Example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient NameValuePair NameValuePair

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.httpclient NameValuePair NameValuePair


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient NameValuePair NameValuePair.


public NameValuePair(String name, String value) 

Source Link




From source file:com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.multislaveconfigplugin.UIHudsonTest.java

 * Test removing properties for a number of nodes.
 * The tests mocks a form containing the desired changes.
 * This was done since HTMLUNIT's javascript support isn't good enough.
 * @throws Exception on failure.//from  w w w  .j  ava 2 s . co  m
public void testRemoveNodeProperties() throws Exception {
    //First make sure the nodes have some random properties:
    for (Node node : jenkins.getNodes()) {
        Entry entry = new Entry(RandomStringUtils.random(5), RandomStringUtils.random(5));
        node.getNodeProperties().add(new EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty(entry));

    //Takes the web client to "search for slaves"-page.


    // Instead of requesting the page directly we create a WebRequestSettings object
    WebRequestSettings requestSettings = new WebRequestSettings(
            webClient.createCrumbedUrl(NodeManageLink.URL + "/apply"), HttpMethod.POST);

    // Then we set the request parameters
    List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
    params.add(new NameValuePair("json", "{\"removeProperties\": "
            + "{\"stapler-class\": \"hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty$DescriptorImpl\",\"kind\": "
            + "\"hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty$DescriptorImpl\"}}"));
    params.add(new NameValuePair("Submit", "Save"));


    for (Node node : jenkins.getNodes()) {
        assertTrue("Slave should not have any node properties", node.getNodeProperties().isEmpty());

From source file:com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlButtonTest.java

 * @throws Exception if the test fails/*from w w w.  j a va  2 s. c o  m*/
public void testButtonTypeSubmit() throws Exception {
    final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>foo</title></head><body>\n"
            + "<form id='form1' method='post' onSubmit='alert(\"bar\")' onReset='alert(\"reset\")'>\n"
            + "    <button type='submit' name='button' id='button' value='foo'" + "    >Push me</button>\n"
            + "</form></body></html>";
    final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>();
    final HtmlPage page = loadPage(htmlContent, collectedAlerts);
    final HtmlButton button = page.getHtmlElementById("button");

    final HtmlPage secondPage = button.click();

    final String[] expectedAlerts = { "bar" };
    assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts);

    assertNotSame(page, secondPage);
    final List<NameValuePair> expectedParameters = Arrays
            .asList(new NameValuePair[] { new NameValuePair("button", "foo") });
    final List<NameValuePair> collectedParameters = getMockConnection(secondPage).getLastParameters();

    assertEquals(expectedParameters, collectedParameters);

From source file:edu.ku.brc.specify.config.SpecifyExceptionTracker.java

protected Vector<NameValuePair> collectionSecondaryInfo(final FeedBackSenderItem item) {
    AppContextMgr mgr = AppContextMgr.getInstance();
    Vector<NameValuePair> stats = new Vector<NameValuePair>();
    if (mgr.hasContext()) {
        Collection collection = mgr.getClassObject(Collection.class);
        Discipline discipline = mgr.getClassObject(Discipline.class);
        Division division = mgr.getClassObject(Division.class);
        Institution institution = mgr.getClassObject(Institution.class);

        stats.add(new NameValuePair("collection", //$NON-NLS-1$
                collection != null ? collection.getCollectionName() : "No Collection")); //$NON-NLS-2$
        stats.add(new NameValuePair("discipline", discipline != null ? discipline.getName() : "No Discipline")); //$NON-NLS-1$ $NON-NLS-2$
        stats.add(new NameValuePair("division", division != null ? division.getName() : "No Division")); //$NON-NLS-1$ $NON-NLS-2$
        stats.add(new NameValuePair("institution", //$NON-NLS-1$
                institution != null ? institution.getName() : "No Institution")); //$NON-NLS-2$

        stats.add(new NameValuePair("Collection_number", //$NON-NLS-1$
                collection != null ? collection.getRegNumber() : "No Collection Number")); //$NON-NLS-2$
        stats.add(new NameValuePair("Discipline_number", //$NON-NLS-1$
                discipline != null ? discipline.getRegNumber() : "No Discipline Number")); //$NON-NLS-2$
        stats.add(new NameValuePair("Division_number", //$NON-NLS-1$
                division != null ? division.getRegNumber() : "No Division Number")); //$NON-NLS-2$
        stats.add(new NameValuePair("Institution_number", //$NON-NLS-1$
                institution != null ? institution.getRegNumber() : "No Institution Number")); //$NON-NLS-2$

        if (collection != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(collection.getIsaNumber())) {
            stats.add(new NameValuePair("ISA_number", collection.getIsaNumber())); //$NON-NLS-1$
        }/*from  ww  w  .  ja  v  a2 s.  c  o  m*/

        if (item.isIncludeEmail()) {
            String email = ((SpecifyAppContextMgr) mgr).getMailAddr(false);
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(email)) {
                stats.add(new NameValuePair("email", email)); //$NON-NLS-1$
    return stats;

From source file:com.clarkparsia.sbol.editor.sparql.StardogEndpoint.java

private NameValuePair graphParam(String namedGraph) {
    return (namedGraph == null) ? new NameValuePair("default", "") : new NameValuePair("graph", namedGraph);

From source file:fr.openwide.talendalfresco.rest.client.importer.RestImportFileTest.java

public void login() {
    // create client and configure it
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

    // instantiating a new method and configuring it
    GetMethod method = new GetMethod(restCommandUrlPrefix + "login");
    method.setFollowRedirects(true); // ?
    // Provide custom retry handler is necessary (?)
            new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(3, false));
    NameValuePair[] params = new NameValuePair[] { new NameValuePair("username", "admin"),
            new NameValuePair("password", "admin") };
    method.setQueryString(params);/*from w ww.  j  a v  a  2  s .c  o  m*/

    try {
        // Execute the method.
        int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);

        if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
            System.err.println("Method failed: " + method.getStatusLine());

        // Read the response body.
        byte[] responseBody = method.getResponseBody();
        System.out.println(new String(responseBody)); // TODO rm

        HashSet<String> defaultElementSet = new HashSet<String>(
                Arrays.asList(new String[] { RestConstants.TAG_COMMAND, RestConstants.TAG_CODE,
                        RestConstants.TAG_CONTENT, RestConstants.TAG_ERROR, RestConstants.TAG_MESSAGE }));
        HashMap<String, String> elementValueMap = new HashMap<String, String>(6);

        try {
            XMLEventReader xmlReader = XmlHelper.getXMLInputFactory()
                    .createXMLEventReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(responseBody));
            StringBuffer singleLevelTextBuf = null;
            while (xmlReader.hasNext()) {
                XMLEvent event = xmlReader.nextEvent();
                switch (event.getEventType()) {
                case XMLEvent.CHARACTERS:
                case XMLEvent.CDATA:
                    if (singleLevelTextBuf != null) {
                    } // else element not meaningful
                case XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT:
                    StartElement startElement = event.asStartElement();
                    String elementName = startElement.getName().getLocalPart();
                    if (defaultElementSet.contains(elementName)
                            // TODO another command specific level
                            || "ticket".equals(elementName)) {
                        // reinit buffer at start of meaningful elements
                        singleLevelTextBuf = new StringBuffer();
                    } else {
                        singleLevelTextBuf = null; // not useful
                case XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT:
                    if (singleLevelTextBuf == null) {
                        break; // element not meaningful

                    // TODO or merely put it in the map since the element has been tested at start
                    EndElement endElement = event.asEndElement();
                    elementName = endElement.getName().getLocalPart();
                    if (defaultElementSet.contains(elementName)) {
                        String value = singleLevelTextBuf.toString();
                        elementValueMap.put(elementName, value);
                        // TODO test if it is code and it is not OK, break to error handling
                    // TODO another command specific level
                    else if ("ticket".equals(elementName)) {
                        ticket = singleLevelTextBuf.toString();
                    // singleLevelTextBuf = new StringBuffer(); // no ! in start
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            //throw t;

        String code = elementValueMap.get(RestConstants.TAG_CODE);
        System.out.println("got ticket " + ticket);

    } catch (HttpException e) {
        // TODO
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO
    } finally {
        // Release the connection.

From source file:com.bigcommerce.http.QueryStringBuilder.java

 * Invokes {@link #addQueryParameter(NameValuePair)} with a <code>String</code>
 * converted value./*from  w  ww . j a v  a 2s . co m*/
public QueryStringBuilder addQueryParameter(final String name, final boolean value) {
    return addQueryParameter(new NameValuePair(name, String.valueOf(value)));

From source file:com.panet.imeta.trans.steps.httppost.HTTPPOST.java

public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException {
    meta = (HTTPPOSTMeta) smi;/*from  ww  w .  j  av  a 2 s. c  om*/
    data = (HTTPPOSTData) sdi;

    boolean sendToErrorRow = false;
    String errorMessage = null;

    Object[] r = getRow(); // Get row from input rowset & set row busy!
    if (r == null) // no more input to be expected...
        return false;
    if (first) {
        first = false;
        data.inputRowMeta = getInputRowMeta();
        data.outputRowMeta = getInputRowMeta().clone();
        meta.getFields(data.outputRowMeta, getStepname(), null, null, this);

        if (meta.isUrlInField()) {
            if (Const.isEmpty(meta.getUrlField())) {
                throw new KettleException(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Log.NoField"));

            // cache the position of the field         
            if (data.indexOfUrlField < 0) {
                String realUrlfieldName = environmentSubstitute(meta.getUrlField());
                data.indexOfUrlField = data.inputRowMeta.indexOfValue((realUrlfieldName));
                if (data.indexOfUrlField < 0) {
                    // The field is unreachable !
                    logError(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Log.ErrorFindingField", realUrlfieldName));
                    throw new KettleException(
                            Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Exception.ErrorFindingField", realUrlfieldName));
        } else {
            data.realUrl = environmentSubstitute(meta.getUrl());
        // set body parameters
        int nrargs = meta.getArgumentField().length;
        if (nrargs > 0) {
            data.useBodyParameters = true;
            data.body_parameters_nrs = new int[nrargs];
            data.bodyParameters = new NameValuePair[nrargs];
            for (int i = 0; i < nrargs; i++) {
                data.body_parameters_nrs[i] = data.inputRowMeta.indexOfValue(meta.getArgumentField()[i]);
                if (data.body_parameters_nrs[i] < 0) {
                    logError(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Log.ErrorFindingField") + meta.getArgumentField()[i] //$NON-NLS-1$
                            + "]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    throw new KettleStepException(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Exception.CouldnotFindField", //$NON-NLS-1$
                            meta.getArgumentField()[i])); //$NON-NLS-2$
                data.bodyParameters[i] = new NameValuePair(
                        data.outputRowMeta.getString(r, data.body_parameters_nrs[i]));
        // set query parameters
        int nrQuery = meta.getQueryField().length;
        if (nrQuery > 0) {
            data.useQueryParameters = true;
            data.query_parameters_nrs = new int[nrQuery];
            data.queryParameters = new NameValuePair[nrQuery];
            for (int i = 0; i < nrQuery; i++) {
                data.query_parameters_nrs[i] = data.inputRowMeta.indexOfValue(meta.getQueryField()[i]);
                if (data.query_parameters_nrs[i] < 0) {
                    logError(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Log.ErrorFindingField") + meta.getQueryField()[i] //$NON-NLS-1$
                            + "]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    throw new KettleStepException(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Exception.CouldnotFindField", //$NON-NLS-1$
                            meta.getQueryField()[i])); //$NON-NLS-2$
                data.queryParameters[i] = new NameValuePair(environmentSubstitute(meta.getQueryParameter()[i]),
                        data.outputRowMeta.getString(r, data.query_parameters_nrs[i]));
        // set request entity?
        if (!Const.isEmpty(meta.getRequestEntity())) {
            data.indexOfRequestEntity = data.inputRowMeta
            if (data.indexOfRequestEntity < 0) {
                throw new KettleStepException(Messages.getString(
                        "HTTPPOST.Exception.CouldnotFindRequestEntityField", meta.getRequestEntity())); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
        data.realEncoding = environmentSubstitute(meta.getEncoding());
    } // end if first

    try {
        Object[] outputRowData = callHTTPPOST(r);
        putRow(data.outputRowMeta, outputRowData); // copy row to output rowset(s);

        if (checkFeedback(getLinesRead())) {
            if (log.isDetailed())
                logDetailed(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.LineNumber") + getLinesRead()); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (KettleException e) {
        if (getStepMeta().isDoingErrorHandling()) {
            sendToErrorRow = true;
            errorMessage = e.toString();
        } else {
            logError(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.ErrorInStepRunning") + e.getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$
            setOutputDone(); // signal end to receiver(s)
            return false;

        if (sendToErrorRow) {
            // Simply add this row to the error row
            putError(getInputRowMeta(), r, 1, errorMessage, null, "HTTPPOST001");


    return true;

From source file:com.thoughtworks.twist.mingle.core.MingleClient.java

public void attachComment(String taskId, String comment, String description, InputStream createInputStream,
        String filename, IProgressMonitor monitor) {

    PostMethod post = new PostMethod(commentUrl(taskId));

    NameValuePair[] data = { new NameValuePair("comment", comment), };
    post.setRequestBody(data);/*from  w w w .  ja  v  a2  s .co m*/

    try {
    } catch (HttpException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {

From source file:it.geosolutions.geoserver.rest.publisher.GeoserverRESTImageMosaicTest.java

public void testPublishImageMosaic() throws IOException {

    if (!enabled()) {
        return;/*w  w w .ja va 2s  .co m*/

    String storeName = "testImageMosaic";



    File imageMosaicFile = new ClassPathResource("testdata/mosaic_geotiff.zip").getFile();

    // test publish
    boolean wp = publisher.publishImageMosaic(DEFAULT_WS, storeName, imageMosaicFile, ParameterConfigure.NONE,
            (NameValuePair) null);

    assertTrue("Publish imagemosaic with no layer configured, failed.", wp);

    assertTrue("Unpublish() failed", publisher.removeCoverageStore(DEFAULT_WS, storeName, true));

    // create default style
    File sldFile = new ClassPathResource("testdata/restteststyle.sld").getFile();
    assertTrue(publisher.publishStyle(sldFile, "raster"));

    wp = publisher.publishImageMosaic(DEFAULT_WS, storeName, imageMosaicFile, ParameterConfigure.FIRST,
            new NameValuePair("coverageName", "imageMosaic_test"));

    assertTrue("Publish imagemosaic configuring layer name, failed.", wp);

    assertTrue("Unpublish() failed", publisher.removeCoverageStore(DEFAULT_WS, storeName, true));

    wp = publisher.publishImageMosaic(DEFAULT_WS, storeName, imageMosaicFile, ParameterConfigure.ALL,
            (NameValuePair) null);

    assertTrue("Publish imagemosaic configuring all available layers, failed.", wp);

    assertTrue("Unpublish() failed", publisher.removeCoverageStore(DEFAULT_WS, storeName, true));

From source file:edu.uci.ics.asterix.test.aql.TestsUtils.java

public static InputStream executeAnyAQLAsync(String str, boolean defer, OutputFormat fmt) throws Exception {
    final String url = "http://localhost:19002/aql";

    // Create a method instance.
    PostMethod method = new PostMethod(url);
    if (defer) {//from w  w  w .  j  av  a 2  s. co m
        method.setQueryString(new NameValuePair[] { new NameValuePair("mode", "asynchronous-deferred") });
    } else {
        method.setQueryString(new NameValuePair[] { new NameValuePair("mode", "asynchronous") });
    method.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity(str));
    method.setRequestHeader("Accept", fmt.mimeType());

    // Provide custom retry handler is necessary
            new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(3, false));
    InputStream resultStream = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();

    String theHandle = IOUtils.toString(resultStream, "UTF-8");

    //take the handle and parse it so results can be retrieved 
    InputStream handleResult = getHandleResult(theHandle, fmt);
    return handleResult;