Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator.



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From source file:com.gordoni.opal.BiInterpolator.java

public BiInterpolator(MapPeriod mp, int what) {
    this.mp = mp;

    Scenario scenario = mp.scenario;/*from ww  w  . j a va 2  s .com*/
    Config config = scenario.config;

    xval = new double[mp.length[0]];
    for (int i = 0; i < xval.length; i++)
        xval[(xval.length - 1) - i] = scenario.scale[0].bucket_to_pf(mp.bottom[0] + i);
    yval = new double[mp.length[1]];
    for (int i = 0; i < yval.length; i++)
        yval[(yval.length - 1) - i] = scenario.scale[1].bucket_to_pf(mp.bottom[1] + i);

    fval = new double[mp.length[0]][mp.length[1]];
    MapPeriodIterator<MapElement> mpitr = mp.iterator();
    while (mpitr.hasNext()) {
        int[] bucket = mpitr.nextIndex().clone();
        MapElement me = mpitr.next();
        int xindex = (xval.length - 1) - (bucket[0] - mp.bottom[0]);
        int yindex = (yval.length - 1) - (bucket[1] - mp.bottom[1]);
        fval[xindex][yindex] = getWhat(me, what);

    BivariateGridInterpolator interpolator;
    if (config.interpolation2.equals("spline"))
        interpolator = new PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator();
    else {
        assert (false);

    this.f = interpolator.interpolate(xval, yval, fval);

From source file:org.apache.solr.client.solrj.io.eval.BicubicSplineEvaluator.java

public Object doWork(Object... objects) throws IOException {

    if (objects.length != 3) {
        throw new IOException(
                "The bicubicSpline function requires three paremeters," + objects.length + " found.");
    }//ww  w  .jav a  2 s . c om

    Object first = objects[0];
    Object second = objects[1];
    Object third = objects[2];

    double[] x = null;
    double[] y = null;
    double[][] grid = null;

    if (first instanceof List && second instanceof List && third instanceof Matrix) {
        List<Number> xlist = (List<Number>) first;
        x = new double[xlist.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
            x[i] = xlist.get(i).doubleValue();

        List<Number> ylist = (List<Number>) second;
        y = new double[ylist.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
            y[i] = ylist.get(i).doubleValue();

        Matrix matrix = (Matrix) third;
        grid = matrix.getData();

        PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator interpolator = new PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator();
        BivariateFunction bivariateFunction = interpolator.interpolate(x, y, grid);
        return bivariateFunction;
    } else {
        throw new IOException(
                "The bicubicSpline function expects two numeric arrays and a matrix as parameters.");

From source file:org.orekit.models.earth.FixedTroposphericDelay.java

/** Creates a new {@link FixedTroposphericDelay} instance.
 * @param xArr abscissa grid for the interpolation function
 * @param yArr ordinate grid for the interpolation function
 * @param fArr values samples for the interpolation function
 *///w  w  w .j a v a2 s .co  m
public FixedTroposphericDelay(final double[] xArr, final double[] yArr, final double[][] fArr) {
    this.xArr = xArr.clone();
    this.yArr = yArr.clone();
    this.fArr = fArr.clone();
    delayFunction = new PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator().interpolate(xArr, yArr, fArr);

From source file:org.orekit.models.earth.FixedTroposphericDelay.java

/** Creates a new {@link FixedTroposphericDelay} instance, and loads the
 * delay values from the given resource via the {@link DataProvidersManager}.
 * @param supportedName a regular expression for supported resource names
 * @throws OrekitException if the resource could not be loaded
 *//*from ww w . j  a v a 2 s . co m*/
public FixedTroposphericDelay(final String supportedName) throws OrekitException {

    final InterpolationTableLoader loader = new InterpolationTableLoader();
    DataProvidersManager.getInstance().feed(supportedName, loader);

    if (!loader.stillAcceptsData()) {
        xArr = loader.getAbscissaGrid();
        yArr = loader.getOrdinateGrid();
        fArr = loader.getValuesSamples();
        delayFunction = new PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator().interpolate(xArr, yArr, fArr);
    } else {
        throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.UNABLE_TO_FIND_RESOURCE, supportedName);

From source file:uk.ac.diamond.scisoft.analysis.dataset.function.Interpolation2D.java

public static Dataset piecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolation(IDataset oldx, IDataset oldy, IDataset oldxy,
        IDataset newx, IDataset newy) {//from  w  w w  . j a  va 2  s  .  c om

    return interpolate(oldx, oldy, oldxy, newx, newy, new PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolator());
