Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution BetaDistribution BetaDistribution

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution BetaDistribution BetaDistribution


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution BetaDistribution BetaDistribution.


public BetaDistribution(double alpha, double beta, double inverseCumAccuracy) 

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Build a new instance.


From source file:math.test.TestDimpleRandom.java

 * Measures speed of Apache vs Colt generators
 *//*from   w  w w . java 2s  . co m*/
public static void main(String[] args) {
    RandomGenerator apacheGenerator = new MersenneTwister(42);
    cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine cernGenerator = new cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister();

    final int N = 100000;
    long start, end;

    start = System.nanoTime();
    for (int i = N; --i >= 0;) {
    end = System.nanoTime();
    long apacheTime = end - start;

    start = System.nanoTime();
    for (int i = N; --i >= 0;) {
    end = System.nanoTime();

    long cernTime = end - start;

    System.out.format("MersenneTwister.nextDouble() x %d apache/cern %f\n", N, (double) apacheTime / cernTime);

    start = System.nanoTime();
    for (int i = N; --i >= 0;) {
        BetaDistribution apacheBeta = new BetaDistribution(apacheGenerator, 1.0, 1.0);
    end = System.nanoTime();
    apacheTime = end - start;

    cern.jet.random.Beta cernBeta = new cern.jet.random.Beta(1, 1, cernGenerator);

    start = System.nanoTime();
    for (int i = N; --i >= 0;) {
    end = System.nanoTime();
    apacheTime = end - start;

    System.out.format("Beta x %d apache/cern %f\n", N, (double) apacheTime / cernTime);

    start = System.nanoTime();
    for (int i = N; --i >= 0;) {
        GammaDistribution apacheGamma = new GammaDistribution(apacheGenerator, 1.0, 1.0);
    end = System.nanoTime();
    apacheTime = end - start;

    cern.jet.random.Gamma cernGamma = new cern.jet.random.Gamma(1, 1, cernGenerator);

    start = System.nanoTime();
    for (int i = N; --i >= 0;) {
    end = System.nanoTime();
    apacheTime = end - start;

    System.out.format("Gamma x %d apache/cern %f\n", N, (double) apacheTime / cernTime);

    start = System.nanoTime();
    for (int i = N; --i >= 0;) {
        BinomialDistribution apacheBinomial = new BinomialDistribution(apacheGenerator, 1, .5);
    end = System.nanoTime();
    apacheTime = end - start;

    cern.jet.random.Binomial cernBinomial = new cern.jet.random.Binomial(1, .5, cernGenerator);

    start = System.nanoTime();
    for (int i = N; --i >= 0;) {
    end = System.nanoTime();
    apacheTime = end - start;

    System.out.format("Binomial x %d apache/cern %f\n", N, (double) apacheTime / cernTime);

From source file:com.analog.lyric.math.DimpleRandom.java

 * Construct using specified underlying random generator and seed.
 * <p>//w w w .j a v  a 2s.  com
 * @since 0.08
public DimpleRandom(RandomGenerator randomGenerator, long seed) {
    _randGenerator = randomGenerator;
    _seed = seed;
    _randEngine = new cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister((int) seed);
    _randGamma = new cern.jet.random.Gamma(1, 1, _randEngine);
    _randBeta = new BetaDistribution(_randGenerator, 1, 1);
    _randBinomial = new BinomialDistribution(_randGenerator, 1, 0.5);

From source file:adams.data.distribution.Beta.java

 * Returns the configured distribution./*from  ww  w.ja v a 2s . c o  m*/
 * @return      the distribution
public RealDistribution getRealDistribution() {
    return new BetaDistribution(m_Alpha, m_Beta, m_InverseCumAccuracy);

From source file:fr.amap.lidar.amapvox.commons.LeafAngleDistribution.java

private void setupBetaDistribution(double param1, double param2) {

    /*double alphamean = Math.toRadians(param1);
    double tvar = param2;/*from  www. j a v  a2  s  .  c  om*/
    double tmean = 2 * (alphamean / Math.PI);
    double sigma0 = tmean * (1 - tmean);
    double v = tmean * ((sigma0 / tvar) - 1);
    double m = (1 - tmean) * ((sigma0 / tvar) - 1);
    distribution = new BetaDistribution(null, m, v);*/

    distribution = new BetaDistribution(null, param1, param2);

From source file:com.analog.lyric.math.DimpleRandom.java

 * Returns sample from beta distribution with specified alpha and beta parameters.
 * @since 0.08//from   w  ww .  j av  a2  s.  c om
public double nextBeta(double alpha, double beta) {
    BetaDistribution randBeta = _randBeta;

    if (randBeta.getAlpha() != alpha || randBeta.getBeta() != beta) {
        randBeta = new BetaDistribution(_randGenerator, alpha, beta);
        _randBeta = randBeta;

    return randBeta.sample();

From source file:edu.byu.nlp.crowdsourcing.AnnotatorAccuracySetting.java

public void generateConfusionMatrices(RandomGenerator rnd, boolean varyAnnotatorRates, int numLabels,
        String filename) {//from   w  ww  . j  ava 2  s  . co  m

    if (confusionMatrices == null) {
        switch (this) {

        // read annotator confusion matrices from file
        case FILE:
            try {
                List<SimulatedAnnotator> annotators = SimulatedAnnotators
                        .deserialize(Files2.toString(filename, Charsets.UTF_8));
                annotatorRates = SimulatedAnnotators.annotationRatesOf(annotators);
                confusionMatrices = SimulatedAnnotators.confusionsOf(annotators);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not parse annotator file: " + filename);
            // ensure that the simulated annotators we are reading in have the same number of classes as the dataset we are labeling
            Preconditions.checkState(confusionMatrices[0].length == numLabels,
                    "mismatch between the number of label classes " + "in the simulated annotator file "
                            + confusionMatrices[0].length + " and the number in the dataset " + numLabels);

        // annotators are drawn from independent dirichlets
        case INDEPENDENT:
            annotatorRates = uniformAnnotatorRates(accuracies.length);
            confusionMatrices = new double[accuracies.length][numLabels][numLabels];
            // a matrix where all rows are sampled from a dirichlet
            for (int a = 0; a < accuracies.length; a++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < numLabels; i++) {
                    confusionMatrices[a][i] = DirichletDistribution.sampleSymmetric(symmetricDirichletParam,
                            numLabels, rnd);

        // annotator accuracies drawn from Beta(shape1,shape2) parameters MLE-fit to CFGroups data
        case CFBETA:
            annotatorRates = uniformAnnotatorRates(accuracies.length);
            BetaDistribution accGen = new BetaDistribution(rnd, 3.6, 5.1);
            accuracies = accGen.sample(accuracies.length); // sample accuracies
            logger.info("sampled " + accuracies.length
                    + " simulated annotator accuracies from a Beta(3.6,5.1). min="
                    + DoubleArrays.min(accuracies) + " max=" + DoubleArrays.max(accuracies) + " mean="
                    + DoubleArrays.mean(accuracies));
            confusionMatrices = confusionMatricesFromAccuracyAndDirichlet(accuracies, numLabels,
                    symmetricDirichletParam, rnd);

        // predetermined annotator accuracies 
            annotatorRates = uniformAnnotatorRates(accuracies.length);
            confusionMatrices = confusionMatricesFromAccuracyAndDirichlet(accuracies, numLabels,
                    symmetricDirichletParam, rnd);

        if (varyAnnotatorRates && this != FILE) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Varying annotator rates are ONLY implemented for FILE annotators. Not " + this);

        // force uniform annotator rates
        if (!varyAnnotatorRates) {
            annotatorRates = uniformAnnotatorRates(confusionMatrices.length);

From source file:io.coala.random.impl.RandomDistributionFactoryImpl.java

public RandomNumberDistribution<Double> getBeta(final RandomNumberStream rng, final Number alpha,
        final Number beta) {
    final RealDistribution dist = new BetaDistribution(RandomNumberStream.Util.asCommonsRandomGenerator(rng),
            alpha.doubleValue(), beta.doubleValue());
    return new RandomNumberDistribution<Double>() {
        @Override//from ww  w . j a  v  a 2  s .c  om
        public Double draw() {
            return dist.sample();