Java org.apache.commons.lang3 RegExUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.commons.lang3 RegExUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.commons.lang3 RegExUtils.

The text is from its open source code.


StringremoveAll(final String text, final Pattern regex)

Removes each substring of the text String that matches the given regular expression pattern.

This method is a null safe equivalent to:
  • pattern.matcher(text).replaceAll(StringUtils.EMPTY)

A null reference passed to this method is a no-op.

 StringUtils.removeAll(null, *)      = null StringUtils.removeAll("any", (Pattern) null)  = "any" StringUtils.removeAll("any", Pattern.compile(""))    = "any" StringUtils.removeAll("any", Pattern.compile(".*"))  = "" StringUtils.removeAll("any", Pattern.compile(".+"))  = "" StringUtils.removeAll("abc", Pattern.compile(".?"))  = "" StringUtils.removeAll("A<__>\n<__>B", Pattern.compile("<.*>"))      = "A\nB" StringUtils.removeAll("A<__>\n<__>B", Pattern.compile("(?s)<.*>"))  = "AB" StringUtils.removeAll("A<__>\n<__>B", Pattern.compile("<.*>", Pattern.DOTALL))  = "AB" StringUtils.removeAll("ABCabc123abc", Pattern.compile("[a-z]"))     = "ABC123" 
StringremoveAll(final String text, final String regex)

Removes each substring of the text String that matches the given regular expression.

This method is a null safe equivalent to:
  • text.replaceAll(regex, StringUtils.EMPTY)
  • Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(text).replaceAll(StringUtils.EMPTY)

A null reference passed to this method is a no-op.

Unlike in the #removePattern(String,String) method, the Pattern#DOTALL option is NOT automatically added.

StringremovePattern(final String text, final String regex)

Removes each substring of the source String that matches the given regular expression using the DOTALL option.

This call is a null safe equivalent to:
  • text.replaceAll("(?s)" + regex, StringUtils.EMPTY)
  • Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(text).replaceAll(StringUtils.EMPTY)

A null reference passed to this method is a no-op.

 StringUtils.removePattern(null, *)       = null StringUtils.removePattern("any", (String) null)   = "any" StringUtils.removePattern("A<__>\n<__>B", "<.*>")  = "AB" StringUtils.removePattern("ABCabc123", "[a-z]")    = "ABC123" 
StringreplaceAll(final String text, final Pattern regex, final String replacement)

Replaces each substring of the text String that matches the given regular expression pattern with the given replacement.

This method is a null safe equivalent to:
  • pattern.matcher(text).replaceAll(replacement)

A null reference passed to this method is a no-op.

 StringUtils.replaceAll(null, *, *)       = null StringUtils.replaceAll("any", (Pattern) null, *)   = "any" StringUtils.replaceAll("any", *, null)   = "any" StringUtils.replaceAll("", Pattern.compile(""), "zzz")    = "zzz" StringUtils.replaceAll("", Pattern.compile(".*"), "zzz")  = "zzz" StringUtils.replaceAll("", Pattern.compile(".+"), "zzz")  = "" StringUtils.replaceAll("abc", Pattern.compile(""), "ZZ")  = "ZZaZZbZZcZZ" StringUtils.replaceAll("<__>\n<__>", Pattern.compile("<.*>"), "z")                 = "z\nz" StringUtils.replaceAll("<__>\n<__>", Pattern.compile("<.*>", Pattern.DOTALL), "z") = "z" StringUtils.replaceAll("<__>\n<__>", Pattern.compile("(?s)<.*>"), "z")             = "z" StringUtils.replaceAll("ABCabc123", Pattern.compile("[a-z]"), "_")       = "ABC___123" StringUtils.replaceAll("ABCabc123", Pattern.compile("[^A-Z0-9]+"), "_")  = "ABC_123" StringUtils.replaceAll("ABCabc123", Pattern.compile("[^A-Z0-9]+"), "")   = "ABC123" StringUtils.replaceAll("Lorem ipsum  dolor   sit", Pattern.compile("( +)([a-z]+)"), "_$2")  = "Lorem_ipsum_dolor_sit" 
StringreplaceAll(final String text, final String regex, final String replacement)

Replaces each substring of the text String that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement.

This method is a null safe equivalent to:
  • text.replaceAll(regex, replacement)
  • Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(text).replaceAll(replacement)

A null reference passed to this method is a no-op.

Unlike in the #replacePattern(String,String,String) method, the Pattern#DOTALL option is NOT automatically added.