Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D negate

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D negate


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D negate.


public Vector3D negate() 

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From source file:lambertmrev.Lambert.java

/** Constructs and solves a Lambert problem.
 * \param[in] R1 first cartesian position
 * \param[in] R2 second cartesian position
 * \param[in] tof time of flight//from  ww  w . j  av a  2s .co  m
 * \param[in] mu gravity parameter
 * \param[in] cw when 1 a retrograde orbit is assumed
 * \param[in] multi_revs maximum number of multirevolutions to compute

public void lambert_problem(Vector3D r1, Vector3D r2, double tof, double mu, Boolean cw, int multi_revs) {
    // sanity checks
    if (tof <= 0) {
        System.out.println("ToF is negative! \n");
    if (mu <= 0) {
        System.out.println("mu is below zero");

    // 1 - getting lambda and T
    double m_c = FastMath.sqrt((r2.getX() - r1.getX()) * (r2.getX() - r1.getX())
            + (r2.getY() - r1.getY()) * (r2.getY() - r1.getY())
            + (r2.getZ() - r1.getZ()) * (r2.getZ() - r1.getZ()));
    double R1 = r1.getNorm();
    double R2 = r2.getNorm();
    double m_s = (m_c + R1 + R2) / 2.0;

    Vector3D ir1 = r1.normalize();
    Vector3D ir2 = r2.normalize();
    Vector3D ih = Vector3D.crossProduct(ir1, ir2);
    ih = ih.normalize();

    if (ih.getZ() == 0) {
        System.out.println("angular momentum vector has no z component \n");
    double lambda2 = 1.0 - m_c / m_s;
    double m_lambda = FastMath.sqrt(lambda2);

    Vector3D it1 = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Vector3D it2 = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    if (ih.getZ() < 0.0) { // Transfer angle is larger than 180 degrees as seen from abive the z axis
        m_lambda = -m_lambda;
        it1 = Vector3D.crossProduct(ir1, ih);
        it2 = Vector3D.crossProduct(ir2, ih);
    } else {
        it1 = Vector3D.crossProduct(ih, ir1);
        it2 = Vector3D.crossProduct(ih, ir2);

    if (cw) { // Retrograde motion
        m_lambda = -m_lambda;
    double lambda3 = m_lambda * lambda2;
    double T = FastMath.sqrt(2.0 * mu / m_s / m_s / m_s) * tof;

    // 2 - We now hava lambda, T and we will find all x
    // 2.1 - let us first detect the maximum number of revolutions for which there exists a solution
    int m_Nmax = FastMath.toIntExact(FastMath.round(T / FastMath.PI));
    double T00 = FastMath.acos(m_lambda) + m_lambda * FastMath.sqrt(1.0 - lambda2);
    double T0 = (T00 + m_Nmax * FastMath.PI);
    double T1 = 2.0 / 3.0 * (1.0 - lambda3);
    double DT = 0.0;
    double DDT = 0.0;
    double DDDT = 0.0;

    if (m_Nmax > 0) {
        if (T < T0) { // We use Halley iterations to find xM and TM
            int it = 0;
            double err = 1.0;
            double T_min = T0;
            double x_old = 0.0, x_new = 0.0;
            while (true) {
                ArrayRealVector deriv = dTdx(x_old, T_min, m_lambda);
                DT = deriv.getEntry(0);
                DDT = deriv.getEntry(1);
                DDDT = deriv.getEntry(2);
                if (DT != 0.0) {
                    x_new = x_old - DT * DDT / (DDT * DDT - DT * DDDT / 2.0);
                err = FastMath.abs(x_old - x_new);
                if ((err < 1e-13) || (it > 12)) {
                tof = x2tof(x_new, m_Nmax, m_lambda);
                x_old = x_new;
            if (T_min > T) {
                m_Nmax -= 1;
    // We exit this if clause with Mmax being the maximum number of revolutions
    // for which there exists a solution. We crop it to multi_revs
    m_Nmax = FastMath.min(multi_revs, m_Nmax);

    // 2.2 We now allocate the memory for the output variables
    m_v1 = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(m_Nmax * 2 + 1, 3);
    RealMatrix m_v2 = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(m_Nmax * 2 + 1, 3);
    RealMatrix m_iters = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(m_Nmax * 2 + 1, 3);
    //RealMatrix m_x = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(m_Nmax*2+1, 3);
    ArrayRealVector m_x = new ArrayRealVector(m_Nmax * 2 + 1);

    // 3 - We may now find all solution in x,y
    // 3.1 0 rev solution
    // 3.1.1 initial guess
    if (T >= T00) {
        m_x.setEntry(0, -(T - T00) / (T - T00 + 4));
    } else if (T <= T1) {
        m_x.setEntry(0, T1 * (T1 - T) / (2.0 / 5.0 * (1 - lambda2 * lambda3) * T) + 1);
    } else {
        m_x.setEntry(0, FastMath.pow((T / T00), 0.69314718055994529 / FastMath.log(T1 / T00)) - 1.0);
    // 3.1.2 Householder iterations
    //m_iters.setEntry(0, 0, housOutTmp.getEntry(0));
    m_x.setEntry(0, householder(T, m_x.getEntry(0), 0, 1e-5, 15, m_lambda));

    // 3.2 multi rev solutions
    double tmp;
    double x0;

    for (int i = 1; i < m_Nmax + 1; i++) {
        // 3.2.1 left householder iterations
        tmp = FastMath.pow((i * FastMath.PI + FastMath.PI) / (8.0 * T), 2.0 / 3.0);
        m_x.setEntry(2 * i - 1, (tmp - 1) / (tmp + 1));
        x0 = householder(T, m_x.getEntry(2 * i - 1), i, 1e-8, 15, m_lambda);
        m_x.setEntry(2 * i - 1, x0);
        //m_iters.setEntry(2*i-1, 0, housOutTmp.getEntry(0));

        //3.2.1 right Householder iterations
        tmp = FastMath.pow((8.0 * T) / (i * FastMath.PI), 2.0 / 3.0);
        m_x.setEntry(2 * i, (tmp - 1) / (tmp + 1));
        x0 = householder(T, m_x.getEntry(2 * i), i, 1e-8, 15, m_lambda);
        m_x.setEntry(2 * i, x0);
        //m_iters.setEntry(2*i, 0, housOutTmp.getEntry(0));

    // 4 - For each found x value we recontruct the terminal velocities
    double gamma = FastMath.sqrt(mu * m_s / 2.0);
    double rho = (R1 - R2) / m_c;

    double sigma = FastMath.sqrt(1 - rho * rho);
    double vr1, vt1, vr2, vt2, y;

    ArrayRealVector ir1_vec = new ArrayRealVector(3);
    ArrayRealVector ir2_vec = new ArrayRealVector(3);
    ArrayRealVector it1_vec = new ArrayRealVector(3);
    ArrayRealVector it2_vec = new ArrayRealVector(3);

    // set Vector3D values to a mutable type
    ir1_vec.setEntry(0, ir1.getX());
    ir1_vec.setEntry(1, ir1.getY());
    ir1_vec.setEntry(2, ir1.getZ());
    ir2_vec.setEntry(0, ir2.getX());
    ir2_vec.setEntry(1, ir2.getY());
    ir2_vec.setEntry(2, ir2.getZ());
    it1_vec.setEntry(0, it1.getX());
    it1_vec.setEntry(1, it1.getY());
    it1_vec.setEntry(2, it1.getZ());
    it2_vec.setEntry(0, it2.getX());
    it2_vec.setEntry(1, it2.getY());
    it2_vec.setEntry(2, it2.getZ());

    for (int i = 0; i < m_x.getDimension(); i++) {
        y = FastMath.sqrt(1.0 - lambda2 + lambda2 * m_x.getEntry(i) * m_x.getEntry(i));
        vr1 = gamma * ((m_lambda * y - m_x.getEntry(i)) - rho * (m_lambda * y + m_x.getEntry(i))) / R1;
        vr2 = -gamma * ((m_lambda * y - m_x.getEntry(i)) + rho * (m_lambda * y + m_x.getEntry(i))) / R2;

        double vt = gamma * sigma * (y + m_lambda * m_x.getEntry(i));

        vt1 = vt / R1;
        vt2 = vt / R2;

        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            m_v1.setEntry(i, j, vr1 * ir1_vec.getEntry(j) + vt1 * it1_vec.getEntry(j));
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            m_v2.setEntry(i, j, vr2 * ir2_vec.getEntry(j) + vt2 * it2_vec.getEntry(j));


From source file:nova.core.wrapper.mc.forge.v17.wrapper.entity.forward.BWRigidBody.java

void updateRotation(double deltaTime) {

    //Integrate angular velocity to angular displacement
    Rotation angularVel = angularVelocity();
    Rotation deltaRotation = RotationUtil.slerp(Rotation.IDENTITY, angularVel, deltaTime);

    //Integrate torque to angular velocity
    Vector3D torque = netTorque.scalarMultiply(deltaTime);
    if (!Vector3D.ZERO.equals(torque)) {
        setAngularVelocity(angularVelocity().applyTo(new Rotation(Vector3DUtil.FORWARD, torque)));
    }/*  w  w  w.ja v  a  2  s  . c om*/

    //Clear net torque
    netTorque = Vector3D.ZERO;

    //Apply drag
    Vector3D eulerAngularVel = angularVelocity().applyInverseTo(Vector3DUtil.FORWARD);

From source file:org.jtrfp.trcl.obj.BillboardSprite.java

protected void recalculateTransRotMBuffer() {
    final Camera camera = getTr().mainRenderer.get().getCamera();
    final Vector3D cLookAt = camera.getLookAtVector();
    final Rotation rot = new Rotation(cLookAt, rotation);

From source file:org.jtrfp.trcl.obj.TunnelExitObject.java

public TunnelExitObject(TR tr, Tunnel tun) {
    super(tr);//from  w ww.  j av a  2 s  .  c  o  m
    addBehavior(new TunnelExitBehavior());
    final DirectionVector v = tun.getSourceTunnel().getExit();
    final double EXIT_Y_NUDGE = 0;
    final InterpolatingAltitudeMap map = tr.getGame().getCurrentMission().getOverworldSystem().getAltitudeMap();
    final double exitY = map.heightAt(TR.legacy2Modern(v.getZ()), TR.legacy2Modern(v.getX())) + EXIT_Y_NUDGE;
    this.exitLocation = new Vector3D(TR.legacy2Modern(v.getZ()), exitY, TR.legacy2Modern(v.getX()));

    this.tun = tun;
    exitHeading = map.normalAt(exitLocation.getZ() / TR.mapSquareSize, exitLocation.getX() / TR.mapSquareSize);
    Vector3D horiz = exitHeading.crossProduct(Vector3D.MINUS_J);
    if (horiz.getNorm() == 0) {
        horiz = Vector3D.PLUS_I;
    } else
        horiz = horiz.normalize();
    exitTop = exitHeading.crossProduct(horiz.negate()).normalize().negate();
    exitLocation = exitLocation.add(exitHeading.scalarMultiply(10000));
    this.tr = tr;
    try {
        Model m = tr.getResourceManager().getBINModel("SHIP.BIN", tr.getGlobalPaletteVL(), null,
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:org.orekit.bodies.EllipsoidTest.java

private void checkPrincipalAxes(Ellipse ps, Vector3D expectedU, Vector3D expectedV) {
    if (Vector3D.dotProduct(expectedU, ps.getU()) >= 0) {
        Assert.assertEquals(0, Vector3D.distance(expectedU, ps.getU()), 1.0e-15);
        Assert.assertEquals(0, Vector3D.distance(expectedV, ps.getV()), 1.0e-15);
    } else {/*from w  w w  .ja  v a  2  s .c o m*/
        Assert.assertEquals(0, Vector3D.distance(expectedU.negate(), ps.getU()), 1.0e-15);
        Assert.assertEquals(0, Vector3D.distance(expectedV.negate(), ps.getV()), 1.0e-15);

From source file:org.orekit.forces.BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D radiationPressureAcceleration(final AbsoluteDate date, final Frame frame,
        final Vector3D position, final Rotation rotation, final double mass, final Vector3D flux)
        throws OrekitException {

    if (flux.getNormSq() < Precision.SAFE_MIN) {
        // null illumination (we are probably in umbra)
        return Vector3D.ZERO;
    }/*from ww w.  j a  v a 2  s.co m*/

    // radiation flux in spacecraft frame
    final Vector3D fluxSat = rotation.applyTo(flux);

    // solar array contribution
    Vector3D normal = getNormal(date, frame, position, rotation);
    double dot = Vector3D.dotProduct(normal, fluxSat);
    if (dot > 0) {
        // the solar array is illuminated backward,
        // fix signs to compute contribution correctly
        dot = -dot;
        normal = normal.negate();
    Vector3D force = facetRadiationAcceleration(normal, solarArrayArea, fluxSat, dot);

    // body facets contribution
    for (final Facet bodyFacet : facets) {
        normal = bodyFacet.getNormal();
        dot = Vector3D.dotProduct(normal, fluxSat);
        if (dot < 0) {
            // the facet intercepts the incoming flux
            force = force.add(facetRadiationAcceleration(normal, bodyFacet.getArea(), fluxSat, dot));

    // convert to inertial frame
    return rotation.applyInverseTo(new Vector3D(1.0 / mass, force));


From source file:org.orekit.forces.BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> radiationPressureAcceleration(final AbsoluteDate date,
        final Frame frame, final Vector3D position, final Rotation rotation, final double mass,
        final Vector3D flux, final String paramName) throws OrekitException {

    if (flux.getNormSq() < Precision.SAFE_MIN) {
        // null illumination (we are probably in umbra)
        final DerivativeStructure zero = new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, 0.0);
        return new FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure>(zero, zero, zero);
    }/*from w  w w .  ja  v  a  2s .c  o m*/

    final DerivativeStructure absorptionCoeffDS;
    final DerivativeStructure specularReflectionCoeffDS;
    if (ABSORPTION_COEFFICIENT.equals(paramName)) {
        absorptionCoeffDS = new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, 0, absorptionCoeff);
        specularReflectionCoeffDS = new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, specularReflectionCoeff);
    } else if (REFLECTION_COEFFICIENT.equals(paramName)) {
        absorptionCoeffDS = new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, absorptionCoeff);
        specularReflectionCoeffDS = new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, 0, specularReflectionCoeff);
    } else {
        throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_NAME, paramName,
    final DerivativeStructure diffuseReflectionCoeffDS = absorptionCoeffDS.add(specularReflectionCoeffDS)

    // radiation flux in spacecraft frame
    final Vector3D fluxSat = rotation.applyTo(flux);

    // solar array contribution
    Vector3D normal = getNormal(date, frame, position, rotation);
    double dot = Vector3D.dotProduct(normal, fluxSat);
    if (dot > 0) {
        // the solar array is illuminated backward,
        // fix signs to compute contribution correctly
        dot = -dot;
        normal = normal.negate();
    FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> force = facetRadiationAcceleration(normal, solarArrayArea, fluxSat, dot,
            specularReflectionCoeffDS, diffuseReflectionCoeffDS);

    // body facets contribution
    for (final Facet bodyFacet : facets) {
        normal = bodyFacet.getNormal();
        dot = Vector3D.dotProduct(normal, fluxSat);
        if (dot < 0) {
            // the facet intercepts the incoming flux
            force = force.add(facetRadiationAcceleration(normal, bodyFacet.getArea(), fluxSat, dot,
                    specularReflectionCoeffDS, diffuseReflectionCoeffDS));

    // convert to inertial
    return FieldRotation.applyInverseTo(rotation, new FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure>(1.0 / mass, force));


From source file:org.orekit.forces.radiation.SolarRadiationPressure.java

/** Get the useful angles for eclipse computation.
 * @param position the satellite's position in the selected frame.
 * @param frame in which is defined the position
 * @param date the date//from  w  ww .jav a2  s.  com
 * @return the 3 angles {(satCentral, satSun), Central body apparent radius, Sun apparent radius}
 * @exception OrekitException if the trajectory is inside the Earth
private double[] getEclipseAngles(final Vector3D position, final Frame frame, final AbsoluteDate date)
        throws OrekitException {
    final double[] angle = new double[3];

    final Vector3D satSunVector = sun.getPVCoordinates(date, frame).getPosition().subtract(position);

    // Sat-Sun / Sat-CentralBody angle
    angle[0] = Vector3D.angle(satSunVector, position.negate());

    // Central body apparent radius
    final double r = position.getNorm();
    if (r <= equatorialRadius) {
        throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.TRAJECTORY_INSIDE_BRILLOUIN_SPHERE, r);
    angle[1] = FastMath.asin(equatorialRadius / r);

    // Sun apparent radius
    angle[2] = FastMath.asin(Constants.SUN_RADIUS / satSunVector.getNorm());

    return angle;

From source file:org.orekit.frames.Transform.java

/** Get the inverse transform of the instance.
 * @return inverse transform of the instance
 *//*from  ww w . j ava 2s. c o m*/
public Transform getInverse() {

    final Rotation r = angular.getRotation();
    final Vector3D o = angular.getRotationRate();
    final Vector3D oDot = angular.getRotationAcceleration();
    final Vector3D rp = r.applyTo(cartesian.getPosition());
    final Vector3D rv = r.applyTo(cartesian.getVelocity());
    final Vector3D ra = r.applyTo(cartesian.getAcceleration());

    final Vector3D pInv = rp.negate();
    final Vector3D crossP = Vector3D.crossProduct(o, rp);
    final Vector3D vInv = crossP.subtract(rv);
    final Vector3D crossV = Vector3D.crossProduct(o, rv);
    final Vector3D crossDotP = Vector3D.crossProduct(oDot, rp);
    final Vector3D crossCrossP = Vector3D.crossProduct(o, crossP);
    final Vector3D aInv = new Vector3D(-1, ra, 2, crossV, 1, crossDotP, -1, crossCrossP);

    return new Transform(date, new PVCoordinates(pInv, vInv, aInv), angular.revert());


From source file:org.orekit.propagation.analytical.AdapterPropagatorTest.java

public void testLowEarthOrbit() throws OrekitException, ParseException, IOException {

    Orbit leo = new CircularOrbit(
            7200000.0, -1.0e-5, 2.0e-4, FastMath.toRadians(98.0), FastMath.toRadians(123.456), 0.0,
            PositionAngle.MEAN, FramesFactory.getEME2000(), new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(2004, 01, 01),
                    new TimeComponents(23, 30, 00.000), TimeScalesFactory.getUTC()),
    double mass = 5600.0;
    AbsoluteDate t0 = leo.getDate().shiftedBy(1000.0);
    Vector3D dV = new Vector3D(-0.1, 0.2, 0.3);
    double f = 20.0;
    double isp = 315.0;
    double vExhaust = Constants.G0_STANDARD_GRAVITY * isp;
    double dt = -(mass * vExhaust / f) * FastMath.expm1(-dV.getNorm() / vExhaust);
    BoundedPropagator withoutManeuver = getEphemeris(leo, mass, 5, new LofOffset(leo.getFrame(), LOFType.LVLH),
            t0, Vector3D.ZERO, f, isp, false, false, null);
    BoundedPropagator withManeuver = getEphemeris(leo, mass, 5, new LofOffset(leo.getFrame(), LOFType.LVLH), t0,
            dV, f, isp, false, false, null);

    // we set up a model that reverts the maneuvers
    AdapterPropagator adapterPropagator = new AdapterPropagator(withManeuver);
    AdapterPropagator.DifferentialEffect effect = new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(
            adapterPropagator.propagate(t0), dV.negate(), isp);
    adapterPropagator.addAdditionalStateProvider(new AdditionalStateProvider() {
        public String getName() {
            return "dummy 3";
        }//  w  ww  .  j  av  a  2  s.co  m

        public double[] getAdditionalState(SpacecraftState state) {
            return new double[3];

    // the adapted propagators do not manage the additional states from the reference,
    // they simply forward them
    Assert.assertFalse(adapterPropagator.isAdditionalStateManaged("dummy 1"));
    Assert.assertFalse(adapterPropagator.isAdditionalStateManaged("dummy 2"));
    Assert.assertTrue(adapterPropagator.isAdditionalStateManaged("dummy 3"));

    for (AbsoluteDate t = t0.shiftedBy(0.5 * dt); t.compareTo(withoutManeuver.getMaxDate()) < 0; t = t
            .shiftedBy(60.0)) {
        PVCoordinates pvWithout = withoutManeuver.getPVCoordinates(t, leo.getFrame());
        PVCoordinates pvReverted = adapterPropagator.getPVCoordinates(t, leo.getFrame());
        double revertError = new PVCoordinates(pvWithout, pvReverted).getPosition().getNorm();
        Assert.assertEquals(0, revertError, 0.45);
        Assert.assertEquals(2, adapterPropagator.propagate(t).getAdditionalState("dummy 1").length);
        Assert.assertEquals(1, adapterPropagator.propagate(t).getAdditionalState("dummy 2").length);
        Assert.assertEquals(3, adapterPropagator.propagate(t).getAdditionalState("dummy 3").length);
