Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.exception.util LocalizedFormats ZERO_NORM

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.exception.util LocalizedFormats ZERO_NORM


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.exception.util LocalizedFormats ZERO_NORM.


LocalizedFormats ZERO_NORM

To view the source code for org.apache.commons.math3.exception.util LocalizedFormats ZERO_NORM.

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From source file:com.cloudera.oryx.common.math.OpenMapRealVector.java

public void unitize() {
    double norm = getNorm();
    if (isDefaultValue(norm)) {
        throw new MathArithmeticException(LocalizedFormats.ZERO_NORM);
    }//w w  w  .j ava2  s  .  c o  m
    OpenIntToDoubleHashMap.Iterator iter = entries.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        entries.put(iter.key(), iter.value() / norm);

From source file:org.pmad.gmm.MyEDC.java

 * Find eigenvectors from a matrix transformed to Schur form.
 * @param schur the schur transformation of the matrix
 * @throws MathArithmeticException if the Schur form has a norm of zero
 *///from   w w w. j av  a  2  s  .c  om
private void findEigenVectorsFromSchur(final SchurTransformer schur) throws MathArithmeticException {
    final double[][] matrixT = schur.getT().getData();
    final double[][] matrixP = schur.getP().getData();

    final int n = matrixT.length;

    // compute matrix norm
    double norm = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (int j = FastMath.max(i - 1, 0); j < n; j++) {
            norm += FastMath.abs(matrixT[i][j]);

    // we can not handle a matrix with zero norm
    if (Precision.equals(norm, 0.0, EPSILON)) {
        throw new MathArithmeticException(LocalizedFormats.ZERO_NORM);

    // Backsubstitute to find vectors of upper triangular form

    double r = 0.0;
    double s = 0.0;
    double z = 0.0;

    for (int idx = n - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
        double p = realEigenvalues[idx];
        double q = imagEigenvalues[idx];

        if (Precision.equals(q, 0.0)) {
            // Real vector
            int l = idx;
            matrixT[idx][idx] = 1.0;
            for (int i = idx - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                double w = matrixT[i][i] - p;
                r = 0.0;
                for (int j = l; j <= idx; j++) {
                    r += matrixT[i][j] * matrixT[j][idx];
                if (Precision.compareTo(imagEigenvalues[i], 0.0, EPSILON) < 0) {
                    z = w;
                    s = r;
                } else {
                    l = i;
                    if (Precision.equals(imagEigenvalues[i], 0.0)) {
                        if (w != 0.0) {
                            matrixT[i][idx] = -r / w;
                        } else {
                            matrixT[i][idx] = -r / (Precision.EPSILON * norm);
                    } else {
                        // Solve real equations
                        double x = matrixT[i][i + 1];
                        double y = matrixT[i + 1][i];
                        q = (realEigenvalues[i] - p) * (realEigenvalues[i] - p)
                                + imagEigenvalues[i] * imagEigenvalues[i];
                        double t = (x * s - z * r) / q;
                        matrixT[i][idx] = t;
                        if (FastMath.abs(x) > FastMath.abs(z)) {
                            matrixT[i + 1][idx] = (-r - w * t) / x;
                        } else {
                            matrixT[i + 1][idx] = (-s - y * t) / z;

                    // Overflow control
                    double t = FastMath.abs(matrixT[i][idx]);
                    if ((Precision.EPSILON * t) * t > 1) {
                        for (int j = i; j <= idx; j++) {
                            matrixT[j][idx] /= t;
        } else if (q < 0.0) {
            // Complex vector
            int l = idx - 1;

            // Last vector component imaginary so matrix is triangular
            if (FastMath.abs(matrixT[idx][idx - 1]) > FastMath.abs(matrixT[idx - 1][idx])) {
                matrixT[idx - 1][idx - 1] = q / matrixT[idx][idx - 1];
                matrixT[idx - 1][idx] = -(matrixT[idx][idx] - p) / matrixT[idx][idx - 1];
            } else {
                final Complex result = cdiv(0.0, -matrixT[idx - 1][idx], matrixT[idx - 1][idx - 1] - p, q);
                matrixT[idx - 1][idx - 1] = result.getReal();
                matrixT[idx - 1][idx] = result.getImaginary();

            matrixT[idx][idx - 1] = 0.0;
            matrixT[idx][idx] = 1.0;

            for (int i = idx - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                double ra = 0.0;
                double sa = 0.0;
                for (int j = l; j <= idx; j++) {
                    ra += matrixT[i][j] * matrixT[j][idx - 1];
                    sa += matrixT[i][j] * matrixT[j][idx];
                double w = matrixT[i][i] - p;

                if (Precision.compareTo(imagEigenvalues[i], 0.0, EPSILON) < 0) {
                    z = w;
                    r = ra;
                    s = sa;
                } else {
                    l = i;
                    if (Precision.equals(imagEigenvalues[i], 0.0)) {
                        final Complex c = cdiv(-ra, -sa, w, q);
                        matrixT[i][idx - 1] = c.getReal();
                        matrixT[i][idx] = c.getImaginary();
                    } else {
                        // Solve complex equations
                        double x = matrixT[i][i + 1];
                        double y = matrixT[i + 1][i];
                        double vr = (realEigenvalues[i] - p) * (realEigenvalues[i] - p)
                                + imagEigenvalues[i] * imagEigenvalues[i] - q * q;
                        final double vi = (realEigenvalues[i] - p) * 2.0 * q;
                        if (Precision.equals(vr, 0.0) && Precision.equals(vi, 0.0)) {
                            vr = Precision.EPSILON * norm * (FastMath.abs(w) + FastMath.abs(q) + FastMath.abs(x)
                                    + FastMath.abs(y) + FastMath.abs(z));
                        final Complex c = cdiv(x * r - z * ra + q * sa, x * s - z * sa - q * ra, vr, vi);
                        matrixT[i][idx - 1] = c.getReal();
                        matrixT[i][idx] = c.getImaginary();

                        if (FastMath.abs(x) > (FastMath.abs(z) + FastMath.abs(q))) {
                            matrixT[i + 1][idx - 1] = (-ra - w * matrixT[i][idx - 1] + q * matrixT[i][idx]) / x;
                            matrixT[i + 1][idx] = (-sa - w * matrixT[i][idx] - q * matrixT[i][idx - 1]) / x;
                        } else {
                            final Complex c2 = cdiv(-r - y * matrixT[i][idx - 1], -s - y * matrixT[i][idx], z,
                            matrixT[i + 1][idx - 1] = c2.getReal();
                            matrixT[i + 1][idx] = c2.getImaginary();

                    // Overflow control
                    double t = FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(matrixT[i][idx - 1]), FastMath.abs(matrixT[i][idx]));
                    if ((Precision.EPSILON * t) * t > 1) {
                        for (int j = i; j <= idx; j++) {
                            matrixT[j][idx - 1] /= t;
                            matrixT[j][idx] /= t;

    // Back transformation to get eigenvectors of original matrix
    for (int j = n - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
        for (int i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++) {
            z = 0.0;
            for (int k = 0; k <= FastMath.min(j, n - 1); k++) {
                z += matrixP[i][k] * matrixT[k][j];
            matrixP[i][j] = z;

    eigenvectors = new ArrayRealVector[n];
    final double[] tmp = new double[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            tmp[j] = matrixP[j][i];
        eigenvectors[i] = new ArrayRealVector(tmp);