Example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient HttpMethodBase getPath

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.httpclient HttpMethodBase getPath


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient HttpMethodBase getPath.


public String getPath() 

Source Link


Gets the path of this HTTP method.


From source file:com.google.gsa.valve.modules.utils.HTTPAuthZProcessor.java

 * Sets the document name putting it into the Content-Disposition header
 * // w ww. j  a v  a 2  s.  c  o  m
 * @param response HTTP response
 * @param method HTTP method
public static void setDocumentName(HttpServletResponse response, HttpMethodBase method, String contentType) {
    response.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
    //Set the file name properly
    String[] tabpath = (method.getPath()).split("/");
    String fileName = tabpath[tabpath.length - 1];
    String decodeFileName = null;
    try {
        decodeFileName = URLDecoder.decode(fileName, "UTF-8");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Exception decoding URL: " + e);
        decodeFileName = fileName;
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + decodeFileName);

From source file:com.eucalyptus.blockstorage.HttpTransfer.java

 * Calculates and sets the Authorization header value for the request using the EucaRSA-V2 signing algorithm
 * Algorithm Overview:/*from  w w w .j av  a2s  .  co  m*/
 * 1. Generate the canonical Request
 *  a.) CanonicalRequest =
 *          HTTPRequestMethod + '\n' +
 *          CanonicalURI + '\n' +
 *          CanonicalQueryString + '\n' +
 *          CanonicalHeaders + '\n' +
 *          SignedHeaders
 *    b.) Where CanonicalURI = 
 *    c.) Where CanonicalQueryString = 
 *   d.) Where CanonicalHeaders =  sorted (by lowercased header name) ';' delimited list of <lowercase(headername)>:<value> items
 *   e.) Where SignedHeaders = sorted, ';' delimited list of headers in CanonicalHeaders
 * 2. Signature = RSA(privkey, SHA256(CanonicalRequest))
 * 3. Add an Authorization HTTP header to the request that contains the following strings, separated by spaces:
 * The lower-case hexadecimal encoding of the component's X.509 certificate's md5 fingerprint
 * The SignedHeaders list calculated in Task 1
 * The Base64 encoding of the Signature calculated in Task 2
 * @param httpBaseRequest -- the request, the 'Authorization' header will be added to the request
public static void signEucaInternal(HttpMethodBase httpBaseRequest) {
    StringBuilder canonicalRequest = new StringBuilder();
    String canonicalURI = null;
    String verb = httpBaseRequest.getName();
    canonicalURI = httpBaseRequest.getPath();

    String canonicalQuery = calcCanonicalQuery(httpBaseRequest);
    String[] processedHeaders = getCanonicalAndSignedHeaders(httpBaseRequest);
    String canonicalHeaders = processedHeaders[0];
    String signedHeaders = processedHeaders[1];


    StringBuilder authHeader = new StringBuilder(EUCA2_AUTH_ID);
    String signature = null;
    String fingerprint = null;
    try {
        Credentials ccCreds = SystemCredentials.lookup(Storage.class);
        PrivateKey ccPrivateKey = ccCreds.getPrivateKey();
        fingerprint = ccCreds.getCertFingerprint();
        Signature sign = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");
        LOG.debug("Signing canonical request: " + canonicalRequest.toString());
        byte[] sig = sign.sign();
        signature = new String(Base64.encode(sig));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOG.error("Signing error while signing request", ex);

    authHeader.append(" ").append(fingerprint.toLowerCase()).append(" ").append(signedHeaders.toString())
            .append(" ").append(signature);
    httpBaseRequest.addRequestHeader(EUCA2_AUTH_HEADER_NAME, authHeader.toString());

From source file:ch.gadp.alfresco.OAuthSSOAuthenticationFilter.java

 * Add the ticket parameter to the request
 * @param method The method to expand/*  w  w w.j  a  va2 s .c o  m*/
 * @param ticket The ticket to use
protected void addTicketParameter(HttpMethodBase method, String ticket) {
    method.setPath(method.getPath() + "?" + DEFAULT_TICKET_NAME + "=" + ticket);

From source file:jeeves.utils.XmlRequest.java

private String getSentData(HttpMethodBase httpMethod) {
    StringBuilder sentData = new StringBuilder(httpMethod.getName()).append(" ").append(httpMethod.getPath());

    if (httpMethod.getQueryString() != null) {
        sentData.append("?" + httpMethod.getQueryString());
    }/*from   w w w.ja v  a 2s . co m*/


    for (Header h : httpMethod.getRequestHeaders()) {


    if (httpMethod instanceof PostMethod) {

    return sentData.toString();

From source file:com.jivesoftware.os.jive.utils.http.client.ApacheHttpClient31BackedHttpClient.java

private HttpStreamResponse executeMethodStream(HttpMethodBase method, int timeoutMillis)
        throws HttpClientException {
    try {//from  ww w  . j  a v a2  s.  co  m
        return executeStreamWithTimeout(method, timeoutMillis);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new HttpClientException("Error executing " + method.getName() + " request to: "
                + client.getHostConfiguration().getHostURL() + " path: " + method.getPath(), e);

From source file:com.jivesoftware.os.jive.utils.http.client.ApacheHttpClient31BackedHttpClient.java

private HttpResponse executeMethod(HttpMethodBase method, Map<String, String> headers, int timeoutMillis)
        throws HttpClientException {
    setRequestHeaders(headers, method);/*www . j av  a2s  .  c  om*/

    if (timeoutMillis > 0) {
        return executeWithTimeout(method, timeoutMillis);
    try {
        return execute(method);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new HttpClientException("Error executing " + method.getName() + " request to: "
                + client.getHostConfiguration().getHostURL() + " path: " + method.getPath(), e);

From source file:gov.va.med.imaging.proxy.ImageXChangeHttpCommonsSender.java

* invoke creates a socket connection, sends the request SOAP message and
* then reads the response SOAP message back from the SOAP server
* @param msgContext//  w  w w  . ja va 2  s .co  m
*            the messsage context
* @throws AxisFault
public void invoke(MessageContext msgContext) throws AxisFault {
    HttpMethodBase method = null;
    log.debug(Messages.getMessage("enter00", "CommonsHttpSender::invoke"));
    try {
        URL targetURL = new URL(msgContext.getStrProp(MessageContext.TRANS_URL));

        // no need to retain these, as the cookies/credentials are
        // stored in the message context across multiple requests.
        // the underlying connection manager, however, is retained
        // so sockets get recycled when possible.
        HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(this.connectionManager);

        // the timeout value for allocation of connections from the pool

        HostConfiguration hostConfiguration = getHostConfiguration(httpClient, msgContext, targetURL);

        boolean posting = true;

        // If we're SOAP 1.2, allow the web method to be set from the
        // MessageContext.
        if (msgContext.getSOAPConstants() == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS) {
            String webMethod = msgContext.getStrProp(SOAP12Constants.PROP_WEBMETHOD);
            if (webMethod != null)
                posting = webMethod.equals(HTTPConstants.HEADER_POST);

        if (posting) {
            Message reqMessage = msgContext.getRequestMessage();
            method = new PostMethod(targetURL.toString());
            log.info("POST message created with target [" + targetURL.toString() + "]");
            TransactionContext transactionContext = TransactionContextFactory.get();
                    .addDebugInformation("POST message created with target [" + targetURL.toString() + "]");

            // set false as default, addContetInfo can overwrite
            method.getParams().setBooleanParameter(HttpMethodParams.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE, false);

            addContextInfo(method, httpClient, msgContext, targetURL);

            Credentials cred = httpClient.getState().getCredentials(AuthScope.ANY);
            if (cred instanceof UsernamePasswordCredentials) {
                log.trace("POST message created on client with credentials ["
                        + ((UsernamePasswordCredentials) cred).getUserName() + ", "
                        + ((UsernamePasswordCredentials) cred).getPassword() + "].");

            MessageRequestEntity requestEntity = null;
            if (msgContext.isPropertyTrue(HTTPConstants.MC_GZIP_REQUEST)) {
                requestEntity = new GzipMessageRequestEntity(method, reqMessage, httpChunkStream);
                log.info("HTTPCommonsSender - zipping request.");
            } else {
                requestEntity = new MessageRequestEntity(method, reqMessage, httpChunkStream);
                log.info("HTTPCommonsSender - not zipping request");
            ((PostMethod) method).setRequestEntity(requestEntity);
        } else {
            method = new GetMethod(targetURL.toString());
            log.info("GET message created with target [" + targetURL.toString() + "]");
            addContextInfo(method, httpClient, msgContext, targetURL);

        if (msgContext.isPropertyTrue(HTTPConstants.MC_ACCEPT_GZIP))
            log.info("HTTPCommonsSender - accepting GZIP");
            log.info("HTTPCommonsSender - NOT accepting GZIP");

        String httpVersion = msgContext.getStrProp(MessageContext.HTTP_TRANSPORT_VERSION);
        if (httpVersion != null && httpVersion.equals(HTTPConstants.HEADER_PROTOCOL_V10))

        // don't forget the cookies!
        // Cookies need to be set on HttpState, since HttpMethodBase
        // overwrites the cookies from HttpState
        if (msgContext.getMaintainSession()) {
            HttpState state = httpClient.getState();
            String host = hostConfiguration.getHost();
            String path = targetURL.getPath();

            boolean secure = hostConfiguration.getProtocol().isSecure();
            fillHeaders(msgContext, state, HTTPConstants.HEADER_COOKIE, host, path, secure);
            fillHeaders(msgContext, state, HTTPConstants.HEADER_COOKIE2, host, path, secure);

        // add HTTP header fields that the application thinks are "interesting"
        // the expectation is that these would be non-standard HTTP headers, 
        // by convention starting with "xxx-"
        VistaRealmPrincipal principal = VistaRealmSecurityContext.get();

        if (principal != null) {
            log.info("SecurityContext credentials for '" + principal.getAccessCode() + "' are available.");
            String duz = principal.getDuz();
            if (duz != null && duz.length() > 0)
                method.addRequestHeader(TransactionContextHttpHeaders.httpHeaderDuz, duz);

            String fullname = principal.getFullName();
            if (fullname != null && fullname.length() > 0)
                method.addRequestHeader(TransactionContextHttpHeaders.httpHeaderFullName, fullname);

            String sitename = principal.getSiteName();
            if (sitename != null && sitename.length() > 0)
                method.addRequestHeader(TransactionContextHttpHeaders.httpHeaderSiteName, sitename);

            String sitenumber = principal.getSiteNumber();
            if (sitenumber != null && sitenumber.length() > 0)
                method.addRequestHeader(TransactionContextHttpHeaders.httpHeaderSiteNumber, sitenumber);

            String ssn = principal.getSsn();
            if (ssn != null && ssn.length() > 0)
                method.addRequestHeader(TransactionContextHttpHeaders.httpHeaderSSN, ssn);

            String securityToken = principal.getSecurityToken();
            if (securityToken != null && securityToken.length() > 0)

            String cacheLocationId = principal.getCacheLocationId();
            if (cacheLocationId != null && cacheLocationId.length() > 0)

            String userDivision = principal.getUserDivision();
            if (userDivision != null && userDivision.length() > 0)
                method.addRequestHeader(TransactionContextHttpHeaders.httpHeaderUserDivision, userDivision);
        } else
            log.debug("SecurityContext credentials are NOT available.");

        method.addRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, "no-cache,no-store");
        method.addRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_PRAGMA, "no-cache");

        try {
            log.info("Executing method [" + method.getPath() + "] on target [" + hostConfiguration.getHostURL()
                    + "]");
        } catch (IllegalStateException isX) {

        // send the HTTP request and wait for a response 
        int returnCode = httpClient.executeMethod(hostConfiguration, method, null);

        TransactionContext transactionContext = TransactionContextFactory.get();
        // don't set the response code here - this is not the response code we send out, but the resposne code we get back from the data source
        //transactionContext.setResponseCode (String.valueOf (returnCode));

        // How many bytes received?

        // How long did it take to start getting a response coming back?
        Long timeSent = method.getTimeRequestSent();
        Long timeReceived = method.getTimeFirstByteReceived();
        if (timeSent != null && timeReceived != null) {
            long timeTook = timeReceived.longValue() - timeSent.longValue();
            transactionContext.setTimeToFirstByte(new Long(timeTook));

        // Looks like it wasn't found in cache - is there a place to set this to true if it was?

        // extract the basic HTTP header fields for content type, location and length
        String contentType = getHeader(method, HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
        String contentLocation = getHeader(method, HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATION);
        String contentLength = getHeader(method, HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH);

        if ((returnCode > 199) && (returnCode < 300)) {

            // SOAP return is OK - so fall through
        } else if (msgContext.getSOAPConstants() == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS) {
            // For now, if we're SOAP 1.2, fall through, since the range of
            // valid result codes is much greater
        } else if ((contentType != null) && !contentType.equals("text/html")
                && ((returnCode > 499) && (returnCode < 600))) {

            // SOAP Fault should be in here - so fall through
        } else {
            String statusMessage = method.getStatusText();
            try {
                log.warn("Method [" + method.getPath() + "] on target [" + hostConfiguration.getHostURL()
                        + "] failed - '" + statusMessage + "'.");
            } catch (IllegalStateException isX) {

            AxisFault fault = new AxisFault("HTTP", "(" + returnCode + ")" + statusMessage, null, null);

            try {
                        Messages.getMessage("return01", "" + returnCode, method.getResponseBodyAsString()));
                fault.addFaultDetail(Constants.QNAME_FAULTDETAIL_HTTPERRORCODE, Integer.toString(returnCode));
                throw fault;
            } finally {
                method.releaseConnection(); // release connection back to
                // pool.

        // wrap the response body stream so that close() also releases
        // the connection back to the pool.
        InputStream releaseConnectionOnCloseStream = createConnectionReleasingInputStream(method);

        Header contentEncoding = method.getResponseHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING);
        log.info("HTTPCommonsSender - " + HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING + "="
                + (contentEncoding == null ? "null" : contentEncoding.getValue()));

        if (contentEncoding != null) {
            if (HTTPConstants.COMPRESSION_GZIP.equalsIgnoreCase(contentEncoding.getValue())) {
                releaseConnectionOnCloseStream = new GZIPInputStream(releaseConnectionOnCloseStream);

                log.debug("HTTPCommonsSender - receiving gzipped stream.");
            } else if (ENCODING_DEFLATE.equalsIgnoreCase(contentEncoding.getValue())) {
                releaseConnectionOnCloseStream = new java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream(

                log.debug("HTTPCommonsSender - receiving 'deflated' stream.");
            } else {
                AxisFault fault = new AxisFault("HTTP",
                        "unsupported content-encoding of '" + contentEncoding.getValue() + "' found", null,
                throw fault;

        try {
            log.warn("Method [" + method.getPath() + "] on target [" + hostConfiguration.getHostURL()
                    + "] succeeded, parsing response.");
        } catch (IllegalStateException isX) {

        Message outMsg = new Message(releaseConnectionOnCloseStream, false, contentType, contentLocation);
        // Transfer HTTP headers of HTTP message to MIME headers of SOAP
        // message
        Header[] responseHeaders = method.getResponseHeaders();
        MimeHeaders responseMimeHeaders = outMsg.getMimeHeaders();
        for (int i = 0; i < responseHeaders.length; i++) {
            Header responseHeader = responseHeaders[i];
            responseMimeHeaders.addHeader(responseHeader.getName(), responseHeader.getValue());
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            if (null == contentLength)
                log.trace("\n" + Messages.getMessage("no00", "Content-Length"));
            log.trace("\n" + Messages.getMessage("xmlRecd00"));

        // if we are maintaining session state,
        // handle cookies (if any)
        if (msgContext.getMaintainSession()) {
            Header[] headers = method.getResponseHeaders();

            for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
                if (headers[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(HTTPConstants.HEADER_SET_COOKIE)) {
                    handleCookie(HTTPConstants.HEADER_COOKIE, headers[i].getValue(), msgContext);
                } else if (headers[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(HTTPConstants.HEADER_SET_COOKIE2)) {
                    handleCookie(HTTPConstants.HEADER_COOKIE2, headers[i].getValue(), msgContext);

        // always release the connection back to the pool if
        // it was one way invocation
        if (msgContext.isPropertyTrue("axis.one.way")) {

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw AxisFault.makeFault(e);

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug(Messages.getMessage("exit00", "CommonsHTTPSender::invoke"));

From source file:org.elasticsearch.hadoop.rest.RestClient.java

byte[] execute(HttpMethodBase method, boolean checkStatus) {
    try {/*from www.  java  2s. c om*/
        int status = client.executeMethod(method);
        if (checkStatus && status >= HttpStatus.SC_MULTI_STATUS) {
            String body;
            try {
                body = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                body = "";
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("[%s] on [%s] failed; server[%s] returned [%s]",
                    method.getName(), method.getURI(), client.getHostConfiguration().getHostURL(), body));
        return method.getResponseBody();
    } catch (IOException io) {
        String target;
        try {
            target = method.getURI().toString();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            target = method.getPath();
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                String.format("Cannot get response body for [%s][%s]", method.getName(), target));
    } finally {

From source file:org.fao.geonet.csw.common.requests.CatalogRequest.java

private void setupSentData(HttpMethodBase httpMethod) {
    sentData = httpMethod.getName() + " " + httpMethod.getPath();

    if (httpMethod.getQueryString() != null)
        sentData += "?" + httpMethod.getQueryString();

    sentData += "\r\n";

    for (Header h : httpMethod.getRequestHeaders())
        sentData += h;/*  w  w  w .j av  a 2  s.com*/

    sentData += "\r\n";

    if (httpMethod instanceof PostMethod)
        sentData += postData;

From source file:org.fao.oaipmh.requests.Transport.java

private void setupSentData(HttpMethodBase httpMethod) {
    sentData = httpMethod.getName() + " " + httpMethod.getPath();

    if (httpMethod.getQueryString() != null)
        sentData += "?" + httpMethod.getQueryString();

    sentData += "\r\n";

    for (Header h : httpMethod.getRequestHeaders())
        sentData += h;//from   w w  w .j a v  a2 s .c o m

    sentData += "\r\n";