Example usage for org.apache.commons.math.stat Frequency valuesIterator

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math.stat Frequency valuesIterator


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math.stat Frequency valuesIterator.


public Iterator<Comparable<?>> valuesIterator() 

Source Link


Returns an Iterator over the set of values that have been added.


From source file:com.gtwm.pb.model.manageData.WordCloud.java

 * @param textLowerCase/*from w w  w  .j av a 2s .  c om*/
 *            Input text, must be lower case
 * @param minWeight
 *            Minimum tag weight, e.g. a font size
 * @param maxWeight
 *            Max. tag weight
 * @param maxTags
 *            Maximum number of tags to return, -1 for all tags
 * @param additionalStopWords
 *            Set of words to specifically exclude, in addition to the
 *            standard set [and, not, after, yes, no, ...]
public WordCloud(String textLowerCase, int minWeight, int maxWeight, int maxTags,
        Set<String> additionalStopWords) {
    String[] wordArray = textLowerCase.split("\\W");
    Set<String> stopWords = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(stopWordsArray));
    for (String additionalStopWord : additionalStopWords) {
    LancasterStemmer stemmer = new LancasterStemmer();
    String wordStem;
    Frequency frequencies = new Frequency();
    for (String wordString : wordArray) {
        if ((!stopWords.contains(wordString)) && (wordString.length() >= minWordLength)) {
            wordStem = stemmer.stripSuffixes(wordString);
            // Record the mapping of the stem to its origin so the most
            // common origin can be re-introduced when the cloud is
            // generated
            this.recordStemOrigin(wordString, wordStem);
    // Compute std. dev of frequencies so we can remove outliers
    DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
    Iterator freqIt = frequencies.valuesIterator();
    long stemFreq;
    while (freqIt.hasNext()) {
        stemFreq = frequencies.getCount(freqIt.next());
    double mean = stats.getMean();
    double stdDev = stats.getStandardDeviation();
    long minFreq = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    long maxFreq = 0;
    // Remove outliers
    freqIt = frequencies.valuesIterator();
    int upperLimit = (int) (mean + (stdDev * 10));
    int lowerLimit = (int) (mean - stdDev);
    if (lowerLimit < 2) {
        lowerLimit = 2;
    int numWords = 0;
    int numRawWords = wordArray.length;
    boolean removeLowOutliers = (numRawWords > (maxTags * 10));
    while (freqIt.hasNext()) {
        wordStem = (String) freqIt.next();
        stemFreq = frequencies.getCount(wordStem);
        // For a large input set, remove high and low outliers.
        // For a smaller set, just high freq. outliers
        if ((stemFreq > upperLimit) || ((stemFreq < lowerLimit) && removeLowOutliers)) {
        } else {
            if (stemFreq > maxFreq) {
                maxFreq = stemFreq;
            } else if (stemFreq < minFreq) {
                minFreq = stemFreq;
    // Cut down to exact required number of tags by removing smallest
    if (lowerLimit < minFreq) {
        lowerLimit = (int) minFreq;
    if (numWords > maxTags) {
        while (numWords > maxTags) {
            freqIt = frequencies.valuesIterator();
            SMALLREMOVAL: while (freqIt.hasNext()) {
                stemFreq = frequencies.getCount(freqIt.next());
                if (stemFreq < lowerLimit) {
                    if (numWords == maxTags) {
                        break SMALLREMOVAL;
            int step = (int) ((mean - lowerLimit) / 3);
            if (step < 1) {
                step = 1;
            lowerLimit += step;
        // The new min. freq. may have changed
        minFreq = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        freqIt = frequencies.valuesIterator();
        while (freqIt.hasNext()) {
            stemFreq = frequencies.getCount(freqIt.next());
            if (stemFreq < minFreq) {
                minFreq = stemFreq;
    // Scale and create tag objects
    double scaleFactor;
    if (maxFreq == minFreq) {
        scaleFactor = (double) (maxWeight - minWeight) / 4; // TODO: a realistic
        // scale factor in this
        // case
    } else {
        scaleFactor = (double) (maxWeight - minWeight) / (maxFreq - minFreq);
    freqIt = frequencies.valuesIterator();
    int weight;
    while (freqIt.hasNext()) {
        wordStem = (String) freqIt.next();
        stemFreq = frequencies.getCount(wordStem);
        // Might still be some left less than the min. threshold
        if (stemFreq <= minFreq) {
            weight = minWeight;
        } else {
            weight = (int) (Math.ceil((double) (stemFreq - minFreq) * scaleFactor) + minWeight);
        SortedSet<WordInfo> origins = this.stemOriginMap.get(wordStem);
        String mostCommonOrigin = origins.last().getName();
        Set<String> synonyms = new TreeSet<String>();
        for (WordInfo origin : origins) {
        WordInfo word = new Word(mostCommonOrigin, weight, synonyms);

From source file:geogebra.kernel.AlgoFrequency.java

protected final void compute() {

    // Validate input arguments

    if (!dataList.isDefined() || dataList.size() == 0) {
        frequency.setUndefined();//from w ww.  j  av  a2s.co  m

    if (!(dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_TEXT
            || dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_NUMERIC)) {

    if (classList != null) {
        if (classList.getElementType() != GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_NUMERIC || classList.size() < 2) {

    if (density != null) {
        if (density.getDouble() <= 0) {

    if (value != null)

    double numMax = 0, numMin = 0;
    boolean doCumulative = isCumulative != null && isCumulative.getBoolean();

    // Load the data into f, an instance of Frequency class 

    Frequency f = new Frequency();
    for (int i = 0; i < dataList.size(); i++) {
        if (dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_TEXT)
            f.addValue(((GeoText) dataList.get(i)).toValueString());
        if (dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_NUMERIC)
            f.addValue(((GeoNumeric) dataList.get(i)).getDouble());

    // If classList does not exist, 
    // get the unique value list and compute frequencies for this list  

    // handle string data
    if (dataList.getElementType() == GeoElement.GEO_CLASS_TEXT) {

        Iterator itr = f.valuesIterator();
        String strMax = (String) itr.next();
        String strMin = strMax;
        itr = f.valuesIterator();

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            String s = (String) itr.next();
            if (s.compareTo(strMax) > 0)
                strMax = s;
            if (s.compareTo(strMin) < 0)
                strMin = s;
            GeoText text = new GeoText(cons);
            if (classList == null)
                if (doCumulative)
                    frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCumFreq((Comparable) s)));
                    frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCount((Comparable) s)));

    // handle numeric data
    else {
        Iterator itr = f.valuesIterator();
        numMax = (Double) itr.next();
        numMin = numMax;
        itr = f.valuesIterator();

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Double n = (Double) itr.next();
            if (n > numMax)
                numMax = n.doubleValue();
            if (n < numMin)
                numMin = n.doubleValue();
            value.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, n));

            if (classList == null)
                if (doCumulative)
                    frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCumFreq((Comparable) n)));
                    frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, f.getCount((Comparable) n)));

    // If classList exists, compute frequencies using the classList

    if (classList != null) {

        double lowerClassBound = 0;
        double upperClassBound = 0;
        double classFreq = 0;

        //set density conditions
        boolean hasDensity = false;
        if (useDensity != null)
            hasDensity = useDensity.getBoolean();

        double densityValue = 1; // default density
        if (density != null) {
            densityValue = density.getDouble();

        double cumulativeClassFreq = 0;
        double swap;
        int length = classList.size();
        for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {

            lowerClassBound = ((GeoNumeric) classList.get(i - 1)).getDouble();
            upperClassBound = ((GeoNumeric) classList.get(i)).getDouble();
            boolean increasing = true;
            if (lowerClassBound > upperClassBound) {
                swap = upperClassBound;
                upperClassBound = lowerClassBound;
                lowerClassBound = swap;
                increasing = false;
            classFreq = f.getCumFreq((Comparable) upperClassBound) - f.getCumFreq((Comparable) lowerClassBound)
                    + f.getCount((Comparable) lowerClassBound);
            if ((i != length - 1 && increasing) || (i != 1 && !increasing))
                classFreq -= f.getCount((Comparable) upperClassBound);

            //   System.out.println(" =================================");
            //   System.out.println("class freq: " + classFreq + "   " + density);
            if (hasDensity) {
                classFreq = densityValue * classFreq / (upperClassBound - lowerClassBound);
            if (doCumulative)
                cumulativeClassFreq += classFreq;
            //   System.out.println("class freq: " + classFreq);

            // add the frequency to the output GeoList
            frequency.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, doCumulative ? cumulativeClassFreq : classFreq));


        // handle the last (highest) class frequency specially
        // it must also count values equal to the highest class bound  


From source file:geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoFrequency.java

public final void compute() {

    if (isContingencyTable) {
        computeContingencyTable();//from   w w  w.  j  av  a  2s.  com

    // Validate input arguments
    // =======================================================

    if (!dataList.isDefined() || dataList.size() == 0) {

    if (!(dataList.getElementType().equals(GeoClass.TEXT)
            || dataList.getElementType().equals(GeoClass.NUMERIC))) {

    if (classList != null) {
        if (!classList.getElementType().equals(GeoClass.NUMERIC) || classList.size() < 2) {

    if (density != null) {
        if (density.getDouble() <= 0) {

    if (scale != null) {
        if (!scale.isDefined()) {
        scaleFactor = scale.getValue();

    if (value != null)

    double numMax = 0, numMin = 0;
    boolean doCumulative = isCumulative != null && isCumulative.getBoolean();

    // Load the data into f, an instance of Frequency class
    // =======================================================

    Frequency f = new FrequencyGgb();
    for (int i = 0; i < dataList.size(); i++) {
        if (dataList.getElementType().equals(GeoClass.TEXT))
            f.addValue(((GeoText) dataList.get(i)).toValueString(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate));
        if (dataList.getElementType().equals(GeoClass.NUMERIC))
            f.addValue(((GeoNumeric) dataList.get(i)).getDouble());

    // If classList does not exist,
    // get the unique value list and compute frequencies for this list
    // =======================================================

    // handle string data
    if (dataList.getElementType().equals(GeoClass.TEXT)) {

        Iterator<Comparable<?>> itr = f.valuesIterator();
        String strMax = (String) itr.next();
        String strMin = strMax;
        itr = f.valuesIterator();

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            String s = (String) itr.next();
            if (s.compareTo(strMax) > 0)
                strMax = s;
            if (s.compareTo(strMin) < 0)
                strMin = s;
            GeoText text = new GeoText(cons);
            if (classList == null) {
                if (doCumulative) {
                } else {

    // handle numeric data
    else {
        Iterator<Comparable<?>> itr = f.valuesIterator();
        numMax = (Double) itr.next();
        numMin = numMax;
        itr = f.valuesIterator();

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Double n = (Double) itr.next();
            if (n > numMax)
                numMax = n.doubleValue();
            if (n < numMin)
                numMin = n.doubleValue();
            value.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, n));

            if (classList == null)
                if (doCumulative)

    // If classList exists, compute frequencies using the classList
    // =======================================================

    if (classList != null) {

        double lowerClassBound = 0;
        double upperClassBound = 0;
        double classFreq = 0;

        // set density conditions
        boolean hasDensity = false;
        if (useDensity != null)
            hasDensity = useDensity.getBoolean();

        double densityValue = 1; // default density
        if (density != null) {
            densityValue = density.getDouble();

        double cumulativeClassFreq = 0;
        double swap;
        int length = classList.size();
        for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {

            lowerClassBound = ((GeoNumeric) classList.get(i - 1)).getDouble();
            upperClassBound = ((GeoNumeric) classList.get(i)).getDouble();

            // handle roundoff errror in class list values (this is possible
            // if auto-generated by another cmd)
            lowerClassBound = Kernel.checkDecimalFraction(lowerClassBound);
            upperClassBound = Kernel.checkDecimalFraction(upperClassBound);

            boolean increasing = true;
            if (lowerClassBound > upperClassBound) {
                swap = upperClassBound;
                upperClassBound = lowerClassBound;
                lowerClassBound = swap;
                increasing = false;
            classFreq = f.getCumFreq(upperClassBound) - f.getCumFreq(lowerClassBound)
                    + f.getCount(lowerClassBound);
            if ((i != length - 1 && increasing) || (i != 1 && !increasing))
                classFreq -= f.getCount(upperClassBound);

            // System.out.println(" =================================");
            // System.out.println("class freq: " + classFreq + "   " +
            // density);

            if (doCumulative)
                cumulativeClassFreq += classFreq;

            // adjust the frequency and add to the output GeoList
            double v = doCumulative ? cumulativeClassFreq : classFreq;
            if (hasDensity) {
                v = densityValue * v / (upperClassBound - lowerClassBound);

        // handle the last (highest) class frequency specially
        // it must also count values equal to the highest class bound
