Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple ImmutablePair ImmutablePair

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple ImmutablePair ImmutablePair


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple ImmutablePair ImmutablePair.


public ImmutablePair(final L left, final R right) 

Source Link


Create a new pair instance.


From source file:malte0811.industrialWires.blocks.wire.TileEntityIC2ConnectorTin.java

public void transferPower() {
    Set<AbstractConnection> conns = new HashSet<>(
            ImmersiveNetHandler.INSTANCE.getIndirectEnergyConnections(pos, worldObj));
    Map<AbstractConnection, Pair<IIC2Connector, Double>> maxOutputs = new HashMap<>();
    double outputMax = Math.min(inBuffer, maxToNet);
    double sum = 0;
    for (AbstractConnection c : conns) {
        IImmersiveConnectable iic = ApiUtils.toIIC(c.end, worldObj);
        if (iic instanceof IIC2Connector) {
            double tmp = inBuffer - ((IIC2Connector) iic).insertEnergy(outputMax, true);
            if (tmp > .00000001) {
                maxOutputs.put(c, new ImmutablePair<>((IIC2Connector) iic, tmp));
                sum += tmp;//from  w ww  . j a  v a 2 s.co  m
    if (sum < .0001) {
    final double oldInBuf = outputMax;
    HashMap<Connection, Integer> transferedPerConn = ImmersiveNetHandler.INSTANCE
    for (AbstractConnection c : maxOutputs.keySet()) {
        Pair<IIC2Connector, Double> p = maxOutputs.get(c);
        double out = oldInBuf * p.getRight() / sum;
        double loss = getAverageLossRate(c);
        double inserted = out - p.getLeft().insertEnergy(out - loss, false);
        inBuffer -= inserted;
        float intermediaryLoss = 0;
        HashSet<IImmersiveConnectable> passedConnectors = new HashSet<>();
        double energyAtConn = inserted + loss;
        for (Connection sub : c.subConnections) {
            int transferredPerCon = transferedPerConn.containsKey(sub) ? transferedPerConn.get(sub) : 0;
            energyAtConn -= sub.cableType.getLossRatio() * sub.length;
                    (int) (transferredPerCon + energyAtConn));
            IImmersiveConnectable subStart = ApiUtils.toIIC(sub.start, worldObj);
            IImmersiveConnectable subEnd = ApiUtils.toIIC(sub.end, worldObj);
            if (subStart != null && passedConnectors.add(subStart))
                subStart.onEnergyPassthrough((int) (inserted - inserted * intermediaryLoss));
            if (subEnd != null && passedConnectors.add(subEnd))
                subEnd.onEnergyPassthrough((int) (inserted - inserted * intermediaryLoss));

From source file:com.robertsmieja.test.utils.junit.GettersAndSettersUtils.java

static ImmutablePair<Method, Method> getGetterAndSetterForField(Field field) {
    Method getter = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(field.getDeclaringClass(),
            accessorMethodNameForField(GettersAndSettersTests.IS_METHOD_PREFIX, field));
    if (getter == null) {
        getter = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(field.getDeclaringClass(),
                accessorMethodNameForField(GettersAndSettersTests.GET_METHOD_PREFIX, field));
    }/*  w ww. j  av  a 2 s  .  c o m*/
    if (getter == null) {
                accessorMethodNameForField(GettersAndSettersTests.GET_METHOD_PREFIX, field));
    Method setter = getSetterForField(field);
    if (setter == null) {
                accessorMethodNameForField(GettersAndSettersTests.SET_METHOD_PREFIX, field));
    return new ImmutablePair<>(getter, setter);

From source file:com.netflix.bdp.inviso.history.TraceService.java

 * Returns a json object representing the job history.
 * @param jobId/*ww w  .j  a va2  s.  c  om*/
 * @param path Use the given path as opposed to the history locator
 * @param summary Return just the top level details of the job
 * @param counters Include counters
 * @return Json string
 * @throws Exception
public String trace(@PathParam("jobId") final String jobId, @QueryParam("path") final String path,
        @QueryParam("summary") boolean summary, @QueryParam("counters") @DefaultValue("true") boolean counters)
        throws Exception {

    Pair<org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path> historyPath;

    if (path != null) {
        historyPath = new ImmutablePair<>(null, new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path(path));
    } else {
        historyPath = historyLocator.locate(jobId);

    if (historyPath == null) {
        throw new WebApplicationException(404);

    TraceJobHistoryLoader loader = new TraceJobHistoryLoader(properties);

    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(historyPath.getRight().toUri(), config);
    CompressionCodec codec = new CompressionCodecFactory(config).getCodec(historyPath.getRight());

    FSDataInputStream fin = fs.open(historyPath.getRight());

    if (codec != null) {
        fin = new FSDataInputStream(new WrappedCompressionInputStream(codec.createInputStream(fin)));

    JobHistoryParser parser = new JobHistoryParser(fin);

    String[] ignore = { "counters" };

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule("MyModule", new Version(1, 0, 0, null));

    JavaType jobMapType = MapLikeType.construct(Job.class, SimpleType.construct(String.class),
    module.addSerializer(Job.class, MapSerializer.construct(ignore, jobMapType, false, null, null, null, null));

    JavaType taskMapType = MapLikeType.construct(Task.class, SimpleType.construct(String.class),
            MapSerializer.construct(ignore, taskMapType, false, null, null, null, null));

    JavaType attemptMapType = MapLikeType.construct(TaskAttempt.class, SimpleType.construct(String.class),
            MapSerializer.construct(ignore, attemptMapType, false, null, null, null, null));

    if (!counters) {

    if (summary) {

    return mapper.writeValueAsString(loader.getJob());

From source file:com.uber.hoodie.utilities.sources.HiveIncrPullSource.java

public Pair<Optional<JavaRDD<GenericRecord>>, String> fetchNewData(Optional<String> lastCheckpointStr,
        long maxInputBytes) {
    try {//from  w w w . j a  v  a2s  .  c o m
        // find the source commit to pull
        Optional<String> commitToPull = findCommitToPull(lastCheckpointStr);

        if (!commitToPull.isPresent()) {
            return new ImmutablePair<>(Optional.empty(),
                    lastCheckpointStr.isPresent() ? lastCheckpointStr.get() : "");

        // read the files out.
        List<FileStatus> commitDeltaFiles = Arrays
                .asList(fs.listStatus(new Path(incrPullRootPath, commitToPull.get())));
        String pathStr = commitDeltaFiles.stream().map(f -> f.getPath().toString())
        String schemaStr = schemaProvider.getSourceSchema().toString();
        final AvroConvertor avroConvertor = new AvroConvertor(schemaStr);
        return new ImmutablePair<>(
                Optional.of(DFSSource.fromFiles(dataFormat, avroConvertor, pathStr, sparkContext)),
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new HoodieIOException("Unable to read from source from checkpoint: " + lastCheckpointStr, ioe);

From source file:com.conversantmedia.mapreduce.tool.annotation.handler.NamedOutputAnnotationHandler.java

 * If this is a multiple output we're annotating, see if there are type parameters to
 * use for the key/value classes./*from  w w w .  j  a va 2s  . c  om*/
 * @param target   object to reflect for type params
 * @return         the key/value type parameters
protected Pair<Type, Type> getGenericTypeParams(Object target) {
    Pair<Type, Type> kvTypePair = null;
    if (target instanceof Field) {
        Field field = (Field) target;
        if (field.getType() == MultipleOutputs.class) {
            Type genericType = field.getGenericType();
            if (genericType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
                Type[] keyValueTypes = ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments();
                if (keyValueTypes != null && keyValueTypes.length == 2) {
                    kvTypePair = new ImmutablePair<>(keyValueTypes[0], keyValueTypes[1]);
    return kvTypePair;

From source file:gov.gtas.repository.CaseDispositionRepositoryImpl.java

public Pair<Long, List<Case>> findByCriteria(CaseRequestDto dto) {

    CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Case> q = cb.createQuery(Case.class);
    Root<Case> root = q.from(Case.class);
    List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();

    TypedQuery<Case> typedQuery = em.createQuery(q);

    // sorting// w w w. j  a va2 s.  c  o m
    if (dto.getSort() != null) {
        List<Order> orders = new ArrayList<>();
        for (SortOptionsDto sort : dto.getSort()) {
            Expression<?> e = root.get(sort.getColumn());
            Order order;
            if ("desc".equalsIgnoreCase(sort.getDir())) {
                order = cb.desc(e);
            } else {
                order = cb.asc(e);

    if (dto.getFlightId() != null) {
        predicates.add(cb.equal(root.<Long>get("flightId"), dto.getFlightId()));

    if (dto.getPaxId() != null) {
        predicates.add(cb.equal(root.<Long>get("paxId"), dto.getPaxId()));

    if (dto.getPaxName() != null) {
        String likeString = String.format("%%%s%%", dto.getPaxName().toUpperCase());
        predicates.add(cb.like(root.<String>get("paxName"), likeString));

    if (dto.getLastName() != null) { // map this to full pax name
        String likeString = String.format("%%%s%%", dto.getLastName().toUpperCase());
        predicates.add(cb.like(root.<String>get("paxName"), likeString));

    if (dto.getStatus() != null) {
        String likeString = String.format("%%%s%%", dto.getStatus().toUpperCase());
        predicates.add(cb.like(root.<String>get("status"), likeString));

    if (dto.getFlightNumber() != null) {
        predicates.add(cb.equal(root.<Long>get("flightNumber"), dto.getFlightNumber()));

    if (dto.getRuleCatId() != null) {
        predicates.add(cb.equal(root.<Long>get("highPriorityRuleCatId"), dto.getRuleCatId()));

    Predicate etaCondition;
    if (dto.getEtaStart() != null && dto.getEtaEnd() != null) {

        Path<Date> eta = root.<Date>get("flightETADate");
        Predicate startPredicate = cb.or(cb.isNull(eta), cb.greaterThanOrEqualTo(eta, dto.getEtaStart()));
        Predicate endPredicate = cb.or(cb.isNull(eta), cb.lessThanOrEqualTo(eta, dto.getEtaEnd()));
        etaCondition = cb.and(startPredicate, endPredicate);

    q.select(root).where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[] {}));
    typedQuery = em.createQuery(q);

    // total count
    CriteriaQuery<Long> countQuery = cb.createQuery(Long.class);
    countQuery.select(cb.count(countQuery.from(Case.class))).where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[] {}));
    Long count = em.createQuery(countQuery).getSingleResult();

    // pagination
    int pageNumber = dto.getPageNumber();
    int pageSize = dto.getPageSize();
    int firstResultIndex = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;

    List<Case> results = typedQuery.getResultList();

    return new ImmutablePair<>(count, results);


From source file:com.romeikat.datamessie.core.processing.service.stemming.text.TextStemmer.java

private Pair<String, String> getReplacingAndReplacement(final SharedSessionContract ssc,
        final String namedEntityName) {
    final String replacing = namedEntityName;
    final String replacement = NamedEntity.getAsSingleWord(namedEntityName);
    // Return the replacement, if different
    if (replacement.equals(replacing)) {
        return null;
    }//w w  w .ja  va  2s . c  om
    return new ImmutablePair<String, String>(replacing, replacement);

From source file:models.Index.java

 * @return The locations of the local and public JSON-LD contexts.
 * @throws MalformedURLException If the constructed URL is malformed.
 *//*from   w ww.java 2  s  .c o  m*/
public Pair<URL, String> context() throws MalformedURLException {
    final String path = "conf/contexts";
    final String file = id + ".json";
    URL localContextResourceUrl = Play.application().resource("/" + path + "/" + file);
    if (localContextResourceUrl == null) // no app running, use plain local file
        localContextResourceUrl = new File(path, file).toURI().toURL();
    final String publicContextUrl = CONFIG.getString("application.url")
            + controllers.routes.Api.context(file).url();
    return new ImmutablePair<>(localContextResourceUrl, publicContextUrl);

From source file:com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.it.DriftIT.java

public void testNewColumn() throws Exception {
    HiveMetadataProcessor processor = new HiveMetadataProcessorBuilder().build();
    HiveMetastoreTarget hiveTarget = new HiveMetastoreTargetBuilder().build();

    List<Record> records = new LinkedList<>();

    Map<String, Field> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    map.put("id", Field.create(Field.Type.INTEGER, 1));
    Record record = RecordCreator.create("s", "s:1");
    records.add(record);/*  w  ww .ja  va  2s. c  o  m*/

    map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    map.put("id", Field.create(Field.Type.INTEGER, 2));
    map.put("new_column", Field.create(Field.Type.STRING, "new value"));
    record = RecordCreator.create("s", "s:1");

    processRecords(processor, hiveTarget, records);

    assertQueryResult("select * from tbl order by id", new QueryValidator() {
        public void validateResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws Exception {
            assertResultSetStructure(rs, new ImmutablePair("tbl.id", Types.INTEGER),
                    new ImmutablePair("tbl.new_column", Types.VARCHAR),
                    new ImmutablePair("tbl.dt", Types.VARCHAR));

            Assert.assertTrue("Table tbl doesn't contain any rows", rs.next());
            Assert.assertEquals(1, rs.getLong(1));
            Assert.assertEquals(null, rs.getString(2));

            Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected number of rows", rs.next());
            Assert.assertEquals(2, rs.getLong(1));
            Assert.assertEquals("new value", rs.getString(2));

            Assert.assertFalse("Unexpected number of rows", rs.next());

From source file:com.ottogroup.bi.streaming.operator.json.insert.JsonStaticContentInsertionTest.java

 * Test case for {@link JsonStaticContentInsertion#JsonStaticContentInsertion(java.util.List)} being provided a
 * configuration which holds an element that is missing the insertion value
 *///from   w  w w  . j  a  v a 2s.  co  m
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testConstructor_withNullInsertionValue() throws Exception {
    List<Pair<JsonContentReference, Serializable>> values = new ArrayList<>();
    values.add(new ImmutablePair<JsonContentReference, Serializable>(
            new JsonContentReference(new String[] { "valid" }, JsonContentType.STRING), null));
    new JsonStaticContentInsertion(values);