of the
                            // uploaded file's attributes, along with a successful status.
                            Map<String, Object> attributeMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                            String id = Long.toString(((long) hashCode()) + System.currentTimeMillis());
                            String message = null;
                            UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(
                                    copiedFileAbsolutePath, attributeMap, diskFileItem.getCharSet(),
                                    diskFileItem.getContentType(), headersMap, id, message, fileName,
                                    diskFileItem.getSize(), UploadedFile.Status.FILE_SAVED);

                            addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);
                            logger.debug("Received uploaded file fieldName=[{0}] fileName=[{1}]", fieldName,
                        } else {

                            if ((fileName != null) && (fileName.trim().length() > 0)) {
                                Exception e = new IOException("Failed to copy the stream of uploaded file=["
                                        + fileName
                                        + "] to a temporary file (possibly a zero-length uploaded file)");
                                UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
                                addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);
                } catch (Exception e) {

                    UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
                    String fieldName = Integer.toString(totalFiles);
                    addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);

    // If there was an error in parsing the request for file parts, then put a bogus UploadedFile instance in
    // the map so that the developer can have some idea that something went wrong.
    catch (Exception e) {

        UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
        addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, "unknown", uploadedFile);

    return uploadedFileMap;

From source file:com.ultrapower.eoms.common.plugin.ajaxupload.AjaxMultiPartRequest.java

 * Creates a new request wrapper to handle multi-part data using methods
 * adapted from Jason Pell's multipart classes (see class description).
 * /*ww  w . j a  v  a 2 s.c  o m*/
 * @param saveDir
 *            the directory to save off the file
 * @param servletRequest
 *            the request containing the multipart
 * @throws java.io.IOException
 *             is thrown if encoding fails.
 * @throws
public void parse(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, String saveDir) throws IOException {

    Integer delay = 3;
    UploadListener listener = null;
    DiskFileItemFactory fac = null;

    // Parse the request
    try {
        if (maxSize >= 0L && servletRequest.getContentLength() > maxSize) {
            servletRequest.setAttribute("error", "size");
            FileItemIterator it = new ServletFileUpload(fac).getItemIterator(servletRequest);
            // handle with each file:
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                FileItemStream item = it.next();
                if (item.isFormField()) {
                    List<String> values;
                    if (params.get(item.getFieldName()) != null) {
                        values = params.get(item.getFieldName());
                    } else {
                        values = new ArrayList<String>();
                    InputStream stream = item.openStream();
                    params.put(item.getFieldName(), values);
        } else {
            listener = new UploadListener(servletRequest, delay);
            fac = new MonitoredDiskFileItemFactory(listener);

        // Make sure that the data is written to file
        if (saveDir != null) {
            fac.setRepository(new File(saveDir));
        ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(fac);
        List items = upload.parseRequest(createRequestContext(servletRequest));

        for (Object item1 : items) {
            FileItem item = (FileItem) item1;
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Found item " + item.getFieldName());
            if (item.isFormField()) {
                log.debug("Item is a normal form field");
                List<String> values;
                if (params.get(item.getFieldName()) != null) {
                    values = params.get(item.getFieldName());
                } else {
                    values = new ArrayList<String>();
                String charset = servletRequest.getCharacterEncoding();
                if (charset != null) {
                } else {
                params.put(item.getFieldName(), values);
            } else {
                log.debug("Item is a file upload");

                // Skip file uploads that don't have a file name - meaning
                // that no file was selected.
                if (item.getName() == null || item.getName().trim().length() < 1) {
                    log.debug("No file has been uploaded for the field: " + item.getFieldName());

                String targetFileName = item.getName();

                if (!targetFileName.contains(":"))
                    item.write(new File(targetDirectory + targetFileName));

                List<FileItem> values;
                if (files.get(item.getFieldName()) != null) {
                    values = files.get(item.getFieldName());
                } else {
                    values = new ArrayList<FileItem>();

                files.put(item.getFieldName(), values);
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:com.googlecode.npackdweb.RepUploadAction.java

public Page perform(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
    List<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>();

    Found f = null;// w w w  . jav a 2 s .  c om
    String tag = "unknown";
    boolean overwrite = false;
    if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(req)) {
        ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload();
        FileItemIterator iterator;
        try {
            iterator = upload.getItemIterator(req);
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                FileItemStream item = iterator.next();
                InputStream stream = item.openStream();

                try {
                    if (item.isFormField()) {
                        if (item.getFieldName().equals("tag")) {
                            BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
                            tag = r.readLine();
                        } else if (item.getFieldName().equals("overwrite")) {
                            overwrite = true;
                    } else {
                        f = process(stream);
                } finally {
        } catch (FileUploadException e) {
            throw (IOException) new IOException(e.getMessage()).initCause(e);
    } else {
        tag = req.getParameter("tag");
        String rep = req.getParameter("repository");
        overwrite = req.getParameter("overwrite") != null;
        f = process(new ByteArrayInputStream(rep.getBytes("UTF-8")));

    if (f != null) {
        boolean isAdmin = NWUtils.isAdminLoggedIn();

        for (PackageVersion pv : f.pvs) {

        Objectify ofy = DefaultServlet.getObjectify();
        List<Key<?>> keys = new ArrayList<Key<?>>();
        for (License lic : f.lics) {
        for (PackageVersion pv : f.pvs) {
        for (Package p : f.ps) {

        Map<Key<Object>, Object> existing = ofy.get(keys);

        Stats stats = new Stats();
        Iterator<PackageVersion> it = f.pvs.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            PackageVersion pv = it.next();
            PackageVersion found = (PackageVersion) existing.get(pv.createKey());
            if (found != null) {
                if (!overwrite)

        Iterator<License> itLic = f.lics.iterator();
        while (itLic.hasNext()) {
            License pv = itLic.next();
            License found = (License) existing.get(pv.createKey());
            if (found != null) {
                if (!overwrite)

        Iterator<Package> itP = f.ps.iterator();
        while (itP.hasNext()) {
            Package p = itP.next();
            Package found = (Package) existing.get(p.createKey());
            if (found != null) {
                if (!overwrite)

        for (PackageVersion pv : f.pvs) {
            Package p = ofy.find(new Key<Package>(Package.class, pv.package_));
            if (p != null && !p.isCurrentUserPermittedToModify())
                messages.add("You do not have permission to modify this package: " + pv.package_);

        for (Package p : f.ps) {
            Package p_ = ofy.find(new Key<Package>(Package.class, p.name));
            if (p_ != null && !p_.isCurrentUserPermittedToModify())
                messages.add("You do not have permission to modify this package: " + p.name);

        if (f.lics.size() > 0) {
            if (isAdmin)
                messages.add("Only an administrator can change licenses");


        for (Package p : f.ps) {
            NWUtils.savePackage(ofy, p, true);

        if (overwrite) {
            stats.pOverwritten = stats.pExisting;
            stats.pvOverwritten = stats.pvExisting;
            stats.licOverwritten = stats.licExisting;
            stats.pAppended = f.ps.size() - stats.pOverwritten;
            stats.pvAppended = f.pvs.size() - stats.pvOverwritten;
            stats.licAppended = f.lics.size() - stats.licOverwritten;
        } else {
            stats.pAppended = f.ps.size();
            stats.pvAppended = f.pvs.size();
            stats.licAppended = f.lics.size();
        messages.add(stats.pOverwritten + " packages overwritten, " + stats.pvOverwritten
                + " package versions overwritten, " + stats.licOverwritten + " licenses overwritten, "
                + stats.pAppended + " packages appended, " + stats.pvAppended + " package versions appended, "
                + stats.licAppended + " licenses appended");
    } else {
        messages.add("No data found");

    return new MessagePage(messages);

From source file:de.eorganization.hoopla.server.servlets.TemplateImportServlet.java

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {

    DecisionTemplate newDecisionTemplate = new DecisionTemplate();
    DecisionTemplate decisionTemplate = null;
    try {//  w ww  . jav a2s .c  o m

        ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload();

        FileItemIterator itemIterator = upload.getItemIterator(req);
        while (itemIterator.hasNext()) {
            FileItemStream item = itemIterator.next();
            if (item.isFormField() && "substituteTemplateId".equals(item.getFieldName())) {
                log.warning("Got a form field: " + item.getFieldName());

                String itemContent = IOUtils.toString(item.openStream());
                try {
                    decisionTemplate = new HooplaServiceImpl()
                            .getDecisionTemplate(new Long(itemContent).longValue());
                    new HooplaServiceImpl().deleteDecisionTemplate(decisionTemplate);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
                if (decisionTemplate == null)
                    newDecisionTemplate.setKeyId(new Long(itemContent).longValue());
            } else {
                InputStream stream = item.openStream();

                log.info("Got an uploaded file: " + item.getFieldName() + ", name = " + item.getName());

                Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(stream);

                // doc.getDocumentElement().normalize();

                Element decisionElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
                String rootName = decisionElement.getNodeName();
                if (rootName.equals("decision")) {
                    isDecisionTemplate = false;
                } else if (rootName.equals("decisionTemplate")) {
                    isDecisionTemplate = true;
                } else {
                    log.warning("This XML Document has a wrong RootElement: " + rootName
                            + ". It should be <decision> or <decisionTemplate>.");

                NodeList decisionNodes = decisionElement.getChildNodes();
                for (int i = 0; i < decisionNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                    Node node = decisionNodes.item(i);

                    if (node instanceof Element) {
                        Element child = (Element) node;
                        if (child.getNodeName().equals("name") && !child.getTextContent().equals("")) {
                            log.info("Parsed decision name: " + newDecisionTemplate.getName());
                        if (child.getNodeName().equals("description") && !child.getTextContent().equals("")) {
                            log.info("Parsed decision description: " + newDecisionTemplate.getDescription());
                        if (isDecisionTemplate && child.getNodeName().equals("templateName")) {
                            log.info("Parsed decision TemplateName: " + newDecisionTemplate.getTemplateName());
                        if (child.getNodeName().equals("alternatives")) {
                            parseAlternatives(child.getChildNodes(), newDecisionTemplate);
                        if (child.getNodeName().equals("goals")) {
                            parseGoals(child.getChildNodes(), newDecisionTemplate);
                        if (child.getNodeName().equals("importanceGoals")) {
                            parseGoalImportances(child.getChildNodes(), newDecisionTemplate);

                log.info("Fully parsed XML Upload: " + newDecisionTemplate.toString());


    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);

    try {
        new HooplaServiceImpl().storeDecisionTemplate(newDecisionTemplate);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

    log.info("returning to referer " + req.getHeader("referer"));
            req.getHeader("referer") != null && !"".equals(req.getHeader("referer")) ? req.getHeader("referer")
                    : "localhost:8088");

From source file:com.google.livingstories.servlet.DataImportServlet.java

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
    startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    message = "";

    if (req.getContentType().contains("multipart/form-data")) {
        try {//from w  w  w  .  j  a  va 2  s .  c  o m
            ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload();
            JSONObject data = null;
            boolean override = false;
            FileItemIterator iter = upload.getItemIterator(req);
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                FileItemStream item = iter.next();
                if (item.getFieldName().equals("override")) {
                    override = true;
                } else if (item.getFieldName().equals("data")) {
                    data = new JSONObject(Streams.asString(item.openStream()));
            inputData = data;
        } catch (FileUploadException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        } catch (JSONException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        Writer result = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(result);
        message = result.toString();
        runState = RunState.ERROR;
    } finally {
        if (runState != RunState.RUNNING) {

    resp.getWriter().append(message + "<br>" + runState.name());

From source file:cn.webwheel.ActionSetter.java

public Object[] set(Object action, ActionInfo ai, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
    SetterConfig cfg = ai.getSetterConfig();
    List<SetterInfo> setters;
    if (action != null) {
        Class cls = action.getClass();
        setters = setterMap.get(cls);//from w  w  w  .  j a  va 2  s  .  c om
        if (setters == null) {
            synchronized (this) {
                setters = setterMap.get(cls);
                if (setters == null) {
                    Map<Class, List<SetterInfo>> map = new HashMap<Class, List<SetterInfo>>(setterMap);
                    map.put(cls, setters = parseSetters(cls));
                    setterMap = map;
    } else {
        setters = Collections.emptyList();

    List<SetterInfo> args = argMap.get(ai.actionMethod);
    if (args == null) {
        synchronized (this) {
            args = argMap.get(ai.actionMethod);
            if (args == null) {
                Map<Method, List<SetterInfo>> map = new HashMap<Method, List<SetterInfo>>(argMap);
                map.put(ai.actionMethod, args = parseArgs(ai.actionMethod));
                argMap = map;

    if (setters.isEmpty() && args.isEmpty())
        return new Object[0];

    Map<String, Object> params;
    try {
        if (cfg.getCharset() != null) {
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

    if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {
        params = new HashMap<String, Object>(request.getParameterMap());
        request.setAttribute(WRPName, params);
        ServletFileUpload fileUpload = new ServletFileUpload();
        if (cfg.getCharset() != null) {
        if (cfg.getFileUploadSizeMax() != 0) {
        if (cfg.getFileUploadFileSizeMax() != 0) {
        boolean throwe = false;
        try {
            FileItemIterator it = fileUpload.getItemIterator(request);
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                FileItemStream fis = it.next();
                if (fis.isFormField()) {
                    String s = Streams.asString(fis.openStream(), cfg.getCharset());
                    Object o = params.get(fis.getFieldName());
                    if (o == null) {
                        params.put(fis.getFieldName(), new String[] { s });
                    } else if (o instanceof String[]) {
                        String[] ss = (String[]) o;
                        String[] nss = new String[ss.length + 1];
                        System.arraycopy(ss, 0, nss, 0, ss.length);
                        nss[ss.length] = s;
                        params.put(fis.getFieldName(), nss);
                } else if (!fis.getName().isEmpty()) {
                    File tempFile;
                    try {
                        tempFile = File.createTempFile("wfu", null);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throwe = true;
                        throw e;
                    FileExImpl fileEx = new FileExImpl(tempFile);
                    Object o = params.get(fis.getFieldName());
                    if (o == null) {
                        params.put(fis.getFieldName(), new FileEx[] { fileEx });
                    } else if (o instanceof FileEx[]) {
                        FileEx[] ss = (FileEx[]) o;
                        FileEx[] nss = new FileEx[ss.length + 1];
                        System.arraycopy(ss, 0, nss, 0, ss.length);
                        nss[ss.length] = fileEx;
                        params.put(fis.getFieldName(), nss);
                    Streams.copy(fis.openStream(), new FileOutputStream(fileEx.getFile()), true);
                    fileEx.fileName = fis.getName();
                    fileEx.contentType = fis.getContentType();
        } catch (FileUploadException e) {
            if (action instanceof FileUploadExceptionAware) {
                ((FileUploadExceptionAware) action).setFileUploadException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (throwe) {
                throw e;
    } else {
        params = request.getParameterMap();

    if (cfg.getSetterPolicy() == SetterPolicy.ParameterAndField
            || (cfg.getSetterPolicy() == SetterPolicy.Auto && args.isEmpty())) {
        for (SetterInfo si : setters) {
            si.setter.set(action, si.member, params, si.paramName);

    Object[] as = new Object[args.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) {
        SetterInfo si = args.get(i);
        as[i] = si.setter.set(action, null, params, si.paramName);
    return as;

From source file:com.sonicle.webtop.core.app.AbstractEnvironmentService.java

public void processUpload(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out) {
    ServletFileUpload upload = null;/*from  ww  w  .ja  v a  2s . c o  m*/
    WebTopSession.UploadedFile uploadedFile = null;
    HashMap<String, String> multipartParams = new HashMap<>();

    try {
        String service = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "service", true);
        String cntx = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "context", true);
        String tag = ServletUtils.getStringParameter(request, "tag", null);
        if (!ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request))
            throw new Exception("No upload request");

        IServiceUploadStreamListener istream = getUploadStreamListener(cntx);
        if (istream != null) {
            try {
                MapItem data = new MapItem(); // Empty response data

                // Defines the upload object
                upload = new ServletFileUpload();
                FileItemIterator it = upload.getItemIterator(request);
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    FileItemStream fis = it.next();
                    if (fis.isFormField()) {
                        InputStream is = null;
                        try {
                            is = fis.openStream();
                            String key = fis.getFieldName();
                            String value = IOUtils.toString(is, "UTF-8");
                            multipartParams.put(key, value);
                        } finally {
                    } else {
                        // Creates uploaded object
                        uploadedFile = new WebTopSession.UploadedFile(true, service, IdentifierUtils.getUUID(),
                                tag, fis.getName(), -1, findMediaType(fis));

                        // Fill response data
                        data.add("virtual", uploadedFile.isVirtual());
                        data.add("editable", isFileEditableInDocEditor(fis.getName()));

                        // Handle listener, its implementation can stop
                        // file upload throwing a UploadException.
                        InputStream is = null;
                        try {
                            is = fis.openStream();
                            istream.onUpload(cntx, request, multipartParams, uploadedFile, is, data);
                        } finally {
                            getEnv().getSession().removeUploadedFile(uploadedFile, false);
                new JsonResult(data).printTo(out);

            } catch (UploadException ex1) {
                new JsonResult(false, ex1.getMessage()).printTo(out);
            } catch (Exception ex1) {
                throw ex1;

        } else {
            try {
                MapItem data = new MapItem(); // Empty response data
                IServiceUploadListener iupload = getUploadListener(cntx);

                // Defines the upload object
                DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
                //TODO: valutare come imporre i limiti
                upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
                List<FileItem> files = upload.parseRequest(request);

                // Plupload component (client-side) will upload multiple file 
                // each in its own request. So we can skip loop on files.
                Iterator it = files.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    FileItem fi = (FileItem) it.next();
                    if (fi.isFormField()) {
                        InputStream is = null;
                        try {
                            is = fi.getInputStream();
                            String key = fi.getFieldName();
                            String value = IOUtils.toString(is, "UTF-8");
                            multipartParams.put(key, value);
                        } finally {
                    } else {
                        // Writes content into a temp file
                        File file = WT.createTempFile(UPLOAD_TEMPFILE_PREFIX);

                        // Creates uploaded object
                        uploadedFile = new WebTopSession.UploadedFile(false, service, file.getName(), tag,
                                fi.getName(), fi.getSize(), findMediaType(fi));

                        // Fill response data
                        data.add("virtual", uploadedFile.isVirtual());
                        data.add("uploadId", uploadedFile.getUploadId());
                        data.add("editable", isFileEditableInDocEditor(fi.getName()));

                        // Handle listener (if present), its implementation can stop
                        // file upload throwing a UploadException.
                        if (iupload != null) {
                            try {
                                iupload.onUpload(cntx, request, multipartParams, uploadedFile, data);
                            } catch (UploadException ex2) {
                                getEnv().getSession().removeUploadedFile(uploadedFile, true);
                                throw ex2;
                new JsonResult(data).printTo(out);

            } catch (UploadException ex1) {
                new JsonResult(ex1).printTo(out);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        WebTopApp.logger.error("Error uploading", ex);
        new JsonResult(ex).printTo(out);

From source file:com.oprisnik.semdroid.SemdroidServlet.java

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    try {//from w w w  .  ja  va 2  s .  c om
        ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload();
        // set max size (-1 for unlimited size)
        upload.setSizeMax(1024 * 1024 * 30); // 30MB

        FileItemIterator iter = upload.getItemIterator(request);
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            FileItemStream item = iter.next();
            if (item.isFormField()) {
                // Process regular form fields
                // String fieldname = item.getFieldName();
                // String fieldvalue = item.getString();
                // log.info("Got form field: " + fieldname + " " + fieldvalue);
            } else {
                // Process form file field (input type="file").
                String fieldname = item.getFieldName();
                String filename = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(item.getName());
                log.info("Got file: " + filename);
                InputStream filecontent = null;
                try {
                    filecontent = item.openStream();
                    // analyze
                    String txt = analyzeApk(filecontent);
                    if (txt != null) {
                    } else {
                        sb.append("Error. Could not analyze ").append(filename);
                    log.info("Analysis done!");
                } finally {
                    if (filecontent != null) {
    } catch (FileUploadException e) {
        throw new ServletException("Cannot parse multipart request.", e);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.warning("Exception: " + ex.getMessage());
        log.throwing(this.getClass().getName(), "doPost", ex);
