Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.exception.util LocalizedFormats SIMPLE_MESSAGE

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.exception.util LocalizedFormats SIMPLE_MESSAGE


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.exception.util LocalizedFormats SIMPLE_MESSAGE.


LocalizedFormats SIMPLE_MESSAGE

To view the source code for org.apache.commons.math3.exception.util LocalizedFormats SIMPLE_MESSAGE.

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From source file:fr.cs.examples.frames.Frames3.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {/*from  w  w w . j  a va 2s  .  co  m*/

        // configure Orekit and printing format

        // Initial state definition :
        // ==========================

        // Date
        // ****
        AbsoluteDate initialDate = new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(1970, 04, 07), TimeComponents.H00,

        // Orbit
        // *****
        // The Sun is in the orbital plane for raan ~ 202
        double mu = 3.986004415e+14; // gravitation coefficient
        Frame eme2000 = FramesFactory.getEME2000(); // inertial frame
        Orbit orbit = new CircularOrbit(7178000.0, 0.5e-4, -0.5e-4, FastMath.toRadians(50.),
                FastMath.toRadians(220.), FastMath.toRadians(5.300), PositionAngle.MEAN, eme2000, initialDate,

        // Attitude laws
        // *************

        // Earth
        Frame earthFrame = FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true);
        BodyShape earth = new OneAxisEllipsoid(Constants.WGS84_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS,
                Constants.WGS84_EARTH_FLATTENING, earthFrame);

        // Target pointing attitude provider over satellite nadir at date, without yaw compensation
        NadirPointing nadirLaw = new NadirPointing(eme2000, earth);

        // Target pointing attitude provider with yaw compensation
        final PVCoordinatesProvider sun = CelestialBodyFactory.getSun();
        YawSteering yawSteeringLaw = new YawSteering(eme2000, nadirLaw, sun, Vector3D.MINUS_I);

        // Propagator : Eckstein-Hechler analytic propagator
        Propagator propagator = new EcksteinHechlerPropagator(orbit, yawSteeringLaw,
                Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS, Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU,
                Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_C20, Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_C30, Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_C40,
                Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_C50, Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_C60);

        // Let's write the results in a file in order to draw some plots.
        propagator.setMasterMode(10, new OrekitFixedStepHandler() {

            PrintStream out = null;

            public void init(SpacecraftState s0, AbsoluteDate t) throws PropagationException {
                try {
                    File file = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "XYZ.dat");
                    System.out.println("Results written to file: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
                    out = new PrintStream(file);
                    out.println("#time X Y Z Wx Wy Wz");
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    throw new PropagationException(ioe, LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE,

            public void handleStep(SpacecraftState currentState, boolean isLast) throws PropagationException {
                try {

                    // get the transform from orbit/attitude reference frame to spacecraft frame
                    Transform inertToSpacecraft = currentState.toTransform();

                    // get the position of the Sun in orbit/attitude reference frame
                    Vector3D sunInert = sun.getPVCoordinates(currentState.getDate(), currentState.getFrame())

                    // convert Sun position to spacecraft frame
                    Vector3D sunSat = inertToSpacecraft.transformPosition(sunInert);

                    // and the spacecraft rotational rate also
                    Vector3D spin = inertToSpacecraft.getRotationRate();

                    // Lets calculate the reduced coordinates
                    double sunX = sunSat.getX() / sunSat.getNorm();
                    double sunY = sunSat.getY() / sunSat.getNorm();
                    double sunZ = sunSat.getZ() / sunSat.getNorm();

                    out.format(Locale.US, "%s %12.3f %12.3f %12.3f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f%n",
                            currentState.getDate(), sunX, sunY, sunZ, spin.getX(), spin.getY(), spin.getZ());

                    if (isLast) {
                } catch (OrekitException oe) {
                    throw new PropagationException(oe);



    } catch (OrekitException oe) {

From source file:de.netsat.orekit.util.ZipJarCrawler.java

/** Build a zip crawler for an archive file in classpath.
 * @param classLoader class loader to use to retrieve the resources
 * @param resource name of the zip file to browse
 * @exception OrekitException if resource name is malformed
 *//*ww w . jav a 2  s .  co  m*/
public ZipJarCrawler(final ClassLoader classLoader, final String resource) throws OrekitException {
    try {
        this.file = null;
        this.resource = resource;
        this.classLoader = classLoader;
        this.url = null;
        this.name = classLoader.getResource(resource).toURI().toString();
    } catch (URISyntaxException use) {
        throw new OrekitException(use, LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE, use.getMessage());

From source file:de.netsat.orekit.util.ZipJarCrawler.java

/** Build a zip crawler for an archive file on network.
 * @param url URL of the zip file on network
 * @exception OrekitException if url syntax is malformed
 *//*from   w  ww .j  a  v a  2  s  .c o  m*/
public ZipJarCrawler(final URL url) throws OrekitException {
    try {
        this.file = null;
        this.resource = null;
        this.classLoader = null;
        this.url = url;
        this.name = url.toURI().toString();
    } catch (URISyntaxException use) {
        throw new OrekitException(use, LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE, use.getMessage());

From source file:fr.cs.examples.bodies.Phasing.java

 * Find the first crossing of the reference latitude.
 * @param latitude latitude to search for
 * @param ascending indicator for desired crossing direction
 * @param searchStart search start//  w  w  w  .j  a  va  2  s  . co m
 * @param end maximal date not to overtake
 * @param stepSize step size to use
 * @param propagator propagator
 * @return first crossing
 * @throws OrekitException if state cannot be propagated
private SpacecraftState findFirstCrossing(final double latitude, final boolean ascending,
        final AbsoluteDate searchStart, final AbsoluteDate end, final double stepSize,
        final Propagator propagator) throws OrekitException {

    double previousLatitude = Double.NaN;
    for (AbsoluteDate date = searchStart; date.compareTo(end) < 0; date = date.shiftedBy(stepSize)) {
        final PVCoordinates pv = propagator.propagate(date).getPVCoordinates(earth.getBodyFrame());
        final double currentLatitude = earth.transform(pv.getPosition(), earth.getBodyFrame(), date)
        if (((previousLatitude <= latitude) && (currentLatitude >= latitude) && ascending)
                || ((previousLatitude >= latitude) && (currentLatitude <= latitude) && !ascending)) {
            return findLatitudeCrossing(latitude, date.shiftedBy(-0.5 * stepSize), end, 0.5 * stepSize,
                    2 * stepSize, propagator);
        previousLatitude = currentLatitude;

    throw new OrekitException(LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE,
            "latitude " + FastMath.toDegrees(latitude) + " never crossed");


From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.optimization.BOBYQAOptimizer.java

 *     The arguments N, NPT, X, XL, XU, RHOBEG, RHOEND, IPRINT and MAXFUN
 *       are identical to the corresponding arguments in SUBROUTINE BOBYQA.
 *     XBASE holds a shift of origin that should reduce the contributions
 *       from rounding errors to values of the model and Lagrange functions.
 *     XPT is a two-dimensional array that holds the coordinates of the
 *       interpolation points relative to XBASE.
 *     FVAL holds the values of F at the interpolation points.
 *     XOPT is set to the displacement from XBASE of the trust region centre.
 *     GOPT holds the gradientAt of the quadratic model at XBASE+XOPT.
 *     HQ holds the explicit second derivatives of the quadratic model.
 *     PQ contains the parameters of the implicit second derivatives of the
 *       quadratic model./*from   w  ww.j  ava  2s .  c o  m*/
 *     BMAT holds the last N columns of H.
 *     ZMAT holds the factorization of the leading NPT by NPT submatrix of H,
 *       this factorization being ZMAT times ZMAT^T, which provides both the
 *       correct rank and positive semi-definiteness.
 *     NDIM is the first dimension of BMAT and has the value NPT+N.
 *     SL and SU hold the differences XL-XBASE and XU-XBASE, respectively.
 *       All the components of every XOPT are going to satisfy the bounds
 *       SL(I) .LEQ. XOPT(I) .LEQ. SU(I), with appropriate equalities when
 *       XOPT is on a constraint boundary.
 *     XNEW is chosen by SUBROUTINE TRSBOX or ALTMOV. Usually XBASE+XNEW is the
 *       vector of variables for the next call of CALFUN. XNEW also satisfies
 *       the SL and SU constraints in the way that has just been mentioned.
 *     XALT is an alternative to XNEW, chosen by ALTMOV, that may replace XNEW
 *       in order to increase the denominator in the updating of UPDATE.
 *     D is reserved for a trial step from XOPT, which is usually XNEW-XOPT.
 *     VLAG contains the values of the Lagrange functions at a new point X.
 *       They are part of a product that requires VLAG to be of length NDIM.
 *     W is a one-dimensional array that is used for working space. Its length
 *       must be at least 3*NDIM = 3*(NPT+N).
 * @param lowerBound Lower bounds.
 * @param upperBound Upper bounds.
 * @return the value of the objective at the optimum.
private double bobyqb(double[] lowerBound, double[] upperBound) {
    printMethod(); // XXX

    final int n = currentBest.getDimension();
    final int npt = numberOfInterpolationPoints;
    final int np = n + 1;
    final int nptm = npt - np;
    final int nh = n * np / 2;

    final ArrayRealVector work1 = new ArrayRealVector(n);
    final ArrayRealVector work2 = new ArrayRealVector(npt);
    final ArrayRealVector work3 = new ArrayRealVector(npt);

    double cauchy = Double.NaN;
    double alpha = Double.NaN;
    double dsq = Double.NaN;
    double crvmin = Double.NaN;

    // Set some constants.
    // Parameter adjustments

    // Function Body

    // The call of PRELIM sets the elements of XBASE, XPT, FVAL, GOPT, HQ, PQ,
    // BMAT and ZMAT for the first iteration, with the corresponding values of
    // of NF and KOPT, which are the number of calls of CALFUN so far and the
    // index of the interpolation point at the trust region centre. Then the
    // initial XOPT is set too. The branch to label 720 occurs if MAXFUN is
    // less than NPT. GOPT will be updated if KOPT is different from KBASE.

    trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex = 0;

    prelim(lowerBound, upperBound);
    double xoptsq = ZERO;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                interpolationPoints.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex, i));
        // Computing 2nd power
        final double deltaOne = trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i);
        xoptsq += deltaOne * deltaOne;
    double fsave = fAtInterpolationPoints.getEntry(0);
    final int kbase = 0;

    // Complete the settings that are required for the iterative procedure.

    int ntrits = 0;
    int itest = 0;
    int knew = 0;
    int nfsav = getEvaluations();
    double rho = initialTrustRegionRadius;
    double delta = rho;
    double diffa = ZERO;
    double diffb = ZERO;
    double diffc = ZERO;
    double f = ZERO;
    double beta = ZERO;
    double adelt = ZERO;
    double denom = ZERO;
    double ratio = ZERO;
    double dnorm = ZERO;
    double scaden = ZERO;
    double biglsq = ZERO;
    double distsq = ZERO;

    // Update GOPT if necessary before the first iteration and after each
    // call of RESCUE that makes a call of CALFUN.

    int state = 20;
    for (;;)
        switch (state) {
        case 20: {
            printState(20); // XXX
            if (trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex != kbase) {
                int ih = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                    for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
                        if (i < j) {
                                            + modelSecondDerivativesValues.getEntry(ih)
                                                    * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                                        + modelSecondDerivativesValues.getEntry(ih)
                                                * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j));
                if (getEvaluations() > npt) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                        double temp = ZERO;
                        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                            temp += interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j);
                        temp *= modelSecondDerivativesParameters.getEntry(k);
                        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                            gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.setEntry(i, gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i)
                                    + temp * interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, i));
                    // throw new PathIsExploredException(); // XXX

            // Generate the next point in the trust region that provides a small value
            // of the quadratic model subject to the constraints on the variables.
            // The int NTRITS is set to the number "trust region" iterations that
            // have occurred since the last "alternative" iteration. If the length
            // of XNEW-XOPT is less than HALF*RHO, however, then there is a branch to
            // label 650 or 680 with NTRITS=-1, instead of calculating F at XNEW.

        case 60: {
            printState(60); // XXX
            final ArrayRealVector gnew = new ArrayRealVector(n);
            final ArrayRealVector xbdi = new ArrayRealVector(n);
            final ArrayRealVector s = new ArrayRealVector(n);
            final ArrayRealVector hs = new ArrayRealVector(n);
            final ArrayRealVector hred = new ArrayRealVector(n);

            final double[] dsqCrvmin = trsbox(delta, gnew, xbdi, s, hs, hred);
            dsq = dsqCrvmin[0];
            crvmin = dsqCrvmin[1];

            // Computing MIN
            double deltaOne = delta;
            double deltaTwo = Math.sqrt(dsq);
            dnorm = Math.min(deltaOne, deltaTwo);
            if (dnorm < HALF * rho) {
                ntrits = -1;
                // Computing 2nd power
                deltaOne = TEN * rho;
                distsq = deltaOne * deltaOne;
                if (getEvaluations() <= nfsav + 2) {
                    state = 650;

                // The following choice between labels 650 and 680 depends on whether or
                // not our work with the current RHO seems to be complete. Either RHO is
                // decreased or termination occurs if the errors in the quadratic model at
                // the last three interpolation points compare favourably with predictions
                // of likely improvements to the model within distance HALF*RHO of XOPT.

                // Computing MAX
                deltaOne = Math.max(diffa, diffb);
                final double errbig = Math.max(deltaOne, diffc);
                final double frhosq = rho * ONE_OVER_EIGHT * rho;
                if (crvmin > ZERO && errbig > frhosq * crvmin) {
                    state = 650;
                final double bdtol = errbig / rho;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                    double bdtest = bdtol;
                    if (newPoint.getEntry(j) == lowerDifference.getEntry(j)) {
                        bdtest = work1.getEntry(j);
                    if (newPoint.getEntry(j) == upperDifference.getEntry(j)) {
                        bdtest = -work1.getEntry(j);
                    if (bdtest < bdtol) {
                        double curv = modelSecondDerivativesValues.getEntry((j + j * j) / 2);
                        for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                            // Computing 2nd power
                            final double d1 = interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j);
                            curv += modelSecondDerivativesParameters.getEntry(k) * (d1 * d1);
                        bdtest += HALF * curv * rho;
                        if (bdtest < bdtol) {
                            state = 650;
                        // throw new PathIsExploredException(); // XXX
                state = 680;

            // Severe cancellation is likely to occur if XOPT is too far from XBASE.
            // If the following test holds, then XBASE is shifted so that XOPT becomes
            // zero. The appropriate changes are made to BMAT and to the second
            // derivatives of the current model, beginning with the changes to BMAT
            // that do not depend on ZMAT. VLAG is used temporarily for working space.

        case 90: {
            printState(90); // XXX
            if (dsq <= xoptsq * ONE_OVER_A_THOUSAND) {
                final double fracsq = xoptsq * ONE_OVER_FOUR;
                double sumpq = ZERO;
                // final RealVector sumVector
                //     = new ArrayRealVector(npt, -HALF * xoptsq).add(interpolationPoints.operate(trustRegionCenter));
                for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                    sumpq += modelSecondDerivativesParameters.getEntry(k);
                    double sum = -HALF * xoptsq;
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        sum += interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, i) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i);
                    // sum = sumVector.getEntry(k); // XXX "testAckley" and "testDiffPow" fail.
                    work2.setEntry(k, sum);
                    final double temp = fracsq - HALF * sum;
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        work1.setEntry(i, bMatrix.getEntry(k, i));
                        lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.setEntry(i, sum * interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, i)
                                + temp * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                        final int ip = npt + i;
                        for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                            bMatrix.setEntry(ip, j,
                                    bMatrix.getEntry(ip, j)
                                            + work1.getEntry(i) * lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(j)
                                            + lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(i) * work1.getEntry(j));

                // Then the revisions of BMAT that depend on ZMAT are calculated.

                for (int m = 0; m < nptm; m++) {
                    double sumz = ZERO;
                    double sumw = ZERO;
                    for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                        sumz += zMatrix.getEntry(k, m);
                        lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.setEntry(k, work2.getEntry(k) * zMatrix.getEntry(k, m));
                        sumw += lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(k);
                    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                        double sum = (fracsq * sumz - HALF * sumw) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j);
                        for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                            sum += lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(k) * interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j);
                        work1.setEntry(j, sum);
                        for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                            bMatrix.setEntry(k, j, bMatrix.getEntry(k, j) + sum * zMatrix.getEntry(k, m));
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        final int ip = i + npt;
                        final double temp = work1.getEntry(i);
                        for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                            bMatrix.setEntry(ip, j, bMatrix.getEntry(ip, j) + temp * work1.getEntry(j));

                // The following instructions complete the shift, including the changes
                // to the second derivative parameters of the quadratic model.

                int ih = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                    work1.setEntry(j, -HALF * sumpq * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j));
                    for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                        work1.setEntry(j, work1.getEntry(j) + modelSecondDerivativesParameters.getEntry(k)
                                * interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j));
                        interpolationPoints.setEntry(k, j,
                                interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j));
                    for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
                                        + work1.getEntry(i) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j)
                                        + trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) * work1.getEntry(j));
                        bMatrix.setEntry(npt + i, j, bMatrix.getEntry(npt + j, i));
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    originShift.setEntry(i, originShift.getEntry(i) + trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                    newPoint.setEntry(i, newPoint.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                            lowerDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                            upperDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                    trustRegionCenterOffset.setEntry(i, ZERO);
                xoptsq = ZERO;
            if (ntrits == 0) {
                state = 210;
            state = 230;

            // XBASE is also moved to XOPT by a call of RESCUE. This calculation is
            // more expensive than the previous shift, because new matrices BMAT and
            // ZMAT are generated from scratch, which may include the replacement of
            // interpolation points whose positions seem to be causing near linear
            // dependence in the interpolation conditions. Therefore RESCUE is called
            // only if rounding errors have reduced by at least a factor of two the
            // denominator of the formula for updating the H matrix. It provides a
            // useful safeguard, but is not invoked in most applications of BOBYQA.

        case 210: {
            printState(210); // XXX
            // Pick two alternative vectors of variables, relative to XBASE, that
            // are suitable as new positions of the KNEW-th interpolation point.
            // Firstly, XNEW is set to the point on a line through XOPT and another
            // interpolation point that minimizes the predicted value of the next
            // denominator, subject to ||XNEW - XOPT|| .LEQ. ADELT and to the SL
            // and SU bounds. Secondly, XALT is set to the best feasible point on
            // a constrained version of the Cauchy step of the KNEW-th Lagrange
            // function, the corresponding value of the square of this function
            // being returned in CAUCHY. The choice between these alternatives is
            // going to be made when the denominator is calculated.

            final double[] alphaCauchy = altmov(knew, adelt);
            alpha = alphaCauchy[0];
            cauchy = alphaCauchy[1];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                trialStepPoint.setEntry(i, newPoint.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));

            // Calculate VLAG and BETA for the current choice of D. The scalar
            // product of D with XPT(K,.) is going to be held in W(NPT+K) for
            // use when VQUAD is calculated.

        case 230: {
            printState(230); // XXX
            for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                double suma = ZERO;
                double sumb = ZERO;
                double sum = ZERO;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                    suma += interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) * trialStepPoint.getEntry(j);
                    sumb += interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j);
                    sum += bMatrix.getEntry(k, j) * trialStepPoint.getEntry(j);
                work3.setEntry(k, suma * (HALF * suma + sumb));
                lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.setEntry(k, sum);
                work2.setEntry(k, suma);
            beta = ZERO;
            for (int m = 0; m < nptm; m++) {
                double sum = ZERO;
                for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                    sum += zMatrix.getEntry(k, m) * work3.getEntry(k);
                beta -= sum * sum;
                for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                            lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(k) + sum * zMatrix.getEntry(k, m));
            dsq = ZERO;
            double bsum = ZERO;
            double dx = ZERO;
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d1 = trialStepPoint.getEntry(j);
                dsq += d1 * d1;
                double sum = ZERO;
                for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                    sum += work3.getEntry(k) * bMatrix.getEntry(k, j);
                bsum += sum * trialStepPoint.getEntry(j);
                final int jp = npt + j;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    sum += bMatrix.getEntry(jp, i) * trialStepPoint.getEntry(i);
                lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.setEntry(jp, sum);
                bsum += sum * trialStepPoint.getEntry(j);
                dx += trialStepPoint.getEntry(j) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j);

            beta = dx * dx + dsq * (xoptsq + dx + dx + HALF * dsq) + beta - bsum; // Original
            // beta += dx * dx + dsq * (xoptsq + dx + dx + HALF * dsq) - bsum; // XXX "testAckley" and "testDiffPow" fail.
            // beta = dx * dx + dsq * (xoptsq + 2 * dx + HALF * dsq) + beta - bsum; // XXX "testDiffPow" fails.

                    lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex) + ONE);

            // If NTRITS is zero, the denominator may be increased by replacing
            // the step D of ALTMOV by a Cauchy step. Then RESCUE may be called if
            // rounding errors have damaged the chosen denominator.

            if (ntrits == 0) {
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d1 = lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(knew);
                denom = d1 * d1 + alpha * beta;
                if (denom < cauchy && cauchy > ZERO) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        newPoint.setEntry(i, alternativeNewPoint.getEntry(i));
                        trialStepPoint.setEntry(i, newPoint.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                    cauchy = ZERO; // XXX Useful statement?
                    state = 230;
                // Alternatively, if NTRITS is positive, then set KNEW to the index of
                // the next interpolation point to be deleted to make room for a trust
                // region step. Again RESCUE may be called if rounding errors have damaged_
                // the chosen denominator, which is the reason for attempting to select
                // KNEW before calculating the next value of the objective function.

            } else {
                final double delsq = delta * delta;
                scaden = ZERO;
                biglsq = ZERO;
                knew = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                    if (k == trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex) {
                    double hdiag = ZERO;
                    for (int m = 0; m < nptm; m++) {
                        // Computing 2nd power
                        final double d1 = zMatrix.getEntry(k, m);
                        hdiag += d1 * d1;
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    final double d2 = lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(k);
                    final double den = beta * hdiag + d2 * d2;
                    distsq = ZERO;
                    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                        // Computing 2nd power
                        final double d3 = interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j)
                                - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j);
                        distsq += d3 * d3;
                    // Computing MAX
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    final double d4 = distsq / delsq;
                    final double temp = Math.max(ONE, d4 * d4);
                    if (temp * den > scaden) {
                        scaden = temp * den;
                        knew = k;
                        denom = den;
                    // Computing MAX
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    final double d5 = lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(k);
                    biglsq = Math.max(biglsq, temp * (d5 * d5));

            // Put the variables for the next calculation of the objective function
            //   in XNEW, with any adjustments for the bounds.

            // Calculate the value of the objective function at XBASE+XNEW, unless
            //   the limit on the number of calculations of F has been reached.

        case 360: {
            printState(360); // XXX
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                // Computing MIN
                // Computing MAX
                final double d3 = lowerBound[i];
                final double d4 = originShift.getEntry(i) + newPoint.getEntry(i);
                final double d1 = Math.max(d3, d4);
                final double d2 = upperBound[i];
                currentBest.setEntry(i, Math.min(d1, d2));
                if (newPoint.getEntry(i) == lowerDifference.getEntry(i)) {
                    currentBest.setEntry(i, lowerBound[i]);
                if (newPoint.getEntry(i) == upperDifference.getEntry(i)) {
                    currentBest.setEntry(i, upperBound[i]);

            f = computeObjectiveValue(currentBest.toArray());

            if (!isMinimize)
                f = -f;
            if (ntrits == -1) {
                fsave = f;
                state = 720;

            // Use the quadratic model to predict the change in F due to the step D,
            //   and set DIFF to the error of this prediction.

            final double fopt = fAtInterpolationPoints.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex);
            double vquad = ZERO;
            int ih = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                vquad += trialStepPoint.getEntry(j) * gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(j);
                for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
                    double temp = trialStepPoint.getEntry(i) * trialStepPoint.getEntry(j);
                    if (i == j) {
                        temp *= HALF;
                    vquad += modelSecondDerivativesValues.getEntry(ih) * temp;
            for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d1 = work2.getEntry(k);
                final double d2 = d1 * d1; // "d1" must be squared first to prevent test failures.
                vquad += HALF * modelSecondDerivativesParameters.getEntry(k) * d2;
            final double diff = f - fopt - vquad;
            diffc = diffb;
            diffb = diffa;
            diffa = Math.abs(diff);
            if (dnorm > rho) {
                nfsav = getEvaluations();

            // Pick the next value of DELTA after a trust region step.

            if (ntrits > 0) {
                if (vquad >= ZERO) {
                    throw new MathIllegalStateException(LocalizedFormats.TRUST_REGION_STEP_FAILED, vquad);
                ratio = (f - fopt) / vquad;
                final double hDelta = HALF * delta;
                if (ratio <= ONE_OVER_TEN) {
                    // Computing MIN
                    delta = Math.min(hDelta, dnorm);
                } else if (ratio <= .7) {
                    // Computing MAX
                    delta = Math.max(hDelta, dnorm);
                } else {
                    // Computing MAX
                    delta = Math.max(hDelta, 2 * dnorm);
                if (delta <= rho * 1.5) {
                    delta = rho;

                // Recalculate KNEW and DENOM if the new F is less than FOPT.

                if (f < fopt) {
                    final int ksav = knew;
                    final double densav = denom;
                    final double delsq = delta * delta;
                    scaden = ZERO;
                    biglsq = ZERO;
                    knew = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                        double hdiag = ZERO;
                        for (int m = 0; m < nptm; m++) {
                            // Computing 2nd power
                            final double d1 = zMatrix.getEntry(k, m);
                            hdiag += d1 * d1;
                        // Computing 2nd power
                        final double d1 = lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(k);
                        final double den = beta * hdiag + d1 * d1;
                        distsq = ZERO;
                        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                            // Computing 2nd power
                            final double d2 = interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) - newPoint.getEntry(j);
                            distsq += d2 * d2;
                        // Computing MAX
                        // Computing 2nd power
                        final double d3 = distsq / delsq;
                        final double temp = Math.max(ONE, d3 * d3);
                        if (temp * den > scaden) {
                            scaden = temp * den;
                            knew = k;
                            denom = den;
                        // Computing MAX
                        // Computing 2nd power
                        final double d4 = lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(k);
                        final double d5 = temp * (d4 * d4);
                        biglsq = Math.max(biglsq, d5);
                    if (scaden <= HALF * biglsq) {
                        knew = ksav;
                        denom = densav;

            // Update BMAT and ZMAT, so that the KNEW-th interpolation point can be
            // moved. Also update the second derivative terms of the model.

            update(beta, denom, knew);

            ih = 0;
            final double pqold = modelSecondDerivativesParameters.getEntry(knew);
            modelSecondDerivativesParameters.setEntry(knew, ZERO);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                final double temp = pqold * interpolationPoints.getEntry(knew, i);
                for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                    modelSecondDerivativesValues.setEntry(ih, modelSecondDerivativesValues.getEntry(ih)
                            + temp * interpolationPoints.getEntry(knew, j));
            for (int m = 0; m < nptm; m++) {
                final double temp = diff * zMatrix.getEntry(knew, m);
                for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                            modelSecondDerivativesParameters.getEntry(k) + temp * zMatrix.getEntry(k, m));

            // Include the new interpolation point, and make the changes to GOPT at
            // the old XOPT that are caused by the updating of the quadratic model.

            fAtInterpolationPoints.setEntry(knew, f);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                interpolationPoints.setEntry(knew, i, newPoint.getEntry(i));
                work1.setEntry(i, bMatrix.getEntry(knew, i));
            for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                double suma = ZERO;
                for (int m = 0; m < nptm; m++) {
                    suma += zMatrix.getEntry(knew, m) * zMatrix.getEntry(k, m);
                double sumb = ZERO;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                    sumb += interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j);
                final double temp = suma * sumb;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    work1.setEntry(i, work1.getEntry(i) + temp * interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, i));
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i) + diff * work1.getEntry(i));

            // Update XOPT, GOPT and KOPT if the new calculated F is less than FOPT.

            if (f < fopt) {
                trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex = knew;
                xoptsq = ZERO;
                ih = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                    trustRegionCenterOffset.setEntry(j, newPoint.getEntry(j));
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    final double d1 = trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j);
                    xoptsq += d1 * d1;
                    for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
                        if (i < j) {
                            gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.setEntry(j, gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(j)
                                    + modelSecondDerivativesValues.getEntry(ih) * trialStepPoint.getEntry(i));
                        gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.setEntry(i, gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i)
                                + modelSecondDerivativesValues.getEntry(ih) * trialStepPoint.getEntry(j));
                for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                    double temp = ZERO;
                    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                        temp += interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) * trialStepPoint.getEntry(j);
                    temp *= modelSecondDerivativesParameters.getEntry(k);
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.setEntry(i, gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i)
                                + temp * interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, i));

            // Calculate the parameters of the least Frobenius norm interpolant to
            // the current data, the gradientAt of this interpolant at XOPT being put
            // into VLAG(NPT+I), I=1,2,...,N.

            if (ntrits > 0) {
                for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                    lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.setEntry(k, fAtInterpolationPoints.getEntry(k)
                            - fAtInterpolationPoints.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex));
                    work3.setEntry(k, ZERO);
                for (int j = 0; j < nptm; j++) {
                    double sum = ZERO;
                    for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                        sum += zMatrix.getEntry(k, j) * lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(k);
                    for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                        work3.setEntry(k, work3.getEntry(k) + sum * zMatrix.getEntry(k, j));
                for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                    double sum = ZERO;
                    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                        sum += interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j);
                    work2.setEntry(k, work3.getEntry(k));
                    work3.setEntry(k, sum * work3.getEntry(k));
                double gqsq = ZERO;
                double gisq = ZERO;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    double sum = ZERO;
                    for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                        sum += bMatrix.getEntry(k, i) * lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(k)
                                + interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, i) * work3.getEntry(k);
                    if (trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) == lowerDifference.getEntry(i)) {
                        // Computing MIN
                        // Computing 2nd power
                        final double d1 = Math.min(ZERO, gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i));
                        gqsq += d1 * d1;
                        // Computing 2nd power
                        final double d2 = Math.min(ZERO, sum);
                        gisq += d2 * d2;
                    } else if (trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) == upperDifference.getEntry(i)) {
                        // Computing MAX
                        // Computing 2nd power
                        final double d1 = Math.max(ZERO, gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i));
                        gqsq += d1 * d1;
                        // Computing 2nd power
                        final double d2 = Math.max(ZERO, sum);
                        gisq += d2 * d2;
                    } else {
                        // Computing 2nd power
                        final double d1 = gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i);
                        gqsq += d1 * d1;
                        gisq += sum * sum;
                    lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.setEntry(npt + i, sum);

                // Test whether to replace the new quadratic model by the least Frobenius
                // norm interpolant, making the replacement if the test is satisfied.

                if (gqsq < TEN * gisq) {
                    itest = 0;
                if (itest >= 3) {
                    for (int i = 0, max = Math.max(npt, nh); i < max; i++) {
                        if (i < n) {
                            gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.setEntry(i, lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(npt + i));
                        if (i < npt) {
                            modelSecondDerivativesParameters.setEntry(i, work2.getEntry(i));
                        if (i < nh) {
                            modelSecondDerivativesValues.setEntry(i, ZERO);
                        itest = 0;

            // If a trust region step has provided a sufficient decrease in F, then
            // branch for another trust region calculation. The case NTRITS=0 occurs
            // when the new interpolation point was reached by an alternative step.

            if (ntrits == 0) {
                state = 60;
            if (f <= fopt + ONE_OVER_TEN * vquad) {
                state = 60;

            // Alternatively, find out if the interpolation points are close enough
            //   to the best point so far.

            // Computing MAX
            // Computing 2nd power
            final double d1 = TWO * delta;
            // Computing 2nd power
            final double d2 = TEN * rho;
            distsq = Math.max(d1 * d1, d2 * d2);
        case 650: {
            printState(650); // XXX
            knew = -1;
            for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                double sum = ZERO;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    final double d1 = interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j);
                    sum += d1 * d1;
                if (sum > distsq) {
                    knew = k;
                    distsq = sum;

            // If KNEW is positive, then ALTMOV finds alternative new positions for
            // the KNEW-th interpolation point within distance ADELT of XOPT. It is
            // reached via label 90. Otherwise, there is a branch to label 60 for
            // another trust region iteration, unless the calculations with the
            // current RHO are complete.

            if (knew >= 0) {
                final double dist = Math.sqrt(distsq);
                if (ntrits == -1) {
                    // Computing MIN
                    delta = Math.min(ONE_OVER_TEN * delta, HALF * dist);
                    if (delta <= rho * 1.5) {
                        delta = rho;
                ntrits = 0;
                // Computing MAX
                // Computing MIN
                final double d1 = Math.min(ONE_OVER_TEN * dist, delta);
                adelt = Math.max(d1, rho);
                dsq = adelt * adelt;
                state = 90;
            if (ntrits == -1) {
                state = 680;
            if (ratio > ZERO) {
                state = 60;
            if (Math.max(delta, dnorm) > rho) {
                state = 60;

            // The calculations with the current value of RHO are complete. Pick the
            //   next values of RHO and DELTA.
        case 680: {
            printState(680); // XXX
            if (rho > stoppingTrustRegionRadius) {
                delta = HALF * rho;
                ratio = rho / stoppingTrustRegionRadius;
                if (ratio <= SIXTEEN) {
                    rho = stoppingTrustRegionRadius;
                } else if (ratio <= TWO_HUNDRED_FIFTY) {
                    rho = Math.sqrt(ratio) * stoppingTrustRegionRadius;
                } else {
                    rho *= ONE_OVER_TEN;
                delta = Math.max(delta, rho);
                ntrits = 0;
                nfsav = getEvaluations();
                state = 60;

            // Return from the calculation, after another Newton-Raphson step, if
            //   it is too short to have been tried before.

            if (ntrits == -1) {
                state = 360;
        case 720: {
            printState(720); // XXX
            if (fAtInterpolationPoints.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex) <= fsave) {
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    // Computing MIN
                    // Computing MAX
                    final double d3 = lowerBound[i];
                    final double d4 = originShift.getEntry(i) + trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i);
                    final double d1 = Math.max(d3, d4);
                    final double d2 = upperBound[i];
                    currentBest.setEntry(i, Math.min(d1, d2));
                    if (trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) == lowerDifference.getEntry(i)) {
                        currentBest.setEntry(i, lowerBound[i]);
                    if (trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) == upperDifference.getEntry(i)) {
                        currentBest.setEntry(i, upperBound[i]);
                f = fAtInterpolationPoints.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex);
            return f;
        default: {
            throw new MathIllegalStateException(LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE, "bobyqb");

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.optimization.BOBYQAOptimizer.java

 *     A version of the truncated conjugate gradientAt is applied. If a line
 *     search is restricted by a constraint, then the procedure is restarted,
 *     the values of the variables that are at their bounds being fixed. If
 *     the trust region boundary is reached, then further changes may be made
 *     to D, each one being in the two dimensional space that is spanned
 *     by the current D and the gradientAt of Q at XOPT+D, staying on the trust
 *     region boundary. Termination occurs when the reduction in Q seems to
 *     be close to the greatest reduction that can be achieved.
 *     The arguments N, NPT, XPT, XOPT, GOPT, HQ, PQ, SL and SU have the same
 *       meanings as the corresponding arguments of BOBYQB.
 *     DELTA is the trust region radius for the present calculation, which
 *       seeks a small value of the quadratic model within distance DELTA of
 *       XOPT subject to the bounds on the variables.
 *     XNEW will be set to a new vector of variables that is approximately
 *       the one that minimizes the quadratic model within the trust region
 *       subject to the SL and SU constraints on the variables. It satisfies
 *       as equations the bounds that become active during the calculation.
 *     D is the calculated trial step from XOPT, generated iteratively from an
 *       initial value of zero. Thus XNEW is XOPT+D after the final iteration.
 *     GNEW holds the gradientAt of the quadratic model at XOPT+D. It is updated
 *       when D is updated./*from w  w  w.  j a va2 s. com*/
 *     xbdi.get( is a working space vector. For I=1,2,...,N, the element xbdi.get((I) is
 *       set to -1.0, 0.0, or 1.0, the value being nonzero if and only if the
 *       I-th variable has become fixed at a bound, the bound being SL(I) or
 *       SU(I) in the case xbdi.get((I)=-1.0 or xbdi.get((I)=1.0, respectively. This
 *       information is accumulated during the construction of XNEW.
 *     The arrays S, HS and HRED are also used for working space. They hold the
 *       current search direction, and the changes in the gradientAt of Q along S
 *       and the reduced D, respectively, where the reduced D is the same as D,
 *       except that the components of the fixed variables are zero.
 *     DSQ will be set to the square of the length of XNEW-XOPT.
 *     CRVMIN is set to zero if D reaches the trust region boundary. Otherwise
 *       it is set to the least curvature of H that occurs in the conjugate
 *       gradientAt searches that are not restricted by any constraints. The
 *       value CRVMIN=-1.0D0 is set, however, if all of these searches are
 *       constrained.
 * @param delta
 * @param gnew
 * @param xbdi
 * @param s
 * @param hs
 * @param hred
private double[] trsbox(double delta, ArrayRealVector gnew, ArrayRealVector xbdi, ArrayRealVector s,
        ArrayRealVector hs, ArrayRealVector hred) {
    printMethod(); // XXX

    final int n = currentBest.getDimension();
    final int npt = numberOfInterpolationPoints;

    double dsq = Double.NaN;
    double crvmin = Double.NaN;

    // Local variables
    double ds;
    int iu;
    double dhd, dhs, cth, shs, sth, ssq, beta = 0, sdec, blen;
    int iact = -1;
    int nact = 0;
    double angt = 0, qred;
    int isav;
    double temp = 0, xsav = 0, xsum = 0, angbd = 0, dredg = 0, sredg = 0;
    int iterc;
    double resid = 0, delsq = 0, ggsav = 0, tempa = 0, tempb = 0, redmax = 0, dredsq = 0, redsav = 0,
            gredsq = 0, rednew = 0;
    int itcsav = 0;
    double rdprev = 0, rdnext = 0, stplen = 0, stepsq = 0;
    int itermax = 0;

    // Set some constants.

    // Function Body

    // The sign of GOPT(I) gives the sign of the change to the I-th variable
    // that will reduce Q from its value at XOPT. Thus xbdi.get((I) shows whether
    // or not to fix the I-th variable at one of its bounds initially, with
    // NACT being set to the number of fixed variables. D and GNEW are also
    // set for the first iteration. DELSQ is the upper bound on the sum of
    // squares of the free variables. QRED is the reduction in Q so far.

    iterc = 0;
    nact = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        xbdi.setEntry(i, ZERO);
        if (trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) <= lowerDifference.getEntry(i)) {
            if (gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i) >= ZERO) {
                xbdi.setEntry(i, MINUS_ONE);
        } else if (trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) >= upperDifference.getEntry(i)) {
            if (gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i) <= ZERO) {
                xbdi.setEntry(i, ONE);
        if (xbdi.getEntry(i) != ZERO) {
        trialStepPoint.setEntry(i, ZERO);
        gnew.setEntry(i, gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i));
    delsq = delta * delta;
    qred = ZERO;
    crvmin = MINUS_ONE;

    // Set the next search direction of the conjugate gradientAt method. It is
    // the steepest descent direction initially and when the iterations are
    // restarted because a variable has just been fixed by a bound, and of
    // course the components of the fixed variables are zero. ITERMAX is an
    // upper bound on the indices of the conjugate gradientAt iterations.

    int state = 20;
    for (;;) {
        switch (state) {
        case 20: {
            printState(20); // XXX
            beta = ZERO;
        case 30: {
            printState(30); // XXX
            stepsq = ZERO;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (xbdi.getEntry(i) != ZERO) {
                    s.setEntry(i, ZERO);
                } else if (beta == ZERO) {
                    s.setEntry(i, -gnew.getEntry(i));
                } else {
                    s.setEntry(i, beta * s.getEntry(i) - gnew.getEntry(i));
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d1 = s.getEntry(i);
                stepsq += d1 * d1;
            if (stepsq == ZERO) {
                state = 190;
            if (beta == ZERO) {
                gredsq = stepsq;
                itermax = iterc + n - nact;
            if (gredsq * delsq <= qred * 1e-4 * qred) {
                state = 190;

            // Multiply the search direction by the second derivative matrix of Q and
            // calculate some scalars for the choice of steplength. Then set BLEN to
            // the length of the the step to the trust region boundary and STPLEN to
            // the steplength, ignoring the simple bounds.

            state = 210;
        case 50: {
            printState(50); // XXX
            resid = delsq;
            ds = ZERO;
            shs = ZERO;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (xbdi.getEntry(i) == ZERO) {
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    final double d1 = trialStepPoint.getEntry(i);
                    resid -= d1 * d1;
                    ds += s.getEntry(i) * trialStepPoint.getEntry(i);
                    shs += s.getEntry(i) * hs.getEntry(i);
            if (resid <= ZERO) {
                state = 90;
            temp = Math.sqrt(stepsq * resid + ds * ds);
            if (ds < ZERO) {
                blen = (temp - ds) / stepsq;
            } else {
                blen = resid / (temp + ds);
            stplen = blen;
            if (shs > ZERO) {
                // Computing MIN
                stplen = Math.min(blen, gredsq / shs);

            // Reduce STPLEN if necessary in order to preserve the simple bounds,
            // letting IACT be the index of the new constrained variable.

            iact = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (s.getEntry(i) != ZERO) {
                    xsum = trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) + trialStepPoint.getEntry(i);
                    if (s.getEntry(i) > ZERO) {
                        temp = (upperDifference.getEntry(i) - xsum) / s.getEntry(i);
                    } else {
                        temp = (lowerDifference.getEntry(i) - xsum) / s.getEntry(i);
                    if (temp < stplen) {
                        stplen = temp;
                        iact = i;

            // Update CRVMIN, GNEW and D. Set SDEC to the decrease that occurs in Q.

            sdec = ZERO;
            if (stplen > ZERO) {
                temp = shs / stepsq;
                if (iact == -1 && temp > ZERO) {
                    crvmin = Math.min(crvmin, temp);
                    if (crvmin == MINUS_ONE) {
                        crvmin = temp;
                ggsav = gredsq;
                gredsq = ZERO;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    gnew.setEntry(i, gnew.getEntry(i) + stplen * hs.getEntry(i));
                    if (xbdi.getEntry(i) == ZERO) {
                        // Computing 2nd power
                        final double d1 = gnew.getEntry(i);
                        gredsq += d1 * d1;
                    trialStepPoint.setEntry(i, trialStepPoint.getEntry(i) + stplen * s.getEntry(i));
                // Computing MAX
                final double d1 = stplen * (ggsav - HALF * stplen * shs);
                sdec = Math.max(d1, ZERO);
                qred += sdec;

            // Restart the conjugate gradientAt method if it has hit a new bound.

            if (iact >= 0) {
                xbdi.setEntry(iact, ONE);
                if (s.getEntry(iact) < ZERO) {
                    xbdi.setEntry(iact, MINUS_ONE);
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d1 = trialStepPoint.getEntry(iact);
                delsq -= d1 * d1;
                if (delsq <= ZERO) {
                    state = 190;
                state = 20;

            // If STPLEN is less than BLEN, then either apply another conjugate
            // gradientAt iteration or RETURN.

            if (stplen < blen) {
                if (iterc == itermax) {
                    state = 190;
                if (sdec <= qred * .01) {
                    state = 190;
                beta = gredsq / ggsav;
                state = 30;
        case 90: {
            printState(90); // XXX
            crvmin = ZERO;

            // Prepare for the alternative iteration by calculating some scalars
            // and by multiplying the reduced D by the second derivative matrix of
            // Q, where S holds the reduced D in the call of GGMULT.

        case 100: {
            printState(100); // XXX
            if (nact >= n - 1) {
                state = 190;
            dredsq = ZERO;
            dredg = ZERO;
            gredsq = ZERO;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (xbdi.getEntry(i) == ZERO) {
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    double d1 = trialStepPoint.getEntry(i);
                    dredsq += d1 * d1;
                    dredg += trialStepPoint.getEntry(i) * gnew.getEntry(i);
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    d1 = gnew.getEntry(i);
                    gredsq += d1 * d1;
                    s.setEntry(i, trialStepPoint.getEntry(i));
                } else {
                    s.setEntry(i, ZERO);
            itcsav = iterc;
            state = 210;
            // Let the search direction S be a linear combination of the reduced D
            // and the reduced G that is orthogonal to the reduced D.
        case 120: {
            printState(120); // XXX
            temp = gredsq * dredsq - dredg * dredg;
            if (temp <= qred * 1e-4 * qred) {
                state = 190;
            temp = Math.sqrt(temp);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (xbdi.getEntry(i) == ZERO) {
                    s.setEntry(i, (dredg * trialStepPoint.getEntry(i) - dredsq * gnew.getEntry(i)) / temp);
                } else {
                    s.setEntry(i, ZERO);
            sredg = -temp;

            // By considering the simple bounds on the variables, calculate an upper
            // bound on the tangent of half the angle of the alternative iteration,
            // namely ANGBD, except that, if already a free variable has reached a
            // bound, there is a branch back to label 100 after fixing that variable.

            angbd = ONE;
            iact = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (xbdi.getEntry(i) == ZERO) {
                    tempa = trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) + trialStepPoint.getEntry(i)
                            - lowerDifference.getEntry(i);
                    tempb = upperDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i)
                            - trialStepPoint.getEntry(i);
                    if (tempa <= ZERO) {
                        xbdi.setEntry(i, MINUS_ONE);
                        state = 100;
                    } else if (tempb <= ZERO) {
                        xbdi.setEntry(i, ONE);
                        state = 100;
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    double d1 = trialStepPoint.getEntry(i);
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    double d2 = s.getEntry(i);
                    ssq = d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    d1 = trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) - lowerDifference.getEntry(i);
                    temp = ssq - d1 * d1;
                    if (temp > ZERO) {
                        temp = Math.sqrt(temp) - s.getEntry(i);
                        if (angbd * temp > tempa) {
                            angbd = tempa / temp;
                            iact = i;
                            xsav = MINUS_ONE;
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    d1 = upperDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i);
                    temp = ssq - d1 * d1;
                    if (temp > ZERO) {
                        temp = Math.sqrt(temp) + s.getEntry(i);
                        if (angbd * temp > tempb) {
                            angbd = tempb / temp;
                            iact = i;
                            xsav = ONE;

            // Calculate HHD and some curvatures for the alternative iteration.

            state = 210;
        case 150: {
            printState(150); // XXX
            shs = ZERO;
            dhs = ZERO;
            dhd = ZERO;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (xbdi.getEntry(i) == ZERO) {
                    shs += s.getEntry(i) * hs.getEntry(i);
                    dhs += trialStepPoint.getEntry(i) * hs.getEntry(i);
                    dhd += trialStepPoint.getEntry(i) * hred.getEntry(i);

            // Seek the greatest reduction in Q for a range of equally spaced values
            // of ANGT in [0,ANGBD], where ANGT is the tangent of half the angle of
            // the alternative iteration.

            redmax = ZERO;
            isav = -1;
            redsav = ZERO;
            iu = (int) (angbd * 17. + 3.1);
            for (int i = 0; i < iu; i++) {
                angt = angbd * i / iu;
                sth = (angt + angt) / (ONE + angt * angt);
                temp = shs + angt * (angt * dhd - dhs - dhs);
                rednew = sth * (angt * dredg - sredg - HALF * sth * temp);
                if (rednew > redmax) {
                    redmax = rednew;
                    isav = i;
                    rdprev = redsav;
                } else if (i == isav + 1) {
                    rdnext = rednew;
                redsav = rednew;

            // Return if the reduction is zero. Otherwise, set the sine and cosine
            // of the angle of the alternative iteration, and calculate SDEC.

            if (isav < 0) {
                state = 190;
            if (isav < iu) {
                temp = (rdnext - rdprev) / (redmax + redmax - rdprev - rdnext);
                angt = angbd * (isav + HALF * temp) / iu;
            cth = (ONE - angt * angt) / (ONE + angt * angt);
            sth = (angt + angt) / (ONE + angt * angt);
            temp = shs + angt * (angt * dhd - dhs - dhs);
            sdec = sth * (angt * dredg - sredg - HALF * sth * temp);
            if (sdec <= ZERO) {
                state = 190;

            // Update GNEW, D and HRED. If the angle of the alternative iteration
            // is restricted by a bound on a free variable, that variable is fixed
            // at the bound.

            dredg = ZERO;
            gredsq = ZERO;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                gnew.setEntry(i, gnew.getEntry(i) + (cth - ONE) * hred.getEntry(i) + sth * hs.getEntry(i));
                if (xbdi.getEntry(i) == ZERO) {
                    trialStepPoint.setEntry(i, cth * trialStepPoint.getEntry(i) + sth * s.getEntry(i));
                    dredg += trialStepPoint.getEntry(i) * gnew.getEntry(i);
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    final double d1 = gnew.getEntry(i);
                    gredsq += d1 * d1;
                hred.setEntry(i, cth * hred.getEntry(i) + sth * hs.getEntry(i));
            qred += sdec;
            if (iact >= 0 && isav == iu) {
                xbdi.setEntry(iact, xsav);
                state = 100;

            // If SDEC is sufficiently small, then RETURN after setting XNEW to
            // XOPT+D, giving careful attention to the bounds.

            if (sdec > qred * .01) {
                state = 120;
        case 190: {
            printState(190); // XXX
            dsq = ZERO;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                // Computing MAX
                // Computing MIN
                final double min = Math.min(trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) + trialStepPoint.getEntry(i),
                newPoint.setEntry(i, Math.max(min, lowerDifference.getEntry(i)));
                if (xbdi.getEntry(i) == MINUS_ONE) {
                    newPoint.setEntry(i, lowerDifference.getEntry(i));
                if (xbdi.getEntry(i) == ONE) {
                    newPoint.setEntry(i, upperDifference.getEntry(i));
                trialStepPoint.setEntry(i, newPoint.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d1 = trialStepPoint.getEntry(i);
                dsq += d1 * d1;
            return new double[] { dsq, crvmin };
            // The following instructions multiply the current S-vector by the second
            // derivative matrix of the quadratic model, putting the product in HS.
            // They are reached from three different parts of the software above and
            // they can be regarded as an external subroutine.
        case 210: {
            printState(210); // XXX
            int ih = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                hs.setEntry(j, ZERO);
                for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
                    if (i < j) {
                                hs.getEntry(j) + modelSecondDerivativesValues.getEntry(ih) * s.getEntry(i));
                    hs.setEntry(i, hs.getEntry(i) + modelSecondDerivativesValues.getEntry(ih) * s.getEntry(j));
            final RealVector tmp = interpolationPoints.operate(s).ebeMultiply(modelSecondDerivativesParameters);
            for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                if (modelSecondDerivativesParameters.getEntry(k) != ZERO) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        hs.setEntry(i, hs.getEntry(i) + tmp.getEntry(k) * interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, i));
            if (crvmin != ZERO) {
                state = 50;
            if (iterc > itcsav) {
                state = 150;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                hred.setEntry(i, hs.getEntry(i));
            state = 120;
        default: {
            throw new MathIllegalStateException(LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE, "trsbox");

From source file:org.orekit.data.ClasspathCrawler.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean feed(final Pattern supported, final DataLoader visitor) throws OrekitException {

    try {//from   w  w  w .j a v  a 2 s  . co  m
        OrekitException delayedException = null;
        boolean loaded = false;
        for (final String name : listElements) {
            try {

                if (visitor.stillAcceptsData()) {
                    if (ZIP_ARCHIVE_PATTERN.matcher(name).matches()) {

                        // browse inside the zip/jar file
                        final DataProvider zipProvider = new ZipJarCrawler(name);
                        loaded = zipProvider.feed(supported, visitor) || loaded;

                    } else {

                        // remove suffix from gzip files
                        final Matcher gzipMatcher = GZIP_FILE_PATTERN.matcher(name);
                        final String baseName = gzipMatcher.matches() ? gzipMatcher.group(1) : name;

                        if (supported.matcher(baseName).matches()) {

                            final InputStream stream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(name);
                            final URI uri = classLoader.getResource(name).toURI();

                            // visit the current file
                            if (gzipMatcher.matches()) {
                                visitor.loadData(new GZIPInputStream(stream), uri.toString());
                            } else {
                                visitor.loadData(stream, uri.toString());

                            loaded = true;



            } catch (OrekitException oe) {
                // maybe the next path component will be able to provide data
                // wait until all components have been tried
                delayedException = oe;
            } catch (URISyntaxException use) {
                // this should bever happen
                throw new OrekitException(use, LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE, use.getMessage());

        if (!loaded && delayedException != null) {
            throw delayedException;

        return loaded;

    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new OrekitException(ioe, new DummyLocalizable(ioe.getMessage()));
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
        throw new OrekitException(pe, new DummyLocalizable(pe.getMessage()));


From source file:org.orekit.propagation.analytical.KeplerianPropagatorTest.java

public void testIssue107() throws OrekitException {
    final TimeScale utc = TimeScalesFactory.getUTC();
    final Vector3D position = new Vector3D(-6142438.668, 3492467.56, -25767.257);
    final Vector3D velocity = new Vector3D(505.848, 942.781, 7435.922);
    final AbsoluteDate date = new AbsoluteDate(2003, 9, 16, utc);
    final Orbit orbit = new CircularOrbit(new PVCoordinates(position, velocity), FramesFactory.getEME2000(),
            date, mu);/*w w  w  . ja  v a  2 s  .c om*/

    Propagator propagator = new KeplerianPropagator(orbit) {
        AbsoluteDate lastDate = AbsoluteDate.PAST_INFINITY;

        protected SpacecraftState basicPropagate(final AbsoluteDate date) throws PropagationException {
            if (date.compareTo(lastDate) < 0) {
                throw new PropagationException(LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE,
                        "no backward propagation allowed");
            lastDate = date;
            return super.basicPropagate(date);

    SpacecraftState finalState = propagator.propagate(date.shiftedBy(3600.0));
    Assert.assertEquals(3600.0, finalState.getDate().durationFrom(date), 1.0e-15);


From source file:org.orekit.propagation.numerical.NumericalPropagatorTest.java

@Test(expected = OrekitException.class)
public void testException() throws OrekitException {
    propagator.setMasterMode(new OrekitStepHandler() {
        private int countDown = 3;
        private AbsoluteDate previousCall = null;

        public void init(SpacecraftState s0, AbsoluteDate t) {
        }//from w w  w . j a v  a 2s .  co m

        public void handleStep(OrekitStepInterpolator interpolator, boolean isLast)
                throws PropagationException {
            if (previousCall != null) {
                Assert.assertTrue(interpolator.getInterpolatedDate().compareTo(previousCall) < 0);
            if (--countDown == 0) {
                throw new PropagationException(LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE, "dummy error");

From source file:org.orekit.utils.SecularAndHarmonicTest.java

private SpacecraftState findFirstCrossing(final double latitude, final boolean ascending,
        final AbsoluteDate searchStart, final AbsoluteDate end, final double stepSize,
        final Propagator propagator) throws OrekitException {

    double previousLatitude = Double.NaN;
    for (AbsoluteDate date = searchStart; date.compareTo(end) < 0; date = date.shiftedBy(stepSize)) {
        final PVCoordinates pv = propagator.propagate(date).getPVCoordinates(earth.getBodyFrame());
        final double currentLatitude = earth.transform(pv.getPosition(), earth.getBodyFrame(), date)
                .getLatitude();//from  www .j a v a  2s  .  c  om
        if (((previousLatitude <= latitude) && (currentLatitude >= latitude) && ascending)
                || ((previousLatitude >= latitude) && (currentLatitude <= latitude) && !ascending)) {
            return findLatitudeCrossing(latitude, date.shiftedBy(-0.5 * stepSize), end, 0.5 * stepSize,
                    2 * stepSize, propagator);
        previousLatitude = currentLatitude;

    throw new OrekitException(LocalizedFormats.SIMPLE_MESSAGE,
            "latitude " + FastMath.toDegrees(latitude) + " never crossed");
