Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution PoissonDistribution sample

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution PoissonDistribution sample


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution PoissonDistribution sample.


public int sample() 

Source Link


<p> <strong>Algorithm Description</strong>: <ul> <li>For small means, uses simulation of a Poisson process using Uniform deviates, as described <a href="http://irmi.epfl.ch/cmos/Pmmi/interactive/rng7.htm"> here</a>.


From source file:DecorateMutationsSNP.java

 * The procedure computes for each edge of the ARG the number of mutations occurred in that period of time (length of the edge) by means of Poisson and Normal distributions
 * @param mu real value that is SNP mutation rate
 * @param arg instance of the class PopulationARG representing the ARG of a single population
 * @throws ErrorTimesInputFileException this exception is thrown if there is an inconsistency in time parameters setting
 * @see PopulationARG/*from   w  w  w .j a va2 s  .c om*/
public static void decoratingWithMutations(double mu, PopulationARG arg) throws ErrorTimesInputFileException {

    //For each leaf of arg create a set of mutations in the node
    for (int j = 0; j < arg.getExtantUnits(); j++) {
        arg.getNodeSet().get(j).setMutation_set(new TreeSet<Double>());

    Iterator<Integer> it_edges = arg.getGraphEdges().keySet().iterator();
    double lamda = 0;

    //System.out.println("------- SNPs Decoration of Population "+arg.getId_pop()+" ------------ ");

    //For each edge in the ARG, compute the number of mutations and decorate the solids
    while (it_edges.hasNext()) {

        Integer keyE = it_edges.next();

        if (arg.getGraphEdges().get(keyE).getId_fath() != -1) {

            double density = arg.getGraphEdges().get(keyE).computeDensity();
            double time = arg.getGraphEdges().get(keyE).getTime();

            //*** if time is negative then throw the exception that 
            //there is probably an error in how the time parameters are specified in the input file ***//
            if (time <= 0) {
                throw new ErrorTimesInputFileException();

            //System.out.println("Time: "+arg.getGraphEdges().get(keyE).getTime());
            double n = arg.getG() * density;
            double p = mu * arg.getN() * time;

            //******* Compute the # of mutations by Poisson Distribution ******
            lamda = n * p;

            PoissonDistribution Prand = new PoissonDistribution(lamda);
            int randomPois = Prand.sample();


            if (randomPois == 0)
                        .setNum_edges_without_mut(GenerateAdmixturePopulations.getNum_edges_without_mut() + 1);
                        GenerateAdmixturePopulations.getNum_edges_more_than_one_mut() + 1);

            //For each mutation we assign a position
            for (int i = 0; i < arg.getGraphEdges().get(keyE).getnMut(); i++) {

                //maps the real solids in (0,1) in an interval (0,densityTotal)
                //by creating a new list of segments.

                double start = 0;

                ArrayList<Interval> tempSegs = new ArrayList<Interval>();

                for (int j = 0; j < arg.getGraphEdges().get(keyE).getSegments().size(); j++) {

                    double lengthInt = arg.getGraphEdges().get(keyE).getSegments().get(j).getEnd()
                            - arg.getGraphEdges().get(keyE).getSegments().get(j).getStart();
                    tempSegs.add(new Interval(start, start + lengthInt));
                    start = start + lengthInt;

                double x = Math.random() * arg.getGraphEdges().get(keyE).getDensity();
                boolean found = false;
                int index = 0;

                while (!found && index < tempSegs.size()) {
                    if (x >= tempSegs.get(index).getStart() && x < tempSegs.get(index).getEnd()) {
                        found = true;
                    } else {

                double offset = x - tempSegs.get(index).getStart();
                double posMutation = arg.getGraphEdges().get(keyE).getSegments().get(index).getStart() + offset;

                //add the mutation to the set of the all mutations
                GenerateAdmixturePopulations.getAllMutations().add(new Double(posMutation));

                //Create the mutation object
                Mutation mut = new Mutation();
                mut.setLeaves(computeLeaves(arg.getGraphEdges().get(keyE).getId_son(), arg));

                arg.getMutationSet().put(posMutation, mut);
                GenerateAdmixturePopulations.getAllmutationSet().put(mut.getPositionID(), mut);

                //For each leaf (in the set), that has the mutation mut, add mut to the leaf 
                TreeSet<Integer> leaves = mut.getLeaves();
                Iterator<Integer> it_leaves = leaves.iterator();

                while (it_leaves.hasNext()) {
                    int l = it_leaves.next();
            } //end of computing the exact position of each mutation 
        } //end if the edge has a father   

    } //end while for each edge of the ARG   
    //System.out.println("------- End of SNPs Decoration of Population "+arg.getId_pop()+" ------------ ");

From source file:com.cloudera.oryx.ml.serving.als.model.LoadTestALSModelFactory.java

public static ALSServingModel buildTestModel() {

    log.info("Building load test model...");

    System.gc();/*from  w ww .  j a va 2s.  c o  m*/
    long startMemory = JVMUtils.getUsedMemory();

    RandomGenerator random = RandomManager.getRandom();
    PoissonDistribution itemPerUserDist = new PoissonDistribution(random, AVG_ITEMS_PER_USER,
            PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_EPSILON, PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS);
    ALSServingModel model = new ALSServingModel(FEATURES, true);

    long totalEntries = 0;
    for (int user = 0; user < USERS; user++) {
        String userID = "U" + user;
        model.setUserVector(userID, randomVector(random));
        int itemsPerUser = itemPerUserDist.sample();
        totalEntries += itemsPerUser;
        Collection<String> knownIDs = new ArrayList<>(itemsPerUser);
        for (int i = 0; i < itemsPerUser; i++) {
            knownIDs.add("I" + random.nextInt(ITEMS));
        model.addKnownItems(userID, knownIDs);

    for (int item = 0; item < ITEMS; item++) {
        model.setItemVector("I" + item, randomVector(random));

    long endMemory = JVMUtils.getUsedMemory();

    log.info("Built model over {} users, {} items, {} features, {} entries, using {}MB", USERS, ITEMS, FEATURES,
            totalEntries, (endMemory - startMemory) / 1_000_000);
    return model;

From source file:com.cloudera.oryx.app.serving.als.model.LoadTestALSModelFactory.java

public static ALSServingModel buildTestModel() {

    log.info("Building load test model...");

    System.gc();/*from w  w w. j a  v a 2 s .  c  o m*/
    long startMemory = JVMUtils.getUsedMemory();

    ALSServingModel model = new ALSServingModel(FEATURES, true, LSH_SAMPLE_RATE, new TestALSRescorerProvider());
    AtomicLong totalEntries = new AtomicLong();

    int numCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
    log.info("Adding {} users", USERS);
    AtomicInteger userCount = new AtomicInteger();
    ExecUtils.doInParallel(numCores, i -> {
        RandomGenerator random = RandomManager.getRandom(((long) i << 32) ^ System.nanoTime());
        PoissonDistribution itemPerUserDist = new PoissonDistribution(random, AVG_ITEMS_PER_USER,
                PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_EPSILON, PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS);
        for (int user = userCount.getAndIncrement(); user < USERS; user = userCount.getAndIncrement()) {
            String userID = "U" + user;
            model.setUserVector(userID, VectorMath.randomVectorF(FEATURES, random));
            int itemsPerUser = itemPerUserDist.sample();
            Collection<String> knownIDs = new ArrayList<>(itemsPerUser);
            for (int item = 0; item < itemsPerUser; item++) {
                knownIDs.add("I" + random.nextInt(ITEMS));
            model.addKnownItems(userID, knownIDs);

    log.info("Adding {} items", ITEMS);
    AtomicInteger itemCount = new AtomicInteger();
    ExecUtils.doInParallel(numCores, i -> {
        RandomGenerator random = RandomManager.getRandom(((long) i << 32) ^ System.nanoTime());
        for (int item = itemCount.getAndIncrement(); item < ITEMS; item = itemCount.getAndIncrement()) {
            model.setItemVector("I" + item, VectorMath.randomVectorF(FEATURES, random));

    long endMemory = JVMUtils.getUsedMemory();

    log.info("Built model over {} users, {} items, {} features, {} entries, using {}MB", USERS, ITEMS, FEATURES,
            totalEntries, (endMemory - startMemory) / 1_000_000);
    log.info("Model: {}", model);
    return model;

From source file:hivemall.anomaly.ChangeFinder2DTest.java

public void testSota5D() throws HiveException {
    final int DIM = 5;
    final int EXAMPLES = 20001;

    final Double[] x = new Double[DIM];
    final List<Double> xList = Arrays.asList(x);

    Parameters params = new Parameters();
    params.set(LossFunction.logloss);/*from  w ww  . jav a 2  s  .c  o  m*/
    params.r1 = 0.01d;
    params.k = 10;
    params.T1 = 10;
    params.T2 = 10;
    PrimitiveObjectInspector oi = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.javaDoubleObjectInspector;
    ListObjectInspector listOI = ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector(oi);
    final ChangeFinder2D cf = new ChangeFinder2D(params, listOI);
    final double[] outScores = new double[2];

    RandomGenerator rng1 = new Well19937c(31L);
    final UniformIntegerDistribution uniform = new UniformIntegerDistribution(rng1, 0, 10);
    RandomGenerator rng2 = new Well19937c(41L);
    final PoissonDistribution poissonEvent = new PoissonDistribution(rng2, 1000.d,
            PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_EPSILON, PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS);
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256);

    println("# time x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 mean0 mean1 mean2 mean3 mean4 outlier change");
    FIN: for (int i = 0; i < EXAMPLES;) {
        int len = poissonEvent.sample();
        double data[][] = new double[DIM][len];
        double mean[] = new double[DIM];
        double sd[] = new double[DIM];
        for (int j = 0; j < DIM; j++) {
            mean[j] = uniform.sample() * 5.d;
            sd[j] = uniform.sample() / 10.d * 5.d + 1.d;
            if (i % 5 == 0) {
                mean[j] += 50.d;
            NormalDistribution normDist = new NormalDistribution(new Well19937c(i + j), mean[j], sd[j]);
            data[j] = normDist.sample(len);
            data[j][len / (j + 2) + DIM % (j + 1)] = mean[j] + (j + 4) * sd[j];
        for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
            if (i >= EXAMPLES) {
                break FIN;
            x[0] = data[0][j];
            x[1] = data[1][j];
            x[2] = data[2][j];
            x[3] = data[3][j];
            x[4] = data[4][j];
            cf.update(xList, outScores);
            buf.append(i).append(' ').append(x[0].doubleValue()).append(' ').append(x[1].doubleValue())
                    .append(' ').append(x[2].doubleValue()).append(' ').append(x[3].doubleValue()).append(' ')
                    .append(x[4].doubleValue()).append(' ').append(mean[0]).append(' ').append(mean[1])
                    .append(' ').append(mean[2]).append(' ').append(mean[3]).append(' ').append(mean[4])
                    .append(' ').append(outScores[0]).append(' ').append(outScores[1]);

From source file:com.cloudera.oryx.app.serving.als.model.ALSServingModelTest.java

public void testLSHEffect() {
    RandomGenerator random = RandomManager.getRandom();
    PoissonDistribution itemPerUserDist = new PoissonDistribution(random, 20,
            PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_EPSILON, PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS);
    int features = 20;
    ALSServingModel mainModel = new ALSServingModel(features, true, 1.0, null);
    ALSServingModel lshModel = new ALSServingModel(features, true, 0.5, null);

    int userItemCount = 20000;
    for (int user = 0; user < userItemCount; user++) {
        String userID = "U" + user;
        float[] vec = VectorMath.randomVectorF(features, random);
        mainModel.setUserVector(userID, vec);
        lshModel.setUserVector(userID, vec);
        int itemsPerUser = itemPerUserDist.sample();
        Collection<String> knownIDs = new ArrayList<>(itemsPerUser);
        for (int i = 0; i < itemsPerUser; i++) {
            knownIDs.add("I" + random.nextInt(userItemCount));
        }//from w w  w. j a v  a 2 s.  c o m
        mainModel.addKnownItems(userID, knownIDs);
        lshModel.addKnownItems(userID, knownIDs);

    for (int item = 0; item < userItemCount; item++) {
        String itemID = "I" + item;
        float[] vec = VectorMath.randomVectorF(features, random);
        mainModel.setItemVector(itemID, vec);
        lshModel.setItemVector(itemID, vec);

    int numRecs = 10;
    Mean meanMatchLength = new Mean();
    for (int user = 0; user < userItemCount; user++) {
        String userID = "U" + user;
        List<Pair<String, Double>> mainRecs = mainModel
                .topN(new DotsFunction(mainModel.getUserVector(userID)), null, numRecs, null)
        List<Pair<String, Double>> lshRecs = lshModel
                .topN(new DotsFunction(lshModel.getUserVector(userID)), null, numRecs, null)
        int i = 0;
        while (i < lshRecs.size() && i < mainRecs.size() && lshRecs.get(i).equals(mainRecs.get(i))) {
    log.info("Mean matching prefix: {}", meanMatchLength.getResult());
    assertGreaterOrEqual(meanMatchLength.getResult(), 4.0);

    for (int item = 0; item < userItemCount; item++) {
        String itemID = "I" + item;
        List<Pair<String, Double>> mainRecs = mainModel
                .topN(new CosineAverageFunction(mainModel.getItemVector(itemID)), null, numRecs, null)
        List<Pair<String, Double>> lshRecs = lshModel
                .topN(new CosineAverageFunction(lshModel.getItemVector(itemID)), null, numRecs, null)
        int i = 0;
        while (i < lshRecs.size() && i < mainRecs.size() && lshRecs.get(i).equals(mainRecs.get(i))) {
    log.info("Mean matching prefix: {}", meanMatchLength.getResult());
    assertGreaterOrEqual(meanMatchLength.getResult(), 5.0);

From source file:ml.shifu.shifu.core.dtrain.lr.LogisticRegressionWorker.java

protected float sampleWeights(float label) {
    float sampleWeights = 1f;
    // sample negative or kFoldCV, sample rate is 1d
    double sampleRate = (modelConfig.getTrain().getSampleNegOnly() || this.isKFoldCV) ? 1d
            : modelConfig.getTrain().getBaggingSampleRate();
    int classValue = (int) (label + 0.01f);
    if (!modelConfig.isBaggingWithReplacement()) {
        Random random = null;//from  w w w.  ja  va  2s.  com
        if (this.isStratifiedSampling) {
            random = baggingRandomMap.get(classValue);
            if (random == null) {
                random = DTrainUtils.generateRandomBySampleSeed(modelConfig.getTrain().getBaggingSampleSeed(),
                baggingRandomMap.put(classValue, random);
        } else {
            random = baggingRandomMap.get(0);
            if (random == null) {
                random = DTrainUtils.generateRandomBySampleSeed(modelConfig.getTrain().getBaggingSampleSeed(),
                baggingRandomMap.put(0, random);
        if (random.nextDouble() <= sampleRate) {
            sampleWeights = 1f;
        } else {
            sampleWeights = 0f;
    } else {
        // bagging with replacement sampling in training data set, take PoissonDistribution for sampling with
        // replacement
        if (this.isStratifiedSampling) {
            PoissonDistribution rng = this.baggingRngMap.get(classValue);
            if (rng == null) {
                rng = new PoissonDistribution(sampleRate);
                this.baggingRngMap.put(classValue, rng);
            sampleWeights = rng.sample();
        } else {
            PoissonDistribution rng = this.baggingRngMap.get(0);
            if (rng == null) {
                rng = new PoissonDistribution(sampleRate);
                this.baggingRngMap.put(0, rng);
            sampleWeights = rng.sample();
    return sampleWeights;

From source file:gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins.EMGainAnalysis.java

 * Randomly generate a histogram from poisson-gamma-gaussian samples
 * //from  www  .j  av a2 s  . c o m
 * @return The histogram
private int[] simulateFromPoissonGammaGaussian() {
    // Randomly sample
    RandomGenerator random = new Well44497b(System.currentTimeMillis() + System.identityHashCode(this));

    PoissonDistribution poisson = new PoissonDistribution(random, _photons, PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_EPSILON,

    CustomGammaDistribution gamma = new CustomGammaDistribution(random, _photons, _gain,

    final int steps = simulationSize;
    int[] sample = new int[steps];
    for (int n = 0; n < steps; n++) {
        if (n % 64 == 0)
            IJ.showProgress(n, steps);

        // Poisson
        double d = poisson.sample();

        // Gamma
        if (d > 0) {
            d = gamma.sample();

        // Gaussian
        d += _noise * random.nextGaussian();

        // Convert the sample to a count 
        sample[n] = (int) Math.round(d + _bias);

    int max = Maths.max(sample);
    int[] h = new int[max + 1];
    for (int s : sample)
    return h;

From source file:gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins.CreateData.java

private float[] createBackground(RandomDataGenerator random) {
    float[] pixels2 = null;

    if (settings.background > 0) {
        if (random == null)
            random = new RandomDataGenerator();
        createBackgroundPixels();/*from   w w w  .  j  av  a2 s. c  o m*/
        pixels2 = Arrays.copyOf(backgroundPixels, backgroundPixels.length);

        // Add Poisson noise.
        if (uniformBackground) {
            // We can do N random samples thus ensuring the background average is constant.
            // Note: The number of samples must be Poisson distributed.
            final int samples = (int) random.nextPoisson(pixels2[0] * pixels2.length);

            // Only do sampling if the number of samples is valid
            if (samples >= 1) {
                pixels2 = new float[pixels2.length];
                final int upper = pixels2.length - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
                    pixels2[random.nextInt(0, upper)] += 1;
            } else {
                // If using a uniform illumination then we can use a fixed Poisson distribution
                PoissonDistribution dist = new PoissonDistribution(random.getRandomGenerator(), pixels2[0],
                        PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_EPSILON, PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS);
                for (int i = 0; i < pixels2.length; i++) {
                    pixels2[i] = dist.sample();
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < pixels2.length; i++) {
                pixels2[i] = random.nextPoisson(pixels2[i]);
    } else {
        pixels2 = new float[settings.size * settings.size];

    return pixels2;

From source file:SimpleGui.QueryGenerator.java

 * Creating specified number (numOfQuerySegments) of sub-queries
 * This should be first time to keep sub-queries set fixed for all inputs
 *///  w ww .j  ava2 s  .com
public ArrayList<String> generateSubQuerySamples(int numOfQuerySegments) throws IOException {
    /* File file = new File("//home//santhilata//Dropbox//CacheLearning//QGen//src//main//java//QueryInput" +
     FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file);
    DatabaseDetails[] ddetails = this.getConfiguration().getDistributedEnvironment().getDatabaseSchema();

    int querySegmentSample = 0;
    String tempSTR = "";
    ArrayList<String> queries = new ArrayList<>(numOfQuerySegments);

    for (int i = 0; i < numOfQuerySegments; i++) {
        String query = "";

        ArrayList<String> tempListSQS = new ArrayList<>();

        int noOfSQSInQuery = 0; // This variable is to select more than one sqss. This is to ensure we get data from multiple databases
        while (noOfSQSInQuery == 0) {
            noOfSQSInQuery = new Random().nextInt(ddetails.length) + 1; // upto no.of databases

        int seed = new Random().nextInt(8);
        while (seed == 0) {
            seed = new Random().nextInt(8);

        PoissonDistribution poisson = new PoissonDistribution(noOfSQS / seed);
        UniformIntegerDistribution uid = new UniformIntegerDistribution(noOfSQS / (seed + 1), noOfSQS / (seed));

        //adding SQS in the query
        for (int j = 0; j < noOfSQSInQuery; j++) {
            //  String tempSTR = sqss.get(poisson.sample());
            if (querySegmentSample > sqss.size() - 1)
                querySegmentSample = 0;
            else {
                tempSTR = sqss.get(querySegmentSample);
            if (!tempListSQS.contains(tempSTR))

        for (int j = 0; j < noOfSQSInQuery; j++) {
            query = query + "<" + tempListSQS.get(j) + ">";

        //till here added sqs in a query

        int tempAttr = new Random().nextInt(noOfSQSInQuery);
        //to ensure that first attribute is taken from the chosen subject query segments
        while ((tempAttr == 0)) {
            if (noOfSQSInQuery == 1)
                tempAttr = 1;
                tempAttr = new Random().nextInt(noOfSQSInQuery);

        String attr1 = "";
        if (tempAttr == 1)
            attr1 = tempListSQS.get(0);
            attr1 = tempListSQS.get(tempAttr);

        String attr2 = attr1 + "*"; // what is this star for?
        while (attr2.contains(attr1)) { //this is to avoid repetition of attributes in the predicates
            // System.out.println(attr2 +" "+attr1);
            PoissonDistribution poisson_PQS = new PoissonDistribution(pqss.size() / seed);
            int poisson_sample = poisson_PQS.sample();

            while (poisson_sample >= pqss.size()) {
                poisson_sample = poisson_PQS.sample();

            attr2 = pqss.get(poisson_sample);
            //  System.out.println("new attr2 "+attr2);

        if (attr2 == null) {
            attr1 = attr1 + "," + conditionArray[new Random().nextInt(conditionArray.length)];
            long cardinality = Math.round(Math.abs(new Random().nextGaussian() * 1000));
            attr1 = attr1 + "," + conditionArray[new Random().nextInt(conditionArray.length)] + "-"
                    + cardinality;


        String str = "<" + attr1 + attr2 + ">";

        query = query + "#" + str;


    for (String query: queries
     ) {
    this.sub_queries = queries;

    return queries;

From source file:SimpleGui.QueryGenerator.java

 * Returns array of values in a given distribution
 * @param distribution//from www. ja va2s.c  om
 * @param numQs
 * @param mean
 * @param variance
 * @param exponentialMean
 * @param u_lower
 * @param u_upper
 * @return
public int[] getDistributionValues(String distribution, int numQs, double mean, double variance,
        double exponentialMean, int u_lower, int u_upper, double slope, int upperBoundary) {

    int[] values = new int[numQs];

    switch (distribution) {
    case "Poisson": {
        RandomEngine engine = new DRand();
        Poisson poisson = new Poisson(mean, engine);
        int poissonObs = poisson.nextInt();
        Normal normal = new Normal(mean, variance, engine);

        for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
            double normalObs = normal.nextDouble();
            int sample = (int) Math.abs(normalObs);

            while (sample >= upperBoundary) {
                normalObs = normal.nextDouble();
                sample = (int) Math.abs(normalObs);

            values[i] = sample;
            //System.out.println(values[i]+"from poisson");
            PoissonDistribution p = new PoissonDistribution(mean);
            int randomInt = p.sample();
            // values[i] = randomInt;
        // Arrays.sort(values);

    case "Random": {

        Random randomGenerator = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
            int randomInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(numQs - 1);
            values[i] = randomInt + 1; // to avoid '0'

    case "Uniform": {
        for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
            UniformIntegerDistribution u = new UniformIntegerDistribution(u_lower, u_upper);
            int randomInt = u.sample();
            while (randomInt >= upperBoundary) {
                randomInt = u.sample();
            if (randomInt == 0)
                values[i] = randomInt + 1; // to avoid random '0'
                values[i] = randomInt;


    case "Exponential": {
        for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
            ExponentialDistribution e = new ExponentialDistribution(exponentialMean);
            double exponential = e.sample();
            while (exponential >= upperBoundary - 1) {
                exponential = e.sample();
            values[i] = new Double(exponential).intValue() + 1; //to avoid random value '0'


    case "Grading": { // y=mx+c. increment and then decrement for positive slopes.
        int constant = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
            constant += slope;
            int nextVal = new Double(constant).intValue();
            if (nextVal >= upperBoundary || nextVal < 0) {
                slope = -1 * slope;
            } else
                values[i] = nextVal;
    // Arrays.sort(values);

    return values;