Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear EigenDecomposition getD

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear EigenDecomposition getD


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear EigenDecomposition getD.


public RealMatrix getD() 

Source Link


Gets the block diagonal matrix D of the decomposition.


From source file:ffx.autoparm.Energy.java

 * <p>/*from   w  w  w  .  j  ava  2  s .c  om*/
 * system_mpoles</p>
public void system_mpoles() {
    //Find center of mass.
    double weigh = 0;
    double xyzmid[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    double xyzcm[][] = new double[nAtoms][3];
    for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
        weigh = weigh + atoms[i].getMass();
        double coords[] = atoms[i].getXYZ(null);
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            xyzmid[j] = xyzmid[j] + coords[j] * atoms[i].getMass();
    if (weigh != 0) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            xyzmid[j] = xyzmid[j] / weigh;

    for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            double coords[] = atoms[i].getXYZ(null);
            xyzcm[i][j] = coords[j] - xyzmid[j];
    double netchg = 0, xdpl = 0, ydpl = 0, zdpl = 0, xxqdp = 0, xyqdp = 0, xzqdp = 0, yxqdp = 0, yyqdp = 0,
            yzqdp = 0, zxqdp = 0, zyqdp = 0, zzqdp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
        double charge = atoms[i].getMultipoleType().charge;
        double[] dipole = { pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][1], pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][2],
                pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][3] };
        //double[] dipole = atoms[i].getMultipoleType().dipole;
        netchg = netchg + charge;
        xdpl = xdpl + xyzcm[i][0] * charge + dipole[0];
        ydpl = ydpl + xyzcm[i][1] * charge + dipole[1];
        zdpl = zdpl + xyzcm[i][2] * charge + dipole[2];
        xxqdp = xxqdp + xyzcm[i][0] * xyzcm[i][0] * charge + 2 * xyzcm[i][0] * dipole[0];
        xyqdp = xyqdp + xyzcm[i][0] * xyzcm[i][1] * charge + xyzcm[i][0] * dipole[1] + xyzcm[i][1] * dipole[0];
        xzqdp = xzqdp + xyzcm[i][0] * xyzcm[i][2] * charge + xyzcm[i][0] * dipole[2] + xyzcm[i][2] * dipole[0];

        yxqdp = yxqdp + xyzcm[i][0] * xyzcm[i][1] * charge + xyzcm[i][0] * dipole[1] + xyzcm[i][1] * dipole[0];
        yyqdp = yyqdp + xyzcm[i][1] * xyzcm[i][1] * charge + 2 * xyzcm[i][1] * dipole[1];
        yzqdp = yzqdp + xyzcm[i][1] * xyzcm[i][2] * charge + xyzcm[i][1] * dipole[2] + xyzcm[i][2] * dipole[1];

        //zxqdp = zxqdp + xyzcm[i][2] * xyzcm[i][0] * charge + xyzcm[i][2] * dipole[0] + xyzcm[i][0] * dipole[2];
        zxqdp = zxqdp + xyzcm[i][0] * xyzcm[i][2] * charge + xyzcm[i][0] * dipole[2] + xyzcm[i][2] * dipole[0];
        //zyqdp = zyqdp + xyzcm[i][2] * xyzcm[i][1] * charge + xyzcm[i][2] * dipole[1] + xyzcm[i][1] * dipole[2];
        zyqdp = zyqdp + xyzcm[i][1] * xyzcm[i][2] * charge + xyzcm[i][1] * dipole[2] + xyzcm[i][2] * dipole[1];
        zzqdp = zzqdp + xyzcm[i][2] * xyzcm[i][2] * charge + 2 * xyzcm[i][2] * dipole[2];

    double qave = (xxqdp + yyqdp + zzqdp) / 3;
    xxqdp = 1.5 * (xxqdp - qave);
    xyqdp = 1.5 * xyqdp;
    xzqdp = 1.5 * xzqdp;
    yxqdp = 1.5 * yxqdp;
    yyqdp = 1.5 * (yyqdp - qave);
    yzqdp = 1.5 * yzqdp;
    zxqdp = 1.5 * zxqdp;
    zyqdp = 1.5 * zyqdp;
    zzqdp = 1.5 * (zzqdp - qave);

    for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
        double[][] quadrupole = {
                { pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][4], pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][7], pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][8] },
                { pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][7], pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][5], pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][9] },
                { pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][8], pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][9],
                        pme2.globalMultipole[0][i][6] } };
        //double[][] quadrupole = atoms[i].getMultipoleType().quadrupole;
        xxqdp = xxqdp + 3 * quadrupole[0][0];
        xyqdp = xyqdp + 3 * quadrupole[0][1];
        xzqdp = xzqdp + 3 * quadrupole[0][2];
        yxqdp = yxqdp + 3 * quadrupole[1][0];
        yyqdp = yyqdp + 3 * quadrupole[1][1];
        yzqdp = yzqdp + 3 * quadrupole[1][2];
        zxqdp = zxqdp + 3 * quadrupole[2][0];
        zyqdp = zyqdp + 3 * quadrupole[2][1];
        zzqdp = zzqdp + 3 * quadrupole[2][2];

    xdpl = MultipoleType.DEBYE * xdpl;
    ydpl = MultipoleType.DEBYE * ydpl;
    zdpl = MultipoleType.DEBYE * zdpl;

    xxqdp = MultipoleType.DEBYE * xxqdp;
    xyqdp = MultipoleType.DEBYE * xyqdp;
    xzqdp = MultipoleType.DEBYE * xzqdp;
    yxqdp = MultipoleType.DEBYE * yxqdp;
    yyqdp = MultipoleType.DEBYE * yyqdp;
    yzqdp = MultipoleType.DEBYE * yzqdp;
    zxqdp = MultipoleType.DEBYE * zxqdp;
    zyqdp = MultipoleType.DEBYE * zyqdp;
    zzqdp = MultipoleType.DEBYE * zzqdp;

    double netdpl = Math.sqrt(xdpl * xdpl + ydpl * ydpl + zdpl * zdpl);

    RealMatrix a = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(
            new double[][] { { xxqdp, xyqdp, xzqdp }, { yxqdp, yyqdp, yzqdp }, { zxqdp, zyqdp, zzqdp } });

    EigenDecomposition e = new EigenDecomposition(a, 1);
    a = e.getD();
    double[] netqdp = { a.getColumn(0)[0], a.getColumn(1)[1], a.getColumn(2)[2] };

    DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat(" ##########0.00000;-##########0.00000");
    String output;
    output = String.format(" Total Electric Charge:   %13s %s Electrons\n", " ", myFormatter.format(netchg));
    output = String.format(" Dipole Moment Magnitude: %13s %s Debyes\n", " ", myFormatter.format(netdpl));
    output = String.format(" Dipole X,Y,Z-Components: %13s %s %s %s\n", " ", myFormatter.format(xdpl),
            myFormatter.format(ydpl), myFormatter.format(zdpl));
    output = String.format(" Quadrupole Moment Tensor:%13s %s %s %s", " ", myFormatter.format(xxqdp),
            myFormatter.format(xyqdp), myFormatter.format(xzqdp));
    output = String.format("      (Buckinghams)       %13s %s %s %s", " ", myFormatter.format(yxqdp),
            myFormatter.format(yyqdp), myFormatter.format(yzqdp));
    output = String.format("                          %13s %s %s %s\n", " ", myFormatter.format(zxqdp),
            myFormatter.format(zyqdp), myFormatter.format(zzqdp));
    output = String.format("Principle Axes Quadrupole:%13s %s %s %s", " ", myFormatter.format(netqdp[2]),
            myFormatter.format(netqdp[1]), myFormatter.format(netqdp[0]));


From source file:msi.gama.util.matrix.GamaFloatMatrix.java

public IList<Double> getEigen(final IScope scope) throws GamaRuntimeException {
    final RealMatrix rm = toApacheMatrix(scope);
    final EigenDecomposition ed = new EigenDecomposition(rm);
    return fromApacheMatrixtoDiagList(scope, ed.getD());

From source file:org.briljantframework.array.netlib.NetlibLinearAlgebraRoutinesTest.java

public void testCi() throws Exception {
    final int n = 3;
    // DoubleArray a =
    // bj.newDoubleVector(-1.01, 3.98, 3.30, 4.43, 7.31, 0.86, 0.53, 8.26, 4.96, -6.43, -4.60,
    // -7.04, -3.89, -7.66, -6.16, 3.31, 5.29, 8.20, -7.33, 2.47, -4.81, 3.55, -1.51, 6.18,
    // 5.58).reshape(n, n);
    // System.out.println(a);

    DoubleArray a = bj.newDoubleMatrix(new double[][] { { 0, 2, 3 }, { 2, 0, 2 }, { 3, 2, 0 } });

    DoubleArray wr = bj.newDoubleArray(n);
    DoubleArray wi = bj.newDoubleArray(n);
    DoubleArray vl = bj.newDoubleArray(n, n);
    DoubleArray vr = bj.newDoubleArray(n, n);
    DoubleArray copy = a.copy();//from   ww  w .  jav  a  2s. c  o  m
    // linalg.geev('v', 'v', copy, wr, wi, vl, vr);
    linalg.syev('v', 'u', copy, wr);

    wr.sort((i, j) -> Double.compare(j, i));

    ComplexArray v = bj.newComplexArray(n, n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (Precision.equals(wi.get(i), 0, 1e-6)) {
            v.setColumn(i, vr.getColumn(i).asComplex());
        } else {
            DoubleArray real = vr.getColumn(i);
            DoubleArray imag = vr.getColumn(i + 1);
            v.setColumn(i, toComplex(real, imag));
            v.setColumn(i + 1, toComplex(real, imag.negate()));
    //    System.out.println(v);

    RealMatrix matrix = Matrices.asRealMatrix(a);
    EigenDecomposition d = new EigenDecomposition(matrix);
    // System.out.println(d.getEigenvector(0));
    // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(d.getImagEigenvalues()));

From source file:org.ojalgo.benchmark.lab.library.ACM.java

public DecompositionOperation<RealMatrix, RealMatrix> getOperationEvD(final int dim) {

    final RealMatrix[] ret = this.makeArray(3);

    return (matrix) -> {
        final EigenDecomposition svd = new EigenDecomposition(matrix);
        ret[0] = svd.getV();/*  ww  w.ja  v  a 2 s . c om*/
        ret[1] = svd.getD();
        ret[2] = svd.getVT();
        return ret;

From source file:org.ujmp.commonsmath.AbstractCommonsMathDenseDoubleMatrix2D.java

public Matrix[] eig() {
    EigenDecomposition evd = new EigenDecomposition(matrix);
    Matrix v = CommonsMathDenseDoubleMatrix2DFactory.INSTANCE.dense(evd.getV());
    Matrix d = CommonsMathDenseDoubleMatrix2DFactory.INSTANCE.dense(evd.getD());
    return new Matrix[] { v, d };

From source file:playground.sergioo.facilitiesGenerator2012.WorkFacilitiesGeneration.java

private static Set<PointPerson> getPCATransformation(Collection<PointPerson> points) {
    RealMatrix pointsM = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(points.iterator().next().getDimension(), points.size());
    int k = 0;/*  w  ww.j ava 2  s . co  m*/
    for (PointND<Double> point : points) {
        for (int f = 0; f < point.getDimension(); f++)
            pointsM.setEntry(f, k, point.getElement(f));
    RealMatrix means = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(pointsM.getRowDimension(), 1);
    for (int r = 0; r < means.getRowDimension(); r++) {
        double mean = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < pointsM.getColumnDimension(); c++)
            mean += pointsM.getEntry(r, c) / pointsM.getColumnDimension();
        means.setEntry(r, 0, mean);
    RealMatrix deviations = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(pointsM.getRowDimension(), pointsM.getColumnDimension());
    for (int r = 0; r < deviations.getRowDimension(); r++)
        for (int c = 0; c < deviations.getColumnDimension(); c++)
            deviations.setEntry(r, c, pointsM.getEntry(r, c) - means.getEntry(r, 0));
    RealMatrix covariance = deviations.multiply(deviations.transpose())
            .scalarMultiply(1 / (double) pointsM.getColumnDimension());
    EigenDecomposition eigenDecomposition = new EigenDecomposition(covariance, 0);
    RealMatrix eigenVectorsT = eigenDecomposition.getVT();
    RealVector eigenValues = new ArrayRealVector(eigenDecomposition.getD().getRowDimension());
    for (int r = 0; r < eigenDecomposition.getD().getRowDimension(); r++)
        eigenValues.setEntry(r, eigenDecomposition.getD().getEntry(r, r));
    for (int i = 0; i < eigenValues.getDimension(); i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < eigenValues.getDimension(); j++)
            if (eigenValues.getEntry(i) < eigenValues.getEntry(j)) {
                double tempValue = eigenValues.getEntry(i);
                eigenValues.setEntry(i, eigenValues.getEntry(j));
                eigenValues.setEntry(j, tempValue);
                RealVector tempVector = eigenVectorsT.getRowVector(i);
                eigenVectorsT.setRowVector(i, eigenVectorsT.getRowVector(j));
                eigenVectorsT.setRowVector(j, tempVector);
                eigenVectorsT.getRowVector(i).mapMultiply(Math.sqrt(1 / eigenValues.getEntry(i))));
    RealVector standardDeviations = new ArrayRealVector(pointsM.getRowDimension());
    for (int r = 0; r < covariance.getRowDimension(); r++)
        standardDeviations.setEntry(r, Math.sqrt(covariance.getEntry(r, r)));
    double zValue = standardDeviations.dotProduct(new ArrayRealVector(pointsM.getRowDimension(), 1));
    RealMatrix zScore = deviations.scalarMultiply(1 / zValue);
    pointsM = eigenVectorsT.multiply(zScore);
    Set<PointPerson> pointsC = new HashSet<PointPerson>();
    k = 0;
    for (PointPerson point : points) {
        PointPerson pointC = new PointPerson(point.getId(), point.getOccupation(),
                new Double[] { pointsM.getEntry(0, k), pointsM.getEntry(1, k) }, point.getPlaceType());
    return pointsC;

From source file:put.ci.cevo.framework.algorithms.ApacheCMAES.java

 * Update B and D from C./*from w w  w  .  j  av  a  2 s  .  c  o  m*/
 * @param negccov Negative covariance factor.
private void updateBD(double negccov) {
    if (ccov1 + ccovmu + negccov > 0 && (iterations % 1. / (ccov1 + ccovmu + negccov) / dimension / 10.) < 1) {
        // to achieve O(N^2)
        C = triu(C, 0).add(triu(C, 1).transpose());
        // enforce symmetry to prevent complex numbers
        final EigenDecomposition eig = new EigenDecomposition(C);
        B = eig.getV(); // eigen decomposition, B==normalized eigenvectors
        D = eig.getD();
        diagD = diag(D);
        if (min(diagD) <= 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
                if (diagD.getEntry(i, 0) < 0) {
                    diagD.setEntry(i, 0, 0);
            final double tfac = max(diagD) / 1e14;
            C = C.add(eye(dimension, dimension).scalarMultiply(tfac));
            diagD = diagD.add(ones(dimension, 1).scalarMultiply(tfac));
        if (max(diagD) > 1e14 * min(diagD)) {
            final double tfac = max(diagD) / 1e14 - min(diagD);
            C = C.add(eye(dimension, dimension).scalarMultiply(tfac));
            diagD = diagD.add(ones(dimension, 1).scalarMultiply(tfac));
        diagC = diag(C);
        diagD = sqrt(diagD); // D contains standard deviations now
        BD = times(B, repmat(diagD.transpose(), dimension, 1)); // O(n^2)