Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang.time DateUtils setSeconds

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang.time DateUtils setSeconds


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang.time DateUtils setSeconds.


public static Date setSeconds(Date date, int amount) 

Source Link


Sets the seconds field to a date returning a new object.


From source file:de.hybris.platform.accountsummaryaddon.utils.XDate.java

public static Date setToEndOfDay(final Date date) {
    Date newDate = new Date(date.getTime());
    newDate = DateUtils.setHours(newDate, 23);
    newDate = DateUtils.setMinutes(newDate, 59);
    newDate = DateUtils.setSeconds(newDate, 59);
    newDate = DateUtils.setMilliseconds(newDate, 999);
    return newDate;

From source file:ch.ksfx.model.AssetPricingTimeRange.java

public Date getStartDate() {
    if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("max")) {
        return new Date(0l);
    }//from   w  ww  .  j  a  v  a2 s . c om

    Date fromDate = new Date();

    if (offsetMin == 0) {
        fromDate = DateUtils.setMinutes(fromDate, 0);
        fromDate = DateUtils.setSeconds(fromDate, 0);
        fromDate = DateUtils.setHours(fromDate, 0);
    } else {
        fromDate = DateUtils.addMinutes(fromDate, offsetMin * -1);

    return fromDate;

From source file:com.exxonmobile.ace.hybris.core.btg.condition.operand.valueproviders.OrganizationTotalSpentInCurrencyLastYearOperandValueProvider.java

public Object getValue(final BTGOrganizationTotalSpentInCurrencyLastYearOperandModel operand,
        final UserModel user, final BTGConditionEvaluationScope evaluationScope) {
    if (user instanceof B2BCustomerModel) {
        final B2BUnitModel unit = getB2bUnitService()
                .getRootUnit(getB2bUnitService().getParent((B2BCustomerModel) user));

        Date startDateInclusive = DateUtils.addYears(new Date(), -1);
        startDateInclusive = DateUtils.setHours(startDateInclusive, 0);
        startDateInclusive = DateUtils.setMinutes(startDateInclusive, 0);
        startDateInclusive = DateUtils.setSeconds(startDateInclusive, 0);
        startDateInclusive = DateUtils.setMonths(startDateInclusive, Calendar.JANUARY);
        startDateInclusive = DateUtils.setDays(startDateInclusive, 1);

        final Date endDateNonInclusive = DateUtils.addYears(startDateInclusive, 1);

        final double total = getTotalSpentByBranch(unit, operand.getCurrency(), startDateInclusive,
                endDateNonInclusive, operand.getProductCatalogId(), operand.getCategoryCode());
        return Double.valueOf(total);
    }/*from   w  ww .  j ava  2s .c o  m*/
    return Double.valueOf(0);

From source file:net.audumla.astronomy.algorithims.AstronomicalTest.java

public void testDateConversion2() throws Exception {
    java.util.Date date = new Date();
    date = DateUtils.setYears(date, 2013);
    date = DateUtils.setMinutes(date, 0);
    date = DateUtils.setMonths(date, 0);
    date = DateUtils.setMilliseconds(date, 0);
    date = DateUtils.setSeconds(date, 0);
    date = DateUtils.setDays(date, 1);//  w  ww. j a v a 2s .  c  o m
    date = DateUtils.setHours(date, 0);
    JulianDate cDate = new JulianDate(date);
    logger.debug("Algorithms: " + cDate.toDate() + " : " + cDate.toDate().getTime());
    logger.debug("Algorithms: " + date + " : " + date.getTime());
    Assert.assertEquals(cDate.toDate().getTime(), date.getTime(), 1100);


From source file:com.exxonmobile.ace.hybris.core.btg.OrganizationOrdersReportingJob.java

private List<OrganizationOrderStatisticsModel> getOrganizationOrderStatistics(final B2BUnitModel unit,
        final CurrencyModel currency, Date today, final String category) {
    String queryString = " select {stats:pk} from {OrganizationOrderStatistics as stats}   "
            + " where {stats:currency} = ?currency and {stats:unit} = ?unit                      "
            + " and {stats:date} >= ?today and {stats:date} < ?tomorrow                    ";
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(category)) {
        queryString += " and {category} = ?category";
    }/*  w  w  w.  j a  v  a 2  s  . c om*/

    today = DateUtils.setHours(today, 0);
    today = DateUtils.setMinutes(today, 0);
    today = DateUtils.setSeconds(today, 0);
    Date tomorrow = DateUtils.addDays(today, 1);
    tomorrow = DateUtils.setHours(tomorrow, 0);
    tomorrow = DateUtils.setMinutes(tomorrow, 0);
    tomorrow = DateUtils.setSeconds(tomorrow, 0);

    final Map<String, Object> attr = new HashMap<String, Object>(4);
    attr.put(OrderModel.CURRENCY, currency);
    attr.put("unit", unit);
    attr.put("today", today);
    attr.put("tomorrow", tomorrow);
    attr.put("category", category);

    final FlexibleSearchQuery query = new FlexibleSearchQuery(queryString);
    final SearchResult<OrganizationOrderStatisticsModel> searchResult = flexibleSearchService.search(query);
    return searchResult.getResult();


From source file:com.exxonmobile.ace.hybris.core.btg.OrganizationOrdersReportingJob.java

protected Double getTotalOrdersForBranch(final Set<B2BUnitModel> branch, final CurrencyModel currency,
        Date today) {/*from w  w  w. j a va 2  s  .c  om*/
    final String queryString = " select sum({order:totalPrice}) from {Order as order}                  "
            + " where {order:currency} = ?currency and {order:unit} in (?branch)                       "
            + " and {order:date} >= ?today and {order:date} < ?tomorrow    AND {order:versionID} is null   ";

    today = DateUtils.setHours(today, 0);
    today = DateUtils.setMinutes(today, 0);
    today = DateUtils.setSeconds(today, 0);
    Date tomorrow = DateUtils.addDays(today, 1);
    tomorrow = DateUtils.setHours(tomorrow, 0);
    tomorrow = DateUtils.setMinutes(tomorrow, 0);
    tomorrow = DateUtils.setSeconds(tomorrow, 0);

    final Map<String, Object> attr = new HashMap<String, Object>(4);
    attr.put(OrderModel.CURRENCY, currency);
    attr.put("branch", branch);
    attr.put("today", today);
    attr.put("tomorrow", tomorrow);

    final FlexibleSearchQuery query = new FlexibleSearchQuery(queryString);
    final SearchResult<Double> total = flexibleSearchService.search(query);
    final Double orderTotal = total.getResult().iterator().hasNext() ? total.getResult().iterator().next()
            : Double.valueOf(0D);
    return (orderTotal != null ? orderTotal : Double.valueOf(0D));


From source file:com.exxonmobile.ace.hybris.core.btg.OrganizationOrdersReportingJob.java

protected Double getTotalOfOrderEntriesFilteredByProductCategory(final Set<B2BUnitModel> branch,
        final CurrencyModel currency, Date today, final String categoryCode) {
    final String queryString = " SELECT sum({entry:totalPrice}) from           "
            + " {OrderEntry AS entry                                              "
            + " JOIN Order AS order ON {order.pk} = {entry:order}                 "
            + " AND {order:versionId} IS NULL                                     "
            + " AND {order:date} >= ?today and {order:date} < ?tomorrow           "
            + " AND {order:unit} IN (?branch)                             "
            + " AND {order:currency} = ?currency                           "
            + " JOIN Product AS p ON {p.PK} = {entry:product}                     "
            + " JOIN CategoryProductRelation AS rel ON {p.PK} = {rel.target}      "
            + " JOIN Category AS cat ON {cat.PK} = {rel.source}                   "
            + " AND {cat.code} = ?category                                        "
            + " }                                                               ";
    today = DateUtils.setHours(today, 0);
    today = DateUtils.setMinutes(today, 0);
    today = DateUtils.setSeconds(today, 0);
    Date tomorrow = DateUtils.addDays(today, 1);
    tomorrow = DateUtils.setHours(tomorrow, 0);
    tomorrow = DateUtils.setMinutes(tomorrow, 0);
    tomorrow = DateUtils.setSeconds(tomorrow, 0);

    final Map<String, Object> attr = new HashMap<String, Object>(5);
    attr.put(OrderModel.CURRENCY, currency);
    attr.put("branch", branch);
    attr.put("today", today);
    attr.put("tomorrow", tomorrow);
    attr.put("category", categoryCode);

    final FlexibleSearchQuery query = new FlexibleSearchQuery(queryString);
    final SearchResult<Double> total = flexibleSearchService.search(query);
    final Double orderTotal = total.getResult().iterator().hasNext() ? total.getResult().iterator().next()
            : Double.valueOf(0D);
    return (orderTotal != null ? orderTotal : Double.valueOf(0D));


From source file:de.tor.tribes.ui.algo.TimeFrameVisualizer.java

private void renderDayMarkers(long pStart, long pEnd, Graphics2D pG2D) {
    Date d = new Date(pStart);
    d = DateUtils.setHours(d, 0);//  w w w.  j  ava  2 s.  co m
    d = DateUtils.setMinutes(d, 0);
    d = DateUtils.setSeconds(d, 0);
    d = DateUtils.setMilliseconds(d, 0);

    for (long mark = d.getTime(); mark <= pEnd; mark += DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_HOUR) {
        int markerPos = Math.round((mark - pStart) / DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE);
        pG2D.fillRect(markerPos, 20, 2, 10);
        pG2D.setFont(pG2D.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 10.0f));
        pG2D.fillRect(markerPos - 5, 15, 12, 10);
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.setTime(new Date(mark));
        NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
        pG2D.drawString(f.format(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)), markerPos - 5, 23);

    long currentDay = d.getTime();
    while (currentDay < pEnd) {
        currentDay += DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY;
        int markerPos = Math.round((currentDay - pStart) / DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE);
        pG2D.setColor(new Color(123, 123, 123));
        pG2D.fillRect(markerPos, 15, 3, 30);
        SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yy");
        String dayLabel = f.format(currentDay);
        Rectangle2D labelBounds = pG2D.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(dayLabel, pG2D);
        int labelWidth = (int) labelBounds.getWidth() + 5;
        pG2D.fillRect(markerPos - (int) Math.rint(labelWidth / 2), 15, labelWidth, 10);
        pG2D.setFont(pG2D.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 10.0f));
        pG2D.drawString(dayLabel, markerPos - (int) Math.rint(labelWidth / 2) + 2, 23);

From source file:org.camunda.bpm.engine.test.api.history.HistoryCleanupTest.java

private Date updateTime(Date now, Date newTime) {
    Date result = now;//from w  ww .  j a  v a2s  .  c  o m

    Calendar newTimeCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();

    result = DateUtils.setHours(result, newTimeCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
    result = DateUtils.setMinutes(result, newTimeCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
    result = DateUtils.setSeconds(result, newTimeCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND));
    result = DateUtils.setMilliseconds(result, newTimeCalendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND));
    return result;

From source file:org.openbravo.financial.FinancialUtils.java

 * Method to get the conversion rate defined at system level. If there is not a conversion rate
 * defined on the given Organization it is searched recursively on its parent organization until
 * one is found. If no conversion rate is found null is returned.
 * //ww  w  .  j  a v a 2  s.c  o m
 * @param date
 *          Date conversion is being performed.
 * @param fromCurrency
 *          Currency to convert from.
 * @param toCurrency
 *          Currency to convert to.
 * @param org
 *          Organization of the document that needs to be converted.
 * @return a valid ConversionRate for the given parameters, null if none is found.
public static ConversionRate getConversionRate(Date date, Currency fromCurrency, Currency toCurrency,
        Organization org, Client client) {
    ConversionRate conversionRate;
    // Conversion rate records do not get into account timestamp.
    Date dateWithoutTimestamp = DateUtils
            .setHours(DateUtils.setMinutes(DateUtils.setSeconds(DateUtils.setMilliseconds(date, 0), 0), 0), 0);
    // Readable Client Org filters to false as organization is filtered explicitly.
    try {
        final OBCriteria<ConversionRate> obcConvRate = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(ConversionRate.class);
        obcConvRate.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_ORGANIZATION, org));
        obcConvRate.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_CLIENT, client));
        obcConvRate.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_CURRENCY, fromCurrency));
        obcConvRate.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_TOCURRENCY, toCurrency));
        obcConvRate.add(Restrictions.le(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_VALIDFROMDATE, dateWithoutTimestamp));
        obcConvRate.add(Restrictions.ge(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_VALIDTODATE, dateWithoutTimestamp));
        conversionRate = (ConversionRate) obcConvRate.uniqueResult();
        if (conversionRate != null) {
            return conversionRate;
        if ("0".equals(org.getId())) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return getConversionRate(date, fromCurrency, toCurrency,
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log4j.error("Exception calculating conversion rate.", e);
        return null;
    } finally {