Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear ArrayRealVector outerProduct

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear ArrayRealVector outerProduct


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear ArrayRealVector outerProduct.


public RealMatrix outerProduct(RealVector v) 

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From source file:edu.cudenver.bios.power.glmm.GLMMTestUnirepGeisserGreenhouse.java

 * Calculate the Geisser-Greenhouse epsilon to correct for violations
 * of sphericity/*from   w w  w  . jav  a2 s .c o  m*/
protected void calculateEpsilon() {

    if (this.epsilonMethod == UnivariateEpsilonApproximation.MULLER_BARTON_APPROX) {
        // calculate the expected value of the epsilon estimate
        //  E[f(lambda)] = f(lambda) + g1 / (N - r)
        //  see Muller, Barton (1989) for details
        double b = rankU;
        double g1 = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < distinctSigmaStarEigenValues.size(); i++) {
            EigenValueMultiplicityPair evmI = distinctSigmaStarEigenValues.get(i);
            double firstDerivative = ((2 * sumLambda) / (b * sumLambdaSquared)
                    - (2 * evmI.eigenValue * sumLambda * sumLambda)
                            / (b * sumLambdaSquared * sumLambdaSquared));

            double secondDerivative = (2 / (b * sumLambdaSquared)
                    - (8 * evmI.eigenValue * sumLambda) / (b * sumLambdaSquared * sumLambdaSquared)
                    + (8 * evmI.eigenValue * evmI.eigenValue * sumLambda * sumLambda)
                            / (b * sumLambdaSquared * sumLambdaSquared * sumLambdaSquared)
                    - (2 * sumLambda * sumLambda) / (b * sumLambdaSquared * sumLambdaSquared));

            // accumulate the first term of g1 (sum over distinct eigen vals of 1st derivative * eigen val ^2 * multiplicity)
            g1 += secondDerivative * evmI.eigenValue * evmI.eigenValue * evmI.multiplicity;
            // loop over elements not equal to current
            for (int j = 0; j < distinctSigmaStarEigenValues.size(); j++) {
                if (i != j) {
                    EigenValueMultiplicityPair evmJ = distinctSigmaStarEigenValues.get(j);
                    // accumulate second term of g1
                    g1 += ((firstDerivative * evmI.eigenValue * evmI.multiplicity * evmJ.eigenValue
                            * evmJ.multiplicity) / (evmI.eigenValue - evmJ.eigenValue));

        expectedEpsilon = epsilonD + g1 / (totalN - rank);

    } else {
        // calculate the expected value of the epsilon estimate
        // see Muller, Edwards, Taylor (2004) for details

        // build a vector with each eigen value repeated per its multiplicity
        ArrayRealVector eigenColumnVector = new ArrayRealVector();
        for (EigenValueMultiplicityPair evmp : distinctSigmaStarEigenValues) {
            // there is probably a more memory-efficient method to do this.
            eigenColumnVector = eigenColumnVector
                    .append(new ArrayRealVector((int) evmp.multiplicity, evmp.eigenValue));

        RealMatrix outerProduct = eigenColumnVector.outerProduct(eigenColumnVector);
        double sum = outerProduct.walkInOptimizedOrder(new SummationVisitor());
        double nu = (totalN - rank);
        double expT1 = (2 * nu * sumLambdaSquared) + (nu * nu * sumLambda * sumLambda);
        double expT2 = (nu * (nu + 1) * sumLambdaSquared) + (nu * sum * sum);
        expectedEpsilon = (1 / (double) rankU) * (expT1 / expT2);
    // ensure that expected value is within bounds 1/b to 1
    if (!Double.isNaN(expectedEpsilon)) {
        if (expectedEpsilon < 1 / rankU) {
            expectedEpsilon = 1 / rankU;
        } else if (expectedEpsilon > 1) {
            expectedEpsilon = 1;