Example usage for org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.moment StandardDeviation evaluate

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.moment StandardDeviation evaluate


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.moment StandardDeviation evaluate.


public double evaluate(final double[] values) 

Source Link


Returns the Standard Deviation of the entries in the input array, or Double.NaN if the array is empty.


From source file:com.discursive.jccook.math.StatExample.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    double[] values = new double[] { 2.3, 5.4, 6.2, 7.3, 23.3 };

    System.out.println("min: " + StatUtils.min(values));
    System.out.println("max: " + StatUtils.max(values));
    System.out.println("mean: " + StatUtils.mean(values));
    System.out.println("product: " + StatUtils.product(values));
    System.out.println("sum: " + StatUtils.sum(values));
    System.out.println("variance: " + StatUtils.variance(values));

    // Measures from previous example
    Min min = new Min();
    System.out.println("min: " + min.evaluate(values));
    Max max = new Max();
    System.out.println("max: " + max.evaluate(values));
    Mean mean = new Mean();
    System.out.println("mean: " + mean.evaluate(values));
    Product product = new Product();
    System.out.println("product: " + product.evaluate(values));
    Sum sum = new Sum();
    System.out.println("sum: " + sum.evaluate(values));
    Variance variance = new Variance();
    System.out.println("variance: " + variance.evaluate(values));

    // New measures
    Percentile percentile = new Percentile();
    System.out.println("80 percentile value: " + percentile.evaluate(values, 80.0));
    GeometricMean geoMean = new GeometricMean();
    System.out.println("geometric mean: " + geoMean.evaluate(values));
    StandardDeviation stdDev = new StandardDeviation();
    System.out.println("standard dev: " + stdDev.evaluate(values));
    Skewness skewness = new Skewness();
    System.out.println("skewness: " + skewness.evaluate(values));
    Kurtosis kurtosis = new Kurtosis();
    System.out.println("kurtosis: " + kurtosis.evaluate(values));


From source file:jCloisterZone.CarcassonneEnvironment.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int repetitions = 100;
    double[] scores = new double[repetitions];

    RRLJCloisterClient client = new LocalCarcassonneClient("config.ini");
    ServerIF server = null;/*from  w  w  w . j ava 2  s  .c  o  m*/
    Game game = client.getGame();
    Player firstPlayer = null;
    ArrayList<PlayerSlot> slots = new ArrayList<PlayerSlot>();
    for (int r = 0; r < repetitions; r++) {
        if (game == null) {
            server = new LocalCarcassonneServer(client.getGame());
            PlayerSlot slot = new PlayerSlot(0, PlayerSlot.SlotType.AI, "RANDOM" + 0, client.getClientId());
            for (int j = 1; j < Integer.parseInt(args[0]); j++) {
                slot = new PlayerSlot(j, PlayerSlot.SlotType.AI, "AI" + j, client.getClientId());
            game = client.getGame();
        } else {
            // Reset the UIs

            // Clear the slots and re-add them.
            for (int i = 0; i < PlayerSlot.COUNT; i++) {
                server.updateSlot(new PlayerSlot(i), null);

        for (int i = 0; i < slots.size(); i++) {
            PlayerSlot slot = slots.get(i);
            PlayerSlot cloneSlot = new PlayerSlot(i, slot.getType(), slot.getNick(), slot.getOwner());
            server.updateSlot(cloneSlot, LegacyAiPlayer.supportedExpansions());


        Phase phase = game.getPhase();

        // Cycle through (probably only once) to keep the game moving.
        while (phase != null && !phase.isEntered()) {
            // Modifying phases to proxyless versions
            if (phase.getClass().equals(CreateGamePhase.class))
                phase = game.getPhases().get(ProxylessCreateGamePhase.class);
            if (phase.getClass().equals(DrawPhase.class))
                phase = game.getPhases().get(ProxylessDrawPhase.class);

            phase = game.getPhase();

            if (game.getTurnPlayer().getNick().equals("RANDOM0"))
                firstPlayer = game.getTurnPlayer();
        int score = firstPlayer.getPoints();
        scores[r] = score;

    Mean m = new Mean();
    StandardDeviation sd = new StandardDeviation();
    System.out.println("Mean: " + m.evaluate(scores) + ", SD: " + sd.evaluate(scores));

From source file:jsprit.core.algorithm.acceptor.SchrimpfInitialThresholdGenerator.java

public void informAlgorithmStarts(VehicleRoutingProblem problem, VehicleRoutingAlgorithm algorithm,
        Collection<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution> solutions) {
    logger.info("prepare schrimpfAcceptanceFunction, i.e. determine initial threshold");
    double now = System.currentTimeMillis();

    /*// w  ww . j av  a 2s  . com
       * randomWalk to determine standardDev
    final double[] results = new double[nOfRandomWalks];

    URL resource = Resource.getAsURL("randomWalk.xml");
    AlgorithmConfig algorithmConfig = new AlgorithmConfig();
    new AlgorithmConfigXmlReader(algorithmConfig).read(resource);
    VehicleRoutingAlgorithm vra = VehicleRoutingAlgorithms.createAlgorithm(problem, algorithmConfig);
    vra.getAlgorithmListeners().addListener(new IterationEndsListener() {

        public void informIterationEnds(int iteration, VehicleRoutingProblem problem,
                Collection<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution> solutions) {
            double result = Solutions.bestOf(solutions).getCost();
            //            logger.info("result={}", result);
            results[iteration - 1] = result;


    StandardDeviation dev = new StandardDeviation();
    double standardDeviation = dev.evaluate(results);
    double initialThreshold = standardDeviation / 2;


    logger.info("took {} seconds", ((System.currentTimeMillis() - now) / 1000.0));
    logger.debug("initial threshold: {}", initialThreshold);

From source file:jsprit.core.algorithm.acceptor.ExperimentalSchrimpfAcceptance.java

public void informAlgorithmStarts(VehicleRoutingProblem problem, VehicleRoutingAlgorithm algorithm,
        Collection<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution> solutions) {
    reset();//from ww  w.  ja  va 2  s. co m
    logger.info("prepare schrimpfAcceptanceFunction, i.e. determine initial threshold");
    logger.info("start random-walk (see randomWalk.xml)");
    double now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    this.nOfTotalIterations = algorithm.getMaxIterations();

       * randomWalk to determine standardDev
    final double[] results = new double[nOfRandomWalks];

    URL resource = Resource.getAsURL("randomWalk.xml");
    AlgorithmConfig algorithmConfig = new AlgorithmConfig();
    new AlgorithmConfigXmlReader(algorithmConfig).read(resource);
    VehicleRoutingAlgorithm vra = VehicleRoutingAlgorithms.createAlgorithm(problem, algorithmConfig);
    vra.getAlgorithmListeners().addListener(new IterationEndsListener() {

        public void informIterationEnds(int iteration, VehicleRoutingProblem problem,
                Collection<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution> solutions) {
            double result = Solutions.bestOf(solutions).getCost();
            //            logger.info("result={}", result);
            results[iteration - 1] = result;


    StandardDeviation dev = new StandardDeviation();
    double standardDeviation = dev.evaluate(results);
    initialThreshold = standardDeviation / 2;

    logger.info("warmup done");
    logger.info("total time: {}s", ((System.currentTimeMillis() - now) / 1000.0));
    logger.info("initial threshold: {}", initialThreshold);


From source file:cerrla.Performance.java

 * Records performance scores using sliding windows of results.
 * /*from ww  w .  ja va2s  .c om*/
 * @param currentEpisode
 *            The current episode.
public void recordPerformanceScore(int currentEpisode) {
    if (recentScores_.isEmpty())
    // Transform the queues into arrays
    double[] vals = new double[recentScores_.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (Double val : recentScores_)
        vals[i++] = val.doubleValue();
    double[] envSDs = new double[internalSDs_.size()];
    i = 0;
    for (Double envSD : internalSDs_)
        envSDs[i++] = envSD.doubleValue();

    Mean m = new Mean();
    StandardDeviation sd = new StandardDeviation();
    double mean = m.evaluate(vals);
    double meanDeviation = sd.evaluate(envSDs) * CONVERGENCE_PERCENT_BUFFER;

    Double[] details = new Double[PerformanceDetails.values().length];
    details[PerformanceDetails.EPISODE.ordinal()] = Double.valueOf(currentEpisode);
    details[PerformanceDetails.MEAN.ordinal()] = mean;
    details[PerformanceDetails.SD.ordinal()] = sd.evaluate(vals);
    performanceDetails_.put(currentEpisode, details);

    // Output current means
    if (ProgramArgument.SYSTEM_OUTPUT.booleanValue() && !frozen_) {
        DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
        String meanString = formatter.format(mean);
        String sdString = formatter.format(meanDeviation);
        System.out.println("Average performance: " + meanString + " " + SD_SYMBOL + " " + sdString);
    if (frozen_) {
        System.out.println(currentEpisode + ": " + details[PerformanceDetails.MEAN.ordinal()]);

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.tc.mallet.report.MalletBatchCrossValidationReport.java

public void execute() throws Exception {
    StorageService store = getContext().getStorageService();

    FlexTable<String> table = FlexTable.forClass(String.class);

    Map<String, List<Double>> key2resultValues = new HashMap<String, List<Double>>();

    for (TaskContextMetadata subcontext : getSubtasks()) {
        String name = BatchTask.class.getSimpleName() + "CrossValidation";
        // one CV batch (which internally ran numFolds times)
        if (subcontext.getLabel().startsWith(name)) {
            Map<String, String> discriminatorsMap = store
                    .retrieveBinary(subcontext.getId(), Task.DISCRIMINATORS_KEY, new PropertiesAdapter())
                    .getMap();/*from www  .jav  a 2  s  . com*/

            File eval = store.getStorageFolder(subcontext.getId(), EVAL_FILE_NAME + SUFFIX_CSV);

            Map<String, String> resultMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

            String[][] evalMatrix = null;

            int i = 0;
            for (String line : FileUtils.readLines(eval)) {
                String[] tokenizedLine = StrTokenizer.getCSVInstance(line).getTokenArray();
                if (evalMatrix == null) {
                    evalMatrix = new String[FileUtils.readLines(eval).size()][tokenizedLine.length];
                evalMatrix[i] = tokenizedLine;

            // columns
            for (int j = 0; j < evalMatrix[0].length; j++) {
                String header = evalMatrix[0][j];
                String[] vals = new String[evalMatrix.length - 1];
                // rows
                for (int k = 1; k < evalMatrix.length; k++) {
                    if (evalMatrix[k][j].equals("null")) {
                        vals[k - 1] = String.valueOf(0.);
                    } else {
                        vals[k - 1] = evalMatrix[k][j];
                Mean mean = new Mean();
                Sum sum = new Sum();
                StandardDeviation std = new StandardDeviation();

                double[] dVals = new double[vals.length];
                Set<String> sVals = new HashSet<String>();
                for (int k = 0; k < vals.length; k++) {
                    try {
                        dVals[k] = Double.parseDouble(vals[k]);
                        sVals = null;
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        dVals = null;

                if (dVals != null) {
                    if (nonAveragedResultsMeasures.contains(header)) {
                        resultMap.put(header, String.valueOf(sum.evaluate(dVals)));
                    } else {
                        resultMap.put(header, String.valueOf(mean.evaluate(dVals)) + "\u00B1"
                                + String.valueOf(std.evaluate(dVals)));
                } else {
                    if (sVals.size() > 1) {
                        resultMap.put(header, "---");
                    } else {
                        resultMap.put(header, vals[0]);

            String key = getKey(discriminatorsMap);

            List<Double> results;
            if (key2resultValues.get(key) == null) {
                results = new ArrayList<Double>();
            } else {
                results = key2resultValues.get(key);

            key2resultValues.put(key, results);

            Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
            Map<String, String> cleanedDiscriminatorsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

            for (String disc : discriminatorsMap.keySet()) {
                if (!ReportUtils.containsExcludePattern(disc, discriminatorsToExclude)) {
                    cleanedDiscriminatorsMap.put(disc, discriminatorsMap.get(disc));

            table.addRow(subcontext.getLabel(), values);

    getContext().getLoggingService().message(getContextLabel(), ReportUtils.getPerformanceOverview(table));

    // Excel cannot cope with more than 255 columns
    if (table.getColumnIds().length <= 255) {
        getContext().storeBinary(EVAL_FILE_NAME + "_compact" + SUFFIX_EXCEL, table.getExcelWriter());
    getContext().storeBinary(EVAL_FILE_NAME + "_compact" + SUFFIX_CSV, table.getCsvWriter());

    // Excel cannot cope with more than 255 columns
    if (table.getColumnIds().length <= 255) {
        getContext().storeBinary(EVAL_FILE_NAME + SUFFIX_EXCEL, table.getExcelWriter());
    getContext().storeBinary(EVAL_FILE_NAME + SUFFIX_CSV, table.getCsvWriter());

    // output the location of the batch evaluation folder
    // otherwise it might be hard for novice users to locate this
    File dummyFolder = store.getStorageFolder(getContext().getId(), "dummy");
    // TODO can we also do this without creating and deleting the dummy folder?
            "Storing detailed results in:\n" + dummyFolder.getParent() + "\n");

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.tc.crfsuite.CRFSuiteBatchCrossValidationReport.java

public void execute() throws Exception {
    StorageService store = getContext().getStorageService();

    FlexTable<String> table = FlexTable.forClass(String.class);

    Map<String, List<Double>> key2resultValues = new HashMap<String, List<Double>>();

    for (TaskContextMetadata subcontext : getSubtasks()) {
        String name = ExperimentCrossValidation.class.getSimpleName();
        // one CV batch (which internally ran numFolds times)
        if (subcontext.getLabel().startsWith(name)) {
            Map<String, String> discriminatorsMap = store
                    .retrieveBinary(subcontext.getId(), Task.DISCRIMINATORS_KEY, new PropertiesAdapter())
                    .getMap();// w  w  w . j  a v  a  2 s .c o  m

            File eval = store.getStorageFolder(subcontext.getId(), EVAL_FILE_NAME + SUFFIX_CSV);

            Map<String, String> resultMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

            String[][] evalMatrix = null;

            int i = 0;
            for (String line : FileUtils.readLines(eval)) {
                String[] tokenizedLine = StrTokenizer.getCSVInstance(line).getTokenArray();
                if (evalMatrix == null) {
                    evalMatrix = new String[FileUtils.readLines(eval).size()][tokenizedLine.length];
                evalMatrix[i] = tokenizedLine;

            // columns
            for (int j = 0; j < evalMatrix[0].length; j++) {
                String header = evalMatrix[0][j];
                String[] vals = new String[evalMatrix.length - 1];
                // rows
                for (int k = 1; k < evalMatrix.length; k++) {
                    if (evalMatrix[k][j].equals("null")) {
                        vals[k - 1] = String.valueOf(0.);
                    } else {
                        vals[k - 1] = evalMatrix[k][j];

                Mean mean = new Mean();
                Sum sum = new Sum();
                StandardDeviation std = new StandardDeviation();

                double[] dVals = new double[vals.length];
                Set<String> sVals = new HashSet<String>();
                for (int k = 0; k < vals.length; k++) {
                    try {
                        dVals[k] = Double.parseDouble(vals[k]);
                        sVals = null;
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        dVals = null;

                if (dVals != null) {
                    if (nonAveragedResultsMeasures.contains(header)) {
                        resultMap.put(header + foldSum, String.valueOf(sum.evaluate(dVals)));
                    } else {
                        resultMap.put(header + foldAveraged, String.valueOf(
                                mean.evaluate(dVals) + "\u00B1" + String.valueOf(std.evaluate(dVals))));
                } else {
                    if (sVals.size() > 1) {
                        resultMap.put(header, "---");
                    } else {
                        resultMap.put(header, vals[0]);

            String key = getKey(discriminatorsMap);

            List<Double> results;
            if (key2resultValues.get(key) == null) {
                results = new ArrayList<Double>();
            } else {
                results = key2resultValues.get(key);

            key2resultValues.put(key, results);

            Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
            Map<String, String> cleanedDiscriminatorsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

            for (String disc : discriminatorsMap.keySet()) {
                if (!ReportUtils.containsExcludePattern(disc, discriminatorsToExclude)) {
                    cleanedDiscriminatorsMap.put(disc, discriminatorsMap.get(disc));

            table.addRow(subcontext.getLabel(), values);

    getContext().getLoggingService().message(getContextLabel(), ReportUtils.getPerformanceOverview(table));
    // Excel cannot cope with more than 255 columns
    if (table.getColumnIds().length <= 255) {
        getContext().storeBinary(EVAL_FILE_NAME + "_compact" + SUFFIX_EXCEL, table.getExcelWriter());
    getContext().storeBinary(EVAL_FILE_NAME + "_compact" + SUFFIX_CSV, table.getCsvWriter());

    // Excel cannot cope with more than 255 columns
    if (table.getColumnIds().length <= 255) {
        getContext().storeBinary(EVAL_FILE_NAME + SUFFIX_EXCEL, table.getExcelWriter());
    getContext().storeBinary(EVAL_FILE_NAME + SUFFIX_CSV, table.getCsvWriter());

    // output the location of the batch evaluation folder
    // otherwise it might be hard for novice users to locate this
    File dummyFolder = store.getStorageFolder(getContext().getId(), "dummy");
    // TODO can we also do this without creating and deleting the dummy folder?
            "Storing detailed results in:\n" + dummyFolder.getParent() + "\n");

From source file:org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.orderedpartitioner.TestOrderedPartitionExchange.java

 * Starts two drillbits and runs a physical plan with a Mock scan, project, OrderedParititionExchange, Union Exchange,
 * and sort. The final sort is done first on the partition column, and verifies that the partitions are correct, in that
 * all rows in partition 0 should come in the sort order before any row in partition 1, etc. Also verifies that the standard
 * deviation of the size of the partitions is less than one tenth the mean size of the partitions, because we expect all
 * the partitions to be roughly equal in size.
 * @throws Exception/*from   ww w.j ava  2 s .  c o  m*/
public void twoBitTwoExchangeRun() throws Exception {
    RemoteServiceSet serviceSet = RemoteServiceSet.getLocalServiceSet();

    try (Drillbit bit1 = new Drillbit(CONFIG, serviceSet);
            Drillbit bit2 = new Drillbit(CONFIG, serviceSet);
            DrillClient client = new DrillClient(CONFIG, serviceSet.getCoordinator());) {

        List<QueryDataBatch> results = client.runQuery(
                Files.toString(FileUtils.getResourceAsFile("/sender/ordered_exchange.json"), Charsets.UTF_8));
        int count = 0;
        List<Integer> partitionRecordCounts = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (QueryDataBatch b : results) {
            if (b.getData() != null) {
                int rows = b.getHeader().getRowCount();
                count += rows;
                RecordBatchLoader loader = new RecordBatchLoader(
                        new BootStrapContext(DrillConfig.create()).getAllocator());
                loader.load(b.getHeader().getDef(), b.getData());
                BigIntVector vv1 = (BigIntVector) loader.getValueAccessorById(BigIntVector.class, loader
                        .getValueVectorId(new SchemaPath("col1", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)).getFieldIds())
                Float8Vector vv2 = (Float8Vector) loader.getValueAccessorById(Float8Vector.class, loader
                        .getValueVectorId(new SchemaPath("col2", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)).getFieldIds())
                IntVector pVector = (IntVector) loader.getValueAccessorById(IntVector.class,
                        loader.getValueVectorId(new SchemaPath("partition", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN))
                long previous1 = Long.MIN_VALUE;
                double previous2 = Double.MIN_VALUE;
                int partPrevious = -1;
                long current1 = Long.MIN_VALUE;
                double current2 = Double.MIN_VALUE;
                int partCurrent = -1;
                int partitionRecordCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
                    previous1 = current1;
                    previous2 = current2;
                    partPrevious = partCurrent;
                    current1 = vv1.getAccessor().get(i);
                    current2 = vv2.getAccessor().get(i);
                    partCurrent = pVector.getAccessor().get(i);
                    Assert.assertTrue(current1 >= previous1);
                    if (current1 == previous1) {
                        Assert.assertTrue(current2 <= previous2);
                    if (partCurrent == partPrevious || partPrevious == -1) {
                    } else {
                        partitionRecordCount = 0;

        double[] values = new double[partitionRecordCounts.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (Integer rc : partitionRecordCounts) {
            values[i++] = rc.doubleValue();
        StandardDeviation stdDev = new StandardDeviation();
        Mean mean = new Mean();
        double std = stdDev.evaluate(values);
        double m = mean.evaluate(values);
        System.out.println("mean: " + m + " std dev: " + std);
        //Assert.assertTrue(std < 0.1 * m);
        assertEquals(31000, count);

From source file:org.coode.distance.entityrelevance.AbstractRankingRelevancePolicy.java

private double computeStandardDeviation() {
    StandardDeviation sd = new StandardDeviation();
    Set<Double> rankingValues = this.getRanking().getValues();
    double[] values = new double[rankingValues.size()];
    int i = 0;// www . j  a  va2 s  .  c o m
    for (Double d : rankingValues) {
        values[i] = d;
    return sd.evaluate(values);

From source file:org.graphstream.algorithm.measure.CommunityDistribution.java

/**/*from  ww w. jav  a 2 s  .c  om*/
 * Computes and update the statistical information on size distribution.
 * @complexity O(C), where C is the expected number of communities.
public void compute() {
    if (graphChanged) {
        // Default measure is the number of communities
        M = (float) communities.size();

        // Update the smallest/biggest community
        // and creates the size distribution
        int maxSize = 0;
        int minSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        double[] distribution = new double[(int) M];
        int k = 0;
        Mean mean = new Mean();
        StandardDeviation stdev = new StandardDeviation();

        for (Object c : communities.keySet()) {
            distribution[k++] = (communities.get(c)).size();

            if ((communities.get(c)).size() > maxSize) {
                biggestCommunity = c;
                maxSize = (communities.get(c)).size();
            if ((communities.get(c)).size() < minSize) {
                smallestCommunity = c;
                minSize = (communities.get(c)).size();

        // Compute the statistical moments
        avgSize = (float) mean.evaluate(distribution);
        stdevSize = (float) stdev.evaluate(distribution);

        graphChanged = false;