Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed SphericalCoordinates SphericalCoordinates

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed SphericalCoordinates SphericalCoordinates


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed SphericalCoordinates SphericalCoordinates.


public SphericalCoordinates(final Vector3D v) 

Source Link


Build a spherical coordinates transformer from Cartesian coordinates.


From source file:fr.amap.lidar.format.jleica.LPointShotExtractor.java

public LPointShotExtractor(GriddedPointScan scan) throws Exception {

    this.scan = scan;

    scan.computeExtremumsAngles();/*  w w  w.j  av  a  2s  . c  o m*/


    angles = new SimpleSpherCoords[this.scan.getHeader().getNumRows()][this.scan.getHeader().getNumCols()];

    azimuts = new boolean[this.scan.getHeader().getNumCols()];
    zenithals = new boolean[this.scan.getHeader().getNumRows()];

    //azimutsRegression  = new SimpleRegression[this.scan.getHeader().getNumCols()];
    //zenithalsRegression = new SimpleRegression[this.scan.getHeader().getNumRows()];

    //azimuts = new SimpleRegression[this.scan.getHeader().getNumCols()];
    //zenithals = new SimpleRegression[this.scan.getHeader().getNumRows()];

    Iterator<LPoint> iterator = scan.iterator();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

        LPoint point = iterator.next();

        if (point.valid) {

            double x, y, z;

            if (scan.getHeader().isPointInDoubleFormat()) {
                x = ((LDoublePoint) point).x;
                y = ((LDoublePoint) point).y;
                z = ((LDoublePoint) point).z;
            } else {
                x = ((LFloatPoint) point).x;
                y = ((LFloatPoint) point).y;
                z = ((LFloatPoint) point).z;

            Vector3d dir = new Vector3d(x, y, z);

            SphericalCoordinates sc = new SphericalCoordinates(new Vector3D(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z));

            angles[point.rowIndex][point.columnIndex] = new SimpleSpherCoords();
            angles[point.rowIndex][point.columnIndex].azimut = sc.getTheta();
            angles[point.rowIndex][point.columnIndex].zenith = sc.getPhi();

            azimuts[point.columnIndex] = true;
            zenithals[point.rowIndex] = true;

    int lastValidRowIndex = -1;
    int lastValidColumnIndex = -1;

    for (int row = 0; row < angles.length; row++) {

        for (int column = 0; column < angles[0].length; column++) {

            if (angles[row][column] == null) {

                double azimut = Double.NaN;
                double zenithal = Double.NaN;

                if (azimuts[column]) {
                    for (int i = row + 1, j = row - 1; i < angles.length || j >= 0; i++, j--) {

                        if (i < angles.length && angles[i][column] != null) {
                            azimut = angles[i][column].azimut;
                            azimuts[column] = true;

                        if (j >= 0 && angles[j][column] != null) {
                            azimut = angles[j][column].azimut;
                            azimuts[column] = true;

                if (azimuts[column]) {

                    for (int i = row + 1, j = row - 1; i < angles.length || j >= 0; i++, j--) {

                        if (i < angles.length && angles[i][column] != null) {
                            zenithal = (angles[i][column].zenith + ((i - row) * scan.getElevationStepAngle()));
                            azimuts[column] = true;

                        if (j >= 0 && angles[j][column] != null) {
                            zenithal = (angles[j][column].zenith - ((row - j) * scan.getElevationStepAngle()));
                            azimuts[column] = true;

                for(int i=column+1, j=column-1;i<angles[0].length || j>=0;i++, j--){
                    if(i<angles[0].length && angles[row][i] != null){
                        zenithal = angles[row][i].zenith;
                        zenithals[row] = true;
                    if(j >=0 && angles[row][j] != null){
                        zenithal = angles[row][j].zenith;
                        zenithals[row] = true;

                if (Double.isNaN(azimut)) {
                    azimut = (scan.getAzim_min()
                            - ((column - scan.getColIndexAzimMin()) * scan.getAzimutalStepAngle()));

                if (Double.isNaN(zenithal)) {
                    if (lastValidRowIndex != -1) {
                        zenithal = (angles[lastValidRowIndex][lastValidColumnIndex].zenith
                                - ((row - lastValidRowIndex) * scan.getElevationStepAngle()));
                    } else {
                        zenithal = (scan.getElev_min()
                                - ((row - scan.getRowIndexElevMin()) * scan.getElevationStepAngle()));


                angles[row][column] = new SimpleSpherCoords(azimut, zenithal);

            } else {
                lastValidRowIndex = row;
                lastValidColumnIndex = column;


From source file:fr.amap.lidar.format.jleica.GriddedPointScan.java

 * Compute minimum and maximum azimutal and elevation angles of the scan.
 *//*from  www.  j av  a2s.c o  m*/
public void computeExtremumsAngles() {

    Statistic minAzimutalAngle = new Statistic();
    Statistic maxAzimutalAngle = new Statistic();


    //compute min azimutal angle
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < header.getNumCols(); i++) {


        Iterator<LPoint> iterator = this.iterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

            LPoint point = iterator.next();

            SphericalCoordinates sc;

            if (header.isPointInFloatFormat()) {

                LFloatPoint floatPoint = (LFloatPoint) point;
                sc = new SphericalCoordinates(
                        new Vector3D(floatPoint.x, floatPoint.y, floatPoint.z).normalize());
            } else {
                LDoublePoint doublePoint = (LDoublePoint) point;
                sc = new SphericalCoordinates(
                        new Vector3D(doublePoint.x, doublePoint.y, doublePoint.z).normalize());


        if (minAzimutalAngle.getNbValues() > 0) {

    azim_min = minAzimutalAngle.getMean();
    colIndexAzimMin = i;

    //compute max azimutal angle
    //        for (i = colIndexAzimMin+100; i < header.getNumCols(); i+=100) {
    //            setUpColumnToRead(i);
    //            Iterator<LPoint> iterator = this.iterator();
    //            while(iterator.hasNext()){
    //                LPoint point = iterator.next();
    //                SphericalCoordinates sc = new SphericalCoordinates();
    //                if(header.isPointInFloatFormat()){
    //                    LFloatPoint floatPoint = (LFloatPoint)point;
    //                    sc.toSpherical(new Point3d(floatPoint.x, floatPoint.y, floatPoint.z));
    //                }else{
    //                    LDoublePoint doublePoint = (LDoublePoint)point;
    //                    sc.toSpherical(new Point3d(doublePoint.x, doublePoint.y, doublePoint.z));
    //                }
    //                maxAzimutalAngle.addValue(sc.getAzimuth());
    //            }
    //            if(maxAzimutalAngle.getNbValues() > 0){
    //                break;
    //            }
    //        }
    //        azim_max = maxAzimutalAngle.getMean();
    //        colIndexAzimMax = i;
    for (i = header.getNumCols() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {


        Iterator<LPoint> iterator = this.iterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

            LPoint point = iterator.next();

            SphericalCoordinates sc;

            if (header.isPointInFloatFormat()) {

                LFloatPoint floatPoint = (LFloatPoint) point;
                sc = new SphericalCoordinates(
                        new Vector3D(floatPoint.x, floatPoint.y, floatPoint.z).normalize());
            } else {
                LDoublePoint doublePoint = (LDoublePoint) point;
                sc = new SphericalCoordinates(
                        new Vector3D(doublePoint.x, doublePoint.y, doublePoint.z).normalize());


        if (maxAzimutalAngle.getNbValues() > 0) {

    azim_max = maxAzimutalAngle.getMean();
    colIndexAzimMax = i;

    //compute min zenithal angle
    //compute max azimutal angle


    Statistic minZenithalAngle = new Statistic();
    Statistic maxZenithalAngle = new Statistic();

    for (i = 0; i < header.getNumRows(); i++) {


        Iterator<LPoint> iterator = this.iterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

            LPoint point = iterator.next();

            SphericalCoordinates sc;

            if (header.isPointInFloatFormat()) {

                LFloatPoint floatPoint = (LFloatPoint) point;
                sc = new SphericalCoordinates(
                        new Vector3D(floatPoint.x, floatPoint.y, floatPoint.z).normalize());
            } else {
                LDoublePoint doublePoint = (LDoublePoint) point;
                sc = new SphericalCoordinates(
                        new Vector3D(doublePoint.x, doublePoint.y, doublePoint.z).normalize());


        if (minZenithalAngle.getNbValues() > 0) {

    elev_min = minZenithalAngle.getMean();
    rowIndexElevMin = i;

    for (i = header.getNumRows() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {


        Iterator<LPoint> iterator = this.iterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

            LPoint point = iterator.next();

            SphericalCoordinates sc;

            if (header.isPointInFloatFormat()) {

                LFloatPoint floatPoint = (LFloatPoint) point;
                sc = new SphericalCoordinates(
                        new Vector3D(floatPoint.x, floatPoint.y, floatPoint.z).normalize());
            } else {
                LDoublePoint doublePoint = (LDoublePoint) point;
                sc = new SphericalCoordinates(
                        new Vector3D(doublePoint.x, doublePoint.y, doublePoint.z).normalize());


        if (maxZenithalAngle.getNbValues() > 0) {


    elev_max = maxZenithalAngle.getMean();
    rowIndexElevMax = i;


From source file:fingerprint.MyStructureFingerprint.java

private LinkedHashMap<PhiThetaInterval, List<PointIfc>> groupResiduesAccordingToSolidAngleAccordingToLocalStructureBarycenter(
        PointIfc barycenterShape, MyStructureIfc myStructureHere) { // strongly reusing code of groupPoints

    List<PointIfc> listRepresentativePoints = new ArrayList<>();

    for (MyChainIfc chain : myStructureHere.getAllChainsRelevantForShapeBuilding()) {
        for (MyMonomerIfc monomer : chain.getMyMonomers()) {
            float[] coords = ToolsMathAppliedToMyStructure.getCoordinatesOfRepresentativeAtom(monomer);
            PointIfc point = new Point(coords);
        }/*from   www. j av  a  2 s .  com*/

    // defining 36 zones in solid space
    double deltaOnlyForTheta = Math.PI / 8.0;
    int countOfIncrementAngle = 8;
    // group monomers

    EquidistributionPhi equidistributionPhi = new EquidistributionPhi();
    List<Double> phiValues = equidistributionPhi.getMapCountOfIntervalsAndPointValues()
    // theta in map ranges from -pi to +pi in agreement with apache spherical coodinates
    List<Double> tethaValues = ShapeReductorTools.doBinningThetaValues(deltaOnlyForTheta,

    List<PhiThetaInterval> sectors = generateSector(deltaOnlyForTheta, phiValues, tethaValues);

    // create the Map to return
    LinkedHashMap<PhiThetaInterval, List<PointIfc>> groupPoints = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    Iterator<PhiThetaInterval> it = sectors.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        PhiThetaInterval sector = it.next();
        List<PointIfc> listPoints = new ArrayList<>();
        groupPoints.put(sector, listPoints);

    for (PointIfc point : listRepresentativePoints) {

        float[] pointRelativeToBarycenter = MathTools.v1minusV2(point.getCoords(), barycenterShape.getCoords());
        Vector3D pointRelativeToBarycenterV3d = new Vector3D(pointRelativeToBarycenter[0],
                pointRelativeToBarycenter[1], pointRelativeToBarycenter[2]);

        SphericalCoordinates pointShericalRelative = new SphericalCoordinates(pointRelativeToBarycenterV3d);

        PhiThetaInterval intervalForThisPoint = getIntervalFromSphericalCoordinates(pointShericalRelative,

        if (intervalForThisPoint == null) { // it could be that some points doesnt fit so I should make the binning a bit larger I guess

    return groupPoints;

From source file:org.orekit.forces.gravity.HolmesFeatherstoneAttractionModel.java

/** Compute the gradient of the non-central part of the gravity field.
 * @param date current date/* w ww.j  a  v a  2s. co  m*/
 * @param position position at which gravity field is desired in body frame
 * @return gradient of the non-central part of the gravity field
 * @exception OrekitException if position cannot be converted to central body frame
public double[] gradient(final AbsoluteDate date, final Vector3D position) throws OrekitException {

    final int degree = provider.getMaxDegree();
    final int order = provider.getMaxOrder();
    final NormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date);

    // allocate the columns for recursion
    double[] pnm0Plus2 = new double[degree + 1];
    double[] pnm0Plus1 = new double[degree + 1];
    double[] pnm0 = new double[degree + 1];
    final double[] pnm1 = new double[degree + 1];

    // compute polar coordinates
    final double x = position.getX();
    final double y = position.getY();
    final double z = position.getZ();
    final double x2 = x * x;
    final double y2 = y * y;
    final double z2 = z * z;
    final double r2 = x2 + y2 + z2;
    final double r = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
    final double rho2 = x2 + y2;
    final double rho = FastMath.sqrt(rho2);
    final double t = z / r; // cos(theta), where theta is the polar angle
    final double u = rho / r; // sin(theta), where theta is the polar angle
    final double tOu = z / rho;

    // compute distance powers
    final double[] aOrN = createDistancePowersArray(provider.getAe() / r);

    // compute longitude cosines/sines
    final double[][] cosSinLambda = createCosSinArrays(position.getX() / rho, position.getY() / rho);

    // outer summation over order
    int index = 0;
    double value = 0;
    final double[] gradient = new double[3];
    for (int m = degree; m >= 0; --m) {

        // compute tesseral terms with derivatives
        index = computeTesseral(m, degree, index, t, u, tOu, pnm0Plus2, pnm0Plus1, null, pnm0, pnm1, null);

        if (m <= order) {
            // compute contribution of current order to field (equation 5 of the paper)

            // inner summation over degree, for fixed order
            double sumDegreeS = 0;
            double sumDegreeC = 0;
            double dSumDegreeSdR = 0;
            double dSumDegreeCdR = 0;
            double dSumDegreeSdTheta = 0;
            double dSumDegreeCdTheta = 0;
            for (int n = FastMath.max(2, m); n <= degree; ++n) {
                final double qSnm = aOrN[n] * harmonics.getNormalizedSnm(n, m);
                final double qCnm = aOrN[n] * harmonics.getNormalizedCnm(n, m);
                final double nOr = n / r;
                final double s0 = pnm0[n] * qSnm;
                final double c0 = pnm0[n] * qCnm;
                final double s1 = pnm1[n] * qSnm;
                final double c1 = pnm1[n] * qCnm;
                sumDegreeS += s0;
                sumDegreeC += c0;
                dSumDegreeSdR -= nOr * s0;
                dSumDegreeCdR -= nOr * c0;
                dSumDegreeSdTheta += s1;
                dSumDegreeCdTheta += c1;

            // contribution to outer summation over order
            // beware that we need to order gradient using the mathematical conventions
            // compliant with the SphericalCoordinates class, so our lambda is its theta
            // (and hence at index 1) and our theta is its phi (and hence at index 2)
            final double sML = cosSinLambda[1][m];
            final double cML = cosSinLambda[0][m];
            value = value * u + sML * sumDegreeS + cML * sumDegreeC;
            gradient[0] = gradient[0] * u + sML * dSumDegreeSdR + cML * dSumDegreeCdR;
            gradient[1] = gradient[1] * u + m * (cML * sumDegreeS - sML * sumDegreeC);
            gradient[2] = gradient[2] * u + sML * dSumDegreeSdTheta + cML * dSumDegreeCdTheta;


        // rotate the recursion arrays
        final double[] tmp = pnm0Plus2;
        pnm0Plus2 = pnm0Plus1;
        pnm0Plus1 = pnm0;
        pnm0 = tmp;


    // scale back
    value = FastMath.scalb(value, SCALING);
    gradient[0] = FastMath.scalb(gradient[0], SCALING);
    gradient[1] = FastMath.scalb(gradient[1], SCALING);
    gradient[2] = FastMath.scalb(gradient[2], SCALING);

    // apply the global mu/r factor
    final double muOr = mu / r;
    value *= muOr;
    gradient[0] = muOr * gradient[0] - value / r;
    gradient[1] *= muOr;
    gradient[2] *= muOr;

    // convert gradient from spherical to Cartesian
    return new SphericalCoordinates(position).toCartesianGradient(gradient);


From source file:org.orekit.forces.gravity.HolmesFeatherstoneAttractionModel.java

/** Compute both the gradient and the hessian of the non-central part of the gravity field.
 * @param date current date//  ww w .  jav  a2  s  . com
 * @param position position at which gravity field is desired in body frame
 * @return gradient and hessian of the non-central part of the gravity field
 * @exception OrekitException if position cannot be converted to central body frame
public GradientHessian gradientHessian(final AbsoluteDate date, final Vector3D position)
        throws OrekitException {

    final int degree = provider.getMaxDegree();
    final int order = provider.getMaxOrder();
    final NormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date);

    // allocate the columns for recursion
    double[] pnm0Plus2 = new double[degree + 1];
    double[] pnm0Plus1 = new double[degree + 1];
    double[] pnm0 = new double[degree + 1];
    double[] pnm1Plus1 = new double[degree + 1];
    double[] pnm1 = new double[degree + 1];
    final double[] pnm2 = new double[degree + 1];

    // compute polar coordinates
    final double x = position.getX();
    final double y = position.getY();
    final double z = position.getZ();
    final double x2 = x * x;
    final double y2 = y * y;
    final double z2 = z * z;
    final double r2 = x2 + y2 + z2;
    final double r = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
    final double rho2 = x2 + y2;
    final double rho = FastMath.sqrt(rho2);
    final double t = z / r; // cos(theta), where theta is the polar angle
    final double u = rho / r; // sin(theta), where theta is the polar angle
    final double tOu = z / rho;

    // compute distance powers
    final double[] aOrN = createDistancePowersArray(provider.getAe() / r);

    // compute longitude cosines/sines
    final double[][] cosSinLambda = createCosSinArrays(position.getX() / rho, position.getY() / rho);

    // outer summation over order
    int index = 0;
    double value = 0;
    final double[] gradient = new double[3];
    final double[][] hessian = new double[3][3];
    for (int m = degree; m >= 0; --m) {

        // compute tesseral terms
        index = computeTesseral(m, degree, index, t, u, tOu, pnm0Plus2, pnm0Plus1, pnm1Plus1, pnm0, pnm1, pnm2);

        if (m <= order) {
            // compute contribution of current order to field (equation 5 of the paper)

            // inner summation over degree, for fixed order
            double sumDegreeS = 0;
            double sumDegreeC = 0;
            double dSumDegreeSdR = 0;
            double dSumDegreeCdR = 0;
            double dSumDegreeSdTheta = 0;
            double dSumDegreeCdTheta = 0;
            double d2SumDegreeSdRdR = 0;
            double d2SumDegreeSdRdTheta = 0;
            double d2SumDegreeSdThetadTheta = 0;
            double d2SumDegreeCdRdR = 0;
            double d2SumDegreeCdRdTheta = 0;
            double d2SumDegreeCdThetadTheta = 0;
            for (int n = FastMath.max(2, m); n <= degree; ++n) {
                final double qSnm = aOrN[n] * harmonics.getNormalizedSnm(n, m);
                final double qCnm = aOrN[n] * harmonics.getNormalizedCnm(n, m);
                final double nOr = n / r;
                final double nnP1Or2 = nOr * (n + 1) / r;
                final double s0 = pnm0[n] * qSnm;
                final double c0 = pnm0[n] * qCnm;
                final double s1 = pnm1[n] * qSnm;
                final double c1 = pnm1[n] * qCnm;
                final double s2 = pnm2[n] * qSnm;
                final double c2 = pnm2[n] * qCnm;
                sumDegreeS += s0;
                sumDegreeC += c0;
                dSumDegreeSdR -= nOr * s0;
                dSumDegreeCdR -= nOr * c0;
                dSumDegreeSdTheta += s1;
                dSumDegreeCdTheta += c1;
                d2SumDegreeSdRdR += nnP1Or2 * s0;
                d2SumDegreeSdRdTheta -= nOr * s1;
                d2SumDegreeSdThetadTheta += s2;
                d2SumDegreeCdRdR += nnP1Or2 * c0;
                d2SumDegreeCdRdTheta -= nOr * c1;
                d2SumDegreeCdThetadTheta += c2;

            // contribution to outer summation over order
            final double sML = cosSinLambda[1][m];
            final double cML = cosSinLambda[0][m];
            value = value * u + sML * sumDegreeS + cML * sumDegreeC;
            gradient[0] = gradient[0] * u + sML * dSumDegreeSdR + cML * dSumDegreeCdR;
            gradient[1] = gradient[1] * u + m * (cML * sumDegreeS - sML * sumDegreeC);
            gradient[2] = gradient[2] * u + sML * dSumDegreeSdTheta + cML * dSumDegreeCdTheta;
            hessian[0][0] = hessian[0][0] * u + sML * d2SumDegreeSdRdR + cML * d2SumDegreeCdRdR;
            hessian[1][0] = hessian[1][0] * u + m * (cML * dSumDegreeSdR - sML * dSumDegreeCdR);
            hessian[2][0] = hessian[2][0] * u + sML * d2SumDegreeSdRdTheta + cML * d2SumDegreeCdRdTheta;
            hessian[1][1] = hessian[1][1] * u - m * m * (sML * sumDegreeS + cML * sumDegreeC);
            hessian[2][1] = hessian[2][1] * u + m * (cML * dSumDegreeSdTheta - sML * dSumDegreeCdTheta);
            hessian[2][2] = hessian[2][2] * u + sML * d2SumDegreeSdThetadTheta + cML * d2SumDegreeCdThetadTheta;


        // rotate the recursion arrays
        final double[] tmp0 = pnm0Plus2;
        pnm0Plus2 = pnm0Plus1;
        pnm0Plus1 = pnm0;
        pnm0 = tmp0;
        final double[] tmp1 = pnm1Plus1;
        pnm1Plus1 = pnm1;
        pnm1 = tmp1;


    // scale back
    value = FastMath.scalb(value, SCALING);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        gradient[i] = FastMath.scalb(gradient[i], SCALING);
        for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
            hessian[i][j] = FastMath.scalb(hessian[i][j], SCALING);

    // apply the global mu/r factor
    final double muOr = mu / r;
    value *= muOr;
    gradient[0] = muOr * gradient[0] - value / r;
    gradient[1] *= muOr;
    gradient[2] *= muOr;
    hessian[0][0] = muOr * hessian[0][0] - 2 * gradient[0] / r;
    hessian[1][0] = muOr * hessian[1][0] - gradient[1] / r;
    hessian[2][0] = muOr * hessian[2][0] - gradient[2] / r;
    hessian[1][1] *= muOr;
    hessian[2][1] *= muOr;
    hessian[2][2] *= muOr;

    // convert gradient and Hessian from spherical to Cartesian
    final SphericalCoordinates sc = new SphericalCoordinates(position);
    return new GradientHessian(sc.toCartesianGradient(gradient), sc.toCartesianHessian(hessian, gradient));


From source file:shapeReduction.ShapeReductorByClustering.java

private Map<PhiThetaRadiusInterval, Map<Integer, PointWithPropertiesIfc>> groupPoints() {

    double deltaOnlyForTheta = Math.PI / (double) algoParameters.getCOUNT_OF_INCREMENT_ANGLE();

    int countOfIncrementAngle = algoParameters.getCOUNT_OF_INCREMENT_ANGLE();
    EquidistributionPhi equidistributionPhi = new EquidistributionPhi();
    List<Double> phiValues = equidistributionPhi.getMapCountOfIntervalsAndPointValues()
    // theta in map ranges from -pi to +pi in agreement with apache spherical coodinates
    List<Double> tethaValues = ShapeReductorTools.doBinningThetaValues(deltaOnlyForTheta,

    double maxRinThisShape = findMaxRadiusInThisShape(barycenterShape);
    radiusValues = doBinningRadiusValues(maxRinThisShape);

    SectorsIfc sectors = generateSector(deltaOnlyForTheta, phiValues, tethaValues, radiusValues);

    Map<PhiThetaRadiusInterval, Map<Integer, PointWithPropertiesIfc>> groupPoints = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    Iterator<PhiThetaRadiusInterval> it = sectors.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        PhiThetaRadiusInterval sector = it.next();
        Map<Integer, PointWithPropertiesIfc> collectionOfPointsWithProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        groupPoints.put(sector, collectionOfPointsWithProperties);
    }/* ww  w  .jav  a2  s .  co m*/

    for (int i = 0; i < shapeCollectionPoints.getSize(); i++) {

        Integer pointIDToBeKept = i;

        float[] point = shapeCollectionPoints.getPointFromId(i).getCoords().getCoords();

        float[] pointRelativeToBarycenter = MathTools.v1minusV2(point, barycenterShape.getCoords());
        Vector3D pointRelativeToBarycenterV3d = new Vector3D(pointRelativeToBarycenter[0],
                pointRelativeToBarycenter[1], pointRelativeToBarycenter[2]);

        SphericalCoordinates pointShericalRelative = new SphericalCoordinates(pointRelativeToBarycenterV3d);

        PhiThetaRadiusInterval intervalForThisPoint = sectors

        if (intervalForThisPoint == null) { // it could be that some points doesnt fit so I should make the binning a bit larger I guess
        Map<Integer, PointWithPropertiesIfc> groupWherePointToAdd = groupPoints.get(intervalForThisPoint);
        groupWherePointToAdd.put(pointIDToBeKept, shapeCollectionPoints.getPointFromId(i));

    return groupPoints;