Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution UniformIntegerDistribution sample

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution UniformIntegerDistribution sample


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution UniformIntegerDistribution sample.


public int sample() 

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From source file:hivemall.anomaly.ChangeFinder2DTest.java

public void testSota5D() throws HiveException {
    final int DIM = 5;
    final int EXAMPLES = 20001;

    final Double[] x = new Double[DIM];
    final List<Double> xList = Arrays.asList(x);

    Parameters params = new Parameters();
    params.set(LossFunction.logloss);/*from w ww  .  j  a  va 2 s .c  o m*/
    params.r1 = 0.01d;
    params.k = 10;
    params.T1 = 10;
    params.T2 = 10;
    PrimitiveObjectInspector oi = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.javaDoubleObjectInspector;
    ListObjectInspector listOI = ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector(oi);
    final ChangeFinder2D cf = new ChangeFinder2D(params, listOI);
    final double[] outScores = new double[2];

    RandomGenerator rng1 = new Well19937c(31L);
    final UniformIntegerDistribution uniform = new UniformIntegerDistribution(rng1, 0, 10);
    RandomGenerator rng2 = new Well19937c(41L);
    final PoissonDistribution poissonEvent = new PoissonDistribution(rng2, 1000.d,
            PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_EPSILON, PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS);
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256);

    println("# time x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 mean0 mean1 mean2 mean3 mean4 outlier change");
    FIN: for (int i = 0; i < EXAMPLES;) {
        int len = poissonEvent.sample();
        double data[][] = new double[DIM][len];
        double mean[] = new double[DIM];
        double sd[] = new double[DIM];
        for (int j = 0; j < DIM; j++) {
            mean[j] = uniform.sample() * 5.d;
            sd[j] = uniform.sample() / 10.d * 5.d + 1.d;
            if (i % 5 == 0) {
                mean[j] += 50.d;
            NormalDistribution normDist = new NormalDistribution(new Well19937c(i + j), mean[j], sd[j]);
            data[j] = normDist.sample(len);
            data[j][len / (j + 2) + DIM % (j + 1)] = mean[j] + (j + 4) * sd[j];
        for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
            if (i >= EXAMPLES) {
                break FIN;
            x[0] = data[0][j];
            x[1] = data[1][j];
            x[2] = data[2][j];
            x[3] = data[3][j];
            x[4] = data[4][j];
            cf.update(xList, outScores);
            buf.append(i).append(' ').append(x[0].doubleValue()).append(' ').append(x[1].doubleValue())
                    .append(' ').append(x[2].doubleValue()).append(' ').append(x[3].doubleValue()).append(' ')
                    .append(x[4].doubleValue()).append(' ').append(mean[0]).append(' ').append(mean[1])
                    .append(' ').append(mean[2]).append(' ').append(mean[3]).append(' ').append(mean[4])
                    .append(' ').append(outScores[0]).append(' ').append(outScores[1]);

From source file:com.vsthost.rnd.jdeoptim.DE.java

 * Computes and returns a new population.
 * @return A new population./*from  w w  w  . j av a  2 s.  c  o  m*/
private void generatePopulation() {
    // Declare and initialize the new population:
    double[][] newPopulation = new double[this.populationSize][];

    // Declare and initialize the new population scores:
    double[] newScores = new double[this.populationSize];

    // Define a uniform distribution:
    UniformIntegerDistribution distributionForCol = new UniformIntegerDistribution(this.randomGenerator, 0,
            this.dimension - 1);
    UniformIntegerDistribution distributionForRow = new UniformIntegerDistribution(this.randomGenerator, 0,
            this.populationSize - 1);
    UniformRealDistribution distributionForCO = new UniformRealDistribution(this.randomGenerator, 0, 1);

    // Iterate over the current population:
    for (int c = 0; c < this.populationSize; c++) {
        // Get the candidate as the base of the next candidate (a.k.a. trial):
        double[] trial = Arrays.copyOf(this.population[c], this.dimension);

        // TODO: Implement all strategies.

        // Pick a random index from the dimension to start with:
        int index = distributionForCol.sample();

        // Get 2 elements from the population which are distinct:
        int r1 = -1, r2 = -1;
        while (c == r1 || c == r2 || r1 == r2) {
            r1 = distributionForRow.sample();
            r2 = distributionForRow.sample();

        // Iterate over dimensions and do stuff:
        for (int _i = 0; _i < this.dimension; _i++) {
            // To crossover or not to crossover:
            if (distributionForCO.sample() < this.crossoverProbability) {
                // Using strategy "DE/best/1/bin with jitter" as in R's DEoptim package (strategy==3):
                trial[index] = this.bestCandidate[index] + this.weight * (distributionForCO.sample() + 0.0001)
                        * (this.population[r1][index] - this.population[r2][index]);

                // Using strategy "DE/local-to-best/1/bin" as in R's DEoptim package (strategy==2):
                // trial[index] += this.weight *  (this.population[r1][index] - this.population[r2][index]) + this.weight * (this.bestCandidate[index] - trial[index]);

            // Update index:
            index = (index + 1) % dimension;

        //            // Apply limits with reflection:
        //            for (int i = 0; i < this.lowerLimit.length; i++) {
        //                // Check lower limit:
        //                if (trial[i] < this.lowerLimit[i]) {
        //                    trial[i] = this.lowerLimit[i] + trial[i];
        //                }
        //                // Check upper limit:
        //                else if (trial[i] > this.upperLimit[i]) {
        //                    trial[i] = this.upperLimit[i] - trial[i];
        //                }
        //            }

        // Apply limits:
        for (int i = 0; i < this.lowerLimit.length; i++) {
            // Check lower limit:
            if (trial[i] < this.lowerLimit[i]) {
                trial[i] = this.lowerLimit[i];
            // Check upper limit:
            else if (trial[i] > this.upperLimit[i]) {
                trial[i] = this.upperLimit[i];

        // Compute the score of the trial:
        final double score = this.function.apply(trial);

        // Check the score of this candidate:
        if (score < this.scores[c]) {
            newPopulation[c] = trial;
            newScores[c] = score;
        } else {
            newPopulation[c] = this.population[c];
            newScores[c] = this.scores[c];

    // Now, reset the population and scores:
    this.population = newPopulation;
    this.scores = newScores;

From source file:com.vsthost.rnd.jdeoptim.evolution.strategies.Strategy3.java

public void regenerate(Population population, Problem problem, Objective objective) {
    // Setup a uniform integer distribution for candidate element selection:
    UniformIntegerDistribution elementSampling = new UniformIntegerDistribution(this.randomGenerator, 0,
            population.getDimension() - 1);

    // Get the best member of the population:
    final double[] bestMember = population.getBestMember();

    // Define the new population data and scores as we don't want to override old one within the loop:
    final double[][] newPopData = new double[population.getSize()][];
    final double[] newPopScores = new double[population.getSize()];
    final boolean[] newPopFlags = new boolean[population.getSize()];

    // Iterate over the current population:
    for (int c = 0; c < population.getSize(); c++) {
        // Are we going to adjust CR and F?
        if (this.c > 0) {
            // Yes. We will not adjust the CR first:
            this.cr = new NormalDistribution(this.randomGenerator, this.meanCR, 0.1).sample();

            // Check and reset CR:
            this.cr = this.cr > 1 ? 1 : (this.cr < 0 ? 0 : this.cr);

            // OK, now we will adjust F:
            do {/* ww  w  .  j a va 2s  .  c o  m*/
                // Get the new F:
                this.f = new CauchyDistribution(this.randomGenerator, this.meanF, 0.1).sample();

                // Check and reset F if required:
                this.f = this.f > 1 ? 1 : this.f;
            } while (this.f <= 0.0);

        // Get the candidate as the base of the next candidate (a.k.a. trial):
        final double[] trial = population.getMemberCopy(c);

        // Get the score of the candidate:
        final double oldScore = population.getScore(c);

        // Get two random candidate indices:
        final int[] randomCandidates = Utils.pickRandom(Utils.sequence(population.getSize()), 2,
                new int[] { c }, this.randomGenerator);

        // Get the index of element of candidate to start with:
        int j = elementSampling.sample();

        // Set the counter for preventing overflowing dimension:
        int k = 0;

        // Iterate and set elements:
        do {
            // Get the jitter:
            final double jitter = (probability.sample() * this.jitterFactor) + this.f;

            // Get the respective element of the best candidate:
            final double bestest = bestMember[j];

            // Get the random candidate elements:
            final double random1 = population.getMember(randomCandidates[0])[j];
            final double random2 = population.getMember(randomCandidates[1])[j];

            // Override trial:
            trial[j] = bestest + jitter * (random1 - random2);

            // Move to the next element:
            j = (j + 1) % population.getDimension();

            // Increment k:
        } while (probability.sample() < this.cr && k < population.getDimension());

        // We have an interim trial. We will now truncate:
        for (int i = 0; i < trial.length; i++) {
            // Are we truncating?
            if (precision == 0) {

            // OK, truncate:
            trial[i] = DMatrixUtils.roundDoubleToClosest(trial[i], this.precision);

        // Apply limits in case that we have violated:
        for (int i = 0; i < trial.length; i++) {
            // Check lower limit:
            if (trial[i] < problem.getLower()[i]) {
                if (this.bounceBack) {
                    trial[i] = problem.getLower()[i]
                            + probability.sample() * (problem.getUpper()[i] - problem.getLower()[i]);
                } else {
                    trial[i] = problem.getLower()[i];

            // Check upper limit:
            if (trial[i] > problem.getUpper()[i]) {
                if (this.bounceBack) {
                    trial[i] = problem.getUpper()[i]
                            - probability.sample() * (problem.getUpper()[i] - problem.getLower()[i]);
                } else {
                    trial[i] = problem.getUpper()[i];

        // We will now check if we have a
        // better candidate. If yes, we will replace the old member with the trial,
        // if not we will just skip. Compute the score:
        final double newScore = objective.apply(trial);

        // Check the new score against the old one and act accordingly:
        if (newScore < oldScore) {
            // Yes, our trial is a better candidate. Replace:
            newPopData[c] = trial;
            newPopScores[c] = newScore;
            newPopFlags[c] = true;

            // We will now re-adjust for CR and F.
            this.goodCR += this.cr / ++this.goodNPCount;
            this.goodF += this.f;
            this.goodF2 += Math.pow(this.f, 2);
        } else {
            newPopFlags[c] = false;

    // Re-compute mean CR and F if required:
    if (this.c > 0 && this.goodF != 0) {
        this.meanCR = (1 - this.c) * this.meanCR + this.c * this.goodCR;
        this.meanF = (1 - this.c) * this.meanF + this.c * this.goodF2 / this.goodF;

    // Now, override the population:
    for (int i = 0; i < population.getSize(); i++) {
        if (newPopFlags[i]) {
            population.setMember(i, newPopData[i], newPopScores[i]);

From source file:SimpleGui.QueryGenerator.java

 * pqss are predicate query segments that decide the number of rows
 *///  w  ww.  ja  va 2 s .  c o m
private void createPQSS() {

    for (int p = 0; p < noOfPQSS; p++) {

        String tempPQS = "";
        UniformIntegerDistribution uniform = new UniformIntegerDistribution(1, sqss.size() - 1);

        String attr2 = "";
        String condition = "";

        int tempAttr = uniform.sample();

        while ((tempAttr == 0)) { // to avoid 0
            tempAttr = uniform.sample();

        attr2 = sqss.get(tempAttr); // get a random value from sqss
        Random shouldHaveAttr2 = new Random();
        int OKattr2 = shouldHaveAttr2.nextInt(4);//4 is an arbitrarily chosen to limit number of attributes

        if (OKattr2 >= 2) { // to have
            tempPQS = tempPQS + "," + attr2;
            condition = conditionArray[new Random().nextInt(8)]; // a value from condition

            //cardinality is a random number generated to give a number for size of the query
            long cardinality = Math.round(Math.abs(new Random().nextGaussian() * 1000));
            //                System.out.println("cardinality is "+cardinality);
            tempPQS = tempPQS + "," + condition + "-" + cardinality;
        } else {
            condition = conditionArray[new Random().nextInt(8)];
            long cardinality = Math.round(Math.abs(new Random().nextGaussian() * 1000));
            tempPQS = "," + condition + "-" + cardinality;

        pqss.add(tempPQS);// + ">");

From source file:SimpleGui.QueryGenerator.java

 * Returns array of values in a given distribution
 * @param distribution/*w  w  w .j a  v a2  s.  c  om*/
 * @param numQs
 * @param mean
 * @param variance
 * @param exponentialMean
 * @param u_lower
 * @param u_upper
 * @return
public int[] getDistributionValues(String distribution, int numQs, double mean, double variance,
        double exponentialMean, int u_lower, int u_upper, double slope, int upperBoundary) {

    int[] values = new int[numQs];

    switch (distribution) {
    case "Poisson": {
        RandomEngine engine = new DRand();
        Poisson poisson = new Poisson(mean, engine);
        int poissonObs = poisson.nextInt();
        Normal normal = new Normal(mean, variance, engine);

        for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
            double normalObs = normal.nextDouble();
            int sample = (int) Math.abs(normalObs);

            while (sample >= upperBoundary) {
                normalObs = normal.nextDouble();
                sample = (int) Math.abs(normalObs);

            values[i] = sample;
            //System.out.println(values[i]+"from poisson");
            PoissonDistribution p = new PoissonDistribution(mean);
            int randomInt = p.sample();
            // values[i] = randomInt;
        // Arrays.sort(values);

    case "Random": {

        Random randomGenerator = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
            int randomInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(numQs - 1);
            values[i] = randomInt + 1; // to avoid '0'

    case "Uniform": {
        for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
            UniformIntegerDistribution u = new UniformIntegerDistribution(u_lower, u_upper);
            int randomInt = u.sample();
            while (randomInt >= upperBoundary) {
                randomInt = u.sample();
            if (randomInt == 0)
                values[i] = randomInt + 1; // to avoid random '0'
                values[i] = randomInt;


    case "Exponential": {
        for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
            ExponentialDistribution e = new ExponentialDistribution(exponentialMean);
            double exponential = e.sample();
            while (exponential >= upperBoundary - 1) {
                exponential = e.sample();
            values[i] = new Double(exponential).intValue() + 1; //to avoid random value '0'


    case "Grading": { // y=mx+c. increment and then decrement for positive slopes.
        int constant = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
            constant += slope;
            int nextVal = new Double(constant).intValue();
            if (nextVal >= upperBoundary || nextVal < 0) {
                slope = -1 * slope;
            } else
                values[i] = nextVal;
    // Arrays.sort(values);

    return values;

From source file:uk.ac.diamond.scisoft.ncd.passerelle.actors.forkjoin.NcdImageStatsForkJoinTransformer.java

private void generatePointROIList() {
    int[] imageShape = (int[]) ConvertUtils
            .convert(Arrays.copyOfRange(frames, frames.length - dimension, frames.length), int[].class);

    UniformIntegerDistribution randX = new UniformIntegerDistribution(0, imageShape[1] - 1);
    UniformIntegerDistribution randY = new UniformIntegerDistribution(0, imageShape[0] - 1);

    while (points.size() < numSamples) {
        int[] point = new int[] { randY.sample(), randX.sample() };
        PointROI pointROI = new PointROI(point);
        if (intSector == null || intSector.containsPoint(point[1], point[0])) {
            if (mask == null || mask.getBoolean(point)) {
                double radius = distance.compute(intSector.getPoint(), new double[] { point[0], point[1] });
                radiiMap.put(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(point[1], point[0]), radius);
            }// w  ww  .j  a v  a2 s.  c  o  m

    // Calculate resolution bins 
    double[] sortedRadii = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(radiiMap.values().toArray(new Double[] {}));

    percentiles[0] = 0;
    percentiles[numBins] = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (int i = 1; i < numBins; i++) {
        double p = i * 100.0 / numBins;
        percentiles[i] = percentile.evaluate(p);

    // Subdivide points into resolution bins
    for (int bin = 0; bin < numBins; bin++) {
        HashSet<Pair<Integer, Integer>> pointSet = new HashSet<Pair<Integer, Integer>>();
        for (Entry<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Double> element : radiiMap.entrySet()) {
            double radius = element.getValue();
            if (radius > percentiles[bin] && radius < percentiles[bin + 1]) {