Example usage for org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive SummaryStatistics getSum

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive SummaryStatistics getSum


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive SummaryStatistics getSum.


public double getSum() 

Source Link


Returns the sum of the values that have been added


From source file:gsn.tests.performance.Queries.java

private String printStats(SummaryStatistics stats, String unit) {
    return new StringBuilder().append("sum:").append(format(stats.getSum())).append(", min:")
            .append(format(stats.getMin())).append(", max:").append(format(stats.getMax())).append(", mean:")
            .append(format(stats.getMean())).append(", var:").append(format(stats.getVariance())).append(" [")

From source file:de.escidoc.core.om.performance.Statistics.java

 * @return the statistics of all measured methods.
 *///from w  w  w .j a  v a 2 s  .co m
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Get all currently available statistics")
public String getKeys() {
    final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
    for (final String key : this.statisticsMap.keySet()) {
        final SummaryStatistics s = getStatistics(key);
        if (s != null) {
            b.append(key).append(", #:").append(s.getN()).append(", min (ms):").append((long) s.getMin())
                    .append(", max (ms):").append((long) s.getMax()).append(", mean (ms):")
                    .append((long) s.getMean()).append(", stddev (ms):").append((long) s.getStandardDeviation())
                    .append(", total (ms):").append((long) s.getSum()).append('\n');
    return b.toString();

From source file:net.shipilev.fjptrace.tasks.PrintSummaryTask.java

private void summarizeEvents(PrintWriter pw, Events events) {
    SummaryStatistics completeTimes = new SummaryStatistics();
    SummaryStatistics execTimes = new SummaryStatistics();
    Map<Integer, Long> times = new HashMap<>();

    for (Event e : events) {
        switch (e.eventType) {
        case COMPLETING:
            times.put(e.tag, e.time);/*from  w w  w  .  ja v a2s .c  o  m*/
        case COMPLETED: {
            Long startTime = times.get(e.tag);
            if (startTime != null) {
                completeTimes.addValue(e.time - startTime);
        case EXEC:
            times.put(e.tag, e.time);
        case EXECUTED:
            Long startTime = times.get(e.tag);
            if (startTime != null) {
                execTimes.addValue(e.time - startTime);

    pw.println("EXEC -> EXECUTED: " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis((long) execTimes.getSum()) + "ms");
            "COMPLETING -> COMPLETED: " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis((long) completeTimes.getSum()) + "ms");


From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.TestHostAffinitySplitLocationProvider.java

private double testHashDistribution(int locs, final int missCount, FileSplit[] splits,
        AtomicInteger errorCount) {
    // This relies heavily on what method determineSplits ... calls and doesn't.
    // We could do a wrapper with only size() and get() methods instead of List, to be sure.
    List<String> partLocs = (List<String>) Mockito.mock(List.class);
    final AtomicInteger state = new AtomicInteger(0);
    Mockito.when(partLocs.get(Mockito.anyInt())).thenAnswer(new Answer<String>() {
        @Override/*from   w w w  .  j  a v a2 s.c  o m*/
        public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            return (state.getAndIncrement() == missCount) ? "not-null" : null;
    int[] hitCounts = new int[locs];
    for (int splitIx = 0; splitIx < splits.length; ++splitIx) {
        int index = HostAffinitySplitLocationProvider.determineLocation(partLocs,
                splits[splitIx].getPath().toString(), splits[splitIx].getStart(), null);
    SummaryStatistics ss = new SummaryStatistics();
    for (int hitCount : hitCounts) {
    // All of this is completely bogus and mostly captures the following function:
    // f(output) = I-eyeballed-the(output) == they-look-ok.
    // It's pretty much a golden file... 
    // The fact that stdev doesn't increase with increasing missCount is captured outside.
    double avg = ss.getSum() / ss.getN(), stdev = ss.getStandardDeviation(), cv = stdev / avg;
    double allowedMin = avg - 2.5 * stdev, allowedMax = avg + 2.5 * stdev;
    if (allowedMin > ss.getMin() || allowedMax < ss.getMax() || cv > 0.22) {
        LOG.info("The distribution for " + locs + " locations, " + missCount + " misses isn't to "
                + "our liking: avg " + avg + ", stdev " + stdev + ", cv " + cv + ", min " + ss.getMin()
                + ", max " + ss.getMax());
    return cv;

From source file:org.apache.mahout.freqtermsets.fpgrowth.FPGrowth.java

 * Internal TopKFrequentPattern Generation algorithm, which represents the
 * A's as integers and transforms features to use only integers
 * // ww w . j  a v  a  2  s. c om
 * @param transactions
 *          Transaction database Iterator
 * @param attributeFrequency
 *          array representing the Frequency of the corresponding
 *          attribute id
 * @param minSupport
 *          minimum support of the pattern to be mined
 * @param k
 *          Max value of the Size of the Max-Heap in which Patterns are
 *          held
 * @param featureSetSize
 *          number of features
 * @param returnFeatures
 *          the id's of the features for which Top K patterns have to be
 *          mined
 * @param topKPatternsOutputCollector
 *          the outputCollector which transforms the given Pattern in
 *          integer format to the corresponding A Format
private void generateTopKFrequentPatterns(
        // Iterator<Pair<int[], Long>> transactions,
        TransactionTree cTree, OpenObjectIntHashMap<A> attributeIdMapping, long[] attributeFrequency,
        long minSupport, int k, int featureSetSize, Collection<Integer> returnFeatures,
        TopKPatternsOutputConverter<A> topKPatternsOutputCollector, StatusUpdater updater) throws IOException {
    // FPTree tree = new FPTree(featureSetSize);
    FPTree tree = null;
    boolean change = true;
    int pruneIters = 0;
    IntArrayList pruneByContingencyCount = new IntArrayList();
    IntArrayList pruneBySpreadCount = new IntArrayList();

    while (change) {

        change = false;
        tree = new FPTree(featureSetSize);
        OpenIntLongHashMap[] childJointFreq;
        long[] sumChildSupport;
        if (BONSAI_PRUNE) {
            childJointFreq = new OpenIntLongHashMap[featureSetSize];
            sumChildSupport = new long[featureSetSize];
        double supportGrandTotal = 0;
        // } YA: BONSAAAAAAAII

        for (int i = 0; i < featureSetSize; i++) {
            tree.addHeaderCount(i, attributeFrequency[i]);

            // YA: BONSAAAAAAAII {
            if (attributeFrequency[i] < 0) {
                continue; // this is an attribute not satisfying the
                // monotone constraint
            if (BONSAI_PRUNE) {
                childJointFreq[i] = new OpenIntLongHashMap();
                supportGrandTotal += attributeFrequency[i];
            // } YA: Bonsai

        // Constructing initial FPTree from the list of transactions
        // YA Bonsai : To pass the tree itself the iterator now would work
        // only with ints.. the A type argument is
        // not checked in the constructor. TOD: remove the type argument and
        // force using ints only
        Iterator<Pair<int[], Long>> transactions = new IntTransactionIterator(cTree.iterator(),

        int nodecount = 0;
        // int attribcount = 0;
        int i = 0;
        while (transactions.hasNext()) {
            Pair<int[], Long> transaction = transactions.next();
            // attribcount += transaction.length;
            // YA: Bonsai {
            // nodecount += treeAddCount(tree, transaction.getFirst(),
            // transaction.getSecond(), minSupport, attributeFrequency);
            int temp = FPTree.ROOTNODEID;
            boolean addCountMode = true;
            for (int attribute : transaction.getFirst()) {
                if (attributeFrequency[attribute] < 0) {
                    continue; // this is an attribute not satisfying the
                    // monotone constraint
                if (attributeFrequency[attribute] < minSupport) {
                if (BONSAI_PRUNE && tree.attribute(temp) != -1) { // Root node
                            childJointFreq[tree.attribute(temp)].get(attribute) + transaction.getSecond());
                    sumChildSupport[tree.attribute(temp)] += transaction.getSecond();
                int child;
                if (addCountMode) {
                    child = tree.childWithAttribute(temp, attribute);
                    if (child == -1) {
                        addCountMode = false;
                    } else {
                        tree.addCount(child, transaction.getSecond());
                        temp = child;
                if (!addCountMode) {
                    child = tree.createNode(temp, attribute, transaction.getSecond());
                    temp = child;
            // } YA Bonsai
            if (i % 10000 == 0) {
                log.info("FPTree Building: Read {} Transactions", i);

        log.info("Number of Nodes in the FP Tree: {}", nodecount);

        // YA: BONSAAAAAAAII {
        if (BONSAI_PRUNE) {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                log.info("Bonsai prunining tree: {}", tree.toString());

            for (int a = 0; a < tree.getHeaderTableCount(); ++a) {
                int attr = tree.getAttributeAtIndex(a);

                if (attributeFrequency[attr] < 0) {
                    continue; // this is an attribute not satisfying the
                    // monotone constraint
                if (attributeFrequency[attr] < minSupport) {
                // if (sumChildSupport[attr] < attributeFrequency[attr]) {
                // // the case of . (full stop) as the next child
                // childJointFreq[attr]
                // .put(-1,
                // (long) (attributeFrequency[attr] - sumChildSupport[attr]));
                // }
                float numChildren = childJointFreq[attr].size();

                // if (numChildren < LEAST_NUM_CHILDREN_TO_VOTE_FOR_NOISE) {
                // continue;
                // }
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    log.trace("Voting for noisiness of attribute {} with number of children: {}", attr,
                    log.trace("Attribute support: {} - Total Children support: {}", attributeFrequency[attr],
                // EMD and the such.. the threshold isn't easy to define, and it
                // also doesn't take into account the weights of children.
                // // double uniformProb = 1.0 / numChildren;
                // // double uniformProb = sumChildSupport[attr] /
                // supportGrandTotal;
                // double uniformFreq = attributeFrequency[attr] / numChildren;
                // IntArrayList childAttrArr = childJointFreq[attr].keys();
                // // IntArrayList childAttrArr = new IntArrayList();
                // // childJointFreq[attr].keysSortedByValue(childAttrArr);
                // double totalDifference = 0;
                // double sumOfWeights = 0;
                // // double emd = 0;
                // for (int c = childAttrArr.size() - 1; c >=0 ; --c) {
                // int childAttr = childAttrArr.get(c);
                // double childJF = childJointFreq[attr].get(childAttr);
                // double childWeight = attributeFrequency[childAttr];
                // totalDifference += childWeight * Math.abs(childJF -
                // uniformFreq);
                // sumOfWeights += childWeight;
                // // double jointProb = childJF /
                // // supportGrandTotal;
                // // double childProb = attributeFrequency[childAttr] /
                // // supportGrandTotal;
                // // double childConditional = childJF /
                // attributeFrequency[attr];
                // // emd = childConditional + emd - uniformProb;
                // // emd = childJF + emd - uniformFreq;
                // // totalDifference += Math.abs(emd);
                // }
                // // Probability (D > observed ) = QKS Ne + 0.12 + 0.11/ Ne D
                // // double pNotUniform = totalDifference / attrSupport;
                // // double threshold = (numChildren * (numChildren - 1) * 1.0)
                // // / (2.0 * attributeFrequency[attr]);
                // double weightedDiff = totalDifference / sumOfWeights;
                // double threshold = sumOfWeights / 2.0; // each child can be
                // up to
                // // 1 over or below the
                // // uniform freq
                // boolean noise = weightedDiff < threshold;
                // log.info("EMD: {} - Threshold: {}", weightedDiff, threshold);
                // ///////////////////////////////////
                // Log odds.. this is my hartala, and it needs ot be shifted
                // according to the number of children
                // // // if there is one child then the prob of random choice
                // // will be
                // // // 1, so anything would be
                // // // noise
                // // // and if there are few then the probability that this is
                // // // actually noise declines
                // // if (numChildren >= LEAST_NUM_CHILDREN_TO_VOTE_FOR_NOISE)
                // // {
                // // log.info(
                // //
                // "Voting for noisiness of attribute {} with number of children: {}",
                // // currentAttribute, numChildren);
                // // log.info(
                // // "Attribute support: {} - Total Children support: {}",
                // // attrSupport, sumOfChildSupport);
                // // int noiseVotes = 0;
                // // double randomSelectionLogOdds = 1.0 / numChildren;
                // // randomSelectionLogOdds = Math.log(randomSelectionLogOdds
                // // / (1 - randomSelectionLogOdds));
                // // randomSelectionLogOdds =
                // // Math.abs(randomSelectionLogOdds);
                // //
                // // IntArrayList childAttrArr = childJointFreq.keys();
                // // for (int c = 0; c < childAttrArr.size(); ++c) {
                // // double childConditional = 1.0
                // // * childJointFreq.get(childAttrArr.get(c))
                // // / sumOfChildSupport; // attrSupport;
                // // double childLogOdds = Math.log(childConditional
                // // / (1 - childConditional));
                // // if (Math.abs(childLogOdds) <= randomSelectionLogOdds) {
                // // // probability of the child given me is different
                // // // than
                // // // probability of choosing the
                // // // child randomly
                // // // from among my children.. using absolute log odds
                // // // because they are symmetric
                // // ++noiseVotes;
                // // }
                // // }
                // // log.info("Noisy if below: {} - Noise votes: {}",
                // // randomSelectionLogOdds, noiseVotes);
                // // noise = noiseVotes == numChildren;
                // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                // // Kullback-liebler divergence from the uniform distribution
                // double randomChild = 1.0 / numChildren;
                // IntArrayList childAttrArr = childJointFreq[attr].keys();
                // double klDivergence = 0;
                // for (int c = 0; c < childAttrArr.size(); ++c) {
                // double childConditional = 1.0
                // * childJointFreq[attr].get(childAttrArr.get(c))
                // / attributeFrequency[attr];
                // if (childConditional == 0) {
                // continue; // a7a!
                // }
                // klDivergence += childConditional
                // * Math.log(childConditional / randomChild);
                // }
                // boolean noise = Math.abs(klDivergence) < 0.05;
                // log.info("KL-Divergence: {} - Noise less than: {}",
                // klDivergence, 0.05);
                // //////////////////////////////////////
                // Pair wise metric with different children
                SummaryStatistics metricSummary = new SummaryStatistics();
                // double[] metric = new double[(int) numChildren];

                // SummaryStatistics spreadSummary = new SummaryStatistics();
                // double uniformSpread = attributeFrequency[attr] /
                // numChildren;
                double goodnessOfFit = 0.0;
                // If I don't take the . into account: sumChildSupport[attr] /
                // numChildren;

                double sumOfWeights = 0;
                IntArrayList childAttrArr = childJointFreq[attr].keys();
                for (int c = 0; c < childAttrArr.size(); ++c) {
                    int childAttr = childAttrArr.get(c);
                    double[][] contingencyTable = new double[2][2];
                    if (childAttr == -1) {
                        // this is meaningless, as yuleq will just be 1
                        contingencyTable[1][1] = childJointFreq[attr].get(childAttr);
                        contingencyTable[1][0] = sumChildSupport[attr];
                        // equals attributeFrequency[attr] -
                        // contingencyTable[1][1];
                        contingencyTable[0][1] = 0;
                        contingencyTable[0][0] = supportGrandTotal - attributeFrequency[attr];
                    } else {
                        contingencyTable[1][1] = childJointFreq[attr].get(childAttr);
                        contingencyTable[1][0] = attributeFrequency[attr] - contingencyTable[1][1];
                        contingencyTable[0][1] = attributeFrequency[childAttr] - contingencyTable[1][1];
                        contingencyTable[0][0] = supportGrandTotal - attributeFrequency[attr]
                                - attributeFrequency[childAttr] + contingencyTable[1][1];
                        // because of the meninglessness of yuleq in case of . }
                        double ad = contingencyTable[0][0] * contingencyTable[1][1];
                        double bc = contingencyTable[0][1] * contingencyTable[1][0];
                        double yuleq = (ad - bc) / (ad + bc);
                        double weight = attributeFrequency[childAttr];
                        sumOfWeights += weight;
                        metricSummary.addValue(Math.abs(yuleq * weight));
                        // metricSummary.addValue(yuleq * yuleq * weight);
                    // spreadSummary.addValue(Math.abs(uniformSpread
                    // - contingencyTable[1][1])
                    // / numChildren);
                    // spreadSummary.addValue(contingencyTable[1][1]); // *
                    // weight
                    goodnessOfFit += contingencyTable[1][1] * contingencyTable[1][1];
                // double weightedquadraticMean =
                // Math.sqrt(metricSummary.getSum() / sumOfWeights);
                double weightedMean = (metricSummary.getSum() / sumOfWeights);

                boolean noise = false;
                // if (weightedMean < 0.5) {
                // pruneByContingencyCount.set(pruneIters, pruneByContingencyCount.get(pruneIters) + 1);
                // noise = true;
                // } else if (weightedMean < 0.95) {
                if (numChildren > 1) {
                    double n = sumChildSupport[attr]; // attributeFrequency[attr];
                    goodnessOfFit /= (n / numChildren);
                    goodnessOfFit -= n;
                    ChiSquaredDistributionImpl chisqDist = new ChiSquaredDistributionImpl(numChildren - 1);
                    double criticalPoint = -1;
                    try {
                        criticalPoint = chisqDist.inverseCumulativeProbability(1.0 - SIGNIFICANCE / 2.0);
                    } catch (MathException e) {
                        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                    if (goodnessOfFit < criticalPoint) {
                        pruneBySpreadCount.set(pruneIters, pruneBySpreadCount.get(pruneIters) + 1);
                        noise = true;
                    // // double spreadCentraltendency = (spreadSummary.getMax()
                    // -
                    // // spreadSummary.getMin()) / 2.0;
                    // // spreadSummary.getMean();
                    // // double uniformSpread = sumChildSupport[attr] /
                    // // numChildren;
                    // // noise = Math.abs(spreadCentraltendency -
                    // uniformSpread) <
                    // // 1e-4;
                    // double spreadCentraltendency = spreadSummary.getMean();
                    // // (spreadSummary.getMax() -
                    // // spreadSummary.getMin()) / 2.0;
                    // if(spreadCentraltendency < 1e-6){
                    // noise = true;
                    // }
                    // if (!noise && numChildren > 0) {
                    // // see if the difference is statitically significant
                    // double spreadCI = getConfidenceIntervalHalfWidth(
                    // spreadSummary, SIGNIFICANCE);
                    // spreadCentraltendency -= spreadCI;
                    // if (spreadCentraltendency < 0) {
                    // noise = true;
                    // }
                    // // // noise if the CI contains the uniform spread
                    // // threshold
                    // // if (spreadCentraltendency > uniformSpread) {
                    // // noise = (spreadCentraltendency - spreadCI) <
                    // // uniformSpread;
                    // // } else {
                    // // noise = (spreadCentraltendency + spreadCI) >
                    // // uniformSpread;
                    // // }
                    // }
                change |= noise;

                if (noise) {
                    if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                        log.info("Pruning attribute {} with child joint freq {}", attr, childJointFreq[attr]);
                    attributeFrequency[attr] = -1;

    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.info("Pruned tree: {}", tree.toString());
        log.info("Prune by contingency: {} - Prune by spread: {}", pruneByContingencyCount.toString(),
    // } YA: Bonsai
    fpGrowth(tree, minSupport, k, returnFeatures, topKPatternsOutputCollector, updater);

From source file:rapture.stat.memory.ValueMemoryType.java

public boolean calculate() {
    if (System.currentTimeMillis() > nextRecord) {
        ValueStat v = new ValueStat();
        v.setKey(key);/*from  w  w  w.j  av a  2s .co m*/
        if (workingValues.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            SummaryStatistics summary = new SummaryStatistics();
            synchronized (workingValues) {
                for (ValueStat vs : workingValues) {
            switch (operation) {
            case AVERAGE:
            case SUM:
        nextRecord = nextExtractionTime();
        return true;
    return false;

From source file:uk.ac.diamond.scisoft.analysis.dataset.AbstractDataset.java

 * Calculate summary statistics for a dataset along an axis
 */// w  ww .j  a  v a2 s.  co m
protected void calculateSummaryStats(final int axis) {
    int rank = getRank();

    int[] oshape = getShape();
    int alen = oshape[axis];
    oshape[axis] = 1;

    int[] nshape = new int[rank - 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < axis; i++) {
        nshape[i] = oshape[i];
    for (int i = axis + 1; i < rank; i++) {
        nshape[i - 1] = oshape[i];

    final int dtype = getDtype();
    IntegerDataset count = new IntegerDataset(nshape);
    AbstractDataset max = zeros(nshape, dtype);
    AbstractDataset min = zeros(nshape, dtype);
    IntegerDataset maxIndex = new IntegerDataset(nshape);
    IntegerDataset minIndex = new IntegerDataset(nshape);
    AbstractDataset sum = zeros(nshape, getLargestDType(dtype));
    DoubleDataset mean = new DoubleDataset(nshape);
    DoubleDataset var = new DoubleDataset(nshape);

    IndexIterator qiter = max.getIterator(true);
    int[] qpos = qiter.getPos();
    int[] spos = oshape.clone();

    while (qiter.hasNext()) {
        int i = 0;
        for (; i < axis; i++) {
            spos[i] = qpos[i];
        spos[i++] = 0;
        for (; i < rank; i++) {
            spos[i] = qpos[i - 1];

        final SummaryStatistics stats = new SummaryStatistics();
        for (int j = 0; j < alen; j++) {
            spos[axis] = j;
            final double val = getDouble(spos);
            if (Double.isInfinite(val) || Double.isNaN(val)) {


        count.setAbs(qiter.index, (int) stats.getN());

        final double amax = stats.getMax();
        max.setObjectAbs(qiter.index, amax);
        for (int j = 0; j < alen; j++) {
            spos[axis] = j;
            final double val = getDouble(spos);
            if (val == amax) {
                maxIndex.setAbs(qiter.index, j);
        final double amin = stats.getMin();
        min.setObjectAbs(qiter.index, amax);
        for (int j = 0; j < alen; j++) {
            spos[axis] = j;
            final double val = getDouble(spos);
            if (val == amin) {
                minIndex.setAbs(qiter.index, j);
        sum.setObjectAbs(qiter.index, stats.getSum());
        mean.setAbs(qiter.index, stats.getMean());
        var.setAbs(qiter.index, stats.getVariance());
    setStoredValue("count-" + axis, count);
    storedValues.put("max-" + axis, max);
    storedValues.put("min-" + axis, min);
    storedValues.put("sum-" + axis, sum);
    storedValues.put("mean-" + axis, mean);
    storedValues.put("var-" + axis, var);
    storedValues.put("maxIndex-" + axis, maxIndex);
    storedValues.put("minIndex-" + axis, minIndex);

From source file:uk.ac.diamond.scisoft.analysis.dataset.ComplexDoubleDataset.java

public Object sum() {
    if (storedValues == null) {
        calculateSummaryStats();//  w w w  . j  ava 2  s .  c  o m

    final SummaryStatistics rstats = (SummaryStatistics) storedValues.get("stats-0");
    final SummaryStatistics istats = (SummaryStatistics) storedValues.get("stats-1");
    return new Complex(rstats.getSum(), istats.getSum());