Java org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect TypeUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect TypeUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect TypeUtils.

The text is from its open source code.


booleancontainsTypeVariables(final Type type)
Learn, recursively, whether any of the type parameters associated with type are bound to variables.
Map,Type>determineTypeArguments(final Class cls, final ParameterizedType superType)

Tries to determine the type arguments of a class/interface based on a super parameterized type's type arguments.

booleanequals(final Type t1, final Type t2)
Check equality of types.
booleanequals(final ParameterizedType p, final Type t)
Learn whether t equals p .
booleanequals(final GenericArrayType a, final Type t)
Learn whether t equals a .
booleanequals(final WildcardType w, final Type t)
Learn whether t equals w .
booleanequals(final Type[] t1, final Type[] t2)
Learn whether t1 equals t2 .
TypegetArrayComponentType(final Type type)
Get the array component type of type .
Type[]getImplicitBounds(final TypeVariable typeVariable)

Returns an array containing the sole type of Object if TypeVariable#getBounds() returns an empty array.

Type[]getImplicitLowerBounds(final WildcardType wildcardType)

Returns an array containing a single value of null if WildcardType#getLowerBounds() returns an empty array.

Type[]getImplicitUpperBounds(final WildcardType wildcardType)

Returns an array containing the sole value of Object if WildcardType#getUpperBounds() returns an empty array.

ClassgetRawType(final Type type, final Type assigningType)

Get the raw type of a Java type, given its context.

Map,Type>getTypeArguments(final Type type, final Class toClass)

Gets the type arguments of a class/interface based on a subtype.

Map,Type>getTypeArguments(final ParameterizedType type)

Retrieves all the type arguments for this parameterized type including owner hierarchy arguments such as Outer.Inner.DeepInner .

booleanisArrayType(final Type type)
Learn whether the specified type denotes an array type.
booleanisAssignable(final Type type, final Type toType)

Checks if the subject type may be implicitly cast to the target type following the Java generics rules.

booleanisAssignable(final Type type, final Class toClass)

Checks if the subject type may be implicitly cast to the target class following the Java generics rules.

booleanisInstance(final Object value, final Type type)

Checks if the given value can be assigned to the target type following the Java generics rules.

ParameterizedTypeparameterize(final Class raw, final Type... typeArguments)
Create a parameterized type instance.
ParameterizedTypeparameterize(final Class raw, final Map, Type> typeArgMappings)
Create a parameterized type instance.
ParameterizedTypeparameterizeWithOwner(final Type owner, final Class raw, final Type... typeArguments)
Create a parameterized type instance.
ParameterizedTypeparameterizeWithOwner(final Type owner, final Class raw, final Map, Type> typeArgMappings)
Create a parameterized type instance.
StringtoLongString(final TypeVariable var)
Format a TypeVariable including its GenericDeclaration .
StringtoString(final Type type)
Present a given type as a Java-esque String.
TypeunrollVariables(Map, Type> typeArguments, final Type type)
Get a type representing type with variable assignments "unrolled."
Typedwrap(final Type type)
Wrap the specified Type in a Typed wrapper.
Typedwrap(final Class type)
Wrap the specified Class in a Typed wrapper.