Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear BlockRealMatrix copy

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear BlockRealMatrix copy


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear BlockRealMatrix copy.


public BlockRealMatrix copy() 

Source Link


From source file:gamlss.algorithm.AdditiveFit.java

 * Performs a smoothing process - creates an approximating function
 * that attempts to capture important patterns in the data, while 
 * leaving out noise or other fine-scale structures/rapid phenomena.
 * @param xMat - design matrix/*from  w ww  . j av a 2 s  .co m*/
 * @param y - response variable
 * @param sMat - smoother matrix
 * @param distParameter - distribution parameter
 * @return matrix of smoothed values
public BlockRealMatrix fitSmoother(final ArrayRealVector y, final ArrayRealVector weights,
        final BlockRealMatrix xMat, final BlockRealMatrix sMat, final int distParameter) {

    this.s = sMat.copy();
    this.w = weights;
    this.whichDistParameter = distParameter;

    //residuals <- as.vector(y - s %*% rep(1, ncol(s)))   
    tempV = new ArrayRealVector(s.getColumnDimension());
    tempV = (ArrayRealVector) s.operate(tempV);
    residuals = MatrixFunctions.vecSub(y, tempV);
    tempV = null;

    //fit <- list(fitted.values = 0)
    fittedValues = new ArrayRealVector(residuals.getDimension());

    //rss <- weighted.mean(residuals^2, w)
    //rss = calculateRss(residuals, w);
    //tempArr = null;

    //rssold <- rss * 10
    //rssOld = rss*10;

    //nit <- 0
    nit = 0;

    //df <- rep(NA, length(who))
    //lambda <- rep(NA, length(who))
    //double[] df = new double[s.getColumnDimension()]; 

    //var <- s
    var = s.copy();

    //if(trace) cat("\nADDITIVE   iter   rss/n     term\n")
    if (Controls.BACKFIT_TRACE) {
        System.out.println("ADDITIVE   iter   rss/n     term");

    //ndig <- -log10(tol) + 1
    //double ndig = -FastMath.log10(tol)+1;

    //RATIO <- tol + 1
    ratio = Controls.BACKFIT_TOL + 1;

    //while(RATIO > tol & nit < maxit) 
    while (ratio > Controls.BACKFIT_TOL & nit < Controls.BACKFIT_CYCLES) {

        //rssold <- rss
        //rssOld = rss;

        //nit <- nit + 1

        //z <- residuals + fit$fitted.values         
        z = residuals.add(fittedValues);

        //org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch watch = new org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch();

        //fit <- lm.wfit(x, z, w, method="qr", ...)
        wls.setNoIntercept(Controls.NO_INTERCEPT[whichDistParameter - 1]);
        wls.newSampleData(z, xMat.copy(), w.copy());


        //residuals <- fit$residuals
        fittedValues = (ArrayRealVector) wls.calculateFittedValues(Controls.IS_SVD);

        //residuals = z.subtract(fittedValues);
        //residuals = (ArrayRealVector) wls.calculateResiduals();
        residuals = z.subtract(fittedValues);

        //rss <- weighted.mean(residuals^2, w)
        //rss = calculateRss(residuals, w);

        //if(trace) cat(nit, "   ", 
        //format(round(rss, ndig)), "  Parametric -- lm.wfit\n", sep = "")
        if (Controls.BACKFIT_TRACE) {
            //System.out.println(" " + nit + "  " + 
            //rss + " Parametric -- lm.wfit");

        //deltaf <- 0
        deltaf = 0;

        //for(j in seq(names.calls)) 
        for (colNum = 0; colNum < s.getColumnDimension(); colNum++) {

            //old <- s[, j]
            old = (ArrayRealVector) s.getColumnVector(colNum);

            //z <- residuals + s[, j]
            z = residuals.add(old);

            //fit.call <- eval(smooth.calls[[j]])
            //residuals <- as.double(fit.call$residuals)      
            residuals = smoother.solve(this);

            //if(length(residuals) != n)
            //stop(paste(names.calls[j], "returns a vector 
            //of the wrong length"))
            if (residuals.getDimension() != y.getDimension()) {
                System.err.println(colNum + "  column of matrix s has a" + " vector of the wrong length");

            //s[, j] <- z - residual
            s.setColumnVector(colNum, z.subtract(residuals));

            //if (length(fit.call$lambda)>1)
            //{for cases where there are multiple lambdas 
            //ambda[j] <- fit.call$lambda[1] 

            //coefSmo[[j]] <- if(is.null(fit.call$coefSmo))
            //0 else fit.call$coefSmo

            //deltaf <- deltaf + weighted.mean((s[, j] - old)^2, w)
            tempV = MatrixFunctions.vecSub((ArrayRealVector) s.getColumnVector(colNum), old);
            deltaf = deltaf + mean.evaluate(tempV.ebeMultiply(tempV).getDataRef(), w.getDataRef());
            tempV = null;

            //rss <- weighted.mean(residuals^2, w)
            //rss = calculateRss(residuals, w);

            // if(trace)
            if (Controls.BACKFIT_TRACE) {
                //cat(" ", nit, " ", format(round(rss, ndig)), 
                //"  Nonparametric -- ", names.calls[j], "\n", sep = "")
                //System.out.println("   " + nit +"   " + rss + "
                //Nonparametric " + "pb(column "+ i+")");

            //df[j] <- fit.call$nl.df
            //df[i] = pb.getEdf();

            if (Controls.IS_SE) {
                //var[, j] <- fit.call$var
                var.setColumnVector(colNum, smoother.getVar());

        //RATIO <- sqrt(deltaf/sum(w * apply(s, 1, sum)^2))   
        tempD = 0.0;
        tempM = new BlockRealMatrix(s.getRowDimension(), 1);
        for (int j = 0; j < s.getRowDimension(); j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < s.getColumnDimension(); k++) {
                tempD = tempD + s.getEntry(j, k);
            tempM.setEntry(j, 0, tempD);
            tempD = 0.0;
        size = tempM.getRowDimension();
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            tempD = tempD + tempM.getEntry(j, 0) * tempM.getEntry(j, 0) * w.getEntry(j);
        ratio = FastMath.sqrt(deltaf / tempD);
        tempD = null;
        tempM = null;

        //cat("Relative change in functions:", 
        //format(round(RATIO, ndig)), "\n")
        if (Controls.BACKFIT_TRACE) {
            System.out.println("Relative change in functions:  " + ratio);

    //if(nit == maxit && maxit > 1)
    //warning(paste("additive.fit convergence not 
    //obtained in ", maxit, " iterations"))
    if (ratio > Controls.BACKFIT_TOL) {
                "AdditiveFit convergence is not obtained in " + Controls.BACKFIT_CYCLES + " iterations");

    //fit$fitted.values <- y - residuals
    fittedValues = y.subtract(residuals);

    //rl <- c(fit, list(smooth = s, nl.df = 
    //sum(df), lambda=lambda, coefSmo=coefSmo))
    return s;