Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils stripAll

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils stripAll


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils stripAll.


public static String[] stripAll(String[] strs) 

Source Link


Strips whitespace from the start and end of every String in an array.


From source file:ch.astina.hesperid.web.services.springsecurity.RequestInvocationDefinition.java

public RequestInvocationDefinition(String key, String roles) {
    this.requestKey = new RequestKey(key);
    String[] allAttrs = StringUtils.stripAll(StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(roles, ','));
    this.configAttributes = new ArrayList<ConfigAttribute>();
    for (String attr : allAttrs) {
        this.configAttributes.add(new SecurityConfig(attr));
    }/* ww w.  j a v a 2s.co m*/


From source file:ch.ksfx.web.services.springsecurity.RequestInvocationDefinition.java

public RequestInvocationDefinition(String key, String roles) {
    this.requestKey = new RequestKey(key);
    String[] allAttrs = StringUtils.stripAll(StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(roles, ','));

    this.configAttributes = new ArrayList<ConfigAttribute>();

    for (String attr : allAttrs) {
        this.configAttributes.add(new SecurityConfig(attr));
    }//  w w  w .j  av  a 2  s  .  c o  m

From source file:it.openutils.mgnlaws.magnolia.init.ClasspathMgnlServletContextListener.java

private static String[] getNamesBetweenPlaceholders(String propertiesFilesString,
        String contextNamePlaceHolder) {
    final String[] names = StringUtils.substringsBetween(propertiesFilesString,
            PropertiesInitializer.PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + contextNamePlaceHolder,
    return StringUtils.stripAll(names);

From source file:com.sun.socialsite.util.UtilitiesModel.java

public static String[] stripAll(String[] strs) {
    return StringUtils.stripAll(strs);

From source file:de.softwareforge.pgpsigner.PGPSigner.java

private void run() throws Exception {
    Terminal.setupTerminal();/*from  w  w  w  .j a va2 s.c  o  m*/

    List<Completor> completorList = new ArrayList<Completor>();

    for (Command command : context.getCommands()) {
        if (command.hasCompletor()) {

    Completor completor = new MultiCompletor(completorList.toArray(new Completor[completorList.size()]));

    ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader();
    reader.setHistory(new History());
    reader.setDefaultPrompt(PGPSigner.APPLICATION_NAME + "> ");

    System.out.println("\n\nWelcome to " + APPLICATION_VERSION);

    String line = null;

    commandLoop: while (!context.isShutdown() && (line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        String[] cmd = StringUtils.stripAll(StringUtils.split(line));
        if (cmd.length > 0) {

            for (Command command : context.getCommands()) {
                if (command.matchInteractiveCommand(cmd[0])) {
                    if (command.prerequisiteInteractiveCommand(cmd)) {
                    continue commandLoop;
            System.out.println("Unknown Command: " + cmd[0]);


From source file:mitm.application.djigzo.james.matchers.SenderHeaderTrigger.java

public Collection<MailAddress> matchMail(Mail mail) throws MessagingException {
    try {/*  w ww . j  a  v  a2 s .  c o  m*/
        String trigger = getTrigger(mail);

         * Trigger must be a name value pair:
         * Header : Reg. Epxr
         * If there is only a header any value will be accepted 

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(trigger)) {
            try {
                String[] pair = StringUtils.stripAll(StringUtils.split(trigger, ":", 2));

                Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(pair.length > 1 ? pair[1] : ".*");

                Context context = new Context(pair[0], pattern);

                getActivationContext().set(ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_KEY, context);
            } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
                logger.warn("Invalid pattern. Trigger: " + trigger, e);

        return super.matchMail(mail);
    } catch (DatabaseException e) {
        throw new MessagingException("Error getting pattern", e);

From source file:io.apiman.plugins.cors_policy.CorsConnector.java

private String[] split(String input) {
    if (input == null)
        return null;
    return StringUtils.stripAll(input.split(",")); //$NON-NLS-1$

From source file:com.lmco.ddf.endpoints.OpenSearchEndpoint.java

 * /* w ww  .j ava2 s .  c  o m*/
 * @param searchTerms
 *            Space delimited list of search terms.
 * @param maxResults
 *            Maximum # of results to return. If count is also specified,
 *            the count value will take precedence over the maxResults value
 * @param sources
 *            Comma delimited list of data sources to query (default:
 *            default sources selected).
 * @param maxTimeout
 *            Maximum timeout (msec) for query to respond (default:
 *            mt=30000).
 * @param startIndex
 *            Index of first result to return. Integer >= 0 (default:
 *            start=1).
 * @param count
 *            Number of results to retrieve per page (default: count=10).
 * @param geometry
 *            WKT Geometries (Support POINT and POLYGON).
 * @param bbox
 *            Comma delimited list of lat/lon (deg) bounding box coordinates
 *            (geo format: geo:bbox ~ West,South,East,North).
 * @param polygon
 *            Comma delimited list of lat/lon (deg) pairs, in clockwise
 *            order around the polygon, with the last point being the same
 *            as the first in order to close the polygon.
 * @param lat
 *            Latitude in decimal degrees (typical GPS receiver WGS84
 *            coordinates).
 * @param lon
 *            Longitude in decimal degrees (typical GPS receiver WGS84
 *            coordinates).
 * @param radius
 *            The radius (m) parameter, used with the lat and lon
 *            parameters, specifies the search distance from this point
 *            (default: radius=5000).
 * @param dateStart
 *            Specifies the beginning of the time slice of the search on the
 *            modified time field (RFC-3339 - Date and Time format, i.e.
 *            YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ). Default value of "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
 *            is used when dtend is indicated but dtstart is not specified
 * @param dateEnd
 *            Specifies the ending of the time slice of the search on the
 *            modified time field (RFC-3339 - Date and Time format, i.e.
 *            YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ). Current GMT date/time is used when
 *            dtstart is specified but not dtend.
 * @param dateOffset
 *            Specifies an offset, backwards from the current time, to
 *            search on the modified time field for entries. Defined in
 *            milliseconds.
 * @param sort
 *            Specifies sort by field as sort=<sbfield>:<sborder>, where
 *            <sbfield> may be 'date' or 'relevance' (default is
 *            'relevance'). The conditional param <sborder> is optional but
 *            has a value of 'asc' or 'desc' (default is 'desc'). When
 *            <sbfield> is 'relevance', <sborder> must be 'desc'.
 * @param format
 *            Defines the format that the return type should be in.
 *            (example:atom, html)
 * @param selector
 *            Defines a comma delimited list of XPath selectors to narrow
 *            the query.
 * @param type
 *            Specifies the type of data to search for. (example: nitf)
 * @param versions
 *            Specifies the versions in a comma delimited list.
 * @return
public Response processQuery(@QueryParam(PHRASE) String searchTerms, @QueryParam(MAX_RESULTS) String maxResults,
        @QueryParam(SOURCES) String sources, @QueryParam(MAX_TIMEOUT) String maxTimeout,
        @QueryParam(START_INDEX) String startIndex, @QueryParam(COUNT) String count,
        @QueryParam(GEOMETRY) String geometry, @QueryParam(BBOX) String bbox,
        @QueryParam(POLYGON) String polygon, @QueryParam(LAT) String lat, @QueryParam(LON) String lon,
        @QueryParam(RADIUS) String radius, @QueryParam(DATE_START) String dateStart,
        @QueryParam(DATE_END) String dateEnd, @QueryParam(DATE_OFFSET) String dateOffset,
        @QueryParam(SORT) String sort, @QueryParam(FORMAT) String format, @QueryParam(SELECTOR) String selector,
        @Context UriInfo ui, @QueryParam(TYPE) String type, @QueryParam(VERSION) String versions,
        @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
    final String methodName = "processQuery";
    Response response;
    String localCount = count;
    Subject subject;
    LOGGER.debug("request url: " + ui.getRequestUri());

    subject = getSubject(request);
    if (subject == null) {
        LOGGER.info("Could not set security attributes for user, performing query with no permissions set.");

    // DDF-1904: honor maxResults if count is not specified
    if ((StringUtils.isEmpty(localCount)) && (!(StringUtils.isEmpty(maxResults)))) {
        LOGGER.debug("setting count to: " + maxResults);
        localCount = maxResults;

    try {
        String queryFormat = format;
        OpenSearchQuery query = createNewQuery(startIndex, localCount, sort, maxTimeout);

        if (!(StringUtils.isEmpty(sources))) {
            LOGGER.debug("Received site names from client.");
            Set<String> siteSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(StringUtils.stripAll(sources.split(","))));

            // This code block is for backward compatibility to support
            // src=local.
            // Since local is a magic work, not in any specification, we
            // need to
            // eventually remove support for it.
            if (siteSet.remove(LOCAL)) {
                LOGGER.debug("Found 'local' alias, replacing with " + localSiteName + ".");

            if (siteSet.contains(framework.getId()) && siteSet.size() == 1) {
                LOGGER.debug("Only local site specified, saving overhead and just performing a local query on "
                        + framework.getId() + ".");
            } else {
                LOGGER.debug("Querying site set: " + siteSet);

        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("No sites found, defaulting to enterprise query.");

        // contextual
        if (searchTerms != null && !searchTerms.trim().isEmpty()) {
            try {
                query.addContextualFilter(searchTerms, selector);
            } catch (ParsingException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());

        // temporal
        // single temporal criterion per query
        if ((dateStart != null && !dateStart.trim().isEmpty()) || (dateEnd != null && !dateEnd.trim().isEmpty())
                || (dateOffset != null && !dateOffset.trim().isEmpty())) {
            query.addTemporalFilter(dateStart, dateEnd, dateOffset);

        // spatial
        // single spatial criterion per query
        addSpatialFilter(query, geometry, polygon, bbox, radius, lat, lon);

        if (type != null && !type.trim().isEmpty()) {
            query.addTypeFilter(type, versions);

        response = executeQuery(queryFormat, query, ui, subject);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        LOGGER.warn("Bad input found while executing a query", iae);
        response = Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        LOGGER.warn("Exception while executing a query", re);
        response = Response.serverError().entity(wrapStringInPreformattedTags(re.getMessage())).build();

    return response;

From source file:com.bstek.dorado.core.pkgs.PackageManager.java

private static void doBuildPackageInfos() throws Exception {
    Map<String, PackageInfo> packageMap = new HashMap<String, PackageInfo>();

    Enumeration<URL> defaultContextFileResources = org.springframework.util.ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader()
    while (defaultContextFileResources.hasMoreElements()) {
        URL url = defaultContextFileResources.nextElement();
        InputStream in = null;//from w w w  . ja va  2s .com
        try {
            URLConnection con = url.openConnection();
            in = con.getInputStream();
            Properties properties = new Properties();

            String packageName = properties.getProperty("name");
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(packageName)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Package name undefined.");

            PackageInfo packageInfo = new PackageInfo(packageName);


            String dependsText = properties.getProperty("depends");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dependsText)) {
                List<Dependence> dependences = new ArrayList<Dependence>();
                for (String depends : StringUtils.split(dependsText, "; ")) {
                    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(depends)) {
                        Dependence dependence = parseDependence(depends);
                if (!dependences.isEmpty()) {
                    packageInfo.setDepends(dependences.toArray(new Dependence[0]));

            String license = StringUtils.trim(properties.getProperty("license"));
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(license)) {
                if (INHERITED.equals(license)) {
                } else {
                    String[] licenses = StringUtils.split(license);
                    licenses = StringUtils.stripAll(licenses);




            String configurerClass = properties.getProperty("configurer");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configurerClass)) {
                Class<?> type = ClassUtils.forName(configurerClass);
                packageInfo.setConfigurer((PackageConfigurer) type.newInstance());

            String listenerClass = properties.getProperty("listener");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(listenerClass)) {
                Class<?> type = ClassUtils.forName(listenerClass);
                packageInfo.setListener((PackageListener) type.newInstance());

            String servletContextListenerClass = properties.getProperty("servletContextListener");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(servletContextListenerClass)) {
                Class<?> type = ClassUtils.forName(servletContextListenerClass);
                packageInfo.setServletContextListener((ServletContextListener) type.newInstance());

            if (packageMap.containsKey(packageName)) {
                PackageInfo conflictPackageInfo = packageMap.get(packageName);
                StringBuffer conflictInfo = new StringBuffer(20);
                conflictInfo.append('[').append(conflictPackageInfo.getName()).append(" - ")
                conflictInfo.append(" and ");
                conflictInfo.append('[').append(packageInfo.getName()).append(" - ")

                Exception e = new IllegalArgumentException("More than one package \"" + packageName
                        + "\" found. They are " + conflictInfo.toString());
                logger.warn(e, e);

            packageMap.put(packageName, packageInfo);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error occured during parsing \"" + url.getPath() + "\".", e);
        } finally {
            if (in != null) {

    List<PackageInfo> calculatedPackages = new ArrayList<PackageInfo>();
    for (PackageInfo packageInfo : packageMap.values()) {
        calculateDepends(packageInfo, calculatedPackages, packageMap);

    for (PackageInfo packageInfo : calculatedPackages) {
        packageInfosMap.put(packageInfo.getName(), packageInfo);

From source file:info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer.java

private static String[] getNamesBetweenPlaceholders(String propertiesFilesString,
        String contextNamePlaceHolder) {
    final String[] names = StringUtils.substringsBetween(propertiesFilesString,
            PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + contextNamePlaceHolder, PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX);
    return StringUtils.stripAll(names);