Java org.apache.commons.lang.builder EqualsBuilder fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.commons.lang.builder EqualsBuilder fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.commons.lang.builder EqualsBuilder.

The text is from its open source code.


org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


If the fields tested are equals.



Constructor for EqualsBuilder.

Starts off assuming that equals is true.


EqualsBuilderappend(Object lhs, Object rhs)

Test if two Objects are equal using their equals method.

EqualsBuilderappend(long lhs, long rhs)

Test if two long s are equal.

EqualsBuilderappend(int lhs, int rhs)

Test if two ints are equal.

EqualsBuilderappend(short lhs, short rhs)

Test if two shorts are equal.

EqualsBuilderappend(char lhs, char rhs)

Test if two chars are equal.

EqualsBuilderappend(byte lhs, byte rhs)

Test if two bytes are equal.

EqualsBuilderappend(double lhs, double rhs)

Test if two doubles are equal by testing that the pattern of bits returned by doubleToLong are equal.

This handles NaNs, Infinities, and -0.0.

It is compatible with the hash code generated by HashCodeBuilder.

EqualsBuilderappend(float lhs, float rhs)

Test if two floats are equal byt testing that the pattern of bits returned by doubleToLong are equal.

This handles NaNs, Infinities, and -0.0.

It is compatible with the hash code generated by HashCodeBuilder.

EqualsBuilderappend(boolean lhs, boolean rhs)

Test if two booleanss are equal.

EqualsBuilderappend(Object[] lhs, Object[] rhs)

Performs a deep comparison of two Object arrays.

This also will be called for the top level of multi-dimensional, ragged, and multi-typed arrays.

EqualsBuilderappend(long[] lhs, long[] rhs)

Deep comparison of array of long.

EqualsBuilderappend(int[] lhs, int[] rhs)

Deep comparison of array of int.

EqualsBuilderappend(short[] lhs, short[] rhs)

Deep comparison of array of short.

EqualsBuilderappend(char[] lhs, char[] rhs)

Deep comparison of array of char.

EqualsBuilderappend(byte[] lhs, byte[] rhs)

Deep comparison of array of byte.

EqualsBuilderappend(double[] lhs, double[] rhs)

Deep comparison of array of double.

EqualsBuilderappend(float[] lhs, float[] rhs)

Deep comparison of array of float.

EqualsBuilderappend(boolean[] lhs, boolean[] rhs)

Deep comparison of array of boolean.

EqualsBuilderappendSuper(boolean superEquals)

Adds the result of super.equals() to this builder.