Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D Vector3D

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D Vector3D


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D Vector3D.


public Vector3D(double a1, Vector3D u1, double a2, Vector3D u2) 

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Linear constructor Build a vector from two other ones and corresponding scale factors.


From source file:org.orekit.attitudes.GroundPointing.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Attitude getAttitude(final PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv, final AbsoluteDate date, final Frame frame)
        throws OrekitException {

    // satellite-target relative vector
    final PVCoordinates pva = pvProv.getPVCoordinates(date, inertialFrame);
    final TimeStampedPVCoordinates delta = new TimeStampedPVCoordinates(date, pva,
            getTargetPV(pvProv, date, inertialFrame));

    // spacecraft and target should be away from each other to define a pointing direction
    if (delta.getPosition().getNorm() == 0.0) {
        throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.SATELLITE_COLLIDED_WITH_TARGET);
    }//www .  j  ava  2  s .co  m

    // attitude definition:
    // line of sight    -> +z satellite axis,
    // orbital velocity -> (z, +x) half plane
    final Vector3D p = pva.getPosition();
    final Vector3D v = pva.getVelocity();
    final Vector3D a = pva.getAcceleration();
    final double r2 = p.getNormSq();
    final double r = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
    final Vector3D keplerianJerk = new Vector3D(-3 * Vector3D.dotProduct(p, v) / r2, a, -a.getNorm() / r, v);
    final PVCoordinates velocity = new PVCoordinates(v, a, keplerianJerk);

    final PVCoordinates los = delta.normalize();
    final PVCoordinates normal = PVCoordinates.crossProduct(delta, velocity).normalize();

    AngularCoordinates ac = new AngularCoordinates(los, normal, PLUS_K, PLUS_J, 1.0e-9);

    if (frame != inertialFrame) {
        // prepend transform from specified frame to inertial frame
        ac = ac.addOffset(frame.getTransformTo(inertialFrame, date).getAngular());

    // build the attitude
    return new Attitude(date, frame, ac);


From source file:org.orekit.attitudes.YawCompensation.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override/* w w  w  . j a  v a2 s .c  o  m*/
public Attitude getAttitude(final PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv, final AbsoluteDate date, final Frame frame)
        throws OrekitException {

    final Transform bodyToRef = getBodyFrame().getTransformTo(frame, date);

    // compute sliding target ground point
    final PVCoordinates slidingRef = getTargetPV(pvProv, date, frame);
    final PVCoordinates slidingBody = bodyToRef.getInverse().transformPVCoordinates(slidingRef);

    // compute relative position of sliding ground point with respect to satellite
    final PVCoordinates relativePosition = new PVCoordinates(pvProv.getPVCoordinates(date, frame), slidingRef);

    // compute relative velocity of fixed ground point with respect to sliding ground point
    // the velocity part of the transformPVCoordinates for the sliding point ps
    // from body frame to reference frame is:
    //     d(ps_ref)/dt = r(d(ps_body)/dt + dq/dt) -   ps_ref
    // where r is the rotation part of the transform,  is the corresponding
    // angular rate, and dq/dt is the derivative of the translation part of the
    // transform (the translation itself, without derivative, is hidden in the
    // ps_ref part in the cross product).
    // The sliding point ps is co-located to a fixed ground point pf (i.e. they have the
    // same position at time of computation), but this fixed point as zero velocity
    // with respect to the ground. So the velocity part of the transformPVCoordinates
    // for this fixed point can be computed using the same formula as above:
    // from body frame to reference frame is:
    //     d(pf_ref)/dt = r(0 + dq/dt) -   pf_ref
    // so remembering that the two points are at the same location at computation time,
    // i.e. that at t=0 pf_ref=ps_ref, the relative velocity between the fixed point
    // and the sliding point is given by the simple expression:
    //     d(ps_ref)/dt - d(pf_ref)/dt = r(d(ps_body)/dt)
    // the acceleration is computed by differentiating the expression, which gives:
    //    d(ps_ref)/dt - d(pf_ref)/dt = r(d(ps_body)/dt) -   [d(ps_ref)/dt - d(pf_ref)/dt]
    final Vector3D v = bodyToRef.getRotation().applyTo(slidingBody.getVelocity());
    final Vector3D a = new Vector3D(+1, bodyToRef.getRotation().applyTo(slidingBody.getAcceleration()), -1,
            Vector3D.crossProduct(bodyToRef.getRotationRate(), v));
    final PVCoordinates relativeVelocity = new PVCoordinates(v, a, Vector3D.ZERO);

    final PVCoordinates relativeNormal = PVCoordinates.crossProduct(relativePosition, relativeVelocity)

    // attitude definition :
    //  . Z satellite axis points to sliding target
    //  . target relative velocity is in (Z,X) plane, in the -X half plane part
    return new Attitude(frame, new TimeStampedAngularCoordinates(date, relativePosition.normalize(),
            relativeNormal.normalize(), PLUS_K, PLUS_J, 1.0e-9));


From source file:org.orekit.bodies.Ellipse.java

/** Project position-velocity-acceleration on an ellipse.
 * @param pv position-velocity-acceleration to project, in the reference frame
 * @return projected position-velocity-acceleration
 */// ww w  .j  a va 2 s.  c om
public TimeStampedPVCoordinates projectToEllipse(final TimeStampedPVCoordinates pv) {

    // find the closest point in the meridian plane
    final Vector2D p2D = toPlane(pv.getPosition());
    final Vector2D e2D = projectToEllipse(p2D);

    // tangent to the ellipse
    final double fx = -a2 * e2D.getY();
    final double fy = b2 * e2D.getX();
    final double f2 = fx * fx + fy * fy;
    final double f = FastMath.sqrt(f2);
    final Vector2D tangent = new Vector2D(fx / f, fy / f);

    // normal to the ellipse (towards interior)
    final Vector2D normal = new Vector2D(-tangent.getY(), tangent.getX());

    // center of curvature
    final double x2 = e2D.getX() * e2D.getX();
    final double y2 = e2D.getY() * e2D.getY();
    final double eX = evoluteFactorX * x2;
    final double eY = evoluteFactorY * y2;
    final double omegaX = eX * e2D.getX();
    final double omegaY = eY * e2D.getY();

    // velocity projection ratio
    final double rho = FastMath.hypot(e2D.getX() - omegaX, e2D.getY() - omegaY);
    final double d = FastMath.hypot(p2D.getX() - omegaX, p2D.getY() - omegaY);
    final double projectionRatio = rho / d;

    // tangential velocity
    final Vector2D pDot2D = new Vector2D(Vector3D.dotProduct(pv.getVelocity(), u),
            Vector3D.dotProduct(pv.getVelocity(), v));
    final double pDotTangent = pDot2D.dotProduct(tangent);
    final double pDotNormal = pDot2D.dotProduct(normal);
    final double eDotTangent = projectionRatio * pDotTangent;
    final Vector2D eDot2D = new Vector2D(eDotTangent, tangent);
    final Vector2D tangentDot = new Vector2D(
            a2 * b2 * (e2D.getX() * eDot2D.getY() - e2D.getY() * eDot2D.getX()) / f2, normal);

    // velocity of the center of curvature in the meridian plane
    final double omegaXDot = 3 * eX * eDotTangent * tangent.getX();
    final double omegaYDot = 3 * eY * eDotTangent * tangent.getY();

    // derivative of the projection ratio
    final double voz = omegaXDot * tangent.getY() - omegaYDot * tangent.getX();
    final double vsz = -pDotNormal;
    final double projectionRatioDot = ((rho - d) * voz - rho * vsz) / (d * d);

    // acceleration
    final Vector2D pDotDot2D = new Vector2D(Vector3D.dotProduct(pv.getAcceleration(), u),
            Vector3D.dotProduct(pv.getAcceleration(), v));
    final double pDotDotTangent = pDotDot2D.dotProduct(tangent);
    final double pDotTangentDot = pDot2D.dotProduct(tangentDot);
    final double eDotDotTangent = projectionRatio * (pDotDotTangent + pDotTangentDot)
            + projectionRatioDot * pDotTangent;
    final Vector2D eDotDot2D = new Vector2D(eDotDotTangent, tangent, eDotTangent, tangentDot);

    // back to 3D
    final Vector3D e3D = toSpace(e2D);
    final Vector3D eDot3D = new Vector3D(eDot2D.getX(), u, eDot2D.getY(), v);
    final Vector3D eDotDot3D = new Vector3D(eDotDot2D.getX(), u, eDotDot2D.getY(), v);

    return new TimeStampedPVCoordinates(pv.getDate(), e3D, eDot3D, eDotDot3D);


From source file:org.orekit.forces.BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.java

/** Get solar array normal in spacecraft frame.
 * @param date current date/*from   w  ww.jav  a 2  s.com*/
 * @param frame inertial reference frame for state (both orbit and attitude)
 * @param position position of spacecraft in reference frame
 * @param rotation orientation (attitude) of the spacecraft with respect to reference frame
 * @return solar array normal in spacecraft frame
 * @exception OrekitException if sun direction cannot be computed in best lightning
 * configuration
public synchronized Vector3D getNormal(final AbsoluteDate date, final Frame frame, final Vector3D position,
        final Rotation rotation) throws OrekitException {

    if (referenceDate != null) {
        // use a simple rotation at fixed rate
        final double alpha = rotationRate * date.durationFrom(referenceDate);
        return new Vector3D(FastMath.cos(alpha), saX, FastMath.sin(alpha), saY);

    // compute orientation for best lightning
    final Vector3D sunInert = sun.getPVCoordinates(date, frame).getPosition().subtract(position).normalize();
    final Vector3D sunSpacecraft = rotation.applyTo(sunInert);
    final double d = Vector3D.dotProduct(sunSpacecraft, saZ);
    final double f = 1 - d * d;
    if (f < Precision.EPSILON) {
        // extremely rare case: the sun is along solar array rotation axis
        // (there will not be much output power ...)
        // we set up an arbitrary normal
        return saZ.orthogonal();

    final double s = 1.0 / FastMath.sqrt(f);
    return new Vector3D(s, sunSpacecraft, -s * d, saZ);


From source file:org.orekit.forces.BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.java

/** Compute contribution of one facet to force.
 * <p>This method implements equation 8-44 from David A. Vallado's
 * Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications, third edition,
 * 2007, Microcosm Press.</p>//from   www.j  a  va 2  s .c om
 * @param normal facet normal
 * @param area facet area
 * @param fluxSat radiation pressure flux in spacecraft frame
 * @param dot dot product of facet and fluxSat (must be negative)
 * @return contribution of the facet to force in spacecraft frame
private Vector3D facetRadiationAcceleration(final Vector3D normal, final double area, final Vector3D fluxSat,
        final double dot) {
    final double psr = fluxSat.getNorm();

    // Vallado's equation 8-44 uses different parameters which are related to our parameters as:
    // cos (phi) = -dot / (psr * area)
    // n         = facet / area
    // s         = -fluxSat / psr
    final double cN = 2 * area * dot * (diffuseReflectionCoeff / 3 - specularReflectionCoeff * dot / psr);
    final double cS = (area * dot / psr) * (specularReflectionCoeff - 1);
    return new Vector3D(cN, normal, cS, fluxSat);


From source file:org.orekit.forces.gravity.Relativity.java

public void addContribution(final SpacecraftState s, final TimeDerivativesEquations adder)
        throws OrekitException {

    final PVCoordinates pv = s.getPVCoordinates();
    final Vector3D p = pv.getPosition();
    final Vector3D v = pv.getVelocity();
    //radius//from   www . ja  v  a  2  s . co  m
    final double r2 = p.getNormSq();
    final double r = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
    final double s2 = v.getNormSq();
    final double c2 = Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT * Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
    //eq. 3.146
    final Vector3D accel = new Vector3D(4 * this.gm / r - s2, p, 4 * p.dotProduct(v), v)
            .scalarMultiply(this.gm / (r2 * r * c2));
    adder.addAcceleration(accel, s.getFrame());

From source file:org.orekit.forces.gravity.ThirdBodyAttraction.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void addContribution(final SpacecraftState s, final TimeDerivativesEquations adder)
        throws OrekitException {

    // compute bodies separation vectors and squared norm
    final Vector3D centralToBody = body.getPVCoordinates(s.getDate(), s.getFrame()).getPosition();
    final double r2Central = centralToBody.getNormSq();
    final Vector3D satToBody = centralToBody.subtract(s.getPVCoordinates().getPosition());
    final double r2Sat = satToBody.getNormSq();

    // compute relative acceleration
    final Vector3D gamma = new Vector3D(gm / (r2Sat * FastMath.sqrt(r2Sat)), satToBody,
            -gm / (r2Central * FastMath.sqrt(r2Central)), centralToBody);

    // add contribution to the ODE second member
    adder.addXYZAcceleration(gamma.getX(), gamma.getY(), gamma.getZ());


From source file:org.orekit.frames.HelmertTransformation.java

/** Compute the transform at some date.
 * @param date date at which the transform is desired
 * @return computed transform at specified date
 *//* w w w  .  j  a v  a2 s . c o  m*/
public Transform getTransform(final AbsoluteDate date) {

    // compute parameters evolution since reference epoch
    final double dt = date.durationFrom(epoch);
    final Vector3D dR = new Vector3D(1, rotationVector, dt, rotationRate);

    // build translation part
    final Transform translationTransform = new Transform(date, cartesian.shiftedBy(dt));

    // build rotation part
    final double angle = dR.getNorm();
    final Transform rotationTransform = new Transform(date,
            (angle < Precision.SAFE_MIN) ? Rotation.IDENTITY : new Rotation(dR, angle), rotationRate);

    // combine both parts
    return new Transform(date, translationTransform, rotationTransform);


From source file:org.orekit.models.earth.tessellation.ConstantAzimuthAiming.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override/*from   w ww. j a va2  s  . c o  m*/
public Vector3D alongTileDirection(final Vector3D point, final GeodeticPoint gp) {

    // compute the horizontal direction at fixed azimuth
    return new Vector3D(cos, gp.getNorth(), sin, gp.getEast());


From source file:org.orekit.models.earth.tessellation.EllipsoidTessellator.java

/** Extract tiles from a mesh.
 * @param mesh mesh from which tiles should be extracted
 * @param zone zone covered by the mesh//from  ww w  . j a v a2  s.c  o m
 * @param lengthOverlap overlap between adjacent tiles
 * @param widthOverlap overlap between adjacent tiles
 * @param truncateLastWidth true if we can reduce last tile width
 * @param truncateLastLength true if we can reduce last tile length
 * @return extracted tiles
 * @exception OrekitException if tile direction cannot be computed
private List<Tile> extractTiles(final Mesh mesh, final SphericalPolygonsSet zone, final double lengthOverlap,
        final double widthOverlap, final boolean truncateLastWidth, final boolean truncateLastLength)
        throws OrekitException {

    final List<Tile> tiles = new ArrayList<Tile>();
    final List<RangePair> rangePairs = new ArrayList<RangePair>();

    final int minAcross = mesh.getMinAcrossIndex();
    final int maxAcross = mesh.getMaxAcrossIndex();
    for (Range acrossPair : nodesIndices(minAcross, maxAcross, truncateLastWidth)) {

        int minAlong = mesh.getMaxAlongIndex() + 1;
        int maxAlong = mesh.getMinAlongIndex() - 1;
        for (int c = acrossPair.lower; c <= acrossPair.upper; ++c) {
            minAlong = FastMath.min(minAlong, mesh.getMinAlongIndex(c));
            maxAlong = FastMath.max(maxAlong, mesh.getMaxAlongIndex(c));

        for (Range alongPair : nodesIndices(minAlong, maxAlong, truncateLastLength)) {

            // get the base vertex nodes
            final Mesh.Node node0 = mesh.addNode(alongPair.lower, acrossPair.lower);
            final Mesh.Node node1 = mesh.addNode(alongPair.upper, acrossPair.lower);
            final Mesh.Node node2 = mesh.addNode(alongPair.upper, acrossPair.upper);
            final Mesh.Node node3 = mesh.addNode(alongPair.lower, acrossPair.upper);

            // apply tile overlap
            final S2Point s2p0 = node0.move(new Vector3D(-0.5 * lengthOverlap, node0.getAlong(),
                    -0.5 * widthOverlap, node0.getAcross()));
            final S2Point s2p1 = node1.move(new Vector3D(+0.5 * lengthOverlap, node1.getAlong(),
                    -0.5 * widthOverlap, node1.getAcross()));
            final S2Point s2p2 = node2.move(new Vector3D(+0.5 * lengthOverlap, node2.getAlong(),
                    +0.5 * widthOverlap, node2.getAcross()));
            final S2Point s2p3 = node3.move(new Vector3D(-0.5 * lengthOverlap, node2.getAlong(),
                    +0.5 * widthOverlap, node2.getAcross()));

            // create a quadrilateral region corresponding to the candidate tile
            final SphericalPolygonsSet quadrilateral = new SphericalPolygonsSet(zone.getTolerance(), s2p0, s2p1,
                    s2p2, s2p3);

            if (!new RegionFactory<Sphere2D>().intersection(zone.copySelf(), quadrilateral).isEmpty()) {

                // the tile does cover part of the zone, it contributes to the tessellation
                tiles.add(new Tile(toGeodetic(s2p0), toGeodetic(s2p1), toGeodetic(s2p2), toGeodetic(s2p3)));
                rangePairs.add(new RangePair(acrossPair, alongPair));



    // ensure the taxicab boundary follows the built tile sides
    // this is done outside of the previous loop because in order
    // to avoid one tile changing the min/max indices of the
    // neighboring tile as they share some nodes that will be enabled here
    for (final RangePair rangePair : rangePairs) {
        for (int c = rangePair.across.lower; c < rangePair.across.upper; ++c) {
            mesh.addNode(rangePair.along.lower, c + 1).setEnabled();
            mesh.addNode(rangePair.along.upper, c).setEnabled();
        for (int l = rangePair.along.lower; l < rangePair.along.upper; ++l) {
            mesh.addNode(l, rangePair.across.lower).setEnabled();
            mesh.addNode(l + 1, rangePair.across.upper).setEnabled();

    return tiles;
