Example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient URI setQuery

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.httpclient URI setQuery


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient URI setQuery.


public void setQuery(String query) throws URIException 

Source Link


Set the query.


From source file:davmail.exchange.ExchangeSession.java

protected String getAbsoluteUri(HttpMethod method, String path) throws URIException {
    URI uri = method.getURI();
    if (path != null) {
        // reset query string
        if (path.startsWith("/")) {
            // path is absolute, replace method path
            uri.setPath(path);//from www .  j  a  v  a 2s  .  co  m
        } else if (path.startsWith("http://") || path.startsWith("https://")) {
            return path;
        } else {
            // relative path, build new path
            String currentPath = method.getPath();
            int end = currentPath.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (end >= 0) {
                uri.setPath(currentPath.substring(0, end + 1) + path);
            } else {
                throw new URIException(uri.getURI());
    return uri.getURI();

From source file:davmail.exchange.ExchangeSession.java

protected String getScriptBasedFormURL(HttpMethod initmethod, String pathQuery) throws URIException {
    URI initmethodURI = initmethod.getURI();
    int queryIndex = pathQuery.indexOf('?');
    if (queryIndex >= 0) {
        if (queryIndex > 0) {
            // update path
            String newPath = pathQuery.substring(0, queryIndex);
            if (newPath.startsWith("/")) {
                // absolute path
            } else {
                String currentPath = initmethodURI.getPath();
                int folderIndex = currentPath.lastIndexOf('/');
                if (folderIndex >= 0) {
                    // replace relative path
                    initmethodURI.setPath(currentPath.substring(0, folderIndex + 1) + newPath);
                } else {
                    // should not happen
                    initmethodURI.setPath('/' + newPath);
                }/*from  w  w w . j a v  a  2  s  .  c om*/
        initmethodURI.setQuery(pathQuery.substring(queryIndex + 1));
    return initmethodURI.getURI();

From source file:org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.yahooweather.discovery.YahooWeatherDiscoveryService.java

 * Retrieves the woeid (Where On Earth IDentifier) used for determining the location
 * used in the Yahoo Weather interface/*from   ww w  .  j a  va 2 s  .  c o  m*/
 * @param Coordinate in form latitude,longitude as String
 * @return Json text from woeid service as String 
private String getWoeidData(String coordinate) {
    String query = "SELECT * FROM geo.placefinder WHERE text='" + coordinate + "' and gflags='R'";
    String url = null;
    try {
        URI uri = new URI("https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql", false);
        uri.setQuery("q=" + query + "&format=json");
        url = uri.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.debug("Error while getting location ID: {}", e.getMessage());
    return downloadData(url);

From source file:org.glite.slcs.shibclient.ShibbolethClient.java

 * Parses and processes Pubcookie or CAS login form.
 * /*from   w  w  w  .j  av  a  2  s  .com*/
 * @param idp
 * @param htmlForm
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws RemoteException
 * @throws ServiceException
 * @throws AuthException
private URI processIdPLoginForm(IdentityProvider idp, URI ssoLoginURI, String ssoQuery, InputStream htmlForm)
        throws IOException, RemoteException, ServiceException, AuthException {
    LOG.info("Parse and process " + idp.getAuthTypeName() + " login form: " + ssoLoginURI);

    boolean formFound = false;
    URI idpLoginFormResponseURI = null;

    // Parse the FORM with Jericho HTML Parser
    Source source = new Source(htmlForm);
    List<Element> forms = source.findAllElements(Tag.FORM);
    for (Element form : forms) {
        String formName = form.getAttributeValue("NAME");
        // BUG FIX: UniL use a CAS login form with NO NAME defined.
        // first try with the form ID as NAME, otherwise use an empty name.
        // the metadata should also define an empty name for this particular
        // form.
        LOG.debug("form name= " + formName);
        if (formName == null) {
            LOG.warn("form have no NAME, try form ID...");
            String formId = form.getAttributeValue("ID");
            if (formId == null) {
                LOG.warn("form have no NAME and no ID, using empty name...");
                formName = "";
            } else {
                formName = formId;

        if (formName.equals(idp.getAuthFormName())) {
            formFound = true;
            String formAction = form.getAttributeValue("ACTION");
            LOG.debug("form action=" + formAction);
            if (formAction == null || formAction.equals("")) {
                // no form action to POST, use default from metadata
                formAction = ssoLoginURI.getEscapedURI();
                LOG.info("default form action=" + formAction);
            } else {
                URI formActionURI = new URI(formAction, false);
                if (formActionURI.isRelativeURI()) {
                    // action URL is not absolute like:
                    // http://localhost/cas/login?...
                    formActionURI = new URI(ssoLoginURI, formActionURI.getPathQuery(), true);
                formAction = formActionURI.getEscapedURI();
                LOG.info("corrected form action=" + formAction);

            String formMethod = form.getAttributeValue("METHOD");
            LOG.debug("form name=" + formName + " action=" + formAction + " method=" + formMethod);

            if (!formAction.equals("") && formMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) {

                PostMethod postLoginFormMethod = new PostMethod(formAction);

                // add all HIDDEN fields to POST
                List<FormControl> formControls = form.findFormControls();
                for (FormControl control : formControls) {
                    FormControlType type = control.getFormControlType();
                    if (type.equals(FormControlType.HIDDEN)) {
                        String name = control.getName();
                        Collection<String> values = control.getValues();
                        for (String value : values) {
                            LOG.debug("add hidden: " + name + "=" + value);
                            // add all hidden fields
                            postLoginFormMethod.addParameter(name, value);
                // add username field
                postLoginFormMethod.addParameter(idp.getAuthFormUsername(), this.credentials_.getUserName());
                // add the PASSWORD field
                postLoginFormMethod.addParameter(idp.getAuthFormPassword(), this.credentials_.getPassword());

                // execute the login POST
                LOG.info("POST LoginFormMethod: " + postLoginFormMethod.getURI());

                int formLoginResponseStatus = executeMethod(postLoginFormMethod);

                // XXX

                // CAS, or FORM can, send a 302 + Location header back
                if (formLoginResponseStatus == 302 && (idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_CAS
                        || idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_FORM)) {
                    LOG.debug("Process " + idp.getAuthTypeName()
                            + " redirect response (302 + Location header)...");
                    Header location = postLoginFormMethod.getResponseHeader("Location");
                    if (location != null) {
                        String locationURL = location.getValue();
                        LOG.debug("302 Location: " + locationURL);
                        // CAS: if location path (/cas/login) is not the IdP
                        // 1.3
                        // SSO path (/shibboleth-idp/SSO) or the IdP 2.X
                        // /Authn/RemoteUser
                        // handler, then it's a wrong login
                        URI locationURI = new URI(locationURL, false);
                        String locationPath = locationURI.getPath();
                        String idpSSOURL = idp.getUrl();
                        URI idpSSOURI = new URI(idpSSOURL, false);
                        String idpSSOPath = idpSSOURI.getPath();
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("location path: " + locationPath);
                            LOG.debug("location is the /Authn/RemoteUser hanlder? "
                                    + locationPath.endsWith("/Authn/RemoteUser"));
                            LOG.debug("IdP SSO path: " + idpSSOPath);
                        if (!locationPath.equals(idpSSOPath) && !locationPath.endsWith("/Authn/RemoteUser")) {
                            LOG.error("Redirect response is not the SSO (" + idpSSOURL
                                    + ") or the /Authn/RemoteUser handler: " + locationURL);
                            throw new AuthException(
                                    idp.getAuthTypeName() + " Authentication failed: " + this.credentials_);
                        idpLoginFormResponseURI = new URI(locationURL, false);
                        LOG.debug("(" + idp.getAuthTypeName() + ": 302 + Location) idpLoginFormReponseURI= "
                                + idpLoginFormResponseURI);
                    } else {
                        LOG.error(idp.getAuthTypeName() + ": Status 302 but no redirect Location header");
                        throw new AuthException(
                                idp.getAuthTypeName() + " Authentication failed: " + this.credentials_);
                // IdP 2.1 FORM authN send 200 and directly the SAMLResponse
                // form
                else if (formLoginResponseStatus == 200
                        && idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_FORM) {
                    // BUG FIX: check for Browser/POST hidden form element
                    // SAMLResponse for valid authentication
                    LOG.debug("check for SAMLResponse hidden element");
                    boolean samlResponseFound = false;
                    InputStream authnLoginResponse = postLoginFormMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream();
                    Source authnSource = new Source(authnLoginResponse);
                    List<Element> browserPOSTForms = authnSource.findAllElements(Tag.FORM);
                    for (Element browserPOSTForm : browserPOSTForms) {
                        List<FormControl> browserPOSTFormControls = browserPOSTForm.findFormControls();
                        for (FormControl control : browserPOSTFormControls) {
                            FormControlType type = control.getFormControlType();
                            if (type.equals(FormControlType.HIDDEN)) {
                                String name = control.getName();
                                if (name.equals("SAMLResponse")) {
                                    LOG.debug("Hidden element found: " + control.getName());
                                    samlResponseFound = true;
                    if (!samlResponseFound) {
                                idp.getAuthTypeName() + ": no Browser/POST SAMLResponse hidden element found");
                        throw new AuthException(
                                idp.getAuthTypeName() + " Authentication failed: " + this.credentials_);


                    LOG.debug("Process FORM (200 + full Browser/POST profile) response...");
                    idpLoginFormResponseURI = new URI(idp.getUrl(), false);
                    // re-set the original SSO query params
                    LOG.debug("(FORM: 200 + Browser/POST) idpLoginFormReponseURI= " + idpLoginFormResponseURI);
                // Pubcookie send 200 + fucking HTML form relay with hidden
                // fields!!!
                // <form method=post
                // action="https://aai-login.ethz.ch/PubCookie.reply"
                // name=relay>
                // then reply a redirect 302 + Location header
                else if (formLoginResponseStatus == 200
                        && idp.getAuthType() == IdentityProvider.SSO_AUTHTYPE_PUBCOOKIE) {
                    LOG.debug("Process Pubcookie (200 + relay FORM) response...");
                    InputStream pubcookieLoginResponse = postLoginFormMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream();
                    Source pubcookieSource = new Source(pubcookieLoginResponse);
                    PostMethod postPubcookieRelayMethod = null;
                    List<Element> relayForms = pubcookieSource.findAllElements(Tag.FORM);
                    for (Element relayForm : relayForms) {
                        String relayFormAction = relayForm.getAttributeValue("ACTION");
                        LOG.debug("Pubcookie relay form action= " + relayFormAction);
                        if (relayFormAction == null) {
                            LOG.error("Pubcookie relay form action not found.");
                            throw new RemoteException("Pubcookie relay form action not found");
                        // create PubCookie relay POST
                        postPubcookieRelayMethod = new PostMethod(relayFormAction);

                        // add all HIDDEN fields to POST
                        List<FormControl> relayFormControls = relayForm.findFormControls();
                        for (FormControl control : relayFormControls) {
                            FormControlType type = control.getFormControlType();
                            if (type.equals(FormControlType.HIDDEN)) {
                                String name = control.getName();
                                Collection<String> values = control.getValues();
                                for (String value : values) {
                                    LOG.debug("add hidden: " + name + "=" + value);
                                    // add all hidden fields
                                    postPubcookieRelayMethod.addParameter(name, value);
                        } // add hidden fields
                    } // for all relay forms

                    if (postPubcookieRelayMethod != null) {
                        LOG.debug("POST postPubcookieRelayMethod: " + postPubcookieRelayMethod.getURI());
                        int pubcookieRelayStatus = executeMethod(postPubcookieRelayMethod);
                        Header location = postPubcookieRelayMethod.getResponseHeader("Location");
                        if (location != null) {
                            String locationURL = location.getValue();
                            LOG.debug("302 Location: " + locationURL);
                            // parse Location
                            idpLoginFormResponseURI = new URI(locationURL, false);
                            LOG.debug("(PubCookie: 302 + Location header) idpLoginFormReponseURI= "
                                    + idpLoginFormResponseURI);
                        } else {
                            LOG.error("Pubcookie relay response 302 + Location header not found");
                            throw new AuthException(
                                    idp.getAuthTypeName() + " Authentication failed: " + this.credentials_);
                    } else {
                        LOG.error("Pubcookie relay form not found");
                        throw new AuthException(
                                idp.getAuthTypeName() + " Authentication failed: " + this.credentials_);

                    // XXX
                } else {
                    LOG.error("Unexpected response status: " + formLoginResponseStatus + " AuthType:"
                            + idp.getAuthTypeName());
                    throw new AuthException(
                            idp.getAuthTypeName() + " Authentication failed: " + this.credentials_);


            } // end if form action is set and method is POST
        } // end if form name match metadata
    } // end for all forms

    if (!formFound) {
        LOG.error("FORM name=" + idp.getAuthFormName() + " not found");
        throw new ServiceException("FORM name=" + idp.getAuthFormName() + " not found");

    return idpLoginFormResponseURI;


From source file:org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.Analyser.java

 * Analyse a single folder entity. Results are stored into
 * mAnalysedEntityTable./* w w  w  .ja  v a2s .  co  m*/
private void analyse(StructuralNode node) throws Exception {
    // if analysed already, return;
    // move to host part
    if (node.getHistoryReference() == null) {

    if (!parent.nodeInScope(node.getName())) {

    // ZAP: Removed unnecessary cast.
    HttpMessage baseMsg = node.getHistoryReference().getHttpMessage();
    URI baseUri = (URI) baseMsg.getRequestHeader().getURI().clone();

    //System.out.println("analysing: " + baseUri.toString());

    // already exist one.  no need to test
    if (mapVisited.get(baseUri.toString()) != null) {

    String path = getRandomPathSuffix(node, baseUri);
    HttpMessage msg = baseMsg.cloneRequest();

    URI uri = (URI) baseUri.clone();
    //System.out.println("analysing 2: " + uri);


    // standard RFC response, no further check is needed
    if (msg.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND) {
        addAnalysedHost(baseUri, msg, SampleResponse.ERROR_PAGE_RFC);

    if (HttpStatusCode.isRedirection(msg.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode())) {
        addAnalysedHost(baseUri, msg, SampleResponse.ERROR_PAGE_REDIRECT);

    if (msg.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode() != HttpStatusCode.OK) {
        addAnalysedHost(baseUri, msg, SampleResponse.ERROR_PAGE_NON_RFC);

    HttpMessage msg2 = baseMsg.cloneRequest();
    URI uri2 = msg2.getRequestHeader().getURI();
    String path2 = getRandomPathSuffix(node, uri2);
    uri2 = (URI) baseUri.clone();

    // remove HTML HEAD as this may contain expiry time which dynamic changes      
    String resBody1 = msg.getResponseBody().toString().replaceAll(p_REMOVE_HEADER, "");
    String resBody2 = msg2.getResponseBody().toString().replaceAll(p_REMOVE_HEADER, "");

    // check if page is static.  If so, remember this static page
    if (resBody1.equals(resBody2)) {
        addAnalysedHost(baseUri, msg, SampleResponse.ERROR_PAGE_STATIC);

    // else check if page is dynamic but deterministic
    resBody1 = resBody1.replaceAll(getPathRegex(uri), "").replaceAll("\\s[012]\\d:[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d\\s", "");
    resBody2 = resBody2.replaceAll(getPathRegex(uri2), "").replaceAll("\\s[012]\\d:[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d\\s", "");
    if (resBody1.equals(resBody2)) {
        addAnalysedHost(baseUri, msg, SampleResponse.ERROR_PAGE_DYNAMIC_BUT_DETERMINISTIC);

    // else mark app "undeterministic".
    addAnalysedHost(baseUri, msg, SampleResponse.ERROR_PAGE_UNDETERMINISTIC);


From source file:org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.Analyser.java

private String getPathRegex(URI uri) throws URIException {
    URI newUri;
    // ZAP: catch CloneNotSupportedException as introduced with version 3.1 of HttpClient
    try {/*from  w  w  w. j  a  v a2s. co m*/
        newUri = (URI) uri.clone();

    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        throw new URIException(e.getMessage());

    String query = newUri.getQuery();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);

    // case should be sensitive

    sb.append(newUri.toString().replaceAll("\\.", "\\."));
    if (query != null) {
        String queryPattern = "(\\?" + query + ")?";

    return sb.toString();

From source file:org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.Analyser.java

public boolean isFileExist(HttpMessage msg) {

    if (msg.getResponseHeader().isEmpty()) {
        return false;
    }/*from ww  w.  j  ava  2  s.co m*/

    // RFC
    if (msg.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND) {
        return false;

    // ZAP: catch CloneNotSupportedException as introduced with version 3.1 of HttpClient
    URI uri = null;
    String sUri = null;
    try {
        uri = (URI) msg.getRequestHeader().getURI().clone();

        // strip off last part of path - use folder only
        String path = uri.getPath();
        path = path.replaceAll("/[^/]*$", "");

    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        if (uri != null) {
            sUri = uri.toString();

    // get sample with same relative path position when possible.
    // if not exist, use the host only   
    // ZAP: Removed unnecessary cast.
    SampleResponse sample = mapVisited.get(sUri);
    if (sample == null) {
        try {

        } catch (URIException e2) {

        String sHostOnly = uri.toString();

        // ZAP: Removed unnecessary cast.
        sample = mapVisited.get(sHostOnly);

    // check if any analysed result.
    if (sample == null) {
        if (msg.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCode.OK) {
            // no anlaysed result to confirm, assume file exist and return
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    // check for redirect response.  If redirect to same location, then file does not exist
    if (HttpStatusCode.isRedirection(msg.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode())) {
        try {
            if (sample.getMessage().getResponseHeader().getStatusCode() == msg.getResponseHeader()
                    .getStatusCode()) {
                String location = msg.getResponseHeader().getHeader(HttpHeader.LOCATION);
                if (location != null && location
                        .equals(sample.getMessage().getResponseHeader().getHeader(HttpHeader.LOCATION))) {
                    return false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return true;

    // Not success code
    if (msg.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode() != HttpStatusCode.OK) {
        return false;

    // remain only OK response here
    // nothing more to determine.  Check for possible not found page pattern.
    Matcher matcher = patternNotFound.matcher(msg.getResponseBody().toString());
    if (matcher.find()) {
        return false;

    // static response
    String body = msg.getResponseBody().toString().replaceAll(p_REMOVE_HEADER, "");
    if (sample.getErrorPageType() == SampleResponse.ERROR_PAGE_STATIC) {
        try {
            if (sample.getMessage().getResponseBody().toString().equals(body)) {
                return false;

        } catch (HttpMalformedHeaderException | DatabaseException e) {
            logger.error("Failed to read the message: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return true;

    uri = msg.getRequestHeader().getURI();
    try {
        if (sample.getErrorPageType() == SampleResponse.ERROR_PAGE_DYNAMIC_BUT_DETERMINISTIC) {
            body = msg.getResponseBody().toString().replaceAll(getPathRegex(uri), "")
                    .replaceAll("\\s[012]\\d:[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d\\s", "");
            // ZAP: FindBugs fix - added call to HttpBody.toString() 
            if (sample.getMessage().getResponseBody().toString().equals(body)) {
                return false;
            return true;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);


    return true;

From source file:org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.Kb.java

public synchronized void add(URI uri, String key, Object value) {
    // ZAP: catch CloneNotSupportedException as introduced with version 3.1 of HttpClient
    try {/*w  ww . ja va2 s  . co  m*/
        uri = (URI) uri.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e1) {

    // ZAP: Removed variable (TreeMap map).
    try {
    } catch (URIException e) {
        // ZAP: Added logging.
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    // ZAP: Moved to after the try catch block.
    String uriKey = uri.toString();
    // ZAP: Added the type arguments.
    TreeMap<String, Object> map = mapURI.get(uriKey);
    if (map == null) {
        // ZAP: Added the type argument.
        map = new TreeMap<>();
        mapURI.put(uriKey, map);
    } // ZAP: Removed else branch.

    add(map, key, value);

From source file:org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.Kb.java

public synchronized Vector<Object> getList(URI uri, String key) {
    // ZAP: catch CloneNotSupportedException as introduced with version 3.1 of HttpClient
    try {/*from   ww w.  j ava  2 s  . co  m*/
        uri = (URI) uri.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e1) {
        return null;

    // ZAP: Removed variable (TreeMap map).
    try {
    } catch (URIException e) {
        // ZAP: Added logging.
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    // ZAP: Moved to after the try catch block.
    String uriKey = uri.toString();
    // ZAP: Added the type argument and removed the instanceof.
    TreeMap<String, Object> map = mapURI.get(uriKey);
    if (map == null) {
        return null;
    } // ZAP: Removed else branch.

    return getList(map, key);

From source file:org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.plugin.TestDirectoryBrowsing.java

private void checkIfDirectory(HttpMessage msg) throws URIException {

    URI uri = msg.getRequestHeader().getURI();
    String sUri = uri.toString();
    if (!sUri.endsWith("/")) {
        sUri = sUri + "/";
    }/*w w w  .  jav a2  s . co  m*/
    msg.getRequestHeader().setURI(new URI(sUri, true));
