Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix scalarAdd

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix scalarAdd


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix scalarAdd.


RealMatrix scalarAdd(double d);

Source Link


Returns the result of adding d to each entry of this .


From source file:lirmm.inria.fr.math.BigSparseRealMatrixTest.java

 * test sclarAdd/*from   w ww.j a v  a 2  s.c o  m*/
public void testScalarAdd() {
    RealMatrix m = new BigSparseRealMatrix(testData);
    TestUtils.assertEquals("scalar add", new BigSparseRealMatrix(testDataPlus2), m.scalarAdd(2d),

From source file:org.knime.al.util.noveltydetection.knfst.KNFST.java

private static RealMatrix centerKernelMatrix(final RealMatrix kernelMatrix) {
    // get size of kernelMatrix
    final int n = kernelMatrix.getRowDimension();

    // get mean values for each row/column
    final RealVector columnMeans = MatrixFunctions.columnMeans(kernelMatrix);
    final double matrixMean = MatrixFunctions.mean(kernelMatrix);

    RealMatrix centeredKernelMatrix = kernelMatrix.copy();

    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        centeredKernelMatrix.setRowVector(k, centeredKernelMatrix.getRowVector(k).subtract(columnMeans));
        centeredKernelMatrix.setColumnVector(k, centeredKernelMatrix.getColumnVector(k).subtract(columnMeans));
    }/*  w  ww.ja v a  2s.c  o m*/

    centeredKernelMatrix = centeredKernelMatrix.scalarAdd(matrixMean);

    return centeredKernelMatrix;

From source file:org.knime.al.util.noveltydetection.knfst.MatrixFunctions.java

public static RealMatrix ones(final int rowCount, final int columnCount) {
    final RealMatrix ones = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(rowCount, columnCount);
    return ones.scalarAdd(1);

From source file:org.lenskit.pf.HPFModelProvider.java

public HPFModel get() {

    final int userNum = ratings.getUserIndex().size();
    final int itemNum = ratings.getItemIndex().size();
    final int featureCount = hyperParameters.getFeatureCount();
    final double a = hyperParameters.getUserWeightShpPrior();
    final double aPrime = hyperParameters.getUserActivityShpPrior();
    final double bPrime = hyperParameters.getUserActivityPriorMean();
    final double c = hyperParameters.getItemWeightShpPrior();
    final double cPrime = hyperParameters.getItemActivityShpPrior();
    final double dPrime = hyperParameters.getItemActivityPriorMean();
    final double kappaShpU = aPrime + featureCount * a;
    final double tauShpI = cPrime + featureCount * c;

    RealMatrix gammaShp = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(userNum, featureCount);
    RealMatrix gammaRte = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(userNum, featureCount);
    RealVector kappaShp = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[userNum]);
    RealVector kappaRte = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[userNum]);
    RealMatrix lambdaShp = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(itemNum, featureCount);
    RealMatrix lambdaRte = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(itemNum, featureCount);
    RealVector tauShp = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[itemNum]);
    RealVector tauRte = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[itemNum]);
    RealMatrix gammaShpNext = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(userNum, featureCount);
    RealMatrix lambdaShpNext = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(itemNum, featureCount);
    gammaShpNext = gammaShpNext.scalarAdd(a);
    lambdaShpNext = lambdaShpNext.scalarAdd(c);
    RealVector phiUI = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[featureCount]);

    initialize(gammaShp, gammaRte, kappaRte, kappaShp, lambdaShp, lambdaRte, tauRte, tauShp);
    logger.info("initialization finished");

    final List<RatingMatrixEntry> train = ratings.getTrainRatings();
    final List<RatingMatrixEntry> validation = ratings.getValidationRatings();
    double avgPLLPre = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double avgPLLCurr = 0.0;
    double diffPLL = 1.0;
    int iterCount = 1;

    while (iterCount < maxIterCount && diffPLL > threshold) {

        // update phi
        Iterator<RatingMatrixEntry> allUIPairs = train.iterator();
        while (allUIPairs.hasNext()) {
            RatingMatrixEntry entry = allUIPairs.next();
            int item = entry.getItemIndex();
            int user = entry.getUserIndex();
            double ratingUI = entry.getValue();
            if (ratingUI <= 0) {
            }/*  w  w w .j a  va2  s .  c o m*/

            for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) {
                double gammaShpUK = gammaShp.getEntry(user, k);
                double gammaRteUK = gammaRte.getEntry(user, k);
                double lambdaShpIK = lambdaShp.getEntry(item, k);
                double lambdaRteIK = lambdaRte.getEntry(item, k);
                double phiUIK = Gamma.digamma(gammaShpUK) - Math.log(gammaRteUK) + Gamma.digamma(lambdaShpIK)
                        - Math.log(lambdaRteIK);
                phiUI.setEntry(k, phiUIK);

            if (ratingUI > 1) {

            for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) {
                double value = phiUI.getEntry(k);
                gammaShpNext.addToEntry(user, k, value);
                lambdaShpNext.addToEntry(item, k, value);

        logger.info("iteration {} first phrase update finished", iterCount);

        RealVector gammaRteSecondTerm = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[featureCount]);
        for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) {
            double gammaRteUK = 0.0;
            for (int item = 0; item < itemNum; item++) {
                gammaRteUK += lambdaShp.getEntry(item, k) / lambdaRte.getEntry(item, k);
            gammaRteSecondTerm.setEntry(k, gammaRteUK);

        // update user parameters
        double kappaRteFirstTerm = aPrime / bPrime;
        for (int user = 0; user < userNum; user++) {

            double gammaRteUKFirstTerm = kappaShp.getEntry(user) / kappaRte.getEntry(user);
            double kappaRteU = 0.0;

            for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) {
                double gammaShpUK = gammaShpNext.getEntry(user, k);
                gammaShp.setEntry(user, k, gammaShpUK);
                gammaShpNext.setEntry(user, k, a);
                double gammaRteUK = gammaRteSecondTerm.getEntry(k);
                gammaRteUK += gammaRteUKFirstTerm;
                gammaRte.setEntry(user, k, gammaRteUK);
                kappaRteU += gammaShpUK / gammaRteUK;
            kappaRteU += kappaRteFirstTerm;
            kappaRte.setEntry(user, kappaRteU);

        logger.info("iteration {} second phrase update finished", iterCount);

        RealVector lambdaRteSecondTerm = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[featureCount]);
        for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) {
            double lambdaRteIK = 0.0;
            for (int user = 0; user < userNum; user++) {
                lambdaRteIK += gammaShp.getEntry(user, k) / gammaRte.getEntry(user, k);
            lambdaRteSecondTerm.setEntry(k, lambdaRteIK);

        // update item parameters
        double tauRteFirstTerm = cPrime / dPrime;
        for (int item = 0; item < itemNum; item++) {

            double lambdaRteFirstTerm = tauShp.getEntry(item) / tauRte.getEntry(item);
            double tauRteI = 0.0;

            for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) {
                double lambdaShpIK = lambdaShpNext.getEntry(item, k);
                lambdaShp.setEntry(item, k, lambdaShpIK);
                lambdaShpNext.setEntry(item, k, c);
                double lambdaRteIK = lambdaRteSecondTerm.getEntry(k);

                // plus first term
                lambdaRteIK += lambdaRteFirstTerm;
                lambdaRte.setEntry(item, k, lambdaRteIK);
                // update tauRteI second term
                tauRteI += lambdaShpIK / lambdaRteIK;
            tauRteI += tauRteFirstTerm;
            tauRte.setEntry(item, tauRteI);

        logger.info("iteration {} third phrase update finished", iterCount);

        // compute average predictive log likelihood of validation data per {@code iterationfrequency} iterations

        if (iterCount == 1) {
            for (int user = 0; user < userNum; user++) {
                kappaShp.setEntry(user, kappaShpU);
            for (int item = 0; item < itemNum; item++) {
                tauShp.setEntry(item, tauShpI);

        if ((iterCount % iterationFrequency) == 0) {
            Iterator<RatingMatrixEntry> valIter = validation.iterator();
            avgPLLCurr = 0.0;

            while (valIter.hasNext()) {
                RatingMatrixEntry ratingEntry = valIter.next();
                int user = ratingEntry.getUserIndex();
                int item = ratingEntry.getItemIndex();
                double rating = ratingEntry.getValue();
                double eThetaBeta = 0.0;
                for (int k = 0; k < featureCount; k++) {
                    double eThetaUK = gammaShp.getEntry(user, k) / gammaRte.getEntry(user, k);
                    double eBetaIK = lambdaShp.getEntry(item, k) / lambdaRte.getEntry(item, k);
                    eThetaBeta += eThetaUK * eBetaIK;
                double pLL = 0.0;
                if (isProbPredition) {
                    pLL = (rating == 0) ? (-eThetaBeta) : Math.log(1 - Math.exp(-eThetaBeta));
                } else {
                    pLL = rating * Math.log(eThetaBeta) - eThetaBeta - Gamma.logGamma(rating + 1);
                avgPLLCurr += pLL;
            avgPLLCurr = avgPLLCurr / validation.size();
            diffPLL = Math.abs((avgPLLCurr - avgPLLPre) / avgPLLPre);
            avgPLLPre = avgPLLCurr;
            logger.info("iteration {} with current average predictive log likelihood {} and the change is {}",
                    iterCount, avgPLLCurr, diffPLL);

    // construct feature matrix used by HPFModel
    RealMatrix eTheta = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(userNum, featureCount);
    RealMatrix eBeta = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(itemNum, featureCount);
    for (int user = 0; user < userNum; user++) {
        RealVector gammaShpU = gammaShp.getRowVector(user);
        RealVector gammaRteU = gammaRte.getRowVector(user);
        RealVector eThetaU = gammaShpU.ebeDivide(gammaRteU);
        eTheta.setRowVector(user, eThetaU);
        logger.info("Training user {} features finished", user);

    for (int item = 0; item < itemNum; item++) {
        RealVector lambdaShpI = lambdaShp.getRowVector(item);
        RealVector lambdaRteI = lambdaRte.getRowVector(item);
        RealVector eBetaI = lambdaShpI.ebeDivide(lambdaRteI);
        eBeta.setRowVector(item, eBetaI);
        logger.info("Training item {} features finished", item);

    KeyIndex uidx = ratings.getUserIndex();
    KeyIndex iidx = ratings.getItemIndex();

    return new HPFModel(eTheta, eBeta, uidx, iidx);