Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function Exp Exp

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function Exp Exp


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function Exp Exp.



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From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools.clustering.GaussianLikelihoodObjectiveFunction.java

 * Evaluates the function with the specified parameters.
 * The parameters describe a set of gaussian generators (which are the Clusters).
 * @param parameters    A RealVector containing the values of all the parameters of each Gaussian, ordered so that all the parameters of a single gaussian are together, then the next gaussian, etc.
 * @return              The negative log likelihood of having observed the ClusterObjects at their locations, given the parameters describing the Gaussian clusters.
 *///from  w  w w  . j  av  a  2 s  . c o  m
public double evaluate(RealVector parameters) {

    int nClusters = parameters.getDimension() / nParametersEach;

    //java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("nClusters: " + nClusters + "  abdMatrices_size: " + abdMatrices.size() + "  det_dim: " + det.getDimension());

    if (det.getDimension() != nClusters) {

        clusterProbs = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(this.objects.size(), nClusters);
        det = new ArrayRealVector(nClusters);
        pk = new ArrayRealVector(nClusters);

        if (abdMatrices.size() < nClusters) {
            int originalSize = abdMatrices.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < nClusters - originalSize; i++) {
                abdMatrices.add(new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numDim, numDim));
        } else {



    //java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("nClusters: " + nClusters + "  abdMatrices_size: " + abdMatrices.size() + "  det_dim: " + det.getDimension());

    for (int i = 0; i < nClusters; i++) {
        double ct = Math.cos(parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+3));
        double st = Math.sin(parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+3));
        double sin2t = Math.sin(2*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+3));
        double a = (ct*ct/(2*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+2)) + st*st/(2*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+4)));
        double b = (sin2t/(4*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+4)) - sin2t/(4*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+2)));
        double d = (st*st/(2*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+2)) + ct*ct/(2*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+4)));

        double a = parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach * i + 2);
        double d = parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach * i + 4);
        double b = Math.sqrt(a * d) * parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach * i + 3);

        abdMatrices.get(i).setEntry(0, 0, a);
        abdMatrices.get(i).setEntry(1, 0, b);
        abdMatrices.get(i).setEntry(0, 1, b);
        abdMatrices.get(i).setEntry(1, 1, d);

        LUDecomposition abdLU = (new LUDecomposition(abdMatrices.get(i)));

        det.setEntry(i, (abdLU).getDeterminant());
        //det.setEntry(i, a*d-b*b);
        try {
            abdMatrices.set(i, abdLU.getSolver().getInverse());
        } catch (org.apache.commons.math3.linear.SingularMatrixException e) {
            return Double.MAX_VALUE;


    for (int n = 0; n < this.objects.size(); n++) {

        ClusterObject c = this.objects.get(n);

        double max = -1.0 * Double.MAX_VALUE;
        int maxIndex = 0;

        for (int k = 0; k < nClusters; k++) {

            mean.setEntry(0, c.getCentroid().getX() - parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach * k));
            mean.setEntry(1, c.getCentroid().getY() - parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach * k + 1));

            x = abdMatrices.get(k).operate(mean);

            double dot = x.dotProduct(mean);

            //                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("k, n: " + k + ", " + this.objects.size());
            //                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("parameters: " + parameters.toString());
            //                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("abd matrix: " + abdMatrices.get(k).toString());
            //                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("det: " + det.getEntry(k));
            //                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("mean: " + mean.toString());
            //                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("dot: " + dot);

            double logN = negLog2PI - 0.5 * Math.log(det.getEntry(k)) - 0.5 * dot;

            //                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("logN: " + logN);

            clusterProbs.setEntry(n, k, logN);
            if (logN > max) {
                max = logN;
                maxIndex = k;

            if (Double.isInfinite(logN) || Double.isNaN(logN)) {
                return Double.MAX_VALUE;




    for (int k = 0; k < nClusters; k++) {

        double tempMax = -1.0 * Double.MAX_VALUE;

        for (int n = 0; n < this.objects.size(); n++) {
            if (clusterProbs.getEntry(n, k) > tempMax)
                tempMax = clusterProbs.getEntry(n, k);

                tempMax + Math.log(
                        clusterProbs.getColumnVector(k).mapSubtract(tempMax).mapToSelf(new Exp()).getL1Norm())
                        - Math.log(this.objects.size()));


    double pkMax = -1.0 * Double.MAX_VALUE;

    for (int k = 0; k < nClusters; k++) {
        if (pk.getEntry(k) > pkMax)
            pkMax = pk.getEntry(k);

    double logSumPk = pkMax + Math.log(pk.mapSubtract(pkMax).mapToSelf(new Exp()).getL1Norm());


    //java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("pk: " + pk.toString());

    double L = 0;

    for (int n = 0; n < this.objects.size(); n++) {

        RealVector toSum = clusterProbs.getRowVector(n).add(pk);

        double tempMax = -1.0 * Double.MAX_VALUE;

        for (int k = 0; k < nClusters; k++) {
            if (toSum.getEntry(k) > tempMax)
                tempMax = toSum.getEntry(k);

        double pn = tempMax + Math.log(toSum.mapSubtract(tempMax).mapToSelf(new Exp()).getL1Norm());

        //java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("pn: " + pn);

        L += pn;


    return -1.0 * L;

From source file:org.deidentifier.arx.criteria.EDDifferentialPrivacy.java

 * Calculates beta_max/*from  www  .  j av  a  2  s  .  co  m*/
 * @param epsilon
 * @return
private double calculateBeta(double epsilon) {
    return 1.0d - (new Exp()).value(-1.0d * epsilon);

From source file:org.deidentifier.arx.criteria.EDDifferentialPrivacy.java

 * Calculates c_n/*from  w  w  w .j a v a 2s .c o m*/
 * @param n
 * @param epsilon
 * @param beta
 * @return
private double calculateC(int n, double epsilon, double beta) {
    double gamma = calculateGamma(epsilon, beta);
    return (new Exp()).value(-1.0d * n * (gamma * (new Log()).value(gamma / beta) - (gamma - beta)));

From source file:org.deidentifier.arx.criteria.EDDifferentialPrivacy.java

 * Calculates gamma// w  w  w.jav  a  2 s .  c om
 * @param epsilon
 * @param beta
 * @return
private double calculateGamma(double epsilon, double beta) {
    double power = (new Exp()).value(epsilon);
    return (power - 1.0d + beta) / power;