Example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient URI equals

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.httpclient URI equals


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient URI equals.


public boolean equals(Object obj) 

Source Link


Test an object if this URI is equal to another.


From source file:org.glite.slcs.shibclient.ShibbolethClient.java

 * Processes the response of the IdP SSO and dispatches to the Browser/POST
 * or the Artificate processor./*from   w ww.  j  a  va 2 s . c  om*/
 * @param idp
 *            The {@link IdentityProvider}.
 * @param idpSSOResponseURI
 *            The IdP SSO response {@link URI}.
 * @return
 * @throws RemoteException
private URI processIdPSSOResponse(IdentityProvider idp, URI idpSSOResponseURI)
        throws HttpException, IOException, RemoteException {
    URI idpResponseURI = null;

    String idpSSOResponseURL = idpSSOResponseURI.getURI();
    GetMethod getIdPSSOResponseMethod = new GetMethod(idpSSOResponseURL);

    // BUG FIX: set the JSESSIONID and IdP 2.X _idp_session
    // cookies by hand.
    // Because default CookiePolicy is RFC2109 and doesn't handle
    // correctly FQDN hostname as cookie domain.
     * String host = getIdPSSOResponseMethod.getURI().getHost(); String path
     * = getIdPSSOResponseMethod.getURI().getPath(); Cookie cookies[] =
     * getMatchingCookies(host, path); for (int j = 0; j < cookies.length;
     * j++) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setting Cookie: " +
     * cookies[j]); } getIdPSSOResponseMethod.addRequestHeader("Cookie",
     * cookies[j].toString()); }

    // BUG FIX: check if url have a SAML/Artifact endpoint
    boolean isPossiblyUsingArtifact = false;
    if (matchesSAMLArtifact(idpSSOResponseURL)) {
        isPossiblyUsingArtifact = true;
        LOG.info("The SP try to use a SAML/Artifact profile");

    LOG.info("GET IdPSSOResponse: " + idpSSOResponseURL);
    int idpSSOResponseStatus = executeMethod(getIdPSSOResponseMethod);

    // SAML/Artifact are already processed.
    if (isPossiblyUsingArtifact) {
        // check if there is a loop. if so the SSO failed for some reason...
        if (idpSSOResponseURI.equals(getIdPSSOResponseMethod.getURI())) {
            String htmlBody = inputStreamToString(getIdPSSOResponseMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream());
            LOG.error("Something went wrong with the IdP SAML/Artifact response: " + htmlBody);
            throw new RemoteException("The Identity Provider SAML/Artifact response failed: " + idp.getUrl()
                    + ". Please see the log file.");
        idpResponseURI = getIdPSSOResponseMethod.getURI();
    } else {
        // try to parse the Browser/POST profile in the HTML source
        InputStream htmlStream = getIdPSSOResponseMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream();
        idpResponseURI = processIdPBrowserPOST(idp, idpSSOResponseURI, htmlStream);


    return idpResponseURI;

From source file:org.glite.slcs.shibclient.ShibbolethClient.java

 * @param idp/*w  w w .j  a v a2  s  .co  m*/
 * @param query
 * @throws URIException
 * @throws HttpException
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AuthException
 * @throws RemoteException
 * @throws ServiceException
private URI processIdPSSO(IdentityProvider idp, URI spResponseURI)
        throws URIException, HttpException, IOException, AuthException, RemoteException, ServiceException {
    String idpSSOURL = idp.getUrl();
    LOG.debug("IdP SSO URL: " + idpSSOURL);
    String spResponseURL = spResponseURI.getEscapedURI();
    LOG.debug("spResponseURL=" + spResponseURL);
    // check if the spResponseURL is not already the IdP SSO url
    if (spResponseURL.startsWith(idpSSOURL)) {
        idpSSOURL = spResponseURL;
    } else {
        // if not, build it
        // BUG FIX: Shib SP 2.0 send the ?service=... in the query
        String query = spResponseURI.getEscapedQuery();
        LOG.debug("IdP SSO Query: " + query);
        if (query != null) {
            if (query.startsWith("service=")) {
                int i = query.indexOf("shire");
                if (i > 0) {
                    query = query.substring(i);
                            "IdP SSO Query contains the 'service=...' part, cutting up to 'shire=': " + query);
                } else {
                            "IdP SSO Query contains the 'service=' parameter, but not the 'shire=' parameter: "
                                    + query);
                    throw new RemoteException(
                            "IdP SSO Query contains the 'service=' parameter, but not the 'shire=' parameter: "
                                    + query);
            // getIdpSSOMethod.setQueryString(query);
            idpSSOURL += "?" + query;
        LOG.debug("IdP SSO URL (with query): " + idpSSOURL);
    // create HttpMethod
    GetMethod getIdpSSOMethod = new GetMethod(idpSSOURL);

    URI idpSSOURI = getIdpSSOMethod.getURI();
    // set credential for basic or ntlm
    int authType = idp.getAuthType();
    LOG.debug("IdP authType: " + idp.getAuthTypeName());
    if (authType == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_BASIC || authType == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_NTLM) {
        // enable BASIC or NTLM authN
        AuthScope scope = new AuthScope(idpSSOURI.getHost(), idpSSOURI.getPort(), idp.getAuthRealm());
        LOG.info("Enable " + idp.getAuthTypeName() + " authentication: " + credentials_ + ", scope: " + scope);
        httpClient_.getState().setCredentials(scope, credentials_);

    // execute the method
    LOG.info("GET IdpSSOMethod: " + idpSSOURI);
    int idpSSOResponseStatus = executeMethod(getIdpSSOMethod);
    String idpSSOResponseStatusLine = getIdpSSOMethod.getStatusLine().toString();

    URI idpSSOResponseURI = getIdpSSOMethod.getURI();
    LOG.debug("idpSSOResponseURI=" + idpSSOResponseURI);
    String idpSSOResponseQuery = idpSSOResponseURI.getEscapedQuery();
    LOG.debug("idpSSOResponseQuery=" + idpSSOResponseQuery);

    // XXX

    LOG.debug("idpSSOResponseStatus=" + idpSSOResponseStatus);
    // BASIC or NTLM response handling
    if (idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_BASIC
            || idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_NTLM) {
        // !200 and same URL as before: if BASIC or NTLM failed on IdP

        LOG.debug("idpSSOURI=" + idpSSOURI);
        LOG.debug("idpSSOResponseURI=" + idpSSOResponseURI);

        if (idpSSOResponseStatus != 200 && idpSSOResponseURI.equals(idpSSOURI)) {


            LOG.error("BASIC or NTLM authentication was required for " + idpSSOURL);

            throw new AuthException(
                    idp.getAuthTypeName() + " authentication failed: " + idpSSOResponseStatusLine + " URL: "
                            + idpSSOResponseURI + " Credentials: " + this.credentials_);
        } else {
            // SAML/Artifact: idpSSOResponseURI is already SP login and the
            // XML <SLCSLoginResponse> is already there
            // XXX: resend to same IdP SSO page once again
            LOG.info("IdP BASIC or NTLM authN: resend again to the same IdP SSO URI: " + idpSSOURL);
            idpSSOResponseURI = new URI(idpSSOURL, false);

    // CAS sends 200 + Cookies and the login form directly
    else if (idpSSOResponseStatus == 200 && (idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_CAS
            || idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_FORM)) {
        LOG.debug("Process " + idp.getAuthTypeName() + " login form...");
        // process CAS login form
        InputStream idpLoginForm = getIdpSSOMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream();
        LOG.debug("idpSSOURI Query=" + idpSSOURI.getQuery());
        idpSSOResponseURI = processIdPLoginForm(idp, idpSSOResponseURI, idpSSOURI.getQuery(), idpLoginForm);
        LOG.debug(idp.getAuthTypeName() + " idpSSOResponseURI=" + idpSSOResponseURI);
    // FIXME: ETHZ use a new PubCookie
    // PUBCOOKIE sends 200 + onload form with hidden fields to post
    else if (idpSSOResponseStatus == 200 && idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_PUBCOOKIE) {

        // parse <form> and extract hidden fields, then post
        PostMethod postPubcookieFormMethod = null;
        InputStream pubcookieFormStream = getIdpSSOMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream();
        Source source = new Source(pubcookieFormStream);
        List<Element> forms = source.findAllElements(Tag.FORM);
        for (Element form : forms) {
            String formAction = form.getAttributeValue("ACTION");
            LOG.debug("PubCookie form action=" + formAction);
            if (!idp.getAuthUrl().equalsIgnoreCase(formAction)) {
                // TODO: ERROR
                throw new RemoteException(
                        "form action: " + formAction + " doesn't match IdP authN url: " + idp.getAuthUrl());
            // create PubCookie POST
            postPubcookieFormMethod = new PostMethod(formAction);

            // add all HIDDEN fields to POST
            List<FormControl> formControls = form.findFormControls();
            for (FormControl control : formControls) {
                FormControlType type = control.getFormControlType();
                if (type.equals(FormControlType.HIDDEN)) {
                    String name = control.getName();
                    Collection<String> values = control.getValues();
                    for (String value : values) {
                        LOG.debug("add hidden: " + name + "=" + value);
                        // add all hidden fields
                        postPubcookieFormMethod.addParameter(name, value);

        } // for all forms


        if (postPubcookieFormMethod == null) {
            // ERROR
            LOG.error("PubCookie form not found");
            throw new RemoteException("PubCookie form not found");

        LOG.debug("POST " + postPubcookieFormMethod.getURI());
        int postPubcookieFormStatus = executeMethod(postPubcookieFormMethod);

        // XXX

        // process pubcookie login form
        InputStream loginFormStream = postPubcookieFormMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream();
        idpSSOResponseURI = processIdPLoginForm(idp, idpSSOResponseURI, idpSSOURI.getQuery(), loginFormStream);
        LOG.debug("Pubcookie idpSSOResponseURI=" + idpSSOResponseURI);


    } else {
        // error handling
        InputStream htmlStream = getIdpSSOMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream();
        String htmlBody = inputStreamToString(htmlStream);
        LOG.error("Unexpected IdP SSO reponse: URL: " + idpSSOResponseURI + " Status: "
                + idpSSOResponseStatusLine + " AuthType: " + idp.getAuthTypeName() + " HTML:\n" + htmlBody);
        throw new RemoteException("Unexprected IdP SSO reponse: URL: " + idpSSOResponseURI + " Status: "
                + idpSSOResponseStatusLine + ". Please see the log file.");


    return idpSSOResponseURI;
