Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix getColumn

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix getColumn


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix getColumn.


double[] getColumn(int column) throws OutOfRangeException;

Source Link


Get the entries at the given column index as an array.


From source file:org.knime.al.util.noveltydetection.knfst.KNFST.java

public static RealMatrix projection(final RealMatrix kernelMatrix, final String[] labels)
        throws KNFSTException {

    final ClassWrapper[] classes = ClassWrapper.classes(labels);

    // check labels
    if (classes.length == 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "not able to calculate a nullspace from data of a single class using KNFST (input variable \"labels\" only contains a single value)");
    }//from w w  w. j  a v a 2  s.c  o  m

    // check kernel matrix
    if (!kernelMatrix.isSquare()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The KernelMatrix must be quadratic!");

    // calculate weights of orthonormal basis in kernel space
    final RealMatrix centeredK = centerKernelMatrix(kernelMatrix);

    final EigenDecomposition eig = new EigenDecomposition(centeredK);
    final double[] eigVals = eig.getRealEigenvalues();
    final ArrayList<Integer> nonZeroEigValIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < eigVals.length; i++) {
        if (eigVals[i] > 1e-12) {

    int eigIterator = 0;
    final RealMatrix eigVecs = eig.getV();
    RealMatrix basisvecs = null;
    try {
        basisvecs = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(eigVecs.getRowDimension(), nonZeroEigValIndices.size());
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new KNFSTException("Something went wrong. Try different parameters or a different kernel.");

    for (final Integer index : nonZeroEigValIndices) {
        final double normalizer = 1 / Math.sqrt(eigVals[index]);
        final RealVector basisVec = eigVecs.getColumnVector(eigIterator).mapMultiply(normalizer);
        basisvecs.setColumnVector(eigIterator++, basisVec);

    // calculate transformation T of within class scatter Sw:
    // T= B'*K*(I-L) and L a block matrix
    final RealMatrix L = kernelMatrix.createMatrix(kernelMatrix.getRowDimension(),
    int start = 0;
    for (final ClassWrapper cl : classes) {
        final int count = cl.getCount();
        L.setSubMatrix(MatrixFunctions.ones(count, count).scalarMultiply(1.0 / count).getData(), start, start);
        start += count;

    // need Matrix M with all entries 1/m to modify basisvecs which allows
    // usage of
    // uncentered kernel values (eye(size(M)).M)*basisvecs
    final RealMatrix M = MatrixFunctions
            .ones(kernelMatrix.getColumnDimension(), kernelMatrix.getColumnDimension())
            .scalarMultiply(1.0 / kernelMatrix.getColumnDimension());
    final RealMatrix I = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(M.getColumnDimension());

    // compute helper matrix H
    final RealMatrix H = ((I.subtract(M)).multiply(basisvecs)).transpose().multiply(kernelMatrix)

    // T = H*H' = B'*Sw*B with B=basisvecs
    final RealMatrix T = H.multiply(H.transpose());

    // calculate weights for null space
    RealMatrix eigenvecs = MatrixFunctions.nullspace(T);

    if (eigenvecs == null) {
        final EigenDecomposition eigenComp = new EigenDecomposition(T);
        final double[] eigenvals = eigenComp.getRealEigenvalues();
        eigenvecs = eigenComp.getV();
        final int minId = MatrixFunctions.argmin(MatrixFunctions.abs(eigenvals));
        final double[] eigenvecsData = eigenvecs.getColumn(minId);
        eigenvecs = MatrixUtils.createColumnRealMatrix(eigenvecsData);

    // System.out.println("eigenvecs:");
    // test.printMatrix(eigenvecs);

    // calculate null space projection
    final RealMatrix proj = ((I.subtract(M)).multiply(basisvecs)).multiply(eigenvecs);

    return proj;

From source file:org.knime.al.util.noveltydetection.knfst.MatrixFunctions.java

public static RealVector columnMeans(final RealMatrix matrix) {
    final double[] columnMeans = new double[matrix.getColumnDimension()];
    for (int c = 0; c < matrix.getColumnDimension(); c++) {
        final double[] column = matrix.getColumn(c);
        double sum = 0;
        for (int r = 0; r < column.length; r++) {
            sum += column[r];//from   w  w w. j  a v  a 2  s  .co m
        columnMeans[c] = sum / column.length;

    return MatrixUtils.createRealVector(columnMeans);

From source file:Pruning.Experiments.KendallsCorrelation.java

 * Computes the Kendall's Tau rank correlation matrix for the columns of
 * the input matrix./*from www  .j a va 2 s .c om*/
 * @param matrix matrix with columns representing variables to correlate
 * @return correlation matrix
public RealMatrix computeCorrelationMatrix(final RealMatrix matrix) {
    int nVars = matrix.getColumnDimension();
    RealMatrix outMatrix = new BlockRealMatrix(nVars, nVars);
    for (int i = 0; i < nVars; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
            double corr = correlation(matrix.getColumn(i), matrix.getColumn(j), matrix.getColumn(i).length);
            outMatrix.setEntry(i, j, corr);
            outMatrix.setEntry(j, i, corr);
        outMatrix.setEntry(i, i, 1d);
    return outMatrix;

From source file:put.ci.cevo.framework.algorithms.ApacheCMAES.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from  w w w  . j av  a  2s . co m
protected PointValuePair doOptimize() {
    // -------------------- Initialization --------------------------------

    isMinimize = getGoalType().equals(GoalType.MINIMIZE);
    final double[] guess = getStartPoint();
    // number of objective variables/problem dimension
    dimension = guess.length;
    iterations = 0;
    double bestValue = (isMinimize ? Double.MAX_VALUE : Double.MIN_VALUE);
    push(fitnessHistory, bestValue);
    PointValuePair optimum = new PointValuePair(getStartPoint(), isMinimize ? bestValue : -bestValue);
    PointValuePair lastResult = null;

    // -------------------- Generation Loop --------------------------------
    EvaluatedPopulation<double[]> evaluatedPopulation = null;

    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
    generationLoop: for (iterations = 1; iterations <= maxIterations; iterations++) {

        // Generate and evaluate lambda offspring
        final RealMatrix arz = randn1(dimension, lambda);
        final RealMatrix arx = zeros(dimension, lambda);
        final double[] fitness = new double[lambda];
        // generate random offspring
        for (int k = 0; k < lambda; k++) {
            RealMatrix arxk = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < checkFeasableCount + 1; i++) {
                if (diagonalOnly <= 0) {
                    arxk = xmean.add(BD.multiply(arz.getColumnMatrix(k)).scalarMultiply(sigma)); // m + sig * Normal(0,C)
                } else {
                    arxk = xmean.add(times(diagD, arz.getColumnMatrix(k)).scalarMultiply(sigma));
                //if (i >= checkFeasableCount ||
                //      fitfun.isFeasible(arxk.getColumn(0))) {
                //   break;
                // regenerate random arguments for row
                arz.setColumn(k, randn(dimension));
            copyColumn(arxk, 0, arx, k);
            //try {
            //   valuePenaltyPairs[k] = fitfun.value(arx.getColumn(k)); // compute fitness
            //} catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
            //   break generationLoop;

        double newPopTime = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) / 1000.0;
        ArrayList<double[]> population = new ArrayList<>(lambda);
        // This is mine. I ignore constraints.
        for (int k = 0; k < lambda; ++k) {

        evaluatedPopulation = populationEvaluator.evaluate(population, iterations - 1, random);
        final ValuePenaltyPair[] valuePenaltyPairs = new ValuePenaltyPair[lambda];
        for (int k = 0; k < lambda; ++k) {
            valuePenaltyPairs[k] = new ValuePenaltyPair(evaluatedPopulation.getPopulation().get(k).getFitness(),

        // Compute fitnesses by adding value and penalty after scaling by value range.
        double valueRange = valueRange(valuePenaltyPairs);
        for (int iValue = 0; iValue < valuePenaltyPairs.length; iValue++) {
            fitness[iValue] = valuePenaltyPairs[iValue].value + valuePenaltyPairs[iValue].penalty * valueRange;
            if (!isMinimize)
                fitness[iValue] = -fitness[iValue];
        double evalTime = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) / 1000.0;

        // Sort by fitness and compute weighted mean into xmean
        final int[] arindex = sortedIndices(fitness);
        // Calculate new xmean, this is selection and recombination
        final RealMatrix xold = xmean; // for speed up of Eq. (2) and (3)
        final RealMatrix bestArx = selectColumns(arx, MathArrays.copyOf(arindex, mu));
        xmean = bestArx.multiply(weights);
        final RealMatrix bestArz = selectColumns(arz, MathArrays.copyOf(arindex, mu));
        final RealMatrix zmean = bestArz.multiply(weights);
        final boolean hsig = updateEvolutionPaths(zmean, xold);
        if (diagonalOnly <= 0) {
            updateCovariance(hsig, bestArx, arz, arindex, xold);
        } else {
            updateCovarianceDiagonalOnly(hsig, bestArz);
        // Adapt step size sigma - Eq. (5)
        sigma *= FastMath.exp(FastMath.min(1, (normps / chiN - 1) * cs / damps));
        final double bestFitness = fitness[arindex[0]];
        final double worstFitness = fitness[arindex[arindex.length - 1]];
        if (bestValue > bestFitness) {
            bestValue = bestFitness;
            lastResult = optimum;
            optimum = new PointValuePair(bestArx.getColumn(0), isMinimize ? bestFitness : -bestFitness);
            if (getConvergenceChecker() != null && lastResult != null
                    && getConvergenceChecker().converged(iterations, optimum, lastResult)) {
                break generationLoop;
        // handle termination criteria
        // Break, if fitness is good enough
        if (stopFitness != 0 && bestFitness < (isMinimize ? stopFitness : -stopFitness)) {
            break generationLoop;
        final double[] sqrtDiagC = sqrt(diagC).getColumn(0);
        final double[] pcCol = pc.getColumn(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
            if (sigma * FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(pcCol[i]), sqrtDiagC[i]) > stopTolX) {
            if (i >= dimension - 1) {
                break generationLoop;
        for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
            if (sigma * sqrtDiagC[i] > stopTolUpX) {
                break generationLoop;
        final double historyBest = min(fitnessHistory);
        final double historyWorst = max(fitnessHistory);
        if (iterations > 2 && FastMath.max(historyWorst, worstFitness)
                - FastMath.min(historyBest, bestFitness) < stopTolFun) {
            break generationLoop;
        if (iterations > fitnessHistory.length && historyWorst - historyBest < stopTolHistFun) {
            break generationLoop;
        // condition number of the covariance matrix exceeds 1e14
        if (max(diagD) / min(diagD) > 1e7) {
            break generationLoop;
        // user defined termination
        if (getConvergenceChecker() != null) {
            final PointValuePair current = new PointValuePair(bestArx.getColumn(0),
                    isMinimize ? bestFitness : -bestFitness);
            if (lastResult != null && getConvergenceChecker().converged(iterations, current, lastResult)) {
                break generationLoop;
            lastResult = current;
        // Adjust step size in case of equal function values (flat fitness)
        if (bestValue == fitness[arindex[(int) (0.1 + lambda / 4.)]]) {
            sigma *= FastMath.exp(0.2 + cs / damps);
        if (iterations > 2
                && FastMath.max(historyWorst, bestFitness) - FastMath.min(historyBest, bestFitness) == 0) {
            sigma *= FastMath.exp(0.2 + cs / damps);
        // store best in history
        push(fitnessHistory, bestFitness);
        if (generateStatistics) {

        double cmaesTime = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) / 1000.0;
        double listernerTime = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) / 1000.0;
        logger.info(String.format("NewPop: %.2f, Eval: %.2f, CMAES: %.2f, Listerner: %.2f", newPopTime,
                evalTime, cmaesTime, listernerTime));

    return optimum;

From source file:restclient.service.DailyRecordFacadeREST.java

@Produces({ "application/json" })
public String findCorrelationByStartAndEndDateAndWeatherVariable(@PathParam("startDate") Date startDate,
        @PathParam("endDate") Date endDate, @PathParam("attribute") String attribute) {
    String attributeInLowerCase = attribute.toLowerCase();
    switch (attributeInLowerCase) {
    case "windspeed":
    case "wind speed":
        attributeInLowerCase = "windSpeed";
        break;//from w w w .j a va 2 s .  c  o  m
    case "atmosphericpressure":
    case "atmospheric pressure":
        attributeInLowerCase = "atmosphericPressure";
    String sth = "NEW restclient.Result2(d.painLevel, d." + attributeInLowerCase + ")";
    String jpql = "SELECT " + sth
            + " FROM restclient.DailyRecord d WHERE d.recordDate >= :startDate AND d.recordDate <= :endDate";
    TypedQuery<Result2> q = em.createQuery(jpql, Result2.class);
    q.setParameter("startDate", startDate);
    q.setParameter("endDate", endDate);
    List<Result2> result = q.getResultList();
    double data[][] = new double[result.size()][];
    for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
        data[i] = new double[] { result.get(i).painLevel, result.get(i).weather };
    RealMatrix m = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(data);
    String first = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < m.getColumnDimension(); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < m.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
            PearsonsCorrelation pc = new PearsonsCorrelation();
            double cor = pc.correlation(m.getColumn(i), m.getColumn(j));
            first += (i + "," + j + "=[" + String.format(".%2f", cor) + "," + "]" + ";   ");
    PearsonsCorrelation pc = new PearsonsCorrelation(m);
    RealMatrix corM = pc.getCorrelationMatrix();
    String second = ("!correlation:" + corM.getEntry(0, 1) + "   ");
    RealMatrix pM = pc.getCorrelationPValues();
    String third = ("!p value:" + pM.getEntry(0, 1));
    return first + second + third;

From source file:Rotationforest.Covariance.java

 * Compute a covariance matrix from a matrix whose columns represent
 * covariates.//w  ww.  ja  va 2s . c  om
 * @param matrix input matrix (must have at least one column and two rows)
 * @param biasCorrected determines whether or not covariance estimates are bias-corrected
 * @return covariance matrix
 * @throws MathIllegalArgumentException if the matrix does not contain sufficient data
protected RealMatrix computeCovarianceMatrix(RealMatrix matrix, boolean biasCorrected)
        throws MathIllegalArgumentException {
    int dimension = matrix.getColumnDimension();
    Variance variance = new Variance(biasCorrected);
    RealMatrix outMatrix = new BlockRealMatrix(dimension, dimension);
    for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
            double cov = covariance(matrix.getColumn(i), matrix.getColumn(j), biasCorrected);
            outMatrix.setEntry(i, j, cov);
            outMatrix.setEntry(j, i, cov);

        outMatrix.setEntry(i, i, variance.evaluate(matrix.getColumn(i)));
        outMatrix.setEntry(i, i, variance.evaluate(matrix.getColumn(i)));
    //return outMatrix;
    return outMatrix;


From source file:stats.KendallsCorrelation.java

 * Computes the Kendall's Tau rank correlation matrix for the columns of the
 * input matrix.//from w w w .jav a 2s  .c  om
 * @param matrix matrix with columns representing variables to correlate
 * @return correlation matrix
public RealMatrix computeCorrelationMatrix(final RealMatrix matrix) {
    int nVars = matrix.getColumnDimension();
    RealMatrix outMatrix = new BlockRealMatrix(nVars, nVars);
    for (int i = 0; i < nVars; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
            double corr = correlation(matrix.getColumn(i), matrix.getColumn(j)).getFirst();
            outMatrix.setEntry(i, j, corr);
            outMatrix.setEntry(j, i, corr);
        outMatrix.setEntry(i, i, 1d);
    return outMatrix;

From source file:stats.SpearmansCorrelation.java

 * Applies rank transform to each of the columns of <code>matrix</code> using
 * the current <code>rankingAlgorithm</code>.
 * @param matrix/* ww w .j a  v a2  s  .co  m*/
 *          matrix to transform
 * @return a rank-transformed matrix
private RealMatrix rankTransform(final RealMatrix matrix) {
    RealMatrix transformed = null;

    if (rankingAlgorithm instanceof NaturalRanking
            && ((NaturalRanking) rankingAlgorithm).getNanStrategy() == NaNStrategy.REMOVED) {
        final Set<Integer> nanPositions = new HashSet<Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < matrix.getColumnDimension(); i++) {

        // if we have found NaN values, we have to update the matrix size
        if (!nanPositions.isEmpty()) {
            transformed = new BlockRealMatrix(matrix.getRowDimension() - nanPositions.size(),
            for (int i = 0; i < transformed.getColumnDimension(); i++) {
                transformed.setColumn(i, removeValues(matrix.getColumn(i), nanPositions));

    if (transformed == null) {
        transformed = matrix.copy();

    for (int i = 0; i < transformed.getColumnDimension(); i++) {
        transformed.setColumn(i, rankingAlgorithm.rank(transformed.getColumn(i)));

    return transformed;