Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple Triple getRight

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple Triple getRight


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple Triple getRight.


public abstract R getRight();

Source Link


Gets the right element from this triple.


From source file:com.act.lcms.ExtractFromNetCDFAroundMass.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    if (args.length != 4 || !args[0].endsWith(".nc")) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Needs (1) NetCDF .nc file, " + "(2) mass value, e.g., 132.0772 for debugging, "
                        + "(3) how many timepoints to process (-1 for all), "
                        + "(4) prefix for .data and rendered .pdf, '-' for stdout");
    }/*from   www .  jav a2  s  .  c om*/

    String netCDF = args[0];
    Double mz = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
    Integer numSpectraToProcess = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
    String outPrefix = args[3];
    String outPDF = outPrefix.equals("-") ? null : outPrefix + ".pdf";
    String outDATA = outPrefix.equals("-") ? null : outPrefix + ".data";

    ExtractFromNetCDFAroundMass e = new ExtractFromNetCDFAroundMass();
    List<Triple<Double, Double, Double>> window = e.get2DWindow(netCDF, mz, numSpectraToProcess);

    // Write data output to outfile
    PrintStream whereTo = outDATA == null ? System.out : new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(outDATA));
    for (Triple<Double, Double, Double> xyz : window) {
        whereTo.format("%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f\n", xyz.getLeft(), xyz.getMiddle(), xyz.getRight());

    if (outDATA != null) {
        // if outDATA is != null, then we have written to .data file
        // now render the .data to the corresponding .pdf file

        // first close the .data

        // render outDATA to outPDF using gnuplo
        Gnuplotter plotter = new Gnuplotter();
        plotter.plot3D(outDATA, outPDF, netCDF, mz);

From source file:it.acubelab.smaph.learn.GenerateModel.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String freebKey = "";

    String bingKey = SmaphConfig.getDefaultBingKey();

    WikipediaApiInterface wikiApi = new WikipediaApiInterface("wid.cache", "redirect.cache");
    FreebaseApi freebApi = new FreebaseApi(freebKey, "freeb.cache");
    double[][] paramsToTest = new double[][] {
            /*// w ww .  j  ava  2 s .c  om
             * {0.035, 0.5 }, {0.035, 1 }, {0.035, 4 }, {0.035, 8 }, {0.035, 10 },
             * {0.035, 16 }, {0.714, .5 }, {0.714, 1 }, {0.714, 4 }, {0.714, 8 },
             * {0.714, 10 }, {0.714, 16 }, {0.9, .5 }, {0.9, 1 }, {0.9, 4 }, {0.9, 8
             * }, {0.9, 10 }, {0.9, 16 },
             * { 1.0/15.0, 1 }, { 1.0/27.0, 1 },

             * {0.01, 1}, {0.01, 5}, {0.01, 10}, {0.03, 1}, {0.03, 5}, {0.03, 10},
             * {0.044, 1}, {0.044, 5}, {0.044, 10}, {0.06, 1}, {0.06, 5}, {0.06,
             * 10},
            { 0.03, 5 }, };
    double[][] weightsToTest = new double[][] {

             * { 3, 4 }
            { 3.8, 3 }, { 3.8, 4 }, { 3.8, 5 }, { 3.8, 6 }, { 3.8, 7 }, { 3.8, 8 }, { 3.8, 9 }, { 3.8, 10 },

    Integer[][] featuresSetsToTest = new Integer[][] {
            //{ 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8,   9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 },
            { 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 },
             * { 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18},

    }; // < -------------------------------------- MIND THIS
    int wikiSearckTopK = 10; // <---------------------------
    String filePrefix = "_ANW";// <---------------------------

    WikipediaToFreebase wikiToFreebase = new WikipediaToFreebase("mapdb");
    List<ModelConfigurationResult> mcrs = new Vector<>();
    for (double editDistanceThr = 0.7; editDistanceThr <= 0.7; editDistanceThr += 0.7) {
        SmaphAnnotator bingAnnotator = GenerateTrainingAndTest.getDefaultBingAnnotator(wikiApi, wikiToFreebase,
                editDistanceThr, wikiSearckTopK, bingKey);

        BinaryExampleGatherer trainEntityFilterGatherer = new BinaryExampleGatherer();
        BinaryExampleGatherer testEntityFilterGatherer = new BinaryExampleGatherer();
        GenerateTrainingAndTest.gatherExamplesTrainingAndDevel(bingAnnotator, trainEntityFilterGatherer,
                testEntityFilterGatherer, wikiApi, wikiToFreebase, freebApi);

        BinaryExampleGatherer trainGatherer = trainEntityFilterGatherer; // //////////////
        // <----------------------
        BinaryExampleGatherer testGatherer = testEntityFilterGatherer; // //////////////
        // <----------------------

        int count = 0;
        for (Integer[] ftrToTestArray : featuresSetsToTest) {
            // double gamma = 1.0 / ftrToTestArray.length; //
            // <--------------------- MIND THIS
            // double C = 1;// < -------------------------------------- MIND
            // THIS
            for (double[] paramsToTestArray : paramsToTest) {
                double gamma = paramsToTestArray[0];
                double C = paramsToTestArray[1];
                for (double[] weightsPosNeg : weightsToTest) {
                    double wPos = weightsPosNeg[0], wNeg = weightsPosNeg[1];
                    Vector<Integer> features = new Vector<>(Arrays.asList(ftrToTestArray));
                    Triple<svm_problem, double[], double[]> ftrsMinsMaxs = TuneModel
                            .getScaledTrainProblem(features, trainGatherer);
                    svm_problem trainProblem = ftrsMinsMaxs.getLeft();

                    String fileBase = getModelFileNameBaseEF(features.toArray(new Integer[0]), wPos, wNeg,
                            editDistanceThr, gamma, C) + filePrefix;
                     * String fileBase = getModelFileNameBaseEQF(
                     * features.toArray(new Integer[0]), wPos, wNeg);
                     */// < -------------------------
                    LibSvmUtils.dumpRanges(ftrsMinsMaxs.getMiddle(), ftrsMinsMaxs.getRight(),
                            fileBase + ".range");
                    svm_model model = TuneModel.trainModel(wPos, wNeg, features, trainProblem, gamma, C);
                    svm.svm_save_model(fileBase + ".model", model);

                    MetricsResultSet metrics = TuneModel.ParameterTester.computeMetrics(model,
                            TuneModel.getScaledTestProblems(features, testGatherer, ftrsMinsMaxs.getMiddle(),

                    int tp = metrics.getGlobalTp();
                    int fp = metrics.getGlobalFp();
                    int fn = metrics.getGlobalFn();
                    float microF1 = metrics.getMicroF1();
                    float macroF1 = metrics.getMacroF1();
                    float macroRec = metrics.getMacroRecall();
                    float macroPrec = metrics.getMacroPrecision();
                    int totVects = testGatherer.getExamplesCount();
                    mcrs.add(new ModelConfigurationResult(features, wPos, wNeg, editDistanceThr, tp, fp, fn,
                            totVects - tp - fp - fn, microF1, macroF1, macroRec, macroPrec));

                    System.err.printf("Trained %d/%d models.%n", ++count,
                            weightsToTest.length * featuresSetsToTest.length * paramsToTest.length);
    for (ModelConfigurationResult mcr : mcrs)
        System.out.printf("%.5f%%\t%.5f%%\t%.5f%%%n", mcr.getMacroPrecision() * 100, mcr.getMacroRecall() * 100,
                mcr.getMacroF1() * 100);
    for (double[] weightPosNeg : weightsToTest)
        System.out.printf("%.5f\t%.5f%n", weightPosNeg[0], weightPosNeg[1]);
    for (ModelConfigurationResult mcr : mcrs)
    for (double[] paramGammaC : paramsToTest)
        System.out.printf("%.5f\t%.5f%n", paramGammaC[0], paramGammaC[1]);

From source file:edu.umd.umiacs.clip.tools.math.Formatter.java

public static Triple<Double, Double, Double> format(Triple<Double, Double, Double> triple) {
    return Triple.of(format(triple.getLeft()), format(triple.getMiddle()), format(triple.getRight()));

From source file:gobblin.ingestion.google.webmaster.UrlTriePrefixGrouper.java

 * Get the detailed pages under this group
 *//*from  w w  w . jav a  2  s.  c  om*/
public static ArrayList<String> groupToPages(
        Triple<String, GoogleWebmasterFilter.FilterOperator, UrlTrieNode> group) {
    ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<>();
    if (group.getMiddle().equals(GoogleWebmasterFilter.FilterOperator.EQUALS)) {
        if (group.getRight().isExist()) {
    } else if (group.getMiddle().equals(GoogleWebmasterFilter.FilterOperator.CONTAINS)) {
        UrlTrie trie = new UrlTrie(group.getLeft(), group.getRight());
        Iterator<Pair<String, UrlTrieNode>> iterator = new UrlTriePostOrderIterator(trie, 1);
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Pair<String, UrlTrieNode> next = iterator.next();
            if (next.getRight().isExist()) {
    return ret;

From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.common.response.ServerInstance.java

public static ServerInstance forHostPort(String name, int port) {
    if (nameToInstanceInfo.containsKey(name)) {
        Triple<String, String, InetAddress> instanceInfo = nameToInstanceInfo.get(name);
        return new ServerInstance(instanceInfo.getLeft(), instanceInfo.getMiddle(), instanceInfo.getRight(),
                port, 0);/*w ww.  j  a  va2  s.  com*/
    } else {
        ServerInstance newInstance = new ServerInstance(name, port);

        nameToInstanceInfo.putIfAbsent(name, Triple.of(newInstance.getHostname(),
                newInstance.getShortHostName(), newInstance.getIpAddress()));

        return newInstance;

From source file:ivorius.ivtoolkit.maze.components.MazeComponentConnector.java

public static <M extends WeightedMazeComponent<C>, C> List<ShiftedMazeComponent<M, C>> randomlyConnect(
        MorphingMazeComponent<C> morphingComponent, List<M> components,
        ConnectionStrategy<C> connectionStrategy, final MazeComponentPlacementStrategy<M, C> placementStrategy,
        Random random) {//from   w ww. ja  va2s  .c om
    List<ShiftedMazeComponent<M, C>> result = new ArrayList<>();
    Deque<Triple<MazeRoom, MazeRoomConnection, C>> exitStack = new ArrayDeque<>();

    Predicate<ShiftedMazeComponent<M, C>> componentPredicate = Predicates.and(
            MazeComponents.<M, C>compatibilityPredicate(morphingComponent, connectionStrategy),
    WeightedSelector.WeightFunction<ShiftedMazeComponent<M, C>> weightFunction = getWeightFunction();

    addAllExits(placementStrategy, exitStack, morphingComponent.exits().entrySet());

    while (exitStack.size() > 0) {
        Triple<MazeRoom, MazeRoomConnection, C> triple = exitStack.removeLast();
        MazeRoom room = triple.getLeft();

        if (morphingComponent.rooms().contains(room))
            continue; // Has been filled while queued

        MazeRoomConnection exit = triple.getMiddle();
        C connection = triple.getRight();

        List<ShiftedMazeComponent<M, C>> placeable = FluentIterable.from(components)
                .transformAndConcat(MazeComponents.<M, C>shiftAllFunction(exit, connection, connectionStrategy))

        if (placeable.size() == 0) {
            IvToolkitCoreContainer.logger.warn("Did not find fitting component for maze!");
            IvToolkitCoreContainer.logger.warn("Suggested: X with exits "
                    + FluentIterable.from(morphingComponent.exits().entrySet()).filter(entryConnectsTo(room)));

        ShiftedMazeComponent<M, C> selected = WeightedSelector.canSelect(placeable, weightFunction)
                ? WeightedSelector.select(random, placeable, weightFunction)
                : placeable.get(random.nextInt(placeable.size())); // All weight 0 = select at random

        addAllExits(placementStrategy, exitStack, selected.exits().entrySet());


    return result;

From source file:com.nttec.everychan.ui.tabs.TabsTrackerService.java

private static int findTab(List<Triple<String, String, String>> list, String tabUrl, String tabTitle) {
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
        Triple<String, String, String> triple = list.get(i);
        if (tabUrl == null) {
            if (triple.getLeft() == null && tabTitle.equals(triple.getRight())) {
                return i;
            }/* w w  w  .  j a  va  2 s .co  m*/
        } else {
            if (tabUrl.equals(triple.getLeft())) {
                return i;
    return -1;

From source file:com.etsy.arbiter.workflow.WorkflowGraphBuilder.java

 * Build a workflow graph from the workflow definition, inserting fork/join pairs as appropriate for parallel
 * @param workflow Arbiter Workflow object
 * @param config Arbiter Config object/*w  w  w  .j  a  v a2  s  . c  om*/
 * @param outputDir Output directory for Graphviz graphs
 * @param generateGraphviz Indicate if Graphviz graphs should be generated for workflows
 * @param graphvizFormat The format in which Graphviz graphs should be generated if enabled
 * @return DirectedAcyclicGraph DAG of the workflow
 * @throws WorkflowGraphException
public static DirectedAcyclicGraph<Action, DefaultEdge> buildWorkflowGraph(Workflow workflow, Config config,
        String outputDir, boolean generateGraphviz, String graphvizFormat) throws WorkflowGraphException {
    forkCount = 0;
    Map<String, Action> actionsByName = new HashMap<>();
    List<Action> workflowActions = workflow.getActions();

    // Add all the actions to a map of string -> action
    for (Action a : workflowActions) {
        actionsByName.put(a.getName(), a);

    // DAG of the workflow in its raw un-optimized state.
    DirectedAcyclicGraph<Action, DefaultEdge> inputGraph = new DirectedAcyclicGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class);

    // Add all the actions as vertices. At this point there are no connections within the graph, just vertices.
    for (Action a : workflowActions) {

    // We need to traverse a second time so all the vertices are present when adding edges
    for (Action a : workflowActions) {
        if (a.getDependencies() != null) {
            for (String d : a.getDependencies()) {
                Action source = actionsByName.get(d);
                if (source == null) {
                    throw new WorkflowGraphException("Missing action for dependency " + d);

                // Add the edge between the dep and the action
                try {
                    inputGraph.addDagEdge(source, a);
                } catch (DirectedAcyclicGraph.CycleFoundException e) {
                    throw new WorkflowGraphException("Cycle found while building original graph", e);

    if (generateGraphviz) {
        GraphvizGenerator.generateGraphviz(inputGraph, outputDir + "/" + workflow.getName() + "-input.dot",

    // Final DAG we will be returning
    DirectedAcyclicGraph<Action, DefaultEdge> workflowGraph;
    Action startTransitionNode;
    Action endTransitionNode;

    try {
        // Process the graph into its properly connected and organized structure.
        Triple<DirectedAcyclicGraph<Action, DefaultEdge>, Action, Action> workflowGraphTriple = processSubcomponents(
        workflowGraph = workflowGraphTriple.getLeft();
        startTransitionNode = workflowGraphTriple.getMiddle();
        endTransitionNode = workflowGraphTriple.getRight();

        // These are the standard control flow nodes that must be present in every workflow
        Action start = new Action();
        workflowGraph.addDagEdge(start, startTransitionNode);

        Action end = new Action();

        if (workflow.getErrorHandler() != null) {
            workflowGraph.addDagEdge(workflow.getErrorHandler(), end);
            workflowGraph.addDagEdge(endTransitionNode, workflow.getErrorHandler());
        } else {
            workflowGraph.addDagEdge(endTransitionNode, end);

        // The kill node will be used as the error transition when generating the XML as appropriate
        // These is no need to add any edges to it now
        if (config.getKillMessage() != null && config.getKillName() != null) {
            Action kill = new Action();
            kill.setProperty("message", NamedArgumentInterpolator.interpolate(config.getKillMessage(),
                    ImmutableMap.of("name", workflow.getName()), null));
    } catch (DirectedAcyclicGraph.CycleFoundException e) {
        throw new WorkflowGraphException("Cycle found while generating workflow", e);

    return workflowGraph;

From source file:fr.landel.utils.assertor.helper.HelperAssertor.java

 * The combine function (the main method). This method is called by each end
 * steps.//from   ww w.ja v  a  2s.co  m
 * <p>
 * What is matcher mode: it's an Assertor starting with
 * "{@code Assertor.matcher}...". In this mode, only one variable can be
 * checked through "{@code on(object)}" method. The aim of this is to create
 * the validation steps before in another method or in a static way to
 * improve performance.
 * </p>
 * @param step
 *            the last step
 * @param object
 *            the object to test (only in matcher mode)
 * @param marcherMode
 *            if it's in matcher mode (set with "on" method)
 * @param loadMessage
 *            if the message has to beloaded and formated
 * @param <T>
 *            the type of checked object
 * @return the result
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if in matcher mode and object is not set
public static <T> ResultAssertor combine(final StepAssertor<T> step, final Object object,
        final boolean marcherMode, final boolean loadMessage) {

    final List<StepAssertor<?>> steps = validatesAndReverse(step, marcherMode);

    boolean not = false;
    boolean valid = true;
    PairIso<Boolean> resultValid;
    EnumOperator operator = null;
    final MessagesAssertor messages = new MessagesAssertor();
    Object obj;
    final Object matcherObject;
    boolean checked = false;
    EnumType type = null;
    ParameterAssertor<?> param = null;

    final List<ParameterAssertor<?>> parameters = new ArrayList<>();

    Optional<Pair<Boolean, MessagesAssertor>> dontNeedCheck = Optional.empty();

    // get the object to check
    // in matcher mode, two ways are available to inject the object:
    // - first: directly through the combine function
    boolean inMatcherMode = marcherMode;
    if (inMatcherMode) {
        obj = object;
        // - second:
    } else if (EnumStep.PREDICATE_OBJECT.equals(step.getStepType())) {
        obj = step.getObject();
        inMatcherMode = true;
    } else {
        obj = null;

    // create a temporary variable for sub steps (in matcher mode)
    matcherObject = obj;

    for (StepAssertor<?> s : steps) {
        if (s.getStepType() == null) {

        switch (s.getStepType()) {

        // the first step of an Assertor in predicate mode (ex:
        // Assertor.ofNumber...)
        case PREDICATE:
            type = s.getType();
            if (EnumType.UNKNOWN.equals(type)) {
                type = EnumType.getType(obj);
            param = new ParameterAssertor<>(obj, type, true);


        // the first step of an Assertor (ex: Assertor.that(object)...)
        case CREATION:
            obj = s.getObject();
            type = s.getType();
            checked = s.isChecked();
            param = new ParameterAssertor<>(obj, type, checked);


        // the validation step
        case ASSERTION:

            // if precondition returns false, we end all treatments
            if (!HelperAssertor.preCheck(s, obj)) {
                return HelperAssertor.getPreconditionMessage(s, param, parameters, loadMessage);

            } else {
                resultValid = HelperAssertor.validatesAndGetMessage(s, param, obj, valid, not, operator,
                        messages, loadMessage);
                valid = resultValid.getRight();

            if (operator != null && !valid) {
                dontNeedCheck = checkValidityAndOperator(resultValid.getLeft(), operator, messages,

            not = false;

        // the combining step between two validation steps
        case OPERATOR:
            operator = s.getOperator();

            dontNeedCheck = checkValidityAndOperator(valid, operator, messages, loadMessage);

        // the not step to reverse the next validation step
        case NOT:
            not = not ^ s.isNot();

        // the object provided by the mapper
        case PROPERTY:
            if (s.getMapper().isPresent()) {
                operator = s.getOperator();
                obj = s.getMapper().get().apply(obj);
                type = s.getType();
                checked = s.isChecked();
                param = new ParameterAssertor<>(obj, type, checked);


                dontNeedCheck = checkValidityAndOperator(valid, operator, messages, loadMessage);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("property cannot be null");
        // the other object to validate
        case OBJECT:
            operator = s.getOperator();
            obj = s.getObject();
            type = s.getType();
            checked = s.isChecked();
            param = new ParameterAssertor<>(obj, type, checked);


            dontNeedCheck = checkValidityAndOperator(valid, operator, messages, loadMessage);

        // the sub step to emulate parenthesis in a check (ex:
        // Assertor.that(2).isZero().or(Assertor.that(2).isGTE(1).and().isLTE(10)))
        case SUB:
            if (s.getSubStep().isPresent()) {
                dontNeedCheck = checkValidityAndOperator(valid, s.getOperator(), messages, loadMessage);

                if (!dontNeedCheck.isPresent()) {
                    final Triple<Boolean, EnumOperator, ResultAssertor> output = HelperAssertor.managesSub(s,
                            matcherObject, inMatcherMode, parameters, valid, operator, messages, loadMessage);

                    if (output.getRight() != null) {
                        return output.getRight();
                    } else {
                        valid = output.getLeft();
                        operator = output.getMiddle();
        // sub assertor step to check sub properties
        case SUB_ASSERTOR:
            if (s.getSubAssertor().isPresent()) {
                operator = s.getOperator();

                dontNeedCheck = checkValidityAndOperator(valid, operator, messages, loadMessage);

                if (!dontNeedCheck.isPresent()) {
                    final Step<?, ?> stepSubAssertor = Objects.requireNonNull(
                            s.getSubAssertor().get().apply(obj), "Sub assertor mapper cannot be null");
                    final ResultAssertor intermediateResult = combine(stepSubAssertor.getStep(), null,
                            inMatcherMode, loadMessage);

                    valid = intermediateResult.isPrecondition()
                            && isValid(valid, intermediateResult.isValid(), operator);


                    if (!valid && loadMessage && intermediateResult.getMessages() != null) {
                        if (messages.isNotEmpty()) {

                    if (intermediateResult.isPrecondition()) {
                        dontNeedCheck = checkValidityAndOperator(intermediateResult.isValid(), operator,
                                messages, loadMessage);
                    } else {
                        dontNeedCheck = Optional.of(Pair.of(false, intermediateResult.getMessages()));
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("sub assertor cannot be null");
        default: // MATCHER_OBJECT (don't need treatment)

        if (dontNeedCheck.isPresent()) {
            return new ResultAssertor(true, dontNeedCheck.get().getKey(), dontNeedCheck.get().getValue(),

    return new ResultAssertor(true, valid, messages, parameters);

From source file:edu.nyu.tandon.tool.BinnedRawHits.java

private static void dumpPosthits(BinnedRawHits query, long numDocs, boolean endRun) {

    ImmutableTriple<Integer, Integer, Integer> t;
    Triple<Integer, Integer, Integer> lastT = new MutableTriple<>(-1, -1, -1);
    int hits = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < query.postHits.size(); i++) {
        t = query.postHits.get(i);/*w  ww . j a  va 2s. c  o m*/
        if (t.compareTo(lastT) != 0) {
            if (hits > 0) {
                // format: doc, term, , rank, #hits
                query.outputPH.printf("%d,%d,%d,%d\n", lastT.getLeft(), lastT.getMiddle(), lastT.getRight(),
            hits = 0;
            lastT = t;
    if (query.outputDH != System.out) {
    if (!endRun) {
        try {
            query.outputPH = new PrintStream(new FastBufferedOutputStream(
                    new FileOutputStream(outputName + "-" + phBatch++ + ".ph.txt")));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {