Example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient URIException getClass

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.httpclient URIException getClass


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient URIException getClass.


public final native Class<?> getClass();

Source Link


Returns the runtime class of this Object .


From source file:com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.servlets.ReverseProxyServlet.java

 * Executes the {@link HttpMethod} passed in and sends the proxy response
 * back to the client via the given {@link HttpServletResponse}
 * /*from ww  w .  java2s .c o m*/
 * @param httpMethodProxyRequest
 *            An object representing the proxy request to be made
 * @param httpServletResponse
 *            An object by which we can send the proxied response back to
 *            the client
 * @throws IOException
 *             Can be thrown by the {@link HttpClient}.executeMethod
 * @throws ServletException
 *             Can be thrown to indicate that another error has occurred
 * @throws EngineException
private void doRequest(HttpMethodType httpMethodType, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
        HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws IOException, ServletException {
    try {
        Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Starting request handling");

        if (Boolean.parseBoolean(EnginePropertiesManager.getProperty(PropertyName.SSL_DEBUG))) {
            System.setProperty("javax.net.debug", "all");
            Engine.logEngine.trace("(ReverseProxyServlet) Enabling SSL debug mode");
        } else {
            System.setProperty("javax.net.debug", "");
            Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Disabling SSL debug mode");

        String baseUrl;
        String projectName;
        String connectorName;
        String contextName;
        String extraPath;

            String requestURI = httpServletRequest.getRequestURI();
            Engine.logEngine.trace("(ReverseProxyServlet) Requested URI : " + requestURI);
            Matcher m = reg_fields.matcher(requestURI);
            if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() >= 5) {
                baseUrl = m.group(1);
                projectName = m.group(2);
                connectorName = m.group(3);
                contextName = m.group(4);
                extraPath = m.group(5);
            } else {
                throw new MalformedURLException(
                        "The request doesn't contains needed fields : projectName, connectorName and contextName");

        String sessionID = httpServletRequest.getSession().getId();

        Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) baseUrl : " + baseUrl + " ; projectName : " + projectName
                + " ; connectorName : " + connectorName + " ; contextName : " + contextName + " ; extraPath : "
                + extraPath + " ; sessionID : " + sessionID);

        Context context = Engine.theApp.contextManager.get(null, contextName, sessionID, null, projectName,
                connectorName, null);

        Project project = Engine.theApp.databaseObjectsManager.getProjectByName(projectName);
        context.projectName = projectName;
        context.project = project;

        ProxyHttpConnector proxyHttpConnector = (ProxyHttpConnector) project.getConnectorByName(connectorName);
        context.connector = proxyHttpConnector;
        context.connectorName = proxyHttpConnector.getName();

        HostConfiguration hostConfiguration = proxyHttpConnector.hostConfiguration;

        // Proxy configuration
        String proxyServer = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyServer();
        String proxyUser = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyUser();
        String proxyPassword = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyPassword();
        int proxyPort = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyPort();

        if (!proxyServer.equals("")) {
            hostConfiguration.setProxy(proxyServer, proxyPort);
            Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Using proxy: " + proxyServer + ":" + proxyPort);
        } else {
            // Remove old proxy configuration

        String targetHost = proxyHttpConnector.getServer();
        Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Target host: " + targetHost);
        int targetPort = proxyHttpConnector.getPort();
        Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Target port: " + targetPort);

        // Configuration SSL
        Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Https: " + proxyHttpConnector.isHttps());
        CertificateManager certificateManager = proxyHttpConnector.certificateManager;
        boolean trustAllServerCertificates = proxyHttpConnector.isTrustAllServerCertificates();

        if (proxyHttpConnector.isHttps()) {
            Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Setting up SSL properties");

                    "(ReverseProxyServlet) CertificateManager has changed: " + certificateManager.hasChanged);
            if (certificateManager.hasChanged || (!targetHost.equalsIgnoreCase(hostConfiguration.getHost()))
                    || (hostConfiguration.getPort() != targetPort)) {
                        .debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Using MySSLSocketFactory for creating the SSL socket");
                Protocol myhttps = new Protocol("https",
                                certificateManager.keyStorePassword, certificateManager.trustStore,
                                certificateManager.trustStorePassword, trustAllServerCertificates),

                hostConfiguration.setHost(targetHost, targetPort, myhttps);

            Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Updated host configuration for SSL purposes");
        } else {
            hostConfiguration.setHost(targetHost, targetPort);

        HttpMethod httpMethodProxyRequest;

        String targetPath = proxyHttpConnector.getBaseDir() + extraPath;

        // Handle the query string
        if (httpServletRequest.getQueryString() != null) {
            targetPath += "?" + httpServletRequest.getQueryString();
        Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Target path: " + targetPath);

        Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Requested method: " + httpMethodType);

        if (httpMethodType == HttpMethodType.GET) {
            // Create a GET request
            httpMethodProxyRequest = new GetMethod();
        } else if (httpMethodType == HttpMethodType.POST) {
            // Create a standard POST request
            httpMethodProxyRequest = new PostMethod();
            ((PostMethod) httpMethodProxyRequest)
                    .setRequestEntity(new InputStreamRequestEntity(httpServletRequest.getInputStream()));
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown HTTP method: " + httpMethodType);

        String charset = httpMethodProxyRequest.getParams().getUriCharset();
        URI targetURI;
        try {
            targetURI = new URI(targetPath, true, charset);
        } catch (URIException e) {
            // Bugfix #1484
            String newTargetPath = "";
            for (String part : targetPath.split("&")) {
                if (!newTargetPath.equals("")) {
                    newTargetPath += "&";
                String[] pair = part.split("=");
                try {
                    newTargetPath += URLDecoder.decode(pair[0], "UTF-8") + "="
                            + (pair.length > 1 ? URLEncoder.encode(URLDecoder.decode(pair[1], "UTF-8"), "UTF-8")
                                    : "");
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ee) {
                    newTargetPath = targetPath;

            targetURI = new URI(newTargetPath, true, charset);

        // Tells the method to automatically handle authentication.

        HttpState httpState = getHttpState(proxyHttpConnector, context);

        String basicUser = proxyHttpConnector.getAuthUser();
        String basicPassword = proxyHttpConnector.getAuthPassword();
        String givenBasicUser = proxyHttpConnector.getGivenAuthUser();
        String givenBasicPassword = proxyHttpConnector.getGivenAuthPassword();

        // Basic authentication configuration
        String realm = null;
        if (!basicUser.equals("") || (basicUser.equals("") && (givenBasicUser != null))) {
            String userName = ((givenBasicUser == null) ? basicUser : givenBasicUser);
            String userPassword = ((givenBasicPassword == null) ? basicPassword : givenBasicPassword);
            httpState.setCredentials(new AuthScope(targetHost, targetPort, realm),
                    new UsernamePasswordCredentials(userName, userPassword));
            Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Credentials: " + userName + ":******");

        // Setting basic authentication for proxy
        if (!proxyServer.equals("") && !proxyUser.equals("")) {
            httpState.setProxyCredentials(new AuthScope(proxyServer, proxyPort),
                    new UsernamePasswordCredentials(proxyUser, proxyPassword));
            Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Proxy credentials: " + proxyUser + ":******");

        // Forward the request headers
        setProxyRequestHeaders(httpServletRequest, httpMethodProxyRequest, proxyHttpConnector);

        // Use the CEMS HttpClient
        HttpClient httpClient = Engine.theApp.httpClient;

        // Execute the request
        int intProxyResponseCode = httpClient.executeMethod(hostConfiguration, httpMethodProxyRequest,

        // Check if the proxy response is a redirect
        // The following code is adapted from
        // org.tigris.noodle.filters.CheckForRedirect
        // Hooray for open source software
        if (intProxyResponseCode >= HttpServletResponse.SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES /* 300 */
                && intProxyResponseCode < HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED /* 304 */) {
            String stringStatusCode = Integer.toString(intProxyResponseCode);
            String stringLocation = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeader(STRING_LOCATION_HEADER).getValue();
            if (stringLocation == null) {
                throw new ServletException("Received status code: " + stringStatusCode + " but no "
                        + STRING_LOCATION_HEADER + " header was found in the response");
            // Modify the redirect to go to this proxy servlet rather that
            // the
            // proxied host
            String redirect = handleRedirect(stringLocation, baseUrl, proxyHttpConnector);
            Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Send redirect (" + redirect + ")");
        } else if (intProxyResponseCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) {
            // 304 needs special handling. See:
            // http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/rfc1945.html#Code304
            // We get a 304 whenever passed an 'If-Modified-Since'
            // header and the data on disk has not changed; server
            // responds w/ a 304 saying I'm not going to send the
            // body because the file has not changed.
            httpServletResponse.setIntHeader(STRING_CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER_NAME, 0);
            Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) NOT MODIFIED (304)");

        // Pass the response code back to the client

        // Pass response headers back to the client
        Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Response headers back to the client:");
        Header[] headerArrayResponse = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeaders();
        for (Header header : headerArrayResponse) {
            String headerName = header.getName();
            String headerValue = header.getValue();
            if (!headerName.equalsIgnoreCase("Transfer-Encoding")
                    && !headerName.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie")) {
                httpServletResponse.setHeader(headerName, headerValue);
                Engine.logEngine.debug("   " + headerName + "=" + headerValue);

        String contentType = null;
        Header[] contentTypeHeaders = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeaders("Content-Type");
        for (Header contentTypeHeader : contentTypeHeaders) {
            contentType = contentTypeHeader.getValue();

        String pageCharset = "UTF-8";
        if (contentType != null) {
            int iCharset = contentType.indexOf("charset=");
            if (iCharset != -1) {
                pageCharset = contentType.substring(iCharset + "charset=".length()).trim();
            Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Using charset: " + pageCharset);

        InputStream siteIn = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseBodyAsStream();

        // Handle gzipped content
        Header[] contentEncodingHeaders = httpMethodProxyRequest.getResponseHeaders("Content-Encoding");
        boolean bGZip = false, bDeflate = false;
        for (Header contentEncodingHeader : contentEncodingHeaders) {
            HeaderElement[] els = contentEncodingHeader.getElements();
            for (int j = 0; j < els.length; j++) {
                if ("gzip".equals(els[j].getName())) {
                    Engine.logBeans.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Decode GZip stream");
                    siteIn = new GZIPInputStream(siteIn);
                    bGZip = true;
                } else if ("deflate".equals(els[j].getName())) {
                    Engine.logBeans.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Decode Deflate stream");
                    siteIn = new InflaterInputStream(siteIn, new Inflater(true));
                    bDeflate = true;

        byte[] bytesDataResult;

        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(2048);

        // String resourceUrl = projectName + targetPath;

        String t = context.statistics.start(EngineStatistics.APPLY_USER_REQUEST);

        try {
            // Read either from the cache, either from the remote server
            // InputStream is = proxyCacheManager.getResource(resourceUrl);
            // if (is != null) {
            // Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Getting data from cache");
            // siteIn = is;
            // }
            int c = siteIn.read();
            while (c > -1) {
                c = siteIn.read();
            // if (is != null) is.close();
        } finally {
            context.statistics.stop(t, true);

        bytesDataResult = baos.toByteArray();
        Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Data retrieved!");

        // if (isDynamicContent(httpServletRequest.getPathInfo(),
        // proxyHttpConnector.getDynamicContentFiles())) {
        Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Dynamic content");

        bytesDataResult = handleStringReplacements(baseUrl, contentType, pageCharset, proxyHttpConnector,

        String billingClassName = context.getConnector().getBillingClassName();
        if (billingClassName != null) {
            try {
                Engine.logContext.debug("Billing class name required: " + billingClassName);
                AbstractBiller biller = (AbstractBiller) Class.forName(billingClassName).newInstance();
                Engine.logContext.debug("Executing the biller");
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                Engine.logContext.warn("Unable to execute the biller (the billing is thus ignored): ["
                        + e.getClass().getName() + "] " + e.getMessage());
        // }
        // else {
        // Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Static content: " +
        // contentType);
        // // Determine if the resource has already been cached or not
        // CacheEntry cacheEntry =
        // proxyCacheManager.getCacheEntry(resourceUrl);
        // if (cacheEntry instanceof FileCacheEntry) {
        // FileCacheEntry fileCacheEntry = (FileCacheEntry) cacheEntry;
        // File file = new File(fileCacheEntry.fileName);
        // if (!file.exists())
        // proxyCacheManager.removeCacheEntry(cacheEntry);
        // cacheEntry = null;
        // }
        // if (cacheEntry == null) {
        // bytesDataResult = handleStringReplacements(contentType,
        // proxyHttpConnector, bytesDataResult);
        // if (intProxyResponseCode == 200) {
        // Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Resource stored: "
        // + resourceUrl);
        // cacheEntry = proxyCacheManager.storeResponse(resourceUrl,
        // bytesDataResult);
        // cacheEntry.contentLength = bytesDataResult.length;
        // cacheEntry.contentType = contentType;
        // Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) Cache entry: " +
        // cacheEntry);
        // }
        // }
        // }

        // Send the content to the client
        if (Engine.logEngine.isDebugEnabled() && MimeType.Html.is(contentType)) {
            Engine.logEngine.debug("Data proxied:\n" + new String(bytesDataResult, pageCharset));

        if (bGZip || bDeflate) {
            baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            OutputStream compressedOutputStream = bGZip ? new GZIPOutputStream(baos)
                    : new DeflaterOutputStream(baos,
                            new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION | Deflater.DEFAULT_STRATEGY, true));
            bytesDataResult = baos.toByteArray();

        OutputStream outputStreamClientResponse = httpServletResponse.getOutputStream();

        Engine.logEngine.debug("(ReverseProxyServlet) End of document retransmission");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Engine.logEngine.error("Error while trying to proxy page", e);
        throw new ServletException("Error while trying to proxy page", e);