Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable MutableBoolean getValue

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable MutableBoolean getValue


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable MutableBoolean getValue.


public Boolean getValue() 

Source Link


Gets the value as a Boolean instance.


From source file:fr.duminy.components.swing.listpanel.SimpleItemManagerTest.java

public void testCreateItemCallsInitItem() {
    final SimpleItemManager.FormDisplayer displayer = mock(SimpleItemManager.FormDisplayer.class);
    final FormBuilder<Bean> builder = new DefaultFormBuilder<>(Bean.class);
    final MutableBoolean called = new MutableBoolean(false);

    GuiActionRunner.execute(new GuiQuery<Void>() {
        protected Void executeInEDT() {
            final SimpleItemManager manager = new SimpleItemManager<Bean>(Bean.class, builder, new JLabel(""),
                    title, displayer) {/*from  ww  w  . j a v a 2 s.  co  m*/
                protected void initItem(Bean item) {

            return null;

    assertThat(called.getValue()).as("initItem called").isTrue();

From source file:com.ibm.jaggr.core.impl.modulebuilder.javascript.RequireExpansionCompilerPassTest.java

public void testRequireExpansion() throws Exception {
    List<ModuleDeps> expanded = new ArrayList<ModuleDeps>();
    MutableBoolean hasExpandableRequires = new MutableBoolean(false);
    RequireExpansionCompilerPass pass = new RequireExpansionCompilerPass(mockAggregator, new Features(), null,
            expanded, hasExpandableRequires, true, null, false, null);

    String code, output;//  w w w  .  j a va 2  s . com

    // Ensure require list is modified
    code = "require([\"foo\"],function(foo){});";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertTrue(output.contains("[\"foo\",\"" + placeHolder0 + "\"]"));
    Assert.assertEquals(1, expanded.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "bar", "a/b" })),

    // Ensure require list is modified
    code = "require([\"foo\"]);";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertTrue(output.contains("[\"foo\",\"" + placeHolder0 + "\"]"));
    Assert.assertEquals(1, expanded.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "bar", "a/b" })),

    // Ensure require list is NOT modified
    pass = new RequireExpansionCompilerPass(mockAggregator, new Features(), null, expanded,
            hasExpandableRequires, false, null, false, null);
    code = "require([\"foo\"]);";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertEquals(code, output);
    Assert.assertEquals(0, expanded.size());

    // Ensure hasExpandableRequires is false
    pass = new RequireExpansionCompilerPass(mockAggregator, new Features(), null, expanded,
            hasExpandableRequires, false, null, false, null);
    code = "define([\"foo\"], function(foo) {});";

    // Ensure only array literals are expanded
    pass = new RequireExpansionCompilerPass(mockAggregator, new Features(), null, expanded,
            new MutableBoolean(false), true, null, false, null);
    code = "require(\"foo\");";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertEquals(code, output);

    // Ensure variables are not modified
    code = "require([\"foo\", jsvar])";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertTrue(output.contains("[\"foo\",jsvar,\"" + placeHolder0 + "\"]"));
    Assert.assertEquals(1, expanded.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "bar", "a/b" })),

    // test with compound strings
    code = "require([\"foo\" + jsvar])";
    output = runPass(pass, code);

    code = "require([\"foo\" + \"bar\"])";
    output = runPass(pass, code);

    code = "require([\"foo\", \"a\"+\"b\", \"x/y\"])";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertTrue(output.contains("[\"foo\",\"a\"+\"b\",\"x/y\",\"" + placeHolder0 + "\"]"));
    Assert.assertEquals(1, expanded.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "bar", "a/b", "x/y/z" })),

    // Ensure relative paths are resolved based on module name
    moduleName = "a/a";
    code = "require([\"foo\",\"./c\"]);";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertTrue(output.contains("[\"foo\",\"./c\",\"" + placeHolder0 + "\"]"));
    Assert.assertEquals(1, expanded.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "bar", "a/b", "c/d" })),
    moduleName = "test";

    // Ensure enclosing dependencies not expanded
    code = "define([\"bar\"],function(bar){require([\"foo\",\"a/b\"])});";
    moduleName = "dependsOnBar";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertEquals(code, output);

    // No encloding dependencies
    moduleName = "dependsOnModule";
    code = "define([\"module\"],function(bar){require([\"foo\"]);});";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertTrue(output.contains("[\"foo\",\"" + placeHolder0 + "\"]"));
    Assert.assertEquals(1, expanded.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "bar", "a/b" })),

    // multiple require calls
    code = "define([\"module\"],function(bar){require([\"foo\"]); var abc = 123; require([\"x/y\"]);});";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertTrue(output.contains("[\"foo\",\"" + placeHolder0 + "\"]"));
    Assert.assertTrue(output.contains("[\"x/y\",\"" + placeHolder1 + "\"]"));
    Assert.assertEquals(2, expanded.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "bar", "a/b" })),
    Assert.assertEquals(new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "foo", "bar", "a/b", "x/y/z" })),

    // Enable development mode and make sure a RuntimeDependencyVerificationException
    // is thrown if the dependency list specified in the code does not match
    // the dependency list returned by IDependencies.getDeclaredDependencies()
    // for the module.

    // First, enable development mode
    mockAggregator.getOptions().setOption(IOptions.DEVELOPMENT_MODE, true);
    mockAggregator.getOptions().setOption(IOptions.VERIFY_DEPS, true);

    // this test should not throw because the code matches the dependencies
    code = "define([\"module\"],function(bar){require([\"foo\"]);});";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertTrue(output.contains("[\"foo\",\"" + placeHolder0 + "\"]"));

    // This test should throw because the code doesn't match the dependencies
    boolean exceptionThrown = false;
    code = "define([\"module\",\"another\"],function(bar){require([\"foo\"]);});";
    try {
        output = runPass(pass, code);
    } catch (RuntimeDependencyVerificationException e) {
        exceptionThrown = true;
    Assert.assertTrue("RuntimeDependencyVerificationException not thrown", exceptionThrown);

    // This test verifies that relative dependency paths are resolved correctly
    // Will throw RuntimeDependencyVerificationException if relative modules
    // specified in define are not normalized and resolved to the absolute paths
    // specified in the dependency map for module x/y.
    moduleName = "x/y";
    code = "define([\"./y/z\",\"../foo\"],function(bar){require([\"foo\"]);});";
    output = runPass(pass, code);

    moduleName = "dependsOnModule";
    code = "define([\"module\",\"another\"],function(bar){require([\"foo\"]);});";

    // Assert that both development mode and verify deps need to be enabled
    // for an exception to be thrown
    mockAggregator.getOptions().setOption(IOptions.DEVELOPMENT_MODE, true);
    mockAggregator.getOptions().setOption(IOptions.VERIFY_DEPS, false);
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    mockAggregator.getOptions().setOption(IOptions.DEVELOPMENT_MODE, false);
    mockAggregator.getOptions().setOption(IOptions.VERIFY_DEPS, true);
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    mockAggregator.getOptions().setOption(IOptions.DEVELOPMENT_MODE, false);
    mockAggregator.getOptions().setOption(IOptions.VERIFY_DEPS, false);
    output = runPass(pass, code);


From source file:com.mirth.connect.plugins.datapruner.DataPrunerPanel.java

public void doStart() {
    final MutableBoolean saveChanges = new MutableBoolean(false);

    if (isSaveEnabled()) {
        if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION == JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,
                "Settings changes must be saved first, would you like to save the settings and prune now?",
                "Select an Option", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION)) {
            if (!validateFields()) {
            }/*from   w ww. j  a  v a  2 s  .c o  m*/

        } else {

    final String workingId = parent.startWorking("Starting the data pruner...");

    SwingWorker<Void, Void> worker = new SwingWorker<Void, Void>() {
        protected Void doInBackground() {
            if (saveChanges.getValue()) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    getFrame().alertThrowable(getFrame(), e);
                    return null;

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                parent.alertThrowable(parent, e,
                        "An error occurred while attempting to start the data pruner.");
                return null;

            return null;

        public void done() {
            if (saveChanges.getValue()) {



From source file:com.ibm.jaggr.core.impl.modulebuilder.javascript.RequireExpansionCompilerPassTest.java

public void testLogging() throws Exception {

    MutableBoolean hasExpandableRequires = new MutableBoolean(false);
    RequireExpansionCompilerPass pass = new RequireExpansionCompilerPass(mockAggregator, new Features(), null,
            new ArrayList<ModuleDeps>(), hasExpandableRequires, true, null, true, null);

    String code, output;/*w  ww. j  a  v  a  2 s. c o m*/
    code = "require([\"foo\"],function(){});";
    output = runPass(pass, code);
    Assert.assertTrue("Expected pattern not found.",
            Pattern.compile("console\\.log\\(\\\"[^)\"]*Expanding requires list").matcher(output).find());
    Assert.assertTrue("Output does not contain expected value.", output.contains(
            "foo (" + MessageFormat.format(com.ibm.jaggr.core.util.Messages.DependencyList_5, "test") + ")"));
    Assert.assertTrue("Output does not contain expected value.", output.contains(
            "bar (" + MessageFormat.format(com.ibm.jaggr.core.util.Messages.DependencyList_4, "foo") + ")"));
    Assert.assertTrue("Output does not contain expected value.", output.contains(
            "a/b (" + MessageFormat.format(com.ibm.jaggr.core.util.Messages.DependencyList_4, "bar") + ")"));


From source file:com.ibm.jaggr.core.impl.modulebuilder.javascript.JavaScriptModuleBuilder.java

public ModuleBuild build(String mid, IResource resource, HttpServletRequest request,
        List<ICacheKeyGenerator> keyGens) throws Exception {
    final IAggregator aggr = (IAggregator) request.getAttribute(IAggregator.AGGREGATOR_REQATTRNAME);
    // Get the parameters from the request
    CompilationLevel level = getCompilationLevel(request);
    boolean createNewKeyGen = (keyGens == null);
    boolean isHasFiltering = RequestUtil.isHasFiltering(request);
    // If the source doesn't exist, throw an exception.
    if (!resource.exists()) {
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
                    new Object[] { resource.getURI().toString() }));
        }/*from w w w .  ja v  a 2s  .co  m*/
        throw new NotFoundException(resource.getURI().toString());

    List<JSSourceFile> sources = this.getJSSource(mid, resource, request, keyGens);

    JSSource source = null;
    if (level == null) {
        // If optimization level is none, then we need to modify the source code
        // when expanding require lists and exporting module names because the
        // parsed AST produced by closure does not preserve whitespace and comments.
        StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
        for (JSSourceFile sf : sources) {
        source = new JSSource(code.toString(), mid);
    boolean coerceUndefinedToFalse = aggr.getConfig().isCoerceUndefinedToFalse();
    Features features = (Features) request.getAttribute(IHttpTransport.FEATUREMAP_REQATTRNAME);
    if (features == null || level == null || !RequestUtil.isHasFiltering(request)) {
        // If no features specified or we're only processing features to
        // get the dependency list for the cache key generator, then use
        // an empty feature set.
        features = Features.emptyFeatures;
        coerceUndefinedToFalse = false;

    Set<String> discoveredHasConditionals = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    Set<String> hasFiltDiscoveredHasConditionals = new HashSet<String>();
    String output = null;

    Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
    CompilerOptions compiler_options = CompilerUtil.getDefaultOptions();
    compiler_options.customPasses = HashMultimap.create();
    if (isHasFiltering && (level != null || keyGens == null)) {
        // Run has filtering compiler pass if we are doing has filtering, or if this
        // is the first build for this module (keyGens == null) so that we can get
        // the dependent features for the module to include in the cache key generator.
        HasFilteringCompilerPass hfcp = new HasFilteringCompilerPass(features,
                keyGens == null ? hasFiltDiscoveredHasConditionals : null, coerceUndefinedToFalse);
        compiler_options.customPasses.put(CustomPassExecutionTime.BEFORE_CHECKS, hfcp);

    boolean isReqExpLogging = RequestUtil.isRequireExpLogging(request);
    boolean isExpandRequires = RequestUtil.isExplodeRequires(request);
    List<ModuleDeps> expandedDepsList = null;
    MutableBoolean hasExpandableRequires = new MutableBoolean(false);
    if (isExpandRequires || createNewKeyGen) {
        expandedDepsList = new ArrayList<ModuleDeps>();
         * Register the RequireExpansionCompilerPass if we're exploding
         * require lists to include nested dependencies
        RequireExpansionCompilerPass recp = new RequireExpansionCompilerPass(aggr, features,
                discoveredHasConditionals, expandedDepsList, hasExpandableRequires, isExpandRequires,
                (String) request.getAttribute(IHttpTransport.CONFIGVARNAME_REQATTRNAME), isReqExpLogging,

        compiler_options.customPasses.put(CustomPassExecutionTime.BEFORE_CHECKS, recp);

        // Call IRequestedModuleNames.getBaseLayerDeps() in case it throws an exception so that
        // we propagate it here instead of in layerBeginEndNotifier where we can't propagate
        // the exception.
        IRequestedModuleNames reqNames = (IRequestedModuleNames) request
        if (reqNames != null) {
    if (RequestUtil.isExportModuleName(request)) {
                new ExportModuleNameCompilerPass(source));

    if (level != null && level != CompilationLevel.WHITESPACE_ONLY) {
    } else {
        // If CompilationLevel is WHITESPACE_ONLY, then don't call
        // setOptionsForCompilationLevel because it disables custom
        // compiler passes and we want them to run.

        // Allows annotations that are not standard.
        compiler_options.setWarningLevel(DiagnosticGroups.NON_STANDARD_JSDOC, CheckLevel.OFF);

    // we do our own threading, so disable compiler threads.

    // compile the module
    Result result = compiler.compile(externs, sources, compiler_options);
    if (result.success) {
        if (aggr.getOptions().isDevelopmentMode() && aggr.getOptions().isVerifyDeps()) {
            // Validate dependencies for this module by comparing the
            // discovered has conditionals against the dependent features
            // that were discovered when building the dependency graph
            List<String> dependentFeatures = aggr.getDependencies().getDependentFeatures(mid);
            if (dependentFeatures != null) {
                if (!new HashSet<String>(dependentFeatures).containsAll(hasFiltDiscoveredHasConditionals)) {
                    throw new DependencyVerificationException(mid);
        if (keyGens != null) {
            // Determine if we need to update the cache key generator.  Updating may be
            // necessary due to require list expansion as a result of different
            // dependency path traversals resulting from the specification of different
            // feature sets in the request.
            CacheKeyGenerator keyGen = (CacheKeyGenerator) keyGens.get(1);
            if (keyGen.featureKeyGen == null || keyGen.featureKeyGen.getFeatureSet() == null
                    || !keyGen.featureKeyGen.getFeatureSet().containsAll(discoveredHasConditionals)) {
                createNewKeyGen = true;
        if (level == null) {
            output = source.toString() + "\r\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        } else {
            // Get the compiler output and set the data in the ModuleBuild
            output = compiler.toSource();
    } else {
        // Got a compiler error.  Output a warning message to the browser console
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(MessageFormat.format(Messages.JavaScriptModuleBuilder_1,
                new Object[] { resource.getURI().toString() }));
        for (JSError error : result.errors) {
            sb.append("\r\n\t").append(error.description) //$NON-NLS-1$
                    .append(" (").append(error.lineNumber).append(")."); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
        if (aggr.getOptions().isDevelopmentMode() || aggr.getOptions().isDebugMode()) {
            // In development mode, return the error message
            // together with the uncompressed source.
            String errorMsg = StringUtil.escapeForJavaScript(sb.toString());
            StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
            for (JSSourceFile sf : sources) {
            return new ModuleBuild(code.toString(), null, errorMsg);
        } else {
            throw new Exception(sb.toString());
    return new ModuleBuild(
            expandedDepsList == null || expandedDepsList.size() == 0 ? output
                    : new JavaScriptBuildRenderer(mid, output, expandedDepsList, isReqExpLogging),
            createNewKeyGen ? getCacheKeyGenerators(discoveredHasConditionals, hasExpandableRequires.getValue())
                    : keyGens,

From source file:org.objectweb.proactive.core.remoteobject.RemoteObjectSet.java

 * Select the best suited RemoteRemoteObject (protocol related), and send it the Request
 * Fallback to default (according to the PA_COMMUNICATION_PROTOCOL property) if necessary
 *//*from   w ww  .j  ava 2s .co  m*/
public Reply receiveMessage(Request message)
        throws ProActiveException, RenegotiateSessionException, IOException {
    if (forcedProtocol != null) {
        return forcedProtocol.receiveMessage(message);
    RemoteRemoteObject rro = null;
    // the order is cloned to allow asynchronous updates by the benchmark threads
    ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock rl = rwlock.readLock();

    ArrayList<URI> cloned = (ArrayList<URI>) sortedrros.clone();
    // For each protocol already selected and sorted

    Throwable defaultProtocolException = null;

    MutableBoolean anyException = new MutableBoolean(false);

    Reply reply = null;
    for (URI uri : cloned) {
        rro = rros.get(uri);
        if (LOGGER_RO.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER_RO.debug("[ROAdapter] Sending message " + message + " to " + uri);
        try {
            reply = rro.receiveMessage(message);
            // These Exceptions happened on client side
            // RMI doesn't act as others protocols and Exceptions aren't
            // encapsulated, so they are caught here.
        } catch (ProtocolException pae) {
            defaultProtocolException = handleProtocolException(pae, uri, cloned.size() > 1, anyException);
        } catch (IOException io) {
            defaultProtocolException = handleProtocolException(io, uri, cloned.size() > 1, anyException);
        } catch (RenegotiateSessionException rse) {
            defaultProtocolException = handleProtocolException(rse, uri, cloned.size() > 1, anyException);

        if (reply != null) {
            // The Exception is thrown on server side
            // So it is encapsulated to be delivered on client side
            Throwable t = reply.getResult().getException();
            if (t != null && (t instanceof ProtocolException || t instanceof IOException
                    || t instanceof RenegotiateSessionException)) {
                defaultProtocolException = handleProtocolException(t, uri, cloned.size() > 1, anyException);

    // if we arrive to this point either a reply has been received or all protocols sent exceptions

    // if there has been any exception we sort the uri list before sending back the result
    if (anyException.getValue()) {

    // In case all protocols led to Exception, simply throw the Exception sent by the default protocol
    if (reply == null && defaultProtocolException != null) {
        if (defaultProtocolException instanceof ProtocolException) {
            throw (ProtocolException) defaultProtocolException;
        } else if (defaultProtocolException instanceof IOException) {
            throw (IOException) defaultProtocolException;
        } else if (defaultProtocolException instanceof RenegotiateSessionException) {
            throw (RenegotiateSessionException) defaultProtocolException;
    // otherwise, we received a reply
    return reply;

From source file:org.pircbotx.ConfigurationTest.java

@Test(dataProvider = "fieldNamesDataProvider", dependsOnMethods = "containSameFieldsTest", description = "Make sure every getter in builder gets called when creating Configuration")
public void copyConstructorTest(Class containerClass, Class copiedClass, Object copiedOpject, String getterName)
        throws Exception {
    //Get the method that is going to be called
    final Method methodToCall = copiedClass.getDeclaredMethod(getterName);

    //Trip if method gets called
    final MutableBoolean isMethodCalled = new MutableBoolean(false);
    Object copiedObjectSpied = mock(copiedClass,
            withSettings().spiedInstance(copiedOpject).defaultAnswer(new Answer() {
                public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                    if (invocation.getMethod().equals(methodToCall))
                    return invocation.callRealMethod();
                }//from   w w  w. j  a v  a 2  s.c  o m

    //Call and test
    assertTrue(isMethodCalled.getValue(), "Getter " + getterName
            + " on Builder not called in constructor in class " + containerClass.getCanonicalName());