Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.differentiation UnivariateDifferentiableFunction value

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.differentiation UnivariateDifferentiableFunction value


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.differentiation UnivariateDifferentiableFunction value.


DerivativeStructure value(DerivativeStructure t) throws MathIllegalArgumentException;

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Simple mathematical function.


From source file:com.bwc.ora.models.Lrp.java

 * Get the local maximums from a collection of Points.
 * @param lrpSeries//from w  w  w . j a  v a 2 s .  c  om
 * @param seriesTitle
 * @return
public static XYSeries getMaximumsWithHiddenPeaks(XYSeries lrpSeries, String seriesTitle) {
    XYSeries maxPoints = new XYSeries(seriesTitle);

    //convert to x and y coordinate arrays
    double[][] xyline = lrpSeries.toArray();

    //use a spline interpolator to converts points into an equation
    UnivariateInterpolator interpolator = new SplineInterpolator();
    UnivariateFunction function = interpolator.interpolate(xyline[0], xyline[1]);

    // create a differentiator using 5 points and 0.01 step
    FiniteDifferencesDifferentiator differentiator = new FiniteDifferencesDifferentiator(5, 0.01);

    // create a new function that computes both the value and the derivatives
    // using DerivativeStructure
    UnivariateDifferentiableFunction completeF = differentiator.differentiate(function);

    // now we can compute the value and its derivatives
    // here we decided to display up to second order derivatives,
    // because we feed completeF with order 2 DerivativeStructure instances
    //find local minima in second derivative, these indicate the peaks (and hidden peaks)
    //of the input
    for (double x = xyline[0][0] + 1; x < xyline[0][xyline[0].length - 1] - 1; x += 0.5) {
        DerivativeStructure xDSc = new DerivativeStructure(1, 2, 0, x);
        DerivativeStructure xDSl = new DerivativeStructure(1, 2, 0, x - 0.5);
        DerivativeStructure xDSr = new DerivativeStructure(1, 2, 0, x + 0.5);
        DerivativeStructure yDSc = completeF.value(xDSc);
        DerivativeStructure yDSl = completeF.value(xDSl);
        DerivativeStructure yDSr = completeF.value(xDSr);
        double c2d = yDSc.getPartialDerivative(2);
        if (c2d < yDSl.getPartialDerivative(2) && c2d < yDSr.getPartialDerivative(2)) {
            maxPoints.add((int) Math.round(x), yDSc.getValue());

    return maxPoints;

From source file:org.orekit.bodies.OneAxisEllipsoidTest.java

public void testMovingGeodeticPoint() throws OrekitException {

    final OneAxisEllipsoid earth = new OneAxisEllipsoid(Constants.WGS84_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS,
            Constants.WGS84_EARTH_FLATTENING, FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true));
    double lat0 = FastMath.toRadians(60.0);
    double lon0 = FastMath.toRadians(25.0);
    double alt0 = 100.0;
    double lat1 = 1.0e-3;
    double lon1 = -2.0e-3;
    double alt1 = 1.2;
    double lat2 = -1.0e-5;
    double lon2 = -3.0e-5;
    double alt2 = -0.01;
    final DerivativeStructure latDS = new DerivativeStructure(1, 2, lat0, lat1, lat2);
    final DerivativeStructure lonDS = new DerivativeStructure(1, 2, lon0, lon1, lon2);
    final DerivativeStructure altDS = new DerivativeStructure(1, 2, alt0, alt1, alt2);

    // direct computation of position, velocity and acceleration
    PVCoordinates pv = earth.transform(new FieldGeodeticPoint<DerivativeStructure>(latDS, lonDS, altDS));

    // finite differences computation
    FiniteDifferencesDifferentiator differentiator = new FiniteDifferencesDifferentiator(5, 0.1);
    UnivariateDifferentiableFunction fx = differentiator.differentiate(new UnivariateFunction() {
        public double value(double dt) {
            GeodeticPoint gp = new GeodeticPoint(latDS.taylor(dt), lonDS.taylor(dt), altDS.taylor(dt));
            return earth.transform(gp).getX();
        }//w  ww.ja  va2s .c  om
    UnivariateDifferentiableFunction fy = differentiator.differentiate(new UnivariateFunction() {
        public double value(double dt) {
            GeodeticPoint gp = new GeodeticPoint(latDS.taylor(dt), lonDS.taylor(dt), altDS.taylor(dt));
            return earth.transform(gp).getY();
    UnivariateDifferentiableFunction fz = differentiator.differentiate(new UnivariateFunction() {
        public double value(double dt) {
            GeodeticPoint gp = new GeodeticPoint(latDS.taylor(dt), lonDS.taylor(dt), altDS.taylor(dt));
            return earth.transform(gp).getZ();
    DerivativeStructure dtZero = new DerivativeStructure(1, 2, 0, 0.0);
    DerivativeStructure xDS = fx.value(dtZero);
    DerivativeStructure yDS = fy.value(dtZero);
    DerivativeStructure zDS = fz.value(dtZero);
    Assert.assertEquals(xDS.getValue(), pv.getPosition().getX(), 2.0e-20 * FastMath.abs(xDS.getValue()));
    Assert.assertEquals(xDS.getPartialDerivative(1), pv.getVelocity().getX(),
            2.0e-12 * FastMath.abs(xDS.getPartialDerivative(1)));
    Assert.assertEquals(xDS.getPartialDerivative(2), pv.getAcceleration().getX(),
            2.0e-9 * FastMath.abs(xDS.getPartialDerivative(2)));
    Assert.assertEquals(yDS.getValue(), pv.getPosition().getY(), 2.0e-20 * FastMath.abs(yDS.getValue()));
    Assert.assertEquals(yDS.getPartialDerivative(1), pv.getVelocity().getY(),
            2.0e-12 * FastMath.abs(yDS.getPartialDerivative(1)));
    Assert.assertEquals(yDS.getPartialDerivative(2), pv.getAcceleration().getY(),
            2.0e-9 * FastMath.abs(yDS.getPartialDerivative(2)));
    Assert.assertEquals(zDS.getValue(), pv.getPosition().getZ(), 2.0e-20 * FastMath.abs(zDS.getValue()));
    Assert.assertEquals(zDS.getPartialDerivative(1), pv.getVelocity().getZ(),
            2.0e-12 * FastMath.abs(zDS.getPartialDerivative(1)));
    Assert.assertEquals(zDS.getPartialDerivative(2), pv.getAcceleration().getZ(),
            2.0e-9 * FastMath.abs(zDS.getPartialDerivative(2)));

From source file:org.orekit.utils.IERSConventionsTest.java

private void checkDerivative(final TimeFunction<DerivativeStructure> function, final AbsoluteDate date,
        final double span, final double sampleStep, final double h, final double tolerance) {

    UnivariateDifferentiableFunction differentiated = new FiniteDifferencesDifferentiator(4, h)
            .differentiate(new UnivariateFunction() {
                @Override//from   ww w .jav  a2 s  . c om
                public double value(final double dt) {
                    return function.value(date.shiftedBy(dt)).getValue();

    for (double dt = 0; dt < span; dt += sampleStep) {
        DerivativeStructure yRef = differentiated.value(new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, 0, dt));
        DerivativeStructure y = function.value(date.shiftedBy(dt));
        Assert.assertEquals(yRef.getPartialDerivative(1), y.getPartialDerivative(1), tolerance);
