Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution UniformRealDistribution sample

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution UniformRealDistribution sample


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.distribution UniformRealDistribution sample.


public double sample() 

Source Link


From source file:edu.uiowa.javatm.UtilsTestDrive.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    double tau = 0.01;
    UniformRealDistribution uniform = new UniformRealDistribution(-1 * tau, tau);

    /*/*from w ww .  ja  va 2  s.c om*/
      int a = +0;
      int b = +0;
      String asFile = "/Users/zhiyzuo/Documents/java-topic-model/data/AS.csv";
      ArrayList<int[]> AS = Utils.readAS(asFile);
    // random number genrator
    final Random random = new Random();
       System.out.println(random.ints(1, 0, 10).toArray()[0]);
      String asFile = "/Users/zhiyzuo/Documents/java-topic-model/data/AS.csv";
      ArrayList<int[]> AS = Utils.readAS(asFile);
    double[][] mydoubleArray = new double [][] { { 1, 2.},
                               { 0.02, 0.12},
                               { 4.97, 3.56} };
    Utils.write2DArray(mydoubleArray, "/Users/zhiyzuo/Desktop/test.csv");
    String[][] myStringArray = new String [][] { { "X0", "Y0"},
                               { "X1", "Y1"},
                               { "X2", "Y2"},
                               { "X3", "Y3"},
                               { "X4", "Y4"} };
    Utils.write2DArray(myStringArray, "/Users/zhiyzuo/Desktop/test.csv");
    int[][] array1 = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}};
    System.out.println("Test getColumn()");
    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(Utils.getColumn(array1, 0)));
    int[] array2 = {1,1,2,3,2,3,2};
    System.out.println("Test find()");
    System.out.println(Utils.find(array2, 2).toString());
    double[] array3 = {0.25, 0.3, 0.15, 0.2, 0.1};
    System.out.println("Test sortIndex(double[])");
    int[] sortedIndices = Utils.sortIndex(array3);
    double[] array3_sorted = new double[array3.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < array3.length; i++) {
    array3_sorted[i] = array3[sortedIndices[i]];

    System.out.println("Test _sum()");
    double sum_ = Utils._sum(array3);
    System.out.println("Sum of array3 is: " + sum_);
    double[] array4 = {0.5, 0.7, 0.8};
    System.out.println("Test _normalize()");
    double[] array4_normed = Utils._normalize(array4);
    System.out.println("Normalized array4 is: " + Arrays.toString(array4_normed));

    double[] array4 = {0.4, 0.05, 0.1};
    System.out.println("Test sample()");
    System.out.println("Probablity List: " + Arrays.toString(array4));
    int[] choices = new int[10];
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    choices[i] = Utils.sample(array4);
    String vocFileName = "../data/test_mat.csv.clabel";
    System.out.println("Test readVocabulary()");
    String[] vocArray = Utils.readVocabulary(vocFileName);

     String docFileName = "../data/WD.csv";
     System.out.println("Test readDocFile()");
     int[][] WD = Utils.readDocFile(docFileName);
     int[] DS = Utils.getColumn(WD, 0);
     int[] WS = Utils.getColumn(WD, 1);
     System.out.println(DS[DS.length-1] + 1);

    int[][] DA = Utils.readDA("data/DA.csv");
    for (int j = 0; j < DA.length; j++) {
      System.out.println(j + " " + Arrays.toString(Utils.nonZeroIndex(DA[j])));

     double[][] citationMatrix = Utils.readCitationFile("../data/doc1Citation.csv");
     double[] doubleArray = new double[] {1, 2, 3, 4};
     System.out.println("Mean of " + Arrays.toString(doubleArray) + " is: " + Utils.mean(doubleArray));
     System.out.println("Variance of " + Arrays.toString(doubleArray) + " is: " + Utils.variance(doubleArray));


From source file:gamlss.distributions.GA.java

/** Generates a random value from this distribution.
 * @param mu -  value of mu distribution parameters
 * @param sigma -  value of sigma distribution parameters
 * @param uDist -  object of UniformRealDistribution class;
 * @return random value//from  w  w  w.j a va 2 s. co m
private double rGA(final double mu, final double sigma, final UniformRealDistribution uDist) {
    //r <- qST3(p,mu=mu,sigma=sigma,nu=nu,tau=tau)
    //p <- runif(n)
    return qGA(uDist.sample(), mu, sigma, true, false);

From source file:gamlss.distributions.SST.java

/** Generates a random sample from this distribution.
 * @param mu -  vector of mu distribution parameters values
 * @param sigma -  vector of sigma distribution parameters values
 * @param nu -  vector of nu distribution parameters values
 * @param tau -  vector of tau distribution parameters values
 * @param uDist -  object of UniformRealDistribution class;
 * @return random sample vector//ww w.j  a  va  2s.  c  om
public final double rSST(final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
        final UniformRealDistribution uDist) {

    //if (any(tau <= 2)) stop(paste("tau must be greater than 2")
    if (tau <= 2) {
        System.err.println("tau must be greater than 2");
        return -1.0;
    //r <- qST3(p,mu=mu,sigma=sigma,nu=nu,tau=tau)
    return qSST(uDist.sample(), mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false);

From source file:gamlss.distributions.JSUo.java

/** Generates a random sample from this distribution.
 * @param mu -  vector of mu distribution parameters values
 * @param sigma -  vector of sigma distribution parameters values
 * @param nu -  vector of nu distribution parameters values
 * @param tau -  vector of tau distribution parameters values
 * @param uDist -  object of UniformRealDistribution class;
 * @return random sample vector//from ww w  .j av  a  2s .  c  om
public final double rJSUo(final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
        final UniformRealDistribution uDist) {

    // {  if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive",))
    if (sigma <= 0) {
        System.err.println("sigma must be positive");
        return -1.0;

    //n <- ceiling(n)
    //temp = FastMath.ceil(n.getEntry(i));       
    //r <- qST3(p,mu=mu,sigma=sigma,nu=nu,tau=tau)
    return qJSUo(uDist.sample(), mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false);

From source file:gamlss.distributions.TF.java

/** Generates a random sample from this distribution.
 * @param mu -  vector of mu distribution parameters values
 * @param sigma -  vector of sigma distribution parameters values
 * @param nu -  vector of nu distribution parameters values
 * @param uDist -  object of UniformRealDistribution class;
 * @return random sample vector/*from ww  w .j a v  a2s  . c o m*/
public final double rTF(final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu,
        final UniformRealDistribution uDist) {
    // {  if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive",))
    if (sigma <= 0) {
        System.err.println("sigma must be positive");
        return -1.0;

    //if (any(nu <= 0))  stop(paste("nu must be positive", "\n", ""))
    if (nu <= 0) {
        System.err.println("nu must be positive");
        return -1.0;

    //r <- qTF(p,mu=mu,sigma=sigma,nu=nu,tau=tau)
    return qTF(uDist.sample(), mu, sigma, nu, true, false);

From source file:gamlss.distributions.PE.java

/** Generates a random sample from this distribution.
 * @param mu -  vector of mu distribution parameters values
 * @param sigma -  vector of sigma distribution parameters values
 * @param nu -  vector of nu distribution parameters values
 * @param uDist -  object of UniformRealDistribution class;
 * @return random sample vector/*  ww  w  .  j av a  2s .  co m*/
public final double rPE(final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu,
        final UniformRealDistribution uDist) {

    // {if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive"))
    if (sigma <= 0) {
        System.err.println("sigma must be positive");
        return -1.0;
    //if (any(nu <= 0))  stop(paste("nu must be positive", "\n", ""))
    if (nu <= 0) {
        System.err.println("nu must be positive");
        return -1.0;

    //r <- qPE(p,mu=mu,sigma=sigma,nu=nu)
    return qPE(uDist.sample(), mu, sigma, nu, true, false);

From source file:gamlss.distributions.TF2.java

/** Generates a random sample from this distribution.
 * @param mu -  vector of mu distribution parameters values
 * @param sigma -  vector of sigma distribution parameters values
 * @param nu -  vector of nu distribution parameters values
 * @param uDist -  object of UniformRealDistribution class;
 * @return random sample vector/*from  w ww. j a va 2  s  .c o m*/
public final double rTF2(final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu,
        final UniformRealDistribution uDist) {

    // {  if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive",))
    if (sigma <= 0) {
        System.err.println("sigma must be positive");
        return -1.0;

    //if (any(nu <= 0))  stop(paste("nu must be positive", "\n", ""))
    if (nu <= 0) {
        System.err.println("nu must be positive");
        return -1.0;
    //r <- qST3(p,mu=mu,sigma=sigma,nu=nu,tau=tau)
    return qTF2(uDist.sample(), mu, sigma, nu, true, false);

From source file:gamlss.distributions.ST1.java

/** Generates a random sample from this distribution.
 * @param mu -  vector of mu distribution parameters values
 * @param sigma -  vector of sigma distribution parameters values
 * @param nu -  vector of nu distribution parameters values
 * @param tau -  vector of tau distribution parameters values
 * @param uDist -  object of UniformRealDistribution class;
 * @return random sample vector/*from ww  w.  j av  a2 s  .co  m*/
public final double rST1(final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
        final UniformRealDistribution uDist) {

    // {if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive"))
    if (sigma <= 0) {
        System.err.println("sigma must be positive");
        return -1.0;
    //r <- qST1(p,mu=mu,sigma=sigma,nu=nu,tau=tau)
    return qST1(uDist.sample(), mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false);

From source file:com.vsthost.rnd.jdeoptim.DE.java

 * Computes and returns a new population.
 * @return A new population./*w  w w  .  java2 s  . c o  m*/
private void generatePopulation() {
    // Declare and initialize the new population:
    double[][] newPopulation = new double[this.populationSize][];

    // Declare and initialize the new population scores:
    double[] newScores = new double[this.populationSize];

    // Define a uniform distribution:
    UniformIntegerDistribution distributionForCol = new UniformIntegerDistribution(this.randomGenerator, 0,
            this.dimension - 1);
    UniformIntegerDistribution distributionForRow = new UniformIntegerDistribution(this.randomGenerator, 0,
            this.populationSize - 1);
    UniformRealDistribution distributionForCO = new UniformRealDistribution(this.randomGenerator, 0, 1);

    // Iterate over the current population:
    for (int c = 0; c < this.populationSize; c++) {
        // Get the candidate as the base of the next candidate (a.k.a. trial):
        double[] trial = Arrays.copyOf(this.population[c], this.dimension);

        // TODO: Implement all strategies.

        // Pick a random index from the dimension to start with:
        int index = distributionForCol.sample();

        // Get 2 elements from the population which are distinct:
        int r1 = -1, r2 = -1;
        while (c == r1 || c == r2 || r1 == r2) {
            r1 = distributionForRow.sample();
            r2 = distributionForRow.sample();

        // Iterate over dimensions and do stuff:
        for (int _i = 0; _i < this.dimension; _i++) {
            // To crossover or not to crossover:
            if (distributionForCO.sample() < this.crossoverProbability) {
                // Using strategy "DE/best/1/bin with jitter" as in R's DEoptim package (strategy==3):
                trial[index] = this.bestCandidate[index] + this.weight * (distributionForCO.sample() + 0.0001)
                        * (this.population[r1][index] - this.population[r2][index]);

                // Using strategy "DE/local-to-best/1/bin" as in R's DEoptim package (strategy==2):
                // trial[index] += this.weight *  (this.population[r1][index] - this.population[r2][index]) + this.weight * (this.bestCandidate[index] - trial[index]);

            // Update index:
            index = (index + 1) % dimension;

        //            // Apply limits with reflection:
        //            for (int i = 0; i < this.lowerLimit.length; i++) {
        //                // Check lower limit:
        //                if (trial[i] < this.lowerLimit[i]) {
        //                    trial[i] = this.lowerLimit[i] + trial[i];
        //                }
        //                // Check upper limit:
        //                else if (trial[i] > this.upperLimit[i]) {
        //                    trial[i] = this.upperLimit[i] - trial[i];
        //                }
        //            }

        // Apply limits:
        for (int i = 0; i < this.lowerLimit.length; i++) {
            // Check lower limit:
            if (trial[i] < this.lowerLimit[i]) {
                trial[i] = this.lowerLimit[i];
            // Check upper limit:
            else if (trial[i] > this.upperLimit[i]) {
                trial[i] = this.upperLimit[i];

        // Compute the score of the trial:
        final double score = this.function.apply(trial);

        // Check the score of this candidate:
        if (score < this.scores[c]) {
            newPopulation[c] = trial;
            newScores[c] = score;
        } else {
            newPopulation[c] = this.population[c];
            newScores[c] = this.scores[c];

    // Now, reset the population and scores:
    this.population = newPopulation;
    this.scores = newScores;

From source file:gamlss.distributions.ST3.java

/** Generates a random sample from this distribution.
 * @param mu -  vector of mu distribution parameters values
 * @param sigma -  vector of sigma distribution parameters values
 * @param nu -  vector of nu distribution parameters values
 * @param tau -  vector of tau distribution parameters values
 * @param uDist -  object of UniformRealDistribution class;
 * @return random sample vector//from w w w . j  a va 2 s .  c o m
public final double rST3(final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
        final UniformRealDistribution uDist) {
    // {if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive"))
    if (sigma <= 0) {
        System.err.println("sigma must be positive");
        return -1.0;
    //if (any(nu <= 0))  stop(paste("nu must be positive", "\n", ""))
    if (nu <= 0) {
        System.err.println("nu must be positive");
        return -1.0;
    //if (any(tau <=0))  stop(paste("tau must be positive", "\n", ""))
    if (tau <= 0) {
        System.err.println("nu must be positive");
        return -1.0;

    //n <- ceiling(n)
    //temp = FastMath.ceil(n.getEntry(i));             
    //r <- qST3(p,mu=mu,sigma=sigma,nu=nu,tau=tau)
    return qST3(uDist.sample(), mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false);