Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D Vector3D

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D Vector3D


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Vector3D Vector3D.


public Vector3D(double a1, Vector3D u1, double a2, Vector3D u2, double a3, Vector3D u3, double a4,
        Vector3D u4) 

Source Link


Linear constructor Build a vector from four other ones and corresponding scale factors.


From source file:org.orekit.bodies.JPLEphemeridesLoaderTest.java

private void checkDerivative(String supportedNames, AbsoluteDate date) throws OrekitException, ParseException {
    JPLEphemeridesLoader loader = new JPLEphemeridesLoader(supportedNames,
    CelestialBody body = loader.loadCelestialBody(CelestialBodyFactory.MERCURY);
    double h = 20;

    // eight points finite differences estimation of the velocity
    Frame eme2000 = FramesFactory.getEME2000();
    Vector3D pm4h = body.getPVCoordinates(date.shiftedBy(-4 * h), eme2000).getPosition();
    Vector3D pm3h = body.getPVCoordinates(date.shiftedBy(-3 * h), eme2000).getPosition();
    Vector3D pm2h = body.getPVCoordinates(date.shiftedBy(-2 * h), eme2000).getPosition();
    Vector3D pm1h = body.getPVCoordinates(date.shiftedBy(-h), eme2000).getPosition();
    Vector3D pp1h = body.getPVCoordinates(date.shiftedBy(h), eme2000).getPosition();
    Vector3D pp2h = body.getPVCoordinates(date.shiftedBy(2 * h), eme2000).getPosition();
    Vector3D pp3h = body.getPVCoordinates(date.shiftedBy(3 * h), eme2000).getPosition();
    Vector3D pp4h = body.getPVCoordinates(date.shiftedBy(4 * h), eme2000).getPosition();
    Vector3D d4 = pp4h.subtract(pm4h);
    Vector3D d3 = pp3h.subtract(pm3h);
    Vector3D d2 = pp2h.subtract(pm2h);
    Vector3D d1 = pp1h.subtract(pm1h);
    double c = 1.0 / (840 * h);
    Vector3D estimatedV = new Vector3D(-3 * c, d4, 32 * c, d3, -168 * c, d2, 672 * c, d1);

    Vector3D loadedV = body.getPVCoordinates(date, eme2000).getVelocity();
    Assert.assertEquals(0, loadedV.subtract(estimatedV).getNorm(), 5.0e-11 * loadedV.getNorm());

From source file:org.orekit.frames.Transform.java

/** Compute a composite acceleration.
 * @param first first applied transform//from ww w .  jav  a  2  s .c  om
 * @param second second applied transform
 * @return acceleration part of the composite transform
private static Vector3D compositeAcceleration(final Transform first, final Transform second) {

    final Vector3D a1 = first.cartesian.getAcceleration();
    final Rotation r1 = first.angular.getRotation();
    final Vector3D o1 = first.angular.getRotationRate();
    final Vector3D oDot1 = first.angular.getRotationAcceleration();
    final Vector3D p2 = second.cartesian.getPosition();
    final Vector3D v2 = second.cartesian.getVelocity();
    final Vector3D a2 = second.cartesian.getAcceleration();

    final Vector3D crossCrossP = Vector3D.crossProduct(o1, Vector3D.crossProduct(o1, p2));
    final Vector3D crossV = Vector3D.crossProduct(o1, v2);
    final Vector3D crossDotP = Vector3D.crossProduct(oDot1, p2);

    return a1.add(r1.applyInverseTo(new Vector3D(1, a2, 2, crossV, 1, crossCrossP, 1, crossDotP)));


From source file:org.orekit.frames.Transform.java

/** Get the inverse transform of the instance.
 * @return inverse transform of the instance
 *///from ww w.  ja va 2s  .  c  o m
public Transform getInverse() {

    final Rotation r = angular.getRotation();
    final Vector3D o = angular.getRotationRate();
    final Vector3D oDot = angular.getRotationAcceleration();
    final Vector3D rp = r.applyTo(cartesian.getPosition());
    final Vector3D rv = r.applyTo(cartesian.getVelocity());
    final Vector3D ra = r.applyTo(cartesian.getAcceleration());

    final Vector3D pInv = rp.negate();
    final Vector3D crossP = Vector3D.crossProduct(o, rp);
    final Vector3D vInv = crossP.subtract(rv);
    final Vector3D crossV = Vector3D.crossProduct(o, rv);
    final Vector3D crossDotP = Vector3D.crossProduct(oDot, rp);
    final Vector3D crossCrossP = Vector3D.crossProduct(o, crossP);
    final Vector3D aInv = new Vector3D(-1, ra, 2, crossV, 1, crossDotP, -1, crossCrossP);

    return new Transform(date, new PVCoordinates(pInv, vInv, aInv), angular.revert());
