Example usage for org.apache.commons.fileupload.portlet PortletFileUpload PortletFileUpload

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.fileupload.portlet PortletFileUpload PortletFileUpload


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.fileupload.portlet PortletFileUpload PortletFileUpload.


public PortletFileUpload(FileItemFactory fileItemFactory) 

Source Link


Constructs an instance of this class which uses the supplied factory to create FileItem instances.


From source file:net.formio.portlet.PortletMultipartRequestParser.java

protected List<FileItem> parseRequest(FileItemFactory fif, long singleFileSizeMax, long totalSizeMax,
        String defaultEncoding) throws FileUploadException {
    final PortletFileUpload upload = new PortletFileUpload(fif);
    configureUpload(upload, singleFileSizeMax, totalSizeMax, defaultEncoding);
    return upload.parseRequest(request);

From source file:com.liferay.util.portlet.PortletRequestUtil.java

public static List<DiskFileItem> testMultipartWithCommonsFileUpload(ActionRequest actionRequest)
        throws Exception {

    // Check if the given request is a multipart request

    boolean multiPartContent = PortletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(actionRequest);

    if (multiPartContent) {
        _log.info("The given request is a multipart request");
    } else {//w w w.  j  a  v  a2 s.c o m
        _log.info("The given request is NOT a multipart request");

    DiskFileItemFactory diskFileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();

    PortletFileUpload portletFileUpload = new PortletFileUpload(diskFileItemFactory);

    List<DiskFileItem> diskFileItems = portletFileUpload.parseRequest(actionRequest);

    if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        _log.info("Apache commons upload was able to parse " + diskFileItems.size() + " items");

    for (int i = 0; i < diskFileItems.size(); i++) {
        DiskFileItem diskFileItem = diskFileItems.get(i);

        if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
            _log.info("Item " + i + " " + diskFileItem);

    return diskFileItems;

From source file:edu.vt.vbi.patric.portlets.CircosGenomeViewerPortlet.java

public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {

    Map<String, Object> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    int fileCount = 0;

    try {/*from  w  ww . jav a 2 s .  c  om*/
        List<FileItem> items = new PortletFileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory()).parseRequest(request);
        for (FileItem item : items) {
            if (item.isFormField()) {
                parameters.put(item.getFieldName(), item.getString());
            } else {
                if (item.getFieldName().matches("file_(\\d+)$")) {
                    parameters.put("file_" + fileCount, item);
    } catch (FileUploadException e) {
        LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);


    // Generate Circo Image
    CircosData circosData = new CircosData(request);
    Circos circosConf = circosGenerator.createCircosImage(circosData, parameters);

    if (circosConf != null) {
        String baseUrl = "https://" + request.getServerName();
        String redirectUrl = baseUrl
                + "/portal/portal/patric/CircosGenomeViewer/CircosGenomeViewerWindow?action=b&cacheability=PAGE&imageId="
                + circosConf.getUuid() + "&trackList=" + StringUtils.join(circosConf.getTrackList(), ",");

        LOGGER.trace("redirect: {}", redirectUrl);

From source file:it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.PortletUtilities.java

 * Gets the first uploaded file from a portlet request. This method creates a new file upload handler, 
 * parses the request, processes the uploaded items and then returns the first file as an
 * <code>UploadedFile</code> object.
 * @param portletRequest The input portlet request
 * @return   The first uploaded file object.
 *//*from  w w w .  j a v  a 2 s  .c  o m*/
public static UploadedFile getFirstUploadedFile(PortletRequest portletRequest) {
    UploadedFile uploadedFile = null;
    try {

        DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
        //       Create a new file upload handler
        PortletFileUpload upload = new PortletFileUpload(factory);

        //       Parse the request
        List /* FileItem */ items = upload.parseRequest((ActionRequest) portletRequest);

        //       Process the uploaded items
        Iterator iter = items.iterator();
        boolean endLoop = false;
        while (iter.hasNext() && !endLoop) {
            FileItem item = (FileItem) iter.next();

            if (item.isFormField()) {
                //serviceRequest.setAttribute(item.getFieldName(), item.getString());
            } else {
                uploadedFile = new UploadedFile();

                endLoop = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Cannot parse multipart request", e);
    return uploadedFile;


From source file:com.liferay.faces.bridge.context.map.MultiPartFormDataProcessorImpl.java

public Map<String, Collection<UploadedFile>> process(ClientDataRequest clientDataRequest,
        PortletConfig portletConfig, FacesRequestParameterMap facesRequestParameterMap) {

    Map<String, Collection<UploadedFile>> uploadedFileMap = null;

    PortletSession portletSession = clientDataRequest.getPortletSession();

    String uploadedFilesDir = PortletConfigParam.UploadedFilesDir.getStringValue(portletConfig);

    // Using the portlet sessionId, determine a unique folder path and create the path if it does not exist.
    String sessionId = portletSession.getId();

    // FACES-1452: Non-alpha-numeric characters must be removed order to ensure that the folder will be
    // created properly.
    sessionId = sessionId.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", StringPool.BLANK);

    File uploadedFilesPath = new File(uploadedFilesDir, sessionId);

    if (!uploadedFilesPath.exists()) {
        uploadedFilesPath.mkdirs();/*from  w  w w.j a  va2s  . c om*/

    // Initialize commons-fileupload with the file upload path.
    DiskFileItemFactory diskFileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();

    // Initialize commons-fileupload so that uploaded temporary files are not automatically deleted.

    // Initialize the commons-fileupload size threshold to zero, so that all files will be dumped to disk
    // instead of staying in memory.

    // Determine the max file upload size threshold (in bytes).
    int uploadedFileMaxSize = PortletConfigParam.UploadedFileMaxSize.getIntegerValue(portletConfig);

    // Parse the request parameters and save all uploaded files in a map.
    PortletFileUpload portletFileUpload = new PortletFileUpload(diskFileItemFactory);
    uploadedFileMap = new HashMap<String, Collection<UploadedFile>>();

    // FACES-271: Include name+value pairs found in the ActionRequest.
    Set<Map.Entry<String, String[]>> actionRequestParameterSet = clientDataRequest.getParameterMap().entrySet();

    for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> mapEntry : actionRequestParameterSet) {

        String parameterName = mapEntry.getKey();
        String[] parameterValues = mapEntry.getValue();

        if (parameterValues.length > 0) {

            for (String parameterValue : parameterValues) {
                facesRequestParameterMap.addValue(parameterName, parameterValue);

    UploadedFileFactory uploadedFileFactory = (UploadedFileFactory) FactoryExtensionFinder

    // Begin parsing the request for file parts:
    try {
        FileItemIterator fileItemIterator = null;

        if (clientDataRequest instanceof ResourceRequest) {
            ResourceRequest resourceRequest = (ResourceRequest) clientDataRequest;
            fileItemIterator = portletFileUpload.getItemIterator(new ActionRequestAdapter(resourceRequest));
        } else {
            ActionRequest actionRequest = (ActionRequest) clientDataRequest;
            fileItemIterator = portletFileUpload.getItemIterator(actionRequest);

        boolean optimizeNamespace = PortletConfigParam.OptimizePortletNamespace.getBooleanValue(portletConfig);

        if (fileItemIterator != null) {

            int totalFiles = 0;
            String namespace = facesRequestParameterMap.getNamespace();

            // For each field found in the request:
            while (fileItemIterator.hasNext()) {

                try {

                    // Get the stream of field data from the request.
                    FileItemStream fieldStream = (FileItemStream) fileItemIterator.next();

                    // Get field name from the field stream.
                    String fieldName = fieldStream.getFieldName();

                    // If namespace optimization is enabled and the namespace is present in the field name,
                    // then remove the portlet namespace from the field name.
                    if (optimizeNamespace) {
                        int pos = fieldName.indexOf(namespace);

                        if (pos >= 0) {
                            fieldName = fieldName.substring(pos + namespace.length());

                    // Get the content-type, and file-name from the field stream.
                    String contentType = fieldStream.getContentType();
                    boolean formField = fieldStream.isFormField();

                    String fileName = null;

                    try {
                        fileName = fieldStream.getName();
                    } catch (InvalidFileNameException e) {
                        fileName = e.getName();

                    // Copy the stream of file data to a temporary file. NOTE: This is necessary even if the
                    // current field is a simple form-field because the call below to diskFileItem.getString()
                    // will fail otherwise.
                    DiskFileItem diskFileItem = (DiskFileItem) diskFileItemFactory.createItem(fieldName,
                            contentType, formField, fileName);
                    Streams.copy(fieldStream.openStream(), diskFileItem.getOutputStream(), true);

                    // If the current field is a simple form-field, then save the form field value in the map.
                    if (diskFileItem.isFormField()) {
                        String characterEncoding = clientDataRequest.getCharacterEncoding();
                        String requestParameterValue = null;

                        if (characterEncoding == null) {
                            requestParameterValue = diskFileItem.getString();
                        } else {
                            requestParameterValue = diskFileItem.getString(characterEncoding);

                        facesRequestParameterMap.addValue(fieldName, requestParameterValue);
                    } else {

                        File tempFile = diskFileItem.getStoreLocation();

                        // If the copy was successful, then
                        if (tempFile.exists()) {

                            // Copy the commons-fileupload temporary file to a file in the same temporary
                            // location, but with the filename provided by the user in the upload. This has two
                            // benefits: 1) The temporary file will have a nice meaningful name. 2) By copying
                            // the file, the developer can have access to a semi-permanent file, because the
                            // commmons-fileupload DiskFileItem.finalize() method automatically deletes the
                            // temporary one.
                            String tempFileName = tempFile.getName();
                            String tempFileAbsolutePath = tempFile.getAbsolutePath();

                            String copiedFileName = stripIllegalCharacters(fileName);

                            String copiedFileAbsolutePath = tempFileAbsolutePath.replace(tempFileName,
                            File copiedFile = new File(copiedFileAbsolutePath);
                            FileUtils.copyFile(tempFile, copiedFile);

                            // If present, build up a map of headers.
                            Map<String, List<String>> headersMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
                            FileItemHeaders fileItemHeaders = fieldStream.getHeaders();

                            if (fileItemHeaders != null) {
                                Iterator<String> headerNameItr = fileItemHeaders.getHeaderNames();

                                if (headerNameItr != null) {

                                    while (headerNameItr.hasNext()) {
                                        String headerName = headerNameItr.next();
                                        Iterator<String> headerValuesItr = fileItemHeaders
                                        List<String> headerValues = new ArrayList<String>();

                                        if (headerValuesItr != null) {

                                            while (headerValuesItr.hasNext()) {
                                                String headerValue = headerValuesItr.next();

                                        headersMap.put(headerName, headerValues);

                            // Put a valid UploadedFile instance into the map that contains all of the
                            // uploaded file's attributes, along with a successful status.
                            Map<String, Object> attributeMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                            String id = Long.toString(((long) hashCode()) + System.currentTimeMillis());
                            String message = null;
                            UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(
                                    copiedFileAbsolutePath, attributeMap, diskFileItem.getCharSet(),
                                    diskFileItem.getContentType(), headersMap, id, message, fileName,
                                    diskFileItem.getSize(), UploadedFile.Status.FILE_SAVED);

                            facesRequestParameterMap.addValue(fieldName, copiedFileAbsolutePath);
                            addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);
                            logger.debug("Received uploaded file fieldName=[{0}] fileName=[{1}]", fieldName,
                        } else {

                            if ((fileName != null) && (fileName.trim().length() > 0)) {
                                Exception e = new IOException("Failed to copy the stream of uploaded file=["
                                        + fileName
                                        + "] to a temporary file (possibly a zero-length uploaded file)");
                                UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
                                addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);
                } catch (Exception e) {

                    UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
                    String fieldName = Integer.toString(totalFiles);
                    addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);

    // If there was an error in parsing the request for file parts, then put a bogus UploadedFile instance in
    // the map so that the developer can have some idea that something went wrong.
    catch (Exception e) {

        UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
        addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, "unknown", uploadedFile);

    return uploadedFileMap;

From source file:com.liferay.faces.bridge.context.map.internal.MultiPartFormDataProcessorImpl.java

public Map<String, List<UploadedFile>> process(ClientDataRequest clientDataRequest, PortletConfig portletConfig,
        FacesRequestParameterMap facesRequestParameterMap) {

    Map<String, List<UploadedFile>> uploadedFileMap = null;

    PortletSession portletSession = clientDataRequest.getPortletSession();

    String uploadedFilesDir = PortletConfigParam.UploadedFilesDir.getStringValue(portletConfig);

    // Using the portlet sessionId, determine a unique folder path and create the path if it does not exist.
    String sessionId = portletSession.getId();

    // FACES-1452: Non-alpha-numeric characters must be removed order to ensure that the folder will be
    // created properly.
    sessionId = sessionId.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", StringPool.BLANK);

    File uploadedFilesPath = new File(uploadedFilesDir, sessionId);

    if (!uploadedFilesPath.exists()) {
        uploadedFilesPath.mkdirs();/*from   w  w w .  j  a v  a  2 s  .c om*/

    // Initialize commons-fileupload with the file upload path.
    DiskFileItemFactory diskFileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();

    // Initialize commons-fileupload so that uploaded temporary files are not automatically deleted.

    // Initialize the commons-fileupload size threshold to zero, so that all files will be dumped to disk
    // instead of staying in memory.

    // Determine the max file upload size threshold (in bytes).
    long uploadedFileMaxSize = PortletConfigParam.UploadedFileMaxSize.getLongValue(portletConfig);

    // Parse the request parameters and save all uploaded files in a map.
    PortletFileUpload portletFileUpload = new PortletFileUpload(diskFileItemFactory);
    uploadedFileMap = new HashMap<String, List<UploadedFile>>();

    // FACES-271: Include name+value pairs found in the ActionRequest.
    Set<Map.Entry<String, String[]>> actionRequestParameterSet = clientDataRequest.getParameterMap().entrySet();

    for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> mapEntry : actionRequestParameterSet) {

        String parameterName = mapEntry.getKey();
        String[] parameterValues = mapEntry.getValue();

        if (parameterValues.length > 0) {

            for (String parameterValue : parameterValues) {
                facesRequestParameterMap.addValue(parameterName, parameterValue);

    UploadedFileFactory uploadedFileFactory = (UploadedFileFactory) BridgeFactoryFinder

    // Begin parsing the request for file parts:
    try {
        FileItemIterator fileItemIterator = null;

        if (clientDataRequest instanceof ResourceRequest) {
            ResourceRequest resourceRequest = (ResourceRequest) clientDataRequest;
            fileItemIterator = portletFileUpload.getItemIterator(new ActionRequestAdapter(resourceRequest));
        } else {
            ActionRequest actionRequest = (ActionRequest) clientDataRequest;
            fileItemIterator = portletFileUpload.getItemIterator(actionRequest);

        if (fileItemIterator != null) {

            int totalFiles = 0;
            String namespace = facesRequestParameterMap.getNamespace();

            // For each field found in the request:
            while (fileItemIterator.hasNext()) {

                try {

                    // Get the stream of field data from the request.
                    FileItemStream fieldStream = (FileItemStream) fileItemIterator.next();

                    // Get field name from the field stream.
                    String fieldName = fieldStream.getFieldName();

                    // Get the content-type, and file-name from the field stream.
                    String contentType = fieldStream.getContentType();
                    boolean formField = fieldStream.isFormField();

                    String fileName = null;

                    try {
                        fileName = fieldStream.getName();
                    } catch (InvalidFileNameException e) {
                        fileName = e.getName();

                    // Copy the stream of file data to a temporary file. NOTE: This is necessary even if the
                    // current field is a simple form-field because the call below to diskFileItem.getString()
                    // will fail otherwise.
                    DiskFileItem diskFileItem = (DiskFileItem) diskFileItemFactory.createItem(fieldName,
                            contentType, formField, fileName);
                    Streams.copy(fieldStream.openStream(), diskFileItem.getOutputStream(), true);

                    // If the current field is a simple form-field, then save the form field value in the map.
                    if (diskFileItem.isFormField()) {
                        String characterEncoding = clientDataRequest.getCharacterEncoding();
                        String requestParameterValue = null;

                        if (characterEncoding == null) {
                            requestParameterValue = diskFileItem.getString();
                        } else {
                            requestParameterValue = diskFileItem.getString(characterEncoding);

                        facesRequestParameterMap.addValue(fieldName, requestParameterValue);
                    } else {

                        File tempFile = diskFileItem.getStoreLocation();

                        // If the copy was successful, then
                        if (tempFile.exists()) {

                            // Copy the commons-fileupload temporary file to a file in the same temporary
                            // location, but with the filename provided by the user in the upload. This has two
                            // benefits: 1) The temporary file will have a nice meaningful name. 2) By copying
                            // the file, the developer can have access to a semi-permanent file, because the
                            // commmons-fileupload DiskFileItem.finalize() method automatically deletes the
                            // temporary one.
                            String tempFileName = tempFile.getName();
                            String tempFileAbsolutePath = tempFile.getAbsolutePath();

                            String copiedFileName = stripIllegalCharacters(fileName);

                            String copiedFileAbsolutePath = tempFileAbsolutePath.replace(tempFileName,
                            File copiedFile = new File(copiedFileAbsolutePath);
                            FileUtils.copyFile(tempFile, copiedFile);

                            // If present, build up a map of headers.
                            Map<String, List<String>> headersMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
                            FileItemHeaders fileItemHeaders = fieldStream.getHeaders();

                            if (fileItemHeaders != null) {
                                Iterator<String> headerNameItr = fileItemHeaders.getHeaderNames();

                                if (headerNameItr != null) {

                                    while (headerNameItr.hasNext()) {
                                        String headerName = headerNameItr.next();
                                        Iterator<String> headerValuesItr = fileItemHeaders
                                        List<String> headerValues = new ArrayList<String>();

                                        if (headerValuesItr != null) {

                                            while (headerValuesItr.hasNext()) {
                                                String headerValue = headerValuesItr.next();

                                        headersMap.put(headerName, headerValues);

                            // Put a valid UploadedFile instance into the map that contains all of the
                            // uploaded file's attributes, along with a successful status.
                            Map<String, Object> attributeMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                            String id = Long.toString(((long) hashCode()) + System.currentTimeMillis());
                            String message = null;
                            UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(
                                    copiedFileAbsolutePath, attributeMap, diskFileItem.getCharSet(),
                                    diskFileItem.getContentType(), headersMap, id, message, fileName,
                                    diskFileItem.getSize(), UploadedFile.Status.FILE_SAVED);

                            facesRequestParameterMap.addValue(fieldName, copiedFileAbsolutePath);
                            addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);
                            logger.debug("Received uploaded file fieldName=[{0}] fileName=[{1}]", fieldName,
                        } else {

                            if ((fileName != null) && (fileName.trim().length() > 0)) {
                                Exception e = new IOException("Failed to copy the stream of uploaded file=["
                                        + fileName
                                        + "] to a temporary file (possibly a zero-length uploaded file)");
                                UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
                                addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);
                } catch (Exception e) {

                    UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
                    String fieldName = Integer.toString(totalFiles);
                    addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, fieldName, uploadedFile);

    // If there was an error in parsing the request for file parts, then put a bogus UploadedFile instance in
    // the map so that the developer can have some idea that something went wrong.
    catch (Exception e) {

        UploadedFile uploadedFile = uploadedFileFactory.getUploadedFile(e);
        addUploadedFile(uploadedFileMap, "unknown", uploadedFile);

    return uploadedFileMap;

From source file:hu.sztaki.lpds.pgportal.portlets.workflow.WorkflowUploadPortlet.java

protected void doUpload(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) {
    PortletContext context = getPortletContext();
    context.log("[FileUploadPortlet] doUpload() called");

    try {//from w w w  .  j a va  2 s  .  c  o  m
        DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
        PortletFileUpload pfu = new PortletFileUpload(factory);
        pfu.setSizeMax(uploadMaxSize); // Maximum upload size
        pfu.setProgressListener((ProgressListener) new FileUploadProgressListener());

        PortletSession ps = request.getPortletSession();
        if (ps.getAttribute("uploads", ps.APPLICATION_SCOPE) == null)
            ps.setAttribute("uploads", new Hashtable<String, ProgressListener>());

        //get the FileItems
        String fieldName = null;

        List fileItems = pfu.parseRequest(request);
        Iterator iter = fileItems.iterator();
        File serverSideFile = null;
        Hashtable h = new Hashtable(); //fileupload
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            FileItem item = (FileItem) iter.next();
            // retrieve hidden parameters if item is a form field
            if (item.isFormField()) {
                fieldName = item.getFieldName();
                if ("newGrafName".equals(fieldName))
                    h.put("newGrafName", item.getString());
                if ("newAbstName".equals(fieldName))
                    h.put("newAbstName", item.getString());
                if ("newRealName".equals(fieldName))
                    h.put("newRealName", item.getString());
            } else { // item is not a form field, do file upload
                Hashtable<String, ProgressListener> tmp = (Hashtable<String, ProgressListener>) ps
                pfu.setProgressListener((ProgressListener) new FileUploadProgressListener());

                String s = item.getName();
                s = FilenameUtils.getName(s);
                ProgressListener pl = pfu.getProgressListener();
                tmp.put(s, pl);
                ps.setAttribute("uploads", tmp);

                String tempDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + "/uploads/" + request.getRemoteUser();
                File f = new File(tempDir);
                if (!f.exists())
                serverSideFile = new File(tempDir, s);
                context.log("[FileUploadPortlet] - file " + s + " uploaded successfully to " + tempDir);
        // file upload to storage
        try {
            ServiceType st = InformationBase.getI().getService("wfs", "portal", new Hashtable(), new Vector());
            h.put("senderObj", "ZipFileSender");
            h.put("portalURL", PropertyLoader.getInstance().getProperty("service.url"));
            h.put("wfsID", st.getServiceUrl());
            h.put("userID", request.getRemoteUser());

            Hashtable hsh = new Hashtable();
            //                    st = InformationBase.getI().getService("storage", "portal", hsh, new Vector());
            //                    hsh.put("url", "http://localhost:8080/storage");
            st = InformationBase.getI().getService("storage", "portal", hsh, new Vector());
            PortalStorageClient psc = (PortalStorageClient) Class.forName(st.getClientObject()).newInstance();
            if (serverSideFile != null)
                psc.fileUpload(serverSideFile, "fileName", h);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            response.setRenderParameter("full", "error.upload");
        ps.removeAttribute("uploads", ps.APPLICATION_SCOPE);

    } catch (FileUploadException fue) {
        response.setRenderParameter("full", "error.upload");

        context.log("[FileUploadPortlet] - failed to upload file - " + fue.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        response.setRenderParameter("full", "error.exception");
        context.log("[FileUploadPortlet] - failed to upload file - " + e.toString());
    response.setRenderParameter("full", "action.succesfull");

From source file:com.liferay.testmisc.portlet.TestPortlet.java

protected void testMultipartWithCommonsFileUpload(ActionRequest actionRequest) throws Exception {

    boolean multiPartContent = PortletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(actionRequest);

    if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        if (multiPartContent) {
            _log.info("The request is a multipart request");
        } else {/*from w  w w  .j a va  2 s  .c om*/
            _log.info("The request is not a multipart request");

    DiskFileItemFactory diskFileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();

    PortletFileUpload portletFileUpload = new PortletFileUpload(diskFileItemFactory);

    List<FileItem> fileItemsList = portletFileUpload.parseRequest(actionRequest);

    if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        _log.info("Apache commons upload was able to parse " + fileItemsList.size() + " items");

    for (int i = 0; i < fileItemsList.size(); i++) {
        FileItem fileItem = fileItemsList.get(i);

        if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
            _log.info("Item " + i + " " + fileItem);

From source file:com.permeance.utility.scriptinghelper.portlets.ScriptingHelperPortlet.java

public void execute(ActionRequest actionRequest, ActionResponse actionResponse) {
    try {/* w w  w .  j av  a 2 s. c  om*/

        String portletId = "_" + PortalUtil.getPortletId(actionRequest) + "_";

        DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
        factory.setSizeThreshold(100 * 1024 * 1024);
        PortletFileUpload upload = new PortletFileUpload(factory);

        FileItem fileUploaded = null;
        List<FileItem> items = upload.parseRequest(actionRequest);
        for (FileItem fi : items) {
            if (fi.isFormField()) {
                actionRequest.setAttribute(fi.getFieldName(), fi.getString());
                if (fi.getFieldName().startsWith(portletId)) {
                    actionRequest.setAttribute(fi.getFieldName().substring(portletId.length()), fi.getString());
            } else {
                fileUploaded = fi;

        String cmd = (String) actionRequest.getAttribute("cmd");
        String language = (String) actionRequest.getAttribute("language");
        String script = (String) actionRequest.getAttribute("script");
        String editorheight = (String) actionRequest.getAttribute("editorheight");
        String themesel = (String) actionRequest.getAttribute("themesel");
        if (language == null) {
            language = getDefaultLanguage();
        if (script == null) {
            script = StringPool.BLANK;
        actionResponse.setRenderParameter("language", language);
        actionResponse.setRenderParameter("script", script);
        actionResponse.setRenderParameter("editorheight", editorheight);
        actionResponse.setRenderParameter("themesel", themesel);

        if ("execute".equals(cmd)) {

            Map<String, Object> portletObjects = ScriptingHelperUtil.getPortletObjects(getPortletConfig(),
                    getPortletContext(), actionRequest, actionResponse);

            UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream unsyncByteArrayOutputStream = new UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream();

            UnsyncPrintWriter unsyncPrintWriter = UnsyncPrintWriterPool.borrow(unsyncByteArrayOutputStream);

            portletObjects.put("out", unsyncPrintWriter);

            _log.info("Executing script");
            ScriptingUtil.exec(null, portletObjects, language, script, StringPool.EMPTY_ARRAY);
            actionResponse.setRenderParameter("script_output", unsyncByteArrayOutputStream.toString());
        } else if ("save".equals(cmd)) {
            String newscriptname = (String) actionRequest.getAttribute("newscriptname");
            if (newscriptname == null || newscriptname.trim().length() == 0) {
                actionResponse.setRenderParameter("script_trace", "No script name specified to save into!");
                SessionErrors.add(actionRequest, "error");

            _log.info("Saving new script: " + newscriptname.trim());
            PortletPreferences prefs = actionRequest.getPreferences();
            prefs.setValue("savedscript." + newscriptname.trim(), script);
            prefs.setValue("lang." + newscriptname.trim(), language);
        } else if ("saveinto".equals(cmd)) {
            String scriptname = (String) actionRequest.getAttribute("savedscript");
            if (scriptname == null) {
                actionResponse.setRenderParameter("script_trace", "No script specified to save into!");
                SessionErrors.add(actionRequest, "error");

            _log.info("Saving saved script: " + scriptname);
            PortletPreferences prefs = actionRequest.getPreferences();
            prefs.setValue("savedscript." + scriptname, script);
            prefs.setValue("lang." + scriptname, language);
        } else if ("loadfrom".equals(cmd)) {
            String scriptname = (String) actionRequest.getAttribute("savedscript");
            if (scriptname == null) {
                actionResponse.setRenderParameter("script_trace", "No script specified to load from!");
                SessionErrors.add(actionRequest, "error");
            _log.info("Loading saved script: " + scriptname);
            PortletPreferences prefs = actionRequest.getPreferences();
            language = prefs.getValue("lang." + scriptname, getDefaultLanguage());
            script = prefs.getValue("savedscript." + scriptname, StringPool.BLANK);
            actionResponse.setRenderParameter("language", language);
            actionResponse.setRenderParameter("script", script);
        } else if ("delete".equals(cmd)) {
            String scriptname = (String) actionRequest.getAttribute("savedscript");
            if (scriptname == null) {
                actionResponse.setRenderParameter("script_trace", "No script specified to delete!");
                SessionErrors.add(actionRequest, "error");
            _log.info("Deleting saved script: " + scriptname);
            PortletPreferences prefs = actionRequest.getPreferences();
            prefs.reset("savedscript." + scriptname);
            prefs.reset("lang." + scriptname);
        } else if ("import".equals(cmd)) {
            if (fileUploaded == null) {
                actionResponse.setRenderParameter("script_trace", "No file was uploaded for import!");
                SessionErrors.add(actionRequest, "error");

            StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();

            InputStream instream = fileUploaded.getInputStream();
            ZipInputStream zipstream = null;
            try {
                zipstream = new ZipInputStream(instream);
                ZipEntry entry = zipstream.getNextEntry();
                while (entry != null) {
                    String filename = entry.getName();
                    if (filename.contains("/")) {
                        int qs = filename.lastIndexOf("/");
                        if (qs != -1) {
                            filename = filename.substring(qs + 1);
                    if (filename.contains("\\")) {
                        int qs = filename.lastIndexOf("\\");
                        if (qs != -1) {
                            filename = filename.substring(qs + 1);

                    String ext = StringPool.BLANK;
                    if (filename.length() > 0) {
                        int qs = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
                        if (qs > 0) {
                            ext = filename.substring(qs + 1);
                            filename = filename.substring(0, qs);

                    String lang = resolveLanguage(ext);
                    String imscript = getStreamAsString(zipstream, "utf-8", false);

                    if (imscript != null && imscript.length() > 0) {
                        _log.info("Importing script \"" + filename + "\" of type " + lang);
                        output.append("Importing script \"" + filename + "\" of type " + lang + "\n");

                        PortletPreferences prefs = actionRequest.getPreferences();
                        prefs.setValue("savedscript." + filename, imscript);
                        prefs.setValue("lang." + filename, lang);

                    entry = zipstream.getNextEntry();

                actionResponse.setRenderParameter("script_output", output.toString());
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (zipstream != null) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                try {
                    if (instream != null) {
                } catch (Exception e) {

        SessionMessages.add(actionRequest, "success");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
        actionResponse.setRenderParameter("script_trace", sw.toString());
        SessionErrors.add(actionRequest, e.toString());

From source file:hu.sztaki.lpds.pgportal.portlets.credential.AssertionPortlet.java

 * Uploading SAML file(s).//from w ww  . j  a va2 s . c  o  m
 * The parameters are filled in by the user on the saml/UploadAssertion.jsp page.
 * @param request ActionRequest
 * @param response ActionResponse
public synchronized void doUpload(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) {

    // logger.info("Assertion-doUpload");
    FileItem samlFile = null;
    String sresource = null; // selected resource
    String action = request.getParameter("guse");
    logger.info("Action:" + action);

    try {
        DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
        PortletFileUpload pfu = new PortletFileUpload(factory);

        pfu.setSizeMax(1048576); // Maximum upload size 1Mb

        Iterator iter = pfu.parseRequest(request).iterator();

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            FileItem item = (FileItem) iter.next();

            if (item.isFormField()) { // retrieve parameters if item is a form field
                if ("sresource".equals(item.getFieldName())) {
                    sresource = item.getString();
            } else {
                if ("samlFile".equals(item.getFieldName())) {
                    samlFile = item;

        List<String> result = uploadSaml(request.getPortletSession(), samlFile, sresource,

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        boolean flag = false;
        for (String msg : result) {
            if (flag) {
                sb.append("<br />");
            } else {
                flag = true;
        request.setAttribute("msg", sb.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        request.setAttribute("msg", "Upload failed. Reason: " + e.getMessage());
        logger.info("Upload of asseriont failed. Reason: " + e.getMessage());
        logger.debug("Exception:", e);