Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.exception ConvergenceException ConvergenceException

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.exception ConvergenceException ConvergenceException


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.exception ConvergenceException ConvergenceException.


public ConvergenceException() 

Source Link


Construct the exception.


From source file:edu.uchc.octane.GaussianFitAstigmatism.java

 * calculate the Z coordinate based on astigmatism
 *//*  w w w  . j  av  a2 s .c om*/
void calculateZ() {

    if (calibration_ == null) {
        z_ = 0;

    UnivariateFunction func = new UnivariateFunction() {
        public double value(double z) {
            double sigmax = FastMath.sqrt(pvp_.getPoint()[3] / 2);
            double sigmay = FastMath.sqrt(pvp_.getPoint()[4] / 2);
            double vx = calibration_[0] + (z - calibration_[1]) * (z - calibration_[1]) * calibration_[2]
                    - sigmax;
            double vy = calibration_[3] + (z - calibration_[4]) * (z - calibration_[4]) * calibration_[5]
                    - sigmay;
            return vx * vx + vy * vy;

    BrentOptimizer optimizer = new BrentOptimizer(1e-4, 1e-4);

    UnivariatePointValuePair upvp = optimizer.optimize(new UnivariateObjectiveFunction(func), GoalType.MINIMIZE,
            MaxEval.unlimited(), new SearchInterval(2 * z0min_ - z0max_, 2 * z0max_ - z0min_));

    if (upvp.getValue() > errTol_) {
        throw (new ConvergenceException());

    z_ = upvp.getPoint();

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.factoranalysis.GPArotation.java

 * Conducts orthogonal rotation of factor loadings.
 * @param A matrix of orthogonal factor loadings
 * @return a matrix of rotated factor loadings.
 * @throws ConvergenceException//from   w ww  .  j ava 2s. c  o  m
private RotationResults GPForth(RealMatrix A, boolean normalize, int maxIter, double eps)
        throws ConvergenceException {
    int ncol = A.getColumnDimension();

    if (normalize) {
        //elementwise division by normalizing weights
        final RealMatrix W = getNormalizingWeights(A, true);
        A.walkInRowOrder(new DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor() {
            public double visit(int row, int column, double value) {
                return value / W.getEntry(row, column);

    RealMatrix Tmat = new IdentityMatrix(ncol);
    double alpha = 1;
    RealMatrix L = A.multiply(Tmat);


    double f = gpFunction.getValue();
    RealMatrix VgQ = gpFunction.getGradient();
    RealMatrix G = A.transpose().multiply(VgQ);
    double VgQtF = gpFunction.getValue();
    RealMatrix VgQt = gpFunction.getGradient();
    RealMatrix Tmatt = null;

    int iter = 0;
    double s = eps + 0.5;
    double s2 = 0;
    int innnerIter = 11;

    while (iter < maxIter) {
        RealMatrix M = Tmat.transpose().multiply(G);
        RealMatrix S = (M.add(M.transpose()));
        S = S.scalarMultiply(0.5);
        RealMatrix Gp = G.subtract(Tmat.multiply(S));
        s = Math.sqrt((Gp.transpose().multiply(Gp)).getTrace());
        s2 = Math.pow(s, 2);

        if (s < eps)
        alpha *= 2.0;

        for (int j = 0; j < innnerIter; j++) {
            Gp = Gp.scalarMultiply(alpha);
            RealMatrix X = (Tmat.subtract(Gp));
            SingularValueDecomposition SVD = new SingularValueDecomposition(X);

            Tmatt = SVD.getU().multiply(SVD.getV().transpose());
            L = A.multiply(Tmatt);
            VgQt = gpFunction.getGradient();
            VgQtF = gpFunction.getValue();

            if (VgQtF < f - 0.5 * s2 * alpha) {
            alpha /= 2.0;

        Tmat = Tmatt;
        f = VgQtF;
        G = A.transpose().multiply(VgQt);

    boolean convergence = s < eps;
    if (!convergence) {
        throw new ConvergenceException();

    if (normalize) {
        //elementwise multiplication by normalizing weights
        final RealMatrix W = getNormalizingWeights(A, true);
        A.walkInRowOrder(new DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor() {
            public double visit(int row, int column, double value) {
                return value * W.getEntry(row, column);

    RealMatrix Phi = Tmat.transpose().multiply(Tmat);
    RotationResults result = new RotationResults(gpFunction.getValue(), L, Phi, Tmat, rotationMethod);
    return result;


From source file:gedi.util.math.stat.distributions.NormalMixtureDistribution.java

public static NormalMixtureDistribution fit(NormalMixtureDistribution initialMixture, double[] data,
        final int maxIterations, final double threshold) {

    if (maxIterations < 1) {
        throw new NotStrictlyPositiveException(maxIterations);
    }/*  w  w w  . j  a  v a 2s .  c om*/

    if (threshold < Double.MIN_VALUE) {
        throw new NotStrictlyPositiveException(threshold);

    final int n = data.length;

    final int k = initialMixture.getNumComponents();

    if (k == 1)
        return new NormalMixtureDistribution(new NormalDistribution[] {
                new NormalDistribution(new Mean().evaluate(data), new StandardDeviation().evaluate(data)) },
                new double[] { 1 });

    int numIterations = 0;
    double previousLogLikelihood = 0d;

    double logLikelihood = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

    // Initialize model to fit to initial mixture.
    NormalMixtureDistribution fittedModel = new NormalMixtureDistribution(initialMixture.components,

    while (numIterations++ <= maxIterations
            && FastMath.abs(previousLogLikelihood - logLikelihood) > threshold) {
        previousLogLikelihood = logLikelihood;
        logLikelihood = 0d;

        // E-step: compute the data dependent parameters of the expectation
        // function.
        // The percentage of row's total density between a row and a
        // component
        final double[][] gamma = new double[n][k];
        // Sum of gamma for each component
        final double[] gammaSums = new double[k];

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            final double rowDensity = fittedModel.density(data[i]);
            logLikelihood += FastMath.log(rowDensity);

            for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
                gamma[i][j] = fittedModel.mixing[j] * fittedModel.components[j].density(data[i]) / rowDensity;
                gammaSums[j] += gamma[i][j];
        logLikelihood /= n;
        //         System.out.println(logLikelihood);

        // M-step: compute the new parameters based on the expectation
        // function.
        final double[] newWeights = gammaSums.clone();
        ArrayUtils.mult(newWeights, 1.0 / n);

        NormalDistribution[] comp = new NormalDistribution[k];
        for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
            double m = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                m += gamma[i][j] * data[i];
            m /= gammaSums[j];

            double var = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                double d = m - data[i];
                var += gamma[i][j] * d * d;
            var /= gammaSums[j];

            comp[j] = new NormalDistribution(m, Math.sqrt(var));

        // Update current model
        fittedModel = new NormalMixtureDistribution(comp, newWeights);

    if (FastMath.abs(previousLogLikelihood - logLikelihood) > threshold) {
        // Did not converge before the maximum number of iterations
        throw new ConvergenceException();

    return fittedModel;

From source file:de.tuberlin.uebb.jdae.llmsl.Block.java

public void exec() {

    views[0].loadD(point, variables);/*w w  w .  j a  v  a  2 s . co  m*/

    int steps = options.maxIterations;
    while (!writeNegResidual(residual.data)) {
        if (steps-- <= 0) {
            views[0].loadD(point, variables);
            System.out.println("Convergence Error:");

            throw new ConvergenceException();
        if (!solver.setA(jacobianMatrix))
            throw new ConvergenceException();
        solver.solve(residual, x);

        for (int i = 0; i < point.length; ++i)
            point[i] += x.data[i];


    views[0].set(0, variables, point);

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.factoranalysis.GPArotation.java

private RotationResults GPFoblq(RealMatrix A, boolean normalize, int maxIter, double eps)
        throws ConvergenceException {
    int ncol = A.getColumnDimension();

    RealMatrix Tinner = null;/*from ww w. j a v  a  2s. co m*/
    RealMatrix TinnerInv = null;
    RealMatrix Tmat = new IdentityMatrix(ncol);

    if (normalize) {
        //elementwise division by normalizing weights
        final RealMatrix W = getNormalizingWeights(A, true);
        A.walkInRowOrder(new DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor() {
            public double visit(int row, int column, double value) {
                return value / W.getEntry(row, column);

    RealMatrix TmatInv = new LUDecomposition(Tmat).getSolver().getInverse();
    RealMatrix L = A.multiply(TmatInv.transpose());

    //compute gradientAt and function value
    RealMatrix VgQ = gpFunction.getGradient();
    RealMatrix VgQt = VgQ;
    double f = gpFunction.getValue();
    double ft = f;
    RealMatrix G = ((L.transpose().multiply(VgQ).multiply(TmatInv)).transpose()).scalarMultiply(-1.0);

    int iter = 0;
    double alpha = 1.0;
    double s = eps + 0.5;
    double s2 = Math.pow(s, 2);
    int innerMaxIter = 10;
    int innerCount = 0;

    IdentityMatrix I = new IdentityMatrix(G.getRowDimension());
    RealMatrix V1 = MatrixUtils.getVector(ncol, 1.0);

    while (iter < maxIter) {
        RealMatrix M = MatrixUtils.multiplyElements(Tmat, G);
        RealMatrix diagP = new DiagonalMatrix(V1.multiply(M).getRow(0));
        RealMatrix Gp = G.subtract(Tmat.multiply(diagP));
        s = Math.sqrt(Gp.transpose().multiply(Gp).getTrace());
        s2 = Math.pow(s, 2);

        if (s < eps) {
        alpha = 2.0 * alpha;

        innerCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < innerMaxIter; i++) {
            RealMatrix X = Tmat.subtract(Gp.scalarMultiply(alpha));
            RealMatrix X2 = MatrixUtils.multiplyElements(X, X);
            RealMatrix V = V1.multiply(X2);
            V.walkInRowOrder(new DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor() {
                public double visit(int row, int column, double value) {
                    return 1.0 / Math.sqrt(value);

            //compute new value of T, its inverse, and the rotated loadings
            RealMatrix diagV = new DiagonalMatrix(V.getRow(0));
            Tinner = X.multiply(diagV);
            TinnerInv = new LUDecomposition(Tinner).getSolver().getInverse();
            L = A.multiply(TinnerInv.transpose());

            //compute new values of the gradientAt and the rotation criteria
            VgQt = gpFunction.getGradient();
            ft = gpFunction.getValue();

            if (ft < f - 0.5 * s2 * alpha) {
            alpha = alpha / 2.0;

        //            System.out.println(iter + "  " + f + "  " + s + "  " + Math.log10(s) + "  " + alpha + "  " + innerCount);

        Tmat = Tinner;
        f = ft;
        G = (L.transpose().multiply(VgQt).multiply(TinnerInv)).transpose().scalarMultiply(-1.0);

    boolean convergence = s < eps;
    if (!convergence) {
        throw new ConvergenceException();

    if (normalize) {
        //elementwise multiplication by normalizing weights
        final RealMatrix W = getNormalizingWeights(A, true);
        A.walkInRowOrder(new DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor() {
            public double visit(int row, int column, double value) {
                return value * W.getEntry(row, column);

    RealMatrix Phi = Tmat.transpose().multiply(Tmat);
    RotationResults result = new RotationResults(gpFunction.getValue(), L, Phi, Tmat, rotationMethod);
    return result;


From source file:org.orekit.orbits.CartesianOrbit.java

/** Computes the eccentric in-plane argument from the mean in-plane argument.
 * @param thetaM = mean in-plane argument (rad)
 * @param ex first component of eccentricity vector
 * @param ey second component of eccentricity vector
 * @return the eccentric in-plane argument.
 *///from  www .  j av  a  2 s.  c  o m
private double meanToEccentric(final double thetaM, final double ex, final double ey) {
    // Generalization of Kepler equation to in-plane parameters
    // with thetaE = eta + E and
    //      thetaM = eta + M = thetaE - ex.sin(thetaE) + ey.cos(thetaE)
    // and eta being counted from an arbitrary reference in the orbital plane
    double thetaE = thetaM;
    double thetaEMthetaM = 0.0;
    int iter = 0;
    do {
        final double cosThetaE = FastMath.cos(thetaE);
        final double sinThetaE = FastMath.sin(thetaE);

        final double f2 = ex * sinThetaE - ey * cosThetaE;
        final double f1 = 1.0 - ex * cosThetaE - ey * sinThetaE;
        final double f0 = thetaEMthetaM - f2;

        final double f12 = 2.0 * f1;
        final double shift = f0 * f12 / (f1 * f12 - f0 * f2);

        thetaEMthetaM -= shift;
        thetaE = thetaM + thetaEMthetaM;

        if (FastMath.abs(shift) <= 1.0e-12) {
            return thetaE;

    } while (++iter < 50);

    throw new ConvergenceException();
